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GEW 603 – Patent Search

Summer 2020

WIPO PatentScope-CLIR (Cross Lingual Information Retrieval)


1. To access the tool use this link:

Webpage snapshots:

Note: There are two Expansion Modes – automatic and supervised modes.

GEW 603 – Patent Search
Summer 2020

a. Try searching for the concept about “lead” (the metal) in the Search terms box.
b. Leave the other settings as is.
c. Click “Search”.

d. Here’s the result after your click the “Search” box.

GEW 603 – Patent Search
Summer 2020

Notice that PatentScope-CLIR will generate automatically (in automatic mode) the search string for you
in the search box in different languages:

EN_AB:("lead" OR "mine") OR FR_AB:("plomb" OR "mine" OR "passage" OR "passe" OR "miniers") OR DE_AB:("Mine" OR "Blei" OR "Durchführung" OR "Leiters" OR "Energieleitung" OR
"bergmännischen" OR "Gruben" OR "Ausbauhydraulik" OR "Bergwerkes") OR ES_AB:("plomo" OR "mina" OR "puntilla" OR "acometida" OR "transversal" OR "pozo" OR "transporable") OR
PT_AB:("transpassante" OR "grafite" OR "chumbo" OR "mina" OR "guia" OR "transpasssante" OR "botão" OR "transparente") OR JA_AB:("リード" OR "口出" OR "引込み" OR "導入" OR "導出
" OR "地雷" OR "鉱山") OR RU_AB:("ходового" OR "свинца" OR "вывода" OR "ввод" OR "свинцовых" OR "опережения" OR "свинец" OR "выводных" OR "вводное") OR ZH_AB:("导线" OR
"引线" OR "超前" OR "引出" OR "丝" OR "螺距" OR "运铅" OR "笔心" OR "引入") OR KO_AB:("샤프심 " OR "리드 " OR "납 " OR "리이드를 " OR "인입 " OR "샤프형 문서용 천공구 " OR "p
b" OR "샤프 심 " OR "리드스크류식 ") OR IT_AB:("vano" OR "piombo" OR "presa" OR "duttore" OR "attraversamento" OR "anticipo") OR SV_AB:("genomföring" OR "framföringsband" OR
"bly" OR "banans" OR "råbly" OR "genomfoering" OR "genomfäring" OR "gruva") OR NL_AB:("loodmantel" OR "lood" OR "inbrengklemstuk" OR "brandwerend" OR "doorvoeren" OR
"loodhoudende" OR "inrichting" OR "loodver") OR PL_AB:("różniczkująco" OR "ołowiu" OR "elementu" OR "całkującym" OR "przepustowy" OR "wyrobisk" OR "szybach" OR "kopalnianego" OR
"kopalni") OR DA_AB:("gennemfoering" OR "blyantsstifterne" OR "bly" OR "leder" OR "gennemføring" OR "kabelgennemføring" OR "jordleder" OR "raably")

The result also show the total number of documents found, which is “3,055,265 results”.

At the bottom, you’ll see a brief summary of the patent documents sorted by relevance. It shows the
International Classification No. (or IPC codes), Application No., Applicant, Inventor, and Purpose.

We now try the Supervised Mode.

a. Go back to the main page. After typing the search item “lead” select “Supervised” in the
Expansion Mode box. Leave the other settings as is as shown below.
b. Click “Select Domains” box.

GEW 603 – Patent Search
Summer 2020

c. The resulting page will allow you to limit the domains of your search as shown below.

d. Please deselect “Metallurgy” and “Printing & Paper” in the Domains box.

e. Then click on the “Expand Synonyms” box.

GEW 603 – Patent Search
Summer 2020

f. You will get the resulting page below.

g. Click on the “Translate Selected Terms” box.

h. Choose any of the options in the “Field(s) you want to search:” box. In this example,
“Abstract” was chosen as shown below.

GEW 603 – Patent Search
Summer 2020

i. Now chose any of the options in the “Acceptable distance between matched words:”
box. In this example, the “Sentence” was chosen as shown below.
j. Leave the other options and click the “Search” box.

k. Notice you will get the same final output as that of the Automatic Mode, however,
notice the reduced number of results – 443,140 results, compared to 3 Million plus
results in the Automatic mode. Therefore, with supervised mode, you can narrow down
or refine the search.


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