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2 Data Collection Method

5.2.1 First and Final Test

I have chosen two methods which are first and final test and participant observation for
the data collection. The first method which is first and final test is measurement of the
learning received during the class as a result of comparing what the student knew before in
a first test and after the class experience in a final test. For many true experimental designs,
pretest-posttest designs are the preferred method to compare participant groups and
measure the degree of change occurring as a result of treatments or interventions ( Martyn
Shuttleworth (Nov 3, 2009). Pre and Post-test Designs. Retrieved Mar 29, 2016). In other
words, first and final-test used to quantify the knowledge attained in the class from a group
of students with diverse learning styles and educational backgrounds. The tests indicate how
the students are learning in the course. The data will target students requiring extra help and
will identify teaching and learning methods that need to be changed. I am going to use the
first-testing to my respondent before they tried my intervention (adapted animation). They
will go through the final-testing after tried my intervention. And the result will be collected.
The tests also are collected and the item-by-item answer data collected and analyzed for
strengths and weaknesses. The rational of these tests are to find out the changes by
measuring the differences between the first and the final-action test results. If the marks for
the final-action test increase, it indicates that the action has clearly worked in helping the
pupils to change the words in present continuous tense and to construct present continuous
tense sentences.

5.2.2 Participant Observation

The researcher is using observation to collect the data for the research. Observation is a
systematic data collection approach. Researchers use all of their senses to examine people
in natural settings or naturally occurring situations. Observation refer to the process of
recording information, studying behaviour and studying individuals who have the difficulties
in expressing their ideas through verbal communication (Cresswell, 2014). Therefore, by
doing observation, I can get better data holistically. Observation methods are useful to
researchers in a variety of ways. They provide researchers with ways to check for nonverbal
expression of feelings, determine who interacts with whom, grasp how participants
communicate with each other, and check for how much time is spent on various activities
(schmuck, 1997). By observing certain behaviour demonstrated by the participant, the
researcher will be able to collect information about the participants’ interest, motivation and
perception. Dewalt and Dewalt (2002) believe that "the goal for design of research using
participant observation as a method is to develop a holistic understanding of the phenomena
under study that is as objective and accurate as possible given the limitations of the method"
(p.92). They suggest that participant observation be used as a way to increase the validity of
the study, as observations may help the researcher have a better understanding of the
context and phenomenon under study. Validity is stronger with the use of additional
strategies used likes’ observation. The rationale why I chosen is firstly, it helps me to collect
different types of data. Secondly, it helps me to develop questions that make sense and
reliable to the context. Thirdly is it gives the researcher a better understanding of what is
happening before intervention, during intervention and after intervention. Lastly, it also
enables the researcher to collect both quantitative and qualitative data through surveys and
interviews. The observation will have 3 aspects which are open-ended checklist, participant’s
field notes and participant’s response during the process of action.

5.2.3 Pre-Interview and Post-Interview

Interviews are particularly useful for getting the story behind a participant’s experiences.
The interviewer can pursue in-depth information around the topic. Interviews may be useful
as follow-up to certain respondents to questionnaires,e.g, to further investigate their
responses. (McNamara,1999). There are 7 stages in this interview session which are
thematizing (why and what of the study), designing (plan the design of the study),
interviewing ( conduct the interview), transcribing ( prepare the interview material for
analysis), analysing ( analysing the interview data) and verifying ( ascertain the validity of the
interview findings). During the review session, the researcher can plan the questions which
will give better understanding of the situation. Through interview, the researcher will be able
to collect necessary information on the participants’ current understanding on Present
Continuous Tense topic. During the pre-interview, the researcher will be able to find out
whether the respondents might be able to understand what Present Continuous Tense is
and how to construct Present Continuous Tense sentences from sentences. After the
invention has been carried out, the researcher will conduct the post-interview to check on the
respondents’ improvement in changing the words into present continuous tense words and
construct Present Continuous Tense sentences from sentences. The conclusion, this
interview will be able to help the researcher to identify the improvement of the participants.

5.3 Data Analysis Method

The analysis of qualitative research involves aiming to understand the big picture by
using the data to describe the phenomenon and what this means. Both qualitative and
quantitative analysis involves labelling and coding all of the data in order that similarities and
differences can be recognised. The method of analysing data that will be used is mixed
method. Cresswell and Clark (2011) defines mixed method research as the research that
involves the collection of both qualitative and quantitative data. Therefore, by using both
qualitative and quantitative data, the researcher will be able to conclude whether the study is
a success or otherwise. By applying data analysis method, the researcher also will realise
the importance of good research design when investigating research question.

5.3.1 Qualitative Data

In this research, I use two qualitative data analysis which are participant observation
and interview. Qualitative research is useful for studies at the individual level, and to find out,
in depth, the ways in which people think or feel. An interest in qualitative data came about as
the result of the dissatisfaction of some psychologists ( Carl Rogers). Since psychologists
study people, the traditional approach to science is not seen as an appropriate way of
carrying out research, since it fails to capture the totality of human experience and the
essence of what it is to be human. ( skinner). Using collected data, the researcher produce
the analysis in order to find out the answers to the research questions. The observation will
be conducted using open participant’s field notes and participant’s response during the
process of action. Apart from that, the pre-interview and the post-interview will be conducted
in order to collect necessary information on the participants’ current understanding on
Present Continuous Tense topic.

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