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H i ω2 ρ2i H i ω ρ2i
n n
H ( ω )= ∑ 1+ω 2 ρ2
i =1 i
) (∑+
i=1 1+ω 2 ρ2i ) (1)

H i ω2 ρ2i
H ( ω )= ∑ (2)
i=1 1+ω 2 ρ2i

H } left (ω right ) = sum from {i=1} to {n} {{{H} rsub {i} ω {ρ} rsub {i}} over {1+ {ω} ^ {2} {ρ} rsub {i} rsup {2}} ¿ (3)

Where, ω is the angular frequency; ρi and Hi are the stiffness and of the ith Maxwell element,
respectively. ρi= ηi/Hi and ηi is the co-efficient of viscosity of the i th Maxwell element. It is
noted that when the time-temperature superposition is taken into consideration, ω in Eqs. (1)-
(3) is the reduced angular frequency.
−( t / ρi)
H ( t ) =∑ H i e (4)

(log 2/ R ) −( R / log2 )
H =H g 1+ c
ω [ ( ) ] (5)

δ= (6)
1+ ( ω /ωc )( log2 /R )

log2 . log ( H ¿ / H g )
R= (7)
log ( 1−δ /90 )

Where Hg (Pa) is the glassy modulus, it represents the limiting complex shear modulus of
asphalt binder, and obtained at high frequency and low temperature, that is the upper
asymptotes of the complex shear modulus master curve; ωc (rad/s) is the crossover frequency;
R is the rheological index, which is the shape factor of the master curve.

( log2 ) / R −R / ( log2 )
H ( ω )=H g 1+ c
ωr [( ) ] (8)
Where H ( ω ) = complex shear modulus; Hg= glass modulus assumed equal to 1 GPa; ωr =
reduced frequency at the defining temperature (rad/s); ωc = Crossover frequency at the
defining temperature (rad/s); ω = frequency (rad/s); R = Rheological index.

−C 1 ( T −T 0 )
log α T = and f r=f ×α T (9)
C 2 + ( T −T 0 )

Where α T = shift factor; f = frequency at temperature T; and f r = reduced frequency at the

reference temperature T 0. The parameters of C 1 and C 2 are dependent on the reference

( SSRE H ' + SSRE H } right ) = sum from {i=1} to {n} {left ({left (1- {left ({f} rsub {i} right )} over {{H} rsub {measured } rsup {'} left(10)
({f} rsub {i} right )} right )} ^

Where H 'model and H model are the real and imaginary parts of |H |model, respectively. These
¿ ¿

components are calculated using the DL model at frequency f i. H 'measured and H 'measured are the
laboratory measured counterparts of the above components and n is the number of data

Error=Error E + Error E ' }¿


' ' 2

E −E

j=1 ( mj

E '
) √∑ +
N j=1

Where N = number of measured data points, = 30; E'mj = jth data point of measured storage
modulus, MPa; E'Mj = jth data point of predicted storage modulus by the master curve model,
¿ ¿
MPa; Emj = jth data point of measured loss modulus, MPa; E Mj = jth data point of predicted
loss modulus by the master curve model, MPa.

The reliability of the models is evaluated by goodness of fit statistical parameters, including
the standard error ratio Se /S y and the correlation of determination R2, defined as follows:
n n

√ √
2 2
∑ ( Y j−Y^ j ) and ∑ ( Y j−Ý j ) (12)
j=1 j=1
Se = Sy=
n−v n−1

Where Y is test data, Y^ is data predicted by the model, Ý is the average value of test data, n is
the sample size and v is number of independent variables in the model.

The correlation of determination R2 can be calculated based on the standard error ratio Se /S y
as follows:
n−v S
× e( )

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