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Directions for questions 1 to 3: Each question has 9.

a word followed by four choices. From among the (A) aver : affirm (8) devour: consume
choices, identify the one which is opposite in meaning (C) subvert : surrender (D) disseminate : scatter
(antonym) to the main word and mark its corresponding L

letter as your answer. D/rectiqns for questions 10 to 12: Each of the

following questions has a sentence with one or
1. . SACROSANCT two blanks. Given below each question are four options.
(A) hallowed (8) impious Choose the optiof'! that best completes the sentence.
(C) sanctimonious (D) transcendental
10. If the people of this state continue to live in _ __
2. CONDESCENDING for too long, the government can count on _ __
(A) disdainful (8) senescent (A) desecration ... a resolution
(C) humble (D) insidious (I?) squalor ... an insurgency
(C) reticence ... submission
3. ASSIDUOUS (D) angst . .. vox populi ·
(A) ·sentient (8) soporific
(C) senile (D) slothful
11. Rahul Roy was a ___ thinker; after a few
,_ seconds' thought he would ___ arrive at the best
solutions to our .problems.
Directions for questions 4 iq_ 6: Each question gives
(A) veritable ... surreptitiously
a word followed by four choices. From the choices,
(B) subversive ... succinctly
select the most suitable synonym (word which means
(C) sublime ... invariably
the same) for the main word and mark its corresponding
(D) seminal ... fallaciously ·
letter as youryinswer.
12. _ _ _ is .not one of Sita's virtues; she actually talks
4. CONVIVIAL so much that you would call her _ __
(A} enigmatic (8) sectarian (A) Terseness ... loquacious
(C} perspicacious (D} sociable (8) Consonance ... taciturn
{C) Sophistication ... labyrinthine
5. SINUOUS (D) Vivacity ..• persona non grata.
(A) consonant (8) consequent
(C) versatile (D) tortuous Directions for questions 13 to 15: In , each ' of. the
following questions, four words are given. Three of them
6. PATENT belong to the same category. Mark the . letter
(A) superfluous (8) transient · with the 'odd man' as your-answer.
(C) sophisticated (D} conspicuous
13. (A) stoical (B) phlegmatic
Directions for questions 7 to 9: ln·. each of the following (C) composed (D) odious .
questions, a capitalized pair of words is given followed
by four pairs of words. Three of the pairs exhibit the 14~ (A) sedulous (B) diligent
same relationship between the words as the capitalized (C) assiduous (D) .stolid
pair of words. Identify the pair which does not exhibit the
same relationship as · the capitalized pair and mark its , 15. (A) tenacious (8) · relentless •
corresponding letter as your answer. (C) pertinacious (D) urbane

7. SUPERCILIOUS : ARROGANT Directions for questions 16 to 18: State whether the

(A} vituperative : abusive , follolAing statements are true or false.
(8} venal : corrupt
(C) obsequious: cringing
.16. A king should necessarily be timorous.
, True / False?
(D) e.q l!ivocal : unwavering
17. An employee can be commended when he
8. TRANSGRESSION : VIOLATION transgresses orders. True/ False?
(A) "'.ertigo : giddiness
(8) sanguineness : buoyancy 18. A sophist is one who indulges in casuistry.
(C) vicissitude : change True / False?
(D) convert : pervert
(C) · The hard work which g~es on b~hi~d the scene is
Direc~lons for questions 1.9 to 2;: In each of the
. . ques rions, a word 1s· given
. with certain letters seldom recognized in this organization.
m1ssm g. Th 1s · fo II owed by a synonym or explanation of
" 1s (D) The No Confiden~e Motion against · the . Prime
Minister set the scene for anarchy 1n the
what lhe word means. Use this clue to fill in the missing
letters and complete the word. Parliament.

19. s _ n _ _ _ s [Clue : winding] 30. VIEW . .

(A) -In view of the present economic scenario, I think
we should make a conscious effort- to cut back
20. s _ n _ _ r _ _ _ us [Clue : concurrent]
on spending. . .
21. s _ _ _ _ _ q_ y [Clue : monologue] (B) He is not interested m watching Bollywood
movies ·because_he has a dim view of them .
Directions for questions 22 to 28: Fill in the blanks in (C) He has called a meeti~g of al~ the members in
- the marketing team with a view to chalk out
the passage below, with the most appropriate word from
among the options given for each blank. The right words a strategy-to enhance sales.
are the ones used by the author. Be guided by the·· (D) We had a wonderful view of the sea fr::im our
author's overall style and meaning when you choose hotel window . .
your answer.
31. TRACK ,
Th: core punishments of the criminal law represent gravely (A) The children stopped in their track when they
heard the loud crash .
sen~~s {22) on fundamental rights of persons, (23) and
hum1hate those persons, and typically cause those persons (8) We were exhaustep after the arduous trek on
great personal unhappiness. Even when punishments · are the rugged mountain track.
not aduaUy !nffided _on .a particular individual, the possibility (C) CID officials are on the track of the gangsters
that they m1g~t be mf11ded may be sufficient to generate · who are involved in the gruesome murder.
en~ug~ fear m that individual to cause him to (24) from (D) I lost track of the number of books that she
acting m ways he otherwise would have found desirable borrowed from me.
- a coercive (25) of his liberty. Because of this radically
@ n~ture of criminal punishment, it is natural that persons · 32. SCALE
con:imitted to the values of . individual rights and a fre_ e (A) On a scale of 1 to 5,_I would rate her work as 4.
soaety would . seek morally and politically acceptable (8) Natural calamities cause large-scale destruction
alternatives to punishment and would regard punishment to life and property.
as (27), as a last resort, only if no less intrusive alternatives (C) .The factthat he has scaled up the heights of the
seem (28). corporate world at a very young age is
22. (A) · assaults (B) invasion (0) The burglar scaled the wall and gained entry
(C) denunciation (D) incursion into the house.

23. (A) censure (B) condemn 33. TALK

(C) disapprove (D) stigmatize (A) Nita can talk French very fluently.
(B) I'll try to talk him into accepting the offer.
24. (A) abstain (B) deter (C) It is very impolite to talk at someone.
(C) resist (D) refrain (0) I would like to talk it over with my parent§. first
and then lake a decision.
25. (A) quelling (B) impediment
(C) curtailment (D) obstruction 34. SHADE
(A) The weary traveller rested for a while in the
26. (A) unassuming (B) intrusive shade of a tree.
· (C) unobtrusive (D) unostenlatious (B) This dress is a shade too loose.
(C) As the season · progresses· frcim summer to
27. (A) sacrosanct (B) untenable autumn , the leaves shade out from green into
(C) justified (D) legitimized yellow.
(D) It is al~ays better to wear pastel • shades in
28. (A) credible . '.(B) amenable summer in order to keep oneself cool.
(C) veracious (D) reasonable
35. WASH ·
Directions for questions 29 to 35: In each of the (A) The carcasses of several fish had been washed
following questions, the worq al .the lop is used in four ashore.
different ways, lettered A to D. Choose the option in (B) She washed the di~hes.· and wiped them till they
which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or shone. ·
INAPPROPRIATE. (C) The one day intemational cricket matclll was
,. washed down this morning .due to the
unseasonal rains.
(A) The burglars fled from the place before the (D) The stains had been washed away by the
police could arrive on the scene. torrential rain.
(8) I was badly in need _of a change of scene, so •
decided to get aw~y from the routine for a few days.
Directions for question 1: The question given below
6. We all felt a thrill when Rehman was
has_ a w~rd _ f~llowed by four choices . From among the
recognized for his music at the Oscars.
choices, 1dent1fy the _one which is opposite in meaning
(A) voluble (B) martial
(antonym) to the main word and mark its corresponding
letter as your answer. (C) virulent (D) vicarious

1. PROSCRIPTION Directions for question 7: In the following question,

(A) allowance four words are given, Three of them belong to the same
(8) savoir faire category. Mark the letter corresponding with the 'odd
(C) sophistry (D) embargo man' as your answer.
Directions for question 2: The following question gives 7. (A) proliferate (8) banish
a word followed by four choices. From the choices . (C) excommunicate (D) ostracize
select the most suitable synony"m (word which mean~
the same) for the main word and mark its corresponding Directions for question 8: State whether the following
letter as your answer.
statement is true or false .
(A) fawning 8. The time o~ event when Jesus Christ returned to life ·
(8) consummate again after his death is called the Resurrection.
(C) sedentary (0) blasphemous True / False?
Directions for questions 3 and 4: In each of the Directions for question 9: In the following question ,
following questions, a capitalized -pair of words is given a word is given with certain · letters missing . This is
followed by four pairs of words . Three of the pairs exhibit followed by a synonym or explanation of what the word
the same relationship between the words as the means. Use this clue to fill in the missing letters and
capitalized pair of words. Identify the pair which does complete the word.
not exhibit the same relationship as the capitalized pair
and mark its -corresponding letter as your answer. 9. d - - - = - - - i _ _ te [Clue : Spread]
3. SANGFROID : COMPOSURE Directions for question , 10: In the following question ,
(A) subaltern : subordinate the word _
at the top is used in four different ways, lettered
(8) rapaciousness : ·greed A to D. Choose the option in which the usage of the word
(C) sophistication : assiduousness is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE.
(D) timorousness : timidity
1,0. · ST~ND . . . _
4. VERISIMILITUDE : UNLIKENESS (A) His impeccable dress sense makes him stand
(A) snobbishness : humility out in a crowd ...
(8) phlegmatism : stoicism ·(B) One of my colleagues agreed to stand in ·for me
(C) vociferousness : taciturnity While I am on leave. ·
(D) torpor ·: vitality (C) You must iearn to stand up for yourself rather
than allow yourself to be taken for granted.
Directions for questions 5 anc;J 6: Each of the following (D) Several bureaucrats and politicians are to stand
questions has a sentence with one or two blanks. Given for trial this week for their involvement in the
below each question are four options. Choose the option scam.
that best completes the sentence.

5. The - ~ - of the counterfeit thousand-rupee note

did not fool.the cashier: he recognized it immediately.
(A) verisimilitude (8) dissonance
(C) parsimon·y (0) morphine

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