The Attitude of UMY Dentistry Students Class of 2017 in Preparing Material For Problem-Based Learning Tutorial Session

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The Attitude of UMY Dentistry Students Class of 2017 in Preparing Material

for Problem-Based Learning Tutorial Session


In medical school there is a learning method that uses a problem discussion

system named Problem-Based Learning (PBL) tutorial session. The aim of this
study is to find out the attitude of UMY dentistry student in preparing material for
problem-based learning tutorial session, especially in class of 2017. This
study use qualitative research method because this method are the best way to
answer the why and how questions of human experience. The researcher collected
data by interviewing respondents, the number of respondents in this study were 3
respondents. This study has three basic questions there are the attitude of thhe
students, the factors that influence student’s attitude, and the effect of student’s
attirute in their grade. This study has found that all respondents have a fairly good
attitude in preparing material for PBL tutorials.

A. Introduction

In the past, many people clung to the principles and theories they believed in. Including
in terms of education, especially how to learn and teach. Conservative theory for education
believes that knowledge must be conveyed by the teacher by means of one-way communication.
But in 2013, Indonesian government began to realize that this was not entirely true and compiled
a new curriculum where students become the center of teaching and learning activities, not the
teacher. Learning System where students become the center not only applied in school but also
collage, especially in medicine and dentistry school. In the medicine and dentistry school, there
are some learning systems that use student-centered theory. One of the procedures is commonly
known as the problem based learning tutorial session or in short is the PBL tutorial session.

PBL tutorial session requires students to have good material preparation the day before
the tutorial schedule. With proper material preparation, students can discuss effectively. In
dentistry UMY class of 2017, the schedule for problem-based learning tutorial session held every
Monday and Thursday. Some students have studied the material to be delivered at PBL tutorial
session, but many students attend the PBL tutorial session with empty head, especially on
Monday. Because Monday happened after weekend, some students usually forget about their
responsibility to prepare material for PBL tutorial session on Monday.

The aim of this study is to find out the attitude of UMY dentistry student in preparing
material for problem-based learning tutorial session, especially in class of 2017. This study has
three basic questions, that is:

1. How is the attitude of UMY dentistry students in preparing material for the PBL tutorial
2. What are factors that can influence UMY dentistry student attitudes in preparing material
for the PBL tutorial session?
3. How does the attitude of UMY dentistry student in preparing material for the PBL
tutorial session affect their grade?

B. Literature Review

PBL is an approach to learning that focuses on dissection and discussion of problems or

cases in small groups usually supervised by one or more expert tutor(s) or instructor(s) (Chang,
Annals of Medicine and Surgery, 2016). PBL combines the theories and principles of education
that complement each other in a learning system design. PBL relies on student-centered,
collaborative, contextual, integrated, integrated, self-integrated and reflective learning strategies.
The design and implementation of learning contains learning in small groups and peer teaching.
Students work together in small groups to build knowledge using problems that are challenging
to develop the learning process (Gwee, 2009).

Vernon and Blake found students that is studying with the PBL method had deficiencies
in mastering basic medical science (Vernon DTA and Blake RL, Acad Med., 1993). Albanese
shows evidence of 25 years of PBL implementation in Europe and America which refers to the
lack of cognitive abilities of PBL students compared to students who take conventional paths,
however this claim is declared not always significant and does not repeated. As the superiority of
PBL, Albanese stated that the ability to solve problems in PBL students was found to be better
and significant compared to traditional students. This finding is consistent with two other meta-
analysis studies. In the same range and after the 1990s there were adjustments to the
implementation of PBL in various universities in an effort to overcome the lack of cognitive
mastery (Mitchell, Acad Med., 1993)

There are three main components of PBL: students, facilitators and triggers (Wahid, M.,
Kumara, A., Prihatiningsih, T.S., Rahayu,G.R., and Werdhani, R.A., 2015). The most common
obstacles that encountered when implementing PBL are: poor development of triggers,
inappropriate role of the tutor and inappropriate function of group discussion (the role of
students in the discussion process is not optimal) (Dolmans, 2005). A PBL tutorial process can
be said to be successful depends on several factors, such as students’ characteristics and their
attitudes toward PBL (Yee, 2005)

C. Methodology

The aim of this sudy is to discover the attitude of some dentistry students year of 2017,
Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. Data were collected from April 25 th, 2019 until May
1st 2019. The samples were the dentistry students class of 2017, Muhammadiyah University of

This study use qualitative research method because this method are the best way to
answer the why and how questions of human experience. The researcher collected data by
interviewing respondents, the number of respondents in this study were 3 respondents. The
researcher gave questions related to the study topic and then answered by the respondent right
away. All questions given by the researcher and answers from the respondents will be attached to
the last section.

D. Finding and Discussion

After the interview was conducted and data was collected, it was found all respondents
have a fairly good attitude in preparing material for PBL tutorials. Three respondents had almost
the same habits in preparing PBL material, which was prepared one day before the tutorial
schedule and did not prepare the material only in an urgent situation such as there was a campus
activity that lasted until evening. They also agree that UMY dentistry students class of 2017
motivation decreases in preparing tutorial material. Their attitude indicated by three reasons. The
first reason is they are able to deliver tutorial material better because they understand the material
prepared beforehand. Second, the discussion will run smoothly if they have prepared the material
well. The last reason is the tutorial material that will be delivered will be more evidence based.

1. Better ability to deliver tutorial PBL material

The tutorial is carried out in the form of discussions, discussing any issues
regarding oral health. In carrying out a discussion, the person must understand the
material to be delivered. Other than that the person must also be able to convey the
material well. We can get these two things by preparing the material before the
discussion takes place. Therefore the respondents chose to prepare the material
overnight before the tutorial was implemented. Some statements from respondents:
Supaya saat hari H ada yang bisa di diskusikan, juga bisa paham saat
menyampaikan materi (So that when the tutorial there are materials that
can be discussed, you can also understand when delivering the material)
(Int 2)

Karena moodnya baru pengen carinya malem, terus biar bisa jelasin
materi juga pas tutorial (Because the mood for preparing tutorial material
comes at night, and so I can explain the material also during the tutorial)
(Int 3)

2. The discussion will run smoothly

In essence, a discussion leads to the discussion of a problem thoroughly in a face-
to-face situation with the aim of resolving a problem. If you want a problem to be
solved, the discussion must run smoothly. The success of a discussion can be realized
by several things, such as, if the discussion participant is able to understand the
material discussed and is able to explain the material during the discussion, as I said
above. All respondents believe that this can be realized if they prepare the material
well. Some statements from respondents:
Supaya saat hari H ada yang bisa di diskusikan, juga bisa paham saat
menyampaikan materi. (So that when the tutorial there are materials that
can be discussed, you can also understand when delivering the material)
(Int 2)

Berdampak sangat, karena sudah siap gak kedandapan paginya dan pas
diskusi jadi lancar. (Impacted a lot, because the material was ready, I
didn't rush in the morning and the discussion went smoothly)
(Int 3)

3. The material will be more evidence based

In this global era we are very easy to get information both from books and the
internet. but not all of this information is valid. So we need time to separate which
valid sources are not. Conveying discussion material especially in medical and
scientific matters must be very careful. We must deliver material whose source is
certain. Because even a little mistake can harm both others and yourself. So we have
to get tutorial material based on evidence from trusted sources. Some statements from
Sumber materinya bisa tidak valid karena terburu-buru mencari materi.
(The material sources can be invalid because they are in a hurry to find
(Int 1)

E. Conclusion
This study resulted some thought and opinions from UMY Dentistry Students Class of
2017 toward to the attitude of UMY Dentistry Students Class of 2017 in Preparing Material for
Problem-Based Learning Tutorial Session. All respondents have a fairly good attitude in
preparing material for PBL tutorials. Three respondents had almost the same habits in preparing
PBL material, which was prepared one day before the tutorial schedule and did not prepare the
material only in an urgent situation such as there was a campus activity that lasted until evening.
They believe that if they prepared material well, the discussion will run smoothly and they can
understand the material better so they can deliver the material expertly. Those factors were the
reason why the respondents prefer to prepare the material day before tutorial schedule. They also
agree that UMY dentistry students class of 2017 motivation decreases in preparing tutorial

Chang, B.J., (2016). Problem-based learning in medical school: A student's perspective. Annals
of Medicine and Surgery. Retrieved from

Lee, S.Y., Yune, S. J., Im, S. J., Baek S. Y., (2016). Students’ perceptions of problem based
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37(2):217. Retrieved from

Chan, L.C., (2008). The Role of a PBL Tutor: A Personal Perspective. The Kaohsiung Journal of
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Feri, R., Simadibrata, M., Jusuf, A., (2015). Self-assessment dalam Kegiatan Diskusi Problem-
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4, 3. Retrieved from

Responden 1

Serina : Apakah bersedia menjadi responden paper saya dan di wawancara hari ini?

Miss Y: Ya, bersedia

Serina : Kamu kelompok tutorial berapa?

Miss Y: Tutorial 2

Serina : Kalau boleh, apakah kamu hafal jadwal untuk tutorial PBL dilaksanakan setiap hari

Miss Y: Inget, hari Senin dan Kamis

Serina : Nah, hari ini kan jadwalnya tutorial PBL, apakah kamu sudah mempersiapkan materi
untuk hari ini?

Miss Y: Belum, lebih memilih tidur

Serina : Apakah biasanya juga jarang mencari materi untuk tutorial PBL?

Miss Y: Biasanya cari sebelum tutorial, pas malam harinya

Serina : Boleh dijelaskan alasan kamu kenapa biasanya mencari materi satu hari sebelum

Miss Y: Biar ingat materi yang akan disampaikan, belajarnya lebih terarah, dan tau apa yang
mau diomongin saat diskusi

Serina : Dampaknya apa kalau tidak mempersiapkan materi tutorial satu hari sebelumnya?

Miss Y: Sumber materinya bisa tidak valid karena terburu-buru mencari materi

Serina : Pertanyaan terakhir nih, boleh minta pendapatmu ga mengenai sikap kebanyakan teman-
temanmu dalam mempersiapkan materi tutorial?
Miss Y : Ya bervariasi, ada yang sangat siap bahkan detail sekali mencari materinya. Ada yang
baru mencari ketika muncul pertanyaan. Namun, sekarang jadi banyak yang males nyari materi
gitu. Mungkin karna sibuk banyak kegiatan kampus.

Responden 2

Serina : Apakah bersedia menjadi responden paper saya dan di wawancara hari ini?

Miss A: Bersedia

Serina : Kamu kelompok tutorial berapa?

Miss A: Saya berada di tutor 4

Serina : Kalau boleh, apakah kamu hafal jadwal untuk tutorial PBL dilaksanakan setiap hari

Miss A: Saya ingat, tutorial hari senin dan kamis

Serina : Nah, hari ini kan jadwalnya tutorial PBL, apakah kamu sudah mempersiapkan materi
untuk hari ini?

Miss A: Belum cari materi

Serina : Boleh tau alasannya kenapa kamu belum mempersiapkan materi untuk tutorial PBL hari

Miss A: Pulang malam ada acara hari sebelumnya, acara panitia kegiatan kampus

Serina : Kalau begitu boleh tau ga biasanya kayak gimana kebiasaan mempersiapkan materi
untuk tutorial kalau sedang tidak ada kegiatan kampus?

Miss A: Carinya malem cari jurnal, paginya dibaca pas hari H

Serina : Boleh dijelaskan alasan kamu kenapa biasanya mencari materi satu hari sebelum
Miss A: Supaya saat hari H ada yang bisa di diskusikan, juga bisa paham saat menyampaikan

Serina : Dampaknya apa kalau mempersiapkan materi tutorial satu hari sebelumnya?

Miss A: Kepuasan sendiri karena dapat memahami materi

Serina : Pertanyaan terakhir nih, boleh minta pendapatmu ga mengenai sikap kebanyakan teman-
temanmu dalam mempersiapkan materi tutorial dan alasan kenapa mereka memilih sikap itu
dalam mempersiapkan materi tutorial PBL?

Miss A : Semakin kesini, banyak yang lebih mencari materi pada hari H, mungkin karena
menurunnya motivasi belajar materi tutorial, dan serta banyaknya kegiatan

Responden 3

Serina : Apakah bersedia menjadi responden paper saya dan di wawancara hari ini?

Miss G: Baik bersedia ser

Serina : Kamu kelompok tutorial berapa?

Miss G: Tutorial 4

Serina : Kalau boleh, apakah kamu hafal jadwal untuk tutorial PBL dilaksanakan setiap hari

Miss G: Hafal, hari senin dan kamis. Tapi kadang lupa sih.

Serina : Nah, hari ini kan jadwalnya tutorial PBL, apakah kamu sudah mempersiapkan materi
untuk hari ini dan alasannya?

Miss G: Hehe, baru sebelum tutorial dimulai. Karena kemarin ada beberapa kegiatan kampus
yang menyebabkan badan merasa tidak enak, jadi akhirnya malam tidur.

Serina : Kalau begitu boleh tau ga biasanya kayak gimana kebiasaan mempersiapkan materi
untuk tutorial kalau sedang tidak ada kegiatan kampus?
Miss G: Biasanya mencari materi malam dan pagi

Serina : Boleh dijelaskan alasan kamu kenapa biasanya mencari materi malam dan pagi hari
sebelum tutorial?

Miss G: Karena moodnya baru pengen carinya malem, biar bisa jelasin materi juga pas tutorial

Serina : Boleh dijelaskan perbedaan dampaknya apa kalau mempersiapkan materi tutorial satu
hari sebelumnya dengan mempersiapkan materi tutorial sebelum diskusi dimulai?

Miss G: Berdampak sangat, karena sudah siap gak kedandapan paginya dan pas diskusi jadi

Serina : Pertanyaan terakhir nih, boleh minta pendapatmu ga mengenai sikap kebanyakan teman-
temanmu dalam mempersiapkan materi tutorial dan alasan mereka kenapa mereka memilih sikap
seperti itu?

Miss G : Sepertinya sama ya kayak aku. Kebanyakan kurang persiapan dan kurannya niat juga

 All respondents have a fairly good attitude in preparing material for PBL tutorials,
because they prepared the tutorial material a day before the discussion started.

R1 Biasanya cari sebelum tutorial, pas malam harinya.

R2 Carinya malem cari jurnal, paginya dibaca pas hari H

R3 Biasanya mencari materi malam dan pagi

 UMY dentistry students class of 2017 motivation decreases in preparing tutorial


R1 Ya bervariasi, ada yang sangat siap bahkan detail sekali mencari materinya. Ada
yang baru mencari ketika muncul pertanyaan. Namun, sekarang jadi banyak yang
males nyari materi gitu. Mungkin karna sibuk banyak kegiatan kampus.
R2 Semakin kesini, banyak yang lebih mencari materi pada hari H, mungkin karena
menurunnya motivasi belajar materi tutorial, dan serta banyaknya kegiatan.
R3 Sepertinya sama ya kayak aku. Kebanyakan kurang persiapan dan kurannya niat

 The discussion will run smoothly if they have prepared the material well

R1 Biar ingat materi yang akan disampaikan, belajarnya lebih terarah, dan tau apa
yang mau diomongin saat diskusi
R2 Supaya saat hari H ada yang bisa di diskusikan, juga bisa paham saat
menyampaikan materi.
R3 Berdampak sangat, karena sudah siap gak kedandapan paginya dan pas diskusi jadi

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