LRHO1002103 Selection Handout

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TLME. LOGICAL REASONING HANDOUT (Double line up, Distributions and Selection) Ref: LRHO1002103 Directions for questions 1 to 3: Select the correct alternative from the given choices. 4. Each of P, Q, R, $ and T belongs to a different profession ‘among - teacher, doctor, lawyer, police officer and banker. P Is the pollce-officer and Q Is neither the doctor nor the lawyer. R Is the teacher and $ Is nether the banker nor the lawyer. Who ‘among them isthe banker? wT ®a (C) Qort (D) None of the above 2. Each ofthe five buldings A, 8, C, D and E fs painted in a different colour among red, bive, volt, orange and Whit, not necessary in the same order. Building A is ‘ot pained in red and D is nat painted in volt or white, Builuing B is painted blue and C is painted orange. What s the colour in which bull E is painted? (A) Violet (6) White (C) Orange (D) Cannot be cetemines 3. Among a group of 12 persons A through L four are Joumalsts, four are policans ‘and four are. AT activists ‘The folowing information is known about them (0) No two among C, H and G is of the same profession (i), Neither E nor Fis of the same profession as B or. (ii) Bard Hare pitians and G and L are ouraists (W) Jana K are of me same profession, (0) Alsof the same profession as L. land D are of diferent professions. \Which among the folowing cannat be false? (A) Land D are journalists. (8) land Care RT activist, (C) Hand k are poiticins, (0) FandD are RT! acts Directions for questions 4 and 5: These questions are based on the folowing information Each of the seven persons — Aravind, Kranthi, Sunil, Rajesh, Kapl, Lala and Thomas — is trom a different profession among lanyer, doctor, engineer, professor, Scientist, journalist and architect. We also have the following information about them, (i). Either Aravind or Sunil isthe doctor. (i), Nettner Sunil nor La isthe engineer. (i) Kranthi is ether the lawyer or the professor. (iv) Rajeshis the scientist. () Kapilis elther the architect or the lawyer. (ui) Thomas is either the doctor or the architec. 4. Which of the following Is the correct pair of the person and his profession? (A) SunilJournalist (B) Lala - Journalist (C) Kapil-Professor (D) Aravind — Arenitect 5. Whois the professor? (A) Kapil” (B) Aravind (C) Sunil (D) Kranthi Directions for questions 6 to 8: These questions are ‘based on the folowing information. Each of the fve persons ~ P, Q, R, S and T works with a different company among CTS, PTS, DTS, HTS and LTS and stays in a diferent city among Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennal and Hyderabad, Further itis known that (1) No two of them stay in the same city. Also, no two ‘of them work with the same company. (2) Qicoes not work with PTS and P does not stay n De (@) Neither P nor Q stays in Kolkata and also neither P nor Q works with LTS. (A) R stays in Hyderabad. S works with CTS but does not stay in Mumbai or in Delhi (8) The person who works with DTS stays in Kolkata. 16. Who among them stays In Mumbal? (Pr "a CR OS The person working with LTS stays in (A) Mumbai (8) Den (©) Hyderabad (0) Chennai ‘8. Which ofthe folowing is true? (@) Q stays in Chennai (a2) works with PTS, (1) P works with HTS. (A) Ont (8) Only mt (©) Both Lana 1 (0) None of f, and mL Directions for questions 9 to 19: These questions are ‘based on the folawing information, Each of the eight empioyees A, B, C, D, E, F, Gand H of ‘a company work on one of the days’ among Monday, ‘Tuesday, and Wednesday and in one of ‘the shifts ‘among I, I and II but not necessaniy inthe same order. ‘There a’e at least two ang at most three shifts on a particular day. No two persons working on the same day are in same shift Following information Is known about them. (1) There are only two shifts on Wednesday | 1. E does not work on Wednesday. (2) Band D are the only two persons working in shit, (3) Hand A work on Tuesday and Wednesday respectively. A does not work in shift I. H and A are in different sits. (4) Cand H are in same shift, F and G are in same shit (8) F does not work on Tuesday. ‘9. Who works in shift | on Monday? WE @B ©S OF 410. Which ofthe folowing isthe correct combination of person — day shit? (A) B—Wecnesday — mt (8) € ~ Monday —1 (©) G—Wesnesday—1 (0) C— Tuesday — mt land ‘Sirumphant Ista of Menagermont Education Pvt Ld TAMIE), 958, Siddansety Complex, Paik Lane, Secunderabad ~ 500 005 All mais served. No pr ofthis material may bs reprednoed a any ann oeby any means, thot penniskion inating This course matenal is only forthe use of bonafide students of Thumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. and its licensees franchisees ands not fr sale (4 pages) (accu seca) LRHOTOO21081 ‘14, Which of the following is the correct group of persons working en a Monday? (8) BEE (6) 8,0 (DEF (D) Cannot be determines 412, Which of the folowing Is the corect group of persons Working in shit 1? EGA () AFH (EHC (0) 8.0,c 418, If B and E work on the same day then which of the following is rue? (A) Band G work on same day. {B) D and H work on same day. {C) 8 does not work onthe day on which F works (0) DE and F work on same day Direotions for questions 14 to 17: These questions are based on the folowing information ‘A team of agricultural scientists is trying to figure out the banana production planning for the forthcoming year A report on the same fas provided the folowing Information, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Gujarat are the five major producers of bananas in india, Each state has a production target (In tonnes) trom lamang 1000, 2000, $090, 4000, 5000, 7000 and 9000. Each state has a target area for cultivation, which Is one ‘among 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000 and 3500 (in hectares). Further, the team gathered the following Information, 1. Every state has a different targeted yield (in tonnes Per hectares) with Gujarat having the highest target (yield) of 2.5, while Karnataka has the least yield target of 0.86. (Appx) 2. Andhra Pradesh has the lowest production and area targets among the five states with 2000 tonnes and 1500 hectares respectively, Although ks targeted yield is greater than that of Maharashtra but less than that of Tamil Nadu. 3. Tamil Nadu has a yleld target of 2 and the current area needs {0 increase production target by 1000 tonnes to equate Gujarat’ target ylel. 4. Kamataka has the same production target as Maharashtra but plans to ullize 600 hectares of ‘more land than that of Maharashtra, 5. The states are ranked 1 to 5 in each of the parameters production target, area target and yield farget, with the best rank being 1 and the last rank being §. If two or more states have same value In production target or area target, tne state with higher Yd target is given better rank. Yield target = Production Target in tonnes! Area Target in hectares Direotions for questions 14 to 17: Write the answer In the box given below each question +14, What Is Gujarat's rank in terms of area target?” 15. Wha Is the rank of Karnataka in terms of production target? 416. It Kamataka targets to move up three ranks and tle vith the state currently holding that position In terms ‘of yield, ow much more should it produce (intonnes) with the current targeted area? 47. If Tamil Nadu's actual yield tke to fall to 60% of the targeted Value, how much area (in hectares) has to be Increased or decreased to keep the production at the targeted level? Directions for questions 18 to 22: Select the correct alternative from the given choices. 48, Which of the following is/are possible way(s) of selecting P and without vilating the statement “if P js selected, then Q must be selectea'7 (0. P alone without 0. (i) Q alone without F. (il) Both P and Q are selectes. (iv) Nether P nor Q is selected (A) Only () ana (i) (B) Oniy (i) and (i) (C) Oniy (i), (i) and (iv) (©) Oniy (i, i and (rv) 49. Which of the following is/are possible ways of selecting P and Q without violating the statement “Only ifP is selected, then Q can be selected"? (0) Powtthout (i) Q without P. (il) Both P and © are selected. (iv) Netther P nor @ is select, (A) Only i) ana (i) (B) Oniy (i) and (i) (©) Only (i), i) and (wv) (©) Oniy ip, a) ang (i) 20, Which of tne folowing is/are possible ways of selecting P and Q without violating the statement “Unless P is Selected, Q cannot be selected"? (). Pwitnout a (i) Qwwitnout (ii) Both P and © are selected (iv) Neither P nor Qis selected (A) Oniy (i) and (ip (8) Oni (i) and (i) (©) Ony (1), ) and (vy (©) Ony (W(t) ana vy 21, Which of the folloning is/are possible ways of selecting P and Q without voting the statement “Ether Por Gis selected”? () Pruthout a (il) Q without P. (ili) Both P and Q are selected. (hw) Nether P nor Cis selected (A) Only (1) and i) (B) Ony (I) and (i) (©) Ony (1), i) ana (vy (0) Oni (i) i) ana (i) “Trumphant instfule of Menegemen! Education Put Lid (HEME) HO: SSB, 2 Flow, Sidamsetly Complex, Seundeabad 500 005 Tel: 040-40055400_ Fax: 040-27847334 email: info@timeteducationcom website: ws: timededocation com LRHOIOONION? 22. Two baskets are Kept beside each other. Three ‘ornaments made of wood, Iran and copper are placed In one basket and three omaments made of siver, {gold and aluminium are placed in the other basket Sanju is asked to select four omaments, such that She selects two from each basket. If she selects the iron ornament she cannot select the aluminium one and if she selecis the wooden omament then she Cannot select the silver one, In how many ways can She select the omaments, i the aluminium omament Is one of the selected omaments? (&) Two (6) Thee (C) One (0) None of these Directions for questions 29 to 25: These questions are based on the folowing information ut of five men — A, C, D, G and 1 ~ and five women <8, E, F, Hand J —a group of fve persons consisting of exactly two men is to be selected. Iti aiso known that (among A, C,D and F, exactly two persons are to be selected. ) Aor D ts selected, then none among E, F and H Is to be selected, (ii) if Gis selected, neither H nor J can be selected. (iv) Land E cannot be selected together. 23. Who among the men must be selected? ac @D OS oI 24, If E is selected, who among the following must be selected? As BH ©! (Os 25. now many ciferent ways can the group be selected? (A) Two | (B) Three (C) Four (0) Five Direotions for questions 26 to 30: These questions are based on the folowing information given below. There are sk persons — a flutist, a percussionist, a violinist and a pianist in addtion to two singers. Each youngest nor the eldest and the aitference between their ‘ages Is 30 years, which is the age of the fist. The age of the percussionist is twice that of age of the flutist an 6 times the age of planist, wha Is the youngest. ‘One of the singers Is 10 years older than the youngest ppetson, while the violinist is four times older than the ‘youngest person. 26. In.a team of four members consisting of exactly one singer, if the percussionist cannot be selected with the older singer, the Tutist cannat be selected with the younger Singer, which of the folowing is false? (A) Flutst and the pianist can be selected together. (B) Pianist and the percussionist can be selectec together. (C) Flitst and percussionist cannot be selected together. (©) Violinist and pianist cannot be selected together. 27. Ifa team of four members isto be formed, such that the oldest and atleast a singer are to be included then in how many ways can the team be formed? As 2 (C4 O16 28. If a team of three members Is ta be formed with indlvidua's whose age is less than 0 years, in how many ways can this team be formed? (A) Two. (8) Four (©) six (0) None of these 29, In a team of five members, if singer Is not the ‘youngest, which of the folowing Is tue about such team? (A) The younger singer cannot be selected. (B) The older singer cannot be selected (C) Both the singers cannot be selected (0) The pianist must be selected, 30. For a live performance, a singer and two other specialists in musical instruments (non-singer) were to be selected, then in how many ways can this be ‘done? of them is of a aitferent age, The singers are neither the @s 0 (12 D4 ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS FOR PRACTICE Directions for questions 1 to 2: These questions are based an the following information Each of the six persons A, 8, C, D, E and F belongs to a ferent tribe among P,Q, R, $, T and U. Each of them belongs to one of the four countries Bhutan, China, Mangolia and Pakistan. Atleast one and almost two persons belong te each ofthe four cauriries. Each of them knows exactly ane language among Spanish, French, Dutch and Swedish ‘Atleast one and atmost two know each of these four languages. No two persons have the same combination of country and language. The following information fs Known about them, () F and € belong to the same country and A and D belong to afferent countries (WE belongs to China and trie T. The person who belongs ta tbe P knows Swedish (ii) Two persons know Dutch. Two persons belong to Bhutan and twa persans belong to Pakistan, (@v) B belongs to Bhutan. Two persons, the one who belongs tothe tbe R and B, know French. (W)C knows Dutch and belongs to tribe Q. (vi) Neither A nor the person who belongs to Pakistan know French. (vi) The persons belonging tothe tries Q and U know the same language 1. Towhich couniry does A belong? 2. Towhich tribe does F belong? (A) Bhutan’ (6) Pakistan (aye a (C) Mangolla (0) China (R Os “Trurnphant instiute of Management Education Put Lid (HEME) HO: SSB, Flow, Sidanselly Conples, Sesndeabad 500 005 Tel: 040-40085400_ Fax: 040-27847334 email: info@timededacatoncom website: wor timededucationcom __LRHO10O21033 3. Which of the folowing is rue about the persons who belong to the tribes $ and U? (A) They both know the same language (8) One of them is F and the other one is B. (©) They both belong to the same country. (0) They donot have anything in common Directions for questions 4 to 6: These questions are based on the folowing information. ‘A team of five members has to be selected from a group of eleven members — A through K - for a quz competition. The experts in each of the three areas of quiz ate as follows: General knowledge (GK): A, 0, E, Hand! Mental ability (MA) A.C.E,F,GandJ Current affairs (CA): B,C, D, E, Gand k The team must consist of (0). acapiain who is an expert in all the three areas. (a vice-captain, who isan expert in exactly two areas. j) one person from each of the three areas, who is an expert only in that particular area, (@) Further, C and G should not be selected together I His selected, neither 8 nor Jis selected (b) B can be selected, only if C is selected. If D is ‘selected, netther A nor E Is selected. F and I cannot be selected together. 4. IC is selected as the captain, in how many ways ‘can the remaining four members be selected? (A) One (8) Two (©) Three (0) Four 5. If G is selected as the vice-captain, in how many ‘ways can the remaining four members be selectes?” (&) One (8) Two (©) Three (0) More than four ways: 6. Who among the following cannot be selected into the team? @oD @®8 GWE OG ‘Trurphant instiute of Management Education Put Lid (EME) HO: SSB, Flow, Sidanselly Conples, Seundeabad 500 O05 Tel: 040-40055400_ Fax: 040-27847334 email: info@timeteducationcom website: ws: timededocation com LRHOIOONIO4

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