Unit 3-Commonly Confused Business Terms-Photo

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Unit 3-Commonly confused business terms

Fill in the gaps the appropriate words with their right forms
1. decision (make or take)
- I believe that he has ____make_______ a wise career decision.
- The review committee is expected to ___________ a decision later today.
- The decision ___take________ about the choice of markets by the board is under way.
2. defective, deficient
- The goods were found to be ___deficient________ and had to be replaced.
- The study showed that 70% of subjects tested had ____defective_______ iron levels.
3. dependant, dependent
- Anyone with more than two___________ is eligible for that tax deduction.
- Once he was in a wheelchair he became almost totally ___________ on Angela.
4. different, various, varied, variable, varying
- Each of the three proposals offered a _______different______________approach to the
- After the meeting, ___________ attendees signed the petition.
- Our products are ___________in designs, suitable for ___________ tastes of consumers.
- To ___________ degrees all have similar problems that will hold up their membership.
- Please note that our prices are ___________, subject to market change.
5. disinterested, uninterested
- The panel of judges was asked to provide a ____________ opinion on the matter.
- My boss seems to be ____________ in any of the plans proposed so far.
6. economic, economical
- Things have improved since the _____economic_______ crisis eight years ago.
- He is ____economical________ about all things, including his choice of a small hybrid car.
7. effective, efficient
- Despite her inexperience, the new president proved to be highly ____________ in her job.
- That new law will become ____________ on January 1st of next year.
- Pressure to reduce carbon emissions has forced manufacturers to produce more
___effective_________ engines.
8. emigrate, immigrate, migrate
- A large number of Irish people ____________ to Canada during the potato famine.
- Last year, this country accepted more than 150,000 people, ____________ from African
- Hunters tend to ____________ from one forest area to another in search of migrating herds.
9. fewer, lesser, less
- They sold ____________ cars this year than last.
- He chose that option because it was the ____________ of two evils.
- Your workload is expected to be ____________ from now on.
- When searched, she had ____________ than $200 in her purse.
10. financial, fiscal
- The company’s _____________ performance was better this year than last.
- The central bank has recommended the adoption of a policy of _____________ restraint.
- The _____________ year in Vietname begins in January and ends in December.
11. sole, only, unique
He is authorized as a ___________ agent of our firm in this area.

This is the ___________ useful book available here.
In order to penetrate into this market, our products must have a ___________ Selling
12. historic/historical
- A _______________ meeting of world leaders about the problem of climate change took
place in Paris last year.
- Foreign tourists are interested in many _______________ places in Hochiminh City.
13. Affect, effect.
- A government unable to ____________ any change is a government that will produce no
- The storm knocked down power lines, ____________ several thousand people in rural
14. Anxious, eager.
- He was very ___________ that his boss would discover his secret.
- He was ___________ to start his new job.
15. Appraise, apprise.
- I will have the family jewels ______________ by a professional.
- Keep me ______________of the situation.
16. Compare to, compare with.
- My boss often compares my speaking skill __________ my coworkers –
- He often compares his wife __________ a lion.
17. Continual, continuous
- The meeting was ____________ interrupted by questions.
- The meeting ran ____________ for 8 hours.
18. Convince, persuade.
- He ____________ me that I was negligent.
- He ____________ me to settle out of court.
19. Different from, different to, different than.
- Roses are different ____________ violets.
- We’re planning something different this year ____________ we did last year.
- We’re planning something different this year ____________what we did last year.
20. due to, owing to, because of
- His defeat was _______________the lottery issue.
- _______________________his illness, he missed the exam.
- We cancelled the broadcast _______________________the strike.
21. assure/ensure/insure
- After signing a contract with a professional baseball team, Jack decided to ____________
his pitching arm for $1 million.
- "Rest ____________ that Brazil will have a great World Cup in 2014," Rebelo said.
- They said the leaders conferred by telephone to ____________ that their speeches, while
different in tone, would not be incompatible.
22. Farther, further
- If you need ____________ information, please contact us.
- Hanoi is ____________ from Sydney than Saigon.
23. Fewer, less.
- He owns __________stocks and has __________ money than than his business partner.

24. More than, over
- Under Vietnamese Law, people of 18 years old and ___________are considered as a legal
- Mr. Jones has ___________ ten years experience in the financial services industry.
25. Practicable, practical
- And unlike other pollutants, no effective, commercially _____________control technology
- Fortunately an astonishing cross-section of our music community has begun to think about
how it can be of _____________ assistance.
26. Precede, proceed
- Thought _____________ words, words _____________ deeds.
- Mining companies can _____________ with their challenge to U.S. EPA’s new policies on
mountaintop-removal coal mining.
27. customer and client
- Working at the mall was really difficult because I had to deal with rude ____________.
- When he started his job selling insurance, it was difficult to find ____________.
28. point, period, and dot
- The number pi is approximately 3.14 (read: three ____________ one four).
- All sentences should end with a ____________, question mark, or exclamation mark.
- Ebay.com (read: ebay ____________ com) is a website where you can buy and sell used
29. work, job, carrer
- You can have a full-time _____________ (40 hours per week) or a part-time job (around 25
hours per week).
- I’m busy – I have a lot of _____________ to complete before schedule.
- Your _____________ is the total progression of your professional life. It can include many
different _____________ over the years.
30. miss and lose
- After the inspection conducted by SGS, 30 items were___________ from the shipment.
- I ___________ my passport and I had to apply for a new one.
31. expect, wait, await
- We are_____________ some visitors tonight, so we can’t go out.
- What took you so long? I was_____________ for you more than 02 hours.
- We are now_____________ your explaination for the shortage of the consignment.
32. safe and secure
- I think a storm is coming. Let’s go inside where we’ll be ___________.
- I know my passport and birth certificate are ___________ because I put them in a locked,
fire-proof box. (used here to mean “not at risk to be damaged, lost, or intercepted)
- He’s reading an article on the internet about how to feel more___________. (used here to
mean “confident”)
33. lonely and alone
- He was___________ until he met his wife.
- What I have to tell you is private, so I can’t tell you about it now. I’ll tell you about it when
34. weather and climate

- The ____________ yesterday was awful. It was a good day to stay inside and read.
- Due to a change in econmic ____________, quite a few enterprises went bankrupt.
35. shop and buy
- I’m bored. Let’s go____________.
- I ____________ a new car.
36. Assume and presume
- First, based on your question, we'll _____________ you're a recent college graduate.
- The surveyor _____________ that the shortage of the consignment was due to a mistake in
37. to find out and to discover
- I _________________that we went to the same high school.
- Astronomers _________________ a new planet last week.
38. right, correct, proper, appropriate, accurate
- It is a ____________ time for our company to introduce this product to the trade.
- I donated money to the poor because it was the ____________ thing to do.
- The chairman wondered what an ____________ measure would be to make the staff work
- I am searching for a more ____________ number of customers who are interested in our
- Choose the _________________answers in the following cases.
39. Reasonable, justified, logical, rational
- Our products sell like hot cakes because their prices are _____________.
- Your argument sound _____________ and I think this will be accepted by the board of
- In this economic climate, his decision seemed _____________.
- The production process is _____________, therefore we can produce flawless products.
40. Specially and especially
- There is nothing _____________ radical about that idea.
- He was treated ____________because he is a relative of his boss.

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