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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Alegria, District


Name: _____________________ Date:_____________ Section: ___________ Score:


GENERAL DIRECTION: MULTIPLE CHOICES: Read the test questions carefully.

A. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Encircle the letter of the correct answer only.

1) In which direction does a storm rotate in the northern hemisphere?
a. clockwise b. counterclockwise c. in both directions d. needs more
2) A tropical cyclone with a maximum wind speed of 65 kph is classified as __________.
a. tropical depression b. tropical storm c. typhoon d. severe tropical storm
3) A tropical cyclone with a maximum wind speed of 250 kph is classified as __________.
a. typhoon b. severe tropical storm c. severe typhoon d. super typhoon
4) A signal #5 wind strength has an impact of __________________________.
a. moderate to heavy damage c. very heavy to widespread damage
b. heavy to very heavy damage d. no damage to very light damage
5) A wind strength of 230 kph is classified as _________ in the Public Storm Warning Signal.
a. #3 b. #4 c. #5 d. #6
6) This rainfall warning informs the public that severe flooding is expected due to heavy rainfall.
a. Red b. Orange c. Yellow d. Green
7) It is a rotating, organized system of clouds and thunderstorms that originates over the tropical waters.
a. tropical cyclone b. tropical tornado c. tropical tsunami d. tropical twister
8) A tropical cyclone can be seen in a satellite image due to its characteristic ____________ shape.
a. circular b. hexagonal c. pyramidal d. triangular
9) Once a tropical cyclone enters the Philippine Are of Responsibility, a __________ forecast track is
issued by PAGASA every _______.
a. 3-day, 4 hours b. 4-day, 5 hours c. 5-day, 6 hours d. 6-day, 7 hours
10) Another way weather forecasters track the movement of tropical cyclones is with the use of weather
a. RAin Density And Range c. RAdio Detection And Ranging
b. RAin Detection Along Region d. RAdio Delivering Across Raining
11) It is a hard or firm mass that was intact and in its natural place before the initiation of movement.
a. Mud b. Rock c. Soil d. Earth

12) It is an aggregate of solid particles, generally of minerals and rocks, that either was transported or was
formed by the weathering of rock in place.
a. Mud b. Rock c. Soil d. Earth
13) It contains a significant proportion of coarse material; 20% to 80% of the particles are larger than 2mm,
and the remainder are less than 2mm.
a. Mud b. Rock c. Debris d. Earth
14) It describes material in which 80% or more of the particles are smaller than 2mm, the upper limit of
sand sized particles.
a. Mud b. Rock c. Debris d. Earth
15) It describes material in which 80% or more of the particles are smaller than 0.06mm, the upper limit of
silt sized particles.
a. Mud b. Rock c. Debris d. Earth
16) A type of movement where it starts with the detachment of soil or rock from a steep slope along a
surface on which little or no shear displacement takes place.
a. Falls b. Topples c. Spreads d. Flow
17) It is an extension of a cohesive soil or rock mass combined with a general subsidence of the fractured
mass of cohesive material into softer underlying material.
a. Falls b. Topples c. Spreads d. Flow
18) It is the downslope movement of a soil or rock mass occurring dominantly on the surface of rupture or
relatively thin zones of intense shear strain.
a. Slides b. Topples c. Spreads d. Flow
19) It is a spatially continuous movement in which shear surfaces are short lived, closely spaced and
usually not preserved after the event.
a. Slides b. Topples c. Spreads d. Flow
20) It is the forward rotation, out of the slope, of a mass of soil and rock about a point or axis below the
center of gravity of the displaced mass.
a. Slides b. Topples c. Spreads d. Flow
II. Evaluate the truthfulness of each statement. Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.
_____1. All sinkholes happen in an instant.
_____2. An earthflow has a characteristic “hourglass” shape.
_____3. Hazard mapping can be done to minimize landslide risks.
_____4. A landslide happens if the driving force is equal to the resisting force.
_____5. Landslides and sinkholes happen without notice and cannot be prevented.
_____6. Landslides can be triggered by extreme rainfall, earthquakes, and human activities.
_____7. Creep is an imperceptibly slow, steady, downward movement of slope forming soil or rock.
_____8. Cover-subsidence sinkhole tend to develop abruptly and cause catastrophic damages.
_____9. A landslide is the very slow to rapid upward movement of a big bulk of soil, debris, rock, and garbage
up a slope.
_____10. Sinkholes naturally occur in areas underlain by minerals and rocks that are soluble or can be dissolved
by water.
_____11. Dissolution sinkhole is the type of sinkhole that occurs in areas where there is little soil or vegetation
over the soluble rock.
_____12. Landslides are openings or pits in the ground surface caused by the collapse in the ceiling of an
underground cavity or space.
_____13. A sinkhole is formed due to the absence of external surface drainage when water gathers inside; the
water would just drain into the subsurface.
_____14. A flow starts with the detachment of soil or rock from a steep slope along a surface on which little or no
shear displacement takes place.
_____15. The Varnes’ system is a landslide classification that utilizes two terms: the first term describes the
material type and the second term describes the type of movement.

Prepared by: Reviewed by:


Subject Teacher Head Teacher I

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