Shadows of The Red Keep

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The Journal of Maester Morgan

Kings Landing 349 years after Aegons Landing. Shadows of SESSION INTRO
At the beginning of every session, choose the player of the
It's been 50 years since the War of the five kings but the
toll of that war is a price we are still paying. Queen
The Red Keep character you trust the least to spotlight a Faction for your
character (that isn’t already marked) and mark that Faction.
Myrcella of house Baratheon, the first of her name, sits Hello and thanks for trying out this extremely basic version of Tell the MC about a rumor or conflict that you’ve heard about
the Iron throne after both of her brothers passing but a simple hack for Urban Shadows. This hack will make little that Faction, building on previous established information if
sense unless you have the Urban Shadows rulebook since it you’d like, and roll with the Faction:
her hold is tenuous at best. The rumors of her health
will explain how a session should go, especially on the MC On a 10+, you’re prepared for the conflict you laid out: you’ve
problems are worrying, especially since the line of side of the table. I can’t recommend it enough. got a Debt on someone in that Faction or a useful piece of
succession is so difficult. Her eldest daughter, and the
information or equipment, your choice. On a 7-9, you’re neck
oldest of her brood should inherit according to some, This hack can take place anywhere but it’s intended to take
deep in it: you owe someone in that Faction a Debt, and
since Queen Myrcella has proven that a queen can rule place within Kings Landing and the Red Keep. The playbooks
someone in that Faction owes a Debt to you. On a miss,
as well as a man but others are still set in their way of are defined quite vaguely and can take many different roles
you’re caught flat-footed, unprepared, or unaware: the MC
male inheritance. Her eldest son is therefore also a but they should all have access to the Red keep even if they
will tell you who is coming at you. If you start a session in the
are not noble.
possible inheritor to the throne. The major houses are middle of a chaotic situation or with plenty going on already,
again preparing and plotting here in Kings Landing The factions in this game are defined as following: the MC might decide to skip this move.
and I worry for our future. We still have the Northern
Commoners: All who are not noble nor strangers.
Kingdom that still is not a part of the remaining six SESSION END
kingdoms and rumors have it that some Targaryen has Strangers: Travelers from distant lands. Red priestesses, At the end of every session, if you learned something
been found across the Narrow Sea. Even though no one people from the north, Wildlings or whatever strange people meaningful about a Faction, increase your score in that
dares mention it here in the Red Keep, you can read it who do not belong in Kings Landing. Faction by 1 and decrease your score in a different Faction by
on their faces. "The Iron Throne will soon be up for 1. Tell the MC how your relationships to those communities
Minor Houses: All the noble houses that are not Major
grabs. I wonder who will take it." houses.
have changed.
If someone did you a favor at a cost, tell the group; you owe
Major Houses: Lannister, Baratheon, Tyrell, Greyjoy, Tully, them a Debt. If you did someone a favor without redress, tell
Arryn and Martell. (Starks might be included but during the the group; they owe you a Debt.
setting as written they are not part of the kingdom).

Note on the setting: I’ve had many ask why the game doesn’t
take place during the events of the books and the show. I’ve
tried this and it didn’t work out as well. The players felt the
characters that were known from the books and the show
weren’t “true” to their character when confronted in the
game. It might seem like a good idea but I’ve found its more
fun to create your own story than re-explore someone else’s. I
can also never match the show actors in acting skill nor
Martins character focused writing. Take from that what you
will though and play the game in a way that’s fun to you.
When someone goes into their Workspace to accomplish UNLEASH SINGLE COMBAT
something, the MC uses these rules to decide how they On a 12+, your target chooses: surrender completely or you When you join in single combat with someone, roll with
accomplish the goal. incapacitate them. Blood. There is a decisive exchange of harm. On 10+, spend 3
The MC tells the player, “Sure, no problem, but…” and then 1 on the following. On 7–9, spend 2. On a miss, spend 1. If your
to 4 of the following: opponent is a fellow player’s character, they roll too and
spend accordingly. If an NPC, the MC spends 2, or must
It’s going to take you hours/days/weeks/months of work or On a 12+, you get away and make an important discovery.
explain why otherwise. Spend blind, without knowing how
recovery time
your opponent is spending theirs.
First you’ll have to summon/build/construct PERSUADE AN NPC • For each 1 you spend to strike hard, in act +1 Harm.
You’ll require the services of to complete it On a 12+, they do what you ask and help you see it through • For each 1 you spend to defend yourself, gain +1 Armor.
You require a rare and expensive ingredient or material to its end. • For each 1 you spend for position, you better your chance to win.
It will only work for a short time, and may be unreliable Both of you reveal how you’ve spent. Exchange harm
It’s going to mean exposing anyone nearby to serious fallout FIGURE SOMEONE OUT simultaneously, as established and modified, first; then,
Your Workspace lacks; add this and you’ll be able to complete On a 12+, you can ask any questions you like, not limited to whichever of you spent more for position, you have your
it the list. opponent at your mercy. Choose 1 or 2: you’re behind them, you
It will require a part of yourself to complete have your blade to their throat, you’ve disarmed them, you’ve forced
You must journey to in order to complete it them to their knees, you’ve knocked them down, you’ve pinned
MISLEAD, DISTRACT, OR TRICK them. If you tied for position, both get 3 more to spend, blind
On a 12+, you get all 4 and choose 1 for double effect. as always, and so on until one of you wins position or one of
The MC can combine any set of requirements or offer two sets
you is killed.
of costs to the same task. Once the requirements are
completed, what was set out is completed. The MC will stat it UNLEASH
On a 12+, your opposition’s cool is compromised. Tell them
up, reveal some info, or whatever is called for now. what it will cost to maintain their current course of action. When you unleash an attack on someone, roll with Blood. On
a hit, you inflict harm as established and choose 1:
LET IT OUT Inflict terrible harm
On a 12+, your powers or abilities manifest in an Take something from them

HARM AND HEALING unexpectedly useful way. Mark corruption to make that
manifestation permanent. On a 7-9, choose 1 from below as well:
When you suffer an attack or mishap, consult the harm rating They inflict harm on you
of the source and mark off that many boxes on your harm track, You find yourself in a bad spot
following the track downward. As each tier is checked off,
record the type of injury or injuries you’ve sustained to help ESCAPE
you remember how your character has been wounded. When you take advantage of an opening to escape a situation,
When your harm track reaches Grievous, you need medical roll with Blood. On a hit, you get away. On a 10+, choose 1.
assistance before you can recuperate from your wounds. When On a 7-9, choose 2:
your harm track reaches Critical, you are in serious trouble and You suffer harm during your escape
need immediate aid or you will soon face death. If you receive You end up in another dangerous situation
the right help, you begin healing naturally over time. Further
You leave something important behind
harm inflicted on you will kill you unless you mark a Scar.
You owe someone a Debt for your escape
Once healing begins, erase one harm per day, provided you You give in to your base nature and mark corruption
take things easy for a while. The MC might tell you to erase
two per day if you’re recovering in a real medical facility. PERSUADE AN NPC
Healing starts at the beginning of the track and follows When you persuade an NPC through seduction, promises, or
downward until you have erased all your harm. If you suffer threats, roll with Heart. On a hit, they do what you ask. On a
further harm during that time, it is marked off at the 7-9, they modify the terms or demand a Debt.
beginning of the track as usual. If you cash in a Debt you have with them before rolling, you
may add +3 to your roll.
When you try to figure someone out, roll with Mind. On a hit,
GET AN AUDIENCE When you do someone a favor, they owe you a Debt.
hold 2. On a 7-9, they hold 1 on you as well. While you’re
When you get an audience to get what you need, name who
interacting with them, spend your hold 1-for-1 to ask their
you’re going to and roll with their Faction. On a hit, they’re CASH IN A DEBT
player a question:
available and have the stuff. On a 7-9, choose 1: When you cash in a debt, remind your debtor why they owe
Who’s pulling your character’s strings?
Whoever you’re going to is juggling their own problems you in order to…
What’s your character’s issue with _____?
Whatever you need is more costly than anticipated …make a PC:
What’s your character hoping to get from _____?
Do you a favor at moderate cost
How could I get your character to ______ ?
PUT A FACE TO A NAME Lend a hand to your efforts
What does your character worry might happen?
When you put a face to a name or vice versa, roll with their Get in the way of someone else
How could I put your character in my Debt?
Faction. On a hit, you know their reputation; the GM will tell Answer a question honestly
you what most people know about them. On a 10+, you’ve Erase a Debt they hold on someone
If you’re in their Faction, ask an additional question, even on
dealt with them before; learn something interesting and useful Give you a Debt they hold on someone else
a miss.
about them or they owe you a Debt. On a miss, you don’t know
them or you owe them, the MC will tell you which. …make an NPC:
Answer a question (honestly) about their Faction
When you try to mislead, distract, or trick someone, roll with
INVESTIGATE A PLACE OF POWER Introduce you to a powerful member of their Faction
Mind. On a hit, they are fooled, at least for a moment. On a 10+,
When you investigate a place of power, roll with the Faction Give you a worthy and useful gift without cost
pick 3. On a 7-9, pick 2:
that owns it. On a hit, you see below the surface to the reality Erase a Debt they hold on someone
You create an opportunity
underneath. On a 10+, you can ask the MC one question about Give you a Debt they have on someone else
You expose a weakness or flaw
the schemes and politics of the Faction in question. Give you +3 to Persuade them (choose before rolling)
You confuse them for some time
You avoid further entanglement
When you make a Faction move, trigger an intimacy move, When you refuse to honor a debt, roll with Heart. On a hit,
cash in a Debt or honor a Debt, mark the Faction involved. you weasel out of the current deal, but still owe the Debt. On a
When things get real and you keep your cool, tell the MC what
When you’ve marked all four Factions, erase the marks and 7-9, you choose 1:
situation you want to avoid and roll with Spirit. On a 10+, all’s
advance. You owe them an additional Debt
well. On a 7–9, the MC will tell you what it’s going to cost you.
You lose face with their Faction
You mark corruption
On a miss, you can’t avoid the noose. You either honor your
When you let out the power within you, roll with Spirit. On a
Debt or face the consequences: they pick two from the list
hit, choose 1 and mark corruption. On a 10+, ignore the
above or force you to lose all the Debts owed to you.
corruption or choose another from the list.
The MC can cash in Debts owed to NPCs on PCs (and other
Take +1 forward on your next roll
NPCs) using these same moves.
Extend your senses, supernatural or otherwise
Frighten, intimidate, or impress your opposition
Take definite hold of something vulnerable or exposed
When you drop the name of someone who owes you a Debt,
LEND A HAND OR GET IN THE WAYs roll with their Faction. On a hit, their name carries weight and
When you lend a hand or get in the way after a PC has gives you an opening or opportunity. On a 10+, you keep the
rolled, roll with their Faction. On a hit, give them a +1 or -2 to Debt and mark their Faction. On 7-9, you have to cash in the
their roll. On a 7-9, you expose yourself to danger, Debt. On a miss, erase the Debt and brace yourself.
entanglement, or cost.
Special The Prophet A member of the
Drama moves
The Prophet Corruption Move
When you give someone a false prophecy, mark corruption.
Stranger faction
Intimacy Move You are from far away and has been trained in mystic arts.
When you share a moment of intimacy—physical or Perhaps you’re a greenseer, perhaps you’re a red priest.
emotional—with another person, you gain a specific and clear Whatever you are, you have gifts others envy. Others will
vision about that person’s future. You can ask up to a come to rely on you for foresight and skill but don’t be too hasty to
pass, sooner rather than later. hitch your wagon to a rising star. You may see much but you
End Move don’t see all.
When you die or retire your character, announce a
proclamation upon the world that will reverberate in dreams
worldwide. Detail the signs of its coming. The MC will make

your prophecy come to pass, sooner rather than later.

Corruption ______________owe me for ____________________________

Take a Corruption move
Take a Corruption move ______________owe me for ____________________________
Take a Corruption move
Take a Corruption move from another archetype ______________owe me for ____________________________
Retire your character. They may return as a Threat ______________owe me for ____________________________

Corruption moves ______________owe me for ____________________________

Connected to all: When you Figure Someone Out, Skim the
______________owe me for ____________________________
Surface, or use spirit speak, mark corruption to ask any
questions you’d like, not limited to the lists. ______________owe me for ____________________________

I, All-Seeing: Mark corruption and suffer 1-harm (ap) to

have a vision about the situation at hand. Ask the MC a
question; they will answer it honestly.

Dark Fate: Mark corruption when face to face with someone

to pronounce curse on them. Roll with Spirit. On a 10+,
choose 2. On a 7-9, choose 1:
»» The curse lasts for a long time
»» You are not the obvious source of the curse
»» The effects of the curse are potent and obvious

Eyes That Burrow: Mark corruption to lock eyes with

someone and force them to be still for as long as you maintain
the gaze.
Character creation Prophet Moves
Name (pick one)
Name: You get this one:
Prophecy: At the beginning of the session, roll with Spirit. On
a 10+, hold 2. On a 7-9, hold 1. During the session, you can
Look (pick as many as apply) spend your hold to declare that something terrible is about to
»» Ambiguous, Female, Male, Transgressing happen. You (and your allies) take +1 ongoing to avoid the
»» Dirty Clothing, Loose Clothing, Revealing Clothing, Warm impending disaster. On a miss, you foresee the death of
Clothing Stats someone important to you and take -1 to all rolls to prevent it.
Demeanor (pick one)
Distant, Paranoid, Soothing, Volatile And two pick two more
Spirit speak: Whenever you study and examine an interesting
Starting Character Stats (Add 1 to one of these) object, roll with Spirit. On a 10+, ask 3. On a 7-9, ask 1:
Blood -1, Heart 0, Mind 1, Spirit 1 »» What is the history of this object?
Blood Heart Mind Spirit »» What bans, wards, or limits are attached to this object?
Starting Factions (Add 1 to one of these) »» Where does this object belong?
Minor Houses 0, Commoners -1, Major Houses 1, Strangers 1 »» What secrets or mysteries has this object been privy to?
»» What strong emotions have most recently been near this
Intro Minor Major
Strangers object?
»» Who are you? Commoners houses Houses
On a miss, the emotion of the object overwhelms you and you
»» How long have you been in the city?
»» How do you cope with the visions?
Advances take -1 ongoing for the scene.
Advances available at beginning of play: After 5 advances you may
»» What are the nightmares like? +1 Blood (max +3) select:
Double Life: Take Commoners as a second Faction. When
+1 to any stat (max +3)
»» What do you desperately need? +1 Heart (max +3)
someone rolls with or marks your Faction, tell them which
+1 Spirit (max +3) +1 any Faction (max +3)
+1 Mind (max +3) Erase a Scar one is most appropriate.
Gear A new Prophet move Erase a Corruption Advance
»» A simple room in the servants quarters, a handmaiden. A new Prophet move Erase a Corruption Advance
Advance 3 basic moves
Conduit: Advance Let It Out for all characters in your
»» 1 Set of unique items (pick one) A move from another archetype
A move from another archetype Advance 3 basic moves presence, including yourself.
Prophetic tools (Powder for fires, mystical runes,) Change your Faction Change to a new archetype
An exotic object Skim the Surface: When you touch someone, you can read
Collection of tomes and grimoires their surface thoughts. Roll with Spirit. On a 10+, ask 3. On a
Debts 7–9, ask 1:
»» Someone helps you understand your dreams and visions. »» What is your character thinking about right now?
You owe them 2 Debts. Harm Armor »» Who are you protecting?
»» You’ve had a dire prophecy about someone, but you don’t Faint »» Why are you keeping secrets?
know how to help them...yet. You owe them a Debt. Grievous »» What is your character’s hidden pain?
»» You are helping someone realize their true potential Critical On a miss, you inflict 1-harm (ap) on them and yourself.
through your visions. They owe you a Debt.
At Any Cost: When you interfere with someone’s plans or
Scars actions to prevent one of your visions from coming true, mark
their Faction and take +1 forward.
Shattered (-1 blood)
Disfigured (-1 heart)
Fractured (-1 mind)
Broken (-1 spirit)
Sly tricks and low The “Loyal” servant A member of the
Drama moves
associates The “loyal” servant’s Corruption Move
When you break a promise or tell an outright lie, mark
Commoner faction
You have a lord or lady you serve diligently. They were your ladder to
Choose 3 contacts/abilities: court and they are your leash that keeps you tied. They take the credit
Intimacy Move
Ex-Soldiers - You call forth your brutes to beat someone into for your diligent and good work and you nod and smile. If you ever
When you share a moment of intimacy—physical or
do a something violent for you. (Small, 2 harm, 1 armor) become a threat, they will exile you or behead you. But who knows,
emotional—with another person, demand a promise from
them. If they refuse you or break the promise, they owe you 2 even you might be able to rise high and once you’re at the top, you can
"Retired" Maester - You call forth your "retired" Maester to cut the strings that bind you.
perform some form of healing act, quick and dirty. Heals 2 End Move
harm. When you die or retire your character, choose a character and
bestow your contacts and skills upon them. They can choose
Poison - You have some deadly poison at hand. (3 harm, either to take Sly tricks and low associates and two of
intimate, consumed)

contacts/abilities or to advance Persuade an NPC.

Mummers - You call forth mummers to perform some Corruption

distracting trick or illusion. Take a Corruption move ______________owe me for ____________________________
Take a Corruption move
Change of clothes: You have a disguise ready to fool most Take a Corruption move ______________owe me for ____________________________
people into thinking you are a servant or lowborn. Take a Corruption move from another archetype
Retire your character. They may return as a Threat ______________owe me for ____________________________
Drugs - You have some drugs that induce a certain state of
______________owe me for ____________________________
mind. (Harmless, consumed). Pick an emotional state they
enter when they consume the drug.
Corruption moves
Rising even higher: You gain the remaining sly tricks and ______________owe me for ____________________________
low associates.
______________owe me for ____________________________
Shrewd Negotiator: When you roll a 10+ to Refuse to Honor ______________owe me for ____________________________
a Debt, mark corruption to cancel the original Debt and claim
a Debt from the person you refused.

Tugging the heartstrings: You get +1 Heart (max +4).

Whenever you roll with Heart and roll a 12+, mark

Everyone’s Got One: Name someone and mark corruption to

declare one of their goals. You can always use this goal as
leverage when you manipulate them (if it relates to your
Character creation “Loyal” Servants Moves
Name (pick one)
Name: You get this one:
I planned for this: Whenever you use Sly tricks and Low
Look (pick as many as apply) Look:
associates, choose 1:
»» Ambiguous, Female, Male, Transgressing »» Mark corruption
»» Colorful Clothing, Expensive Clothing, Messy Clothing, »» You owe your liege a Debt
Revealing Clothing
Stats And two pick two more
Demeanor (pick one) A Dish Best Served Now: When you commit to enact revenge
Calculating, Eccentric, Feral, Seductive on behalf of someone (including yourself), gain +1 to all rolls
Starting Character Stats (Add 1 to one of these) against the target of that vengeance. For every scene in which
Blood -1, Heart 1, Mind 0, Spirit 1 you do not pursue vengeance, suffer 1-harm (ap).

Starting Factions (Add 1 to one of these) Blood Heart Mind Spirit In Our Blood: When you Trick someone, roll with Heart
Minor Houses 0, Commoners 1, Major Houses 1, Strangers -1 instead of Mind.

Intro Scales of Justice: You may cash in a Debt with someone to use
»» Who are you? Minor Major
Strangers a contact/ability from Sly tricks and Low
»» Why does your lord or lady trust you? Commoners houses Houses
associates (including powers not normally available to you)
»» What do you love most about your life?
»» Who is your closest confidante?
Advances on them at no cost.
Advances available at beginning of play: After 5 advances you may
»» What do you desperately need? +1 Blood (max +3) select:
Words Are Wind: When someone breaks a promise to you or
+1 Heart (max +3) +1 to any stat (max +3)
+1 any Faction (max +3) lies to you and you find out, they owe you a Debt and you
+1 Spirit (max +3)
Gear Erase a Scar take +1 forward against them.
+1 Mind (max +3)
»» A nice room near your lords chambers, your own carriage, A new “Loyal” Servant move Erase a Corruption Advance
a few servants A new “Loyal” Servant move Advance 3 basic moves
Advance 3 basic moves
Cowardly: When you abandon someone to escape a situation,
»» Something to remind you of where you came from A move from another archetype
A move from another archetype Retire to safety roll with Mind instead of Blood.
»» A symbol of your lord Change your Faction Change to a new archetype

Debts Notes and Gear:

»» Someone broke an important promise to you and swore
they would make it up to you. They owe you 2 Debts.
»» You are keeping something hidden for someone. They owe Harm Armor
you a Debt. Faint
»» You entrusted someone with a dangerous task. Ask them if Grievous
they succeeded or failed. If they succeeded, you owe them a Critical
Debt. If they failed, they owe you 2 Debts.

Shattered (-1 blood)
Disfigured (-1 heart)
Fractured (-1 mind)
Broken (-1 spirit)
Doing the work of The Faceless A member of the
Drama moves
the Faceless Men The Faceless Corruption Move
When you persuade or kill someone for the faceless men,
Stranger faction
The Faceless men sent you here for a reason. Choose two jobs So much training has led up to this moment. You have known no
mark corruption.
from the list below: Intimacy Move other life than that of the Faceless. Even though they have raised you
Collecting lives, tracking down former members, delivering When you share a moment of intimacy—physical or and fed you, your heart remains your own. You still possess some
threats and messages, guarding someone or something, emotional—with another person, they give you a Debt they humanity which separates you from those in your organization that
assassinating the Faceless men's enemies, brokering secret hold on someone else. has become cold and ruthless killers. Will you stay your own or will
contracts, hiding contraband, finding new recruits. End Move you accept the path your masters have lain out before you?
When you complete a job for your patron, mark Strangers. When you die, cash in all the Debts the faceless men owes
The Faceless men owes you a Debt for every job completed. you to come back. If you have none, the god of death is
You can cash in a Debt with the Faceless men in order to have coming for you, today.
»» Answer a question (honestly) about their Faction Corruption
»» Introduce you to a powerful member of their Faction
»» Give you a worthy and useful gift without cost
Take a Corruption move
Take a Corruption move Debts:
»» Erase a Debt they hold on someone Take a Corruption move ______________owe me for ____________________________
»» Give you a Debt they have on someone else Take a Corruption move from another archetype
»» Give you +3 to Persuade them (choose before rolling) Retire your character. They may return as a Threat ______________owe me for ____________________________
The Faceless men may offer you the chance to buy your
freedom, but Debts alone won’t be enough. ______________owe me for ____________________________
Corruption moves
Valar Morghulis: Mark corruption to Drop the Name of the ______________owe me for ____________________________
NOTE: Any debt you hold over your organization can be
cashed in with any other member of the organization. faceless men as if you rolled a 10+. You don’t have to have a
Debt on the organization to use it. ______________owe me for ____________________________

______________owe me for ____________________________

Just Below the Surface: Mark corruption to use your faceless
training without a roll and gain all the options listed. ______________owe me for ____________________________

Not to Be Denied: Mark corruption to make their result a

miss (after rolling) when someone Refuses to Honor a Debt
you’ve cashed in on them.

From Hell: Mark corruption to have the faceless men send a

group of assassins to work on your behalf for a scene (2-harm
small 2-armor, silent).
Character creation Faceless Moves
Name (pick one)
Name: You get this one:
Not today: When you steel yourself and use your Faceless
training roll with Blood. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7-9, choose
Look (pick as many as apply) 1. On a miss, choose 1 and you owe the Faceless Men a debt.
»» Ambiguous, Female, Male, Transgressing »» Gain armor+1
»» Dirty Clothing, Expensive Clothing, Formal Clothing, »» Heal 2-harm
Trendy Clothing Stats »» Inflict +1 harm
Demeanor (pick one) »» +pre-hidden weapon (3-harm hand or 2-harm close)
Focused, Detached, Paranoid, Volatile »» + Disguise as someone (take their face)
Starting Character Stats (Add 1 to one of these) If you’re working a job for the faceless men, choose 1 more. If
Blood 1, Heart 1, Mind -1, Spirit 0 you mark corruption, choose 1 more.
Starting Factions (Add 1 to one of these)
Minor Houses 0, Commoners 1, Major Houses -1, Strangers 1 Blood Heart Mind Spirit And choose one more:
Walls will not hold the winter: You may Cash in a Debt with
Intro someone to appear in their presence. Others may Cash in a
»» Who are you? Debt with you to have you appear as well.
»» How long have you been in the Kings Landing? Minor Major
Commoners houses Houses Strangers
»» Who would you die for? Don’t Look at Me: When you Mislead someone, roll with
»» What is your daily release?
»» What do you desperately need?
Advances Heart instead of Mind.
Advances available at beginning of play: After 5 advances you may
+1 Heart (max +3) Tendrils in the Dark: When you seek the guidance from the
+1 to any stat (max +3)
Gear +1 Spirit (max +3)
Faceless men through rituals and portents, roll with Spirit. On
+1 Mind (max +3) +1 any Faction (max +3)
»» A room in the servants quarters, Erase a Scar a hit, the signs and signals are laid out before you: take +1
A new Faceless move
»» 1 weapon of choice A new Faceless move Erase a Job from your forward if you follow the path. On a 7-9, you’re drawn
Sword (2-harm hand) A move from another archetype contract
Erase a Corruption Advance
further into the web; Keep Your Cool to make your own way.
Small Crossbow (2-harm close, reload, concealable) A move from another archetype
Change your Faction Advance 3 basic moves On a miss, the faceless men has a job for you right now and
Claymore (3-harm messy hand conspicuous) Advance 3 basic moves are watching you; assume your demon form and go to work
Baton (S-harm, concealable) Change to a new archetype
or suffer 2-harm (ap).

Debts Cold as Ice: Take +1 Blood (max +3)

»» You’re protecting someone from someone powerful. They Harm Armor
owe you 2 Debts. Faint Graceful: You get 1-armor.
»» Someone is trying to save you and keeps suffering for it. Grievous
You owe them 2 Debts.
»» The organization of the Faceless men who holds your
Notes and Gear:
leash. They have made you what you are. You owe them 3
Shattered (-1 blood)
Disfigured (-1 heart)
Fractured (-1 mind)
Broken (-1 spirit)
The Web of the The Broken A member of the
Drama moves
Broken The Broken’s Corruption Move
When you torture on an unwilling victim, mark corruption.
Major House faction
When someone comes to you to ask for a favor, look for You are truly blessed. You have beauty, strength and birthright.
advice/info, or threaten your interests, they enter your Web Intimacy Move Everyone around you assumes you will go far. Of course you will,
and owe you a Debt. When someone is in your Web, you gain When you share a moment of intimacy—physical or only idiots would stand in the way of someone so grand. You have the
the following when dealing with them: potential to accomplish great deeds or build a grand future for your
emotional—with another person, tell them a secret about
house. But something within you calls for destruction and pain and
yourself or owe them a Debt. Either way, they enter your Web
»» Get +1 ongoing to Lend a Hand or Get in the Way of their the voice never ceases. Only you can resist it but honestly, do you want
and owe you a Debt. to?
End Move
»» Add this question to Figure Someone Out: “What is your
When you die or retire your character, name someone in the
character’s true hunger?”
scene you want dead; your agents and allies relentlessly
At the start of a session, choose someone in your Web and pursue them.
learn a secret about them that they’d rather keep buried.

They leave your Web only when they no longer owe you a
Take a Corruption move
Take a Corruption move
______________owe me for ____________________________
Take a Corruption move
People in your web: Take a Corruption move from another archetype ______________owe me for ____________________________
Retire your character. They may return as a Threat
_________________________________________________________ ______________owe me for ____________________________
__________________________________________ Corruption moves ______________owe me for ____________________________
__________________________________________ True Hunter: Mark corruption when pursuing an NPC
romantically. Your prey surrenders to you completely quickly ______________owe me for ____________________________
and it counts as a 10+ roll on hypnotic.
__________________________________________ ______________owe me for ____________________________
__________________________________________ Don’t Trust Anyone: When someone double-crosses you, ______________owe me for ____________________________
mark corruption to reveal how you already planned for their
Notes and Gear: sudden but inevitable betrayal. You immediately gain the
upper hand in the situation.

Pull Them Back In: When you cash in your last Debt on
someone in your Web, mark corruption to keep the Debt and
keep them in your Web.

Shits gold: Choose 2 contacts/abilities from the Beholden’s

Sly tricks and Low associates. Mark corruption to use one of
Character creation Broken Moves
Name (pick one)
Name: You get this one:
Disgusting desires: You love to see people suffer. When you
make someone suffering by some form of torture roll with
Of house: Lannister, Greyjoy, Tully, Arryn, Tyrell, Baratheon, Blood. On a 10+, choose 3. On a 7-9, choose 2:
Martell »» You heal 1-harm
Look (pick as many as apply) »» You learn a secret about them
»» Ambiguous, Female, Male, Transgressing Stats »» You take +1 forward
»» Concealing Clothing, Everyday Clothing, Formal Clothing, »» They don’t die
Vintage Clothing On a miss, something goes terribly wrong.
Demeanor (pick one)
And choose two more:
Formal, Feral, Seductive, Volatile Irresistible: When you Persuade an NPC using promises or
Blood Heart Mind Spirit seduction, treat a 7-9 as a 10+ result. On a miss, your
Starting Character Stats (Add 1 to one of these) machinations succeed as though you rolled a 7-9, but attract
Blood 1, Heart 1, Mind 0, Spirit -1 the attention of a rival or enemy.

Starting Factions (Add 1 to one of these) Minor Major

Strangers Hypnotic: when you have time and solitude with someone,
Minor Houses 1, Commoners -1, Major Houses 1, Strangers 0 Commoners houses Houses
they become fixated upon you. Roll+ heart. On a 10+, hold 3.

Advances On a 7–9, hold 2. They can spend your hold, 1 for 1, by:
Advances available at beginning of play: After 5 advances you may »» Giving you something you want.
»» Who are you? +1 Blood (max +3) select:
»» Acting as your eyes and ears.
+1 to any stat (max +3)
»» How long have you been in the city? +1 Heart (max +3)
»» Fighting to protect you.
+1 Spirit (max +3) +1 any Faction (max +3)
»» How do you keep your cravings in check? Erase a Scar »» Doing something you tell them to.
+1 Mind (max +3)
»» Who broke you? A new Broken move Erase a Corruption Advance For NPCs, while you have hold over them they can’t act
»» What scheme are you invested in now? A new Broken move Erase a Corruption Advance
Advance 3 basic moves against you. For PCs, instead, any time you like you can
A move from another archetype
A move from another archetype Advance 3 basic moves spend your hold, 1 for 1:
Gear Change your Faction Change to a new archetype »» They distract themselves with the thought of you. They
»» A well decorated room in a great location of the keep, need to keep their cool.
several servants, a carriage »» They inspire themselves with the thought of you. They
»» 1 regular weapon of your choice take +1 right now.
On a miss, they hold 2 over you, on the exact same terms.
Debts Harm Armor
»» Someone makes sure you get to torture regularly. You owe Faint Cold-Blooded: When you Keep Your Cool under emotional
them 2 Debts. Grievous duress, roll with Blood instead of Spirit.
»» Someone relies on you to fulfil their desires. They owe you Keep Your Friends Close: When you Figure Someone Out by
a Debt indulging their vices, roll with Blood instead of Mind.

»» Someone bears responsibility for you becoming so broken. Scars Put Out the Word: When you cash in a Debt with someone in
They owe you a Debt. Shattered (-1 blood) your Web, add this option to the list:
Disfigured (-1 heart) »» Put out the word with their Faction that you want
Fractured (-1 mind) something. You get +3 forward to Get an audience with that
Broken (-1 spirit) Faction.
Confidante The Novice
You have a confidante (a lover, a close friend, a family
member) who has followed you to court against your better
Drama moves
The Novices Corruption Move
A member of the
Minor house faction
judgment. Even if you send them away you know they will When you strike a deal with someone dangerous and
return for you. You keep them around for solace and comfort powerful, mark corruption.
and as long as they are around you have access to the Intimacy Move
following move: When you share a moment of intimacy—physical or A new player to the Game of Thrones. Few have so far recognized
emotional—with someone more powerful than you, mark your skill but that is only an advantage you can use. You do have a
My Lion: When you go to you confidante for solace, comfort, corruption. clear weakness however and you brought it straight to the court. A
or protection, roll with Heart. On a hit, they tend to your End Move bold move only a novice in the game would make. Time will tell if it
wounds and hide you from your enemies; clear your harm When you die, each character chooses whether your death will be your bliss or your burden.
track. On a 10+, they have been keeping their eyes and ears inspires or corrupts a part of their being. If it inspires; they
open for you; they tell you about an opportunity you can use erase a Corruption Advance they have taken (if any). If it

against your enemies. On a miss, your condition worries corrupts; they immediately take a Corruption Advance.
them; they secretly contact someone they think can help you.
Corruption ______________owe me for ____________________________
Take a Corruption move
Take a Corruption move ______________owe me for ____________________________
Take a Corruption move
Confidante’s Name: Take a Corruption move from another archetype ______________owe me for ____________________________
Retire your character. They may return as a Threat
Look: ______________owe me for ____________________________

Corruption moves ______________owe me for ____________________________

In Too Deep: When someone who isn't from the Minor
Why do you love your confidante? ______________owe me for ____________________________
House faction tries to Lend You a Hand or Get In Your Way,
mark corruption to add or subtract 3 from their roll. ______________owe me for ____________________________
Why shouldn’t the confidante be at a royal court?
Eyes On The Door: When in danger from someone who isn't
Who has started to suspect your strong emotions for your confidante?
from the Minor House faction you can mark corruption to
Escape as if you rolled a 12+.

Independent: Mark corruption to Refuse to Honor a Debt

owed to a Major house or a Stranger as if you rolled a 10+.

If You Can’t Beat ‘Em: Take two moves from any non-Minor
House archetypes. Whenever you use these moves, mark
Character creation Novice Moves
Name (pick one)
Name: You get this one:
Snooping: When you keep an eye out for trouble, roll with
Of house: (Crakehall, Myre, Baelish, Frey, Florent, Selmy) Look:
Mind. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 1. While you’re there,
»» Ambiguous, Female, Male, Transgressing spend your hold to ask the
»» Formal clothing, Everyday Clothing, Inconspicuous MC questions, 1 for 1:
Clothing, Uniform Clothing »» What’s my best way in/out?
Stats »» Who or what here is not what they seem?
Demeanor (pick one) »» What happened here recently?
Aggressive, Charming, Paranoid, Serene »» What here is the greatest danger to me?
»» Who holds the power here?
Starting Character Stats (Add 1 to one of these) On a miss, you find yourself in over your head. The MC will
Blood -1, Heart 1, Mind 1, Spirit 0 tell you why this is a bad spot.
Blood Heart Mind Spirit
Starting Factions (Add 1 to one of these) And choose two more:
Minor Houses 1, Commoners 0, Major Houses 1, Strangers-1 Quick study: When you Put a Face to a Name with someone
politically important (your call), roll with Mind instead of
Intro Minor Major
Strangers Faction. On a hit, you know a dangerous secret about them or
»» Who are you? Commoners houses Houses
their political machinations.
»» How long have you been in the city?
»» How did you get involved in the plots of the court?
Advances On a 10+, you know how to leverage that information; take a
Advances available at beginning of play: After 5 advances you may Debt on them as well. On a miss, your snooping has already
»» Why is this place worth saving? +1 Blood (max +3) select:
landed you in danger with your target; they know you’ve
+1 to any stat (max +3)
»» What mystery or intrigue are you currently figuring out? +1 Heart (max +3)
been looking into their business.
+1 Spirit (max +3) +1 any Faction (max +3)
+1 Mind (max +3) Erase a Scar
Gear A new Beginner move Erase a Corruption Advance I Know Someone: When you Get an audience or Put a Face to
»» A small room in an unimportant location, a servant. A new Beginner move Erase a Corruption Advance
Advance 3 basic moves
a Name with someone from Minor Houses, roll with Mind
»» 1 Self-defense Weapon A move from another archetype
A move from another archetype Advance 3 basic moves instead of Faction.
A sword, (2-harm hand) Change your Faction Change to a new archetype
A hidden dagger (2-harm intimate, concealed) Call for aid: When you Cash In a Debt with an NPC, add this
option to the list:
Debts »» Back you up in a dangerous situation
»» Someone told you their secrets and you haven’t told
anyone about them yet. They owe you 2 Debts. Harm Armor Often underestimated: when you exploit someone's low
»» Someone thinks they’re protecting you, but it’s really more Faint opinion of you, roll with mind. On 7-9, take +1forward
like you’re protecting them. You owe each other a Debt. Grievous against them. On +10, take +1ongoing against them until they
»» You’re leveraging dirt you have on someone to get their Critical learn to respect you. On a miss, you underestimated them.
help with something. You owe them a Debt. For NPCs: they prove you wrong in a way that hurts. For
PCs: they gain +1ongoing against you on the same terms.
Shattered (-1 blood) Notes and Gear:
Disfigured (-1 heart)
Fractured (-1 mind)
Broken (-1 spirit)
Workspace The Old Wise A member of the
You have a Workspace that includes a large space for your
Drama moves
tools and/or supplies. When you go into your Workspace to
work on something, the MC tells you what it will take to
The Old Wise Corruption Move
When you intentionally give someone bad or downright
Commoner faction
complete. You’ve been here long. You’ve seen kings go and queens rise. You’ve
horrible advice, mark corruption.
given good advice and horrible advice. You’ve played the game for a
Choose and underline 3 features that your Workspace Intimacy Move
long time, patiently and skillfully but the time has come for you to take
includes: When you share a moment of intimacy—physical or
a more active role to make sure history does not repeat itself. Nobles
a regulated growing environment, two or three skilled emotional—with another person, tell them a story about the have not been able to rule peacefully for so long so maybe the country
assistants, a large cache of raw materials, deadly booby traps, past and the lessons you learned. Choose 1: needs a more Common touch?
a library of old books, a scattering of ancient relics, a mystical »» You both take +1 forward
focus, medical station, an operating room, carpenter’s bench »» You take +1 forward and they take -1 forward
and tools, painting supplies and easels, hand tools of all »» Hold 1. Spend the hold to Lend a Hand to that character
shapes and sizes, an alchemical laboratory.
Items created in your Workspace are safe from the MC. They
from any distance
End Move
can’t be destroyed or taken without your permission, even if When you die or retire your character, choose a character to ______________owe me for ____________________________
you sell or give them away to another character. inherit your Workspace and True Artist.
______________owe me for ____________________________
Take a Corruption move ______________owe me for ____________________________
Take a Corruption move
Take a Corruption move ______________owe me for ____________________________
Take a Corruption move from another archetype ______________owe me for ____________________________
Retire your character. They may return as a Threat
______________owe me for ____________________________
Corruption moves ______________owe me for ____________________________
Back At It: Take a standard move and a corruption move
from another archetype. Whenever you use those moves,
mark corruption.
Pack Rat: You may mark corruption to reach into your
sleeves or bag and find just the thing you need to deal with
your current situation
Precisely when he means to: Mark corruption to arrive in a
scene. Mark an additional corruption to bring someone with
Dark Experiments: When you “work over” someone (alive or
dead) in your Workspace, mark corruption and roll with
Mind. On a 10+, ask 3.
On a 7-9, ask 2:
»» What is your weakness?
»» What are you hiding?
»» What are you afraid of?
»» What are you, really?
»» What are you planning?
On a miss, ask 1, but someone from their Faction knows what
you did.
Character creation Old Wise Moves
Name (pick one)
Name: You start with these two:
Old Friends, Old Favors: When you first encounter an NPC,
Your nickname: Look:
you may declare them an old friend instead of Putting a Face
Look (pick as many as apply) to a Name and roll with Mind. On a hit, they offer you
»» Ambiguous, Female, Male, Transgressing comfort and aid, even if it exposes them to danger or
»» Dirty Clothing, Everyday Clothing, Formal Clothing, retribution. On a 7-9, tell the MC why you owe them a Debt.
Uniform Clothing Stats On a miss, tell the MC why they want you dead.
Demeanor (pick one)
Charming, Crass, Professional, Reserved And two more:
Starting Character Stats (Add 1 to one of these) Oftener right: when a character comes to you for advice, tell
Blood -1, Heart 1, Mind 1, Spirit 0 them what you think the best course is (You can lie to mark
Starting Factions (Add 1 to one of these) Blood Heart Mind Spirit corruption). You mark one unmarked faction of your choice
Minor Houses 1, Commoners 0, Major Houses 0, Strangers 0 and they gain +1 ongoing to see your advice through. When
they have followed your advice they will mark one unmarked
Intro faction of their choice.
Minor Major
»» Who are you? Strangers
Commoners houses Houses
»» How long have you been in the city? True Artist: When you create something for someone using
»» What was your greatest accomplishment in the city? Advances your Workspace, mark their Faction.
»» What was your lowest moment? Advances available at beginning of play: After 5 advances you may
+1 Heart (max +3) select:
»» What do you desperately need? +1 to any stat (max +3) Invested: When someone owes you 2 or more Debts and you
+1 Spirit (max +3)
Gear +1 Mind (max +3) +1 any Faction (max +3)
Lend Them a Hand or Get In Their Way, roll with Mind
Erase a Scar
»» A decent room in an important part of the keep, a few A new Old Wise move
instead of Faction.
A new Old Wise move Erase a Corruption Advance
servants Add 2 more features to your workspace Erase a Corruption Advance
»» A symbol of your position A move from another archetype Advance 3 basic moves
Advance 3 basic moves Too Old for This Squabbling: When you get caught up in a
A move from another archetype
Change your Faction Retire your character fight you tried to prevent, you get armor+1 and take +1
Debts Change to a new archetype ongoing to seeing yourself and others to safety.
»» Someone relies on you for training or knowledge.
They owe you 2 Debts. The Best Laid Plans: When you work out a plan with
»» You’re working on something big for someone, and it’s
nearly ready. They owe you a Debt. Harm Armor someone, roll with
Mind. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 2. You can spend your
»» Someone has helped you a lot lately. You owe them 2 Faint
hold 1-for- 1, regardless of distance, while the plan is being
Debts. Grievous
carried out to:
»» Add +1 to someone’s roll (choose after rolling)
»» Dismiss all harm someone suffers from a single attack
»» Ensure your people have the exact gear they need on
Scars hand
Shattered (-1 blood) On a miss, hold 1, but your plan falls apart at the worst
Disfigured (-1 heart) possible moment.
Fractured (-1 mind)
Broken (-1 spirit)

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