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6.1 Conclusion

Age was not significant as similar percentages were both for and against the practice. Marital

status seemed to have played a role as 88% of the respondents were married probably the

husbands had some influence on their wives utilization family planning.However,74% of the

respondents are aware of family planning. Educational level played a big role in utilization of

family planning.

Most of the respondents had attained primary education and very few secondary and college

levels of education. This affected their employment status such that most of them were just

housewives and their socio economic status was also affected. These findings had an impact on

utilization of natural family planning. When it came to knowledge and utilization, most of the

respondents had no knowledge of family planning and were not sensitized about it.

Almost all the respondents said their religion preferred FP to other family planning

methods. The study also revealed that even the respondents from other religious denomination

were in favour of FP and that they would recommend it to other people.

6.2 Recommendations

1. The Ministry of Health in collaboration with government through partnership should plan

for the training of natural family planning teachers as they are the ones who can teach

people on family planning in their communities. This will also improve on utilization as

some clients cited that they had never heard of family planning.
2. Ministry of Health should develop a program targeting tutors as many midwifery tutors

are ill equipped to provide accurate and effective teaching /information on midwifery

issues including family planning. This should include developing training materials on

these issues aimed at preparing student lecturers /tutors to be effective incoming tutors.

3. There is need for the Ministry of health and the county government to ensure that there is

continuous community sensitization on family planning utilization throughout the year

using different channels of communication, so that the messages reach the intended target

groups in the community especially women.

4. A program to sensitize communities on knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, practices and about

women rights on family planning should be put in place. Such programs should involve

combined effort from local counselors, the chiefs and their village heads to ensure a

strong advocacy and social support.

5. The Ministry of education should ensure that girls that drop out of school

due to pregnancy are followed up so that they return to school. This will improve their

education, social status and level of understanding and analysis of situations including

utilization of FP

 There is need for Ministry of Education to incorporate fertility awareness in the

curriculum at secondary school level so that children are aware of the family planning

methods available.

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