2019 Past Papers of Neduet

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1. Most educators today considers(A) computer literacy being(B) a necessary(C) addition to

the basic(D) scholarship requirements No error (E) .

2. Much alike(A) the elephant, the(B) mastodon was(C) a forest-dwelling(D) animal .No error

3. The policeman recognized(A) the suspect(B) only after(C) he took off (D)his sunglasses .No

4. The colour(A) of his(B) eyes are(C) brown(D). No error(E)

5. Electric streetlights have been (A) first used in 1870 and(B) soon replaced (C) gas burning
(D)lamps. No error(E)


6. A judgment made before all the facts are known must be called________.
a) harsh
b) deliberate
c) sensible
d) premature

7. Although it seems to have been a fixture of the square since the city's origin, the produce
market actually opened only ______.
a) Enthusiastically
b) Illegally
c) Recently
d) Graciously

8. Although there is not a great deal we can do to prevent storage of information about
ourselves in computer data banks, we are not entirely_______.
a) Indispensable
e) Neglectful
c) Anonymous
d) Helpless

9. Amelia Earhart, recognized as a pioneer in aviation,______________

praise for her successful solo flights as well as her efforts to open the male-dominated field to
other women.
a) Embodied
b) Garnered
c) Hoarded
d) Compiled

10. I told you______ it.
a) To touching
b) For not touching
c) Not to touch
D. Not touching


11. An overall score of ten is very unusual in Olympic judging.

a) Comprehensive
b) Average
c) Maximum
d) Exceptional

12. Howard Hughes was one of this century's most eccentric personages.
a) Wealthiest
b) Strangest
c) Most interesting
d) Unhappiest

13. Suburban schools are usually more affluent than inner city schools.
b) Richer
c) More distant
d) Smarter

14. The students usually sell apple juice in the fall in order to earn money for their activities.
a) Punch
b) Ale
c) Cider
d) Soda

15. Since I have been ill, my appetite has diminished.

a) Desire for sleep
b) Desire for food
c) Desire for rest
d) Desire for

Complete the sentences in line with the rules of English grammar.

16. While attempting to reach his home before the storm,___________.

a) The bicycle of John broke down

b) It happened that Joho's bike broke down

c) The storm caught John
d) John had an accident on his bicycle

17._________ was the day before yesterday.

a) The France's Independence Day

b) The day of French independence
c) French’s Independence Day
d) France’s Independence Day

18. Lee contributed fifty dollars, but he wishes he could contribute ....."

a) One other fifty dollars

b) The same amount also
c) Another fifty
d) More fifty dollars

19. Neither Jane nor her brothers ____ a consent form for tomorrow’s field trip.

a) Need
b) Needs
c) Is needing
d) Has need

20. The rabbit scurried away in fight

a) When it heard the movement in the bushes

b) The movement among the bushed having been heard
c) After it was hearing moving inside of the bushes
d) When he has heard that something moved in the bushes.

Read the following passage to answer the questions.

Foot racing is a popular activity in the United States. It is seen not only as a competitive sport but
also as à Way to exercise, to enjoy the camaraderie of like-minded people, and to donate money
to a good cause. Though serious runners may spend months training to compete, other runners
and walkers might not train at all. Those not competing to win might run in an effort to beat their
own time or simply to enjoy the fan and exercise. People of all ages, from those of less than one
year (who may be pushed in strollers) to those in their eighties, enter into this sport. The races
are held on city streets, on college campuses, through parks, and in suburban areas, and they
are commonly 5 to 10 kilometers in length.
The largest footrace in the world is the 12-kilometer Bay to Breakers race that is held in San
Francisco every spring. This race begins on the east side of the city near San Francisco Bay and
ends on the west side at the Pacific Ocean. There may. be 80,000 or more people running in this
race through the streets and hills of San Francisco. In the front are the serious runners who
compete to win and who might finish in as little as 34 minutes. Behind them are the thousands
who take several hours to finish. In the back . of the- race are those who dress in costumes and
come just for fun. One year there was a group of men who . dressed like Elvis Presley, and

another group consisted of firefighters who were tied together in a long line and who were
carrying a firehose. There was even a bridal party, in which the bride was dressed in a long white
gown and the groom wore a tuxedo. The bride and groom threw flowers to bystanders, and they
were actually married at some point along the route.

21. The main purpose of this passage is to

a) Encourage people to exercise

b) Describe a popular activity
c) Make fun of runners in costume
d) Give reasons for the popularity of footraces

22. Which of the following is NOT implied by the author?

a) Footraces appeal to a variety of people.

b) Walkers can compete for prizes.
c) Entering a race is a way to give support to an organization.
d) Running is a good way to strengthen the heart.

23. As used in line 7, the word "strollers" refers to

a) cribs
b) wheelchairs
c) wagons
d) carriages

24. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in this passage?

a) Some runners looked like Elvis Presley.

b) Some runners were ready to put out a fire.
c) Some runners were participating in a wedding.
d) Some runners were serious about winning.

25. Which of the following best describes the organization of this passage?

a) chronological order
b) specific to general
c) cause and result
d) statement and example

1- If a force exerted on a container such that volume is reduced to half than the temperature of
container will:
a) Be halved
b) Increase
c) Decrease
d) Depend upon the force

2- A particle of mass 0.5 gram moving along x axis is located at x1=15 m at T1=5 sec and at
x2=33m at T2=13 sec its velocity is:
a) 2.4 m/s
b) 6 m/s
c) 4.45 m/s
d) 2.25 m/s

3- In Elastic Collision:
a) Only kinetic energy is conserved
b) Only momentum is conserved
c) Both kinetic and momentum is conserved
d) Neither kinetic nor momentum is conserved

4- In simple harmonic motion, velocity is maximum at:

a) Mean position
b) Extreme position
c) Both a and b
d) None of these

5- A body of mass 3kg kept to a table of height 2m it is displaced 2m , Its P.E will be:
a) 19.6 J
b) 9.8 J
c) Zero J
d) none

6- If a vector is divided by its magnitude then the value obtained is:

a) Unit vector
b) Null vector
c) Free vector
d) Negative vector

7- A force of 10n is acting at an angle at 30o from +ve x axis, then its y-complement is:
a) 8.66 N
b) 86.66N
c) 0.5N
d) 5N

8- Lenz law is accordance with the conservation of:

a) Momentum

b) Charge
c) Energy
d) None

9- The dimension of work is same as that of:

a) Torque
b) Momentum
c) Power
d) Force

10- An object travelling in parabolic path has constant :

a) Terminal velocity
b) Curvilinear velocity
c) Horizontal velocity
d) Vertical velocity

11- If velocity of body is doubled then kinetic energy and momentum will become:
a) 2 times and 4 times
b) 4 times and 2 times
c) 4 times and 8 times
d) None of these

12- How can three capacitors of capacitance 2micro farad be arranged to get equivalent to
resistance of 6 micro farad:
a) Two in parallel and one in series
b) Two in series and one in parallel
c) All in parallel
d) All in series

13- Maximum height of projectile is given by:

a) H=vo2sin2Q/2g
b) H=vo2sin2Q/g
c) H=2vosinQ/g
d) None of these

14- The value of ‘g’ at the centre of the earth is:

a) 9.8m/s2
b) 4.9m/s2
c) Zero
d) None

15- The wave speed of transverse wave in the term of wavelength ‘λ’ and period ‘T’ is:
a) V=λ T
b) V=λ T2
c) V=λ /T
d) V=λ 2T

16- The phenomenon of interference, diffraction and polarization can be explained on the basis
a) Quantum theory of light
b) Wave + quantum
c) Wave theory of light
d) None of these

17- Entropy has been called degree of disorder of a system, because:

a) The entropy of the universe remains constant
b) The entropy of the universe always decreases
c) The entropy of the universe always increases
d) All of the above

18- In which thermodynamic process, there is no work done:

a) Isothermal process
b) Isobaric process
c) Adiabatic process
d) Isochoric process

19- The temperature of a substance changes from -20oC to 20oC what would be the change on
Kelvin scale?
a) 40 K
b) 293 K
c) 0 K
d) 20 K

20- Coulomb’s law resembles with:

a) Newton’s law of gravitation
b) Newton’s first law of motion
c) Newton’s second law of motion
d) Law of energy

21- If the tension in the string is made four times of velocity of the transverse wave along it
a) Half
b) Double
c) Three times
d) Remains same angle

22- For the following circuits calculate the potential between points A&B:
a) 3.0V
b) 3.6V
c) 4.0V
d) 5.0V

23- The device used to convert AC to DC is called:

a) Galvanometer

b) Rectifier
c) Generator
d) Motor

24- The acceleration of the object is considered zero is:

a) Inertial
b) Non-Inertial
c) Both
d) None

25- The S.I unit of magnetic field strength is:

a) Webers
b) Tesla
c) Webers/meters
d) Tesla/meters

1. has partial fractions.


c) +


2.√ - ex=2 then dy/dx=?

a) 2√ ex
b) √ ex
c) 2√ e-x
d) - ex

3. A train moves with 30 km/hr on a circular path of radius of 500 m, How much angle will turn
in 10 seconds?

a) 1/3 radians.
b) 1/6 radians
c) 1/4 radians
d) 4/3 radians

4. x-2-10= product of roots is?

a) -3/10.
b) -1/10.
c) 10/3
d) -3

5. y = ecosx then dy/dx=?

a) –sinx cosx ecosx.

b) –cosx ecosx.
c) ecosx
d) -sinx ecosx

6. ∫

a) 1/4
b) 1/2
c) π /4
d) π/2

7. y = ln (x2+x) then dy/dx

d) None

8. (1 + cos2x)(1 + cot2x) =

a) Sin2x.
b) Tan2x.
c) Cot2x
d) None of these

9. According to this relativity a body moves x = et and if t=0 then velocity is

a) 0.
b) 1
c) 4
d) Infinity

10. ∫

b) +c

11. A= [ ] and A² = [ ] then values of a and b are:


12. =?

a) 0
b) 1.
c) Infinity.
d) Doesn’t exist.

13. is GM between a and b then x=

a) 0.
b) 1.
c) 1/2
d) -1/2


a) 0.
b) 1.
c) -1.
d) -infinity

15. 9x2-16y2=144 equations of asymptote are

a) 1/4 x.
b) 4/3x.
c) 3/4x.
d) x

16. Eccentricity of ellipse 4x2 + y2 - 8x + 4y -8 = 0

a) 1/2.
b) √3/4.
c) √3/2.
d) √3/5

17. Equation of tangent at (3,1) X2 + y2 - 4x +10y - 8 = 0 then

a) X+y+9=0
b) 3x + y + 10 = 0.
c) X + 6y – 9 = 0
d) 3x + 4y + 1 = 0

18. =

a) n.
b) 1.
c) 0.
d) nan-1

19. Which term of sequence 8-1,4-1,2-1….is 32

a) 9.
b) 8.
c) 11.

d) D.14

20. = , what are x and y?

a) X = 7/12 and y = -1/6

b) X = 3/2 and y = 1/2
c) X = 1/4 and y = 1
d) X = 13/5 and y = -1/4

21. Second derivative of e2x+1 at x=1

a) e3.
b) 4e3.
c) 2e3
d) 5e3

22. If dy/dx = x/y then solve differential equation

a) xy + x² = 0.
b) x² - y² = 0.
c) y²= x² + c.
d) y² + x² = c.

23. Multiplicative inverse of (√3,√2) is:

a) (1/3 , 1/√2).
b) (1/3, 1/2).
c) (-√3,-√2)
d) (√3/5, -√2/5)

24. The length of latus rectum of parabola is y² + 12x = 0 is.

a) 12
b) -12
c) 3
d) -2

25. The center of circle 2x² + 2y² - 4x + 8y + 7 = 0 is:

a) (4,-8)
b) (-4,8)
c) (-1,2)
d) (1,-2)

1. The preservative of biological specimen is

a) acetone
b) benzene
c) Formalin
d) Phenol

2. 16 g of O2 contains _____ molecules

a) 3.01x1023
b) 3.01x1024
c) 6.02x1023
d) 6.02x1024

3.The mixture of aluminum powder and aluminum nitrate is

a) Duralumin
b) Alum
c) Gibbsite
d) Ammonal

4. Bayer's Method is used for the Purification of

a) Bauxite
b) Chalcocite
c) Alum
d) Gibbsite

5. Ostwald's method is used in the preparation of

a) HCI
b) HNO3
c) H2 SO4
d) NaNO3

6. Elements of Group IB are called

a) Coinage metals
b) Alkali metals
c) Transition metals
d) Rare Earth metals

7. Caproic acid is

a) CH3-(CH2)3-COOH
b) CH3-(CH2)6-COOH

c) CH3-(CH2)5-COOH
d) CH3-(CH2)4-COOH

8. Ethylene reacts with Sulphur monochloride to give

a) Tear gas
b) Mustard gas
c) Laughing Gas
d) Marsh gas

9.Grahams law of diffusion refers to

a) Gases Diffusion
b) Gases Compression
c) Gases expansion
d) Gases Pressure

10. H2 S is a good

a) Oxidizing agent
b) Reducing agent
c) Dehydrating agent
d) none of these

11. IB, IIB through VIIIB group elements are

a) Actinides
b) Lanthanides
c) Transition elements
d) Noble Gas

12. Atomic mass is

a) no of electrons
b) no of electrons + no of protons
c) no of protons + no of neutrons
d) no of electrons + no of protons

13. Glycogen is

a) Monosaccharide
b) Oligosaccharide
c) Disaccharide
d) Polysaccharide

14. All noble gases fulfil octet rule except

a) He
b) Ne

c) Xe
d) kr

15. Force applied on a container and its volume decreases than its temperature will

a) Increase
b) Decrease
c) Remains same
d) None of these

16. Citrus Fruit is a Source of Vitamin

a) A
b) C
c) D
d) E

17. Functional group in oils and fats is

a) Ether
b) Alchohal
c) Aldehyde
d) Ester

18. Which statements is wrong for the chlorination of methane

a) It is Photochemical reaction
b) It is an addition reaction
c) It is a substitution reaction
d) It is a free radical reaction

19. C + 2S CS2 AH=+117 kJ/mole.

Which type of reaction is this?

a) Exothermic
b) Endothermic
c) Neither Endothermic nor exothermic
d) All of these

20. Minimum hydration energy is of

a) Rb+
b) K+
c) Cs+
d) Li+

21. Kipp's Apparatus is used in the preparation of

a) Cl2
b) SO2
c) HCI
d) H2S

22. Pure chemical compounds always contain same elements combined in same ratio of weight

a) Law of mass action

b) Law of Definite Proportion
c) Law of indefinite proportion
d) Law of Equilibrium

23. The power of an atom to attract a shared pair of electron is called

a) lonization potential
b) Electron Affinity
c) Electronegativity
d) Electro positivity

24. If hydrogen of benzene is replaced by electropositive ion, then the reaction is called

a) Electrophilic addition
b) Electrophilic substitution
c) Nuclcophilic addition
d) Nucleophilic substitution

25. Brine is an aqueous solution of

a) Na2CO3
b) NaOH
c) NaCl
d) NaHCO3


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