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GDS BMC Agency – assessment for Editorial

Duration: 3 hours

Activity1: Identify spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, inconsistent use of US and UK spellings,
incorrect or inconsistent punctuation, and inconsistent formatting in the text below. Highlight incorrect text
with a reference number and add your comments as footnotes in the space provided on page 2.

Big data and general insurance

Insurers are gradually becoming more technology savvy1 and big data is increasingly seen as essential for gaining important market and
customer insights. The spectrum of take-up across the industry, however, are2 varied across lines of businesses. Within personal lines, notably3
private motor, big data and analytics are well embedded 4; by contrast, specialty insurance is at a nasent5 stage in the use of data and associated

Regardless of the line of business, more needs to done to demonstrate the true value of big data for insurers. Many currently6 see it as a solution
to problmes7, rather than as instrumental to the development of new insurance products that better align to customers’ ever changing8 needs.

For example, with the emergence of telematics, the common approach has been to use big-data9 to solve the motor insurance problem of
improving profitability by risk selection and pricing. However10, the real chalenge11 is for insurers to use the data across the whole business,
including in the development-of-new-products12, with a view to competing on product, price and service rather than just price13

Steps for success in analytics14

Data used correctly allows businesses to blend analytics and experience to help improve business processes and to15 develop new or existing
bussiness16 opportunities. The critically17 point is to blend analytics and experience.

It is typical for organizations18 with a hierarchal19 structures20 to initiate a big data and analytics project by initially employing data experts to
capture, assess21 and structure data into a pre-defined, usable format, working alongside IT experts to set up the technology platforms needed to
host, manipulate22 and analyze23 the data. Following this, the statiscians24 can explore the data to find interesting trends and correlations within
the data25. However, to drive efficient results, it is critical to set the goal first.

Business-driven analytics

Different board members tend to have different objectives. These goals may be simple, clear26 and possibly27 measurable (although rarely
directly measurable); however, they are not always directly applicable to an analytics project. For e.g.28, the drivers leading to improved profits
could improved29 risk selection, optimization30 of pricing and product strategies, cost reductions or better claim management, all of which will
have their own problems and a collection of different analytical paths to explore.

There are several key considerations when thinking thorough31 an analytical project:

1. Organisational goals,32
2. Operationalization33 of analytical solutions,34
3. Likelihood of success,35
4. Complexity of analysis;36
5. Availability of data.37
All of these areas requires38 input from different areas of the buisness39.

BMC Agency 1
Like most business problems, analytics should from40 part of an iterative journey, which will be a collaborative approach between the analysts
and business owners. The business steakholders41 will needed42 to set the agenda and goals while the analysts should translate the business goal
into the analytical approach needed to solve these problems.


1. ‘technology savvy’ needss to be hyphenated, followed by a comma

2. Change ‘are’ to ‘is’ – the subject ‘spectrum’ is singular

3. Move ‘notably’ to after ‘are’, as in: “are notably well embedded’

4. The sentence can be edited as “Private motor, big data, and analytics are notably well embedded within personal lines;

The complete sentence can also be edited to: “While private motor, big data, and analytics are notably well embedded within personal
lines, specialty insurance is still at a nascent stage in the use of data and associated analytics.

5. Typo – correct ‘nasent’ to ‘nascent’

6. Edit to ‘Currently, many”

7. Typo – correct ‘problmes’ to ‘problems’

8. Hyphenate ‘ever-changing’

9. Big data is seen as a noun in this sentence, so remove the hyphen

10. Un- italicize ‘However’ – it is inconsistent with the rest of the sentence format

11. Typo – correct ‘chalenge’ to ‘challenge’

12. Remove hyphenation from the phrase ‘development of new products’

13. Add a period after ‘price’

14. Un-italicize the para title – it is inconsistent with rest of the page format

15. Remove ‘to’

16. Typo – correct ‘bussiness’ to ‘business’

17. Typo – correct ‘critically’ to ‘critical’

18. ‘Organizations’ spelt in US style – chance to ‘organisations’ for consistency

19. Typo – correct ‘hierarchal’ to ‘hierarchical’

20. Remove last ‘s’ in ‘structures’

21. Add an Oxford comma

22. Add an Oxford comma

23. ‘analyze’ spelt in US style – change to ‘analyse’ for consistency

BMC Agency 2
24. Typo – correct ‘statiscians’ to ‘statisticians’

25. Replace ‘the data’ with ‘it’

26. Delete ‘possibly’ – it adds zero value to the phrase

27. Add oxford comma

28. Replace with the full form of the word : ‘example’

29. Replace ‘improved’ with ‘be better’

30. ‘optimization’ spelt in US style – change to ‘optimisation’ for consistency

31. Typo – change ‘thorough’ to ‘through’

32. Remove unnecessary punctuation – not required in a bulleted list

33. ‘Operationalization’ is spelt in US style - change to ‘operationalisation’ for consistency

34. Remove unnecessary punctuation – not required in a bulleted list

35. Remove unnecessary punctuation – not required in a bulleted list

36. Remove unnecessary punctuation – not required in a bulleted list

37. Remove unnecessary punctuation – not required in a bulleted list

38. Change ‘requires’ to ‘require’

39. Typo – correct ‘buisness’ to ‘business’

40. Change ‘from’ to ‘form’

41. Typo – correct ‘steakholders’ to ‘stakeholders’

42. Typo – correct ‘needed’ to ‘need’

BMC Agency 3
Activity 2: Underline the errors in the following sentences and write down the correct sentences in the
spaces given.

1 The crowd, which gathered outside the actor’s hotel on Friday, were surprisingly well-behaved.
The crowd, which gathered outside the actor’s hotel on Friday, was surprisingly well-behaved.

2 People who board at their own risk are also required to take responsibility for his or her belongings.
People who board at their own risk are also required to take responsibility for their belongings.

3 Him and his family like to stay at their vacation house whenever they visit Hawaii.
He and his family like to stay at their vacation house whenever they visit Hawaii.

4 When my cook is away, I have no alternate but to order food.

When my cook is away, I have no alternative but to order food.

5 There is always an atmosphere of healthy competition between Tom and I when we play tennis.
There is always an atmosphere of healthy competition between Tom and me when we play tennis.

6 When one begins to cycle, it’s is important to work on your balance and learn to pedal without hesitation.
When one begins to cycle, it is important to work on one’s balance and learn to pedal without hesitation.

7 I like to visit historic places like Taj Mahal.

I like to visit historic places like the Taj Mahal.

8 Sarah told Emma that she might be suffering from diverticulitis and that consulting a doctor is a must.
Sarah told Emma that she might be suffering from diverticulitis and that Sarah must consult a doctor.

9 Nobody – not even Trevor – were excited about the game.

Nobody – not even Trevor – was excited about the game.

10 It has been a hectic day. Let me lay down for a nap.

It has been a hectic day. Let me lie down for a nap.

11 If I was a queen, I’d never have to work.

If I were a queen, I’d never have to work

BMC Agency 4
12 Ellen never liked jogging, lifting weights or to go to a gym.
Ellen never liked jogging, lifting weights or going to a gym.

13 The TV program shows how quick the rocket takes off.

The TV program shows how quickly the rocket takes off.

14 Of the two cars I drive, I liked the Mercedes best.

Of the two cars I drive, I like the Mercedes best.

15 While most crew members are mild-mannered, the director is often accused to be too harsh with the artistes.
While most crew members are mild-mannered, the director is often accused of being too harsh with the artistes.

16 John’s friends always believed their not good at basketball.

John’s friends always believed they’re not good at basketball.

17 Neeta complemented me on my dancing skills.

Neeta complimented me on my dancing skills.

18 Randy said he has not talked to neither Tim or Susan for months.
Randy said he has not talked to Tim or Susan for months.

19 Natalie couldn’t barely understand the instructions.

Natalie could barely understand the instructions.

20 We split the profit between the three of us.

We split the profit among the three of us.

21 The zoo comprises of mammals, birds and reptiles.

The zoo comprises mammals, birds and reptiles.

22 Revenues for 2004 were US$14.5b, compared to US$13.1b in 2003.

Revenue for 2004 was US$14.5b, as compared to US$13.1b in 2003.

BMC Agency 5
23 I ensure you that you will get a new sports kit for your next tournament.
I assure you that you will get a new sports kit for your next tournament


Activity 3: Create a write-up for an internal newsletter (max. 300 words) based on the information below. Also create a
short post (max. 50 words) about the win to be shared in the company’s internal social media platform.

Please note:
 Target audience: 7,000 EY employees in the Central and Southeast Europe (CSE) Region.
 For the purposes of this test, Molslavia is a CSE country and is in the EU.
 Names and numbers have been changed to maintain confidentiality. Nevertheless, information in this document should
be used only for the purposes of this test, and must not be shared with people outside EY.
 EMEIA stands for the “Europe Middle East India and Africa” Area.
 The article should not be in the form of questions and answers.
 Use US spelling.



Yesterday it was announced that our proposal for Molslavia Statistics for working out a methodology for a registry-based population census was declared
successful. We would like to share this win in the CSE news early next week. I have had the engagement leader answer the questions below. Please use this as
input for the article.


1. This is a Government & Public Sector client, right?

Yes, the client is Statistics Molslavia, a government agency under the Ministry of Finance

2. How did we win this client? What was the key to our success? (good relationships, already a client, won tender, etc?)
We cooperated with population census experts and other specialists and combined a multidisciplanry team adding our advisory competencies — project
management, analytical resources etc. We also have earlier experience and good relationship with the client.

3. Please share a few words about the cross-border or cross-service line teaming.
The team is local, from EY’s Advisory service line. Most of the team members will be from the Performance Improvement team. Our IT subject matter resources
will support in analyzing governmental registries.

4. Was there anything about our approach that might prove useful to other teams in bid situations?
We encourage roping in the best subject matter resources available and teaming up with them. While EY has good project management and coordination
capabilities, we will never be experts in all areas.

5. Why is this win important for CSE/EMEIA?

During the project, we would gain an understanding of the most of governmental registries that will be analysed during the project and this leads to further
opportunities. The registry-based population census will be more popular everywhere and, hopefully, we can reuse our experience in other of CSE countries.

6. What will our work involve?

EY will be the coordinator of the project and provide analysts for analysing most of the governmental registries. The project objective is to work out the
methodology for registry-based population census. A lot of theoretical work — working out demography-specific methods will be carried out by our external
partners (Molslavia Institute of Demographics, lawer and some more foreign experts). EY will participate in analyzing governmental registries to find out
whether the data could be used for the population census.

7. What are the expected fees for this project?

The total fee is EUR400,000. Our proportion is approximately EUR220,000. It will be financed from EU funds.


BMC Agency 6

Subject line: Everyone, please stand up

EY CSE does it again!

After weeks of putting their heads together, they just won a bid for Statistics Molslavia, a government agency under the Ministry
of Finance in the EU.

The win:

In close collaboration with population census experts, the EY team proposed a working methodology for a registry-based
population census for the client.

What this means for EY CSE:

This win – and the subsequent implementation of the methodology – could translate to it becoming the preferred census method
across CSE countries.

Spearheading the project is our very own team of expert analysts. They will spend many weeks deep-diving into governmental
registeries to analyze whether the data is useful for a population census.

Key takeaway from this bidding experience:

While EY has phenomenal project management and coordination capabilities, we might lack in other areas. So, never hesitate to
team up with an external partner. But make sure you’re partnering with the best of the best.

And now, congratulations are in order:

From all of us at EY, many congratulations to the winning team. Here’s wishing you the very best in reframing the future of
2021 and beyond.


Subject line: EY CSE wins bid for Statistics Molslavia census project

To succeed, one needs innovative insight, business perspective, and change expertise. This not only drives growth and saves
costs, but also invests in tomorrow. And that’s exactly what EY’s Advisory Service Line team has done for Statistics Molslavia -
a government agency under the Ministry of Finance in the EU.

In close collaboration with population census experts, the EY team proposed a working methodology for a registry-based
population census for the client. And a little while ago, we found out that it was a huge success!

What this means for EY CSE:

This win – and the subsequent implementation of the methodology – could translate to it becoming the preferred census method
across CSE countries.

Spearheading the project is our very own team of expert analysts. They will spend many weeks deep-diving into governmental
registeries to analyze whether the data is useful for a population census.

Key takeaway from this bidding experience:

While EY has phenomenal project management and coordination capabilities, we might lack in other areas. So, never hesitate to
team up with an external partner. But make sure you’re partnering with the best of the best.

BMC Agency 7
From all of us at EY, many congratulations to the winning team. Here’s wishing you the very best in reframing the future of
2021 and beyond.

Activity 4: Create a quick reference, step-by-step user guide for first-time ATM users. The guide should help the user understand
clearly how to withdraw cash and check account balances from an ATM. This will be printed as a one-pager and shared with the
user. Limit the guide to 500 words.

Note to design team: Need to design this as an infographic in a flowchart format


This user guide will get you working it like a pro. Just follow these simple steps:

If you catch a lurker, or a If all is well, proceed to the

Put on your detective cap; roving eye, just walk away next step
look out for anything Insert or swipe the ATM card
in the card reader

Select your preferred Select your preferred option:

Enter the secret 4 digit ATM In case of withdrawal, select
language withdrawal, balance enquiry,
pin the account type: current or
deposit, etc

Collect the cash and Need a printed reciept for

Type in the amount you wish immediately put it into your your trasaction? Click Yes,
wallet/ purse Need to check account or No
to withdraw and press Enter
balance? Select "Check
Balance" from the menu

Before you leave, make sure Card and cash in your

your ATM transaction is wallet?
If yes, you are now safe to
complete. Click Cancel to go step out of the ATM.
back to the Home screen. Have a lovely day!

1.Never, ever share your ATM pin code with anyone, not even the bank. It’s your secret to keep.
2. Change your ATM pins frequently to prevent misuse.

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