Training Manual Visual Project Editor

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Visual Project Editor

Training Manual
Visual Project Editor
Version: R8.5

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This document is a copyright of Epiance Software Pvt. Ltd. and all rights are reserved. It is submitted under strict commercial
confidentiality. No part of this document may be reproduced or disclosed in any form, conventional or electronic, for any
Table of Contents
About the Course ...............................................................................................................................1

Introduction to Visual Project Editor ...................................................................................................2

1 Unit 1 Lesson 1...........................................................................................................................3

1.1 Structure of an automation process ................................................................................................ 4

1.2 What are the epiplex500 modules involved in process automation? ............................................. 6

1.3 Getting familiar with the UI of VPE .................................................................................................. 8

2 Unit 1 Lesson 2.........................................................................................................................15

2.1 Creating, opening, and closing projects ......................................................................................... 16

2.2 Inserting various objects ................................................................................................................ 18

2.3 Fine tuning your workflow ............................................................................................................. 50

2.4 Using Genie Player ......................................................................................................................... 86

3 Unit 1 Lesson 3.........................................................................................................................87

3.1 Adding and cropping Images ......................................................................................................... 88

3.2 Inserting Scripts ........................................................................................................................... 112

3.3 Customizing Scripts ...................................................................................................................... 115

3.4 Adding Triggers ............................................................................................................................ 155

4 Unit 2 .................................................................................................................................... 160

4.1 Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 161

4.2 Assessment .................................................................................................................................. 162

4.3 Exercise ........................................................................................................................................ 164

Epiplex500® 8.5 Training Manual – Visual Process Editor

About the Course

The course is designed to guide you through the steps of process automation. You can develop a setup
to automate a process, recorded as a capture file and customize it by adding scripts according to your


You need to have knowledge of the process capture and its implementation.


This course is designed for users such as developers, consultants, analysts who are keen to automate a
business process.

Course Structure

The course is divided into the following sections:

• Unit1 Comprises the lessons on how to create an automation project, how to insert various
objects, how to customize an automation project by editing scripts and inserting triggers etc. and
much more.

• Unit2 Comprises the summary of the course and assessments to assist you in improving your
knowledge about the using Visual Project Editor to create an automation project.

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Introduction to Visual Project Editor

Process Automation is an approach to reduce cost and time by performing a process without human
intervention. It enables recording a process consisting of certain steps and saving them and then playing
back the same as required after customizing. Visual Project Editor enables you to author an automation
script from one or more processes recorded as capture files (*.gps). It also enables you to apply
programming constructs, such as conditional branching and looping for processes. You can add
additional scripts authored by yourself as well.

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1 Unit 1 Lesson 1
The unit describes about the structure of automation process and basic UI elements in Visual Project
Editor (VPE).

The lesson has been designed to help you learn about:

• Structure of an automation process.

• What are the epiplex500 modules involved in process automation?

• What are the common file types associated with process automation?

• Getting familiar with the UI of VPE.

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1.1 Structure of an automation process

It is important to understand the flow of the complete procedure to automate a process, before
proceeding further. Figure below describes automation procedure in a nut shell.

Road map showing flow of the automation process

First you need to record a business procedure using epiplex500 capture module. The steps in the
process are stored as a *.gps file in your epiplex500 repository. Next, you open Visual Process Editor

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from epiplex500 Home and create a blank automation project (*.epp file). You add a Robo Script
object to your automation project. This object enables you to browse and select the source capture file
(*.gps file) containing the process you want to automate. Finally, you save the automation project.
Your process has been automated. You can launch Genie Player and play the automation project.

An object is an entity in an automation project. Each object accomplishes a specific task. For example,
Start object marks beginning of an automation object, Timer object is used for introducing a delay in
the automation playback etc. You link one object with another with a connector. Thus connectors
decide the flow of objects, means in which order all objects are to be executed.

However, rather than simply record and playback a process, you might need to customize it according
to your requirement. Consider a scenario that you have automated a process which involves opening a
file in an application. The File Open dialog box is opened at the beginning of the automation playback.
User is required to type in a file name in the File Name text box. Since, name of the file is to be opened
might be at random for each automation playback; hence it is to be externalized. You can use a form
containing externalized fields used for each automation playback. In the present case, the form is to
contain a text box where user can type in a file name to be carried forward to automation playback. If
you initiate automation playback, a form is displayed containing a text box. This form is not the File
Open dialog of the target application. Rather, it is native to epiplex500 process automation. It is used
to accept various inputs for the externalized controls used during the automation playback. You type in
the file name to be opened by automation playback in the same text box. This text box is mapped to
the File Name text box in the File Open dialog. Whatever file name you type in the text box in form is
stored temporarily and during automation playback the same text is entered in the File Name text box.

For example, you need to open the file “Requirements.txt” file in the first run of a series of automation
playbacks. Again, you need to open “Sales.txt” file in during the second time playing the same
automation project. Hence, after initiating playback of the automation project for the first time, a form
containing a text box is displayed. You enter “Requirements.txt”. Later, during playback of the same
automation project for the second time, the same form is displayed once again. You enter this time
“Sales.txt”. Thus, you externalized and changed the target file name dynamically during playback.

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1.2 What are the epiplex500 modules involved in process

The concept of Process Automation in epiplex500 involves multiple modules. The core modules used in
process automation are:

 Visual Project Editor: Enables you to design an automation project. You can define your source
process (*.gps) and import steps. You can also customize it by even adding your own script. This
editor enables you to view and design the project both pictorially and code wise.

 Snippet Container: Contains built-in code samples for your ready reference.

 Form Builder: Enables you to design forms consists of various controls. This form is displayed
during automation playback. Controls are used for accepting values from end user dynamically.

 Image Cropper: Enables you to select a control from a step in a *.gps file.

File extensions used in process automation are:

File Extension Details of File Type Editable Code

*.epp Automation Project file. This is the author N

file for an automation project and opened
in VPE.

*.png Images used in automation N/A

*.js Scripts, mainly JavaScript files. You can also Y

add your own functions as well.

*.eon Automation Playback file. This file is played Y

back by Genie Player in the target

*.etf Script file for triggers. Y

*.efm Form file used for accepting various inputs N

for automation playback.

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*.epwf Workflow diagram object details file. This N

file stores coordinates and others property
details of various objects and connectors in
a project.

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1.3 Getting familiar with the UI of VPE

VPE main window is divided into several UI elements used for various purposes. Not all the UI elements
are available all the time. Displaying UI elements is dependent on the selected object or pane. Top part

of the VPE displays toolbar .

The icons available in VPE toolbar are:

To Do

Create a new project


Open an existing project


Save current file


Save all files in the current project


Save current project in a different name


Close all windows. This button is enabled

only if there is any window. If only project Click

file is open, then this icon is disabled.

Clicking the button displays help.

There are two views available in the VPE: Design and Code. The Design view displays the pictorial intend
and flow of an automation project with various objects in it and how these objects are connected with
connectors. The Code view displays the script for the automation project.

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These views can be selected at the bottom right corner of the screen. The dark shade indicates the

selected view. For example, this figure displays Code view is

selected. You can select a view by clicking it. For example, click Design view to select it.

The Design view is consists of panes: Workflow Design and Design Area. The Workflow Design pane
displays list of objects available for creating an automation project.

The Workflow Design pane

The Design Area pane is the scratch pad for you to create a workflow. The illustration of objects and
connectors is referred to as automation project design diagram. The Design Area pane consists of its
own toolbar. You should not confuse this toolbar with the main VPE toolbar. The icons in the Design
Area toolbar facilitate you to handle objects in the Design Area pane. You may see a small box
appearing inside Design Area pane. This is called Thumb View. You can see a small preview of the
complete workflow. This is helpful particularly if the workflow consists of huge number of objects and
scattered all around the Design Area and you need to scroll through it all the time.

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The Design Area pane

You drag an object from Workflow Design pane and drop it in Design Area pane. Then you connect two
objects using a connector. If you point your mouse to an object, you see a few dark circles adjoining the
current object. These objects are called connection points. A connection point serves as the link
between two objects. When you point your mouse to a connection point of an object, the mouse
pointer turns to cross hair. You drag from the connection point of the first object and drop it to the
connection point of the target object. A connector is drawn between two objects, indicating that now a

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link has been established. Detailed description on objects, connectors and connection points has been
discussed at next lesson.

Icons available in the Design Area toolbar and their functionalities are:

To Click Icon

Undo last action

Redo last change undone

Zoom in

See 100% size

Zoom out

Grid in the background of the Design Area

is toggled on and off.

Turn on or off Snap to Grid option.

Note: If this option is turned on then an

object is moved one row or column in the
grid. If you turn on this feature then Display
Grid option is also turned on by default.
This is a toggle icon.

Delete selected object

Clone selected object

Remove all the connectors from the

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selected object

Turn on or off Thumb View.

Note: This is a toggle icon.

Turn on or off Properties dialog box for

selected object.

Note: This is a toggle icon.

Turn on or off displaying object id.

Note: This is a toggle icon.

Viewing script for the project.

Note: You can view this code in Code View

as well.

The Code view consists of two panes: Project, and Code Area. The Project pane displays the folder
structure of the selected automation project. You can see a tree view with nodes displayed as folders

and files. An expand icon or a collapse icon is displayed next to a folder, if the folder is not

empty. You click expand icon to expand the folder and view the files inside it. If a folder is already

expanded, you can click the collapse icon to hide all the files inside the selected folder.

Project Pane in Code view

The default folders displayed in the Project pane are:

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 Forms: Displays forms you created for the current project.

 Images: Displays images associated with the current project.

 Scripts: Lists all the *.eon files and other scripts associated with the current project.

 Triggers: Lists all the triggers associated with the current project. You will learn triggers more in
later lessons.

You double click a file in the Project pane to display it in the Code Area pane. You can edit scripts in the
code area. However, you cannot edit an automation project file. The same is available only for viewing

Code Area Pane

Icons available in the Code Area toolbar and their functionalities are:

To Click Icon

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Undo last action.

Redo last change undone.

Find text in the code.

Find and replace text in the code.

Go to any specific line of code.

Comment or uncomment selected line(s) of

text. This icon is a toggle.

Expand all functions in the code.

Collapse all functions in the code.

Open Code Snippet to insert any built-in


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2 Unit 1 Lesson 2
In this lesson you will learn about creating new projects, inserting various objects in projects, editing
scripts and so on.

The lesson guides you on:

 How to create, open and save an automation project file.

 How to insert various objects in projects.

 What are the different types of objects available?

 What are the different types of connectors available?

 How to customize a project and fine tune project design diagram.

 How to edit scripts.

 How to play an automation project.

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2.1 Creating, opening, and closing projects

You need to create a project and link a capture file which is to be automated. Steps to create a new
automation project are:

1. Click New icon in the toolbar. Create New Project dialog box is displayed.

2. Type in project name.

3. Click Create. New project is created.

You can open an existing automation project in Visual Project Editor. Steps to open an existing project

1. Click Open icon in the toolbar. Open Automation Project dialog box is displayed.

2. Select appropriate automation project and click Open. Selected automation project is opened in

You can save an individual file as well as all the files in a project. Steps to save an individual file in the
current project are:

1. Open the appropriate file. For example, you have edited a script in Code view and want to save
the same. You select the tab to display the same script file.

2. Click Save .

Step to save all files in the current project is:

1. Click Save Project .

Steps to save current project with a different name are:

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1. Click Save As . The Save Project As dialog box is displayed.

2. Type new project name in the Project Name text box.

3. Click Save. Current project is saved with the specified new name.

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2.2 Inserting various objects

Various types of objects are available in VPE. Each object has its own purpose of use and own set of
properties. Number of connectors available to an object is also different for each type of objects.
When you create a blank project, you see only two built in objects: Start, and End. A connector also is
set connecting these two objects. You need to design the flow of your project by inserting other
required objects. The procedure of populating objects is simple. You click the required object in the
Workflow Design pane to select it. Next, you drag it to Design Area pane and release it. The same
object is inserted in your automation project design diagram.

Drawing an object

The objects available are:

Icon Object Description

Start Drawn automatically when you create a blank

project. There can be only a single Start
object in a project. You cannot insert this
object, if a start object already exists in an
automation project. However, if you have
deleted Start object accidentally then you can

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insert one.

End Denotes the end of a flow of objects. You can

insert multiple End objects, if you have used
branching of flow using Switch or If condition

Robo Facilitates incorporating another project in

Project the current project.

Robo Script Enables you to attach an *.eon file. You can

also import a *.gps file.

Manual Enables you to incorporate your own scripts,

Script which customizes automation playback. For
example, you display a message box
containing certain information during

PE Form Enables you to display a form containing

certain controls, such as text box, and enter
values. These controls in form are mapped
with their counter parts in the application
under test. Hence, your input is fed to
automation playback.

If Condition Enables you to branch logic in automation

depending upon a condition. If the specified
condition is true then control is passed to a
path called True path. If the specified
condition is false then control is passed to
another path called False path. For example,
if the CANCEL button is enabled then branch
control flow to a Timer object; else branch

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the control flow to another object. A True

path connector is drawn by default. You need
to connect False path connector.

Switch Case Enables you to branch your logic depending

upon multiple conditions. For example, You
have a message box object containing
buttons: Abort, Retry, and Ignore. You can
track what button end user clicked during
automation playback and branch the logic in
three appropriate flows.

Repeat Enables you to repeat automation playback of

one or more objects depending upon a

Timer Halts automation playback for the specified

milliseconds. Default is 1000 milliseconds.

Wait For Suspends automation playback until a specific

Object condition is met for an object. For example,
automation playback can be suspended till
the Proceed button (in the application under
test) is enabled.

Message Displays a message box during the playback.

Box For example, you can display a message box
containing buttons: Abort, Retry, and Ignore,
if automation playback lands in an error.
However, you cannot display value of a global
variable. Only hard coded values are
permitted. If you assign any non-numeric
value then type it inside single quotes.

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Comments Displays comments. These are only for display

purpose and not a part of the core workflow.

Global Creates or updates or deletes a global

Variables variable with specified value. A global
variable can be accessed from any object. For
example, you can use a global variable in
evaluating a condition in Switch Case, and If
Condition objects. In code, these are defined
at the beginning even though you insert a
Global Variable object in the middle or
elsewhere of the automation project design

Let’s create a basic automation project first to understand the basics of process automation. The first
project won’t be associated with any captured process, which will be done in second project. This first
one is simply a hello world type. A message box containing buttons Abort, Retry, and Ignore are
displayed. You click a button to proceed. Another message box is displayed depicting which button you

Perform the steps to create your first automation project:

1. Open VPE.

2. Create New . The Create New Project dialog box is displayed.

3. Type MyFirstProject in the Project Name text box.

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4. Click Create. New project is created and the same is displayed in Design mode. Start and End
objects are inserted by default and connected through a connector.

5. Drag Message Box object from Workflow Design pane and point to the connector connecting
Start and End objects. Connector color changes to dark blue. Release the Message Box object. It
is inserted in between Start and End objects.

6. Click the Message Box object. The Properties dialog is displayed. If not then click the Properties

icon in the Design Area toolbar to turn on Properties dialog display and click the newly
inserted Message Box object in the Design Area.

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7. Enter appropriate values in the Properties dialog:

a. Type in Here we go in the Caption text box.

b. Type in Click a button of your choice in the Message text box.

c. Select Asterisk from the Icon list.

d. Select AbortRetryIgnore from the Buttons list.

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8. Drag End object towards down to accommodate more objects. Connectors are adjusted
automatically. You can see a temporary vertical line is displays for adjusting alignments.

9. Insert a Global Variable object in between End and Message Box objects.

Whenever you declare a global variable using a Global Variable object, the code for
declaration of the same is placed at the top of the auto generated code. This occurs
irrespective of the sequence and position of the inserted Global Variable object in the
automation project design diagram.

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10. Click the Global Variable object to select it. The Global Variable Properties dialog box is

11. Set the properties of the Global Variable object as:

a. Type in MyGlobalVar in the Name text box.

b. Type in 'Hello' in the Value text box. Do not forget to enclose the value in single quotes,
if you type a non-numeric value.

c. Click Add. Variable added successfully message is displayed.

d. Click the Variable list to expand it. The MyGlobalVar variable is displayed.

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12. Insert a Switch Case object just before the End object. Unlike inserting other objects, where both
the preceding and succeeding connections to the previous and next objects are restored, here
the connection to the succeeding End object is lost.

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13. Click the newly inserted Switch Case object to select it. The Switch Case Properties dialog box is

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14. Enter properties of the Switch Case object as:

a. Select Variable Value from the Condition For list.

b. Select MsgBox.e39.OutputVar.#mMsgBoxOutput_e39 from the Variable list. This

indicates the output variable of the Message Box object. Flow of logic is to be branched
depending upon the value of this variable.

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15. Select the left most (first) Case node in the Switch Case object. The Case Properties dialog box
for the selected Case node is displayed.

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16. Enter the value of various properties as:

a. Select ‘=’ from Operator list.

b. Type ‘Abort’ in the Value text box. Don’t forget to type single quotes around the value.

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17. Select the middle (second) Case node in the Switch Case object. Properties dialog box for the
selected Case node is displayed.

18. Enter the value of various properties as:

a. Select ‘=’ from Operator list.

b. Type ‘Retry’ in the Value text box. Don’t forget to type single quotes around the value.

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19. Insert a Message Box object and select it. The Message Box Properties dialog for the same is

20. Enter the value of various properties as:

a. Type Abort Message in the Caption text box.

b. Type You clicked Abort in the Message text box.

c. Select Asterisk from the Icon list.

d. Select OK from the Buttons list.

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21. Insert another Message Box object and select it. The Message Box Properties dialog box for the
same is displayed.

22. Enter the value of various properties as:

a. Type Retry Message in the Caption text box.

b. Type You clicked Retry in the Message text box.

c. Select Asterisk from the Icon list.

d. Select OK from the Buttons list.

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23. Insert another Message Box object and select it. The Message Box Properties dialog box for the
same is displayed.

24. Enter the value of various properties as:

a. Type Ignore Message in the Caption text box.

b. Type You clicked Ignore in the Message text box.

c. Select Asterisk from the Icon list.

d. Select OK from the Buttons list.

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25. Connect three appropriate Message Box objects with concern Case nodes of the Switch Case

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26. Insert two more End objects.

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27. Connect each last two Message Box objects at the end with an End object.

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28. Click Save . Automation project is saved.

29. Close VPE.

Steps to launch Genie Player and initiate automation playback are:

1. Open Genie Player.

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2. Select MyFirstProject.epp and click Play . Automation playback starts.

It first displays a message box containing three buttons: Abort, Retry, and Ignore. You click a button.
The same is tracked and finally it displays which button you have clicked.

You can design a form and accept input from end user during automation playback. These values are
subsequently used in the same automation playback. A small example can elaborate this better.

First you open Notepad and record a process in a *.gps file as:

1. Click the title bar of the Notepad. Focus is set on Notepad.

2. Press F5. Current date and time stamp is inserted.

3. Press CTRL + F to display the Find dialog box.

4. Type 1234 in the Find What text box.

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5. Stop recording and save the *.gps file as Find.gps.

Now you are ready to create an automation project using the same capture file. Steps to implement a
form and proceed with creating an automation project are:

1. Create an automation project named MyForm.epp. A connected pair of a Start and an End
objects is displayed by default.

2. Insert a Robo Script object in between Start and End objects.

3. Click the Robo Script object to select it. The Robo Script Properties dialog box is displayed.

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4. Set the properties as:

a. Type Find in the Caption text box.

b. Click Import from GPS and browse and select the Find.gps file.

5. Insert a PE Form object just before the Robo Script object.

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6. Click the PE Form object to select it. The PE Form Properties dialog box is displayed.

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7. Set the properties of the PE Form object as:

a. Click Create New. The Create New Form dialog box is displayed.

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b. Type r2 and click Create. The Form Builder utility is displayed. Designer pane displays a
blank form without any control.

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c. Drag Text from Tool Box and drop it in the Designer pane. While dropping a place
holder is displayed. You are required to drop inside the same. A text box control is

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d. Click the Map pane to map the control drawn in the form with its counterpart in the
concern automation file. Map pane displays all the automation scripts available for the
selected project. Currently we have associated only one automation script, i.e. Find
(imported from Find.gps file).

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e. Click the plus sign beside Find in the Automation Script(s) pane. Available controls in
the same automation script are displayed.

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f. Drag the caption of a control to the corresponding counterpart in Automation Script(s)

pane to map it.

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g. Click Save to save the form.

h. Close Form Builder. The PE Form object is set.

8. Save Automation Project (*.epp) and close VPE.

Now, if you launch the same automation project in Genie Player then a form consisting of a text box is
displayed first. You enter a value in the text box and proceed. The same value is typed by Genie Player
in the corresponding mapped text box during automation playback.

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2.3 Fine tuning your workflow

There are certain good practices which enable you to design an automation project efficiently and
accurately. You also need to know about certain UI entities, so that you can utilize them appropriately.
So far you have concentrated mainly on objects, but there are a few more UI entities related to
objects, such as, connectors, and connection points.

A connection point is a junction between a connector and an object. An object contains one or more
connection points. If you point your mouse pointer to an object, all the connection points of the object
are displayed. You can view the connection points marked as grey circles. If you move the mouse out
of the object, then the connection points start fading out. Finally, if you move mouse pointer even
further away from an object, the connection points are not displayed.

Connection Points are faded out if mouse pointer is dragged away

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Number of connection points in an object depends on type of the object. For example, an If Condition
object requires three connection points connecting it to:

 Previous object

 Next object if the specified condition is true

 Next object if the specified condition is false.

Multiple objects near mouse pointer displays connection pointers

A connector is a link between two objects. When you create a new automation project, you see Start
and End objects are connected with a blue arrow by default. This blue arrow is a connector. You can
also draw a connector to connect two objects yourself. Steps to draw a connector to connect two
objects, i.e. source and destination, are:

1. Point your mouse pointer to the source object. Connection points of the source objects are

2. Point your mouse pointer to the appropriate connection point of the source object. Mouse

pointer changes to cross hair. This indicates you have selected your appropriate
connection point in the source object.

3. Drag selected connection point and point to the target object. Available connection points in
the target object are displayed little enlarged with a fade border.

4. Release mouse pointing to an appropriate available connection point. Connector is drawn.

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Connecting two objects

All connectors are Blue in color. However, the connector following an If Condition object True path is
Green in color, and another connector following False path of an If Condition object is Red in color.
There is also a label for True path and False path connectors.

True, and False connector of an If Condition object and a common connector

A Loop connector is yet another distinct type of connectors. It marks either beginning or end of a loop
for a Repeat object. A Repeat object has two connection points: one at the top and the other one at
the bottom. The top connection point is connected to the first object in the collection of objects to be
repeated. This Loop connector is called Start Loop connector. The bottom connection point is
connected to the last object in the collection of objects to be repeated. This Loop connector is called
End Loop connector. The block or collection of objects embraced in between the Loop connectors of a
Repeat object are executed multiple times depending upon the condition specified in the Repeat

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object. Unlike the True and False connector in an If Condition object marked in different colors, the
Start Loop and End Loop connectors in a Repeat object are marked in the same pink color. However,
for both Start Loop and End Loop connectors have same label “LOOP”.

Loop connector
When you insert an object, it is placed according to the current position of your mouse pointer.
However, while inserting an object, if you point your mouse pointer along with the new object to the
connector in between two connected objects, then the new object is placed and gets connected

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Inserting an object in between two objects

Moving multiple objects can be a little critical as connectors around the objects are also automatically
repositioned along with objects. However, connections won’t be lost. Only for the viewing purpose the
design of an automation projects and position of objects might be hampered. You can prevent this
using grouping multiple objects you want to move.

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Selecting multiple objects

However, if you want to select all objects inside your Design Area, then press CTRL + A, when the focus
is on Design Area pane. Now, you have grouped multiple objects. You can see a dotted border around
selected objects. You can do one action and it is performed commonly to the selected objects. You can
drag selected objects and move them all together accordingly. Connectors are adjusted automatically

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in this scenario as well. You can click the Delete icon in the Design Area toolbar to delete all the
selected objects.

You can change properties of a connector, if required. Steps to do so are:

1. Click a connector to select it. The Connector Properties dialog box is displayed. You can also see
both the connection points of the concern connector are displayed in blue, which indicates that
the concern connector is selected.

2. Select appropriate value from the Line Shape list.

3. Select appropriate value from the Pointer list. Connector is now customized according to your

Properties of a connector

1. Color of the connection point and connector cannot be changed.

2. You cannot drag a connector to move it. Instead, you drag and move the related

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Various Line Shapes of a connector

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Various pointers of a connector

You can delete a connector. Steps to do so are:

1. Click a connector to select it. The Connector Properties dialog box is displayed.

2. Press Delete or click the icon in the Design Area toolbar. The selected connector is

Appropriate alignment of objects in your automation project design diagram enhances readability. You
can align objects accordingly. A few visual tools have been provided to align objects appropriately.
Common approaches to align objects in automation project design diagram are:

 Turning on Grid

 Turning on Snap to Grid

 Dragging objects free hand

A Grid is a graph with collection of vertical and horizontal straight lines located at same distance away
from each other. This grid works as a scale when you drag and move objects in your automation

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project design diagram. For example, you can align objects alongside any line in the grid. Else, you
consider each square in the grid as a unit and measure alignments and the distances between objects.

You click icon in the Design Area toolbar to turn on grid. This icon is a toggle. You click the same
icon as well to turn off grid.

Snap to Grid is a tool that enables you to move an object exactly one unit in the grid. If you move an
object it moves to the next horizontal or vertical axis (displayed as straight line) in the grid. You cannot
move an object part of one unit in the grid.

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Snap on grid

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However, there is an exception. For example, Snap to Grid option is turned off currently. Your objects
in automation project design diagram are not aligned to grid. One or more object is positioned in
between the grid lines. If you turn on Snap to Grid option now, then also an object is displayed in its
original position. It is not automatically aligned to grid simply by turning on the Snap to Grid option.

Scenario when objects appear in the middle of an axis even with Snap to grid

You can align objects without grid as well. When you move an object free hand and its top or bottom
coordinates reaches top or bottom boundary coordinate of any other object, then a horizontal line is
displayed. Similarly, when you move an object free hand and its right or left coordinates reaches right
or left boundary coordinate of any other object, then a vertical line is displayed. Both horizontal and
vertical straight lines are displayed simultaneously, if required.

For example, top, and bottom boundary coordinates of an object ObjA are 20, and 30. You are
dragging and moving another object ObjB, which touches top coordinate 20. A horizontal line is
displayed along with coordinate 20 throughout the design area. Part of the same line between ObjA,

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and ObjB, is solid and rest part is dotted. Similarly, a vertical line is displayed if right or left boundary
coordinates of ObjB comes across right or left boundary coordinates of ObjA.

Aligning objects with free hand

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Thumb View is helpful to view the complete automation project design diagram in one shot, without

scrolling the design area. You click icon in the Design Area toolbar to display Thumb View. This
icon is a toggle. You click the same icon again to turn Thumb View off. Scope of Thumb View is
indicated by a dotted rectangle inside the Thumb View. Scope of Thumb View depicts the part of the
Design Area currently displayed in your screen. You can move the dotted rectangle to modify the
scope of Thumb View. For example, your automation project design diagram is very large and difficult
to accommodate fully in the Design Area. Currently only right hand side of the automation project
design diagram is displayed. You need to view the left hand side part of it. You can either scroll and
navigate to the left hand side of the automation project design document, or move the scope
rectangle of Thumb View to left had side and the concern part is displayed in the Design Area now.

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Scope of Thumb View

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Scope for Thumb View is revised while scrolling through Design Area. If you scroll Design Area the
using either the horizontal or vertical scrollbar and navigate through various parts of your automation
project design diagram, then you can see scope rectangle of the Thumb View is updated

Thumb View is not updated simultaneously while drawing. It is updated only you finish a move. For
example, you want to move an object. You started dragging the object from its initial position. Thumb
View is not updated yet. You released your mouse pointer and dropped the same object in the target
(final) position. Now, Thumb View is updated.

You can drag and move the Thumb View, if it hides any object or simply for better viewing. You can
double click Thumb View to zoom in or zoom out it. This is a toggle.

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Zoom in and zoom out Thumb View

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An Object ID is a unique identifier to identify an object in an automation project. You can display it

alongside an object for ready reference. You click Show Object ID icon in the Design Area toolbar to
turn on displaying Object ID alongside an object. You use the same icon to turn off displaying Object ID.
This icon is a toggle. Object ID is used for identifying an object in the auto generated source code, if
required. However, Start, End, and Comment objects don’t have any Object ID.

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Locating an object using object ID in Code view

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For example, you are designing an automation project in Design view. Steps to locate an object in the
auto generated code are:
1. Open Design view, if Code view is selected.

2. Click Show Object ID icon in the Design Area toolbar to turn on displaying Object ID, if it is
not selected. Object IDs for all the respective existing objects are displayed.

3. Insert a Message Box object. A corresponding Object ID, such as “adb” is generated and
displayed for the newly inserted Message Box object.

4. Navigate to Code view.

5. Click the Find icon in the Code Area toolbar. Find dialog box is displayed at the top right
corner of the Code Area.

6. Click the text box inside in the Find dialog box to set focus on it.

7. Type the search text adb. All the instances of the search text are highlighted in the Code Area.
Focus is on the first instance.

You can select Ignore case option while evaluating a Control Value or a Variable Value in a condition. For
example, you are evaluating a condition in an If Condition object. The condition evaluates a Control
Value or a Variable Value with its counterpart a literal string or a global variable specified in the Value
text box of the If Condition Properties dialog box. You can see in the corresponding auto generated
code that both of these have been converted to lower case for evaluation purpose only. However, actual
value of the concern global variable is not changed. However, end user is to use this feature if the
corresponding values of literal, Control Value, or Variable Value is alphabetic.

Ignore case feature is available in objects:

 Switch Case: Control Value or a Variable Value

 If Condition: Control Value or a Variable Value

 Repeat: Control Value

 Wait For Object: Control Value

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An example depicts this feature even better. Consider a scenario, that a global variable is updated using
a Global Variable object at the beginning. Then an If Condition object evaluates the value and displays a
message accordingly. Steps to implement the same are:

1. Create a new automation project in VPE. A connected pair of Start and End objects is displayed.

2. Insert a Global Variable object in between Start and End objects.

3. Select the Global Variable object. The Global Variable Properties dialog box is displayed.

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4. Set the properties of the Global Variable object as:

a. Type MyGlobalVar in the Name text box.

b. Type an alphabetic value, for example, “Sample String” in the Value text box.

Do not forget to enclose the input string with quotes.

c. Click Add. Global variable is added to the automation project. A confirmation message
“Value added successfully” is displayed in the status bar of the Global Variable object.

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5. Insert an If Condition object in between Global Variable and the End objects. True path
connector is already connected.

6. Click the If Condition object to display the If Condition Properties dialog box.

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7. Set the properties of the If Condition object as:

a. Select Variable Value in the Condition For list. Details of the If Condition Properties
dialog box are displayed.

b. Select MyGlobalVar in the Select variable list.

c. Select “=” in the Operator list.

d. Type “sample string” with single or double quotes in the Value text box.

You are specifying a literal string value in this case. You can also specify another
variable type by typing the variable name without quotes.

e. Select Ignore case option.

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8. Insert a Message Box object in the True path connector in between the If Condition object and
the End object.

9. Click the Message Box object to display the Message Box Properties dialog box.

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10. Set the properties of the Message Box object as:

a. Type Ignore Case Feature in the Caption text box.

b. Type You have selected Ignore case option in the Message text box.

c. Select Asterisk from the Icon list.

d. Select OK from Buttons list.

11. Drag and connect the False path connector of the If Condition object to the End object. Note
that both True and False path connectors are connected to the same End object currently.

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12. Insert a Message Box object in the False path connector just before the End object.

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13. Select the Message Box object to display the Message Box Properties dialog box.

14. Set the properties of this Message Box object as:

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a. Type Ignore Case Feature in the Caption text box.

b. Type You have not selected Ignore case option in the Message text box.

c. Select Asterisk in the Icon list.

d. Select OK in the Buttons list.

15. Click Save icon in the VPE toolbar to save the project.

You launch GenieLauncher and run this project . You see a message box displaying a message “You
have selected Ignore case option”.

In this example, you have initiated a value of the global variable as “Sample String”. Both the “S”
letters in the text “Sample String” are in upper case. Value of the literal specified in the If Condition
object is “sample string”. Both the “s” letters are in lower case. Thus, if you turn on the “Ignore case”

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feature then, both global variable value and If Condition literal value are converted to lower case and
thus both matches.

You can view the auto generated code in the Code view.

Code generated while “Ignore case” option is selected

Now, you edit the same project again as:

1. Open the same project in VPE.

2. Select the If Condition object to display the If Condition Properties dialog box.

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3. Clear the Ignore case option.

4. Save the project.

Now launch GenieLauncher again and play the same project. A message box is displayed that You have
not selected the Ignore case option.

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If you do not select the “Ignore case” option in the If Condition object, then these values are compared
as it is (“Sample String” and “sample string” with actual case) and case of these two strings do not
match. You can view the auto generated code for this in Code view.

Code generated while “Ignore case” option is not selected

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You can view auto generated code with and without selecting ignore case option for various other
objects for your understanding and exercise purpose.

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2.4 Using Genie Player

Genie Player is a module which plays back and automation projects. It lists down all the automation
projects and prompts end user to launch anyone. You can find GenieLauncher.exe (the *.exe file for
the Genie Player) in “\Program Files (x86)\Epiplex500\epiplex\BIN” folder.

Genie Player

If you minimize it, then it is minimized to system tray . You can double click the Genie
Player icon in the system tray to restore it.

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3 Unit 1 Lesson 3
In this lesson you will learn about using cropped images for evaluating a condition, using scripts, and
adding triggers.

The lesson guides you on:

 Opening Image Cropper and adding images for verification of a condition in Wait For Object, If
Condition, Switch Case, and Repeat objects.

 Inserting hand coded scripts

 Manipulating auto generated script in automation playback file, if required.

 Inserting triggers.

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3.1 Adding and cropping Images

You can add images to your automation project, crop them and use the same for validation purpose.
The Image Cropper tool is invoked by VPE to crop and select appropriate part of an image from a step in
a capture file. The control rect for a step is selected by default for a step. For example, in an If Condition
object, you specify a condition that if OK button is visible then follow True path. VPE invokes a tool
called Image Cropper for browsing and selecting an image and then cropping a part of it.

The objects from which you can invoke Image cropper from VPE for setting a condition are:

 If Condition

 Wait For Object

 Repeat

 Switch Case

An example involving a few more other objects explores automation concept in a bit detail. Application
under test is to be different for various audiences. Hence, here a common application, Notepad is
sustained. This may not be a real life practical example, but definitely depicts the concepts in a simple

Consider a simple process for automation. Record steps in Notepad as:

1. Click the title bar of the Notepad.

2. Press F5 to enter current timestamp.

3. Press Home key to place the cursor at the beginning.

4. Press CTRL + H key to display the Replace dialog box. Focus is on Find what text box.

5. Type in 2017 in the Find what text box.

6. Click the Replace with text box to set focus on it.

7. Press Home key to place the cursor at the beginning.

8. Type in 2099 in the Replace with text box.

9. Click Replace All.

10. Click Cancel to close Replace dialog box.

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11. Save *.gps file.

Now, your capture file is ready. This process is to be automated and played back. However, you need
to create an automation project based on this capture file and customize it accordingly.

Steps to automate a business process captured in a *.gps file are:

1. Create an automation project named Replace Text.epp. A connected pair of a Start and an End
objects is displayed by default.

2. Insert a Robo Script object in between Start and End objects.

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3. Click the newly inserted Robo Script object to select it. The Properties dialog is displayed.

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4. Click Import from GPS. The Open dialog is displayed.

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5. Select Replace Text.gps file and click Import. An appropriate *.eon file is created and associated
with the selected Robo Script object.

6. Type Replace Text Business Process in the Caption text box.

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7. Insert an If Condition object above the End object. A green color connector, with a label “True”,
is displayed by default.

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8. Click the If Condition object to select it. The If Condition Properties dialog box is displayed for
the If Condition object.

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9. Set various values in the If Condition Properties dialog box as:

a. Select Control Property from the Condition For list.

b. Click Browse. The Image Cropper is launched and Open dialog is displayed.

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c. Select Replace Text.gps and click Open. The steps in selected capture file are displayed
in Image Cropper.

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d. Select the appropriate step. Select the step “Click Cancel” (step #19). Step image for the
same step is displayed along with control rect. This control rect area is to be cropped.
However, you can modify this rect to fine tune the cropped image.

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e. Click OK. A confirmation message is displayed.

f. Click Yes. Image Cropper is closed. The control you selected in the Image Cropper is
displayed in the Select Control text box in the If Condition Properties dialog box in VPE.

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g. Select Disabled from the Control Property list.

10. Insert a Wait for Object before End object.

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11. Click Wait For Object to select it. The Wait For Object Properties dialog box is displayed.

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12. Set various values in the Wait For Object Properties dialog box as:

a. Select Control Property from Wait For list.

b. Click Browse button next to Select Control text box. Open dialog box is displayed.

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c. Select Replace Text.gps and click Open. The same file is opened in Image Cropper.

d. Select the step with the description “Click Cancel”. The step image for the step is
displayed along with the control rect.

e. Click OK. A confirmation dialog is displayed.

f. Click Yes. Control is set in the Select Control text box of the Wait For Object Properties
dialog box of the Wait for Object.

g. Select Disabled from the Control Property list.

h. Type in 10 in the Max Tries text box.

i. Type in 900 in the Interval text box.

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13. Insert a Message Box object before End object.

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14. Click the Message Box object to select it. The Message Box Properties dialog box is displayed.

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15. Set various values in the Message Box Properties dialog box as:

a. Type in My Automation Project in the Caption text box.

b. Type in Failed to close Replace dialog, in the Message text box.

c. Select Asterisk from the Icon list.

d. Select OK from the Buttons list.

You can even insert one more If Condition object at this point to find out whether
the Cancel button is still disabled (timeout happened for Wait For Object) or by the time it
has become enabled.

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16. Insert another Message Box object on any free area (not over any connector).

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17. Drag a connector from the If Condition object and drop it to the newly inserted Message Box
object. It is marked as a False connector. Previous connector in the If Condition object is the
True connector.

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18. Click the newly inserted Message Box object to select it. The Message Box Properties dialog is

19. Set various properties specified in the Message Box Properties dialog box as:

a. Type in My Automation Project in the Caption text box.

b. Type in Replace dialog has been closed properly, in the Message text box.

c. Select Asterisk from the Icon list.

d. Select OK from the Buttons list.

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20. Insert an End object.

21. Connect the Message Box object with a connector to the newly drawn End object.

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22. Click Save . The automation project is saved.

Steps to launch Genie Player and initiate automation playback are:

1. Open Genie Player.

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2. Select Replace Text.epp and click Play . Automation playback starts.

It launches application under test “Notepad” and performs the steps specified in the capture file. It
enters the current timestamp and opens Replace dialog box. Then Replace dialog is closed. This is
according to the recording in the capture file. However, if the Cancel button in the Replace dialog is
disabled or Genie Player has failed to click Cancel then Replace dialog cannot be closed.

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3.2 Inserting Scripts

You can insert your own script *.js and create new *.eon files by importing form *.gps files. Steps to
import an automation script from a capture file are:

1. Navigate to Code view.

2. Right click the Scripts folder in the Projects pane. A popup menu is displayed.

3. Select Import GPS from popup menu. Open dialog box is displayed.

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4. Select a capture (*.gps) file and click Import. Corresponding automation script (*eon) file is
generated and incorporated in the current project.

Steps to attach a script file are:

1. Navigate to Code view.

2. Right click the Scripts folder in the Projects pane. A popup menu is displayed.

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3. Select Attach Script from popup menu. Open dialog box is displayed.

4. Browse and select an automation script (*.eon) file or a script library (*.js) file and click Import.
Corresponding automation script (*eon) file or script library (*.js) file is incorporated in the
current project.

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3.3 Customizing Scripts

You can customize your script in any inserted script file or an *.eon file. Consider an example of finding
count of a text string in a file in Notepad. A process is required to be automated that Notepad is to open,
type some text and find number of occurrences of a string in the typed text. This has been little
simplified. You can modify this example as opening a text file instead of typing text, and then finding
number of occurrences of a text string in the same file.

You capture a process in Notepad. Name the newly captured *.gps file as “Find Text.gps”. First step in
the capture process is clicking the title bar of Notepad to set focus on it.

Open Notepad and capture a process with steps:

1. Click Notepad title bar to set focus on it.

2. Press F5 key. Current date and time stamp is inserted. Cursor blinks at the end of it.

3. Press Home key. Cursor is displayed at the beginning of the text file.

4. Press CTRL + F key. Find dialog box is displayed.

5. Type zzz or any junk string in the Find what text box. This text is not supposed to be found.

This hard coded search string “zzz” won’t be part of your automation project. You
can display a text box runtime during playback and prompt end user to input search string

6. Click Find Next. A message is displayed that the same text is not found.

7. Click the title bar of the same message box.

8. Click OK. The same message box is closed and Find dialog box is displayed again.

9. Click the title bar of the Find dialog box.

10. Click Cancel. Find dialog box is closed. Your process is ready.

11. Save the capture file with the name Find Text.gps.

You are done with the capture part. Now you need to create an automation project out of it. You need
to slightly manipulate the automation project to achieve the goal. Steps to automate the same are:

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1. Open VPE and create a new project called Find Text.epp. The Start and End objects are displayed
by default.

2. Insert a Robo Script object in between Start and End objects.

3. Click the Robo Script object to set focus on it. Robo Script Properties dialog box is displayed.

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4. Set properties of Robo Script object as:

a. Type Find Text in the Caption text box.

b. Click Import form GPS. Open dialog is displayed.

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c. Select Find Text.gps and click Import. Corresponding *.eon file is created and associated
with the selected Robo Script object.

5. Add a PE Form object in between Start and Robo Script objects.

6. Click the PE Form object to set focus on it. PE Form Properties dialog box is displayed.

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7. Set the properties of the PE Form object as:

a. Type Enter Values in the Caption text box.

b. Click Create New. Create New Form dialog box is displayed.

c. Type SearchCount in the Form Name text box.

d. Click Create. Form Builder is displayed with a blank form.

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e. Drag Text Control from Tool Box to Designer tab. A new text field is created in the form.

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f. Click icon beside the newly inserted Text control. Properties of the same control
are displayed in the Properties tab of the Control Settings pane.

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g. Click the Label text box to set focus on it.

h. Type Find what in the Label text box.

i. Click OK. Label for the same control is changed.

j. Click Map tab. Automation Scripts tab is displayed.

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k. Click the icon beside Find Text in the Automation Scripts pane. All the steps with
mappable controls are displayed.

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l. Map Text control to the appropriate step under Find Text by dragging the label of the
same to its corresponding step in the Automation Script(s) pane. Mapping clip icon is

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m. Click icon to save form.

n. Close Form Builder.

8. Insert a Global Variable object in between PE Form and Robo Script object.

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9. Click Global Variable object to set focus on it. Global Variable Properties dialog box is displayed.

10. Set properties of the Global Variable object as:

a. Type Count in the Name text box.

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b. Type -1 in the Value text box. In the auto generated script, a variable named Count is to
be initiated with the value “-1”.

c. Click Add. A message is displayed in the Global Variable Properties dialog box that it has
been successfully added to the automation project.

11. Insert a Timer object and before End object.

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12. Set delay as 100 milliseconds in the Timer object.

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13. Insert an If Condition object just before End object.

14. Click the If Condition object to set focus on it. If Condition Properties dialog box is displayed.

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15. Set its properties of the If Condition dialog box as:

a. Select Control Property in the Condition For list.

b. Click Browse. Open dialog in the Image Cropper tool is displayed.

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c. Select Find Text.gps and click Open. All the steps in the same capture file are displayed
in the Image Cropper.

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d. Select the step “Click OK”. Corresponding step image is displayed with control rect

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e. Click OK. The same control of the step is selected. A confirmation message is displayed.

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f. Click Yes. Image Cropper is closed.

g. Select Visible from the Control Property list. Properties of If Condition object are set.

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16. Navigate to Code view.

17. Expand the Scripts node in the Project pane. All the scripts available to the current project are

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18. Double click and select the Find Text.eon file to display its code.

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19. Select all steps after “Click Find Next” to the last step and press CTRL + C to copy it to the
clipboard and them comment the same code in Code view.

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20. Navigate back to Design view.

21. Insert a Manual Script object in between End object and If Condition object’s True path.

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22. Select the Manual Script object to set focus on it. Manual Script Properties dialog is displayed.

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23. Set the properties of the Manual Script object as:

a. Paste code from clipboard using CTRL + V in the Script text box.

b. Append one line alert ('Search text found ' + Count + ' times'); to the pasted code at the
end in the Script text box.

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24. Navigate to Code view.

25. Copy the code for the step “Click Find Next” to clipboard using CTRL + C and then comment it.

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26. Navigate to Design view.

27. Insert a Manual Script object in the False path of the If Condition object.

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28. Click the newly inserted Manual Script object to set focus on it. Manual Script Properties dialog
box is displayed.

29. Set the properties of Manual Script object as:

a. Paste the selected code from clipboard using CTRL + V in the Script text box.

b. Append a line of code Count=Count + 1; at the end of the Script text box.

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30. Connect the end connector of the last Manual Script object (in the False path) to the top of the
Timer object.

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31. Click Save All to save all files in the automation project.

You are through with the designing part. Verify and review the project once.

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You play this project. Steps to do so are:

1. Launch GeniePlayer.

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2. Select Find Text.epp file and click Play . Playback starts. A form is displayed.

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3. Type the letter, digit, symbol or text string you want to search in the Find What text box. This is
used as search string during playback.

4. Click Save. Form is closed and rest of the playback is completed. The number of occurrences of
the search string in the text of the open file is displayed.

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You can insert built in code snippet as well. Steps to do so are:

1. Navigate to Code view.

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2. Expand the Scripts folder in the Project pane. All the automation playback (*.eon) files and
script files associated with the current project are displayed.

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3. Double click the appropriate automation playback (*.eon) file or script file to open it in Code
Area pane.

4. Place your mouse cursor in appropriate position in the Code Area, where you want the new
code snippet is to be inserted.

5. Click Insert Code Snippet icon from the Code Area toolbar. The Snippet Container dialog
box is displayed.

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6. Select required function from the Snippets list. The corresponding code snippet is displayed in
the Snippet Output pane.

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7. Click Import. The corresponding function call is inserted into Code Area.

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8. Change parameter of the inserted function call according to your requirement. Code snippet is
ready now.

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3.4 Adding Triggers

A trigger is a script to launch automation playback on occurrence of a specific condition specified.
There are two types of triggers: email and key event. You can specify a condition when a trigger is to
be initiated. Typically a trigger is a JavaScript code.

An email trigger initiates an automation playback when a specified email related event occurs, such as,
receiving an email from a specific email address, subject line consists of a predefined text etc. For
example, you can implement an email trigger, which initiates playback of an automation project on
receiving an email from with the subject line ”Pipeline Construction”.

A key event trigger is initiated when a predefined key is pressed. For example, initiate playback of the
automation project for opening tax calculation form in the Employee Payroll application, when SHIFT +
CTRL + Y key is pressed. Hence, on pressing the same key combination, Genie Player initiates playback
of the corresponding automation project.

You can add triggers. Steps to do so are:

1. Navigate to Code view.

2. Right click the Triggers folder in the Projects pane. A popup menu is displayed.

3. Select Add Trigger from popup menu. Open dialog box is displayed.

4. Select a trigger (*.etf) file and click Import. Selected trigger file is incorporated in the current

You can add a blank trigger to the automation project. Steps to do so are:

1. Navigate to Code view.

2. Right click the Triggers folder in the Project pane. A popup menu is displayed.

3. Select New Trigger. A new trigger (*.etf) file is displayed under the Trigger folder in the Project

4. Type a filename for the new file.

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5. Press Enter. A new blank trigger is created and associated with the current automation project.

6. Double click the newly inserted blank trigger to open it.

7. Type required script code.

8. Click to save trigger.

You can rename triggers. Steps to rename a trigger are:

1. Navigate to Code view.

2. Expand the Triggers folder in the Project pane. All the triggers associated with the current
project are displayed.

3. Right click a trigger. A popup menu is displayed.

4. Click Rename.

5. Type new filename for the selected image.

6. Press Enter. Selected trigger is renamed.

You can delete triggers associated with the current automation project. Steps to delete a trigger are:

1. Navigate to Code view.

2. Expand the Triggers folder in the Project pane. All the triggers associated with the current
project are displayed.

3. Right click a trigger. A popup menu is displayed.

4. Select Delete. A confirmation message is displayed.

5. Click Yes. Selected trigger is deleted.

An example of JavaScript code for an email trigger has been provided. You can use the same by
changing condition and target automation project name. This example initiates automation playback

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of “SAP.epp” if an email from is received in outlook email client. You need
to copy this code to an *.etf file and implement it.

var objApp = new Outlook.OutlookWrapper.OutlookServiceProvider();

var connector=objApp.evtMailItem.connect(function(obj){

//Change automation project name here. This project is launched when the trigger is fired.
var projectData=new PlayerCoreLib.PlayerCoreLib.ProjectData('SAP.epp');

//refer same parameter variable in epp

//mailobj variable is accessible in epp say for example mailobj.Subject or mailobj.Body

var mailItem=obj;
var mailInfo="From"+mailItem.From+
"\n Body"+mailItem.Body+

//condition of firing the trigger is mentioned below.

//if the “from” field consists of then initiate trigger.
// you can add “and” / “or” followed by more conditions.
MessageBox.Show("Mail Received");
if(obj.From === "")

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//Other Mail properties that you can access from mailInfo object
//Attachment (List<Attachment>)


function Dispose()

An example of a key board trigger has been provided. This example initiates automation playback of
the project play.epp. User is to press key combination CTRL + SHIFT + W to initiate the trigger. You can
change the key combination and automation project name and store it in an *.etf file to implement it
as a trigger.

The first parameter in the HotKeyNotifier.Register function is the key code for the key modifiers, such
as CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT. Key code for CTRL key is 4, and SHIFT key is 2. Thus the adding these two you
get the value of the first parameter 6 (in the following example code). The second parameter is key

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code of the key pressed, i.e. W, which is 87. The third parameter is the name of the automation project
to be launched. In this example, it is play.epp.

//Register hotkey notifier

//Key combination is to be pressed is Ctrl+Shift+W => key board codes are 2+4+87
//Shift=4, Ctrl=2, Alt=1
// First parameter is the key combination for key modifier and 2nd parameter is any ASCII value.
//For Ex: Ctrl+Shift+W key combination is (Ctrl + Shift) 2 + 4 = 6 and ASCII value of W is 87.
HotKeyNotifier.Register(6, 87, 'Play.epp');

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4 Unit 2
This unit is a recap and practice session for you. It consists of:

• Summary

• Assessment

• Exercise

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4.1 Summary
 VPE enables you to create an automation project from a recorded capture file.

 You can insert objects, such as Robo Script, Manual Script, Start, End in an automation project.
Each type of objects serves a specific goal. For example, Timer object is used for delaying

 You can insert your own script, branching, looping etc in an automation project.

 Objects are connected to each other by connection points. Objects in an order connected by
connection points determine flow of an automation project.

 You can use cropped images for evaluating conditions in certain objects. The Image Cropper tool
is used for that.

 You can insert readily available function calls from Code Snippet tool.

 You can externalize your inputs. The Form Builder tool enables you to create a form consisting of
various controls. This form is displayed during playback. The values you enter in this form are
passed on to automation playback.

 Genie Player is launched to play an automation project.

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4.2 Assessment
Select the correct answer:

#1 Image Cropper tool is used for:

I. Specifying a condition for Variable Value.

II. Specifying a condition for Control Value.

III. Specifying a condition for Control Property.

IV. Specifying a condition for Control Image.


a. II and IV

b. I and II

c. II, III, and IV

d. None of the above


You can select and crop an image in Image Cropper from:

a. Any image from local disk, system clipboard or cloud

b. Any image in local disk

c. Step image in a capture file in current repository.

d. Any image in current repository.


If you want the automation playback is to be suspended until a control, for example a button, is visible
you can design so by using:

a. Wait for object

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b. Timer

c. Global Variable

d. None of the above


Specify whether the following statements are true or false.

a. A connection point can only accommodate a single connector.

b. Start Loop connector and End Loop connector have distinct labels for individual identification.

c. Code Snippet inserts calls to built-in functions in Code view.

d. epiGenie Player lists all the Script files available in your computer and selected script file is played

e. A trigger can invoke playback of an automation code on pressing a predetermined and specified key

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4.3 Exercise
Create an automation project to open the Page Setup dialog box in Notepad. If Portrait is selected then
select Landscape or vice versa.

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