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Future Tenses Exercise

1. The train __________ (to arrive) at 12:30.

2. We __________ (to have) dinner at a seaside restaurant on Sunday.
3. It __________(to snow) in Brighton tomorrow evening.
4. On Friday at 8 o’clock I __________ (to meet) my friend.
5. Paul __________ (to fly) to London on Monday morning.
6. Wait! I __________ (to drive) you to the station.
7. The English lesson __________ (to start) at 8:45.
8. Are you still writing your essay? If you __________ (to finish) by 4pm, we can go for a
9. I __________ (to see) my mother in April.
10. Look at the clouds – it __________ (to rain) in a few minutes.
11. When they __________ (to get) married in March, they __________ (to be) together for six
12. You’re carrying too much. I __________ (to open) the door for you.
13. Do you think the teacher __________ (to mark) our homework by Monday morning?
14. When I __________ (to see) you tomorrow, I __________ (show) you my new book.
15. After you __________ (to take) a nap, you __________ (to feel) a lot better
16. I’m sorry but you need to stay in the office until you __________ (to finish) your work.
17. I __________ (to buy) the cigarettes from the corner shop when it __________ (to open).
18. I __________ (to let) you know the second the builders __________ (to finish) decorating.
19. Before we __________ (to start) our lesson, we __________ (to have) a review.
20. We __________ (to wait) in the shelter until the bus __________ (to come).
21. I’m very sorry Dr. Jones __________ (not be) back in the clinic until 2pm.
22. This summer, I __________ (to live) in Brighton for four years.
23. I don’t think you __________ (to have) any problems when you land in Boston.
24. The baby should be due soon, next week she __________ (to be) pregnant for nine
25. By the time we get home, they __________ (to play) football for 30 minutes.
26. In three years I __________ (to live) in a different country.
27. When you __________ (to get) off the train, I __________ (to wait) for you by the ticket
28. __________ (to take) your children with you to France?
29. This time next week I __________ (ski) in Switzerland!
30. Now I __________ (to check) my answers.

1. Can you go to the shop honey? I .............................. (make) a salad in the evening, but I
don't have all the ingredients.
2. Hurry up! The movie .............................. (start) in a minute.
3. I .............................. (give up) smoking.
4. I'm sure he .............................. (finally crop up).
5. As you can see in the schedule our boss .............................. (have) three meetings
6. Be careful and enjoy the holidays. I .............................. (wait) for you.
7. I .............................. (see) Kate in the evening. Would you like to join us?
8. By the time she arrives, I .............................. (clean) all the mess.
9. The concert .............................. (finish) at 7. I can pick you up later.
10. What present .............................. (you buy) for Kate?
11. We .............................. (go) on holidays to France, and you?
12. Our team is playing terribly. We .............................. (lose).
13. Don't call me after midnight. I .............................. (sleep).
14. There is no point in going to the concert now. When we arrive, it ..............................
(already finish).
15. Take me with you daddy. I promise I .............................. (not grumble).
16. Sheila .............................. (move out) next month. She says she has to.
17. You shouldn't have given up your job. You .............................. (not find) a better one.
18. It .............................. (be) Monday tomorrow, such a terrible day.
19. We won't see each other. When they come, I .............................. (already go out).
20. At 6 p.m. we .............................. (watch) our favourite series, so don't try to bother.

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