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1.0 Introduction

The COVID-19 disease causes a wide range of respiratory illnesses from the common
cold to more severe disease including pneumonia and mode of transmission is predominantly by
droplet spread. To reduce the risk of person to person transmission of the Corona virus during
COVID-19 pandemic, various national governments have introduced extensive ‘lockdown’
measures such ‘social distancing’ and ‘shielding’ of risk individuals. Lockdown measures limit
movement of people in communities whilst allowing essential services to continue in an attempt
to curb the spread of coronavirus outbreak. Consequently the effect of COVID-19 has had a
significant impact on daily life including health care and disruption of economic, social and
supply chain sectors.

The Malaysian government initiated ‘Lockdown’ or MCO 1.0 on March 18, 2020
followed by CMCO, RMCO and currently we are going through the MCO 3.0 Phase. Currently
the use of smartphone mobile is increasing as people want to update information about COVID
pandemic. We explore the challenges faced during the current COVID-19 pandemic and assess
the extended role of Smartphone technology (SMT) in supporting Telemedicine (TM) in its
various applications.

A smartphone is a modern type of cellular phone with computer technology built in, as
well as additional characteristics including an operating system, web surfing, and the ability to
execute software programmes. They're dubbed "smart" because they can give information at the
push of a button when you need it, and this may be beneficial. Currently, smartphones have
functions such as a camera, video recording, GPS navigation, games, sending and receiving
electronic mail (email), and online search apps for a variety of uses. Smartphone technology
(SMT) has influenced areas such as business, health, social life, education, and banking and
furthermore. People are now spending even more time with technology while consuming news
media, watching television, using social media to connect with others, utilizing lifestyle apps to
shop for groceries and other consumer goods, and engaging in home workouts.
2.0 Problem Statement

To begin with, Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and the associated
public health interventions undertaken to contain it have resulted in widespread and
unprecedented social disruption. This collective trauma has resulted in school closures, shuttered
businesses, rising unemployment and a spike in emotional distress resulting from the pandemic
and related secondary stressors. Both domestically and internationally, governments have issued
‘stay-at-home’ orders that have mandated that children engage in online learning and non-
essential businesses either close or have employees work from home.

In addition, the increase of the use of mobile devices in order to perform economic
activities in online environments has led to the development of a whole new field of study
designed to ease the process of completing a specific order. One of the most important uses of
smartphones is that they ensure safety. Families can easily communicate with each other while
away. To cap it up, mobile technology is here to stay and holds a lot more features in the future
to meet even the most of our basic needs and to make life a lot easier.

Furthermore, to reduce the risk of person to person transmission of the coronavirus

during COVID-19 pandemic, various national governments have introduced extensive
‘lockdown’ measures such ‘social distancing’ and ‘shielding’ of risk individuals. Mobile usage
has increased as many people stay at home. Currently smartphones are equipped with features
such as camera, video recording, Global Positioning Service (GPS) navigation, and games,
sending and receiving Electronic mail (email), web search applications for various purposes.

The following research questions have been brought up by the researchers to conduct the study
on the impact of mobile technology in user lifestyle during the Covid-19 Pandemic:

1. What or who are the major applications or services that benefit the most during Covid-19

2. What factors of mobile technology impact the nature of business?

3. What are the potential of mobile technology in user lifestyle and business?

The main purpose of this study is to find out the main impact of mobile technology in user
lifestyle during Covid-19 Pandemic. Below are the objectives of our study:

(a) To identify the major application or services uses during pandemic today

(b) To determine the impact of mobile technology in our community.

(c) To investigate the impact of mobile technology in business.


The use of mobile technology is getting more important especially during the Covid-19
pandemic and it has been inserted as our new norms. This study will discover a few findings
which will benefit various sectors. To begin with, the significance of the study is to convey the
importance of research performed. As mentioned, the use of mobile technology is increasing
throughout the years we have been facing the Covid-19. The reason for conducting the
study/research is to investigate the impact and benefits of Mobile Technology in user lifestyle
and business. Next, this study will describe the specific contribution made. This study will
include invitation for Mobile Technology users to contribute their experience and opinion during
the new normal of Covid-19 situation in Malaysia by their responses from surveys and
questionnaires. Through these questionnaires, it will increase the significance of the study
especially since it will be explained by on-hand users. Lastly, the significance of the study is it
will explain who will benefit or who will potentially benefit during Covid-19. The findings of
this study will help the business economy to improve their business marketing or sales strategies
and improve user lifestyle in use of mobile technology. In conclusion the research will also help
app developers and programmers to build better app experiences for user lifestyle needs in
Mobile Technology.
5.0 Limitation of Study

There are several potential limitations in this study. The study is limited in term of its
respondents. Only 30 respondents consist of student in UiTM Shah Alam could be arrange for
responses. Furthermore, due to the Pandemic and Movement Control Order (MCO), the
respondents only can be generate through WhatsApp Application that might have affected the
conclusion if the respondents unwillingness of providing any information. Lastly, busy schedule
of respondents also makes the collection of information a difficult one.

6.0 Literature Review

The COVID-19 pandemic caused a large number of casualties worldwide, with profound
social and economic consequences. UNESCO noted that about one billion students have been
forced to stay home due to the emergency, and the scale and speed with which schools and
universities have been closed is an unprecedented challenge (Giancola & Piromalli, 2020).

Since its inception, universities around the world, like any other social institution, have
had to deal with devastating epidemics that have affected their daily functioning. And they
survived, and continued their mission even behind closed doors, because academic activities
continue where there are spirits engaged in science and training and sometimes with surprising
results (UNESCO, 2020). It has certainly been redundant to observe the repercussions of the
global pandemic on education and training systems around the world, forcing them to rely, in
spite of everything, exclusively on digital technologies and distance learning to ensure their
sustainability in the immediate future appropriate (Di Palma & Belfiore, 2020). In order to face a
daily life completely different from the one that characterized our days until recently, the
institutions had to face digital transformations, being challenged to select resources and
platforms that could be used to support online education. Institutions have experienced and still
experience “digital immersion” with some drowning risks, inevitable to the situation “I throw
you into the sea, so you will learn to swim”. At the same time, it is pleonastic to say that this
situation would have been much more difficult to face/sustain, if the internet had not been an
important component of our lives. Some universities were already particularly focused on online

In these cases of pre-existence towards an orientation towards online didactics, the

emergent period was probably faced with more decision, due to the presence of already
institutionalized organizational practices (Giancola & Piromalli, 2020). In many countries,
various solutions have been implemented during the pandemic to continue the educational
process. Online libraries, TV shows, guidelines, resources, video conferences, online channels
have been introduced in at least 96 countries. During this difficult time, educational institutions
were supported by large companies such as Microsoft, Google, Zoom and Slack, which offered
many of the features of their products for free: Microsoft offered anyone the premium version of
Microsoft Teams for free for six months and raised existing user limits. Google has announced
that it is offering its corporate video conferencing features, for larger meetings (up to 250 people)
and free G Suite and G Suite for Education registration functionality until July 1, 2020. Zoom
has raised the time limit for video calls in China, Japan, Italy and the United States on demand
(Mola, 2020).

7.0 Proposed Methodology

This study will be conducted at faculties in UiTM Shah Alam, Selangor. The subjects of
this study will be random for 30 student to participate the survey include both gender and range
age between 20 until 50 years old. In this study, we conducted the survey using questionnaire for
collect the data and information from student UiTM. That survey will going through form by
Google Docs. The collected data from survey will be analyzed using frequency calculating from
Google docs. This study will be conducted with 20 questionnaires were divide to 3 part such as
part A, B and C. This survey must answer the all questionnaire and return back within 2 days.
This study will be conducted between on June 2021 until July 2021.


1. Information Technologies, Higher Education, Microsoft 365 for

Education, Applications, Services, e-Learning, COVID-19, Technical University of Mol-dova .

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