IG2 - Risk Profiling - Muhammad Numan 00548699

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Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Part 1: Background

Include in here the organisation’s name* and location* and number of workers. You must then go on to give a description of the main
activities/products/services carried out. You must also describe the area to be risk assessed e.g., whole site, and anything else that
you consider relevant (approximately 150 to 200 words):

My Company name is Adam Trading Co. I-9 Industrial Area Islamabad, Pakistan. A company consisting of 35 employees and working in a day
shift only. The company is operational for 10 hours a day which opens at 08:00 am and closed at 06:00 pm and employees' rest time is officially
introduced from 01:00 pm to 02:00 pm. Sunday is a weekly off day for all employees.

Adam Trading Company is an intermediate size trading company that consists of a Main Office, a warehouse, a workshop, and a display store.
The business consists of construction machinery and industrial equipment for sales and rent along with their geneuine spare parts and also
provides the training,repair facility and maintenance services for equipment and machines that are sold to the customers and companies.
The construction machines and equipment include industrial elevators, Construction and Industrial Hoists and Work Platforms, Tower Cranes,
Compaction Equipment, Passenger Material Hoist,Cradles, Drilling & Coring Machines,Bar Bending & Cutting Machines, Petrol and Diesel
Generator,Forklift Trucks ,Pallet Trucks, Motors, Cement Mixtures,Roller Compactor and Tamping Rammers,Stacker and Mini Wheel Loader.

Adam trading Co. is an authorised distributor of Alimak,Sirl,Batmatic,First Avenue,MEV and also offer the products and services to the other
reputed European brands scuh as Husqvarna,Horrington,Battipav,Dynpac and Atlas Copco.

The risk assessment I am covering in this report of different activities of warehouse and workshop as manual handling, hot works,slips and trips,
work at height, work in hot temperature,hazardouse substances,work at height, health welfare and work environment.

In this company operation manager is responsible to develop health and safety at workplace and reporting to the Admin & Finance director,
though he is directly reporting to managing director who is the owner of entire company.

You must now give a brief outline on how you completed the risk assessment (approximately 200 words):

First of all, I took help from Nebosh RRC Books and then I approached the health and safety excutive (HSE) website to gather material for risk
assessment and also went through the sources ( Links are mentioned for reference) for sample.

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Subsequently, reading these sources of information, I had decided to legally visited the warehouse and workshop (located at same place) and I
met with workers to learn from their knowledge and experience and concerns about health and safety issues. There was no compliance of health
and safety, no training was provided by the employer, working under steel roof in hot weather and high temperature, no fans & airconditions
available even not in a rest area, welfare facility also not tolerate able and young forklifts driver was not well trained in the result near misses, and
accidents occurred and management is not too serious on this matter although workers frequently complaint to their supervisor and store &
operation managers.

To provide safe system of work it is an employer duty according to Pakistan ocupational health and safety act 2018 link reference
https://www.pec.org.pk/Downloadables/buildingCode/Draft%20Modle%20OHS%20Act%202018.pdf & ILO C155-occupational safety and health
convention, 1981 (No.155), ILO R164-occupational safety and health recommendation, 1981(No.164).

When evaluating the control measures, I also referred to the HSE’s approved code of practice when looking for control measures as an
Information document for manual handling is https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg398.pdf
Work with lubricant and waste oil https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/guidance/sr19.pdf.
To decide the control measure for arc welding work I go through the document https://www.labour.gov.hk/text_alternative/pdf/eng/welding3.pdf.

* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided must be

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Part 2: Risk Assessment

Organisation name: Adam Trading Co. I-9 Industrial Area Islamabad, Pakistan
Date of assessment: 30-10-2020
Scope of risk assessment: Warehouse and Workshop

Hazard Who might be What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales
category and harmed and how? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Manual All Warehouse Using handling aids trolleys, electric
Handling Workers including pallet trucks, forklift trucks. 1. Additionally,Conveyors, scissor 3 months Admin &
workshop mechanics lifts should also be available. Finance
Repetitive Controlling repetitive handling by Manager
lifting of While lifting, carrying, introducing frequent rest breaks and job 2. The company should install a
heavy load and pulling of heavy rotations to decrease the length of time. hoist which removed the need 2 months Finance
(Machines load for manual handling. Manager
and When loading and Supervision and monitoring of manual
Equipment). unloading of handling work at the warehouse. 3. Healthy and skilled workers
machinery and its should perform this task 2 weeks Admin
spare parts from Training provided and instruction is given instead of a young and Manager
container or truck, to the workers regarding manual untrained worker.
can cause handling of objects. Store
musculoskeletal 4. Heavy items should be placed 1 Month Manager
injury e.g. spinal card First Aid kits and first Aid trained persons at the bottom.
problem, lower limb are already available.
disorder. 5. Appropriate lighting must be 2 Weeks Admin
available in poor lighting area. Manager

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Hazard Who might be What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales
category and harmed and how? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Provision of Personal protective
equipment e.g. Safety shoes, gloves,
Health Warehouse workers, Workers are free to take rest; there is no
Welfare and Workshop rigorousness from the employer to 1. The Air-condition system must Admin &
Work mechanic,visitors. complete the work daily in hot be installed in the warehouse 2 Months Finance
Environment temperature. and the rest area. Manager
Due to hot conditions
Extreme hot in summer workers Provision of frequent breaks and job 2. The number of good-quality
temperatures are not feeling safe to rotation. pedestal fans should be Admin &
works at extreme increased as per workers' 1 Week Finance
temperatures Four Pedestal fans are available which strength. Manager
because can be used in the restroom and
unavailability of air- warehouse as well. 3. Water cooler and filter must be
condition system and, installed to provide clean and Admin &
no ventilation, Every individual having a facility of chill water to drink. 1 Week Finance
sometimes workers drinking water. Manager
restless due to 4. The ventilation system must be
sweating. The warehouse's main entrance is improved. 2 Weeks Admin &
Continuing work in immense vast no one feeling unease. Finance
this type of condition 5. Exhaust systems more likely to Manager
can cause The temperature device is installed be installed to extract dust,
dehydration, heat anyone can check and stop working fumes, and sultriness produces Admin &
stress, and when the temperature is high; no due to extreme temperatures. 1 Month Finance
heatstroke. permission is required from the Manager
supervisor. 6. Provide appropriate clothing
that allows workers to sweat 2 Weeks Store and
First Aid facility and trained competent easily. Opeartion
first aider is available. Manager
Work at Storekeeper, Racking is designed to be suitable for the No further control measures are N/A N/A
Height Warehouse workers, loads carried and has required.

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Hazard Who might be What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales
category and harmed and how? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Staff Members. not been modified.
Falling of
objects from Staff report in case of any demage to
racksing that If machines and other racking immediately.
are placed on equipment are not
shoulder placed properly and Protective footwear used by all staff
height or collapse each other, member,visitors..
above. any equipment or
part of machines can Signs are fixed to racking stating
fall on workers, staff maximum loads.
member which can
cause severe injuries All equipments and parts are accurately
like brain damage, placed and well organized on a rack by a
neck injury, spinal competent warehouse worker.
injury, and death.
The heaviest objects are placed at the
bottom of the racking.

Mechanical handling equipment e.g. Lifts

trucks should be regularly maintained
accordance with the manufacturuers

The storekeeper is experienced and

heavy equipment and machines are
placed on the ground floor.

Ensuring shelving systems, barriers, and

other fittings are properly secured and
well maintained.

Racking is maintained and protected

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Hazard Who might be What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales
category and harmed and how? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
from any mechanical damage forklifts.

No near miss and accident occurred of

falling goods for last 2 years.

Risk Assessment is already completed to

perform the task on heights.

Work at Store Workers, Adequate equipment is provided e.g. 1. Forklift cage must be available 2 months Admin &
Height Electrician, Suitable Ladder and guided to use. for a safe work system. Finance
Technician. Manager
Fall from Spare parts and other items which are 2. Remind workers to
Height When placing the frequently used are in a reachable place. permanently use the equipment 1 Week Operation
stock on (spare parts provided e.g. ladder, safely, Manger
of machines) on top The ladder can be used only for a short and should educate when
racks, store workers time of job which takes less time (30 working at height.
standing on the forks minutes) and having less weight.
of a forklift truck to 3. Do not move or shift Opeartion
access, count, and A Stepladder is placed on a smooth a ladder while a person or Immediate Manager
placed goods. surface and workers are trained to use. equipment is on the ladder
Electricians when 4. Equipment used to work at Mechanical
changing light bulbs All workers are given instructions never height must be inspected and 1 Week Engineer
and promo displays to climb racking without using a ladder. maintained.
Falling can cause Only one person is permitted to use the 5. All workers must be strictly
bone fracture and ladder at a time. instructed to not stand on forks 2 Months Store
can also suffer from a of forklift trucks for any type of Manager
severe head injury. Only use the ladder when physically work.
capable to do it.

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Hazard Who might be What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales
category and harmed and how? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
6. Adequate lighting must be 2 Weeks
available in the store. Admin
7. Young Competent and physical
in good health workers should 1 Week Operation
be allowed to climb and stand Manger
on the ladder.

8. Step ladder must be provided Store &

in minimum standards. 1 Month Operation
Hazardous Warehouse, Keep open doors and windows to 1. The workshop area must be Immediate Workshop
Substances workshop workers, remove any diesel fumes. barricaded to stop spreading Supervisor
and staff members fumes in the warehouse.
Diesel engine Generator and vehicle engines turn on
and generator When frequently only when mandatory testing is required. 2. Eating and Drinking should be 1 Week Admin
exhaust testing generators prohibited in fume affected Manager
fumes and vehicles in the Provision of Respiratory Protective areas.
workshop engine run Equipment or Personal Protective
continuously for a equipment to the workshop workers. 3. Supervisor must instruct Immediate Operation
long period to check workers to wash hand face Manager
the fault and before eating and drinking.
performance as a
result exposure of 4. Disposable Gloves should also 2 Weeks Admin
fumes that may be given to workers before Manager
cause a respiratory contacting with diesel.
problem and eye
irritation. 5. The quality of diesel fuel must 1 Month Admin
If regular works for a be used in vehicle engines. Manager
long period
sometimes it can be 6. The vehicle engine must be Mechanical

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Hazard Who might be What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales
category and harmed and how? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
lead to lung cancer. checked and inspected. 1 Month Engineer

Fire Workers,Staff Fuel is store in a properly labeled 1. Flammable materials must be Immediate Operation
Member,Visitor,Publi container. removed from the place where Manager
Bulk storage c the risk of fire is present.
of fuels and Prohibited smoking where fire risk exists.
stack of wood If trapped in the fire, 2. Stack of wood & paper waste 1 Week Operation
waste all staff members and Smoke and fire detectors are fitted in the should be removed from the Manager
material Ignite visitors could suffer warehouse. warehouse.
through the from smoke
electrical inhalation or burns Fire extinguishers are placed all over the 3. Fuels storage should be 1 Month Workshop
short circuit. with fire which may warehouse. minimal volume only and away Supervisor
lead to serious ill from the potential ignition
health and could Smoke and fire detectors are regularly source.
potentially kill. inspected.
4. Petrol Power generator should Admin
Ease access to an emergency exit for all be replaced with the diesel 3 Months Manager
workers and visitors. power generator to eliminate
the storage of petrol.
Having adequate firefighting equipment.
5. The electric apparatus should Electrical
First aid kit and trained first aider is be routinely inspected and 1 Month Engineer
available. tested to prevent overheating.

6. Housekeeping needs to be Operation

advised strictly to complete on 1 Week Manager
daily basis.

7. Removed all old stock material Operation

and substances which are no 2 Weeks Manager
longer to be in used.

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Hazard Who might be What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales
category and harmed and how? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
8. Exits and emergency fire exits
must be marked clearly with 1 Month Operation
pictogram. Manager

9. Fire drill and training to all staff Operation

about using fire extinguishers. 1 Month Manager

Hazardous Workshop Workers The workshop area is restricted to other 1. train workers to wash off the 1 month Operation
Substances staff. residues with soap and water Manager
When a worker
Work with lubricating an engine Designate storage areas capable of 2. The lubrication task must be
lubricant and or generator without retaining spills for lubricants and wastes. assigned to competent 2 Weeks Workshop
waste oil using a vinyl workshop workers instead of Supervisor
protective glove can Keep areas free of ignition sources. one who is not well trained.
cause skin .
irritation.Work with Ensure that storage tanks have contents 3. Must provide suitable PPE, e.g. Operation
used engine oil may gauges or indicators. oil proof gloves, shoes, and 2 Weeks Manager
cause skin cancer. cover all and wearing of a
Check that all the controls are being mask.
used properly
4. Must provide vinyl or nitrile 1 Week Operation
Providing a good washing facility. protective gloves to deal with Manager
lubricants and waste oils.
Provision of coveralls or work clothing to
protect skin from contamination. 5. Must change the gloves of 1 Month Operation
mechanical workers when it is Manager
Prohibition of eating and drinking in the
workshop area and staff are advised to 6. Store only minimum amounts Workshop
wash hands before eating. of waste engine oil and make 1 Month Supervisor
sure it is properly labeled.

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Hazard Who might be What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales
category and harmed and how? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)

7. Dispose of hazardous waste Admin

through a specialist contractor. 1 Month Manager

Work Warehouse workers, All operators are competent and 1. The driving license should be Immediate Admin
Related Staff member, qualified, having a valid driving license of re-checked periodically to Manger
Driving Visitors the vehicle to be driven. ensure validity.

Operation of Serious injuries or The vehicle is already inspected and 2. Training must be given for safe 1 Week Admin
lift truck fatalities can take maintained. driving at work. Manager
Loading place
unloading When loading and Forklifts having seat belts and operators 3. A sensible speed limit must be Immediate Operation
items unload any object are strictly instructed to wear. enforced on all operators and Manager
falls from lift trucks monitors.
onto staff and Operators are instructed to keep keys
visitors. with them. 4. Separate pedestrian entry Operation
Staff and visitors using a protective barrier must Immediate Manager
being hit by lift trucks. A system in place for refresher training of be provided to other workers.
5. Reversing of lift trucks where
Aisles are vast sufficient for lift trucks to required should be managed Immediate Operation
load and unload objects from the racking by a trained reversing assistant Manager
safely. like a bank man.

6. The use of the cell phone must

Staff is restricted to access the be prohibited while driving the Immediate Operation
warehouse during loading unloading. forklift. Manager

Floor condition maintained regularly, 7. The truck's service must be

housekeeping standards maintained by maintained regularly and Mechanical
cleaner and labor force. observe every month through 1 Month Engineer

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Hazard Who might be What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales
category and harmed and how? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)

Radiation Workshop mechanics Provision of a safe system of work by

especially welders using a permit to work system. 1. Welding work should be Immediate Workshop
Ultraviolet barricaded to protect nearby Supervisor
radiation and In the arc welding Before starting any welding work, workers.
fumes process, ultraviolent provision of adequate training.
exposed from rays produce and 2. Before the installation of Welding
Arc Welding. react with Using a welding curtain and screen for electric arc welding equipment, Immediate Supervisor
atmospheric oxygen welding. it is necessary to check that the
that may produce capacity of the power supply
some gases. Wearing goggles and using suitable source is adequate to handle
Exposure to welding gloves. the load demand of the welding
fumes, intense light operation.
has the potential to Using protective clothing to protect the
direct effect on eyes whole body. 3. The local exhaust ventilation Admin
and skin. (LEV) system must be 1 Month Manage
It may cause lung Provision of a welding helmet with side facilitated to exhale the fumes
cancer, eyesight shields. and gases.
damage. 1 Month Store
4. An adequate ventilation system Manager
should be available.

5. Training must be given to the

new workers especially how 1 month Store
risk is associated with welding Manager
fumes and proper uses of
respiratory protective
equipment (PRE).

6. Respiratory Protective

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Hazard Who might be What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales
category and harmed and how? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Equipment (RPE) always 1 Month Operation
should be in stock. Manager

7. Fire-resistant earmuffs make in

use when there is a risk of 1 Week Operation
sparks or splatter entering the Manager

Slips & Trips All Staff members The floor is the cleaning and keeps dry 1. Adequate lighting must be 2 Week Workshop
regularly. provided to reduce slips and manager
Slip due to trips risk.
Spillage of oil Spillage of oil and All staff members are maintaining good
and grease grease on the surface housekeeping works. 2. A suitable absorber has to be 1 Month Workshop
on the due to repairing work made available for liquid spills. Manager
surface. and testing of Protective non-slip footwear is already
machines; surface provided and worn. 3. Warehouse Staff to be trained Workshop
Trip due to a becomes oily and to clean and dry any spillages 1 Week Manager
stack of waste slippery anyone can Restricted the movement of the staff on the surface immediately
material in the slip on an oily when the surface is oily. after work.
aisle. surface.
The cables are highly insulated and 4. Additional bins must be Admin
Stack of debris in protected. provided for wastage materials. 1 Week Manager
warehouse aisle,
trailing of cables, a Instruction and training are given, and 5. The cleaner should empty bins Admin
pedestrian can trip by caution posters are shown. and removes wastage on daily 1 Week Manager
waste materials basis.
which may lead to
broken bones
6. Remove obstacles from
especially in hand,
walkways and always keeping
wrist, or arm. 2 Weeks Store
walkways free of clutter.

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Part 3: Prioritise three actions and justification for the selection

You must pick the three highest priority/most urgent actions and justify your choice. Your justification must include moral, legal, and
financial arguments (500 to 700 words); consideration of likelihood and probable severity of injury, ill-health and/or harm (150 to 250 words);
description of how effective each action is likely to be in controlling the risk (250 to 350 words).

The three actions which I am picking are as follow:

1. Air conditioning system is required in the warehouse and the rest area. Hazard Category-Health welfare and work environment
2. Removal the tack of wood waste materials and flammable material kept away from ignition source.Hazard Category- Fire
3. Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) system must be facilitated to exhale the fumes and gases. Hazard Category- Radiation

Moral argument:

The Adam trading company has a moral duty and responsibility to provide safe and healthy work environments for its employees. Society
expects that a worker goes to work in a safe place and return home safe and healthy. If the work area will be safe and secure for workers,
the workers will love to come to work, and work growth will be improved. If any incident happened with any workers at the workplace due to
work stress or load which results in injury or health the worker morale will be discouraged and confidence will be lost. When he backs home
with injury his family and friends will also suffer.


The worker's ill health and injury will cost money to the employer Adam trading company. Some of these losses can be insured and some
may cannot and when an accident occurred, the company has to face both direct and indirect costs. Direct cost including employer first aid,
worker sick pay and damage to any equipment or property, and also loss of company performance. While indirect cost may spoils company
image and reputation, Loss of goodwill of customers in the market.
Insured cost including compensation paid to workers and damaged warehouse structure and heavy equipment and the uninsured cost is the
time of accident investigation, hiring, and training of new employees.


As per international labor organization (ILO) has set off convention C155 and recommendation R164 which is applied to workplace good
health and safety standard. It is the legal duty of every employer to adopt and implement the law to take care of their workers’ health and
safety after their own. But most countries have their law of health and safety standard, which is exceeded or meets the minimum standard.
It is Adam trading company responsibility that the warehouse and wrokshop is under their control and without any health risk. They also have
to ensure that the warehouse atmosphere is suitable for work when the temperature is increased in summer and make sure of health and

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welfare facility including clean water to drink, Installation of air-conditioning, a good ventilation system is available. It is the employer's
responsibility to give clear information and guidance and must advise workers for working together in the same place to take care of each
other. The workers are also answerable that the use of all safety equipment properly and do not damage; also responsible to inform the
employer if any unwanted situation occurred which may lead to severe injury, ill health so that employer can take necessary action.
If a company is failed to meet the legal standard of ILO, the enforcement agency may force an employer to make improvement else they will
be charged in the form of a fine and can punish with imprisonment as well.

Likelihood & Severity:

1. Continuous work under extremely hot temperatures without an air conditioning system can lead to dehydration, serious ill health,
and heat exhaustion.The likelihood is high due to hot weather condition in summer temperature is high and warehouse roof
structure is made up of steel which also effects to increase the temperature.The severity is high due to exposure of extreme
temperature at work can cause to serious ill health to the workers.

2. In Bulk storage of fuels and stack of wood waste material Ignite through the electrical short circuit the chance of fire is high which
could suffer through smoke inhalation or burns,if spread further which may demage to property and can lead to serious ill health
and could also potentially kill,the severity is high.

3. In workshop are maintenance of machines and vehicles more likely need welding work which continuously prodcucing
fumes,ultraviolet rays, intense light that has the potential to direct effect on eyes and skin. The likelihood is high due to unavailbilit
local exhaust system to exhale the fumes and gases. The severity of this risk is high due to long term exposure to arc flashes can
cause to eyesight impairement permanent and inhalation of fumes and gaes can result in a lccupational asthma symptoms include
episodes of severe shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing and chest.

Controlling the Risk:

1. An employer must provide a safe workplace when the air conditioning system and heat exhaust will be installed the ill health ratio
will be minimized and workers will be more encouraged to work in the warehouse and performance will be increased, the workshop
workers will also feel safe during work. I have given the timescale 2 months to be installed and discussed with the admin & finance
director as a business is not good going smooth due to since covid-19 shadowed. However, he makes assure that it will be
completed within 3 months.

2. Bulk storage of fuels should be minimizing and properly store in the labeled container and removing a stack of wood and waste
material the exposure of fire will be decreased to a minimal level. The petrol power generator can be replaced with the diesel power
generator to eliminate the storage of petrol I have a meeting with the warehouse manager admin and finance manager to control

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the risk associated with fire as it will take 6 months to replace and the stack will be removed in a week.

3. It is the legal duty of an employer to provide safe work system Installations of local exhaust ventilation (LEV) system to exhale the
fumes and gases produced through arc welding work workers will remain healthy and feel safe at work. Induction training given to
the fresh workers especially makes them understand an environment of work and procedures. I conduct meeting with admin and
finance directors and also include workshop supervisors and management is encouraged to provide as soon as possible and my
time scale for this task is 1 Month.

Part 4: Review, communicate and check

You must now give a review date for your risk assessment and say why you have chosen this date (10 to 50 words).

As per Company health and safety policy risk assessment to be reviewed once in a year (12 Months), therefore I am recommending the
review date 1st November 2021.

You must now indicate how the risk assessment findings will be communicated (including who needs to know the information) (100 to 150

Firstly, I will arrange a meeting with Admin & Finance Director and managing director (who is company manager) for the risk assessment
actions and I will discuss with them about my significant judgment of my report effectiveness of existing control measures and further control
measures that I recommended. There is two useful way in Adam trading company to communicate and deliver information one is internet e.g.
Email and second is intranet messages which are an internal source of information sharing. I will also share my findings with the operation
manager who is looking for warehouse works and managing inventory. I will also share my finding with the Marketing manager.

You must now indicate how you will follow-up on the risk assessment to check that the actions have been carried out (100 to 150 words).
Well I will take the follow ups with all the responsible persons (operation manager and admin & finance director) for the action has been
completed, whether it will take more time for the execution. I will arrange a meeting on every week with the responsibles and will take follow-
ups from them. If I found any delay or dispassionate in any action then I will arrange a meeting with Managing Director of Adam trading
company through Admin & Finance Director for the completion of the actions within in the time scale that is previously decided.

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