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Logic and Critical Thinking

Few suggested questions for Terminal Examination

1. Explain Critical thinking and its elements. Why critical thinking is so important
that World Economic Forum included it in required skills for 2025?
2. Write a note on barriers to effective critical thinking.
3. Critical Thinking is a complex process and therefore requires deliberate efforts
to be on this track while analyzing any issue. Write brief note on cycle/process
of systematic critical thinking.
4. Define Arguments and write about its characteristics with example.
5. It is generally argued that arguments are made to persuade. People often
assume that arguments are used to make other people believe what you
believe. However, literature also suggests that Justification and explanation are
also two exemplary purposes for arguments. Explain with example.
6. Advocates never present their arguments in vacuum; rather these are
developed in an environment of advocacy known as Argument Contexts. Write a
brief note to explain Argument Contexts and its types.
7. Define Conspiracy Theories. List at least five famous conspiracy theories you
have read. Write a brief note why people find conspiracy theories interesting.
8. One of the major conspiracy theories of last two decades relate to 9/11 attack on
World Trade Centre in New York. We have discussed the article titled as “The
9/11 Truth Movement: The Top Conspiracy Theory A decade later” in the summer
2011 issue of Skeptical Inquirer. Briefly present the arguments and counter
arguments about 9/11 Top Conspiracy Theory discussed in the article.
9. Write in very detail about various types of Logical Fallacies. How to argue
against common fallacies? Explain with the help of example.
10. Write in detail about Inductive and Deductive reasoning/arguments. Explain the
concept with the help of example.

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