30 Ngày Tự Luyện TOEIC

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Nội dung bài học

1. Các thành phần câu
2. Nắm vững câu và các cấu trúc bổ nghĩa
3. Nắm vững câu mở rộng
4. Luyện tập phân tích câu

Bài tập luyện

Bài tập kiểm tra

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 1

Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

1. Các thành phần câu

Chức năng của từ loại
Từ loại Chức năng Ví dụ

Diễn tả hành động của chủ ngữ.

Động từ rất quan trọng trong câu, The plant manager organized a day-long safety
Động từ
do đó khi đọc câu, phải xác định workshop. động từ
động từ trước tiên.

Construction for the new plant will begin next

Có vai trò là chủ ngữ (ở đầu câu) và
Danh từ danh từ
tân ngữ (sau động từ).

Medical experts expressed concerns about the

Có chức năng bổ nghĩa cho danh từ
Tính từ increasing use of antibiotics.
và thường đứng truớc danh từ.
tính từ danh từ

Có chức năng bổ nghĩa cho động từ We recently hired several sales personnel.
Trạng từ
hoặc tính từ. trạng từ động từ

Có chức năng liên kết câu với câu Because Pierce was sick, he missed the
liên từ chủ ngữ động từ chủ ngữ động từ
Liên từ hoặc liên kết các động từ trong
(1) (2)
cùng một câu. meeting.

The concert has been canceled because of the

Có chức năng liên kết danh từ, giới từ
Giới từ
thường đứng trước danh từ. heavy rain.
(cụm) danh từ

2. Nắm vững câu và các cấu trúc bổ nghĩa

(1) Các hình thức cấu trúc bổ nghĩa
Mạo từ + trạng từ + tính từ + danh từ : an  increasingly  popular  hobby
 Danh từ phải đứng sau mạo từ.
 Tính từ đứng trước danh từ, bổ nghĩa cho danh từ.
 Trạng từ đứng trước tính từ, bổ nghĩa cho tính từ.
● Hình thức bổ nghĩa sau danh từ
Danh từ + giới từ + danh từ :  A newproduct ( under development)  will be introduced next
 Cấu trúc bổ nghĩa giới từ (under development) đứng sau danh từ (product) và bổ nghĩa cho danh
Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 2
Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

 Trong cấu trúc câu này, chủ ngữ (a new product) và động từ (will be introduced) đứng cách xa
Danh từ + mệnh đề quan hệ (who / which / that) + động từ
 The accounting manager ( who was transferred to London branch)  was fired last week.

 Mệnh đề quan hệ (who was transferred to London branch) đứng sau danh từ (manager) và bổ
nghĩa cho danh từ.
 Trong cấu trúc câu này, chủ ngữ (the accounting manager) và động từ (was fired) đứng cách xa
Ghi chú
Phân tích cấu trúc câu theo thứ tự dưới đây:
1. Xác định động từ.
2. Tìm chủ ngữ (thường là danh từ).
3. Xác định cấu trúc bổ nghĩa rồi phân tích.
4. Xác định sự hòa hợp giữa chủ ngữ và động từ.

3. Nắm vững câu mở rộng

(1) Mở rộng câu bằng cấu trúc bổ nghĩa

Khi thêm cấu trúc bổ nghĩa vào câu cơ bản, câu sẽ dài và phức tạp hơn. Trước hết, ta phải xác định
được cấu trúc của câu cơ bản (chủ ngữ + động từ + tân ngữ).

Câu cơ bản: The company fired employees

chủ ngữ động từ tân ngữ

Thêm trạng từ: The company recently fired employees.

Thêm tính từ: The company recently fired several employees.

Thêm (cụm) giới từ: The company on 5th Avenue recently fired several employees.

Thêm mệnh đề quan hệ: The company, which is located on 5th Avenue, recently fired several

(2) Mở rộng câu bằng cấu trúc liên kết

● Liên kết danh từ bằng giới từ

Để hiểu câu nhanh chóng, trước hết ta nên bỏ qua cấu trúc liên kết bằng giới từ, chỉ tập trung vào cấu
trúc câu cơ bản trước.

The company, which is located in the business district, recently fired several employees
because of the economic slump.

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Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

giới từ cụm danh từ

● Liên kết câu bằng liên từ

The company, which is located on 5th Avenue, recently fired several employees
because its sales have declined substantially.
liên từ chủ ngữ động từ

(= Because its sales have declined substantially, the company, which is located on 5th Avenue,
recently fired several employees.)
4. Luyện tập phân tích câu

1. Gạch dưới chủ ngữ, động từ và tân ngữ

2. Xác định cấu trúc bổ nghĩa và cấu trúc liên kết
ex. The plant manager organized a day-long safety workshop.
chủ ngữ động từ tân ngữ

Bài tập luyện: Tìm chủ ngữ, động từ và tân ngữ

1. The human resources department will take further stops.
2. All new employees must attend this week's session on company policies.
3. The company announced the opening of its new production line.
4. To meet customer's demands is our most important priority.
5. Retaining competent employees is important to succeed in business.
6. A new fax machine will be installed in the copy center.
7. Customers are requested to complete the survey.
8. This medical appliance is guaranteed for one year from the date of purchase.
9. All financial reports must be sent to the accounting department.
10. Special discounts will be given to all new subscribers.
11. The mediator in the merger talks was replaced.
12. The contents of this journal are carefully examined for errors.
13. Regional managers who exceeded sales goals will receive special bonuses.
14. The central library, which was built in 1970, is currently under renovation.
15. Ms. Leona, who is in charge of the accounting department, will be promoted.
16. The concert has been canceled because of the heavy rain.
17. According to a recent survey, interest rates are expected to rise slightly.
18. Because his flight was late, Mr. Lim missed the meeting.
19. The project has been a failure though we invested a lot of money in it
20. International Affairs, a monthly journal, has been published for more than 10 years.

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Bài tập 1:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
01 (Register, Registration) begins at 7 a.m.
02 The (cost, costly of housing rose dramatically last year.
03 (Write, To write) a novle is a goal of many creative writers.
04 (Eating, Eat) well leads to good health.
05 (Our (strategic, strategy) is to launch the product in Europe.
06 The (satisfaction, satisfactory) of our clients is our highest concern.

Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.

07 The ______ of accidents should take priority in the workplace.
(A) prevent (C) prevention
(B) prevented (D) preventive
08 _____ should submit their evaluations of this new hairdryer before leaving.
(A) Participants (C) Participate
(B) Participated (D) Participatory
09 The _____ in the research budget caused a delay in the design process.

(A) reductive (C) reduction

(B)reduced (D) reduction
10 Because of this poor performance, the _____ dismissed the company’s financial manager.

(A) direct (C) director

(B) directive (D) directed

Bài tập 2: Choose correct option in the parentheses.

01 These positions (require, requirement) extensive experience.
02 The company (to organize, should organize) a training program for staff.
03 Mr. Lee (purchased, purchasing) new office furniture.
04 Dialogue (helpful, can help) people to resolve problems.

Actual Question: Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.
05 The CEO _____ a new management system in the board meeting.
(A) will suggest (C) suggesting
(B) suggestion (D) to suggest
06 The members of the HR department _____ every applicant's file.
(A) to review (C) reviewed
(B) reviewing (D) reviewer

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Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

Bài tập 3:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
01 He reported the (problem, problematic) to the administrator.
02 We signed an (agree, agreement) with a foreign company.
03 Many young consumers prefer (to shop, shop) online.
04 The labor union demanded the (resign, resignation) of the president.
05 Mr. Kato considered (launching, launch) a campaign to promote a new PDA.
06 Flyaway Service guarantees (deliver, delivery) in three days.

Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.

07 Our team can design the _____ according to customers' requirements.
(A) produced (C) productive
(B) product (D) productively
08 The proper _____ of equipment will prevent injuries.
(A) utilization (C) utilize
(B) utilizing (D) utilized
09 A broadband connection offers the _____ of immediate access to the Internet.
(A) advantaging (C) advantageous
(B) advantageously (D) advantage
10 Mr. Hornby did not notice any _____ between the two brands of camera.
(A) difference (C) different
(B) differ (D) differs
Bài tập 4:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
01 The new buildings are (spacious, spaciously) with high ceilings.
02 New LCD screens made the enterprise (popular, popularly).
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Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

03 Airplane tickets are not (transferable, transfer) to other individuals.

04 We consider Ms. Elson a qualified (apply, applicant).
05 It is (advise, advisable) to obtain a second opinion if you plan to invest.
06 Jack is a (manager, manage) in the computer business.

Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.

07 It was a great _____ that you were not hired for the position.
(A) disappoint (C) disappoints
(B) disappointedly (D) disappointment
08 Steven Williams was a market _____ when he worked for KMN, Inc.
(A) analyze (C) analyst
(B) analyzes (D) analyzing
09 Researchers found the recycling system _____ in reducing garbage.
(A) effect (C) effective
(B) effects (D) effectively
10 State governments and local citizens are _____ in developing and financing educational
(A) cooperative (C) cooperated
(B) cooperate (D) cooperatively

Bài tập 5:
Put brackets ([ ]) around the modifier(s) in the following sentences.
01 Despite the bad weather, the event is continuing.
02 Tenants cannot renovate their homes without the approval of the owner.
03 Because of a technical problem, we postponed the performance.
04 It was Mr. Downes who was involved in stealing funds.
05 Customers seeking refunds should present a receipt.
06 Economic experts met to analyze the impact of higher interest rates.

Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.

Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following memorandum.


The Barkley Software Company will hold a press conference to announce its merger with Miller
Associates. Barklev Software has developed an innovative _____ to restruct the two companies. It
07 (A) strategic (C) strategize
(B) strategy (D) strategically

will be ____ because it will increase product output and employee creativity.

08 (A) beneficial (C) benefited

(B) beneficially (D) benefit

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Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

Bài tập 6:
Practice with TOEIC Actual Questions
Decide which of the choices - (A), (B), (C), or (D) best completes the sentence.
1. Mr. Smith decided to _____ for the job advertised in the newspaper.
(A) apply
(B) recommend
(C) do
(D) pay
2. The company is going to run a new commercial to _____ sales.
(A) return
(B) quit
(C) transfer
(D) promote
3. I have to _____ this final report by the end of the week.
(A) solve
(B) repair
(C) participate
(D) complete
4. The director strongly _____ Mr. Watson for the job of manager.
(A) contacted
(B) recommended
(C) quit
(D) transferred
5. The board of .directors will gather to _____ the problem next month.
(A) do
(B) participate
(C) solve
(D) apply
6. The manual _____ lots of information on how to use the machine.
(A) makes
(B) is
(C) has
(D) seems
7. Jackson’s proposal about the new marketing policy looks _____
(A) interests
(B) interest
(C) interesting
(D) to interest
8. Jackson’s proposal about the new marketing policy looks _____
(A) interests
(B) interest
(C) interesting
(D) to interest
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Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

9. Many people _____ in line in the lobby.

(A) made
(B) recommended
(C) wrote
(D) waited
10. All of the applicants _____ the system very inconvenient.
(A) became
(B) found
(C) turned
(D) mentioned
11. He _____ the doctor’s office to make an appointment.
(A) called
(B) calling
(C) caller
(D) to call
12. The Madison Hotel _____ guests free coffee and drinks in the lobby.
(A) becomes
(B) finds
(C) offers
(D) keep
13. The _____ looked effective, and the board of directors liked it.
(A) propose
(B) proposal
(C) proposed
(D) proposes
14. The factory manager sent a memo _____ all of the employees.
(A) of
(B) for
(C) in
(D) to

Questions 15-16 refer to the following letter

Dear Lost and Found,

I am writing this letter to ask you about my missing wallet.

Last Friday, I ____ on your airline to go to Boston. I had my wallet when I boarded Flight No. 053

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Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

15. (A) flew

(B) rode
(C) boring
(D) useful

in Vacouver. After arriving in Boston, I took a taxi. When I tried to ____ for the taxi, I found my
16. (A) fill
(B) pay
(C) enter
(D) make

wallet was missing. I guess that I dropped my wallet on the plane. The wallet is brown leather, and
there are several credit cards in my name in it. Could you kindly check if there is a missing wallet on
the plane?

Thank you in advance.


Luke Danes

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1. She has spent many ………………….nights examining the questions.
A. sleepy
B. sleepless
C. sleeplessly
D. sleep
2. Many people like her because of her………………………
A. polite
B. politeness
C. impolite
D. politely
3. You will have to work hard if you want to ……………..
A. succeed
B. successfully
C. success
D. successful
4. Read the book …………… and you can find the information you need.
A. care
B. careful
C. carefulness
D. carefully
5. Lonan Imports will work ….... with any distributor to fulfill a customer request.
A. directly
B. directs
C. directed
D. directness
6. Products made by Izmir Vitamins are designed to promote... and well-being.
A. health
B. healthy
C. healthful
D. healthfully
7. Jane Turngate was elected chairperson of the board of directors at Stellmann Corporation by a .....
A. narrow
B. narrows
C. narrowly
D. narrowness
8. Grove Canoes' prices may .... vary depending on changes in the cost of raw materials.
A. occasion
B. occasions
C. occasional
D. occasionally
9. A 20 percent increase in revenue makes this the .... year yet for the Sorvine HotelGroup.
A. more profitable
B. most profitable
C. profiting
D. profitably
10. McLellan Associates, the ..... of the two law firms, is presently advertising several job openings
for paralegals.
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A. largeness
B. larger
C. largely
D. large
11. The route to Sandy Shores Inn is .... marked from exit 262 on the coastal highway.
A. clearly
B. clear
C. clarity
D. clearance
12. A ... from Jensen-Colmes Corporation will be happy to meet with prospective job applicants at
the Westborough Job Fair.
A. represent
B. representing
C. representative
D. representation
13. The board of trustees will .... vote on the revised proposal at its meeting later this month.
A. define
B. definite
C. definitive
D. definitely
14. Payment is ... at the time you check out of the conference center.
A. expect
B. expecting
C. expected
D. expectation
15. Dr. Sato has indicated that there may soon be an ... for an apprentice technician in the chemical-
production laboratory.
A. open
B. opened
C. openly
D. opening
16. Although Dr. Obetz is qualified in several areas, nutritional health is one of her ....
A. special
B. specializes
C. specialties
D. specialists
17. The analyst's commentary in the progress report was sharply ..... of the leadership team.
A. critical
B. critic
C. critically
D. criticism
18. The ... of the Municipal Park Restoration Project was announced yesterday by the local
hospitality association.
A. completed
B. completes
C. completion
D. complete
19. The loan application process at Palau Bay Bank is very .....
A. efficient
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B. efficiency
C. efficiently
D. efficiencies
20. According to a new study, the United States will face ever increasing ….. in the global economy
over the next decade.
A. competes
B. competition
C. competitively
D. competitive
21. Almost everyone who prepares to start a business finds that the financial projections and market
analysis are …… than they expected.
A. difficult
B. difficulty
C. more difficult
D. much difficulty
22. The hotel is .... located in London’s downtown within walking distance from banks, post office
and stores.
A. convenience
B. convenient
C. conveniences
D. conveniently
23. Over the years we have earned the .... trust and confidence of hundreds of students worldwide
through our unmatched performance in English education.
A. complete
B. completely
C. completed
D. completing
24. If you have .... received an incorrect order or your shipment has arrived damaged please see our
Customer Service section for our Return Policy.
A. mistook
B. mistake
C. mistaken
D. mistakenly
25. In order to use these materials for profit, you must gain formal .... from our company in writing.
A. approving
B. approval
C. approved
D. approves
26. A rapidly growing beverage company is seeking qualified and .... regional and district sales
managers to work with local distributors.
A. motivate
B. motivator
C. motivated
D. motivation
27. Our university has one of the most .... financial support programs in the US to ensure that
students can meet the cost of their college education, regardless of background.
A. extend
B. extent
C. extensive
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D. extending
28. Because it would generate a lot of money, the .... to win the contract will likely be aggressive and
A. competitively
B. competitive
C. competes
D. competition
29. This book will teach you how to get .... out of debt including your mortgage.
A. total
B. totaling
C. totally
D. totaled
30. The software company .... sent out e-mails containing a virus to about 50,000 members on an e-
mail discussion list.
A. accident
B. accidental
C. accidents
D. accidentally
31. Most anti-virus programs are scheduled to perform a background check .... throughout the day on
a set schedule.
A. periodically
B. periodic
C. periodical
D. period
32. The interior of the high-speed trains is .... and able to carry more than 500 passengers.
A. space
B. spacious
C. spacing
D. spaciousness
33. In a recent survey, people appear to consider changing their job when they find their current
work too ....
A. repeat
B. repetitive
C. repeating
D. repetition
34. Today a lot of manufacturing firms have been too .... about investment, opting to amass cash
reserves instead.
A. caution
B. cautiousness
C. cautious
D. cautiously
35. There are many folk cultures on the island, which are .... distinct from the mainland.
A. clearer
B. clearly
C. clearest
D. cleared
36. During the war, a lot of companies in Japan were able to add .... to their wealth by selling deadly
A. consider
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B. consideration
C. considerately
D. considerably
37. The .... of these ancient burial grounds has given us a lot of useful information about their
A. survive
B. survivor
C. survival
D. survey
38. A variety of pictures are scanned into a form of proper .... that computers can recognize.
A. informal
B. informative
C. information
D. informing
39. In order to .... the internal market, exports were controlled, and foreign exchange and issuance of
permissions were used as foreign trade policies.
A. regulate
B. regulating
C. regulation
D. regular
40. Visitors to the library are asked to speak .... and keep conversations brief when in the main
reading room.
A. quiet
B. quietly
C. quietest
D. quietness

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Nội dung bài học

Chú ý 1: Trạng từ chỉ thời gian diễn tả quá khứ
Chú ý 2: Trạng từ chỉ thời gian diễn tả tương lai
Chú ý 3: Trường hợp phải dùng thì hiện tại

Bài tập luyện

Bài tập kiểm tra

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Chọn câu đúng.
1. a. Kathy will send an e-mail last week.
b. Kathy sent an e-mail last week.
2. a. Kathy provided a free meal yesterday.
b. Kathy provides a free meal yesterday.
Kathy sent an e-mail last week.
Kathy provided a free meal yesterday.
Trạng từ chỉ thời gian ở quá khứ
=> động từ được chia ở thì quá khứ
Ngữ pháp bổ sung
Các trạng từ được dùng ở thì quá khứ:
last ~ : last week, last month, last year
~ ago: a week ago, a year ago, ten years ago
Pierce submitted the document yesterday / last week / a week ago

Bài tập 1:
1. Mr. Kim (will attend/ attended) the conference last year.
2. The company (conducted/ will conduct) the survey two weeks ago.
3. I (included/ include) the report in my e-mail yesterday.
4. J&J (held/ will hold) a press conference a month ago here.
5. Early last week, we (will inspect/ inspected) the quality of the products.

Bài tập 2:
1. Ms. Helen________transferred to the Chicago branch last week.
(A) is (B) will be
(C) has been (D) was
2. The sales manager________our company six years ago.
(A) will join (B) joined
(C) joins (D) is joining
3. The money________deposited in the bank last Friday.
(A) was (B) is
(C) has been (D) will be
4. The City Hall________constructed in 1945.
(A) were (B) was
(C) is (D) will be
5. He________elected as vice president of our company in the last week’s meeting.
(A) is (B) was
(C) will be (D) were


Chọn câu đúng:
1. a. Kathy will work next Saturday.
b. Kathy worked next Saturday.
2. a. Kathy delivered good news tomorrow.
b. Kathy will deliver good news tomorrow.
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Kathy will work next Saturday.

Kathy will deliver good news tomorrow

Trạng từ chỉ thời gian ở tương lai => động từ cũng ở thì tương lai
Ngữ pháp bổ sung
Các trạng từ được dùng ở thì tương lai:
next ~ : next week: tuần sau / next month :tháng sau/ next year :năm sau
Pierce will submit the document tomorrow/ next week/ next month/ next year.

Bài tập 3:
1. I (submitted/ will submit) the proposal in person next week.
2. During next week’s seminar, the managers (will discuss/ discusses) the problem.
3. The company (constructed/ will construct) a new assembly plant next year.
4. There (was/ will be) an orientation for new employees tomorrow morning.
5. We will (implement/ implemented) a new vacation policy as of next month.

Bài tập 4:
1. Ms. Jin__________from her trip next week.
(A) returned (B) returns (C) to return (D) will return
2. The manager__________with the president tomorrow.
(A) will meet (B) met (C) meets (D) meeting
3. The bank __________ interest rates next month.
(A) raises (B) is raising (C) will raise (D) raised
4. The economy __________ from the recession next year.
(A) will recover (B) recovers (C) recovered (D) is recovering
5. Effective next week, Mr. Park __________ in charge of the sales department.
(A) is (B) will be (C) be (D) was


Với thì hiện tại, ngoài việc nhận biết thông qua trạng từ chỉ thời gian, ta còn có thể nhận biết qua ý
nghĩa của câu
 Khi diễn tả sự thật nói chung
 Khi diễn tả một sự việc lặp đi lặp lại hay một thói quen
 Trường hợp khác

1. Khi diễn tả sự thật nói chung

Ex: Managers spend considerable time training new employees
Manager: giám đốc, quản lý
Spend time (in) + V-ing: dành thời gian để làm ~
Considerable: nhiều, đáng kể
Train: đào tạo

2. Khi diễn tả một sự việc lặp đi lặp lại hay một thói quen
Ex: We usually spend much money on advertising
Những trạng từ diễn tả hành động lặp đi lặp lại hoặc thói quen
Always often usually
frequently every day every year
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3. Trường hợp khác

Sự việc diễn ra trong thời gian ngắn bây giờ, phải dùng thì hiện tại tiếp diễn
Be + V-ing
Ex: They are planning to build a new plant now.
Plan to do: dự định làm
Build: xây dựng
Plant: nhà máy

Bài tập 5:
1. It usually (will take/ takes) one hour to get to the City Hall.
2. I (read/ have read) a book every morning.
3. He usually (goes/will go) to work at 7:30
4. The company (recruits/ is recruiting) an experienced sales manager now.

Bài tập 6:
1. The public library usually … no fees for local residents to borrow books.
(A) will change (B) charging
(C) to charge (D) charges
2. Every month, we … a monthly business meeting.
(A) will have (B) have
(C) having (D) has
3. The department heads frequently … with the overseas marketing team.
(A) to meet (B) will meet
(C) meet (D) meeting
4. A good supervisor … encouragement to employees.
(A) gave (B) is giving
(C) given (D) gives
5. We are now … our efforts to provide better services to our customers.
(A) increase (B) increasing
(C) increases (D) increased


Part V Chọn từ thích hợp để điền vào chỗ trống dưới đây.
1. The blueprint for the office building __________ finished by next week.
(A) will have (B) have
(C) are (D) will be
2. The president __________ the office early every Friday.
(A) will leave (B) left
(C) is leaving (D) leaves
3. The recruitment of sales personnel __________ last week.
(A) is ending (B) will end
(C) ends (D) ended
4. By next Friday, all budget reports __________ reviewed by the accounting
(A) will be (B) are
(C) have (D) were
5. I knew Mr. Kim’s resignation when I __________ his office last Tuesday.
(A) will visit (B) visited
(C) visiting (D) visit
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Part VI Điền vào chỗ trống trong mẩu quảng cáo sau.
Starting next week, the new City Library _________ a variety of services to meet the
needs of all
6. (A) will provide (B) provides
(C) provided (D) providing
citizens. In the past, it _________ impossible to provide those services due to the lack
7. (A) has (B) was
(C) is (D) will be
technology and equipment. We always _________ comments and suggestions that may
help us serve you better. If you have any suggestions on how we can improve, let us know.
8. (A) welcomed (B) will welcome
(C) welcome (D) welcomes


Bài tập 1:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
01 Mr. Chen (finished, finish) reviewing the summary yesterday.
02 We often (announce, will announce) the date for interviews in a local paper.
03 The board (convened, will convene) an executive session tomorrow.
04 Many workers (go, went) abroad in 2003.
05 Next Tuesday, the ship (will leave, left) the harbor at 12 p.m.
06 Ms. Cooper (met, meets) one of her European clients three days ago.

Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.

07 The hotel's recreational facilities _____ a swimming pool and tennis courts.
(A) include (C) inclusion
(B) includes (D) to include
08 Some experts predict that urban areas _____ 98 percent of the world's population by 2050.
(A) hold (C) will hold
(B) held (D) holding
09 Some experts predict that urban areas _____ 98 percent of the world's population by 2050.
(A) hold (C) will hold
(B) held (D) holding
10 Several computer manufacturers _____ their new lines in the next several months
(A) introduce (C) introduction
(B) will introduce (D) be introduced

Bài tập 2: Choose one correct option in the parentheses.

01 Ms. Tracy (is preparing, was preparing) the annual report now.
02 Our CEO (will be attending, was attending) an important workshop at this time yesterday.
03 This time tomorrow, Chris (is attending, will be attending) an important conference.
04 She (worked, was working) on her report when the fire took place.
05 Mr. McCain (is returning, was returning) to Korea now.

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06 We (were making, will be making) arrangements for the Trade Conference tomorrow.

Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.

07 Ms. Thomas _____ in the employee development session at 3 o'clock yesterday
(A) participates (C) is participating
(B) to participate (D) was participating
08 Wellton supermarket _____ its customers a 20 percent discount until Monday.
(A) offered (C) will be offering
(B) is offering (D) was offering
09 The manufacture _____ changes to its billing procedures now.
(A) implements (C) implementing
(B) implemented (D) is implementing
10 The memo informed us that the company _____ the renovation of the office next month.
(A) is carrying out
(B) has been carrying out
(C) will be carrying out
(D) is being carrying out

Bài tập 3:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
01 Mr. Heath (has appointed, will have appointed) Richard Barth as a financial officer by next May.
02 Before the results came in, she (had already gone, will have already gone).
03 The price of gas (increases, has increased) considerably since 2000
04 The revenue of the company (falls, has fallen) significantly for two years.

Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences

05 The cost of living In the country_____ by 17 percent over the last 15 years.
(A) will rise (C) rising
(B) has risen (D) rise
06 Mr. Jantick _____ in the military for six months by the end of the year.
(A) been served (C) will serve
(B) has served (D) will have served

Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following advertisement.

We are looking for a corporate trainer. Applicants should hold a master's degree in business or
communications studies. Also, five years of experience is required. The Business Training Program
_____ the most popular of all the programs we have offered over the past two years. The

01 (A) will be (C) had been

(B) was (D) has been

qualified candidate _____ training programs related to marketing strategies and management

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02 (A) conducts (C) will conduct

(B) conducted (D) has conducted

starting next month. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Barry at 555-7800.

Bài tập 4: Choose one correct option in the parentheses.

01 Toxic chemicals should always be (practiced, handled, prevented) with care.

02 Effective advertisements (broaden, attract, convene) many new customers.
03 If you wish to attend the seminar, do not (expand, consider, hesitate) to contact me.
04 Computer programs are (labored, utilized, proceeded) in the shipment of orders.

Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.

05 A deposit of $50 is required to _____ seats for the upcoming season.
(A) respond (C) connect
(B) appoint (D) reserve
06 The annual meeting _____ as planned last month without any interruption.
(A) reviewed (C) proceeded
(B) obtained (D) marched

Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following e-mail.

From: Julia Banks, CrackEnglish Publishing

To: Cathy Jones, Customer Service

Dear Ms. Jones,

Due to defects in the audio tapes we ordered from your company, we have received numerous
complaints from our customers. As we think that this problem could have been _____ if you had

07 (A) protected (C) reported

(B) solved (D) prevented

not sent us faulty merchandise, we believe that your company should seriously _____ how we can

08 (A) counsel (C) consider

(B) impact (D) notify

be compensated for the losses. We would like to hear from you as soon as possible

Bài tập 5:
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Decide which of the choices - (A), (B), (C), or (D) - best completes the sentence.
1. ICD Co. announced that it would _____ a new product next year.
(A) remain
(B) conduct
(C) launch
(D) renew
2. The secretary _____ a ticket to New York.
(A) booked
(B) complained
(C) increased
(D) met
3. The company decided to _____ the workforce in the Maintenance Department.
(A) afford
(B) reserve
(C) postpone
(D) reduce
4. Mr. Brown _____ the sales report last week.
(A) submitted
(B) submit
(C) submits
(D) submission
5. We _____ a new model to the China market in a month.
(A) introduce
(B) introduced
(C) will introduce
(D) were introducing
6. Last year, my team_____ a seminar every month.
(A) held
(B) holds
(C) holding
(D) will holding
7. There _____ increased concern about our competitors for the last year.
(A) have been
(B) has been
(C) was
(D) be
8. The committee _____ the proposal at the moment.
(A) was reviewing
(B) is reviewing
(C) reviews
(D) reviewed
9. By next month, Morgan _____ in the department for 3 years.

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(A) is
(B) was
(C) has been
(D) will have been
10. Ms. Sanderson _____ for a marketing firm before she came here.
(A) has worked
(B) works
(C) working
(D) had worked
11. Ms. Kimberly _____ out. of the country until next Tuesday.
(A) was
(B) is
(C) will be
(D) has been
12. The manager asked if there _____ any calls for her.
(A) is
(B) are
(C) had been
(D) has been
13. By 2020, the demand for digital cameras _____ twofold.
(A) will increase
(B) has increased
(C) will have increased
(D) increases
14. If managers _____ their employees to work overtime, they will have to pay them more
(A) want
(B) will want
(C) wants
(D) have wanted

Questions 15-16 refer to the following letter.

Dear Mr. Lee,

I am so sorry that we _____ a mistake while processing your order last week.

15. (A) made

(B) makes
(C) making
(D) has made

I understand this caused a terrible inconvenience for your business. I _____ the product you
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16. (A) sent

(B) will send
(C) sending
(D) has sent

ordered as soon as possible as well as a free gift. Once again, 1 am sorry about the inconvenience,
and I hope to continue to do business with you for many years.


1. My wife and I ______the company picnic last weekend.
(A) were attending
(B) attend
(C) attended
(D) attending
2. ______ coming into work today because I am sick.
(A) I am
(B) I will
(C) I'm not
(D) I didn't
3. No, I _____ think that an office assistant would be useful.
(A) don't
(B) does
(C) doesn't
(D) am doing
4. The company ______taking the stand that even being five minutes late is the same as missing a
day's work.
(A) is
(B) will
(C) am
(D) isn't
5. I usually eat my lunch in the breakroom, but today I _____my lunch at my desk.
(A) eat
(B) ate
(C) eaten
(D) have eaten
6. Planning the new office layout has been the hardest task I ______ in a long while.
(A) had have
(B) did have
(C) did had
(D) have had
7. Everyone_______ been wonderful to work with, and I will sorely miss working here.
(A) have
(B) did
(C) hasn't
(D) has

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8. The committee _______that we do not pursue legal action at this time, but wait for the result of
the tests.
(A) suggesting
(B) is recommending
(C) has
(D) is recommended
9. The worst that can happen _______ that the store will have to alter its operating hours until we can
hire replacement staff.
(A) are
(B) was
(C) is
(D) have
10. The boss was so angry at me that I was sure I _______ be fired.
(A) will
(B) would
(C) may
(D) might
11. She said she_______ rather not meet with you face to face.
(A) had
(B) could
(C) did
(D) would
12. My arm hurts. A bunch of us _______blood today at work.
(A) give
(B) to give
(C) gaved
(D) gave
13. She _______always on time.
(A) is
(B) does be
(C) are
(D) be
14. She _______spoken to me about your proposal.
(A) did
(B) have
(C) is
(D) has
15. There_______ no “I” in "Team."
(A) be
(B) isn't
(C) ain't
(D) is
16. Tomorrow, I_______ going on a week-long business trip to the Maldives.
(A) will
(B) to
(C) is
(D) am
17. We'll start when he _______ready.
(A) will
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(B) will is
(C) will be
(D) is
18. We _______at a party two months ago.
(A) meet
(B) met
(C) have met
(D) meeting
19. So far, there _______no word from them.
(A) is
(B) was
(C) has
(D) has been
20. When I called on her, Mary_______ her room.
(A) clean
(B) cleans
(C) cleaning
(D) was cleaning
21. All things _______, Professor Kim is the best instructor I've ever had.
(A) considered
(B) to consider
(C) considering
(D) considerable
22. I'm quite sure this business will_______.
(A) paying
(B) pay for
(C) pay off
(D) paid
23. I'm sort of _______with his flattery.
(A) disgust
(B) to disgust
(C) disgusting
(D) disgusted
24. These pills will surely _______your pain.
(A) ease
(B) easy
(C) easily
(D) easiness
25. I _______ like to see his daughter right now.
(A) will
(B) shall
(C) would
(D) could
26. Losing interest in her business, Kimberly has recently_______.
(A) retired
(B) be retired
(C) to be retired
(D) been retired
27. Almost every part of our lives _______computerized over the past to years.
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(A) have been

(B) has been
(C) was
(D) had done
28. I went to Los Angeles fifteen years _______ .
(A) before
(B) ago
(C) since
(D) next to
29. Kate usually _______ to class by bicycle, but today she went by bus because of the rain.
(A) go
(B) goes
(C) went
(D) gone
30. Frank_______ a TV show when Karen got home.
(A) watched
(B) watches
(C) watch
(D) was watching
31. We _______her for more than twenty years.
(A) know
(B) knows
(C) have known
(D) are known
32. His father _______a lawyer, but now he's a politician.
(A) is used to be
(B) was used to be
(C) use to be
(D) used to be
33. We were asked not to disturb the baby because he _______ .
(A) is sleeping
(B) slept
(C) was sleeping
(D) sleeping
34. He has studied English _______ since he was in elementary school.
(A) during
(B) while
(C) as long as
(D) Since
35. While Steve was washing his car, he _______ some dents in the doors.
(A) discovered
(B) is discovering
(C) was discovering
(D) has discovered
36. Ever since he arrived, he _______ quietly in the corner.
(A) sat
(B) has been sitting
(C) sits
(D) is sitting
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37. When he got home, his wife _______dinner.

(A) fix
(B) fixes
(C) fixing
(D) was fixing
38. On my trip to Italy, not only _______ a suitcase, but I broke my glasses.
(A) I lost
(B) I lose
(C) lost I
(D) did I lose

Questions 39 through 42 refer to the following letter.

Questions 39 through 42 refer to the following letter.

Mr. Albert Di Beni,

333 Spring Road

Dear Mr. Di Beni,

The Penshurst Medical Practice invites you to make an appointment for a medical _______. After
39. (A) exam
(B) examination
(C) quiz
(D) test

the age of forty, we recommend that you have a full physical every year. Our records show that you
recently _______ your fiftieth birthday. However, it is over seven years since were

40. (A) celebrated

(B) have celebrated
(C) had celebrated
(D) were celebrating
celebrating your last appointment with our clinic. If you contact the Penshurst Medical Practice
before September 15s, you will be able to take advantage _______ a free check up. In this

41. (A) from

(B) in
(C) of
(D) to

medical to we will check blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and blood sugar. For a small extra
charge. it is possible to have a more detailed examination. If you are ____ in this offer, please call
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42. (A) available

(B) wanting
(C) interested
(D) believe
the Medical Practice at your earliest convenience.


Penshurst Medical Practice

Questions 43 through 46 refer to the following memo.

This semester, be prepared for your exams. Follow these handy hints from the Student Advice

Don't _______ until the night before an exam. The best students revise and learn early and regularly

43. (A) be wait

(B) waiting
(C) wait
(D) had waited

throughout the semester. Revise each night what you learned in class that day. Reread class notes,
assignments, handouts or previous tests and textbooks. _______ key words and points with a colored

44. (A) Highlight

(B) Notice
(C) Spotlight
(D) View

pen or pencil. It is very helpful to write summaries of the notes you take in class.

If that sounds like too much effort, then you start studying at least two weeks before _______ your

45. (A) had to

(B) should
(C) would
(D) shouldn't

exams. Make a study schedule and stick to it, but be realistic about your goals. Don't try to do too
much in one day. Resting is as _______ as studying.

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46. (A) important

(B) importance
(C) duty
(D) must

Questions 47 through 50 refer to the following information.

Choosing a college

_______ a college is one of the most important decisions you will have to make. The following

47. (A) To choice

(B) Chosen
(C) Choosing
(D) Having chosen

suggestions should help you _______ an informed decision. Visit the school you are considering.

48. (A) have

(B) suggest
(C) make
(D) perform

While you are at the school, take some time to look at the equipment and facilities. Talk to lecturers
and _______ students. Ask questions that will give you first-hand knowledge about the school:

49. (A) now

(B) current
(C) presently
(D) immediate

Do the instructors seem knowledgeable? What is the students' opinion of the instructors? What
_______ they like most and least about the school or program? Finally, look at several schools that

50. (A) do
(B) are
(C) had
(D) can

offer similar programs. Compare program length, schedule, cost, transferability of course credits,
financial aid availability, and any other factors that are important to you.

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Chú ý 1
1. Liên từ của mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian
2. Liên từ của mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ điều kiện
Chú ý 2
1. Trong mệnh đề that theo sau những động từ chỉ yêu cầu, mệnh lệnh, đề nghị ta luôn dùng động từ
nguyên mẫu dù hành động đó ở hiện tại, quá khứ hay tương lai.
2. Những tính từ chỉ sự cần thiết cũng dùng với động từ nguyên mẫu.
Chú ý 3
1. Dùng làm trạng từ chỉ mục đích
2. Dùng làm chủ ngữ thật và tân ngữ thật cho câu có đại từ it
Chú ý 4
1. Phân biệt danh từ và danh động từ
Chú ý 5
1. Cấu trúc đi với động từ nguyên mẫu có to
2. Các động từ đi với động từ nguyên mẫu có to
3. Các danh từ đi với động từ nguyên mẫu có to
4. Các cấu trúc đi với danh động từ
5. Động từ đi với danh động từ

Bài tập luyện tập 1

VERB + V-ing/ To-V
1. Các động từ + V-ing
2. Các động từ + To V
3. Các động từ + O + To V
Bài tập luyện tập 2
Bài tập kiểm tra

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Chú ý 1
1. Liên từ của mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian
 when (khi)
 before (trước khi)
 after (sau khi)
 as soon as (ngay khi)
 while (trong khi)

Ex: Please don’t forget to turn off the computer before you leave the office.
2. Liên từ của mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ điều kiện
 once (một khi)
 if (nếu)
 unless (trừ phi)
Ex: If you return this survey, we will give you a 10% discount coupon.
Trong mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian và chỉ điều kiện
Tương lai -> Hiện tại đơn
Tương lai hoàn thành -> Hiện tại hoàn thành

Quick quiz
1. If you ___________ any help to organize the meeting, please don’t hesitate to ask me.
(A) needs (B) needed
(C) will need (D) need

Chú ý 2
1. Trong mệnh đề that theo sau những động từ chỉ yêu cầu, mệnh lệnh, đề nghị ta luôn dùng
động từ nguyên mẫu dù hành động đó ở hiện tại, quá khứ hay tương lai.
request, recommend, suggest, insist + that + chủ ngữ + động từ nguyên mẫu
Ex: The accounting manager requested that all budget reports be submitted by Friday.

2. Những tính từ chỉ sự cần thiết cũng dùng với động từ nguyên mẫu.
It is imperative, essential, important, necessary + that + chủ ngữ + động từ nguyên mẫu
Ex: It is imperative that the facilities in the plant be checked regularly.

Quick quiz
2. The system engineer has requested that the existing computer system ________ as soon as
(A) upgrades (B) is upgraded
(C) be upgraded (D) upgraded

Chú ý 3
1. Dùng làm trạng từ chỉ mục đích
Ex: To provide better service, we receive feedback from our customers.
Động từ nguyên mẫu có to (to provide) có túc từ là better service, được dùng làm trạng từ chỉ mục
đích (để phục vụ khách hàng tốt hơn).

2. Dùng làm chủ ngữ thật và tân ngữ thật cho câu có đại từ it

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a) Khi chủ ngữ quá dài, người ta thường dùng chủ ngữ giả it. Lúc này, chủ ngữ thật là mệnh đề danh
ngữ that hoặc động từ nguyên mẫu có to
Ex: It is impossible for our team to meet the deadline.
Chủ ngữ giả chủ ngữ thật
b) Khi túc từ quá dài, người ta thường dùng tân ngữ giả it. Lúc này, tân ngữ thật là động từ nguyên
mẫu có to.
Ex: This software program made it possible to reduce production time.
Tân ngữ giả tân ngữ thật
Quick quiz
3. In almost every business, it is really imperative __________ responsive to customers’ needs.
(A) to be (B) being
(C) is (D) that

Chú ý 4
1. Phân biệt danh từ và danh động từ
 Danh động từ có chức năng là danh từ trong câu và có thể đóng vai trò làm tân ngữ.
 Danh động từ khác danh từ ở các điểm sau:
- Danh động từ không có mạo từ như danh từ.
- Danh động từ có thể có túc từ theo sau (thường là danh từ)
Danh động từ
The management has decided to discontinue producing lady’s hats.
Danh từ
The management has decided to discontinue production of lady's hats.

Quick quiz
4. It is expected that we will begin ________ our new line of portable printers next month.
(A) production (B) productive
(C) producing (D) produce

Chú ý 5
1. Cấu trúc đi với động từ nguyên mẫu có to
be going to do be eligible to do
be able to do be unable to do
be sure to do in order to do
so as to do feel free to do
be liable to do be pleased to do
be delighted to do be likely to do
be supposed to do be designed to do
be reluctant to do be willing to do
would like to do be ready to do
hesitate to do

2. Các động từ đi với động từ nguyên mẫu có to

propose/ intend/ plan/ decide/ fail to do/ want/ wish/ hope to do

3. Các danh từ đi với động từ nguyên mẫu có to

ability/ right/ way/ need to do

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4. Các cấu trúc đi với danh động từ

be capable of ~ing succeed in ~ing
have difficulty ~ing be busy ~ing
upon ~ing be devoted to + Noun
be committed to + Noun/~ing look forward to +Noun/~ing
be entitled to + Noun
Ở đây, to là giới từ nên sau to là danh từ hoặc danh động từ.

5. Động từ đi với danh động từ

consider/ discontinue/ avoid/ finish/ suggest/ include/ keep ~ing


Bài tập 1:
Part V: Chọn từ thích hợp điền vào chỗ trống.
1. Early last week, the city council formally ________ the downtown renewal project.
(A) approved (B) will approve
(C) approves (D) has approved

2. After considerable effort, the company has succeeded in ________ the new environment-
friendly home appliances.
(A) development (B) develops
(C) developed (D) developing

3. If commercial banks ________ mortgage rates, many households will have difficulty in
repaying interest.
(A) Will raise (B) raise
(C) to raise (D) raising

4. It is important for security guards ________ the security guidelines while they are on duty.
(A) following (B) to follow
(C) followed (D) follow

5. Some technical support workers ________ at the headquarters to learn how to operate the
new network access system over the past two months.
(A) trained (B) have trained
(C) have been trained (D) are trained

6. The newly installed security system _______ requires that every user the four-digit access
(A) have (B) to have
(C) having (D) has

7. Construction workers are responsible for _______ their own equipment and tools.
(A) provides (B) providing
(C) provided (D) provision
Part VI: Chọn đáp án đúng cho câu 8 ~ 10 trong mẩu quảng cáo sau đây.
Want to sell your property?
Why only sell to local buyers?
Intemational-Properties.com offers the first international private property sales service.
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Our bilingual sales team enables the Intemational-Properties.com network to sell your property
directly to our database of international clients. If you ____________ to sell your property
internationally, we will be the best choice.
8. (A) will plan
(B) plans
(C) plan
(D) planned
We ___________ working as a specialist for international property over the past 20 years.
9. (A) were
(B) have been
(C) are
(D) will be
By ________ your property description to Intemational-Properties.com, your ad will be
10. (A) provide
(B) provision
(C) providing
(D) provided
promoted on our network until the sale of your property.

VERB + V-ing/ To-V

1. Các động từ + V-ing
• avoid (tránh) • recollect (nhớ ra)
• admit (thừa nhận) • recommend (nhắc nhở)
• advise (khuyên nhủ) • resent (bực tức)
• appreciate (đánh giá) • resist (kháng cự)
• complete (hoàn thành) • risk (rủi ro)
• consider (xem xét) • suggest (đề nghị)
• delay (trì hoãn) • tolerate (tha thứ)
• deny (từ chối) • understand (hiểu)
• discuss (thảo luận) • can’t help (ko thể tránh/ nhịn được)
• dislike (không thích) • can’t stand (ko thể chịu đựng đc)
• enjoy (thích) • can’t bear (ko thể chịu đựng đc)
• finish (hoàn thành) • It is no use/ It is no good (vô ích)
• keep (tiếp tục) • would you mind (có phiền...ko)
• mention (đề cập) • to be used to (quen với)
• mind (phiền, ngại) • to be/ get accustomed to (dần quen
• miss (nhớ, bỏ lỡ) với)
• postpone (trì hoãn) • to be busy (bận rộn)
• practice (luyện tập) • to be worth (xứng đáng)
• quit (nghỉ, thôi) • to look forward to (trông mong)
• recall (nhắc nhở, nhớ)
2. Các động từ + To V
• agree (đồng ý) • consent (bằng lòng)
• appear (xuất hiện) • decide (quyết định)
• arrange (sắp xếp) • demand (yêu cầu)
• ask (hỏi, yêu cầu) • deserve (xứng đáng)
• beg (nài nỉ, van xin) • expect (mong đợi)
• care (chăm sóc) • fail (thất bại)
• claim (đòi hỏi, yêu cầu) • hesitate (do dự)
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• hope (hi vọng) • refuse (từ chối)

• learn (học) • wish (mong)
• manage (sắp xếp) • seem (dường như)
• mean (ý định) • struggle (đấu tranh)
• need (cần) • swear (xin thề)
• offer (đề nghị) • threaten (đe doạ)
• plan (lên kế hoạch) • volunteer (tình nguyện)
• prepare (chuẩn bị) • wait (đợi)
• pretend (giả vờ) • want (muốn)
• promise (hứa) • afford (đủ khả năng)
3. Các động từ + O + To V
• advise (khuyên)
• allow (cho phép)
• ask (yêu cầu)
• beg (van xin)
• cause (gây ra)
• challenge (thách thức)
• convince (thuyết phục)
• dare (dám)
• encourage (khuyến khích)
• expect (mong đợi)
• forbid (cấm)
• force (buộc)
• hire (thuê)
• instruct (hướng dẫn)
• invite (mời)
• need (cần)
• order (ra lệnh)
• permit (cho phép)
• persuade (thuyết phục)
• remind (nhắc nhở)
• require (đòi hỏi)
• teach (dạy)
• tell (bảo)
• urge (thúc giục)
• want (muốn)
• warn (báo trước)

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+ Ving: Nhớ (quên) chuyện đã làm
I remember meeting you somewhere last year
+ To inf:
Nhớ (quên) để làm chuyện gì đó
Don't forget to buy me a book.

+ Ving: thử làm gì
I try eating the cake he makes
+ To inf: cố gắng để ...
I try to avoid meeting him

+ Ving: hối hận chuyện đã làm
I regret lending him the book
+ To inf: lấy làm tiếc để ......
I regret to tell you that ... ( tôi lấy làm tiếc để nói với bạn rằng...) - chưa nói - bây giờ mới nói

Stop + to inf: Dừng để làm gì
After I’d been working for 3 hours, I stopped to eat lunch.
Stop + Ving: Dừng việc gì lại
We stop eating meat 5 years ago.

Mean + to inf: Dự định
I mean to go out
Mean + Ving: mang ý nghĩa
Failure on the exam means having to learn one more year.

1.1 Need dùng như một động từ thường:
a) Động từ đi sau need chỉ ở dạng nguyên thể khi chủ ngữ là một vật thể sống:
- My friend needs to learn Spanish.
He will need to drive alone tonight.
John needs to paint his house.
b) Động từ đi sau need phải ở dạng verb-ing hoặc dạng bị động nếu chủ ngữ không phải là vật thể
Ex: The grass needs cutting
OR The grass needs to be cut.
The telivision needs repairing
OR The TV needs to be repaired.
Your thesis needs rewriting
OR Your thesis needs to be rewritten.
1.2 Need dùng như một trợ động từ

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Chỉ dùng ở thể nghi vấn hoặc phủ định thời hiện tại. Ngôi thứ ba số ít không có "s" tận cùng. Không
dùng với trợ động từ to do. Sau need (trợ động từ) là một động từ bỏ to:
Ex: We needn't reserve seats - there will be plenty of rooms. Need I fill out the form?

Bài tập 2:
1. Even though assigned tasks are somewhat complex, we will have to complete them before
we_____ for the day.
a. leave b. leaving
c. to leave d. have left
2. Due to_____ fuel prices, the company has decided to add a surcharge to all
a. rise b. arisen
c. rose d. rising
3. Speakers should be prepared_____ their finding to the audience and be able to answer questions
regarding them.
a. has presented b. presenting
c. present d. to present
4. Abigail Sanchez is going to attend a conference in Hamshire tomorrow.
She remembers_____ there last year.
a. to come b. came
c. to coming d. coming
5. Please remember_____ your identification and sufficient documents
with you when you come here to register.
a. to bring b. to bringing
c. bringing d. being brought
6. Mr. Michael needs_____ all the CVs of applicants before contacting
them for interviewing.
a. review b. to review
c. reviewing d. to be reviewed
7. The first solar-energy motorbike of Apo Motors needs_____ carefully before introducing to the
public next month.
a. test b. to test
c. testing d. to be testing
8. One of the most effective methods to protect precious animals is that people should stop_____
them for leather and feather.
a. hunt b. to hunt
c. hunting d. be hunted
9. According to the schedule, after leaving the National Park, the visitors
will stop_____ the view beside the Sachihiro River.
a. to enjoy b. to be enjoyed
c. enjoying d. be enjoying
10. Auto-car manufactory tried_____ the fixed cost and variable cost
to increase the profit.
a. to cut b. to be cut
c. be cutting d. cutting
11. In order to ensure that the medication does not have side – effects, pharmacists have tried_____
it on a variety of animals.
a. to experiment b. experimenting
c. to be experimented d. experimented
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12. In financial terms, IPO( initial public offering) means_____ a company’s shares to the public for
the first time and then the stock is said to be listed on the stock exchange.
a. sell b. to sell
c. selling d. be sold
13. The full version of Salem’s newest song that meant_____ was leaked.
a. to launch b. to be launched
c. launching d. be launched
14. Ms. Saffron regrets_____ protective gloves when using this cleaning
liquid. Serious burns have resulted from direct contact with her skin.
a. to wear b. wearing
c. not to wear d. not wearing
15. Mrs. Happy, the founder of Happy’s Pie Hut, regrets_____ that she will retire and leave her
business next year
a. to inform b. informing
c. to be informed d. being informed

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Bài tập 1:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
01 We hope (gain, to gain) a greater market share
02 Our goal is (to attract, attraction) more customers.
03 Simon’s mistake was (to forget, forget) the date of the conference.
04 I am writing (inquire, to inquire) whether my order was shipped.
05 She is beginning (prepare, to prepare) the company s anniversary celebration
06 We will need (to enhance, enhancement) the security of our website.

Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.

07 The board members unanimously agreed _____ Mr. Weber’s suggestion.
(A) accept (C) accepted
(B) to accept (D) acceptance
08 Some residents wish _____ their phone numbers after they move.
(A) to keep (C) kept
(B) keep (D) keeper
09 One way of boosting profits is _____ the cost of production.
(A) reduced (C) to reduce
(B) reduce (D) reduction
10 The accounting department may request receipts _____ your expenses.
(A) verifying (C) be verified
(B) verify (D) to verify

Bài tập 2:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
01 Many people prefer (invest, to invest) in the IT industry.
02 (To update, Update) our website is my main responsibility.
03 Our policy is (donation, to donate) money to charities every year
04 He has a presentation (to make, make) on sales strategies.
05 (To protect, Protection) your skin, you should use UltraCare sunblock.
06 She called (to reschedule, reschedule) her appointment with Mr. Lee.

Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.

07 _____ the facilities before the upcoming event, the firm required several staff members to work
(A) To inspect (C) Inspection
08 The meeting's purpose is _____ improvements in employee benefits.
(A) discuss (C) discussion
(B) will discuss (D) to discuss
09 Every company has an obligation _____ its workers with a safe and healthy work atmosphere.
(A) provide (C) provision
(B) provides (D) to provide
10 Mr. McCarran checked the advertisements in several newspapers _____ for a used digital camera.

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(A) of looking (C) look

(B) to look (D) looks

Bài tập 3:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
01 The presenter forced attendees (to set, setting) yearly goals.
02 Bigtown, Inc. permits employees (moving, to move) to other branches.
03 The corporation wishes (relocating, to relocate) outside New York.
04 The manager promised (to lower, lowering) the sales quotas tor new dealers.

Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.

05 We would like to remind customers _____ this device cautiously.
(A) handling (C) handle
(B) handled (D) to handle
06 The team failed ____ the project, so they did not receive bonuses.
(A) complete (C) completes
(B) to complete (D) completed
Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following notice.

Date: August 10
Subject: Employee Awards Night

We have scheduled the ceremony _____ awards to the company's employees of the year for

01 (A) present (C) to present

(B) presents (D) presented

August 18. There will be a rehearsal on August 16, so please ask Jane Williams and Ryan Monk to
report to the second-floor conference hall at 5:00 p.m. My secretary plans _____ out the invitations to

02 (A) to mail (C) is mailing

(B) mailed (D) mail

the employees and their families soon.

Bài tập 4:
Decide which of the choices - (A), (B), (C), or (D) - best completes the sentence
1. We call the mall ____ out whether the produce were sold out out.
(A) to finding
(B) for finding
(C) to find
(D) find
2. Mr. Taylor has the ability____ people.
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(A) persuading
(B) persuade
(C) to persuade
(D) persuasion
3. All the employees were asked ____ the meeting on Sunday.
(A) attend
(B) attended
(C) attending
(D) to attend
4. Ms. Watson tried hard to help the customers only ____ her.
(A) upset
(B) have upset
(C) upsetting
(D) to upset
5. _____ sales, we decided to advertise our product in the local newspaper.
(A) Increase
(B) Increasing
(C) Increased
(D) To increase
6. They finished the research but failed ____ the results.
(A) reporting
(B) to report
(C) report
(D) for reporting
7. The company made every effort _____ customer satisfaction.
(A) boost
(B) boosting
(C) to boost
(D) for boosting
8. I am very pleased ___ you of our decision.
(A) inform
(B) to inform
(C) to be informed
(D) information
9. The purpose of this meeting is____ an agreement on our marketing strategy.
(A) to reach
(B) reach
(C) reached
(D) to reaching
10. We believe that Jason is ready _____ with others.
(A) cooperate
(B) cooperating
(C) to cooperate
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(D) of cooperating
11. You have the right ___ for a refund.
(A) asking
(B) to ask
(C) of asking
(D) ask
12. They tried to ____ the disease from spreading.
(A) deal
(B) comment
(C) prevent
(D) apologize
13. Many companies took ___ of the recent rising oil prices to raise the prices of their products.
(A) point
(B) exposure
(C) advantage
(D) means
14. We have to take ____ to deal with the problems.
(A) foots
(B) steps
(C) stairs
(D) feet

Questions 15-16 refer to the following letter.

Mr. David Hornsby

190 Broadway
Vancouver, BC

Dear Mr. Hornsby,

I am writing this letter _____ that you will start working for Big Office Supplies on April 12. Your

15. (A) confirm

(B) to confirm
(C) confirming
(D) for confirming

job duties will be explained during the training session.

As we discussed before, you will be able ____ twenty days of vacation and three sick days. If you

16. (A) have

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(C) to having
(D) to have

have any questions, please let us know.

Bài tập 5:
Decide which of the choices - (A), (B), (C), or (D) best completes the sentence.
1. ____ the restaurant will attract more customers.
(A) Renovation
(B) Renovating
(C) Renovated
(D) To renovating
2. The newly hired secretary is good at _____
(A) organizing
(B) to organize
(C) organize
(D) organization
3. The president suggested ____ a new staff lounge to better serve the employees.
(A) to build
(B) build
(C) built
(D) building
4. We would like to thank you for ____ in our annual conference.
(A) participate
(B) participating
(C) to participate
(D) participated
5. Mr. Carter has had difficulty ____ experienced research specialists since last month.
(A) find
(B) finding
(C) to find
(D) found
6. Because of the bad economic situation, we could not help ___ our New York branch.
(A) close
(B) closed
(C) closing
(D) to close
7. You can simply book your ticket by ___ our website or dropping by one of our stores.
(A) visits
(B) visiting
(C) visit

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(D) to visit
8. We regret ___ you that your application has been rejected.
(A) to tell .
(B) told
(C) telling
(D) tells
9. They stopped ____ the old model in order to promote a newly released one.
(A) to sell
(B) selling
(C) sold
(D) sell
10. ____ the number of security guards will hopefully, reduce the chance of thefts.
(A) Increase
(B) Increasing
(C) Increased
(D) To increasing
11. Atlantis Co. strictly prohibits its employees from ____ an office phone for personal reasons.
(A) use
(B) to use
(C) used
(D) using
12. The company has considered ____ its branch to Boston for the past few weeks.
(A) relocation
(B) to relocate
(C) relocating
(D) relocated
13. The ____ a simple survey to find out about their customers’ needs
(A) talked
(B) conducted
(C) filled
(D) notified
14. It usually takes a lot of time and effort to ___ to a new environment.
(A) accustom
(B) refer
(C) postpone
(D) adjust

Questions 15-16 refer to the following letter.

Dear Mr. Myer,

According to our records, your membership with California Fitness will expire in a few weeks. We

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would like to ____ you with a special offer. With your renewal of your membership, you can

15. (A) provide

(B) schedule
(C) cancel
(D) approve
continue ____ our facilities and services at a discounted price.

16. (A) use

(B) used
(C) using
(D) uses

Jane Miller


1. The Trattoria Restaurant requests that patrons _______ reservations for a table at least two weeks
ahead of time.
(A) makes
(B) making
(C) made
(D) make
2. The manufacturer insists that the defective air bags_______ replaced in spite of the high cost of
recalling thousands of affected cars.
(A) are
(B) be
(C) have
(D) has
3. Due to the urgency of this matter, it is imperative that Mr. Lambert _______one of our customer
representatives by 5 p.m.
(A) is contacting
(B) will contact
(C) contact
(D) contacted
4. While Harman's used to _______imported furniture, it is now sticking to local products to avoid
the hassles of customs.
(A) have sold
(B) sold
(C) sell
(D) selling
5. It is essential that no unauthorized persons _______ into the building once it has been locked by
the security personnel.
(A) admitted
(B) admit
(C) be admitted

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(D) admittance
6. Financial advisers suggest that setting aside cash for emergencies _______it easier-for the first-
time investor to recover from losses.
(A) makes
(B) be made
(C) make
(D) made
7. The notice on the community bulletin board requested that the purse_______ to its owner and
stated that a small reward would be given.
(A) returns
(B) returning
(C) be returned
(D) to return
8. At the meeting, we will _______ about the problem concerning the misuse of company telephones
and fax machines.
(A) object
(B) oppose
(C) talk
(D) discuss
9. Once all the proposals have been submitted. we will _______ which company is best suited for the
new construction project.
(A) determination
(B) determine
(C) determined
(D) determines
10. The canned chicken soup manufacturer insists that all the cans _______, regardless of losses to
the company.
(A) recall
(B) recalling
(C) be recalled
(D) are recalled
12. A test was given to the applicants to eliminate those who did not _______ the basic knowledge
requirements for the job.
(A) meet
(B) meeting
(C) be met
(D) to meet
13. The final report should _______ on the more recent findings rather than on the data collected a
few months ago.
(A) base
(B) based
(C) be based
(D) to be based
14. Only after one of the employees expressed concern did they _______ investigating harassment
claims against the supervisor.
(A) started
(B) starting
(C) starts
(D) start
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15. Even though assigned tasks are somewhat complex, we will have to complete them before we
_______ for the day.
(A) leave
(B) leaving
(C) to leave
(D) have left
16.. Many researchers are doing research on how to reduce the time it takes _______ and forget an
(A) will overcome
(B) be overcome
(C) to overcome
(D) has overcome
17. Speakers should be prepared _______ their findings to the audience and be able to answer
questions regarding them.
(A) has presented
(B) presenting
(C) present
(D) to present
18. Please _______ any information, no matter how insufficient it may seem, to your client in the
very near future.
(A) forwards
(B) forward
(C) forwarding
(D) to forward
19.. So as to _______ that your medical treatment will be paid for, you must present a note from
your doctor.
(A) ensure
(B) ensuring
(C) ensured
(D) be ensured
20. The employees in the planning department spend most of their time _______ proposals for a
better management structure.
(A) write
(B) writing
(C) written
(D) for writing
21. He expects _______ soon.
(A) arrive
(B) arrival
(C) to arrive
(D) arriving
22. All I want is _______ to return safe.
(A) he
(B) him
(C) of him
(D) for him
23. I'm sorry about _______ their feelings.
(A) hurt
(B) to hurt
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(C) hurting
(D) I hurt
24. Christine promised to meet _______ at the theater.
(A) our
(B) us
(C) we
(D) ours
25. He is making every possible effort to _______ his opponent.
(A) best
(B) well
(C) good
(D) better
26. When _______ to resign his position, the manager reacted badly.
(A) ask
(B) to ask
(C) asking
(D) asked
27. When we arrived, the film was about _______.
(A) start
(B) starting
(C) to start
(D) started
28. The prince was married to the Duchess of Kent and _______ by his brother.
(A) to succeed
(B) succeeded
(C) succeeding
(D) successfully
29. Who is responsible for _______ the dishes tonight?
(A) do
(B) to do
(C) doing
(D) will do
30. She forced him _______ the work.
(A) does
(B) do
(C) did
(D) to do
31. We _______ to inform you that the position has been filled.
(A) sorry
(B) apology
(C) apologize
(D) regret
32. Would you mind _______ the window?
(A) to open
(B) opening
(C) to opening
(D) if opening
33. Does she remember _______ the report to the secretary last week?
(A) give
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(B) to give
(C) gives
(D) giving
34. They needed to practice _______ the ball.
(A) catch
(B) catching
(C) catches
(D) caught
35. Frank has been really busy _______ the new products ready for the exhibition.
(A) getting
(B) get
(C) to get
(D) to getting
36. She asked which chapter _______.
(A) read
(B) reads
(C) to read
(D) reading
37. I enjoyed _______ in the park with Jane this afternoon.
(A) walk
(B) walking
(C) to walk
(D) to walking
38. I'm looking forward _______ her tomorrow.
(A) to seeing
(B) to see
(C) seeing
(D) see
39. It was necessary that she _______ her father the truth.
(A) tell
(B) to tell
(C) tells
(D) does tell

Question 40 through 41 refer to the following advertisement.

A smoke detector is an easy way to protect your family. It is very easy to install one. Most people
expect _______ if there is a fire, but poisonous fumes from smoke kill
40. (A) to wake up
(B) woke up
(C) wake up
(D) waking up
hundreds of people every year. _______ a smoke detector will give your family a chance to escape in
the case of a fire. Ask at your local fire station for advice.
41. (A) Putting
(B) Fixing
(C) Installing
(D) Hanging
Question 42 through 45 refer to the following letter.
Hi Mom,
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You were _______ when I left, so I'm leaving this note for you to read. I am going to
42. (A) off
(B) out
(C) over
(D) in
spend the night at Anna's, so don't wait up for me. I have also taken the spare keys from the hook in
the kitchen, so don't be _______ to find them missing. I can't find my
43. (A) surprising
(B) surprised
(C) surprise
(D) to surprise
keys - don't worry, because I know they are in the house somewhere. I used them to let myself in
earlier today. My room is ______ mess that I can't find them in there. I'll be sure
44. (A) such a
(B) such
(C) so
(D) too

to tidy up when I get back tomorrow evening. I know that you hate my room being so messy.
Anyway. I'll see you tomorrow. Hope you managed _______the coat you wanted.
45. (A) buy
(B) buying
(C) bought
(D) to buy

Questions 46 through 49 refer to the following notice.

Notice to all Movie-rama movie house managers.
Now that the summer movie season is approaching, we at Movie-rama would like to remind all of
our managers that food and drink sales should _______ by 200%.
46. (A) increase
(B) decrease
(C) stay the same
(D) be better
Especially in the case of cola and flavored water, sales should increase by 300%. To achieve the
intended sales goals, we recommend putting _______ salt on the popcorn,
47. (A) salty
(B) less
(C) more
(D) no
which will make customers more thirsty, which, in turn, will increase drink sales. Also, be reminded
that Movie-rama movie theatres are now selling Sugar Cone ice cream bars. The suggested selling
price is two dollars, but each theatre can set their own_______.
48. (A) cost
(B) price
(C) ice cream
(D) movies
Thank you all, and have a _______ summer.
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49. (A) hot

(B) terrible
(C) wonderful
(D) big

The Management


Chú ý 1: Làm quen với thể bị động

Chú ý 2: Hình thức chủ động và bị động ở các thì
Chú ý 3: Ngữ pháp nâng cao

Bài tập luyện tập

Bài tập kiểm tra
Chú ý 1
1.1: Làm quen với thể bị động
He delivered the document in person.

The document was delivered by him in person.

So be + PII by + chủ thể hành động (S)
chủ ngữ của thể chủ động (S) đổi thành by + chủ thể hành động

1.2: Exercise
1. You must [sign/ be signed] the employment contract.
2. The employment contract must [sign/ be signed] by you.
3. The sales department will [hold/ be held] a marketing seminar.
4. The marketing seminar will [hold/ be held] by the sales department.
Ghi chú
1. Chủ ngữ trong câu bị động là tân ngữ của ngoại động từ trong câu chủ động.
You must sign the employment contract.
2. Nội động từ không đòi hỏi có tân ngữ nên không bao giờ có trường hợp câu bị động với nội động
The price increases rapidly.
Chủ động => trợ động từ + động từ nguyên mẫu
Bị động => trợ động từ + be + quá khứ phân từ


Bài tập 1:
1. The manager will _________ the new safety guidelines.
(A) distributing (B) distribute
(C) distributed (D) distribution

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2. The parts could not _________ to the factory by next week.

(A) be shipped (B) shipping
(C) ship (D) shipment
3. Attendance records should _________ to the personnel department.
(A) submission (B) submit
(C) submitting (D) be submitted
4. The contents of this proposal can _________ by the manager.
(A) be revised (B) revise
(C) revision (D) revised
5. The company will _________ its staff by 20 percent.
(A) be reduced (B) reducing
(C) reduce (D) reduction

Chú ý 2
Hình thức chủ động và bị động ở các thì

Thì Thể chủ động Thể bị động Ví dụ

Hiện tại S + V (s/es) + O S + am/is/are + PII Ex: The manager sends a memo to all
đơn + distributors.
by + O -> A memo is sent to all distributors
by the manager.

Hiện tại S + am/is/are + Ving S + am/is/are + Ex: The manager is sending a memo
tiếp diễn +O being + PII + by + to all distributors at the moment.
O -> A memo is being sent to all
distributors by the manager at the

Hiện tại S + have/has + Ex: The manager has sent a memo to

hoàn thành S + have/has been + PII + by + all distributors.
+ PII + O O -> A memo has been sent to all
distributors by the manager.

Quá khứ S + Ved/ P-I + O S + was/were + PII Ex: The manager sent a memo to all
đơn + by + O distributors yesterday.
-> A memo was sent to all
distributors by the manager

Quá khứ S + was/were S + was/were + Ex: The manager was sending a

tiếp diễn + Ving + O being memo to all distributors this time
+ PII + by + O yesterday.
-> A memo was being sent to all
distributors by the manager this time

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Quá khứ S + had + PII + O S + had + been Ex: The manager had sent a memo to
hoàn thành + PII + by + O all distributors before the electricity
went off.
-> A memo had been sent to all
distributors by the manager before the
electricity went off.

Tương lai S + will/ shall S + will/ shall + be Ex: The manager will send a memo to
đơn +V+O + PII + by + O all distributors tomorrow.
-> A memo will be sent to all
distributors by the manager

Tương lai S + will/ shall + S + will/ shall + Ex: The manager will have sent a
hoàn thành have + PII + O have + been + PII memo to all distributors by next
+ by + O Monday.
-> A memo will have been sent to all
distributors by the manager by next

Tương lai S + is/am/are + S + is/am/are + Ex: The manager is going to send a

gần going to + V + O going to + be + PII memo to all distributors this holiday.
+ by + O -> A memo is going to be sent to all
distributors by the manager this

Động từ S + modal verbs S + modal verbs + Ex: The manager must send a memo
khuyết +V+O be to all distributors.
thiếu + PII + by + O -> A memo must be sent to all
distributors by the manager.

Bài tập 2:
1. The company has [reduced/ been reduced] its production cost.
2. Its production cost has [reduced/ been reduced] by the company.
3. The secretary has [distributed/ been distributed] this pamphlet.
4. This pamphlet has [distributed/ been distributed] by the secretary.

Bài tập 3:
1. The proposal has _________ by my secretary.
(A) revised (B) revising
(C) revise (D) been revised

2. The accounting manager has _________ all budget reports.

(A) reviewing (B) reviewed
(C) been reviewed (D) reviews

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3. The company’s travel budget has _________ substantially.

(A) reduced (B) reduce
(C) been reduced (D) reducing

4. The researchers have _________ a new vaccine.

(A) been developed (B) developing (C) developed (D) develops

5. They have consistently _________ quality services and products.

(A) provides (B) been provided (C) providing (D) provided
Ngữ pháp nâng cao
Xác định nhanh thể chủ động/ bị động thông qua tân ngữ
1. Hình thức câu chủ động
chủ ngữ + động từ + tân ngữ
The manager sent a memo to all distributors.
-> A memo was sent to all distributors by the manager.
Tân ngữ của câu chủ động trở thành chủ ngữ trong câu bị động
 câu bị động không có tân ngữ.

Do đó, có thể đoán nhanh câu chủ động và câu bị động thông qua sự tồn tại của tân ngữ.

2. be + ... + (cụm) danh từ: có tân ngữ ở sau nên là câu chủ động.
 từ điền vào chỗ trống là ngoại động từ ở dạng hiện tại phân từ.

Ex: He is inviting all his friends to the party.

be + ... + (cụm) trạng từ: không có tân ngữ (danh từ) ở sau nên là câu bị động
=> từ điền vào chỗ trống là ngoại động từ ở dạng quá khứ phân từ.
Ex: All his friends are being invited to the party
Quick Quiz
1. Please remember that all application materials should ________ by next Friday.
(A) send (B) be sending (C) be sent (D) sending

2. Money refunds will ______ into your account within 7 days of your claim.
(A) deposited (B) to deposit (C) depositing (D) be deposited

Bài tập 4:
Part V: Chọn từ thích hợp để điền vào chỗ trống dưới đây.
1. The new employee handbook was ________ to all employees.
(A) distributed (B) distributing (C) distributes (D) distribute

2. You should ________ the rent before the deadline.

(A) paid (B) be paid (C) pay (D) paying

3. The research and development budget has ________ substantially.

(A) reduced (B) reduces (C) been reduced (D) be reduced

4. The president has ________ a new strategy to increase sales.

(A) proposing (B) proposed (C) been proposed (D) propose
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5. The terms of the contract must ________ carefully.

(A) be reviewing (B) review (C) reviewing (D) be reviewed

Part VI Điền vào chỗ trống trong mẩu quảng cáo sau.
Teen Ice Cream Party & Game Night
Thursday August 31 @ 6:30 P.M.
All teens and their friends are __________ for an End-of-the-Summer Ice Cream Party and
6. (A) invite
(B) invited
(C) inviting
(D) invites
Game Night. All the food for the party will __________, along with cards and various board games.
7. (A) provide
(B) provides
(C) provided
(D) be provided
Registration is __________ to join the event.
8. (A) requiring
(B) requires
(C) require
(D) required
Bài tập 5:
Part V: Chọn từ thích hợp điền vào chỗ trống.
1. Though a great deal of money had ___________, the project was a failure.
(A) invested (B) be invested (C) been invested (D) invest

2. Public buildings throughout the country will soon __________ a no-smoking policy.
(A) implement (B) implementation (C) be implemented (D) implementing

3. It is a great pleasure to inform you that your company has __________ as our new supplier.
(A) selecting (B) selected (C) be selected (D) been selected

4. If you require additional information, __________ one of our sales representatives.

(A) contacting (B) contact (C) contacts (D) contacted

5. Because of a mechanical problem, the replacement parts could not __________ by tomorrow.
(A) shipped (B) be shipped (C) be shipping (D) ship

6. A special luncheon will be held in honor of the sales department, which has __________
monthly sales goals.
(A) reached (B) been reached (C) reaching (D) reaches

7. According to a new policy, overnight camping in all national parks is no longer __________.
(A) permits (B) permitting (C) permitted (D) permission

8. Sales personnel ____extra office supplies should get permission from their supervisor.
(A) purchasing (B) to purchase (C) purchased (D) have purchased

9. Beginning next month, a technician will ____new security cameras on every floor of the building.
(A) install (B) be installed (C) installing (D) installed

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10. A number of large corporations have recently been _____ considerable downsizing.
(A) undergo (B) undergone (C) underwent (D) undergoing

11. Tickets to Bob Mollen's charity concert will ____online starting next Tuesday.
(A) have sold (B) selling (C) be sold (D) have been selling

12. Applications for bank mortgages must ____by the end of this month.
(A) to receive (B) be received (C) received (D) receiving

13. Overall company profits at Kaplin Tech, Inc. ____ steadily for the last five years.
(A) risen (B) were risen (C) have risen (D) have been risen

14. The revisions ____ by the senior accountant should be included in the following budget report.
(A) were made (B) was made (C) to make (D) made

Part VI: Chọn đáp án đúng cho câu 15 ~ 17 trong thông báo sau đây.
Enrollment policies:
Requests to withdraw from a course must ________ in writing via email before your allotted
15. (A) receive
(B) be receiving
(C) receiving
(D) be received
time has expired.
___________ an email to registration@utuniversity.edu requesting a withdrawal.
16. (A) Sending
(B) Send
(C) To send
(D) Sends
You will need to include your name, the course title and the course section number. Following the
proper withdrawal procedure will ensure an appropriate grade assignment.
No extensions will __________ for this course.
17. (A) grant
(B) have granted
(C) be granted
(D) have been granting

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Bài tập 1:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
01 Our appliances will (be serviced, service) for free.
02 We (convey, are conveyed) gratitude to loyal customers.
03 The CEO (was paid, paid) a bonus to the employees at the end of the quarter.
04 Scientists (argue, are argued) that greenhouse gas emissions are a major cause of global warming.
05 Management (required, were required) to develop a good relationship with the new partners.
06 The process of filling prescriptions should (change, be changed) to prevent mistakes.

Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.

07 The current tenants must ___ the offices by the end of June.
(A) vacant (C) vacate

(B) vacancy (D) be vacated

08 The company's future sales may ____ by the growth of its competitors.
(A) affecting (C) be affecting
(B) be affected (D) affect
09 The airline industry by a government body before 1979.

(A) regulates (C) was regulated

(B) regulation (D) was regulating
10 The finance manager ____ that the company spent too much money on office equipment.
(A) is concluded (C) to conclude
(B) concluded (D) conclusion

Bài tập 2:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
01 The Direct-Help Organization is dedicated (to, at) helping people.
02 The firm is engaged (in, for) buying and selling real estate.
03 New car models are equipped (by, with) anti-theft locks and air bags.
04 The development team was (pleased, pleasing) with the performance of the new diesel engine.

Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.

05 People living near manufacturing plants are exposed ____ various pollutants.
(A) to (C) for
(B) by (D) at
06 The report said that many health problems are ___ to a lack of exercise.
(A) relate (C) related
(B) relating (D) relation

Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following article.

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The Internet is now available on some of the largest planes of Bobkin Airlines. The service ____

07 (A) is allowed (C) allowing

(B) to allow (D) allows

passengers to connect to the Internet and utilize various web services, including e-mail. Sean Monk,
the president of Bobkin, said in a press conference that passengers, especially those on business,
____ with its new service. He said it marks a first in the travel industry

08 (A) are satisfied (C) satisfied

(B) are satisfying (D) satisfying

Bài tập 3:
Decide which of the choices - (A), (B), (C), or (D) -best completes the sentence.

1. A lot of errors ____ in the final report.

(A) were found
(B) found
(C) find
(D) be found
2. The company is faced ___ a financial crisis.
(A) in
(B) from
(C) with
(D) on
3. The annual conference ___ in the Schicago Convention Center
(A) holing
(B) holds
(C) is held
(D) to hold
4. A new assistant can ___ within
(A) a month.
(B) be found
(C) is found
(D) finds
5. This marketing position ___ at least two years of experience in a related field.
(A) require
(B) requiring
(C) requires
(D) is required
6. The training is going to ___ place in the seminar room at 1 p.m.
(A) took

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(B) is taken
(C) taking
(D) take
7. The lawyer is dedicated ____ helping small businesses in trouble.
(A) to
(B) with
(C) of
(D) in
8. Many changes ___ to the construction plan because the president didn’t like it.
(A) have made
(B) have been made
(C) made
(D) are made
9. The president ____ after he had worked for the company for 30 years.
(A) retired
(B) retiring
(C) was retired
(D) retirement
10. The air conditioner ___ to your office no later than tomorrow.
(A) delivered
(B) will deliver
(C) delivering
(D) will be delivered
11. The team has been devoted ___ upgrading the system.
(A) in
(B) with
(C) to
(D) at
12. The company technicians ____ to fix the broken computers.
(A) asks
(B) is asking
(C) was asking
(D) were asked
13. The R&D team is going to ____ the new product.
(A) examine
(B) relocate
(C) solve
(D) refrain
14. We need to discuss it in detail before we ___ any kind of conclusion.
(A) replace
(B) quit
(C) reach
(D) fill
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Questions 15-16 refer to the following letter.

Best Buy, Inc.

3452 Seaside Street

Dear Mr. Denis Lee,

We thank you for your order from Best Buy. We are glad to meet your order for ten printers, three
copy machines, and two fax machines. Since this is your first order, we ____ a special 20%

15. (A) evaluated

(B) dedicated
(C) canceled
(D) enclosed

discount coupon for you. You can use this on your next purchase. We are certain you will be ____

16. (A) satisfy

(B) satisfying
(C) satisfied
(D) satisfaction
with the quality of both our products and services.

We hope to do more business with you soon.


John Hopkins
Sales Manager


1. The mistake has already been_______ by him.
(A) correct
(B) correcting
(C) correction
(D) corrected
2. The family has _______ from their vacation already.
(A) return
(B) returned
(C) been return
(D) been returned
3. They were seen _______ kites in the park last weekend.
(A) fly
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(B) flown
(C) flying
(D) to be flown
4. The manager was preoccupied _______ checking the reports.
(A) in
(B) at
(C) with
(D) from
5. Losing interest in her business, Kimberly has recently _______.
(A) retired
(B) be retired
(C) to be retired
(D) been retired
6. Almost every part of our lives _______ computerized over the past 10 years.
(A) have been
(B) has been
(C) was
(D) had done
7. We _______ her for more than twenty years.
(A) know
(B) knows
(C) have known
(D) are known
8. I never see him without being _______ of his grandfather.
(A) remember
(B) memory
(C) remained
(D) reminded
9. During the experiment, people _______ to use calculators if necessary.
(A) were let
(B) were allowed
(C) were allowing
(D) let
10. I'm quite sure you will soon grow_______ to the new work environment.
(A) accustom
(B) accustoming
(C) accustomed
(D) to be accustomed
11. The United Nations _______ to begin fund raising for the earthquake victims.
(A) are expect
(B) is expect
(C) are expected
(D) is expected
12. The instructions _______ precisely.
(A) must follow
(B) must followed
(C) must to be followed
(D) must be followed
13. You had _______ have your teeth checked at least once a year.
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(A) should
(B) good
(C) better
(D) worse
14. _______snow, the mountain looks fantastic.
(A) Covering
(B) To cover
(C) Covered with
(D) To have covered
15. Everybody _______ with the results of the meeting.
(A) was satisfy
(B) satisfied
(C) was to satisfy
(D) was satisfied
16. Left alone, the baby _______ into tears.
(A) cried
(B) burst
(C) poured
(D) sobbed
17. Why was the soccer game _______ yesterday?
(A) to cancel
(B) canceling
(C) cancel
(D) cancelled
18. Last week, John an award for his community service.
(A) gave
(B) was gave
(C) was given
(D) had been given
19. A second attempt was made to collect _______ from the space probe.
(A) informations
(B) knowledges
(C) data
(D) fact
20. Once the files are ready, please have them_______ me.
(A) send
(B) send to
(C) sent to
(D) sent into
21. The pictures, _______ by a professional photographer, are going to be on display.
(A) taken
(B) which taken
(C) were taken
(D) was taken
22. I can't _______ it anymore. That website seems to have suddenly vanished.
(A) reaching
(B) log out
(C) access
(D) pass
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23. _______ at a distance, it looks like a miniature city.

(A) Seen
(B) Seeing
(C) Having seen
(D) Having been seen
24. This math problem _______ solved in ten minutes.
(A) will able to be
(B) be able to is
(C) is ably
(D) can be
25. Brian was seen _______ his car.
(A) washing
(B) wash
(C) have washed
(D) washed
26. My umbrella _______ by that terrible wind this morning
(A) broke
(B) was broken
(C) break
(D) had broken
27. With only one more week, he _______ better prepared for the concert last Saturday.
(A) could have been
(B) could be
(C) could well have
(D) could well be
28. The photocopier needs _______ .
(A) to fix
(B) to be fix
(C) fixing
(D) to be fixing
29. It is reported that the boat _______ about 6o miles off the coast of South Africa. (A) disappeared
(B) was disappeared
(C) was being disappeared
(D) has been disappeared
30. I have no money. I'm _______ .
(A) broke
(B) broken
(C) breaking
(D) break
31. Let's have this letter _______ by express mail.
(A) sends
(C) sent
(B) send
(D) being sent
32. Ms. Parker was very _______ with the answers the applicant gave during the job interview.
(A) impress
(B) impressionable
(C) impression
(D) impressed
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33. The benefits program_______ in the next few months.

(A) had changed
(C) changed
(B) were changed
(D) will be changed
34. Mr. Honda is a terrific worker. He _______ two promotions this year.
(A) has been giving
(B) gave
(C) was given
(D) giving
35. I'll be home for dinner unless, the boss _______ me to work overtime.
(A) will ask
(C) asks
(B) is asking
(D) asked
36. Make sure you get these contracts _______ before you meet with the lawyer.
(A) signed
(B) to sign
(C) signing
(D) sign
37. This group of doctors _______ in important research.
(A) is involved
(B) are involved
(C) be involving
(D) been involving
38. The trade newsletter where we advertise _______ widely distributed.
(A) has
(B) have
(C) is
(D) are

Questions 39-40 refer to the following report.

A survey of mobile phone use was conducted _______ the National
39. (A) to
(B) of
(C) by
(D) from
Telecommunications Institute. They discovered that only five percent of people have downloaded a
mobile phone game. The study found that many were confused about whether their handset could
play games or how to download them. 2,500 phone users were _______ across the U.S. and several
European countries.
40. (A) interviewed
(B) interview
(C) interviews
(D) interviewing

Questions 41-44 refer to the following advertisement.

Are you looking for an economical car to rent?
Look no more.
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Come to
Mr. Miser's Car Rental Agency
Why pay more than you have to?
At Mr. Miser's, we have _______ prices in town.
41. (A) low
(B) lower
(C) lowers
(D) the lowest
Why travel farther than you have to?
Mr. Miser's has three convenient _______.
42. (A) cars
(B) prices
(C) locations
(D) schedules
We have offices at the airport, at the train station, and downtown on Main Street.
At Mr. Miser's we _______ to serve you with a friendly smile.
43. (A) always ready are
(B) always are ready
(C) are always ready
(D) are ready always
Next time, _______ your car from Mr. Miser's.
44. (A) rent
(B) rents
(C) renting
(D) will rent

Questions 45-47 refer to the following letter.

Dear customers of Equips Shipping,
A recent _______ in fuel prices has made Equips Shipping adjust our shipping rates.
45. (A) rise
(B) proposal
(C) shortage
(D) benefit
Prices for deliveries within the NYC area will remain unchanged; however, rates for out-of-city and
our-of-state shipments will incense by five percent. The revised price list is _______.
46. (A) enclose
(B) enclosed
(C) enclosure
(D) enclosing
All the changes will be effective as of July 1. We sincerely _______ any
47. (A) doubt
(B) bother
(C) concern
(D) regret
inconvenience this will cause you.
We appreciate your continuous support of Equips Shipping.
Robert Matson
Marketing Manager, Equips Shipping
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Questions 48-50 refer to the following e-mail.

I am writing to let you know that the IT department has completed its network overhaul and we will
begin the changeover to the new system - HAL - immediately. Al employees will now be able to
access electronic files and account information at the touch of a button. HAL _______ in response to
the network problems we have
48. (A) will be created
(B) has created
(C) was created
(D) is creating
experienced since last year.
Before running HAL on your desktop computers, it is important that you all download and view the
guidelines on using HAL and _______ related software you require.
49. (A) whatever
(B) which
(C) whom
(D) elsewhere
All content available through HAL is safe from viruses, and I am sure it will prove to be very
convenient to use. HAL will be available through the HAL site, www.grblx.org/HAL.html.
Passwords will be e-mailed to all employees within the next 5 days. Do not share your _______
information with anyone, including
50. (A) bank
(B) access
(C) income
(0) contact
Recovering lost passwords will result in lost time and productivity for IT.

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Các đuôi danh từ phổ biến

CHÚ Ý 1: Không có chủ ngữ thì không có danh từ

Ngữ pháp bổ sung
1. Danh từ
2. Đại từ

CHÚ Ý 2: Danh từ cũng đóng vai trò làm tân ngữ của động từ
Ngữ pháp bổ sung

CHÚ Ý 3 Mạo từ và từ sở hữu gắn với danh từ


Tìm danh từ gốc (danh từ được đại từ thay thế)

Bài tập luyện tập

Bài tập kiểm tra

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Các đuôi danh từ phổ biến

-tion application completion -ment enrollment investment

-sion extension compassion -ance attendance maintenance
-ure departure exposure -sis basis crisis
-y inquiry security -al removal denial
-ant attendant applicant -ness kindness happiness

CHÚ Ý 1: Không có chủ ngữ thì không có danh từ

Chủ ngữ có vị trí ở đầu câu nên đóng vai trò làm chủ thể của hành động. Vì là chủ thể của hành động
nên vị trí của chủ ngữ thường do danh từ đảm nhiệm. Nếu danh từ nằm ở đầu câu là chủ ngữ thì sẽ
rất dễ trả lời câu hỏi. Hãy xem xét kỹ hơn về vấn đề từ loại nào sẽ làm chủ ngữ.
1-1: Chọn câu đúng.
1. Is great. (X)
Paid vacation is great. (O)
Ngữ pháp bổ sung
Có 2 loại từ ở vị trí chủ ngữ
1. Danh từ
Overtime work is not allowed.
Danh từ work đuợc dùng ở vị trí chủ ngữ.
* Không chỉ có danh từ mà đại từ (pronoun) hoặc cụm danh từ (danh động từ, động từ nguyên mẫu
có to) cũng có thể đặt ở vị trí chủ ngữ.
Working overtime is not allowed. (danh động từ)
To work overtime is not allowed. (động từ nguyên mẫu có to)
2. Đại từ
Những đại từ chỉ định chỉ người hay sự vật cũng có chức năng chủ ngữ.
You are invited to attend the seminar.
Đại từ you được dùng ở vị trí chủ ngữ.
Số ít Số nhiều
it they
he she they
I you we / you

Bài tập 1:
1. (Compete /Competition) in the global market has increased.
2. Customer (satisfy /satisfaction) is our top priority.
3. (Encouragement /Encourage) will be given to each trainee.
4. (To produce /Products) can be ordered through Internet.
5. (Construction /Construct) on the road is on schedule.
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… + [cụm từ bổ nghĩa] + động từ => chỗ trống là vị trí của chủ ngữ nên cần phải điền danh từ


Danh từ Động từ
competition compete
satisfaction satisfy
encouragement encourage
product produce
construction construct

Bài tập 2:
1. ___________ will be completed by next month.
(A) Constructive (B) Construct (C) Construction (D) Constructed

2. Every ___________ will receive a written response.

(A) apply (B) applicant (C) applied (D) applicable

3. Closer ___________ is required to meet the safety standards.

(A) supervision (B) supervise (C) supervised (D) supervisory

4. Certain ___________ must be met to apply for a loan.

(A) conditioning (B) conditioned (C) to condition (D) conditions

5. The research and development ___________ has gradually increased.

(A) spend (B) spending (C) spent (D) spends

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CHÚ Ý 2: Danh từ cũng đóng vai trò làm tân ngữ của động từ

Danh từ đóng vai trò như người giám hộ của động từ, ngoài vai trò làm chủ thể của động từ, nó cũng
có vai trò làm tân ngữ của động từ.
2-1. Chọn câu đúng.
1.We hired for the construction. (X)
We hired supervisors for the construction. (O)

Như đã trình bày ở trên, nếu không có tân ngữ thì không thể biết đối tượng tuyển dụng và không
tạo thành câu. Nên nhớ rằng sau ngoại động từ chắc chắn phải có tân ngữ và danh từ cũng có thể
đóng vai trò tân ngữ.
Ngữ pháp bổ sung
Tân ngữ là gì?
Tân ngữ (O) là đối tượng cho hành động của động từ. Ví dụ:
We hired supervisors for the construction.

(1) Động từ hired diễn tả hành động tuyển dụng của chủ ngữ we.
(2) Danh từ supervisors trở thành tân ngữ và là đối tượng của hành động tuyển dụng.

Bài tập 3: Chọn từ đúng trong các câu sau:

1. We do not accept (responsible / responsibility) for lost items.
2. The company has begun (produce / production)of new digital cameras.
3. Mr. Ram provides (translate / translation) of official documents.
4. The storm has caused (damage /damaged) to the building.
Ngoại động từ (V. trans) + ... + giới từ (prep) => điền danh từ đóng vai trò làm tân ngữ vào chỗ
Danh từ

Bài tập 4:
1. An important part of a manager’s job is offering _________ to new employees.
(A) encourage (B) encouragement (C) encouraging (D) encourages
2. The new product will give_________ to our customers.
(A) satisfaction (B) satisfy (C) satisfied (D) satisfying
3. You should receive official_________ for taking a day off.
(A) approve (B) approved (C) approving (D) approval
4. The new airline has increased_________ in the airline industry.
(A) compete (B) competition (C) competitive (D) competitively
5. You should seek_________ from your supervisor.
(A) advised (B) advisable (C) advice (D) advise

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CHÚ Ý 3 mạo từ và từ sở hữu gắn với danh từ

Sau mạo từ (a/an/the) và từ sở hữu (my/his/her/our/their/its/your) chắc chắn phải là danh từ. Mạo từ
là từ dung để làm rõ nghĩa của danh từ theo sau. Do đó sau mạo từ luôn phải có danh từ kèm theo.
Hơn nữa, nếu không có danh từ thì các từ sở hữu chắc chắn phải là danh từ.

Ngữ pháp bổ sung

1. Mạo từ
(1) Mạo từ bất định a/an: chỉ đối tượng không rõ rang và không thể xác định được.
a company
Mạo từ bất định có nghĩa là “một”, danh từ có mạo từ bất định được thể hiện số ít.
(2) Mạo từ xác định “the”: chỉ đối tượng cụ thể được xác định.
The company
The performance was very exciting.
Mạo từ xác định chỉ đối tượng cụ thể, chủ yếu dung khi đã biết đối tượng.
2. Từ sở hữu
(1) Từ sở hữu đứng trước danh từ mang nghĩa là của ai.
His performance was very exciting.
Buổi trình diễn là của anh ấy chứ không phải của ai khác.

Từ sở hữu
My Our
His Her
its Their
Bài tập 5:
Chọn từ đúng trong các câu sau.
1. They made many changes to the[proposal/ propose].
2. Our bank will review your [apply/ application]
3. The company reserves the [rightful/ right] to revise the contents.
4. Please turn off your cellular phone during the [perform/ performance].
5. We have to maximize our [produce/ productivity].

(mạo từ/ từ sở hữu+… => phải điền danh từ vào chỗ trống)

Cấu trúc “mạo từ/ từ sở hữu+danh từ”

Mạo từ/từ sở hữu Danh từ Động từ
proposal Propose
The Application Apply
Right Right
Performance Perform
Productivity produce

Bài tập 6. Xác định danh từ đứng sau mạo từ hoặc từ sở hữu
1. You have to refuse the _____ of packages from unknow senders.
a. Deliverable b. delivered c. delivery d. deliver
2. You need to get your supervisor’s _____ for the seminar.
a. Approval b. approve c. approved d. approving

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3. I learned this program through the _____ in today’s newspaper.

a. Advertise b. advertisement c. advertised d. advertising
4. Companies should evaluate employees’ _____.
a. Performance b. performed c. performing d. perform
5. All members are looking forward to a fruitful _____.
a. Conclude b. conclusive c. concluded d. conclusion


I. Tìm danh từ gốc (danh từ được đại từ thay thế)
1. Danh từ gốc và đại từ
Đại từ được dùng để thay thế cho danh từ, nhằm tránh sự lặp lại danh từ đó. Việc xác định xem đại
từ trong câu thay thế cho danh từ nào là kỹ năng rất quan trọng mà bài thi TOEIC đánh giá.

Danh từ gốc Đại từ

Số nhiều (cả người và vật) they
Số ít Vật it
Người (nam) he
Người (nữ) she

PIA Investment Inc. announced that it will invest more in emerging markets.
danh từ gốc số ít, chỉ vật đại từ
Công ty PIA Investment thông báo là họ sẽ tăng cường đầu tư vào các thị trường mới nổi.


PART 5: Incomplete Sentence

Questions 1-10 Choose the word that best completes each sentence.

l. The_____for the building renovation is now available on the company bulletin board
(A) scheduled (B) scheduled (C) schedules (D) schedulers

2. Faster Shipping offers exceptional _____in customer satisfaction.

(A) performer (B) performing (C) performed (D) performance

3. The bank will celebrate the _____of the senior accountant at the upcoming monthly meeting.
(A) retire (B) retirement (C) retiring (D) retired

4. Thanks to his _____to the project, we could complete it on time.

(A) commit (B) committed (C) commitment (D) committing

5. The newly installed system requires that every _____ have a savings account.
(A) user (B) useful (C) used (D) using

6. We introduced an innovative compensation plan to increase staff_____.

(A) produce (B) product (C) productive (D) productivity

7. It took the division almost a week to receive a _____from the manufacturer.

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(A) response (B) respond (C) responding (D) responsive

8. When you receive your _____ to the grand opening, please respond to us ASAP.
(A) honor (B) invitation (C) expression (D) ovation

9. Executives agree that there is a ____for better equipment and financial resources.
(A) need (B) look (C) control (D) center

10. Employees can find out about the _____of the recent survey on the Web.
(A) events (B) chances (C) matters (D) results

PART 6: Text Completion

Questions 1-3 refer to the following letter.

Dear Prudent investment customer,

We are writing to inform you that an error might have occurred on your bill due to a recent ____to
our online system.
l.(A) update
(B) updated
(C) updating
(D) to update

Please contact our customer service representative regarding any suspected discrepancies within 30
days of receiving your bill.

The Prudent Investment Group feels____ about any inconvenience this might cause,
2.(A) regret
(B) regretted
(C) regrettable
(D) regrettably

and we will try our best to resolve any problems as ____as possible.
3. (A) temporarily
(B) currently
(C) effortlessly
(D) promptly

We sincerely appreciate your support and will continuously provide you with the best quality service
you will ever experience.

Best regards,
Francesca Gonzalez

Customer Relations
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The Prudent Investment Group

Bài tập 1:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
01 Our company strengthened (security, secure) by hiring more guards.
02 The (grow, growth) of the IT market was larger than expected.
03 Oil companies earned (profits, profitable) during the recent quarter.
04 It is an (advantage, advantageous) to have experience in a related field.
05 The supervisor will examine her (apply, application).
06 The movie drew widespread (criticism, criticize).

Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.

07 This is a ___ of recent comments from our product users.
(A) summarize (C) summarizes
(B) summary (D) summarized
08 Interviewees normally have a fear of ____
(A) rejection (C) rejected
(B) rejecting (D) to reject
09 The book was released after it got final ___ from the author.
(A) approved (C) approve
(B) approving (D) approval
10 Once the __ of the parking lot is completed, visitors will have no problem parking their cars.
(A) construction (C) constructive
(B) construct (D) constructing

Bài tập 2:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
01 Diana obtained (access, accesses) to classified files.
02 The supplier has many different models of (furnitures, furniture).
03 Mr, Anderson has received some (advice, advices) from his co-workers.
04 Jennifer will stay in Hong Kong for (a month, month) to hire more engineers.
05 He complained to the airline officials about his lost (luggages, luggage).
06 The partners failed to reach (an agreement, agreement).

Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.

07 This article will discuss the ___ of the new commercial law.

(A) implicates (C) implicating

(B) implicated (D) implications
08 If you have questions regarding your pur

chase. please provide our staff with the relevant ____

(A) informed (C)inform
(B) information (D)informations
09 The director has asked us lo send monthly ___ to Ms. Shriver in the finance department.

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(A) statements (C) states

(B) statement (D) state
10 ____ of labor union met with management to discuss the contract for the next year.

(A) Represent (C) Representative

(B) Representing (D) Representatives

Bài tập 3:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
01 The committee interviewed one of the (candidate, candidates) this morning.
02 (Several, Every) calculators were found to be defective.
03 (Another, Some) staff members will attend the seminar tomorrow.
04 The policy change caused (much, many) debate.

Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.

05 Recent studies have found that there are a number of ___ why customers prefer placing orders

(A) reasons (C) reasoning

(B) reason (D) reasoned
06 ___ franchises comply with strict rules on structure and operations.
(A) Another (C) Most
(B) Much (D) Little
Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following memorandum.
From: Tom Klein, Training Manager
To: All employees

I would like to remind you about the training program you are scheduled to take. You will be asked
to assess the trainer's ____ at the end of the program and submit a report to the department.

07 (A) performance (C) performed

(B) perform (D) performable

Also, ____ employees who have good attendance records will receive certificates for completing the

08 (A) another (C) every

(B) all (D) each


Bài tập 4:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
01 A well-organized work environment will increase staff (interest, productivity, compliance)
02 The baggage (weight, security, allowance) on international flights is 20 kilograms.
03 Advances in computer (technology, concern, relation) are giving companies a lot of advantages.

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04 The results of recent customer (concerns, allowances, surveys) show a high level of satisfaction
with our services.

Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.

05 Due to time ___, the executives were not able to interview all the applicants.

(A) obstacles (C) allowances

(B) records (D) constraints
06 Employees’ ____ records are included in the performance evaluation.

(A) attendance (C) interest

(B) maximum (D) retirement
Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following e-mail.
From: Margie Weston, Marketing Manager
To: Sarah Hall, Human Resources Manager

Dear Ms. Hall,

It is my understanding that Ms, Lee has applied for the ___ of Marketing Manager with your

07 (A) position (C) question

(B) request (D) reason

company. Ms. Lee has been working for our company's marketing ___ for two years and has shown a

08 (A) campaign (C) department

(B) management (D) sales

keen interest in sales. I have complete confidence in Ms. Lee's ability to attract potential customers to

Bài tập 5:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
01 There is no (inconvenience, collection, exception) to this rule.
02 Ms. Lewis received positive (feedback, complaint, objection) after the conference.
03 Clients make a frequent (discount, thought, complaint) that the products arrive late.
04 The company only allows (representatives, subjects, opponents) to attend its meetings.

Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.

05 High Airlines is offering conference attendees a 40 percent ___ on economy class tickets.
(A) discount (C) retail
(B) feedback (D) improvement
06 Hotel employees do their best to create a friendly ____
(A) atmosphere (C) apology
(B) temperature (D) responsible

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Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following letter.

Dear Mr. Jones,

We are sorry to inform you that the large teddy bears at AllToys.com will be temporarily unavailable.
The manufacturer that makes these toys has moved its ____ and the items are not in production at

07 (A) qualities (C) facilities

(B) responsibilities (D) categories

time. We apologize for any ___ this may cause you. We will let you know when they are available.

08 (A) income (C) exception

(B) inconvenience (D) incentive

Bài tập 6:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
01 Respondents will receive the (results, chances, proportions) of the survey before July.
02 The company spent a large (proportion, size, incentive) of Its budget on research.
03 Credit cards and checks are the preferred (methods, efforts, concerns) of payment.
04 Cities offer (obligations, incentives, complaints) to companies that hire disabled workers.
Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.
05 The regional office is always available and will promptly respond to any___ that may arise.
(A) agreement (C) importance
(B) incentives (D) concerns
06 Consumers have no ____ to pay for goods that they did not order.
(A) obligation (C) promise
(B) effort (D) exception
Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following memorandum.
From: Warren Becker, PR Department
To: All staff

Managers have agreed to set aside 5 percent of the company’s funds for competency-based training.
The training department has redesigned its program in an ___ to improve employee performance.

07 (A) objection (C) effort

(B) opinion (D) influence

This will be a good opportunity for staff members to upgrade their capabilities. Since we believe a
truly successful training ultimately depends on the ____ of all employees, we will require everyone

08 (A) participation (C) obligation

(B) proportion (D) conclusion

to attend the training sessions.

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Bài tập 7:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
01 The company needs a consultant with {inquiry, expertise, defects) in real estate.
02 The CEO should ensure the (stability, issue, request) of the company.
03 Stock price is an (indicator, invitation, expertise) of expected future profits.
04 The medication reduces the (duration, profits, purpose) of symptoms associated with the flu.

Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.

05 Mr. Robert recently received an ___ to participate in the annual conference.
(A) expression (C) indicator
(B) invitation (D) honor
06 ___ for additional copies should be addressed to the Service Center.
(A) Requests (C) Retirements
(B) Developments (D) Facilities
Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following letter.

Dear Ms. Pena,

We ordered car accessories from your company and were very impressed with the speedy delivery.
However, some of the accessories were damaged. Because of the ___ , we were not able to meet an

07 (A) alterations (C) charges

(B) shortages (D) defects

important deadline, and the actual ____ from the sale of these cars was much less than we estimated.

08 (A) incentive (C) price

(B) profit (D) concern

Since the problem was caused by your company, we feel that our losses should be compensated.

Bài tập 8:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
01 Guests will have the (complaint, effort, opportunity) to try new wines.
02 The following is a (total, point, summary) of activities scheduled for this year.
03 The hotel is gaining (participation, discount, popularity) because of its facilities.
04 Mr. Dyen will secure his (schedule, position, order) as a manager for another year

Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences

05 Every customer will have the ___ of canceling the order at any time.
(A) summary (C) exception
(B) option (D) expertise
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06 Changing the locks frequently is a highly recommended ___.

(A) plot (C) spot
(B) point (D) practice
Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following memorandum.

I am pleased to announce that Mary Murphy was recently promoted to manager of the real estate
development department. She will start her new position on May 15. Most of you know that the
company's sales department has been under the _____ of Ms. Murphy for two years. During that

07 (A) attendance (C) provision

(B) supervision (D) sight

period, a comprehensive____ of the property development industry has allowed her to increase the

08 (A) knowledge (C) ability

(B) opinion (D) obligation

company's real estate sales by 150 percent.

Bài tập 9:
Choose the correct noun in brackets for each sentence. Then, name its function.
1. The (meeting / meet) will be delayed __________
2. The event was a huge (success / succeed) _____
3. What we need now is your (cooperation / cooperate)____
4. The (manager / manage) is not fulfilling his job____
5. We need to arrange a (gathering / gather) ______
6. My boss is satisfied with his (employ / employees)_____

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. Unfortunately, the subject is out of order.
(A) copier (B) copy (C) copying (D) to copy
2. The R&D Department at Info Tech is looking for object .
(A) special (B) specialize (C) specializing (D)specialists

Bài tập 10:

Choose the correct noun from the adjective or verb given.
1. distribute → (distributor / distributence)
2. conduct → (conductor / conductant)
3. train → (trainee / trainment)
4. apply → (applicant / applier)
5. supervise → (superviser / supervisor)
Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.
6. ____ can get a brochure on the second floor.
(A) To participate (B) Participate (C) Participants (D) Participating
7. ____ in computer courses has increased for the past few years.
(A) To enroll (B) Enrollment (C) Enrolls (D) Enrolled

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Bài tập 11:

Look at the following sentences and place the nouns in brackets in the correct position - (A), (B),
(C), or (D).
1. (applicant) The (A) is not (B) qualified (C) for (D) the job.
2. (supervisor) (A) Your (B) will inform (C) you (D) next week.
3. (campaign) An (A) aggressive (B) will (C) be effective (D).
4. (renovations) The (A) shop (B) is closed (B) for (D).
5. (accountant) An (A) experienced (B) will (C) be hired (D) soon.
6. (satisfaction) We will try (A) to solve your (B) problem (C) to your (D).

Look at the hints printed in bold and choose the correct option to complete each sentence.
7. An early ____ is required, especially in this kind of situation.
(A) decide (B) decision (C) to decide (D) decided
8. We are looking for someone with two years of ____.
(A) experiencing (B) to experience (C) experience (D)experienced

Bài tập 12:

Choose the correct noun in brackets for each sentence.
1. The book provides general (information / informations) on health.
2. Your country should sign (agreement / an agreement).
3. My boss is always late for (meeting / meetings).
4. You cannot carry a lot of (luggages / luggage).

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

5. You need to wear protective ____ at the construction site.
(A) cloth (B)clothe (C) clothings (D) clothing
6. The research shows that this ____ can cause big noise problems.
(A) some machineries (B)machineries (C) machinery (D) a machinery

Bài tập 13:

Fill each gap with some or any.
1. ____ companies make a lot of profits in this economic situation
2. Do you have _____ concerns about your new job?
3. Our office needs _____ equipment before we start a new project.
4. You should not touch ____ furniture in this lobby.
5. Mr. Norris found ____ mistakes in the final report.
6. The management doesn’t want to fire _____ employees next year.
Look at the hints printed in bold and choose the correct option to complete each sentence.
7. The trainees didn’t have ___ questions about the new system.
(A) theirs (B) any (C) some (D) a
8. The engineers reported that ____ machinery has critical problems.
(A) they (B) some (C) any (D) a

Bài tập 14:

Practice with TOEIC Actual Questions
Decide which of the choices - (A), (B), (C), or (D) - best completes the sentence.
1. Make sure you bring ____ ID to open an account.
(A) you

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(B) your
(C) yours
(D) yourself
2. _____ for the job must pass a very difficult test.
(A) Applying
(B) Apply
(C) To apply
(D) Applicants
3. I need to find ____ investors for this business.
(A) any
(B) some
(C) yours
(D) yourself
4. Your -___ in this matter will be appreciated.
(A) cooperation
(B) cooperating
(C) cooperate
(D) to cooperate
5. The recent ____ conducted by Today’s Report showed some surprising results.
(A) researching
(B) research
(C) to research
(D) researched.
6. The ____ will inform you of any changes happening here.
(A) managing
(B) manager
(C) managed
(D) manage
7. It costs a lot of money to conduct a(n) ____ to find out customers’s need.
(A) office
(B) ourselves
(C) survey
(D) equipment
8. The ____ was established in 1977 to help poor children in the world.
(A) consultant
(B) agreement
(C) transportation
(D) organization
9. It is always better to use public ____ during rush hour.
(A) transportation
(B) convenience
(C) appointment
(D) agreement
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10. The company is going to hire a __ to help us with our management problems.
(A) consultant
(B) trainee
(C) candidate
(D) contractor
11. You can make a call or send an e-mail to make a(n) ____ with Dr. Stewart.
(A) development
(B) possibility
(C) renovation
(D) appointment

Questions 12-13 refer to the following advertisement.

Do you want to get some new home apliances?

Sears can help you. Enjoy our special offer!

This weekend, we are offering a special ______ on home appliances such as refrigerators, washing
12. (A) discounts
(B) discount
(C) discounting
(D) to discount

machines, and dishwashers.

The offer lasts only for three days. ____ should hurry up. This offer ends on March 3. Visit Sears
13. (A) You
(B) Your
(C) Yours
(D) Yourself

today and get the home applicances you want.


1. Did you buy _______ I asked you for?
(A) a toothpaste
(B) a toothpastes
(C) the toothpastes
(D) the toothpaste
2. Have you seen _______ stapler?
(A) I'm
(B) my
(C) mine
(D) me
3. Do you have _______ rooms available?

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(A) some
(B) sometime
(C) sometimes
(D) any
4. I cut ten _______.
(A) slice of bread
(B) slices of bread
(C) slices of breads
(D) slice of breads
5. I met a lot of _______ at the party.
(A) peoples
(B) people
(C) person
(D) persons
6. For more _______, contact us at 721-3431.
(A) informations
(B) informed
(C) further information
(D) information
7. Let's take another _______ at the sales figure.
(A) view
(B) scene
(C) glance
(D) vision
8. My favorite color is _______.
(A) grapes
(B) apple
(C) orange
(D) pear
9. The managing director asked his _______ to contact the shareholders regarding the crisis
management meeting.
(A) aid
(B) aide
(C) aided
(D) addition
10. _______ all of the newly-hired employees were unhappy with the organization of the orientation
(A) Most
(B) Mostly
(C) Almost
(D) Every
11. Fortunately, changing the members of the committee halfway through the project has had no
noticeable _______ on the price of shares.
(A) point
(B) affectation
(C) affect
(D) effect
12. I will be announcing to the media today that all _______ from sales of this CD will go to charity.
(A) proceeds
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(B) precedes
(C) precedent
(D) results
13. There has been a leak of confidential data to one of our biggest _______ It would seem that we
are the victims of corporate espionage.
(A) enemies
(B) oppositions
(C) rivals
(D) opposites
14. The company will spend more money on the _______ of environment-friendly vehicles.
(A) develops
(B) developed
(C) develop
(D) development
15. Mr. Kim, the plant manager, expressed his support for _______ a new parking lot.
(A) constructive
(B) construction
(C) constructively
(D) constructed
16. The accounting director decided to conduct an _______ on the cash flow problem.
(A) introduction
(B) investigation
(C) satisfaction
(D) exhibition
17. Mr. June has outstanding _______ for the position of sales manager.
(A) qualifying
(B) qualification
(C) qualified
(D) qualify
18. I have attached a copy of our new catalog to my e-mail for your _______.
(A) performance
(B) supervision
(C) encouragement
(D) convenience
19. The company reserves the _______ to change the prices without any prior notice.
(A) goal
(B) seat
(C) occupation
(D) right
20. You need to present one form of _______ to pick up a package.
(A) identity
(B) identification
(C) identifying
(D) identifiable
21. The results show that there were a significant number of customer _______ about our delivery
(A) complaint
(B) complaining
(C) complains
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(D) complaints
22. We couldn't take _______ measure to deal with the problem.
(A) some
(B) any
(C) their
(D) the other
23. _______ of the applicants from around the country were qualified for each position.
(A) Either
(B) Every
(C) Each
(D) Most
24. We make it a rule to double-check_______ report with important contents.
(A) all
(B) some
(C) every
(D) other
25. The main _______ of the novel gives us a keen insight into the loss of humanity.
(A) ideas
(B) ideal
(C) idea
(D) idealess
26. Customers can access this website for _______ information about items on sale.
(A) almost
(B) more
(C) each
(D) another
27. Most of _______ living in this country fear another economic crisis after they went through the
currency crisis in the late 90s.
(A) peoples
(B) many people
(C) many peoples
(D) the people
28. Tommy Books will offer _______ of up to 20 percent off on the first book of the series
throughout this month.
(A) discount
(B) discounting
(C) discounts
(D) discounters
29. In order to brand your business, you'd better include your _______ in every letter you send to
customers, which helps remind them of whom they do business with.
(A) signing
(B) signed
(C) signature
(D) to sign
30. _______ for reconstruction contracts has been getting stiffer over the years since it can generate
enormously lucrative earnings.
(A) Competitively
(B) Competition
(C) Competitive
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(D) Competes
31. When the_______ for this new safety policy was under consideration by the managers, a number
of experts were asked for their comments.
(A) proposing
(B) propose
(C) proposes
(D) proposal
32. A questionnaire asked _______ to evaluate the appearance and the overall brightness of the new
(A) shopping
(B) shoppers
(C) to shop
(D) shopper
33. Please read the terms and conditions carefully to determine whether or not you can request a
refund or _______ for the products you ordered.
(A) replacement
(B) complaint
(C) receipt
(D) promotion
34. Superb _______ has been paid to even the smallest detail, as the project was expected to cost
billions of dollars.
(A) attends
(B) attention
(C) attended
(D) attendant
35. All _______ to our fabulous nation park will be given a complimentary lunch at the top of the
(A) visit
(B) visitations
(C) visitors
(D) visiting
36. We are proud to announce their upcoming _______ in an event whose purpose is to educate
attendees on e-mail management tools.
(A) participation
(B) participated
(C) participating
(D) participate
37. Employees must reserve a time to copy by writing their names on the _______ on the lid of the
(A) schedule
(B) scheduled
(C) schedules
(D) schedulers
38. The two companies signed an _______ on the acquisition in spite of a few differing opinions.
(A) agreement
(B) agrees
(C) agreements
(D) agreed

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Ouestion 39 through 41 refer to the following email.

To: Everyone
From: cc021@exxnet.co
Subject: Party
Date: October 20th
Hi Everyone,
As you know, the office halloween party is coming up. As usual, we will have a costume
competition. It is a _______ for you all to have some fun and win some great
39. (A) chance
(B) change
(C) concept
(D) challenge
prizes. The party starts at 6 p.m. on Friday, October 30°. We will be closing the office early, so you
will have one hour to get _______. I am looking forward to some
40. (A) rest
(B) real
(C) ready
(D) realize
great costumes. This year, the first prize is free membership at the company sports club for one year.
Second prize is dinner _______ the Magic Chef restaurant for four people.
41. (A) in
(B) at
(C) with
(D) for
See you on the 30th.
Miranda Kim

Questions 42 - 44 refer to the following notice.

Music Festival
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of ABC Times, we invite our _______ readers to
42. (A) value
(B) valuably
(C) valuation
(D) valuable
the Music Festival.
Our current _______, will receive two tickets for free.
43. (A) subscribe
(B) subscription
(C) subscribed
(D) subscribers
New readers will receive one free ticket for the concert.
The festival will_______ by the National Magazine Association.
44. (A) sponsor
(B) sponsoring
(C) be sponsored
(D) sponsored

Questions 45- 47 refer to the following advertisement.

Meetings & Conventions
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Taking_______ of discounted fares and benefits is easy with Concord Airlines'

45. (A) address
(B) advantage
(C) admission
(D) advice
Meetings & Conventions Travel Team. _______ your company is planning a business
46. (A) During
(B) Often
(C) Because of
(D) If
meeting or your association is planning a convention, let Concord Airlines be the official airline. Our
service representatives are ready to satisfy your air travel requirements.
You can call_______ to our Meetings & Conventions Travel Team to get any
47. (A) direct
(B) direction
(C) director
(D) directly
information about our discounted fares and group benefits.

Questions 48 - 50 refer to the following notice.

Please help us improve our website by answering a few questions_______ your
48. (A) because
(B) about
(C) if
(D) while
experience today. This _______ survey will take less than a minute and your answers
49. (A) shortly
(B) shorten
(C) shortage
(D) short
will remain confidential. Your _______ will be used solely to improve the quality and
50. (A) respond
(B) responded
(C) responsive
(D) responses
content of this site.

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Kiến thức bổ sung

CHÚ Ý 2: Xác định sự hòa hợp về số của chủ ngữ và động từ, bỏ qua cụm từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ
làm chủ ngữ
Kiến thức bổ sung



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CHÚ Ý 1: Chia động từ phù hợp với ngôi và số của chủ ngữ
(1) Số của danh từ: Danh từ nằm ở vị trí chủ ngữ có hình thức số ít và số nhiều.
1. Danh từ có mạo từ chỉ số ít: a book, a chair, an employee
2. Danh từ gắn với “(e)s" thể hiện số nhiều: books, chairs, employees
(2) Số của động từ:
1. Động từ có gắn “(e)s” thể hiện số ít: expands, needs, requests
2. Động từ ở dạng bare inf thể hiện số nhiều: expand, need, request

Bài tập 1: Chọn câu đúng trong hai câu sau:

1. The company hires new employees.
The company hire new employees.
2. Many bank hires MBA graduates.
Many banks hire MBA graduates.

Động từ số ít hay số nhiều được quyết định tùy theo số của danh từ làm chủ ngữ. Nghĩa là nếu danh
từ làm chủ ngữ là số ít thì động từ cũng là số ít, danh từ làm chủ ngữ là số nhiều thì động từ cũng là
số nhiều. Đây chính là nguyên tắc về sự hòa hợp giữa chủ ngữ và động từ.

Kiến thức bổ sung

1. Sự khác biệt giữa số ít / số nhiều của động từ chỉ quan trọng khi động từ ở thì hiện tại, còn ở thì
quá khứ thì số của danh từ làm chủ ngữ không ảnh hưởng đến việc chia động từ số ít hay số nhiều
(ngoại trừ động từ be).
He delivers products to customers.
Chủ ngữ ngôi thứ ba số ít ở thì hiện tại nên động từ có đuôi là -s.
They deliver products to their customers.
Chủ ngữ là ngôi thứ ba số nhiều nên động từ cũng là số nhiều.
He delivered products to the customer. vs They delivered products to their customers.
2. Trợ động từ (auxiliary - aux) không bị ảnh hưởng bởi số của chủ ngữ và luôn được viết với cùng
một hình thức giống nhau ở các ngôi, số hay thì của chủ ngữ.
He will / can / should deliver products to customers.
They will / can / should deliver products to customers.

Bài tập 2: Chọn từ đúng trong các câu sau.

1. Dr. Brown (has/ have) requested the report.
2. A notice (is/ are) posted on the bulletin board.
3. The documents (was/ were) sent by e-mail.

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4. They usually (charge/charges) high fees.

5. The company (need/ needed) a partner to expand its market.

Lưu ý:
Chủ ngữ ngôi thứ 3 số ít, thì hiện tại, động từ thuờng => động từ nguyên mẫu + (e)s
Chủ ngữ ngôi thứ 3 số ít, thì hiện tại, động từ be => is
Chủ ngữ ngôi thứ 3 số ít, thì quá khứ, động từ be => was

Tóm tắt:
Trường hợp của động từ be, khi ở thì quá khứ cũng có số ít và số nhiều.
The product was delivered to the customer.
Chủ ngữ ở ngôi thứ 3 số ít nên chia là was.
The products were delivered to the customer.
Chủ ngữ ở ngôi thứ 3 số nhiều nên chia là were.
3 dạng của động từ be:
am / is → was → been
are → were → been
Bài tập 3:
1. Many companies________criticized the government’s bill.

(A) have (B) has (C) having (D) to have

2. The committee________the proposed nonsmoking policy.

(A) reject (B) rejecting (C) to reject (D) rejected

3. The furniture________scheduled to be delivered on September 14.

(A) be (B) were (C) are (D) is

4. The post office________one form of identification.

(A) require (B) requires (C) requirement (D) requiring

5. All department managers________to attend the monthly business meeting.

(A) needs (B) to need (C) needing (D) need

CHÚ Ý 2: Xác định sự hòa hợp về số của chủ ngữ và động từ, bỏ qua cụm từ bổ nghĩa cho
danh từ làm chủ ngữ

Chọn câu đúng

The plans for the project is prepared by Mr. Kim.
The plans for the project are prepared by Mr. Kim.
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Đáp án: The plans for the project are prepared by Mr. Kim.

Ở câu trên ta có thể hiểu nhầm danh từ project gần động từ are là chủ ngữ, nên dễ chia thành dạng
số ít is. Để xác định chủ ngữ chính xác, ta nên (1) bỏ cụm từ bổ nghĩa “giới từ (prep) + danh từ [for
the project]” vào dấu ngoặc và (2) tìm cấu trúc “chủ ngũ - động từ (plans - are)” để thống nhất về số
của chủ ngữ và động từ.

Kiến thức bổ sung

Phương pháp xác định sừ hòa hợp về số của chủ ngữ và động từ bằng cách tách cụm từ bổ nghĩa.
1. Xác định động từ trước.
2. Tìm danh từ để xác định chủ ngữ.
1. Tìm danh từ đầu câu để xác định chủ ngữ.
2. Nếu có danh từ nằm sau giới từ thì bỏ “giới từ + danh từ” (cụm từ bổ nghĩa) vào dấu
3. Cụm từ bổ nghĩa chính là bẫy!
3. Nếu nắm vững được cấu trúc “chủ ngữ - động từ” và bỏ qua cụm từ bổ nghĩa thì sẽ trả lời được
câu hỏi về số của chủ ngữ và động từ.

Bài tập 4:
1. The conditions for a promotion (are/ is) clearly explained in this handbook.
2. The material for the workshops (are/ is) going to be distributed.
3. The use of online games (have/ has) caused problems.
4. The committee for the 10th anniversary party (need/ needs) ideas.
5. All items in stock at this store (are/ is) discounted.

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Tóm tắt:

The material
Chủ ngữ số ít The use Động từ số ít
The committee
Cụm từ bổ nghĩa
All items
Chủ ngữ số nhiều Động từ số nhiều
The conditions

Bài tập 5:
1. Centers for public health_________become popular.
(A) have (B) has (C) having (D) to have
2. The prices in the new product catalog_________discounted by 10 percent.
(A) be (B) are (C) is (D) was
3. The newspaper company_________lowering subscription rates.
(A) are (B) were (C) has (D) is
4. Many prizes_________awarded to the marketing department.
(A) is (B) were (C) was (D) be
5. The suggestions in the report_________to be reviewed.
(A) need (B) needy (C) needs (D) needing

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Part V Chọn từ thích hợp để điền vào chỗ trống dưới đây.
Bài tập 1:
1. The new museum________ to attract many tourists.
(A) continue (B) continues (C) continuing (D) continuity
2. The opening date of the new public libraries ________ been postponed.
(A) have (B) having (C) to have (D) has
3. The shipment of your orders ________ delayed due to some defective products.
(A) have (B) were (C) are (D) was
4. The new employee guidebook ________ finally distributed to the new employees.
(A) was (B) are (C) were (D) has
5. The contents of this report ________ thoroughly checked for errors.
(A) is (B) are (C) be (D) was

Part VI Điền vào chỗ trống trong mẩu quảng cáo sau.


All interested students _______ invited to attend the U.S. University Fair.
6. (A) was
(B) are
(C) be
(D) is
Admission to the fair _______ free.
7. (A) were
(B) is
(C) are
(D) have
If you _______ to join the fair, please register now.
8. (A) wish
(B) wishing
(C) to wish
(D) wishes

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Bài tập 2:
Choose one correct options in the parentheses.
1. Holding the conference in our hotel (are, is) advantageous to your company.
2. The requested document (has, have) not yet arrived.
3. Access to this file (are, is) limited to authorized personnel.
4. Each report (contains, contain) information on key economic indicators.
5. Thar Mr. Smith was absent from work (were, was) suprising.
6. The editor (want, wants) to change the layout of the newspaper.
Choose one correct options for each of the following sentences.
1. The firm ___ profit increases with the new marketing strategy.
(A) anticipate (C) are anticipated
(B)anticipates (D) anticipating
2. This chemical ____ only approved for use in animal foods.
(A) was (C) has
(B) were (D) have
3. Obtaining a good job ____ difficult due to the economic situation.
(A) have remained (C) remain
(B) are remaining (D) remains
4. Every area manager ____ required to visit all the offices under his management once a week.
(A) is (C) were
(B) are (D)have

Bài tập 3:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
1. The applicants (have, has) plenty of experience in foreign trade.
2. Many offices (instruct, instructs) employees about what to do in case of lire.
3. The survey forms (was, were) not filled out completely.
4. The headquarters and the branch office (plan, plans) to reorganize some divisions
5. A few reports (provides, provide) accurate data on the current market.
6. Our facilities (are, is) available for family and company events every weekend.
Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.
7. The company and the striking workers _____ to a settlement.
(A) has agreed (C) have
(B) agrees (D) agreeing
8. The cellphone charges for local calls ____ discounted for the first month.
(A) has (C) is
(B) was (D) are

Bài tập 4:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
1. All of the old magazines (is, are) available at a discounted price.
2. Some of the executives (refuse, refuses) to reduce expenditures on advertising.
3. The competition between low-cost airlines (has, have) increased.
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4. Senior employees in the workplace (know, knows) less about computers.

Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.
5. The rest of the guests for the Best Employee Award ____ to arrive after 7:00 p.m.
(A) expects (C) are expected
(B) expecting (D) is expected
6. Some of the pens in the shipment ______ faulty parts and cannot be used.
(A) has (C) was
(B) is (D)have
Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following letter.

Dear Mr. Woods,

Half of the emplyees in the system maintenance department ____ recently. We think that

7. (A) have quit (C) quitting

(B) was quit (D) quits

dissatisfaction with their jobs ____ the cause. Therefore, we would like to involve employees in

8. (A) are (C) were

(B) is (D) have

decision-making by having monthly meetings with management. Also, they will be granted stock
options beginning next month. We believe these steps can help the company retain its workers.

Bài tập 5:
Practice with TOEIC Actual Questions
Decide which of the choices - (A), (B), (C), or (D) - best completes the sentence.
1. The article ____ that the population of the world is increasing.
(A) saying
(B) says
(C) say
(D) is said
2. The number of online shopping malls ______ increasing.
(A) is
(B) are
(C) to be
(D) being
3. Both of the applicants _____ scheduled for an interview today.
(A) to be
(B) was
(C) is
(D) are
4. Some of the luggage ______ stolen at the airport.
(A) has
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(B) are
(C) was
(D) were
5. The president and the vice president ______ in the conference room.
(A) are
(B) being
(C) is
(D) was
6. The good news ____ that I will get a pay raise.
(A) have
(B) were
(C) are
(D) is
7. Every country _____ interested in the global trade issue.
(A) have
(B) are
(C) is
(D) has
8. Most of the interviewees ____ very punctual.
(A) is
(B) are
(C) to be
(D) being
9. The sales meeting ____ place in the auditorium every two months.
(A) is taking
(B) is taken
(C) take
(D) takes
10. Tim Scott, the founder and CEO of the company, ____ in 2000.
(A) died
(B) die
(C) is dying
(D) is died
11. Fortunately, neither the driver nor the passengers ______ injured.
(A) had
(B) has
(C) was
(D) were
12. The prime minister was _____ in a bribe scandal.
(A) improved
(B) involved
(C) equipped
(D) concerned
13. This cellular phone is superior ______ the competitors in quality.
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(A) for
(B) to
(C) on
(D) than
14. Prices may be ____ to change without notice.
(A) subject
(B) engaged
(C) payable
(D) conscious

Questions 15-16 refer to the following letter.

Dear Mr. Rosenberg,

A number of the workers in the factory ______ off lately. That will have a bad effect on the rest of
15. (A) has been laid
(B) have been laid
(C) are laying
(D) is laid

the workers in our company. Some of them _____ already quit their jobs.
16. (A) have
(B) had
(C) has
(D) having

Therefore, we suggest that you hold a meeting to explain the financial situation of the company. This
will help the employees want to keep working here.


1. Physics _______ one of my favorite subjects.
(A) be
(B) to be
(C) is
(D) are
2. There are some books on the table, which_______ about fish.
(A) does
(B) do
(C) is
(D) are
3. A third of the students_______ passed the test.
(A) are
(B) have
(C) has
(D) is
4. The bus comes here_______ 30 minutes.
(A) each

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(B) another
(C) every
(D) all
5. Teaching children_______ not easy.
(A) are
(B) is
(C) were
(D) am
6. Either Bill or we _______supposed to contact Sylvia about the meeting.
(A) is
(B) could
(C) was
(D) were
7. Kim Jones, together with her roommate, _______ to write a letter to the campus newspaper.
(A) will
(B) are
(C) is going
(D) wills
8. Most of the fish I caught _______ too small to bring home.
(A) will
(B) am
(C) were
(D) was
9. Two-quarters of the land _______ sold to investors.
(A) will
(B) have
(C) have been
(D) has been
10. Neither Professor Johnson nor his students _______ going to join the project.
(A) will
(B) is
(C) are
(D) either
11. Fifty cents_______ how much I owe you.
(A) does
(B) are
(C) do
(D) is
12. Nowadays, most _______ have four wheels.
(A) cars
(B) of the cars
(C) the cars
(D) among the cars
13. There was_______ left in the safe.
(A) two-hundred dollar bills
(B) two-hundreds dollar bills
(C) two-hundred dollars
(D) two-hundreds dollars
14. There are no_______ between the brothers.
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(A) same
(B) difference
(C) similarities
(D) variation
15._______ people are not happy with the class.
(A) Most of
(B) Every
(C) Many a
(D) A number of
16. The students, as well as the teacher, _______ happy about the test results.
(A) was
(B) are
(C) is
(D) has
17. All of the food_______ prepared by seven.
(A) were
(B) is
(C) have
(D) was
18. All of the people there_______ from Japan.
(A) were
(B) is
(C) be
(D) was
19. _______ remain complicated economic problems to be resolved, while the economic conditions
have been good.
(A) They
(B) It
(C) There
(D) That
20. Applicants for the managerial position_______ to possess high levels of motivation along with
basic computer skills.
(A) are required
(B) require
(C) requires
(D) has required
21. Please_______ any information, no matter how insufficient it may seem, to your client in the
very near future.
(A) forwards
(B) forward
(C) forwarding
(D) to forward
22. The revised version of an unpublished manuscript_______ due to arrive this morning at 10
o'clock, but unexpected problems delayed the shipping.
(A) was
(B) were
(C) is
(D) are

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23. When I closed the window, all of the files and folders on my desktop computer_______ except
for the icon.
(A) are disappearing
(B) will have disappeared
(C) had disappeared (
D) disappear
24. Due to recent changes, Nordon Express_______ delivery of equipment effective the first day of
the coming year.
(A) to discontinue
(B) will discontinue
(C) discontinued
(D) have discontinue
25. As portable audio items_______ currently unavailable in the store, you'd better check the Internet
for more information.
(A) is
(B) been
(C) are
(D) being
26. Employment application forms completed by applicants must be_______ to Mr. Keith by Friday
at noon.
(A) submitting
(B) submitted
(C) submit
(D) submission
27. Most stores _______special discounts, coupons on gifts and personalized gifts to retain their
existing customers.
(A) offering
(B) be offered
(C) to offer
(D) are offering.
28. Even though assigned tasks are somewhat complex, we will have to complete them before
we_______ for the day.
(A) leave
(B) leaving
(C) to leave
(D) have left
29. All the storage rooms are scheduled to undergo renovations and_______ closed for several days
next week.
(A) will be
(B) was
(C) are
(D) has been
30. According to many_______ of the industry, the majority of small-sized firms are hoping to enter
into lucrative businesses.
(A) survey
(B) surveys
(C) surveying
(D) surveyed

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31. Ms. Watanabe will be unable to finish filing the data by Friday unless she_______ one of the
office interns to help her.
(A) got
(B) has gotten
(C) gets
(D) will get
32. The factory manager reports that currently all the machinery_______ at full capacity.
(A) will have been operated
(B) was operating
(C) had operated
(D) is operating
33. _______ you require assistance with the installation of the product, contact a customer sales
associate at the number below.
(A) Would
(B) Have
(C) Should
(D) Had
34. Alterations to the work schedule cannot be made until they_______ by the shift supervisor.
(A) will be cleared
(B) were cleared
(C) are cleared
(D) will be clearing
35. Mr. Walter's business partners, who_______ a venture capital firm in Santa Barbara, will be at
the investors' meeting tomorrow.
(A) manage
(B) manages
(C) management
(D) managing
Questions 36 through 37 refer to the following advertisement.

World famous folk singer, Daniel Matthews, _______with the Smallville Choir, will
36. (A) next
(B) along
(C) by
(D) who
give a small concert on August 27th. Mr. Matthews will perform songs from his new CD Voices of
Heaven. Tickets are limited so_______ fans who missed his last concert
37. (A) every
(B) another
(C) all
(D) each
should hurry! Tickets go on sale on June 306. Call the Smallville Arts Hall on 021-333-0999 for
more information.

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Questions 38 through 40 refer to the following letter.

23 Culver Lane

Alice Burns
934 Garden Highway
Dear Ms. Burns,
Dank you for your recent enquiries about "Woodworks: Woodworks_______ a small
38. (A) are
(B) be
(C) is
(D) has
family-owned company. We are in our sixth year of business. We specialize in hand-carved pieces.
We_______ local wood and make sure three trees are planted to replace
39. (A) uses
(B) use
(C) used to
(D) using
every tree we use. Woodworks has its own forest, and all of our products are made from trees that
grow there. As you say, we are a little expensive. However, we make a unique, high-quality product.
Every piece we make is designed individually. It takes about six months to make______- of our
products. Of course, this costs a lot of money.
40. (A) every
(B) everyone
(C) each
(D) anyone
Please enjoy the enclosed catalog.

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Questions 41 through 43 refer to the following note.

Dear Sally,

I am going to_______ grandmother's house this afternoon. I will be out when you get
41. (A) the
(B) our
(C) your
(D) yours

home from school, so you will need to get your own dinner. Help yourself_______ anything in the
42. (A) with
(B) to
(C) by
(D) over

refrigerator. There is some cheese and plenty of vegetables. There is bread, too. You can
pick_______ apples from the tree in the garden if you want. As a
43. (A) any
(B) some
(C) all
(D) almost

special treat, I have bought some chocolate fudge ice cream. Don't eat too much - I want to try some,
too! Do your homework, OK? be home about eight o'clock. See you later.


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Questions 44 through 46 refer to the following memo.

To: Sales Staff
From: Marketing
Re: Christmas sales target
Date: October 15th

It is time to start thinking_______ our Christmas sales. Last year, we saw very low profits, so we
44. (A) on
(B) about
(C) for
(D) off

really need to improve things this year. The store wants to double its profits, so we have a lot of
work to do. We will have a meeting next Tuesday at three o'clock to discuss this. Please think of
some good ideas to increase sales. If we reach the new target, _______ will get a bonus.
45. (A) everyone
(B) no one
(C) anyone
(D) each

If we are not successful, there will be no bonuses. The store manager will come to the meeting. He is
going to_______ us his ideas and listen to our opinions.
46. (A) say
(B) talk
(C) tell
(D) speak
This is a very important meeting. Don't miss it.

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Questions 47 through 49 refer to the following advertisement.

Getaway Tours

We now have the details of our Summer Specials. As always we have some real treats. Just take a
look at a sample of_______ we have on offer this year six
47. (A) that
(B) what
(C) which
(D) why

nights in Guam, staying in a luxury hotel with breakfast included - starts at just $50 per person per
night. Five nights In Hong Kong, staying in a 5 star hotel, including a guided harbor boat cruise -
starts at just $75 per person per night. _______ of our
48. (A) Almost
(B) All
(C) Nearly
(D) At all

prices include travel insurance and free transportation from the airport _______to your hotel. Give
49. (A) straightly
(B) directly
(C) firstly
(D) immediate

us a call at 234-0009 for reservations or further information.

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CHÚ Ý 1: Tính từ đứng trước danh từ và bổ nghĩa cho danh từ
Ngữ pháp bổ sung

CHÚ Ý 2: Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho tính từ
Ngữ pháp bổ sung
CHÚ Ý 3: Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ
Ngữ pháp bổ sung
CHÚ Ý 4: Trạng từ thường chen vào giữa
Ngữ pháp bổ sung
CHÚ Ý 5: Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ
1. Trạng từ đứng cuối một câu hoàn chỉnh, bổ nghĩa cho động từ
2. Trạng từ đứng sau nội động từ, bổ nghĩa cho nội động từ

Một số cụm nội động từ - trạng từ phổ biến



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CHÚ Ý 1: Tính từ đứng trước danh từ và bổ nghĩa cho danh từ

Bài tập 1: Chọn câu đúng.

1. the attractive building 2. Kathy’s create idea
the attraction building Kathy’s creative idea

Tính từ:
(1) ở giữa mạo từ và danh từ, bổ nghĩa cho danh từ
(2) ở giữa sở hữu cách và danh từ, bổ nghĩa cho danh từ theo sau
Hơn nữa:
(3) Tính từ ở trước danh từ là tân ngữ của ngoại động từ, bổ nghĩa cho danh từ.

Ngữ pháp bổ sung

Vị trí của tính từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ:
1. Mạo từ [a/an/the] + tính từ + danh từ: tính từ nằm giữa mạo từ và danh từ, bổ nghĩa cho danh từ.
an impressive test result the popular online store

mạo từ adj n mạo từ adj n

2. Từ sở hữu [my / your / his / our /their / its / her] / sở hữu cách + tính từ + danh từ: tính từ nằm
giữa từ sở hữu và danh từ, bổ nghĩa cho danh từ.
its high profit CEO's important decision
từ sở hữu adj n sở hữu cách adj n

Bài tập 2: Chọn từ đúng trong các câu sau.

1. He received the award for his (creative/ create) idea.
2. The special team will conduct an (extend/ extensive) inspection.
3. The country will experience an (annual/ annually) growth rate of 10 percent.
4. We will conduct a (thoroughly/ thorough) inspection of the facility.
5. We are not able to meet the (presently/ present) production schedule.

Bài tập 3: Nắm cấu trúc: mạo từ / sở hữu cách + ... + danh từ
1. We are looking for an__________ person for our sales department.
(A) experienced (B) experience (C) experiences (D) to experience
2. The president had a meeting with employees during his__________ visit to the plant.
(A) recently (B) recentness (C) recency (D) recent
3. The__________ attractions of the city continue to attract visitors.
(A) diversification (B) diversifying (C) diverse (D) diversity
4. We recommended a__________ review of all of the facilities in the hospital.
(A) comprehensive (B) comprehend (C) comprehensively (D) comprehensiveness

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5. Dr. Marriot recently completed a__________ study on economic trends.

(A) detail (B) details (C) in detail (D) detailed


Bài tập 1:
Part V Chọn từ thích hợp để điền vào chỗ trống dưới đây.
1. Our company recorded _________ profits this year.
(A) impress (B) to impress (C) impresses (D) impressive
2. The university is seeking _________ individuals to participate in a survey.
(A) interest (B) interests (C) interested (D) interestingly
3. Managers will discuss _________ methods for the promotion of our products.
(A) addition (B) additional (C) additionally (D) additions
4. Due to the recent _________ conditions, the company made a lot of money.
(A) economy (B) economic (C) economist (D) economically
5. All _________ information should be submitted by next week.
(A) necessarily (B) necessity (C) necessaries (D) necessary

Part VI Điền vào chỗ trống trong mẩu quảng cáo sau.

Business Cards

BizCard offers great products and services with ________ prices.

6. (A) excellence
(B) excellently
(C) excellent
(D) excel
We sometimes have sales and promotions for our ________ products.
7. (A) reliable
(B) reliably
(C) reliability
(D) rely
Our ________ designers guarantee the most impressive business cards for your business.
8. (A) experience
(B) experiential
(C) experientially
(D) experienced
On our website, you can find some of BizCard’s most amazing offers.

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CHÚ Ý 2: Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho tính từ
Trạng từ là một trong những loại từ được đặt câu hỏi nhiều nhất trong bài thi TOEIC. Vì trạng từ có
vai trò rất đa dạng: bổ nghĩa cho toàn bộ câu, bổ nghĩa cho tính từ, động từ, trạng từ trong câu nên có
thể gây khó khăn nhất định cho học viên. Tuy nhiên, nếu nắm được nguyên tắc thì việc giải quyết
các câu hỏi về trạng từ cũng khá dễ dàng.

Ngữ pháp bổ sung

1. Hình thái của trạng từ
=> Thường có cấu tạo adj + -ly.
Tính từ + - ly = Trạng từ
increasing increasingly
current currently
close closely

2. Chức năng của trạng từ

=> Trạng từ đứng trước tính từ và bổ nghĩa cho tính từ.
a popular hobby => an increasingly popular hobby
mạo từ adj n mạo từ adv adj n
a competitive market => an extremely competitive market
mạo từ adj n mạo từ adv adj n

It is_______easy to get information through the Internet.

=> Là vị tri cần một loại từ bổ nghĩa cho tính từ easy nên phải là trạng từ và trạng từ increasingly
có ý nghĩa phù hợp trong câu.

Bài tập 4: Chọn từ đúng trong các câu sau.

1. The (new/ newly) opened plant will hire more workers.
2. Reading is becoming an (increasing/ increasingly) popular hobby.
3. You can buy this product at (significantly/ significant) discounted prices.
4. It is (extremely/ extreme) important to finish this report by noon.
5. We need to develop (clear/ clearly) planned marketing strategies.

[Mạo từ + ... + tính từ + danh từ => phải điền trạng từ để bổ nghĩa cho tính từ

Bài tập 5:
1. Our products are doing well in the _________ competitive market
(A) extreme (B) extremely (C) extremity (D) extremeness
2. Most companies provide _________ low wages to interns.
(A) signified (B) significantly (C) significant (D) signify
3. Patients’ private health records will be kept _________ confidential.
(A) completely (B) complete (C) completion (D) completed
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4. _________ discounted tickets have many restrictions.

(A) Heavy (B) Heavily (C) Heaviness (D) Heavier
5. They worked together on a _________ profitable development plan.
(A) highly (B) high (C) highness (D) higher

CHÚ Ý 3: Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ

Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ có vị trí đứng trưóc động từ để bổ sung ý nghĩa của hành động (động
từ) Trường hợp khi trạng từ chỉ sự thường xuyên diễn tả thói quen, trạng từ được đặt trước động từ
thường và sau động từ be.

Ngữ pháp bổ sung

1. Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ
=> Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ diễn tả thời gian, nơi chốn, mức độ và tính thường xuyên xảy ra
hành động (động từ) của chủ ngữ.
We frequently meet with regional suppliers.
Trạng từ frequently bổ nghĩa cho động từ diễn tả mức độ thường xuyên xảy ra hành động của chủ
ngữ. Trạng từ này có vị trí đứng trước động từ meet.

2.Vị trí của trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ

=> Trạng từ đứng trước động từ - ở giữa chủ ngữ và động từ - có chức năng bổ nghĩa cho động từ.
We recently employed several programmers.
Trạng từ recently có vị trí đứng giữa chủ ngữ và động từ, có chức năng bổ nghĩa cho động từ
=> Trạng từ chỉ tần suất có vị trí đứng trước động từ thuờng và sau động từ be.
Kathy always feels tired afternoon.
trạng từ chỉ tần suất động từ thường
Kathy is always late for the meeting.
động từ be trạng từ chỉ tần suất

Bài tập 6: Chọn từ đúng trong các câu sau.

1. He (original/ originally) suggested the ideas for the advertising campaign.
2. The manager (direction/ directly) reports to the president.
3. The company (unfairly/ unfair) raised the subscription rates.
4. He (thorough (thoroughly) reviews the monthly reports.
5. Every employee (secure/ securely) locks the door after work.

Bài tập 7: Tìm vị trí của trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ trong câu.
1. We recommend that you ________ purchase your home.
(A) quickly (B) quick (C) quicken (D) quickness
2. Our production team ________ inspects the quality of our Products.
(A) through (B) thoroughness (C) thoroughly (D) thorough
3. The stock analyst ________ predicted the increase in stock prices.
(A) correct (B) correctly (C) corrective (D) correctness
4. Most interviewers ________ examine applicants’ educational backgrounds.
(A) closely (B) closer (C) close (D) closest
5. Small-business owners ________ use local newspaper advertisements.
(A) frequent (B)frequency (C) frequentness (D) frequently

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CHÚ Ý 4: Trạng từ thường chen vào giữa

Ở phần trước, chúng ta đã biết vị trí của trạng từ là đứng trước và bổ nghĩa cho động từ và tính từ.
ngoài ra nó cũng bổ nghĩa cho động từ nhưng ở một số vị trí khác.

Ngữ pháp bổ sung

1. Trạng từ:
- Trạng từ nằm ở giữa cấu trúc tổng hợp cuẩ động từ và bổ nghĩa cho động từ. Ngoài trạng từ ra,
không có loại từ nào có vai trò như vậy.
2. Các trường hợp đứng giữa của trạng từ:
a. Trợ động từ + trạng từ + động từ nguyên mẫu
Eg: The landlord will probably raise the rent.
( trạng từ “probably” đứng giữa trợ động từ “will” và dộng từ nguyên mẫu “raise”, bổ nghĩa cho
động từ)
b. Động từ have + trạng từ + quá khứ phân từ
Eg: The applicant has clearly shown his interest in the position.
( Trạng từ “clearly” đứng giữa trợ động từ hoàn thành “have” và quá khứ phân từ “shown”, bổ nghĩa
cho động từ.
c. Động từ be + trạng từ + phân từ (V-ing/p.p)
Eg: the directions to the meeting room are easily displayed.
( trạng từ “easily” đứng giữa động từ “be” và quá khứ phân từ “displayed”, bổ nghĩa cho động từ)

Bài tập 8: Chọn từ đúng cho các câu sau:

1. Interest rates will (probably/ probable) rise by 0.5 percent.
2. Every office door should be (secure/ securely) closed.
3. The company has (consistent/ consistently) donated money.
4. You can (easily/ easy) find our products in retail stores.
5. The local museum is (current/ currently) closed for renovations.

( [trợ động từ + … + động từ nguyên mẫu ] / [be + …+ phân từ]

=> điền trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ vào ô trống)


Trợ động từ/ động từ be + trạng từ (probably/ securely/ consistently/ easily/ currently) + động từ
nguyên mẫu/ phân từ(p.p/V-ing)

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Bài tập 9: Chú ý vị trí đứng giữa của trạng từ.

1. We are _____ seeking new university graduates to join our sales team.
A. Current
B. Currency
C. Currently
D. Currentness
2. Identification cards must be _____ displayed.
A. Clear
B. Clearly
C. Clearance
D. Clarity
3. The result was _____ predicted before this quarter.
A. original
B. origin
C. originally
D. originality
4. The hotel is _____ located within easy walking distance of the beach.
A. Perfect
B. Perfectly
C. Perfection
D. Perfecting
5. The company is _____ implementing new vacation policy.
A. Active
B. Activity
C. Actively
D. Activate

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CHÚ Ý 5: Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ

1. Trạng từ đứng cuối một câu hoàn chỉnh, bổ nghĩa cho động từ

Before you install this software, please read the directions carefully.
carefully bổ nghĩa cho read
Trước khi cài đặt phần mềm này, xin vui lòng đọc kỹ hướng dẫn.

2. Trạng từ đứng sau nội động từ, bổ nghĩa cho nội động từ
Những động từ đi kèm với giới từ mà không có tân ngữ được gọi là nội động từ. Trong trường hợp
này, trạng từ đứng giữa nội động từ và giới từ.

You need to respond promptly to questions from customers.

promptly bổ nghĩa cho respond
Anh/chị cần trả lời các câu hỏi của khách hàng ngay tức khắc.

Một số cụm nội động từ - trạng từ phổ biến

travel regularly grow rapidly
increase dramatically decrease slightly
work collaboratively meet frequently with ~
react calmly to delays rely heavily on tourism
speak clearly to the audience communicate easily with ~

Bài tập 10:

1. Due to the financial constraints, the company had to reduce its travel budget_________ .
(A) substantial (B) substance (C) substantiate (D) substantially
2. The population of this city has decreased_________ for the last few months.
(A) slight (B) slightly (C) slightness (D) slighted


PART V: Incomplete Sentence

Bài tập 2:
1. The teleconference is scheduled to start ____at 10 A.M. next Tuesday.
(A) precisely (B) preciseness (C) precision (D) precise

2. Replacing the old building with a new one was a ____ impossible task.
(A) near (B) nearby (C) nearly (D) nearing

3. The construction site makes a visual impact that is ____ .

(A) impress (B) impression (C) impressed (D) impressive

4. The sales figures have been revised ____ due to the miscalculation.
(A) significant (B) significantly (C) significance (D) signification

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5. The sales staff was especially ____ and willing to help the customers.
(A) friend (B) friends (C) friendly (D) friendship

6. The team members would reach an agreement under more ____ circumstances.
(A) favor (B) favorite (C) favorable (D) favorably

7. The insurance company does not seem to be _____ sound.

(A) finance (B) finances (C) financial (D) financially

8. Best Computers is ____to increase its customer base in European countries.

(A) frequent (B) common (C) large (D) eager

9. New York state residents are ____to apply for a NYS library card.
(A) capable (B) valuable (C) eligible (D) flexible

10. Students who have not received their IDs should visit the Registrar’s Office ____.
(A) recently (B) especially (C) unexpectedly (D) immediately

PART VI: Text Completion

Questions 11-13 refer to the following letter.

Dear Ms. Angela,

Please be informed that we have recently obtained your request to renew your subscription to
Economy Weekly. Your new 2-year subscription will start on May 8,
2008, and the payment of $48.00 is due on the first day of each month ____the end of
11. (A) because of
(B) beyond
(C) regarding
(D) throughout

your contract term. In the ____ that you need to contact us regarding this subscription,
12. (A) affair
(B) event
(C) happening
(D) opening

please include your full subscription number (EW-200805223) on any correspondence with us.

This ____a timely response and efficient processing of your request or problem.
13. (A) ensure
(B) has ensured
(C) will ensure
(D) ensured


Serena Glory
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Economy Weekly

Bài tập 3:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
1. Consumers offer (construct, constructive) advice on our new product lines.
2. (Success, Successful) candidates require excellent communication skills.
3. The service at the automobile repair center is (quick, quickly).
4. The applicants were provided with (specific, specify) guidelines on what to submit.
5. The Pinesville Resort is the (ideal, ideally) place to spend a holiday.
6. Susan is not (surely, sure) if she will accept the position.
Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.
7. Ms. Bell is an especially ____ employee at Ewing, Inc.
(A) value (C) valuably
(B) values (D) valuable
8. Depositors should bring the _____ identification to complete a transaction.
(A) necessity (C) necessitate
(B) necessarily (D) necessary
9. All the visitors to the power plant must wear _____ clothing provided when entering the
(A) protect (C) protective
(B) protection (D) protecting
10. The new R&D head was highly ______ of our procedures for collecting data.
(A) critical (C) criticize
(B) critically (D) criticizes

Bài tập 4:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
1. Ms. Byrd (usually, usual) makes coffee when she arrives at the office.
2. The president (final, finally) decided to close down the old branch.
3. The parcel was sent (mistake, mistakenly) to the wrong address.
4. The unemployment rate has been decreasing (relative, relatively) slowly.
5. Please make sure that the invitation is addressed (correctly, correct) before mailing it.
6. The executive director travels (regularly, regular) for business.

Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.

7. Mr. Gifford said the network system will be ____ operational by January.
(A) completion (C) completing
(B) complete (D) completely
8. All supervisors in the company agreed that Mr. Yoshio works _______.
(A) conscientiously
(B) conscientious
(C) conscientiousness
(D) conscience
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9. Consumer opinion is becoming an ______ essential factor in project planning.

(A) increase (C) increasing
(B) increases (D) increasingly
10. We ____ inform our subscribers that Kotins Press will stop publishing this month.
(A) regrettable
(B) regretfully
(C) regret
(D) regrets

Bài tập 5:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
1. The election was (close, closely) observed by the media.
2. The travel agency offers (reliant, reliable) service.
3. (Near, Nearly) 70% of companies say that their business operations are profitable.
4. The pilot is (responsible, responsive) for the safety of the passengers.
Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences
5. The attached file is a list of professors who will speak at the seminar.
(A) distinguish (C) distinguishably
(B) distinguished (D) distinguishable
Another branch could have been established under more _____ conditions.
(A) favorable (C) favorably
(B) favorite (D) favorableness
Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following advertisement.

If you are not sure of how to manage your savings, contact Investment Associates. Investment
Associates is a small group of _______ advisors that assist people in making the right decisions about
7. (A) financially (C) financing
(B) financial (D) finances

their money. We can give you information on what investment strategies can most help you. The best
time to begin setting investment goals Is while you are in your twenties. It is _____ recommended
8. (A) high (C) highly
(B) height (D) higher

that you sit down with one of our advisors to determine which plans are suitable for your age group.

Bài tập 6:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
1. Our staff members had (temporary, differing, qualified) opinions on the matter.
2. Future economic prospects look less (common, unprecedented, promising) than expected
3. Investors feel (incapable, unanimous, insecure) about the current market.
4. It is the obligation of the company to recall (untrue, defective, differing) products.

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Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.

5. Retail prices increased after an ______ in oil prices.
(A) abundant (C) informed
(B) accomplished (D) unprecedented
6. Mr. Gunn served as a ______ replacement for an employee who is on leave.
(A) minor (C) temporary
(B) demanding (D) lengthy
Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following memorandum.
From: Ralph F. McKinney, CEO
To: All ChemField employees

It is fairly ______ for new businesses to take some time to become profitable. However, it took
7. (A) insecure (C) even
(B) common (D) level

ChemField only two months to establish a strong customer base in the food industry. This resulted
from our _____ improvements in serving our customers’ needs. To celebrate our rapid growth, we
8. (A) mature (C) continuous
(B) straight (D) promising

will be giving all employees a bonus of 20 percent of their current salaries on the last day of this
month. We look forward to your ongoing loyalty and dedication to ChemField.

Bài tập 7:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
1. Individuals should provide (annual, qualified, accurate) contact information on packages.
2. Companies use new methods to improve (mounting, maintaining, existing) technology.
3. The food industry is currently expanding at a(n) (active, powerful, rapid) rate.
4. Workers should not feel (sincere, apprehensive, surprising) about voicing their opinions.
Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.
5. Conducting online transactions is less _____ for the elderly due to their lack of computer skills.
(A) sophisticated (C) convenient
(B) accurate (D) protective
6. The CEO is required to attend a(n) _____ conference to determine ways to achieve yearly goals
(A) recent (C) existing
(B) annual (D) typical
Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following notice.
We are sorry to announce that as a result of system crash in our main server, some of the music data
on our website was lost. For the moment, the data we have will be _____ at www.tempmusic.com.
7. (A) available (C) defective
(B) effective (D) potential

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Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this unexpected problem may have caused you.
8. (A) original (B) completed
(C) sincere (D) estimated

Bài tập 8:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
1. The team made (considerable, confidential, rapid) efforts to collect the data.
2. Everyone congratulated Mr. Park on his (modern, late, recent) promotion.
3. Any (improper, complete, appropriate) behavior will not be tolerated in the office.
4. A (recent, pleasant, broad) atmosphere improves work performance.
Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.
5. Management expects applicants to have a _____ knowledge of economics.
(A) high (C) round
(B) whole (D) broad
6. When the installation process is _____ the "Done” tab will appear on the monitor.
(A) entire (C) total
(B) accurate (D) complete
Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following memorandum.
From: Olivia Johnson
To: All staff

This memo is to refresh everyone's memory on the importance of keeping records private. Please
remember that all _____ records must be kept in locked file cabinets when not in use. The company's
7. (A) confidential (C) limited
(B) former (D) unprecedented

reputation rests upon your ability to handle _____ client information properly. Employees who fail to
8. (A) apprehensive
(B) competitive
(C) sincere
(D) sensitive

do so will be warned, and if it happens repeatedly, access to the files will be restricted.
Bài tập 9:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
1. Oil prices increased (simultaneously, importantly, markedly) two years ago.
2. Companies work (initially, cooperatively, fairly) to find solutions to problems.
3. Clients have (repeatedly, markedly, briefly) requested information on our new products.
4. The employee who (seriously, voluntarily, widely) took on a difficult task was promoted.
Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.
5. The New Chinese Financial Newspaper will be released _____ in Singapore and Taiwan.
(A) typically (C) conveniently

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(B) stringently (D) simultaneously

6. The country suffered a(n) _____ high unemployment rate for years.
(A) wrongly (C) unusually
(B) improperly (D) hugely
Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following advertisement.
Welcome to the Grand Opening of the Lake Park Plaza!
Please join us as we celebrate our Grand Opening on Friday, March 16 at 1:30 p.m. The Lake Park
Plaza shopping center will _____ open for business with a ribbon cutting. The president of the
7. (A) normally (C) presently
(B) officially (D) recently

Lake Park Plaza will then give a speech about her long-term vision for the shopping center. The
speech will be followed by a party which will begin _____ at 2:30 p.m.
8. (A) randomly (C) promptly
(B) relatively (D) ultimately

Bài tập 10:

Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
1. The item is (shortly, temporarily, efficiently) out of stock.
2. The product was (conveniently, widely, directly) advertised throughout the region.
3. Passwords should be changed (lately, clearly, frequently) to prevent unauthorized access.
4. For technical reasons, the website is (currently, precisely, highly) not accessible.
Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.
5. Shareholders should not rely _____ on the fund's investment adviser for assistance.
(A) surely (B) recently
(C) nearly (D) solely
6. The session will help participants learn how to _____ conduct a survey.
(A) accidentally (C) effectively
(B) apparently (D) informally
Question 7 and 8 refer to the following advetisment
Alpha Auto Body has served Tokyo motorists for over 20 years. Since our opening, we have _____
7. (A) broadly (C) fairly
(B) formerly (D) consistently

provided our customers with superior customers service. We are located ___ in the city’s center near
8. (A) gradually (C) conveniently
(B) quickly (D) marginally

department stores and subway stations. Our facility is equipped with the latest high-tech machines
and computerized systems. We ensure you an excellent repair job at a fair price.

Bài tập 11:

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Choose one correct option in the parentheses.

1. This year's budget has been reduced (late, widely, significantly).
2. Most stores stay open (well, much, late) on weekends to accommodate shoppers.
3. The number of clients has grown (politely, dramatically, carefully) in the last few years.
4. The food at the French restaurant was (initially, reasonably, solely) priced.
Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.
5. Our goal is to maintain a _____ beneficial relationship with our customers and users operate the
computer more community.
(A) conveniently (C) regularly
(B) mutually (D) precisely
6. The manual provides information that helps users operate the computer more _____.
(A) frequently (C) cooperatively
(B) efficiently (D) simultaneously
Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following memorandum.
From: Erica Turner, Office Manager
To: All staff

I know that not everyone in the office is comfortable using computers, but all important office
announcements will now be sent by e-mail. So, it is very important that you _____ check your e-mail

7. (A) entirely (C) regularly

(B) flexibly (D) strongly

inbox for messages. If you are having trouble using the company's e-mail system, please _____ read
8. (A) carefully (C) mildly
(B) easily (D) softly

the directions in the employee manual.

Bài tập 12:

Practice with TOEIC Actual Questions
Decide which of the choices - (A), (B), (C), or (D) best completes the sentence.
1. The _____ report shows that Chilean wine’s market share increased this year.
(A) various
(B) legal
(C) official
(D) productive
2. Your company should take _____ action to solve the problem.
(A) proper
(B) permanent
(C) competitive
(D) complimentary

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3. The president said that it was the _____ meeting he has ever had.
(A) more productive
(B) productive
(C) most productive
(D) productivity
4. The team made a presentation in a very _____ way.
(A) impress
(B) impressive
(C) impressiveness
(D) impressively
5. We need to finish the report by next Friday at the _____.
(B) late
(C) latest
(D) lately
6. Sales directors should go _____ to Room 100 for another meeting.
(A) direct
(B) directly
(C) direction
(D) directive
7. We found the manual absolutely _____ in dealing with customer complaints.
(A) importantly
(B) importance
(C) important
(D) importing
8. The more motivated the workers are, the _____ the productivity becomes.
(A) high
(B) higher
(C) highly
(D) more highly
9. Please read the instructions as _____ as possible.
(A) careful
(B) care
(C) carefully
(D) more carefully
10. The budget cut made our project _____ more difficult.
(A) many
(B) very
(C) so
(D) even
11. Make sure you have all the _____ data with you.
(A) need
(B) necessary
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(C) necessarily
(D) needs
12. They _____ renovated the stores in order to attract more customers.
(A) late
(B) recently
(C) likely
(D) hard
13. We will discuss who is _____ for the position.
(A) afraid
(B) aware
(C) eligible
(D) subject
14. The solar panels were, not so_____ as we had anticipated.
(A) efficient
(B) efficiently
(C) more efficient
(D) most efficient
Questions 15-16 refer to the following notice.

We would like to inform you that the employee cafeteria on the second floor will be closed for
renovations. These renovations will enable us to provide all of our employees with _____ service and
15. (A) good
(B) best
(C) better
(D) well

food than now.

The renovations will take _____ three days. The snack bar on the third floor would like to inform

16. (A) approximate

(B) approximations
(C) approximately
(D) more approximately

employee cafeteria renovation enable provide cooperation will be open for drinks and snacks.

Thank you for your cooperation.


1. The conference's keynote speaker addressed_______ impacts of digital technology on the current
music industry.
(A) variety
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(B) variably
(C) variation
(D) various
2. We had to spend the whole month searching for better solutions, and_______ customers were
impressed by our efforts.
(A) fortunate
(B) fortunes
(C) fortune
(D) fortunately
3. The more we spent with the sales team, the more_______ we were with their innovative marketing
(A) impression
(B) impress
(C) impresses
(D) impressed
4. The manager said that it is_______ to test emergency equipment frequently to avoid any
(A) appropriate
(B) appropriateness
(C) appropriately
(D) most appropriately
5. The unexpected operating complexity was more serious than_______ anticipated. (A) origin
(B) original
(C) originally
(D) originated
6. As the company's strongest competitor released a new line of fall clothing, NTR Inc.
moved_______ to introduce its new leather jackets.
(A) regularly
(B) quickly
(C) softly
(D) tiredly
7. The expansion of the natural history museum is most_______ the cause of significant revenue
(A) probabilities
(B) probability
(C) probable
(D) probably
8. Many science majors enter graduate school_______ after completing a bachelor of science degree.
(A) directly
(B) direct
(C) directed
(D) direction
9. Customers who purchase more than 500 dollars worth of items can request an HDTV cable box at
no_______ charge.
(A) additional
(B) addition
(C) adding
(D) additionally

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10. Mr. Garry Noxon in accounting was_______ warned about having too many numerical errors in
the budget report.
(A) repeat
(B) repeatedly
(C) repeater
(D) repetition
11. During the one-week promotional period, we offer all the visitors and customers 10 dollars worth
of kitchen appliances_______ free of charge.
(A) extremely
(B) exclusively
(C) continually
(D) completely
12. Despite_______ efforts and partial success for the last few years, the unemployment rate is still
on the rise.
(A) proficient
(B) considerable
(C) secondary
(D) present
13. Employees will be given bonuses and incentives_______ depending on their performance
achievements, not based on their relationship with supervisors.
(A) exclusive
(B) excluding
(C) exclusively
(D) excluded
14. Over the past three months, employees have been working_______ with support staff to
accomplish their goals, working an average of eight hours per day.
(A) initially
(B) originally
(C) primarily
(D) numerically
15. While smokers are highly_______ of the ban on smoking in workplaces, most non-smokers
support the ban.
(A) critic
(B) critically
(C) critical
(D) criticism
16. If you send the_______ information, I'll drop by your area to look for suitable housing.
(A) enthusiastic
(B) serious
(C) pertinent
(D) appreciative
17. We are_______ considering a wide variety of potential applicants, so please fill out your
background information accurately.
(A) ordinarily
(B) currently
(C) commonly
(D) lately
18. _______ parts stored in the warehouse may be procured at special sale prices, which are
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(A) Lengthy
(B) Opportune
(C) Surplus
(D) Brief
19. The renovated French restaurant next to the post office attracted more customers as a result of
its_______ priced, various food selections.
(A) reasonably
(B) thoroughly
(C) gratefully
(D) virtually
20. All employees should be informed explicitly of their responsibilities in relation to_______ client
(A) sensitive
(B) competitive
(C) affordable
(D) courteous
21. Since the corporate system has a_______ structured daily schedule, it would be nearly
impossible to impair the work efficiency.
(A) hopefully
(B) highly
(C) probably
(D) rarely
22. The local government is planning to construct_______ performing arts facilities in order to meet
the cultural needs of the population.
(A) infrequent
(B) additional
(C) ongoing
(D) incidental
23. Our experienced and skilled technicians can be of much help in the event that you_______ delete
something essential from the program.
(A) accident
(B) accidental
(C) accidents
(D) accidentally
24. Any employees who are_______ late or absent from work may be subject to disciplinary actions,
regardless of their position.
(A) consistently
(B) steadily
(C) sensibly
(D) exactly
25. If you need to hire_______ help for your growing business, our experts can assist with the hiring
process from start to finish.
(A) additions
(B) additionally
(C) additional
(D) addition
26. After the introduction of collaboration tool programs, the company, which was in temporary
financial trouble, was_______nable to increase its market share.
(A) lastly
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(B) at first
(C) meanwhile
(D) finally
27. Many people call fairy tales too_______ and obvious, but that's why they are needed.
(A) predicting
(B) predicted
(C) predictable
(D) predictably
28. Our GTA phone roaming service is suited for individuals who travel_______ anywhere in the
world for business.
(A) regular
(B) regularity
(C) regularly
(D) regulate
29. The president of Kasara Inc. _______ announced that Lopez Davis, who has served the company
for more than 30 years, would retire at the end of next month.
(A) regretting
(B) regretted
(C) regretfully
(D) regretful
30. It is_______ through broadcast media such as television and radio that companies place an
advertisement to attract prospective customers.
(A) predominant
(B) predominantly
(C) predominating
(D) predominated
31. Workshop participants were required to be_______ not to choose any reserved front-row seats.
(A) caution
(B) cautious
(C) cautiously
(D) cautiousness
32. Road and street signs must be_______ visible even in the distance in order for drivers to know
where they are heading.
(A) clearness
(B) clear
(C) clearly
(D) clearest
33. This e-mail is to let you know that the book you ordered is_______ on backorder. (A) quickly
(B) precisely
(C) currently
(D) temperately
34. We have worked_______ hard on health insurance plans to enhance employee satisfaction.
(A) exception
(B) exceptionally
(C) exceptional
(D) except
35. It appears to be a_______ impossible plan to charge fees to cars visiting the city park on the
(A) nearing
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(B) nears
(C) nearly
(D) neared
36. The recent findings indicate that the effects of weight loss associated with calorie restriction are
(A) beneficial
(B) benefits
(C) beneficiary
(D) benefit
37. Please make sure that all the volts in overhead compartments are tightened_______.
(A) secure
(B) security
(C) securely
(D) more secure

Questions 38-40 refer to the following event personnel advertisement.

LaDon Talent has good opportunities for part-time personnel. Positions available are part-time,
mostly weekends, and typically 5-7 hours a day. Earn $8 for a 5-hour event plus bonuses. You will
be_______ for promoting brands by distributing brochures and samples or demonstrating products
38. (A) aware
(B) eligible
(C) responsible
(D) qualified

to prospective customers, _______ creating brand awareness of the product features.

39. (A) if
(B) given
(C) within
(D) besides

If you apply for this position and it's not available at the time, please be assured that LaDon Talent
will retain your application in our files for 60 days. During this time your application will remain
available for_______ until opportunities become open.
40. (A) consider
(B) considering
(C) considered
(D) consideration

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Questions 41-43 refer to the following letter.

Dear donors,
We are extremely grateful for your generous_______ to UNICEF.
41. (A) acquisitions
(B) benefits
(C) excursion
(D) contributions

The money you donated will help UNICEF provide both immediate relief and long-term
rehabilitation of essential services for children in need.

Our review committee recently found that in 55 out of 80 villages, water systems have been severely
damaged. Therefore, there's an_______ need for expanding the distribution of bottled water and
42. (A) urgent
(B) current
(C) prior
(D) neutral

sanitation systems.
Another major challenge includes the threat of landmines. Many children are presently receiving
treatment in the hospitals for injuries resulting from remnants of bombs. So as to alleviate the
problem, UNICEF is involved in a campaign to_______ people to the dangers of
43. (A) disregard
(B) alert
(C) volunteer
(D) promote
unexploded bombs.

We are appealing to you, companies, and foundations for continuous support.

Thanks again for your generosity.

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Questions 44-46 refer to the following message.

To: Employees <nkosCassoc.wc.edu>

From: Dax Shepard cDaxetpl.zs.us>.
Date: Tue.12. June 2007 14:58:23

This message is being posted to all employees. First of all. I'm pleased to announce that Dale
Spencer was appointed as the district manager. As you know, It's fairly common for our employees
to receive positive feedback from coworkers, but Dale's case is_______
44. (A) unique
(B) predictable
(C) common
(D) desirable

For the past few weeks, we have received many letters from customers expressing their_______.
45. (A) disappointment
(B) importance
(C) appreciation
(D) concern

They often said that Dale is exceptionally patient, courteous and quick to respond to special requests
from his customers. This sort of commitment indicates that Dale puts customer_______ before
46. (A) satisfaction
(B) satisfied
(C) satisfying
(D) satisfyingly

anything else.

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Questions 47 to 49 refer to the following email.

From: Kelly Cho, Maintenance Manager cho@const.com>

To: Emilio Francaise, Chief Operations Officer <francaise@const.corroi
Subject: The elevator

Dear Mr. Francaise,

We completed our annual office safety inspection today as scheduled. Most_______ of the structure
47. (A) types
(B) charts
(C) blueprints
(D) aspects

comply with standard building codes and requirements. However, while Inspecting the elevator this
morning, my crew encountered a_______ mechanical defect. The damage is extensive, and the repair
48. (A) major
(B) trivial
(C) necessary
(D) dynamic

work is likely to be difficult.

It is essential that these repairs be made as soon as possible. Unfortunately, there is no one on our
team with enough technical expertise in this area, so I will need to_______ the work to someone
else. 49. (A) donate
(B) subcontract
(C) undertake
(D) owe
Kelly Cho

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CHÚ Ý 1: Tính từ chỉ số lượng “một" đi cùng với danh từ số ít
1. a /an một

A new security system will be installed next week.

mạo từ + danh từ số ít
bất định
Hệ thống an ninh mới sẽ được lắp đặt vào tuần tới.

2. another một cái khác

We need to find another distributor who is willing to sell our products.

another + danh từ số ít
Chúng ta cần một nhà phân phối khác sẵn sàng bán sản phẩm của chúng ta.

3. each mỗi, every mỗi, mọi

Every employee should enter the access code to enter the building.
every + danh từ số ít
Mỗi nhân viên phải nhập mã số mới có thể vào tòa nhà.

Quick Quiz
1. Interview schedules were sent to each job ___________ by email.
(A) applicants (B) apply (C) applying (D) applicant

CHÚ Ý 2: Tính từ chỉ số lượng đi cùng với danh từ số nhiều: many, those, these, several
1. many (= a number of) nhiều

You have to consider many factors before you start your own business.
many + danh từ số nhiều
Bạn phải cân nhắc nhiều yếu tố trước khi mở một doanh nghiệp của chính mình.

2. these những cái này, those những cái đó

We need to complete those reports by Friday.

those + danh từ số nhiều
Chúng ta cần phải làm xong các bản báo cáo đó trước thứ sáu.

3. several một vài

Several inspectors were sent to the factory to examine the facility.

Several + danh từ số nhiều
Vài thanh tra viên sẽ được cử đến công ty để xem xét các máy móc thiết bị.
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* few nghĩa là ít và a few nghĩa là một vài cũng đứng trước danh từ số nhiều
There are few mistakes in Kathy's report.
There are a few mistakes in Kathy's report.

Quick Quiz
2. We have received many __________ for our new products since last week's advertisement
(A) request (B) requesting (C) requests (D) requested

CHÚ Ý 3: So sánh bằng và so sánh tương đối

1. So sánh bằng: as + tính từ + as (... như ~)
Jason usually makes as many mistakes as his colleagues.
as + tính từ + as
Jason thưòng mắc nhiều lỗi cũng như những đồng nghiệp của anh ấy.

2. So sánh tương đối: more + tính từ + than / tính từ + -er + than (... hơn ~)
Taking the subway is faster than any other available method.
tính từ + -er + than
Đi xe điện ngầm thì nhanh hơn bất kỳ phương tiện sẵn có nào khác.

CHÚ Ý 4: So sánh tuyệt đối

1. So sánh tuyệt đối: the most + tính từ / the + tính từ + -est (... nhất)
The advertising team has demonstrated the highest productivity in recent years.
the + adj + -est
Nhóm phụ trách quảng cáo đã thể hiện năng suất cao nhất trong những năm gần đày.
We offer the most comprehensive medical service in this area.
the most + adj
Chúng tôi cung cấp dịch vụ y tế toàn diện nhất trong khu vục này.

Quick Quiz
3. We have experienced more production problems _________ we originally predicted.
(A) as (B) whether (C) than (D) or
4. Our company has a reputation of offering our customers the _______ selection of briefcases in the
(A) wider (B) widest (C) more widely (D) most widely

CHÚ Ý 5: Danh từ và tính từ chỉ số lượng

Từ loại danh từ ( số ít, số nhiều, đếm được, không đếm được) ta dùng các tính từ chỉ số lượng khác
The beautiful painting The beautiful paintings
Loại danh từ Tính từ chỉ số lượng
Số Many (=a number of): nhiều ; several: một vài
Đếm được nhiều These/those: những cái này/ những cái kia;
few/ a few: ít, vài/ một vài.
Số ít a/an: một another: một cái khác
each: mỗi every: mọi, mỗi
Không đếm được Much: nhiều little/ a little: ít/ một ít
-This/ that + DT số ít/ DT không đếm được
-Other + DT số nhiều/DT không đếm được

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Cả hai -A lot of/lots of/plenty of + DT số nhiều/DT không đếm được

-some/most/all + DT số nhiều/DT không đếm được.
CHÚ Ý 6: Tính từ chỉ số lượng đặc biệt
1. Tính từ chỉ số lượng other đứng trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều và danh từ không đếm
Maps and other resources for tourists are available from the tourist information center.
other + danh từ đếm được số nhiều
Bản đồ và các nguồn tài liệu cho du khách có sẵn ở trung tâm thông tin về du lịch.
Workers are responsible for keeping and cleaning their tools and other construction equipment.
other + danh từ không đếm được
Công nhân có nhiệm vụ giữ gìn và lau chùi các dụng cụ của mình và các thiết bị xây dựng khác.

2. all (tất cả), most (hầu hết), some (một vài /một số) cũng đứng trước danh từ đếm được số
nhiều và danh từ không đếm được.
Most participants expressed their satisfaction about this seminar.
most + danh từ đếm được số nhiều
Đa số người tham dự bày tỏ sự hài lòng của họ về buổi hội thảo.

Please submit all information that you have as soon as possible.

all + danh từ không đếm được
Xin nộp tất cả các thông tin mà anh/chị có càng sớm càng tốt.

Quick Quiz
5. Financial Times is offering all new ________ 20% discounts to celebrate the launch of its new
business magazine.
(A) subscriber (B) subscribed (C) subscribe (D) subscribers

CHÚ Ý 7: Trạng từ nhấn mạnh cấu trúc so sánh

1. Trạng từ nhấn mạnh tính từ bình thường: very/quite

It is very expensive to buy new office furniture.

trạng từ + tính từ
Mua đồ đạc văn phòng mới rất tốn kém.

2. Trạng từ nhấn mạnh cấu trúc so sánh

Trạng từ nhấn mạnh cấu trúc so sánh tương đối much, even, still, far, a lot, by far
Trạng từ nhấn mạnh cấu trúc so sánh tuyệt đối by far, quite

This new machine is much faster than the old one.

trạng từ nhấn mạnh + so sánh hơn + than
Cái máy mới này chạy nhanh hơn nhiều so với máy cũ.

Quick Quiz
6. PDAs have become _____________ more versatile devices than before.
(A) very (B) really (C) so (D) much

CHÚ Ý 8: Phân từ
Phân từ là một hình thức biến đổi của động từ, có chức năng như tính từ. Có 2 loại phân từ: hiện tại
phân từ (present participle) và quá khứ phân từ (past participle). Hiện tại phân từ (có cấu trúc -ing)
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mang nghĩa chủ động còn quá khứ phân từ (có cấu trúc -ed/động từ bất quy tắc ở cột 3) mang nghĩa
bị động.
1. Câu hỏi
Điền dạng đúng của động từ cho sẵn vào chỗ trống.
(1) the ______ companies (participate tham gia )
(2) the ______ schedule (attach đính kèm)

2. Cách phân tích câu hỏi

Từ cần điền vào chỗ trống phải là tính từ. Nhưng ở đây, từ cho sẵn lại là động từ, nên từ cần điền vào
chỗ trống phải là phân từ. Để xác định từ cần điền vào là hiện tại phân từ hay quá khứ phân từ, ta
xem danh từ như là chủ ngữ của động từ cho sẵn. Nếu mang nghĩa chủ động, từ cần điền vào chỗ
trống phải là hiện tại phân từ. Nếu mang nghĩa bị động, từ cần điền vào chỗ trống phải là quá khứ
phân từ.

(1) Đặt companies làm chủ ngữ, participate làm động từ

• nghĩa chủ động (công ty tham gia) hợp lý hơn
• từ cần điền vào chỗ trống là hiện tại phân từ participating
• the participating companies nghĩa là các công ty tham gia
(2) Đặt schedule làm chủ ngữ, attach làm động từ
• nghĩa bị động (thời khóa biểu được đính kèm) hợp lý hơn
• từ cần điền vào chỗ trống là quá khứ phân từ attached
• the attached schedule nghĩa là thời khóa biểu được đính kèm
Quick Quiz
7. Because of financial concerns, our company decided to discontinue the ________ expansion
(A) proposing (B) proposed (C) propose (D) proposal

CHÚ Ý 9: Phân từ chỉ cảm xúc

1. Hai loại phân từ chỉ cảm xúc
Phân từ chi cảm xúc kết thúc bằng -ing (như boring, exciting,...) được dùng để chỉ bản chất của một
người hay một sự vật nào đó. Ngược lại, phân từ chỉ cảm xúc kết thúc bằng ~ed (như bored, excited,
...) được dùng để chỉ một trạng thái tạm thời, thường là của một người nào đó do chịu sự tác động từ
bên ngoài.
The test result was very disappointing.
disappointing (đáng thất vọng) chỉ bản chất của result (kết quả thi)
Kết quả thi rất đáng thất vọng.
He was very disappointed at the test result.
disappointed (thất vọng) chỉ trạng thái tạm thời của he (anh ấy) do kết quả thi gây nên.
Anh ấy rất thất vọng về kết quả thi.

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2. Các phân từ chỉ cảm xúc thường gặp

Dạng ~ing Dạng ~ed

disturbing phiền toái disturbed cảm thấy phiền toái, bị làm phiền
troubling làm phiền troubled bị làm phiền
frustrating gây bực mình frustrated bực mình
interesting hay, thú vị interested thích, quan tâm
exciting thú vị excited hứng thú
disappointing đáng thất vọng disappointed thất vọng
encouraging làm phấn khởi encouraged phấn khởi
satisfactory đủ tốt satisfied thỏa mãn, thỏa lòng
fascinating thú vị fascinated cảm thấy thú vị

Chỉ bản chất (thường chỉ sự vật) Chỉ trạng thái cảm xúc tạm thời (thường chỉ người)

Quick Quiz
8. We finally decided to terminate the partnership because some of the terms of the contract were too
_________ to accommodate.
(A) frustrating (B) frustration (C) frustrate (D) frustrated

Bài tập 1:
Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
1. There’s ____ news
A. Excite
B. Excitement
C. Exciting
D. Excited
2. She was _____
A. Surprise
B. To surprise
C. Surprisingly
D. Surprised
3. _____ tired, he decided to leave early.
A. Feels
B. To feel
C. Feeling
D. Felt
4. _____ from a distance, the painting appeared quite realistic.
A. Seen
B. Saw
C. Seeing
D. See it

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Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

Located in the heart of the city, the Plaza Ville Hotel is the most _____ luxury hotel in town. Each of
5. A. Center
B. Located
C. Central
D. Best
the 200 rooms has a wonderful view of either the river or the mountains. As part of our weekend
package we offer a free massage and use of the sauna to all guests. If you feel ____ after a busy
6. A. Tiring
B. Tired
C. tire
D. To tire
week of work, why not check into the Plaza Ville for some rest and relaxation?

Fill the blank with the appropriate word

7. The_____ for imports this year has already been filled.
A. Quota
B. Quote
C. Quarter
D. Court
8. For a_____ of reasons, he wouldn’t accept our offer.
A. Variation
B. Variant
C. Variety
D. Varying
9. Wholesale and _____ sales registered negative growth last month.
A. Part
B. Retail
C. Division
D. Gross
10. In the 1930s, there was a world-wide economic _____ and mass unemployment.
A. Policy
B. Prosperity
C. Activity
D. Depression


Bài tập 1:
Part V: Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. For your convenience, our claims division will now open __________ weekday from 9 A.M. to 7
(A) every (B) few (C) a lot (D) many
2. Many job seekers consider internship experiences to be at least as valuable qualification
________ a degree in business.
(A) than (B) more (C) as (D) most
3. Please contact your supervisor if you are __________ in the career development seminar.
(A) interest (B) interested (C) interesting (D) interests

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4. The admission fee for the new art museum is __________ more expensive than we expected.
(A) far (B) well (C) quite (D) pretty
5. The architect had to revise the blueprint because it contained too much unusable __________.
(A) space (B) spaced (C) spacious (D) spaces
6. The consultant believes that the __________ revisions to the ordering process will make it more
(A) suggest (B) suggested (C) suggesting (D) suggestion
7. Please note that Del Electronics is not responsible for any damage which is caused by misuse,
improper management, or __________ negligence.
(A) the other (B) other (C) others (D) another

Part VI: Questions through refer to the following advertisement.

The Business Travel Channel !!

Helping you find air travel, hotel accommodations, travel agencies and more!

Booking business travel is a complex process. Business owners often look to the Web for convenient
ways to compare options and book quickly at the _________ rates.
8. (A) good
(B) better
(C) well
(D) best

But there are __________ categories to consider, including air travel, ground transportation,
9. (A) every
(B) many
(C) much
(D) that
limousines, shuttles, rail travel and others, so you’ll want solutions geared to business in general and
your business in particular.

Some of the business travel solutions you’ll find here include _____________ stay and corporate
10. (A) extend
(B) extending
(C) extended
(D) extensions
housing, rail travel and charter buses for your business.

Need travel arrangements fast on a budget? The Business Travel Channel can help you.

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Bài tập 2:
Choose the correct option in brackets for each sentence.
1. The chairman hasn’t signed the contract (already / yet).
2. Their office supplies are good. (However / Furthermore), they are cheap.
3. They (seldom / not) have problems with the product.
4. We were short of money. (Nevertheless / Moreover), we decided to develop a new product.

Bài tập 3:
Choose the correct option given in brackets to complete each sentence.
1. Please refer to the (attached / attaching) price list.
2. They should put (warning / warned) labels on the products.
3. After the seminar was over, we were all (impressed / impressing).
4. Please refer to the prices (listing / listed) in the catalogue.
5. Customers found our products (fascinated / fascinating).
6. An (increasing / increased) number of people use online shopping.

Look at the hints given and choose the correct option to complete each sentence.
7. We are looking for Modifying a noun an workers.
(A) experience (B) experiences (C) experiencing (D) experienced
object complement
8. The president ordered the meeting .
(A) cancel (B) canceled (C) canceling (D) being canceled

Bài tập 4:
A. Fill the gaps with the correct forms of participial adjectives from the verbs given in brackets.
1. (disappoint) Steven’s proposal was ____________________
2. (excite) The audience was____________________ about the performance.
3. (please) They were ____________________ with our products.
4. (disappoint) The chief executive was ____________________ with the survey results.
5. (confuse) The new road system was ____________________ to the citizens.
6. (interest) The representatives were ____________________ in importing our electronic goods.

Look at the hints given and choose the correct option to complete each sentence.
7. The customers are so _____ by the new ordering system.

(A) confusing (B) confuse (C) confused (D) confusion

8. The market share was so _____ that we decided to take stronger action.
A thing

(A) depress (B) depressing (C) depressed (D) depression

Bài tập 5:
Read the following sentences. Mark  next to correct sentences and correct the mistakes in incorrect
1. Entered the building, you should present a proper form of identification. __________
2. When sending the form, please put it in the enclosed envelope. __________
3. Locating in a busy area, this restaurant is visited by a lot of people. __________
4. When promoted to vice president, he got a pay raise. __________
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5. As explaining in the manual, this product is not compatible with color printers. __________
6. Being giving a speech, you should speak slowly and clearly. __________

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

7. _____ from the USA, some books were seriously damaged.
(A) Delivery (B) Deliver (C) Delivered (D) Being delivering
8. Before _____ on vacation, you should report it to the manager, go on vacation report.
(A) going (B) go (C) gone (D) went

Bài tập 6:
A. Change the underlined parts into participial phrases.
1. Although he was promoted, he didn’t get a raise. _____________________
2. If you take a right turn, you will see Coit Tower. _____________________
3. When you make a decision, you should think twice. _____________________
4. As he looked around us, Mr. Spencer started the presentation. _____________________
5. Because it is updated regularly, the website provides lots of recent information. _______________

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

6. When _____ the payment, you should present your order number.
(A) sent (B) send (C) sending (D) sends
7. _____ in Spanish, the report is hard to understand.
(A) Write (B) Writing (C) Written (D) To write

Bài tập 7:
Practice with TOEIC Actual Questions
Decide which of the choices - (A), (B), (C), or (D) - best completes the sentence
1. Customers _____ our online store complained about the slow shipping.
(A) using
(B) used
(C) use
(D) to use
2. The building is in _____ condition.
(A) damaging
(B) damaged
(C) damages
(D) damage
3. When _____ out the application form, please make sure it does not have any typos.
(A) fills
(B) filled
(C) to fill
(D) filling
fill out application form typo
4. Anyone _____ in working abroad should talk to a supervisor.
(A) interest
(B) interests
(C) interesting

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(D) interested
5. Sales this year have been _____ to both the management and the staff.
(A) disappoints
(B) disappoint
(C) disappointing
(D) disappointed
6. They saw a group of people _____ the mayor's office.
(A) entered
(B) entering
(C) to enter
(D) entrance
7. _____ big bonuses last week, all the employees seemed pleased.
(A) Given
(B) Giving
(C) Give
(D) To give
8. Mr. Kim’s suggestion was _____, and some concepts were difficult to understand.
(A) confuses
(B) confused
(C) confuse
(D) confusing
9. Info Tech, is one of the _____ multinational companies in the nation.
(A) leading
(B) led
(C) to lead
(D) lead
10. Please post the _____ information on the bulletin board.
(A) request
(B) requesting
(C) to request
(D) requested
11. You can visit our website to find more _____ information on our products.
(A) detail
(B) detailed
(C) details
(D) detailing
12. They decided to renovate the _____ facilities in the factory.
(A) existing
(B) leading
(C) built
(D) extended
13. The participants at the book fair seemed quite _____.
(A) satisfaction
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(B) satisfying
(C) satisfied
(D) satisfy
14. H&P Co. is one of the _____ companies in the field of fashion.
(A) warning
(B) operating
(C) promising
(D) missing
Questions 15-16 refer to the following notice.
To All Tenants in Madison Apartments,

As _____ on March 1 of this year, all Madison apartment rents will increase by 10 percent on April
15. (A) announce
(B) announced
(C) announcing
(D) announces

this increase is inevitable as we have recently made improvements in services and utilities. And we
have also renovated the parking structure since some of the tenants complained about the _____
16. (A) limited
(B) operated
(C) attached
(D) complicated

number of spaces.

We are sorry for this increase, but we will do our best to provide you with better services and

Thank you.

Resident Manager

Bài tập 8:
Questions 1-10 Choose the word that best completes each sentence.
1. Enclosed is the complete listing of the _____ banks in the neighboring area.
(A) distinguish (B) distinguishing (C) distinguished (D) distinguishability
2. The recent oil spill along the Belgian coast resulted in _____ consequences for the industry.
(A) worried (B) worrying (C) worries (D) worrier
3. Please refer to the _____ bank statement for detailed information.
(A) enclose (B) enclosing (C) enclosure (D) enclosed
4. The keynote speech at the conference was both informative and _____.
(A) interest (B) interested (C) interesting (D) to interest
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5. The renovation project has been led by a highly _____ group of designers.
(A) motivate (B) motivation (C) motivating (D) motivated
6. We were ______ by Dr. Albert's outstanding contributions to the development of the new vaccine.
(A) impression (B) impressive (C) impressed (D) impresses
7. Employees who have not submitted a _____ report should discuss it with their manager.
(A) revised (B) revising (C) revision (D) revise
8. We expect museum patrons to make continuous donations for the _____ season.
(A) prior (B) first (C) upcoming (D) current
9. Extra specialists were employed due to an _____ need to secure the mobile devices.
(A) accidental (B) increasing (C) outgoing (D) effective
10. We regret to inform you that repairs for _____ applications will not be available any longer.
(A) conditional (B) temporary (C) partial (D) discontinued
Text Completion
Questions 11-13 refer to the following memorandum.
To: All Employees
From: John Parrison, Personnel Manager
Date: August 16th
Re: Workshop

Please be informed that the System Management Workshop has been scheduled weekly in July and
August. The workshop will be held in Room 310 of the main building from 4 P.M. to 5:30 P.M.
every Thursday during the two-month period.

The _____ of this workshop is to familiarize our employees with our upgraded in company
11. (A) study
(B) purpose
(C) influence
(D) decision

communication system. All employees are _____ to attend one of the sessions. Employees _____ to
12. (A) required 13. (A) advised
(B) imposing (B) have advised
(C) determined (C) are advised
(D) equal (D) were advised

schedule their participation with Jamie Song, a human resources coordinator, at least one week in


1. There's_______ news.
(A) excite
(B) excitement
(C) exciting
(D) excited
2. She was_______.
(A) surprise
(B) to surprise
(C) surprisingly
(D) surprised
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3. _______ tired, he decided to leave early.

(A) Feels
(B) To feel
(C) Feeling
(D) Felt
4. _______ from a distance, the painting appeared quite realistic.
(A) Seen
(B) Saw
(C) Seeing
(D) See it
5. Professor Miller requires that all papers be_______ in ink.
(A) formatted
(B) copied
(C) written
(D) made
6. The baby was about to fall asleep because it was_______.
(A) funny
(B) small
(C) bored
(D) excited
7. The boss was_______ to fire his secretary.
(A) determine
(B) determining
(C) determined
(D) determination
8. The movie was very_______.
(A) move
(B) moving
(C) moved
(D) movement
9. He has his shoes_______ every day.
(A) put on
(B) shined
(C) made
(D) bought
10. This noise is very_______.
(A) annoys
(B) annoying
(C) annoyed
(D) annoy
11. It is not very easy to make her_______ once she gets upset.
(A) please
(B) pleasing
(C) pleased
(D) pleasure
12. Two teenagers were among the fourteen people_______
(A) arrests
(B) arrest
(C) arresting
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(D) arrested
13. Extremely_______ from the hard work, he couldn't walk an inch.
(A) busy
(B) excited
(C) happy
(D) exhausted
14. Who is that man_______ the red jacket?
(A) wearing
(B) having
(C) doing
(D) inside of
15. She said that the report was a bit_______.
(A) confused
(B) confuses
(C) confusing
(D) confuse
16. _______ water is not safe for drinking.
(A) Polluted
(B) Polluting
(C) Pollute
(D) Pollutes
17. He could easily make himself_______ if he tried.
(A) understand
(B) understanding
(C) understood
(D) be understood
18. Don't leave your bags_______ as they may be removed without notice.
(A) attended
(B) attending
(C) unattended
(D) unattending
19. Some customers were very_______ about the return policy.
(A) confusing
(B) confused
(C) confuse
(D) confuses
20. _______ at a distance, it looks like a miniature city.
(A) Seen
(B) Seeing
(C) Having seen
(D) Having been seen
21. The photocopier needs_______.
(A) to fix
(B) to be fix
(C) fixing
(D) to be fixing
22. 1 am considering_______.
(A) taking a new job
(B) to take a new job
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(C) take a new job

(D) do take a new job
23. _______ in a lake is very different from swimming in an ocean.
(A) To swim
(B) Swimming
(C) To be swimming
(D) Swim
24. _______ is fun.
(A) Swimming
(B) A swimming
(C) Swim
(D) Be swimming
25. We enjoy_______ in the mountains.
(A) hike
(B) to hike
(C) hiking
(D) to hiking
26. That movie was very_______.
(A) interest
(B) interested
(C) interesting
(D) to interest
27. The business consultant suggested a_______ sales plan.
(A) modify
(B) modifies
(C) modified
(D) modifying
28. The contractor is_______ for his quality workmanship.
(A) respected
(B) respects
(C) respect
(D) respecting
29. The news was so_______ that the company invested even more money in the project.
(A) encourage
(B) encouraged
(C) encouraging
(D) encourages
30. This construction project is as important as any other project_______ this year. (A) undertaking
(B) undertook
(C) undertaken
(D) undertake
31. My cousin's_______ advice about selling our stock saved us thousands.
(A) amazingly
(B) amazed
(C) amazing
(D) amazement
32. Mr. Hansen's_______ from his position as chief comptroller has been a shock to all of us.
(A) resigning
(B) resigned
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(C) resigns
(D) resign
33. This new trade agreement has created all kinds of_______ possibilities for both our countries.
(A) excited
(B) exciting
(C) excitement
(D) excitable
34. Remember that feeling confident and_______ is an important part of giving a presentation.
(A) relaxing
(B) relaxes
(C) relaxed
(D) relax
35. While some people enjoy receiving calls • from telemarketers, other people find such
(A) annoys
(B) annoying
(C) annoyingly
(D) annoyed
36. Mr. Chang will serve as_______ director until a permanent director can be found. (A) act
(B) acting
(C) actor
(D) acted
37. Stop_______ your money.
(A) to waste
(B) wasted
(C) wasting
(D) waste
Questions 38-39 refer to the following advertisement.
Located in the heart of the city, the Plaza Ville Hotel is the most_______ luxury hotel in town. Each
38. (A) center
(B) located
(C) central
(D) best

of the 200 rooms has a wonderful view of either the river or the mountains. As part of our weekend
package we offer a free massage and use of the sauna to all guests. If you feel_______ after a busy 2.
39. (A) tiring
(B) tired
(C) tire
(D) to tire

week of work, why not check into the Plaza Ville for some rest and relaxation?

Questions 40-43 refer to the following notice.

Grow your own vegetables! It’s_______ you think.
40. (A) easier
(B) easier than
(C) more easy
(D) the easiest
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The Bradley Community Allotment Society has to new allotments available for local residents. We
will distribute them on a first come, first served basis, so if you are_______, don't delay.
41. (A) interesting
(B) interested in
(C) interested
(D) interest

Annual rent for each allotment is 950 dollars. You will be able to grow a lot of the vegetables you
normally buy, so eventually you will be saving money. The Allotment Society will be_______
42. (A) making
(B) showing
(C) giving
(D) taking

lessons on how to grow vegetables successfully at the community center this coming weekend. If
you are interested in_______ one of the allotments, why not come along to the lectures and get some

43. (A) rent

(B) rented
(C) renting
(D) to rent

useful tips.

Questions 44 through 47 refer to the following notice

Volunteers Wanted

The Psychology Department of Queenstown University is_______ volunteers to take part in an

44. (A) searching
(B) looking for
(C) necessary
(D) investigating

experiment. We need 150 volunteers: 75 men and 75 women. Volunteers should be aged_______ 20
45. (A) under
(B) by
(C) between
(D) from

and 26 and should not be taking any kind of medication. Volunteers must not be enrolled in any of
the university's current psychology courses.

The experiment will take between thirty to forty minutes to complete. Participants will be asked to
answer a series of questions after_______ a short film. A small fee will be paid to participants.
46. (A) have watched
(B) watch
(C) watching
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(D) to watch

Coffee and tea will be also served during the film.

If you are_______, please contact the Psychology Department secretary on 990-8887 before
47. (A) interested
(B) interesting
(C) have an interest in
(D) interest

January 20th.

Questions 48-50 refer to the following memorandum.

To: Debra Fullerton
From : Susan Drake
Re : New Recycling Project

This past summer we implemented a new recycling project. New bins were placed at a significant
number of locations throughout the city. Residents had opportunities to provide feedback on the
style, positioning and location of the new recycling bins. Advertisements on the bins provided
residents_______ information about a telephone survey where they would have their voices_______.
48. (A) to 49. (A) hear
(B) for (B) to hear
(C) on (C) heard
(D) with (D) hearing

In addition to this survey feedback mechanism. we hired some people to conduct a street-level
survey. Public_______ to the survey were noticeable.
50. (A) respond
(B) responding
(C) response
(D) responses

In total, approximately 4,500 surveys were completed. City officials designed the survey tools and
collected all of the data.

If you want to go over these survey results, contact me at any time.

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CHÚ Ý 1: Liên từ có chức năng liên kết câu

Chúng ta không chỉ đối thoại bằng các câu ngắn trong cuộc sống hàng ngày mà còn thường xuyên sử
dụng các câu dài. Để tạo thành các câu ghép và phức như vậy từ nhũng câu đơn ngắn, ta cần dùng
liên từ.
1-1. Chọn câu đúng.
Kathy met her old friend she was visiting the London office. □
Kathy met her old friend while she was visiting the London office. □
Kathy met her old friend but she was visiting the London office. □

Kathy met her old friend x she was visiting the London office.
s v s v : không có liên từ nối 2 câu

Kathy met her old friend but she was visiting the London office.
s v conj s v : có liên từ nhưng không thích hợp
Kathy met her old friend while she was visiting the London office.
s v conj s v :liên từ while liên kết 2 câu với nhau
Đây là dạng câu ghép với cấu trúc câu đơn là “S + V + O” nên chỉ có liên từ mới ghép đuợc 2 câu
đơn với nhau. Do đó, khi làm bài thi TOEIC thực tế, khi có 2 động từ trong cùng một câu thì nhất
thiết phải xác định xem có liên từ hay không.
Ngữ pháp bổ sung
1. Trường hợp phải điền liên từ.
(1) S + V + O S+V+O
(2) S + V + O, S + V + O
2. Liên từ có nhiều ý nghĩa.
(1) Diễn tả thời gian: while, when, since, before, after
(2) Diễn tả lý do: because, since
(3) Diễn tả sự nhượng bộ: although [= though / even though]
(4) Diễn tả điều kiện : if, unless (= if ~ not), once

Bài tập 1:
Chọn từ đúng trong các câu sau.
1. (If /Often) you want to see this report, please let me know.
2. (When /At) you develop products, it is important to conduct a market research.
3. Mr. Terry couldn’t attend the meeting (because/ due to) he was on a business trip.
4. (Despite /Although) she is young, Ms. Rowell has much experience in the field.
5. You should turn off your cellular phone (during/ while) the seminar is in progress.
S + V + O ... S + V + O => điền liên từ vào chỗ trống
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… S + V + O, S + V + O


Liên từ Ý nghĩa Giới từ

if điều kiện nếu often (adv): thường

when thời gian khi at + thời gian: lúc

because lý do vì due to

although nhượng bộ mặc dù despite

while thời gian trong lúc during

Bài tập 2:
1. You need to contact your supervisor ________ you are late to work.
(A) despite (B) often (C) if (D) according to
2. ________ he joined our company, Mr. Park has been working in the sales team.
(A) Since (B) During (C) Within (D) Due to
3. ________ the internship period has ended, you will get a chance to be hired as a full-time
(A) Beyond (B) During (C) Between (D) After
4. You are not allowed to renew the books ________ other patrons are waiting for them.
(A) due to (B) because of (C) because (D) from
5. ________ we receive your orders, we will check our inventory to fill your orders.
(A) During (B) Sometimes (C) Once (D) Often

CHÚ Ý 2: Giới từ liên kết danh từ

Nếu liên từ dùng để liên kết câu thì giới từ được dùng để liên kết danh từ trong câu.
Ngữ pháp bổ sung
1. Trường hợp phải điền giới từ.
(1) Khi liên kết danh từ ở đầu câu
According to the survey, many college students want to study abroad.
Prep n

(2) Khi liên kết danh từ ở sau câu hoàn chinh

He was not able to finish the report because of the problem with his computer.
câu hoàn chỉnh prep n
Khi liên kết danh từ ở sau câu hoàn chỉnh thì dùng giới từ, khi liên kết câu thì dùng liên từ.

2. Giới từ cũng có nhiều ý nghía.

(1) Thời gian : during, since, for, before (= prior to), after, within, by
(2) Lý do : because of (= due to)
(3) Nhượng bộ : despite (= in spite of)
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(4) Ý nghĩa khác: according to, about (= as to)

Bài tập 3: Chọn từ đúng trong các câu sau.
1. We have to accomplish our financial goals (for/ while) this year.
2. (Despite/ Although) the recent increase in sales, the overall profits have declined.
3. The network access will be suspended (due to/ because) the maintenance work.
4. Mr. Perez gave a speech (while/ during) the welcome reception.
5. Mr. Raymond succeeded in his business (because of/ if) his diligent efforts.
Danh từ + ... + danh từ => điền giới từ vào chỗ trống

Bài tập 4: Giới từ liên kết danh từ trong câu

1. _________ the recent high interest rates, there are many people to apply for a loan.
(A) Despite (B) Unless (C) Although (D) While
2. Refunds will be given only _________ the period of 30 days from the purchase.
(A) because (B) although (C) for (D) while
3. The City Museum will be open _________ the scheduled renovation.
(A) once (B) because (C) while (D) after
4. The commuter train service has been suspended _________ a technical problem.
(A) because (B) while (C) unless (D) because of
5. The new office can accommodate 1,000 people _________ the advertisement.
(A) according to (B) because (C) while (D) before


I. Liên từ trong mệnh đề trạng ngữ không ảnh hưởng đến cấu trúc câu
1. Một số liên từ trong mệnh đề trạng ngữ không ảnh hưởng đến cấu trúc câu
|-- mệnh đề trạng ngữ --| |-----------------------------mệnh đề chính --------------------------------|
While I am away, you can contact my secretary for any urgent business.
Khi tôi đi vắng, anh có thể liên lạc với thư ký của tôi nếu có bất kỳ việc gì khẩn cấp.

2. Các liên từ phổ biến trong mệnh đề trạng ngữ

Liên từ Nghĩa
Thời gian since từ khi
when (= as) khi
after sau khi
before trước khi
as soon as ngay sau khi
while trong khi
Điều kiện if / as long as nếu / miễn là
unless trừ phi
once một khi
Nguyên nhân because / since / as bởi vì
for bởi vì
now that bởi vì
Nhượng bộ although mặc dù
even though dù cho
even if
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Mục đích so / so that Để mà

Quick Quiz
1. We will begin processing the loan application ________ we receive the supporting documents.
(A) which (B) once (C) despite (D) according to

II. Liên từ trong mệnh đề danh ngữ có chức năng chủ ngữ hoặc túc từ trong câu
1. Mệnh đề danh ngữ có chức năng như danh từ (làm chủ ngữ và túc từ)
S + V+ -------------- + S +V + N. Liên từ của mệnh đề danh ngữ có chức năng như túc từ
-------------- + S + V + N + V + N. Liên từ của mệnh đề danh ngữ có chức năng như chủ ngữ
2. Các liên từ của mệnh đề danh ngữ
Câu hỏi trong TOEIC thường đòi hỏi thí sinh phải phân biệt được that và what
(1) Liên từ that phải đứng truớc một mệnh đề hoàn chỉnh
Every visitor should remember that proper identification should be presented.
động từ (1) động từ (2)
Khách tham dự phải nhớ xuất trình giấy chứng minh hợp lệ.
 Cần có liên từ để liên kết các động từ (should remember/should be presented).
 Động từ remember có túc từ là mệnh đề danh ngữ that proper identification should be presented.
 Sau liên từ that là một cấu trúc chủ - vị hoàn chỉnh proper identification should be presented.
(2) Liên từ what đứng trước một cấu trúc không hoàn chỉnh
To improve sales, you should know what customers want.
động từ (1) động từ (2)
Để tăng doanh số, bạn phải biết khách hàng muốn gì.
 Cần có liên từ để liên kết các động từ (should know/ want).
 Động từ know có túc từ là mệnh đề danh ngữ what customers want.
 Sau liên từ what là một cấu trúc không hoàn chỉnh: customers want thiếu túc từ.

Quick Quiz
2. The financial consultant has suggested ________ the management consider hiring an outside
(A) if (B) who (C) in (D) that

NOTE: liên từ.

Bài tập 5:
Xác định loại liên từ trong các câu sau đây.
1. the company has received many orders since it put an ad in the local newspaper.
2. A new study shows that more people are interested in studying abroad.

Chọn liên từ thích hợp cho các câu sau đây:

3. (that/if) the concert sold out so fast is a proof of the singer’s popularity.
4. (although/which) he is relatively inexperienced, Rick has a lot of potential.

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Bài tập 1:
Part V Chọn từ thích hợp để điền vào chỗ trống dưới đây.
1. _________ your order was placed after the deadline, no discount will be given.
(A) However (B) During (C) Because (D) Despite
2. _________ the recent increase in sales, we decided to hire more sales personnel.
(A) Due to (B) In fact (C) While (D) Because
3. The feedback from our customers are great _________ a few bad comments.
(A) although (B) because (C) once (D) despite
4. _________ the government takes effective measures, the unemployment rate will continue to
(A) Unless (B) Also (C) Except (D) However
5. Overall profits of our company increased by more than 10 percent _________ Ms. Serenawas
serving as sales manager.
(A) during (B) because of (C) despite (D) while

Part VI Điền vào chỗ trống trong mẩu quảng cáo sau.

Return Policy

We provide refunds only ________ the item is defective or damaged during delivery.
6. (A) if
(B) due to
(C) during
(D) despite
To receive a full refund, you need to return the item ________ 30 days of your purchase.
7. (A) because
(B) while
(C) within
(D) if
If you want to exchange the item with a new one, the new item will be sent within 7 business
days ________ we receive your returned item.
8. (A) due to
(B) prior to
(C) according to
(D) after

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Bài tập 2:
Part V: Chọn từ thích hợp điền vào chỗ trống.

1. The restaurant still tries to improve its quality and service ________ they usually receive
excellent feedback from customers.
(A) such as (B) in addition to (C) by means of (D) even though
2. The new convention center will not open until next January ________ the yesterday’s press
(A) as (B) so that (C) instead (D) according to
3. ________ the six month's internship period is completed, all participants will be eligible to get a
(A) Once (B) Soon (C) Then (D) Later
4. Dr. Kim's new study indicates ________ people are willing to spend money on career
(A) while (B) that (C) on (D) however
5. The travel company introduced a new travel package _________ includes round-trip airfare and
(A) due to (B) what (C) since (D) that
6. You need to let one of your colleagues take care of your job _________ you are on vacation.
(A) in fact (B) during (C) unless (D) while
7. _________ the director wants to see the budget report, give him a copy of the report.
(A) That (B) Despite (C) If (D) For

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Part VI: Chọn đáp án đúng cho câu 8 ~ 10 trong bài báo sau đây.

Career Development
Many career experts agree ____________ the best time to look for a new job is while comfortably
8. (A) which
(B) because
(C) with
(D) that
working in your old one.

____________ you’re starting to feel unchallenged in your present position, you may be ready for a
9. (A) Then
(B) Often
(C) If
(D) For
promotion to the next level.

If there aren’t many career advancement opportunities where you work, the best next step may be to
look for a new job elsewhere.

Nowadays, it’s up to you to take control of your professional future and make sure you are progressing
wisely down the right career path.

Here are some useful tips ____________ can help you make better decisions.
10. (A) which
(B) because
(C) they
(D) it

Liên từ kết hợp và liên từ kép

CHÚ Ý 1: Liên từ liên kết các cụm từ song song

1. Từ hoặc cụm từ đứng trước và đứng sau and, or, but phải có cùng hình thức và từ loại với
The restaurant serves fresh and organic vegetables.
tính từ and tính từ
Nhà hàng này phục vụ rau tươi và sạch.

You can use my laptop or the computers in the lounge.

danh từ or danh từ
Anh có thể dùng máy tính xách tay của tôi hoặc máy tính để bàn trong phòng khách.

Email is a simple but powerful way to promote your products.

tính từ but tính từ
Thư điện tử là một phương tiện đơn giản nhưng hiệu quả để quảng bá sản phẩm của bạn.
• and  diễn tả sự kết hợp (fresh và organic cùng bổ nghĩa cho danh từ vegetables)
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• or  diễn tả sự lựa chọn (laptop hoặc computers)

• but  diễn tả sự tương phản (simple tương phản với powerful)
Quick Quiz
3. Mr. Simmons presented his creative and __________ design for the contest.
(A) innovatively (B) innovative (C) innovate (D) innovation

CHÚ Ý 2: Liên từ kép

Liên từ kép là liên từ có hai thành phần, chẳng hạn both ... and either... or v.v. Những từ (hoặc cụm
từ) đứng sau từng thành phần này phải cùng từ loại với nhau.
1. both A and B cả A và B
We are currently looking for both new and experienced sales personnel.
both tính từ and tính từ
Hiện nay chúng tôi đang tìm kiếm nhân viên bán hàng vừa trẻ vừa có kinh nghiệm.

2. either A or B hoặc A hoặc B

Either Mr. Kim or Ms. Nori will be promoted
either danh từ or danh từ
Hoặc ông Kim hoặc cô Nori sẽ được đề bạt.

3. neither A nor B không A cũng không B

Neither the sales director nor the marketing director will be able to attend the meeting.
neither danh từ nor danh từ
Cả giám đốc kinh doanh lẫn giám đốc tiếp thị đều sẽ không thể tham dự cuộc họp.

4. not only A but also B không những A mà còn B

We offer employees not only satisfactory salaries but also comprehensive benefits.
not only danh từ but also danh từ
Chúng tôi không chỉ cho nhân viên mức lương thỏa đáng mà còn có phúc lợi đầy đủ.

Quick Quiz
4. The furniture you ordered yesterday is expected to arrive ___________ today or tomorrow.
(A) neither (B) both (C) either (D) not only

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I. Câu hỏi tìm liên từ thích hợp
1. and và
Our products are available at major department stores and retail stores.
A and B
Sản phẩm của chúng tôi có bán tại các cửa hàng bách hóa lớn và các cửa hàng bán lẻ.

2. but (= yet) nhưng

You already signed a contract but you also need to sign the official insurance documents.
A but B
Anh đã ký hợp đồng nhưng anh cũng cần ký các giấy tờ bảo hiểm chính thức.

3. or hoặc
Rents should be paid at or before the end of each month.
A or B
Tiền thuê phải được trả vào cuối mỗi tháng hoặc trước đó.

Quick Quiz
5. Security specialists from private companies ______ government agencies will meet to discuss the
(A) in (B) both (C) by (D) and

II. Câu hỏi tìm từ thích hợp trước và sau liên từ

1. Liên từ kết hợp các từ cùng từ loại
The company plans to expand its operations and market share.
A and B
Công ty có kế hoạch mở rộng hoạt động và thị phần của mình.
• and  liên kết danh từ (operations) với danh từ (market share)

2. Liên từ kết hợp các từ cùng hình thức

The company plans to expand its operation and hire an experienced sales manager.
A and B
Công ty có kế hoạch mở rộng hoạt động và tuyển dụng trưởng phòng kinh doanh có kinh nghiệm.
• and  liên kết động từ nguyên mẫu (to expand) với động từ nguyên mẫu ((to) hire)

Quick Quiz
5. Our primary goal is to educate children and ____________ them from violence and poverty
(A) protected (B) protecting (C) protection (D) protect

Bài tập 3:
Part V: Chọn từ thích hợp điền vào chỗ trống.

1. Please complete this ________ and easy survey to give your opinions about our service.
(A) quickly (B) quicken (C) quick (D) quicker

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2. The new promotion policy is applied to both new ________ existing employees.
(A) or (B) but (C) nor (D) and
3. Companies usually ask applicants to submit a resume which summarizes their ________ and
(A) education (B) educational (C) educate (D) educator
4. Students have to consider not only the tuition ________ the cost of meals and housing
(A) also (B) and (C) or (D) but also
5. Visitors who want to renew their license can either complete the application by hand ________
use the computers in the lobby.
(A) or (B) but (C) also (D) and
6. The two applicants have experience in accounting, ________ only one is familiar with our
accounting software.
(A) nor (B) but (C) by (D) or
7. Neither our company ________ the rival company will attend the trade show.
(A) for (B) and (C) nor (D) or

Part VI: Chọn đáp án đúng cho câu 8 ~ 10 trong mẩu quảng cáo sau đây.

Online Marketing
Active Online Marketing Inc. is a __________ and experienced industry leader in search engine
8. (A) professionally
(B) professionalism
(C) professional
(D) profession

We offer customized marketing programs that meet the needs of your company and __________ a
9. (A) to provide
(B) provide
(C) provides
(D) providing
platform that will help you to launch your business onto the forefront of the information super highway.

We are one of the few search engine marketing firms that is concerned not only about the quantity of
traffic ___________ the quality.
10. (A) but also
(B) also
(C) or
(D) and


Bài tập 1:

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Choose one correct option in the parentheses.

1. The editor is under (press, pressure) to meet the deadline
2. All accountants must acquire the licenses in accordance with (regulations, regulates).
3. At his (suggestion, suggestive), we enter into the partnership with GH, Inc.
4. The traffic accident resulted from her (careless, carelessness).
5. Ms. Anderson went to New York last month for (pleasant, pleasure).
6. The automatic teller machine in the lobby was out of (ordered, order).
Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.
7. The employees who recently joined the staff were referred to you for ____
(A) guide (C) guidance
(B) guided (D) guidable
8. The proposals are currently under ___ .
(A) consider (C) considerable
(B) considerably (D) consideration
9. Many parts of Africa are currently under ____ .
(A) development (C) develop
(B) developed (D) develops
10. Without ___, all Gainsborough Corporation workers must attend the summer training seminar.
(A) except (C) excepts
(B) exception (D) exceptional

Bài tập 2:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
1. The construction of the monument is scheduled to start (on, in) February 5.
2. The coupons for a free drink are valid (during, for) a month.
3. Employees must sign up for the workshop (by. until) tomorrow.
4. We will have an orientation for newcomers (at, in) noon.
5. The website will officially be launched (until, on) New Year's Day.
6. The National Museum will be closed for renovation (in, on) summer.
Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.
7. The meeting about new marketing strategies will be held _____ 11 a.m.
(A) to (C) at
(B) on (D) for
8. All worker must submit their records to the supervisor _____ the end of the month.
(A) for (C) in
(B) by (D) to
9. All requests for vacation time must be presented in writing _____ June 15.
(A) at (C) in
(B) on (D) for
10. _____ her stay in Paris, Ms. Lernet supervised the new branch office.
(A) For (C) About
(B) Upon (D) During

Bài tập 3:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.

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1. People are not allowed to sit (on, at) the grass.

2. Two vehicles are waiting (at, in) the traffic light.
3. The official ceremony will be held (on, in) City Hall.
4. Russia is the largest country (in, on) the world.
5. The new department store is located (at, in) the comer of Potrero Avenue and Main Street.
6. He walked (among, between) the two buildings and came upon a large square.
Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.
7. The company's barbecue party will take place __ Hubbard Park.
(A) in (C) of
(B) on (D) as
8. The post office is conveniently located _____ the office and the subway entrance.
(A) among (C) into
(B) with (D) between
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
1. Numerous parks can be found (along, into) the roads of Ohio.
2. Ms Jordan took some documents (into, out of) her bag.
3. His secretary came running (out of. across) the street
4. Water runs (against, through) this pipe.
Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.
5. Mr. Huntington will offer advice _____ managers on how to increase sales.
(A) to (C) on
(B) with (D) upon
6. Visitors who want to enjoy beautiful scenery may drive _____ the coast.
(A) into (C) along
(B) under (D) among
Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following memorandum.
This is to inform you that a number of changes in the Ohio branch of Akron have been made in the
past week. The branch relocated to a new building _____ April 18.
7. (A) for (C) in
(B) at (D) on

Ms. Miller will give you the address and directions as well as the new telephone numbers v for the
branch. Their financial department is also under new _____ Tom Holt, who headed the department
8. (A) manage (B) management
(B) manageable (D) managed

for twenty years, retired on April 20. The new head is Sarah Douglas.

Bài tập 4:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
1. You may mail (so, or) fax your resume to Mr. Blunt.
2. The building has (both, either) an outdoor parking lot and an underground garage.
3. He made a request for help (but, and) did not receive any response.
4. The logo must be not only distinctive (and. but) also professional-looking.
5. Participants were told to arrive by noon, (yet, so) most of them were late.
6. The consultant advised neither expanding the factory (or, nor) hiring more workers.
Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.
7. Ms. Douglas will help customers create an investment _____ savings plan.
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(A) so (C) yet

(B) and (D) but
8. Applicants are required to present _____ a reference letter and a photocopy of their social security
(A) all (C) either
(B) both (D) neither
9. The website is most accessible before 8 a.m. _____ after 5 p.m.
(A) or (C) so
(B) nor (D) yet
10. Neither chatting online _____ checking personal e-mail is permitted during working hours.
(A) or (C) nor
(B) and (D) only

Bài tập 5:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
1. We postponed the construction (because, which) there was not enough funding.
2. (If, Although) the government tried to control fuel costs, they increased significantly.
3. The team conducted a survey (which, whether) assessed the market potential for diet food.
4. (Whether, Because) Ms. Fletcher will give the presentation is not certain.
Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.
5. _____ promotional experience is helpful, it is not a requirement.
(A) And (C) Which
(B) Who (D) Although
6. Profits rose not _____ because of an increase in sales, but also a reduction in expenses.
(A) alone (C) over
(B) only (O) less
Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following letter.
I was just going over the records of the maintenance workers hired last year. They are eligible for
various tax benefits _____ they have held the jobs over six months. Please inform Lisa. One other
7. (A) whether (C) because
(B) but ` (D)

thing I would like to mention is that Mike Evans of purchasing said he would submit the equipment
specifications yesterday, _____ I do not see them anywhere. Let him know that l am waiting for
8. (A) so (B) yet
(C) for (D) both

Bài tập 6:
Practice with TOEIC Actual Questions
Decide which of the choices - (A), (B), (C), or (D) - best completes the sentence.

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1. The executive manager neither sent me an e-mail ___ call me

(A) and
(B) or
(C) nor
(D) also
2. He did his best, ____ his presentation failed to satisfy the buyers.
(A) so
(B) and
(C) because
(D) but
3. ____ the vice president asked us a question, we became really nervous.
(A) Although
(B) Unless
(C) When
(D) So
4. ____ business improves, the company will go bankrupt.
(A) Since
(B) Although
(C) Unless
(D) If
5. The company is sure ____ the new product will boot its profits.
(A) because
(B) whether
(C) that
(D) if
6. Ms. Taylor is ____ intelligent that everybody respects her.
(A) such
(B) so
(C) very
(D) too
(D) intelligent
7. ____ the manager was absent, we decided to put off the meeting.
(A) Although
(B) Providing
(C) Whereas
(D) Because
8. He was hired ____ he didn’t have the necessary qualifications.
(A) because
(B) although
(C) now that
(D) as
9. ___ the president will arrive on Friday is not certain.
(A) Whether
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(B) Since
(C) Because
(D) What
10. The items you requested last week will be delivered either on Monday ___ Tuesday.
(A) nor
(B) or
(C) and
(D) so
11. This project began almost five months ago _____ is expected to be finished in December.
(A) or
(B) also
(C) therefore
(D) and
12. Because I’m too busy at work, I ____ ever have free time.
(A) hardly
(B) carefully
(C) readily
(D) usually
13. Mr. Kim is the person who is in charge of purchasing office ____ at the company.
(A) records
(B) satisfaction
(C) effort
(D) supplies
14. You are ____ invited to visit the branch office in Seattle.
(A) necessarily
(B) cordially
(C) highly
(D) impressively
Questions 15-16 refer to the following notice:
Accounting Employees:

We will have performance reviews over the next week, _____ I would like to tell you the review
15. (A) so
(B) but
(C) since
(D) because


First of all, we will interview each of you in person. Second, you will have to fill out the evaluation
form for yourself ____ return it to the Personnel Department.
16. (A) so that

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(B) but
(C) and
(D) now that

Lastly, we will write a report that summarizes your performance.

We all hope that this is a great chance to improve your job performance.

Bài tập 7:
Practice with TOEIC Actual Questions
Decide which of the choices - (A), (B), (C), or (D) - best completes the sentence.
1. _____ this construction is over, the building will look different.
(A) For
(B) By
(C) By the time
(D) During
2. The post office and the police station are _____ Main Street.
(A) on
(B) in
(C) at
(D) of
3. If you have any problems _____ the service, just let me know.
(A) regardless
(B) regard
(C) regarding
(D) regarded
4. Thank you _____ your inquiry about our products.
(A) to
(B) as
(C) of
(D) for
5. The president was standing _____ the two bodyguards.
(A) among
(B) between
(C) on
(D) as
6. I have been working at the bank _____ three years.
(A) for
(B) during
(C) while
(D) with
7. _____ he has a lot of experience, he was able to get a job easily.
(A) Even though

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(B) Because
(C) Due to
(D) In spite of
8. The team members had a discussion _____ the advertisement.
(A) to
(B) with
(C) about
(D) from
9. You can get a full refund _____ 30 days of purchase.
(A) to
(B) within
(C) for
(D) as
10. The applicants have to wait _____ next week for the results.
(A) until
(B) by
(C) despite
(D) at
11. The editing must be completed by _____ next Monday the latest.
(A) on
(B) of
(C) in
(D) at
12. Please explain the current situation _____ detail
(A) in
(B) for
(C) on
(D) of
13. _____ the machine is extremely expensive, our company can’t afford it.
(A) Because of
(B) Since
(C) Owing to
(D) Also
14. You should prepare the contract _____ duplicate.
(A) with
(B) on
(C) in
(D) for
Questions 15-16 refer to the following memorandum.
This memo is to inform you that our branch office will be renovated. The renovations will begin
15. (A) as

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(B) on
(C) in
(D) at

October 21 and are expected to be finished by December.

Therefore, all employees should use the small building on Broadway from Monday. If you have any
questions _____ the location of the building, contact Ms. Endley in the Personnel Department.
16. (A) concerning
(B) concerns
(C) concern
(D) concerned

Bài tập 8:
Correct the underlined prepositions in the following sentences.
1. He has worked in the factory since 11 years.
2. You must submit the applications within Monday.
3. We have lived in New York for last year.
4. Please send me the document at least five days prior the audit.


1. He left home early_______ failed to catch the train.
(A) and
(B) therefore
(C) but
(D) or
2. _______ he was cooking, his wife was working in the yard.
(A) But
(B) And
(C) Yet
(D) While
3. He works to support his family, _______ he is in his seventies.
(A) during
(B) despite
(C) although
(D) because
4. I haven't seen him_______ ages.
(A) with
(B) for
(C) during
(D) until
5. He didn't fail the test; _______ he got the highest score.

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(A) likewise
(B) else
(C) otherwise
(D) on the contrary
6. Not only does Steve sing at a bar, _______ he also serves the patrons.
(A) and
(B) or
(C) but
(D) still
7._______ I was waiting in line for a visa interview, I ate my lunch.
(A) Although
(B) While
(C) Since
(D) Because
8. He wouldn't say anything_______ directly asked a question; he was a man of few words.
(A) since
(B) otherwise
(C) or else
(D) unless
9. _______ I'm retired, I can take a long journey throughout Europe.
(A) However
(B) Now that
(C) Thanks to
(D) Due to
10. I drive to school, _______ my brother always cycles.
(A) when
(B) even
(C) whereas
(D) if
11. I have to go to the meeting_______ I want to or not.
(A) because
(B) whether
(C) as soon as
(D) while
12. You'd better take an umbrella_______ it begins to rain.
(A) as soon as
(B) despite
(C) in case
(D) although
13. We're.planning to go camping_______ the summer vacation.
(A) during
(B) while
(C) when
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(D) since
14. She was standing by the window_______ her eyes closed, listening to music.
(A) while
(B) with
(C) about
(D) except
15. I have no objection, if everyone else agrees, _______ leading the meeting.
(A) to your
(B) for your
(C) to you're
(D) on your
16. Just_______ you and me, I prefer the restaurant where we ate last Friday.
(A) among
(B) around
(C) between
(D) from
17. I bought an umbrella_______ it was raining.
(A) so
(B) because
(C) also
(D) why
18._______ you were a member, you could come too.
(A) That
(B) If
(C) Than
(D) So
19._______ I was clean, I took a bath.
(A) What
(B) As long as
(C) Such
(D) Even though
20. I wanted to_______ down because I was quite tired.
(A) lie
(B) bring
(C) lay
(D) take
21._______ he was boarding the bus, he dropped his ticket in the gutter.
(A) Whether
(B) How
(C) While
(D) What
22. You can either rent_______ buy these skateboards.
(A) or
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(B) and
(C) nor
(D) either
23. I neither registered for_______ attended the class.
(A) or
(B) nor
(C) either
(D) neither
24. I have been very tired_______.
(A) late
(B) lately
(C) sometime
(D) yet
25. _______ you hear the bell, you need to leave the classroom.
(A) By the time
(B) As
(C) Whether
(D) As soon as
26. She wore sunscreen_______ her skin would not burn.
(A) because
(B) so
(C) neither
(D) what
27. My father has been working in the company_______ twenty years.
(A) to
(B) over
(C) at
(D) in
28. The Joneses must have left at least one week_______ .
(A) since
(B) ago
(C) advanced
(D) during
29. When my friend opened the door, I walked_______ the house.
(A) over
(B) into
(C) for
(D) with
30. The Joneses must have left at least one week_______.
(A) since
(B) ago
(C) advanced
(D) during
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31. He wouldn't leave the platform_______ her train went out of sight.
(A) so that
(B) until
(C) so
(D) therefore
32. _______ the research uncovered some problems, the company decided to stop the project.
(A) Since
(B) Wherever
(C) Despite
(D) Even though
33. What will become_______ the child now that his parents are gone?
(A) with
(B) at
(C) of
(D) to
34. A theme park will be built in this area_______ the construction plan is approved. (A) on
condition that
(B) so that
(C) whereas
(0) although
35. We have to keep the subsidiaries from bankruptcy_______ the holding company will not be
(A) because
(B) in order that
(C) since
(D) as soon as
36. The cabin was so far away from town_______ I decided not to buy it.
(A) but
(B) or
(C) that
(D) if
37. The senior researcher will be promoted to head of the research center_______ the most
experienced researcher here.
(A) as
(B) unless
(C) though
(D) but
38. Though he made a terrible mistake, he acted_______ nothing had happened.
(A) as if
(B) so that
(C) unless
(D) whereas

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Questions 39 to 40 refer to the following article.

Experts say it is very important for children over the age of six to develop a hobby or take pan in a
club. Children can learn important social skills_______ doing something they enjoy. Even though
39.(A) during
(B) despite
(C) while
(D) provided

your child is playing, she will learn skills like turn taking, losing well, and following rules. Hobbies
and clubs are vital for the_______ of your child.

40. (A) be developed

(B) develop
(C) developed
(D) development

Questions 41 to 44 refer to the following email.

Dear Tracey,

Your mother and I were very happy to hear from you at last. It had been almost 4 months_______
41. (A) because
(B) although
(C) since
(D) during

your last email. I really do wish that you would get a telephone. I don't know why you_______ being
42. (A) insist to
(B) insist on
(C) insist by
(D) insist

so difficult to contact. I guess we will just have to respect your privacy. While you almost never
contact us, your sister telephones every day. As you know, I am willing to pay for a phone line
provided you promise to call at least once a month. We don't make many demands of you, Tracey.
_______ we want to see to you more, we don't visit you unexpectedly, do we? Well, I hope that your
43. (A) Since
(B) Even though
(C) Seeing that
(D) Whereas

job is going well. Remember, you know where to find us if you feel like visiting some time. I know

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that would_______ your mother very happy. Look forward to hearing from you.
44. (A) let
(B) cause
(C) make
(D) force

Lots of love, Dad

Questions 45 through 48 refer to the following letter.
Huntley School for Girls
H78 F.88

Dear Mrs. Miles,

It is with great_______ that I am writing this letter. As you know, your daughter Miranda has been
45. (A) pleasure
(B) joy
(C) regret
(D) upset

having problems with some of the other girls. Unfortunately, on Monday there was an unforgivable
incident_______ a math lesson. One girl needed to be hospitalized as a result. We cannot tolerate
46. (A) while
(B) despite
(C) during
(D) enduring

this kind of behavior. Miranda has not listened to any of our warnings and I need to talk to
you_______. We are considering expelling Miranda, but_______ to talk to you first. On the other
47. (A) in person 48. (A) would like
(B) with people (B) had liked
(C) in people (C) will like
(D) as person (D) have liked

hand, her sister Melinda is a delight to teach. We hope that she will continue her studies at Huntley.

Marjorie Bartle Principal

Questions 49 through 51 refer to the following introduction.

Unpaid Endeavors by Paul Kang, president of Vine Corp., gives invaluable advice on _______ to
49. (A) what
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(B) which
(C) where
(D) how

survive in the competitive business field as a start-up company.

Based on his personal experience, this book tells us how he_______ his business again after a big
50. (A) ran
(B) failed
(C) got over
(D) followed

failure again after a big failure _______ made it a leading company in the software industry.
51. (A) but
(B) and
(C) yet
(D) for

Throughout the book, Kang stresses the importance of teamwork and leadership.

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Chú ý 1. Đại từ quan hệ có chức năng của cả đại từ và liên từ

1. Đại từ quan hệ có khi là chủ ngữ, có khi là túc từ

Mục đích của đại từ quan hệ là nhằm tránh lặp lại nhiều lần một từ hay một cụm từ nào đó khi viết câu.
We will introduce a new product.
It is under development.
→ We will introduce a new product and it is under development.
(1) Đại từ quan hệ giúp liên kết hai câu và (2) đóng vai trò là chủ ngữ của động từ is.
We will introduce a new product which is under development.
which vừa là liên từ vừa là chủ ngữ
2. Các loại đại từ quan hệ
Tiền tố Chủ ngữ Sở hữu Túc từ
Người who whose whom
Sự vật which whose / of which which
Người và sự vật that that

The museum will open a new exhibition which features ancient civilization.
tiền tố (sự vật) đại từ quan hệ (làm chủ ngữ)
Bảo tàng sẽ mở một cuộc triển lãm mới có chủ đề là nền văn minh cổ đại.
 Câu trên cần có liên từ để liên kết hai động từ will open và features.
 Chủ ngữ của features chính là which.
 Vì tiền tố chỉ sự vật (exhibition nghĩa là cuộc triển lãm) nên ta phải dùng đại từ quan hệ which.
Quick Quiz
1. The human resources department has announced a new incentive program ________ will begin next
(A) that (B) such (C) when (D) until

Ngữ pháp nâng cao

Chú ý 2. Nếu tiền tố chỉ người, ta dùng đại từ quan hệ who

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Students who want to apply for a scholarship should submit their transcripts.
tiền tố đại từ động từ (1) động từ
quan hệ (chủ ngữ)
Những sinh viên nào muốn xin học bổng thì cần phải nộp bản sao học bạ của mình.
 who giúp liên kết hai động từ want và should submit trong câu.
 who là đại từ quan hệ có chức năng chủ ngữ (đối với động từ want).
 Vì students là tiền tố chỉ người nên ta dùng who.
Chú ý 3. Nếu tiến tố chỉ vật, ta dùng đại từ quan hệ which
You should first finish the budget report which is due this Friday.
động từ tiền tố (chỉ vật) đại từ động từ (1)
quan hệ (chủ ngữ)
Trước tiên anh nên hoàn thành bản báo cáo ngân sách hết hạn vào thứ sáu này.
 which giúp liên kết hai động từ should first finish và is trong câu.
 which là đại từ quan hệ có chức năng chủ ngữ (đối với động từ is).
 Vì the budget report là tiền tố chỉ sự vật nên ta dùng which.
Quick Quiz
2. Visitors ___________ need directions should ask at the information desk.
(A) which (B) they (C) who (D) since
3. The city council will sponsor the job fair _______ is scheduled to be held in the Maria Hotel.
(A) because (B) who (C) when (D) which
Chú ý 4. Đại từ quan hệ that được dùng cho cả người lẫn (sự) vật
Đại từ quan hệ that có thể thay thế cho cả who và which. Tuy nhiên, đại từ quan hệ that không đứng ngay
sau dấu phẩy (,) và giới từ.
The prices that are listed in the brochure are effective until further notice
tiền tố đại từ động từ
quan hệ (chủ ngữ)
Giá cả được liệt kê trong sách quảng cáo có giá trị cho đến khi có thông báo mới.
 that giúp liên kết hai động từ are listed và are trong câu.
 that là đại từ quan hệ có chức năng chủ ngữ (đối với động từ are listed),
 that được dùng thay cho which vì tiền tố là sự vật (price nghĩa là giá cá).
Ghi chú
We welcome donations from employees who are interested in the charity event.
 
Chúng tôi hoan nghênh các đóng góp của các nhân viên quan tâm đến sự kiện từ thiện này.
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 Xác định loại liên từ cần dùng

Nếu chỗ trống có chức năng vừa là chủ ngữ vừa là liên từ thì chỗ trống đó phải là đại từ quan hệ.
 Lựa chọn đại từ quan hệ thích hợp
Nếu tiền tố là người thì dùng who, là (sự) vật thì dùng which. That được dùng cho cả hai trường hợp.
 Bảo đảm sự hòa hợp giữa chủ ngữ (là đại từ quan hệ) và động từ trong mệnh đề quan hệ
Trong ví dụ trên, tiền tố là số nhiều (employees) nên ta dùng động từ số nhiều (are).
Quick Quiz
4. Mr. Kewell developed the product __________ won him the design award.
(A) he (B) that (C) it (D) so that
Chú ý 5. Mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn
(1) When the relative pronouns are in the objective case
- He is the only candidate whom we selected.
= He is the only candidate we selected.

- This is the book that I bought yesterday.

= This is the book I bought yesterday.

(2) When the relative pronouns are used with the verb to be
- The man who is talking with Janet is my brother.
= The man talking with Janet is my brother.

- The report which was written by Mike is accurate.

= The report written by Mike is accurate.

- The proposal was revised by Phil was outstanding. (X)

—> The proposal that was revised/revised by Phil was outstanding. (O)

Bài tập 1: Chọn từ thích hợp trong ngoặc đơn.

1. The employee (who / whom) makes the most sales will get a bonus.
2. He is the person (who / which) is responsible for online purchase.
3. The people (who / whose) sales exceed $10,000 will get a bonus
4. We are offering a salary (that / that it) is highly competitive.
5. The candidate (whom / whose) they selected has extensive work experience.
6. Ms. Chao gave a presentation (that / whom) we fully appreciated.
7. The budget report (was submitted / submitted) by the Planning Department had some flaws.
8. She lived in France for several years, (which / that) helped her do businesses with Europeans.
9. Job applicants (whom / whose) résumés were received by last week will be contacted soon.
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10. We are looking for a location (why / where) we can bund our next factory.

Bài tập 2: Chọn từ thích hợp điền vào chỗ trống

l. Passengers ____wish to have vegetarian meals will have to notify flight attendants before takeoff.
(A) who (B) whose (C) when (D) what
2. Please refer to the attached agenda of yesterday's seminar ____ you asked for.
(A) then (B) that (C) what (D) when
3. We would like to welcome Dr. Zhang, ____ made such an excellent contribution by opening a branch
office in Africa.
(A) that (B) which (C) when (D) who
4. Our overseas staff is required to speak Spanish, ____is essential to doing businesses in Latin America.
(A) which (B) whose (C) who (D) that
5. In order to stay competitive in the global market, we should know ____our customers need.
(A) that (B) when (C) which (D) what
6. The training session is for programmers____ jobs involve entering computer codes and data.
(A) who (B) whom (C) whose (D) that
7. ____is shown in commercials does not always affect the purchasing decisions of smart buyers.
(A) Who (B) What (C) Which (D) That
8. In accordance with federal law, applicants must be treated equally ____age and gender.
(A) whatever (B) based on (C) whether (D) regardless of
9. ____the manual, all software programs should be shut down before installation,
(A) In common with (B) In case of (C) According to (D) On behalf of
l0. According to the report, items stay on the ____for periods of three to six weeks before they are sold.
(A) market (B) place (C) sale (D) advertisement
Bài tập 3: Chọn đáp án đúng cho câu 1 - 3 trong bức thư sau đây.

Dear Mr. Kurtz,

My name is Daniel Goddard, and I am a journalist from Entrepreneur Weekly. We are preparing our next
____, which will feature the growth of advertising companies.
1.(A) show
(B) investment
(C) issue
(D) episode

We listed some of the most ____ business leaders in the field, and you were selected

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2.(A) successful
(B) accurate
(C) consistent
(D) dramatic

as one of them.

We ____ to meet with you for an interview if you are available and willing to do so
3.(A) would like
(B) will be liked
(C) have liked
(D) liked

Please contact me at 217-447-2314.

We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

Daniel Goddard


Bài tập 1:
Part V: Chọn từ thích hợp điền vào chỗ trống.

1. Mr. Kim knows the location of the office _________ issues parking permits.
(A) who (B) it (C) themselves (D) which

2. We are currently seeking an experienced sales manager _________ has at least five years of experience.
(A) he (B) if (C) who (D) because

3. The number of foreign students _________ want to learn Korean is gradually increasing.
(A) which (B) that (C) for (D) while

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4. A new security door, _________ can be operated by remote control, will be installed next month.
(A) that (B) it (C) them (D) which

5. Many people _________ were surveyed indicated that they are planning to buy a new car.
(A) they (B) who (C) which (D) those

6. The hotel _________ is under renovation is expected to reopen next month.

(A) that (B) such (C) when (D) until

7. The airport limousine service, _________ has been running since January, has been favorably received
by travelers.
(A) who (B) what (C) when (D) which

Part VI: Chọn đáp án đúng cho câu 8 ~ 10 trong thông báo sau đây.


To : All Employees
From : Personnel Office
Date: May 15
Subject : Leave Request

This is a reminder for those employees __________ are considering making a leave request.
8. (A) when
(B) who
(C) which
(D) until
Before submitting the request, you should first get approval from your supervisor. And you also need to
complete the leave request form _________ can be obtained from the personnel office.
9. (A) what
(B) who
(C) for
(D) that
Please submit the form with your supervisor’s approval to the personnel office, _________
10.(A) which
(B) it
(C) who
(D) they
is located on the 5th floor next to the employee lounge.
Your leave request cannot be granted if your supervisor denies your request for any reason. If you have
any questions, please contact the personnel office.
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Jerry McCarthy
Jerry McCarthy
Personnel Office

Bài tập 2:
Choose one correct option in the parentheses.
1. Randy Hayes’ book (which, it) studies international banking is a bestseller.
2. Warehouse workers stocked the item (there, that) the at are popular in stores.
3. The consultant (who, he) gave us advice will visit the office tomorrow.
4. Our department manager will produce reports (that, they) evaluate the employees’ performance.
5. The head office must hire someone (this, who) can upgrade its accounting software.
6. The report includes the sales figures (those, that) we corrected today.
Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.
7. Shoppers ___ present a coupon cant get a 20 percent discount.
(A) who (C) there
(B) they (D) when
8. If the lawyer had had time, she would have verified the content of the document ____ you gave her
last week.
(A) who (C) whose
(B) those (D) that
9. The concert _____ was held in the theater yesterday is the best I have ever seen.
(A) who (C) whose
(B) which (D) they
10. The company will move into a new office building, ___ Atlanta Builders constructed.
(A) they (C) which
(B) it those

Bài tập 3:
Chose one correct option in the parentheses.
1. The company is producing a new tire (who, which) is extremely durable.
2. This organization is hiring a PR man (whom, whose) responsibilities will include fundraising.
3. The second edition (who, which) will be available soon has an additional chapter.
4. Writers (whose, who) work is admired internationally usually write about universal subjects.
Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences.
5. He recommends this website for anyone _____ is thinking about buying a car.
(A) when (C) which
(B) what (D) who
6. The secretary printed some invitations _____ he will send tomorrow.
(A) which (C) whose
(B)who (D) what
Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following article.

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Lunsford Publishers announced yesterday that it has released a new book called Lost Wind. It is a
novel about a family _____ lived in Massachusetts in the late nineteenth century. The novel _____
7. (A) who (C) which 8. (A) whatever (C) what
(B) these (D) they (B) this (D) which

gives an accurate picture of life in the 1890s was found in the attic of Mary Woods, a Virginia
resident. Her grandmother is its author.

Bài tập 4:
Practice with TOEIC Actual Questions
Decide which of the choices - (A), (B), (C), or (D) - best completes the sentence.
1. Anyone ____ wants to take a vacation this month needs to talk to me today.
(A) which
(B) whom
(C) who
(D) whose
2. This manual is for people _____ native language is not English.
(A) whose
(B) whom
(C) that
(D) what
3. The decision _____ the company made will cause a lot of problems.
(A) whose
(B) who
(C) what
(D) that
4. I met the representative _____ Mr. Reeves talked about.
(A) that
(B) which
(C) what
(D) how
5. Mr. Delaney met the person _____ she recommended for the managerial position.
(A) what
(B) which
(C) whom
(D) why
6. The specialist _____ we just met will be the manager of our team.
(A) what
(B) whose
(C) who
(D) when
7. This website is good for people _____ are thinking about renting a house.

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(A) they
(B) who
(C) whom
(D) them
8. This is the place _____ we have our annual meeting.
(A) when
(B) where
(C) why
(D) how
9. JW, Inc. is one of the major companies _____ manufactures furniture.
(A) where
(B) whom
(C) whose
(D) which
10. ____ I said to the interviewer was not very clear.
(A) What
(B) When
(C) Which
(D) Whose
11. I can't find the files _____ I saved all the important information.
(A) which
(B) why
(C) when
(D) where
12. The secretary booked the flight ticket _____ advance.
(A) with
(B) on
(C) in
(D) for
13. The second thing _____ the agenda is our poor sales.
(A) on
(B) in
(C) about
(D) at
14. Any car parked here will be towed _____ the owner's expense.
(A) to
(B) on
(C) at
(D) for
Questions 15-16 refer to the following article.
The Pelican Publishing Company announced that it will publish a new book entitled True Story in
March. This is a nonfiction book about the crew, of a spaceship _____ explored the universe.

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15. (A) where

(B) whom
(C) that
(D) when

the book will show readers ____ the crew member handled difficulties on the international spaceship.
16. (A) what
(B) how
(C) and
(D) also


1. Soccer is the sport_______ I like the most.
(A) who
(B) that
(C) whom
(D) whose
2. The hotel_______ we stayed was built 100 years ago.
(A) when
(B) which
(C) that
(D) where
3. The man_______ Linda spoke was her English teacher.
(A) who
(B) whose
(C) to whom
(D) that
4. Could you give me_______ pen, please?
(A) whose
(B) other
(C) whom
(D) another
5. I didn't_______ whose car it was.
(A) saw
(B) see
(C) look
(D) speak
6. Jane is the girl_______ mother wrote a famous novel.
(A) whose
(B) who
(C) that
(D) which
7. This is the course in_______ we learned the history of England.
(A) that
(B) which
(C) where

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(D) whose
8. The greatest writer_______ I have ever met was Neil Smith.
(A) whose
(B) that
(C) which
(D) where
9. December 31st is the date_______ we meet every year.
(A) in which
(B) by which
(C) on which
(D) where
10. She is the teacher_______ helped me.
(A) who
(B) when
(C) whose
(D) what
11. _______ he says deserves recording.
(A) Which
(B) Who
(C) That
(D) What
12. Yesterday, I met a woman_______ grandfather was Swedish.
(A) who
(B) who's
(C) whose
(D) which
13. Toni, _______ has three sisters, has no interest in getting married.
(A) who
(B) whom
(C) that
(D) which
14. She put her prize in a place_______ everyone would notice it.
(A) where
(B) which
(C) in what
(D) to that
15. The instructor told us_______ to find the book.
(A) whom
(B) which
(C) where
(D) what
16. There are few mothers_______ don't love their own children.
(A) who
(B) which
(C) but
(D) except
17. Who is that man_______ black?
(A) wears
(B) is wearing
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(C) wear
(D) wearing
18. The Victoria Hotel,_______ we stayed during our summer vacation, will be torn down for
extensive renovations.
(A) when
(B) where
(C) in that
(D) in it
19. Emma Jean, _______ was nominated for an Employee of the Month Award for her exceptional
work performance, will deliver a speech this evening.
(A) who
(B) anyone
(C) whose
(D) whichever
20. Shopping on the Internet is for those consumers for_______ going to malls has become a
(A) who
(B) whom
(C) which
(D) that
21. The person to_______ you submitted your request is no longer in charge of this section.
(A) whom
(B) which
(C) who
(D) where
22. Buses in the metropolitan area are rarely on schedule_______ traffic is busy and hectic.
(A) which
(B) in case
(C) when
(D) in order that
23. The names of upper management to_______ you must report will be provided in order to get
budgets approved for projects.
(A) whom
(B) whoever
(C) what
(D) where
24. Customers_______ products are provided and maintained through an existing arrangement
should contact us immediately.
(A) who
(B) which
(C) whose
(D) that
25. The tourist was unable to find the local information center_______ was marked on his city map.
(A) who
(B) what
(C) which
(D) where
26. The personnel manager has decided to hire the candidate with the degree in engineering_______
he interviewed last week.
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(A) what
(B) which
(C) whom
(D) whose
27. Stanley Super Store is offering all Stanley VIP members free shopping coupons_______ are
valid until the end of the month.
(A) which
(B) what
(C) whatever
(D) who
28. The presenter showed a series of slides_______ detailed the results of her year-long study.
(A) which
(B) whose
(C) whom
(D) who
29. The writers of the contract must revise all of the clauses with_______ the clients disagreed.
(A) whom
(B) which
(C) that
(D) whose
30. This safety helmet has been especially designed for construction workers_______ work outdoors.
(A) in
(B) when
(C) if
(D) who
31. A fine of 5200 will be imposed upon any drivers_______ park illegally downtown during the
holiday parade.
(A) which
(B) whose
(C) whom
(D) who
32. Saturday's clearance sale will reduce old stock and make room for next season's products,
_______ will arrive very soon.
(A) when
(B) what
(C) where
(D) which
33. The Yunof brand of teas, _______ entered the market in Norway only three years ago, is already
among the top five best-selling brands.
(A) when
(B) who
(C) where
(D) which
34. New employees_______ wish to receive benefits should complete the necessary forms before the
10:00 A.M. orientation session.
(A) whose
(B) whom
(C) who
(D) which
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35. Ms. Reston and Mr. Parnthong were two of the senior partners_______ visited the clients last
(A) who
(B) when
(C) what
(D) whose
36. People_______ are interested in career opportunities are invited immediately to submit their
résumés and cover letters to us.
(A) whose
(B) whom
(C) whomever
(D) who

Questions 37 through 39 refer to the following notice.


From next week, all cars _____ are parked in front of the building will be towed away. Any

37. (A) who

(B) whose
(C) that
(D) what

employees who want to park near the building must apply for a special permit. All cars _____ a
38. (A) by
(B) for
(C) in
(D) with

permit sticker will be allowed to park in the car park surrounding the building. Drivers who want a
permit must visit the personnel office and fill in a form. You will have to pay $5 to receive your
sticker when you fill in the form. Please call 843-9876 for _____ information.
39. (A) more
(B) add
(C) plus
(D) over

Questions 40 through 42 refer to the following letter.

Rirakku Designs, Ikaruga City 221900
Tel: 81-(0)73-998-743

Dear Ms. Hives,

I am _____ you the designs that you asked for. I hope that you like them. If you are not happy with
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40. (A) send

(B) sent
(C) sending
(D) to send

the work that I have done, please call me. My telephone number is _____ the top of this page. I tried
41. (A) at
(B) by
(C) with
(D) in

to include all the colon that you wanted. I have been In hospital. That is the reason _____ I have sent
42. (A) for
(B) which
(C) why
(D) when

this a little later than you expected. I am sorry for the inconvenience. Please let me know the exact
date that you need the finished product.

Thank you for using Rirakku Designs.

Ken Miyoshi

Questions 43 through 45 refer to the following email.

To: Nina Tendo <cnintcn@cosmo.net>
From: Jane Sims <cisints@united_foods.ccia>
Subject: Customer Complaint 100234
Date: May 29th

Dear Ms. Tondo, Thank you for your email last week. I am very sorry to hear that you had a problem
with a United Foods product. You _____ us that you found ants in a packet of Jolly Cowboy
43. (A) identified
(B) informed
(C) information
(D) identify

We went to the store where you bought the cookies. We found ants in several packets of Jolly
cowboy cookies. We found that ants had entered the store room. We treated the problem, and there
are _____ ants in the store room. We are very sorry that this happened, and hope you will continue to
44. (A) not more
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(B) more
(C) no more
(D) any more
buy our food products. I am sending you a $20 coupon, _____ you can print out and use in any store
45. (A) which
(B) what
(C) where
(D) who

to buy United Foods products.

Jane Sims Customer Service Manager

Questions 46-48 refer to the following memorandum.

Yesterday, November 10, at approximately 3 p.m. we had a temporary of services _____. At the
46. (A) affordability
(B) interruption
(C) status
(D) affair

an electrician was setting up some electric outlets in the machine room, _____ various network
47. (A) which
(B) nearby
(C) where
(D) however

servers are housed.

When he was finishing up, he found a loose wire which he connected the other day, so he had to
reconnect it. However, it appears that when reconnecting it, he made some mistakes. _____ the
48. (A) Among
(B) Amid
(C) So
(D) Until

machines affected were the new NS3, one of the primary name servers, and Happer, which controls
the new operating system.


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Trọng tâm của bài học
Trong câu hỏi về hình ảnh ở Part 1, cần lưu ý con người là trọng tâm. Cần quan sát kỹ động tác của
người đó. Đây là dạng câu hỏi đặt con nguời làm trọng tâm nên học viên cần luyện tập cách miêu tả
những đặc điềm về ngoại hình, động tác của nhân vật dựa theo cấu trúc “be + V-ing”, đồng thời cần
làm quen với những từ vựng miêu tả đồ vật hay cảnh vật xung quanh con người.
Phân tích hình 001.mp3

hold cầm, nắm operate vận hành
look down at nhìn xuống photocopier máy sao chụp lài liệu
machine máy móc along dọc theo
make a copy sao chép tài liệu closed bị đóng lại

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Bài tập 1: 002.mp3

Nghe những câu dưới đây và điền vào chỗ trống.

1. The woman is ________ the street with a broom.

2. The woman is ________ the girl’s arm.

3. He is ________ a phone conservation at the desk.

4. The speaker is ________ into the microphone.

5. He is ________ on the paper with a pen.

6. She is ________ the liquid into the cup.

7. The man is ________ at the computer.

8. A woman is ________ something under her arm

street đường phố microphone micrô
broom cái chổi pour A into B đổ/rót A vào B
examine kiểm tra liquid nước, chất lỏng
conduct a phone conversation nói chuyện carry mang, vác
điện thoại

Bài tập 2: 003.mp3

Nghe các câu miêu tả về bức hình dưới đây, nếu có nội dung phù hợp với hình, chọn T; ngược lại
chọn F.

1. (A) [T/F]
(B) [T/F]
(C) [T/F]
(D) [T/F]
(E) [T/F]
(F) [T/F]

at the water's edge tại mép nước put on mặc (quần áo)
carry mang, vác, khuân wear có ~ trên nguời, mặc, đội, mang
tire lốp, vỏ xe cut down chặt
by oneself tự ai glove găng tay

Bài tập 3 004.mp3

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Nghe các câu miêu tả về bức hình dưới đây, nếu có nội dung phù hợp với hình, chọn T; ngược lại
chọn F.
(A) [ T / F ]
(B) [ T / F ]
(C) [ T / F ]
(D) [ T / F ]
(E) [ T / F ]
(F) [ T / F ]

type đánh máy monitor màn hình
keyboard bàn phím conduct a phone conversation nói chuyện
reach for với lấy qua điện thoại

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Bài tập 4: 006.mp3

Chọn câu đúng qua lời miêu tả về các bức hình dưới đây, lắng nghe và điền vào chỗ trống.

1. 2.

A□ B□ C□ D□ A□ B□ C□ D□
(A) The man is ___________________ . (A) He is ________________________ .
(B) The man is ___________________ . (B) He is ________________________ .
(C) The man is ___________________ . (C) He is ________________________ .
(D) The man is ___________________ . (D) He is ________________________ .

3. 4.

A□ B□ C□ D□ A□ B□ C□ D□
(A) The woman is_________________ . (A) She is _______________________ .
(B) The woman is_________________ . (B) She is _______________________ .
(C) The woman is_________________ . (C) She is _______________________ .
(D) The woman is_________________ . (D) She is _______________________ .

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Trọng tâm của bài học
Trường hợp trong hình có nhiều hơn hai người, nếu những người trong hình không có động tác
chung thì phải chú ý quan sát xem có hành động nào khác biệt hay không. Chú ý làm quen với các từ
vựng đi kèm với giới từ nhằm diễn tả mối quan hệ vị trí của con người hoặc sự vật và học cách giải
thích các điểm giống và khác nhau của những người trong hình.
Phân tích hình 007.mp3

relax thư giãn have one’s legs crossed bắt chéo chân
outdoors ở ngoài trời (↔indoors ở trong side by side cạnh bên nhau
nhà) be placed được bố trí / đặt
in different directions theo các hướng khác along dọc theo
nhau fence hàng rào

Bài tập 5: 008.mp3

Nghe những câu dưới đây và điền vào chỗ trống.

1. They are ___________ a document.

2. They are ___________ the audience.

3. The musicians are ___________ instruments.

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4. They are ___________ in a row.

5. They are ___________ from each other.

6. They are ___________.

7. Children are ___________ the water fountain.

8. The travelers are ___________ their suitcases.

look at nhìn line up xếp hàng
document tài liệu in a row thành một hàng
audience khán giả meeting cuộc họp
musician nhạc sĩ water fountain vòi nước
instrument nhạc cụ (= musical instrument) suitcase vali

Bài tập 6 009.mp3

Nghe các câu miêu tả về bức hình dưới đây, nếu có nội dung phù hợp với hình, chọn T; ngược lại
chọn F.

1. (A) [T/F]
(B) [T/F]
(C) [T/F]
(D) [T/F]
(E) [T/F]
(F) [T/F]

walk đi bộ enter đi vào
ground mặt đất front gate cổng trước
water tưới nước

Bài tập 7 010.mp3

Nghe các câu miêu tả về bức hình dưới đây, nếu có nội dung phù hợp với hình, chọn T; ngược lại
chọn F.

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2. (A) [T/F]
(B) [T/F]
(C) [T/F]
(D) [T/F]
(E) [T/F]
(F) [T/F]

gesture làm điệu bộ
in two rows thành hai hàng
face nhìn đối diện
brief giải thích
colleague đồng nghiệp
gymnasium phòng tập thể dục
speaker người nói

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Bài tập 8 012.mp3

Chọn câu đúng qua lời miêu tả về các bức hình dưới đây, lắng nghe và điền vào chỗ trống.

1. 2.

A□ B□ C□ D□ A□ B□ C□ D□
(A) People are____________________ . (A) The picture is _________________ .
(B) The band is ___________________ . (B) People are ____________________ .
(C) People are____________________ . (C) People are ____________________ .
(D) Some people are _______________ . (D) One of the men is ______________ .

3. 4.

A□ B□ C□ D□ A□ B□ C□ D□
(A) One woman is ________________ . (A) All the people are ______________ .
(B) One of the women is ___________ . (B) People are ____________________ .
(C) The women are _______________ . (C) People are ____________________ .
(D) The women are ________________ (D) People are ____________________ .

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Example 1: Choose the statement that best describes the
photograph. 001.mp3
(A) She is painting a picture.
(B) She is sitting on a bench
(C) She is crossing the street
(D) She is looking at a paiting on the wall

Example 2. Choose the statement that best describes the

(A) People are looking at fish
(B) People are fishing
(C) People are diving
(D) People are washing their cars.

Bài tập 1: Listen and choose the statement that best

describes each photograph. 002.mp3
(B) She is holding a map
1. 2.

( (A) A man is taking a picture.

A) (B) A man is in an art gallery.
is reading a book.
3. phone is being used
(B) A woman is using her cell phone.

pub (A) A public phone is being used
lic (B) A woman is using her cell phone.

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(A) The women are looking at each other,

(B) The women are seated side by side.

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Bài tập 2:
Listen and choose the statement that best describes each photograph. 003.mp3
1. 2.

( (A) Some people are walking on the path.

A) (B) They are riding their bicycles uphill.
The (C) Bicycles are parked along the path.
man is watering the plants 4.
(B) There are leaves on all of the trees.
(C) He is putting the hose away

(A y
) are taking the elevator down.
Veg (B) They are going down the escalator.
etab (C) They are walking down the steps.
les are being placed on the table. 6.
(B) The food is in her shopping cart.
(C) She is shopping for some produce. (

A) A) They are moving in a line.
The (B) They are sitting on the ground.
ma (C) They are climbing over a wall.
n is getting out of the vehicle. 7.
(B) The man is standing beside the car.
(C) The
man is parking
his car.

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Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

(A) A truck is moving down the street. 8

(B) The street is filled with cars.
(C) Some people are in the street.

(A) The front of the

house is being
(B) A man is
working on the
(C) The ladder goes up to the roof

Bài tập 3: Practice with Possible statements 004.mp3

Listen and choose the statement that best describes each photograph. Then, listen again and fill the
missing words in the gapped statements below
1. (A) She _____ _____ _____ the stair.
(B) She _____ _____ _____ on the handrail.
(C) She _____ _____ _____ the stairs.

2. (A) She ______ _______ a ______.

(B) She ______ _______ a ______ from the shelf.
(C) She ______ _______ a ______ at the library.

3. (A) A _____ _____ a _____.

(B) She _____ _____ a from the shelf.
(C) She _____ _____ a _____ at a library.

4. (A) The man _____ _____ a suitcase.

(B) The man _____ _____ _____ a suit.
(C) The man _____ _____ _____ the sofa.

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5. (A) They _____ just _____ the finish line.

(B) The bikers _____ _____ helmets.
(C) The bicycles _____ _____ on the front.

6. (A) The man is _____ _____ the lawn.

(B) The man is _____ some _____.
(C) The man is _____ _____ _____.

7. (A) A woman _____ _____ a broom.

(B) The area is _____ _____.
(C) A woman is _____ the _____.

8. (A) They are _____ _____ .

(B) They are _____ in a circle.
(C) She is _____ _____ .

10. (A) He is _____ some _____.

(B) He is _____ some _____.
(C) He is _____ some _____.

11. (A) She is _____ her _____.

(B) She is _____ at her _____.
(C) She is _____ some _____.

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12. (A) They are sitting _____ _____ each other.

(B) They are _____ by the _____.
(C) The flower pot _____ _____ the _____

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Bài tập 4: Practice with TOEIC Actual Questions 005.mp3

Listen and choose the statement that best describes each photograph






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Trọng tâm của bài học
Trong hình không xuất hiện con người mà chỉ xuất hiện đồ vật nên cần nắm được các đáp án có lời
giải thích về mối liên hệ vị trí hay trạng thái của các sự vật xung quanh. Thể bị động “be + p.p (quá
khứ phân từ) là cấu trúc câu với hình thức cơ bản “chủ ngữ bị tác động bởi hành động”. Sự vật
không tự nó thực hiện động tác nên với trường hợp của Part 1 thì các đáp án cho sẵn có chủ ngữ là
đồ vật và thường được trình bày với hình thức bị động.
Phân tích hình 013.mp3

stack sắp xếp thành cụm / đống load chất, tải lên
in lines theo hàng item hàng hóa
identical giống nhau

Bài tập 1 014.mp3

Nghe những câu dưới đây và điền vào chỗ trống.

1. The kitchen is ___________________________.

2. The shoes ________________ on the shelf.

3. ___________________________ over both doors.

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4. The driveway is ___________________________.

5. A vehicle ____________ next to the building.

6. The boats have ___________________ at the dock.

7. Several cars __________________ at a stop sign.

8. The desk ___________________________.

be cleaned được lau dọn park đậu (xe)
display trưng bày dock bến tàu
arch vòm, mái vòm line up xếp hàng
pave lát / phủ stop sign biển báo dừng

Bài tập 2 015.mp3

Nghe các câu miêu tả về bức hình dưới đây, nếu có nội dung phù hợp với hình, chọn T; ngược lại
chọn F.

1. (A) [T/F]
(B) [T/F]
(C) [T/F]
(D) [T/F]
(E) [T/F]
(F) [T/F]

be lined up được xếp theo hàng be paved được lát
along dọc theo pedestrian người đi đường
fire hydrant vòi rồng sidewalk vỉa hè
curb mép đường quiet yên tĩnh

Bài tập 3 016.mp3

Nghe các câu miêu tả về bức hình dưới đây, nếu có nội dung phù hợp với hình, chọn T; ngược lại
chọn F.

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2. (A) [T/F]
(B) [T/F]
(C) [T/F]
(D) [T/F]
(E) [T/F]
(F) [T/F]

shelf kệ purchase mua bán
be filled with được chất đầy candy kẹo
be stocked with được chất ~ product hàng bottom dưới cùng
hóa empty trống
plastic bag túi nylon upper ở trên

Bài tập 4 018.mp3

Chọn câu đúng qua lời miêu tả về các bức hình dưới đây, lắng nghe và điền vào chỗ trống.

1. 2.

A□ B□ C□ D□ A□ B□ C□ D□
(A) Food is ______________________ . (A) The window is ________________ .
(B) There is _____________________ . (B) The rug is ____________________ .
(C) The cake is ___________________ . (C) There is ______________________ .
(D) The dishes are ________________ . (D) The coffee cups have ___________ .

3. 4.

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A□ B□ C□ D□ A□ B□ C□ D□
(A) People are____________________ . (A) Some people are ______________ .
(B) There is _____________________ . (B) The suit is ____________________ .
(C) Some people are _______________ . (C) The lights are _________________ .
(D) The cars are __________________ . (D) The clerk is ___________________ .

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II. Dạng câu hỏi có hình phong cảnh thiên nhiên

Trọng tâm của bài học

Là dạng câu hỏi lấy phong cảnh thiên nhiên làm đối tượng trọng tâm chứ không phải con người. Các
đáp án được thể hiện bằng hình thức bị động do chủ ngữ diễn tả sự vật hoặc nơi chốn. Các bạn hãy
cố gắng nắm vững các cụm từ miêu tả thiên nhiên và phong cảnh.
Phân tích hình 019.mp3

path đường mòn on both sides ở hai bên đường
woods rừng cây have thick leaves có tán Iá dày
fallen leaves lá rụng be wooded có nhiều cây
be scattered lác đác, rải rác heavily nhiều, dày dặc

Bài tập 5 020.mp3

Nghe những câu dưới đây và điền vào chỗ trống.

1. The path is ______________________ a forest.

2. Skyscrapers ______________________ the city.

3. There is a ______________________ along the side walk.

4. The mountain peak is ______________________ the snow.

5. The lake is ______________________.

6. There are ______________________ around the tall buildings.

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7. The boats are ______________________ in the water.

8. There is a ______________________ the lake.

path đuờng mòn peak đỉnh, chóp
passthrough đi qua be covered with được phủ lên
skyscraper nhà chọc trời calm yên tĩnh
tower cao vượt hẳn float lềnh bềnh, nổi
grassy phủ đầy cỏ bridge chiếc cầu
sidewalk vỉa hè

Bài tập 6 021.mp3

Nghe các câu miêu tả về bức hình dưới đây, nếu có nội dung phù hợp với hình, chọn T; ngược lại
chọn F.

1. (A) [T/F]
(B) [T/F]
(C) [T/F]
(D) [T/F]
(E) [T/F]
(F) [T/F]

shovel xúc be cut down bị chặt, đốn
being used đang được sử dụng a pile một đống
be covered with được bao phủ bởi lose the leaves rụng lá

Bài tập 7 022.mp3

Nghe các câu miêu tả về bức hình dưới đây, nếu có nội dung phù hợp với hình, chọn T; ngược lại
chọn F.

2. (A) [T/F]
(B) [T/F]
(C) [T/F]
(D) [T/F]
(E) [T/F]
(F) [T/F]


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duck con vịt

swim bơi lội
lake hồ
be docked cập bến
water's edge mép nước
object sự vật, vật thể
be reflected phản chiếu
feed cho ăn
wave vẫy tay
deck boong tàu

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Bài tập 8 024.mp3

Chọn câu đúng qua lời miêu tả về các bức hình dưới đây, lắng nghe và điền vào chỗ trống.

1. 2.

A□ B□ C□ D□ A□ B□ C□ D□
(A) Some people are _______________ . (A) The trees _____________________ .
(B) The mountain is _______________ . (B) The buildings are ______________ .
(C) The trees are __________________ . (C) The buildings are ______________ .
(D) There are ____________________ . (D) There are _____________________ .

3. 4.

A□ B□ C□ D□ A□ B□ C□ D□
(A) Most of the trees are ____________ . (A) There are _____________________ .
(B) The area is ___________________ . (B) The water is __________________ .
(C) The road _____________________ . (C) People are ____________________ .
(D) There are ____________________ . (D) People are ____________________ .

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Example 1: Choose the statement that best describes the photograph. 006.mp3
(A) The store is crowded with shoppers.
(B) Shoes are on display in a store
(C) A woman is taking off her shoes
(D) Some shoppers are trying on shoes.

Example 2: Choose the statement that best describes the

(A) The building are under construction.
(B) Construction vehicles have been parked near the tree.
(C) Cars are parked on both sides of the street.
(D) A person is getting in a car.

Bài tập 1: Listen and choose the statement that best

cribes each photograph.

(A) Books are arranged in rows.
(B) Books are stacked on the table.


(A) A man is painting a wall.

(B) A ladder is leaning against a building.
ere is an armchair by the window.
(B) There are vases on the table.
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(B) Papers are spread out across the table.

(A) Chairs have been placed around the table

(A) There is a fence in front of the building

(B) There are columns in the front of building.


(A) The

buildings are under construction.

(B) The window is widely open

Bài tập 2:
Listen and choose the statement that best describes each
1. (

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are sitting in the bench. 2.

(B) There is a bicycle on the path.
(C) Some buildings overlook the park.

(A) The ship has been tied to the dock.

(B) Some people are sitting in chairs.
(C) A man is swimming in the water.
3. 4.

(A) The train platform is empty.

(B) The train doors are open.
(C) There are passengers waiting to board the
(A) The
man is
through 6.
a telescope.
(B) There is a microscope on the desk.
(C) The doctor is reading a patient's record.

(A) The
room is
full of people. (A) P
(B) A couple is waiting to take their seats. (B) A vehicle is parked in front of a plane.
(C) Several tables are by the window. (C) The plane is landing on the ground.

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me (A) There
box is a fence
es are placed on the floor. in front
(B) There is some fruit on display. of the
(C) The garden is full of fruit trees.

(B) The man is climbing up the ladders.
(C) Some ladders are leaing against the

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Bài tập 3: 009.mp3

Listen and choose the statement that best describes each photograph. Then, listen again and fill
the missing words in the gapped statements below
1. (A) The woman is _____ some bread.
(B) Different kinds of bread _____ _____ _____ for sale.
(C) the woman is _____ a shopping cart.

2. (A) The ______ door is _____.

(B) There are _____ on _____ of the stairs.
(C) A _____ is _____ down the stairs.

3. (A) Some people are _____ their bikes.

(B) The bikes are _____ next to a _____.
(C) Some of the bikes _____ baskets.

4. (A) One woman is _____ a cup of _____.

(B) One man is _____ in a notebook.
(C) There are some _____ on the _____.

5. (A) Some _____ is on the _____.

(B) The tables are all _____.
(C) A waiter is _____ the _____.

6. (A) The woman is _____ her suitcase.

(B) The suitcase is ____ the ____.
(C) The porter is _____ the bag

7. (A) The _____ are being _____.

(B) The wagon is full of _____.
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(C) There are several types of _____.

8. (A) There are some _____ on the _____.

(B) The river is _____ with _____.
(C) A ship is _____ under the _____.

9. (A) There are some _____ on the _____.

(B) The river is _____ with _____.
(C) A ship is _____ under the _____.

10. (A) There are no _____ in the _____.

(B) People are wheeling carts out of the ____.
(C) The statue is _____ _____ the building.

11. (A) There are monitors all _____ the _____.

(B) All of the people are _____ the _____ channel.
(C) The men are _____ monitors.

12. (A) Many ____ are ____ in the ground.

(B) The wheelbarrow ____ _____ on the path.
(C) The gardener is _____ _____.

Bài tập 4: Listen and choose the statement that best describes
each photograph. 010.mp3


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TEST 01:
Listening Comprehension
In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. The
entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given
for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers
in your test book.

Part 1
Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test
book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you
see in the picture. Then, find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer.
The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

Look at the example item below.

Now listen to the four statements.

Sample Answer
(A) (B)  (D)
Statement (C), “They’re standing near the table,” is the best description of the picture, so you should
select answer (C) and mark it on your answer sheet.

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TEST 02:


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TEST 03:


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1. Nắm vững câu hỏi cơ bản

Part 2 yêu cầu thí sinh chọn câu trả lời thích hợp nhất cho câu hỏi vừa được nghe. Dù bạn nghe
được hết cả 3 lựa chọn nhưng không nghe được câu hỏi thì cũng vô ích. Việc nghe nhiều câu hỏi
gần giống nhau có thể làm bạn dễ nhầm lẫn. Giáo trình sẽ cung cấp các bài tập giúp bạn luyện tập
phần này. Hãy nghe các câu hỏi thường gặp sau đây và điền vào chỗ trống bằng các từ nghi vấn
(question word).

 Nghe và điền vào chỗ trống các từ nghi vấn. 038.mp3

1. ___________ are you going to Seattle this afternoon?
2. ___________ are you going to Seattle this afternoon?
3. ___________ are you going to Seattle for your trip?
4. ___________ are you going on your vacation this summer?
5. ___________ time are you going to leave for the workshop?
6. ___________ about going to a movie tonight?
7. ___________ are you going to take, a bus or the subway?

Gợi ý:
* “be going to + danh từ chỉ nơi chốn” có nghĩa là đi đến nơi nào. “be going to + động từ nguyên
mẫu” nghĩa là dự định làm gì.
Ví dụ:
He's going to New York. (Anh ấy đang đi tới New York.)
He's going to meet the clients. (Anh ấy dự dịnh gặp khách hàng.)

 Xác định câu trả lời đúng.

1. How are you going to Seattle this afternoon?
Dùng How để hỏi cách đi đến Seattle (bằng phương tiện gì)
2. Why are you going to Seattle this afternoon?
Dùng Why để hỏi lý do đi đến Seattle
3. When are you going to Seattle for your trip?
Dùng When để hỏi thời điểm đi đến Seattle
4. Where are you going on your vacation this summer?
Dùng Where để hỏi nơi nghỉ hè
5. What time are you going to leave for the workshop?
Dùng What kết hợp với time để hỏi thời gian đi đến cuộc hội thảo
6. How about going to a movie tonight?
Dùng How kết hợp với about để đề nghị đi xem phim
7. Which are you going to take, a bus or the subway?

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Dùng Which kết hợp với a bus or the subway để chọn lựa một trong hai

trip (n) chuyến đi
vacation (n) (chuyến đi) nghỉ mát
leave for rời (nơi nào đó) để đến ~ workshop (n) hội thảo
take a bus bắt xe buýt

2. Nắm phương pháp loại trừ đáp án sai

Trong số 30 câu hỏi của Part 2 thì khoảng 10 câu hỏi có đáp án đúng là câu trả lời gián tiếp.
Nghĩa là nếu câu hỏi là Where thì trong 10 trường hợp, đáp án đúng không phải là câu trả lời chỉ
nơi chốn.
Q: Where did you get that camera?
A: Oh, It’s a gift from my friend, John.
Rõ ràng, câu trả lời cho câu hỏi trên không phải là một nơi chốn như ta thường mong đợi. Do đó,
trước hết các bạn phải học cách loại trừ các câu trả lời hiển nhiên sai, sau đó bạn sẽ dễ dàng chọn
được đáp án đúng hơn.

 Nghe 2 đáp án cho mỗi câu hỏi dưới đây, đánh X vào đáp án sai, và O vào đáp án đúng.

1. How much sugar do you want for your coffee?

(A) __________ (B) __________

2. Which do you prefer, a window seat or an aisle seat?

(A) __________ (B) __________
Gợi ý:
* Nếu nghe mà không phán đoán được đâu là đáp án sai thì không thể sử dụng phương pháp loại
* Thông thường trong các đáp án của Part 2, đáp án nào xuất hiện những từ đã nghe trong câu
hỏi rồi thì thường là đáp án sai. Do đó, khi nghe nếu bạn chỉ nhớ loáng thoáng các âm mà
không hiểu nghĩa thì không thể chọn đúng được.

 Xác định câu trả lời đúng.

1.(A) O (B) X
How much sugar do you want for your coffee?  Hỏi về lượng đường cần bỏ vào cà
(A) I prefer black.  Trả lời là thích cà phê đen (tức là
không cần đường)
B) Yes, we’re out of sugar.  Đây là câu hỏi có từ nghi vấn nên
không được trả lời bằng Yes
2.(A) O (B) X
Which do you prefer, a window seat or an aisle seat?  Hỏi về chỗ bạn thích ngồi, gần cửa sổ
hay gần lối đi
(A) Either is fine with me.  Chỗ nào cũng được (không chọn 1
chỗ như mong đợi)
(B) The cold food is in aisle 3.  Thức ăn nguội ở dãy thứ 3

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prefer (v) thích hơn
be out of: hết
aisle (n) lối đi
either cái này hoặc cái kia (cái nào cũng được)
cold food thức ăn nguội

I. Câu hỏi Who/ Where

Trọng tâm của bài học
Dạng câu hỏi bắt đầu bằng Who /Where xuất hiện trung bình 2 lần trong đề thi mỗi tháng. Tuy thí
sinh chỉ nghe câu hỏi nhưng cũng có thể dễ dàng trả lời được. Who là câu hỏi về người còn Where là
câu hỏi về nơi chốn. Tuy nhiên không phải lúc nào cũng như vậy nên khi làm bài, thí sinh nên cẩn
thận để phát hiện và tránh được các bẫy có trong đề thi.

Phân tích câu hỏi và các đáp án lựa chọn 025.mp3

Câu hỏi Who
Who called you this morning?
→ One of my clients from Hong Kong.
Who will announce the report tomorrow?
→ The president will do it
Là câu hỏi về con người; thông qua từ called để
hỏi người đã gọi vào buổi sáng là ai.
Client có nghĩa là khách hàng.
Là câu hỏi về con người, thông qua will announce để hỏi về nhân vật sẽ phát biểu là ai.
Nói đến một chức danh cụ thể.

Câu hỏi Where

Where did you go for your vacation?
→ I went to Florida this year.
Where will the meeting be held?
→ In the conference room.
Là câu hỏi về nơi chốn, thông qua go for/ vacation để hỏi về nơi nghỉ mát.
Đề cập đến một địa điểm cụ thể.
Là câu hỏi về nơi chốn, thông qua will/ meeting /be held để hỏi địa điểm sẽ tổ chức hội nghị.
Đề cập đến một địa điểm cụ thể.

call gọi điện president chủ tịch
client khách hàng be held được tổ chức
announce thông báo conference hội nghị
report bài báo cáo, bài tường thuật

Bài tập 1 026.mp3

Nghe các câu hỏi và chọn ra câu trả lời đúng.
1. [ A / B ]
2. [ A / B ]
3. [ A / B ]
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design thiết kế be held được tổ chức
downtown khu trung tâm thành phố sell well bán chạy
local (thuộc) địa phương revised được sửa lại
architect kiến trúc sư annual hàng năm, thường niên
sales meeting hội nghị về bán hàng be canceled hủy bỏ

Bài tập 2 027.mp3

Nghe các câu hỏi và chọn ra câu trả lời đúng.
4. [ A / B ]
5. [ A / B ]
6. [ A / B ]
be in charge of phụ trách cash register máy tính tiền
office supplies văn phòng phẩm entrance cổng vào
stapler cái dập ghim next to kế
pay for trả, thanh toán vice president phó chủ tịch
suit bộ com-lê present the award trao giải thưởng

Bài tập 3 028.mp3

Nghe các câu hỏi và chọn ra câu trả lời đúng.
7. [ A / B ]
8. [ A / B ]
9. [ A / B ]
report bản báo cáo, thông báo leave the company rời khỏi công ty, nghỉ việc
missing mất, thất lạc necklace sợi dây chuyền
be submitted được nộp gift quà tặng
retirement party tiệc chia tay nghỉ hưu expensive đắt

Bài tập 4 029.mp3

Nghe những câu dưới đây và điền vào chỗ trống.
1. __________________ this report?
2. __________________ did you __________________ this camera?
3. __________________ the meeting?
4. __________________ can I take the __________________ near here?
5. __________________ are you planning to __________________?
6. __________________ me with this proposal?
7. __________________ did you __________________ the news?
8. __________________ the sales department?
9. __________________ public phone?
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10. __________________ be working on this project?

report bản báo cáo proposal dự kiến, đề nghị
camera máy quay phim, chụp ảnh in charge of phụ trách
chair làm chủ tọa, chủ trì

Luyện nghe những câu cần thiết 030.mp3

Luyện nghe những câu hỏi Who/Where thường gặp

Câu hỏi Who 1. Who is going to be working on the Thomson project?

2. Who does this bag belong to?
3. Who took over when your supervisor was away?
4. Who has the copy of the revised schedule?
5. Who is responsible for the repairs to the copier?

Câu hỏi Where 6. Where is the nearest train station?

7. Where can I pay for this shirt?
8. Where did you buy that briefcase?
9. Where can we get an ink cartridge for the printer?
10. Where can I find the accounting office?

Bài tập 5 031.mp3

Lắng nghe và chọn câu trả lời đúng cho từng câu hỏi, sau khi nghe lại lần 2, hãy điền vào chỗ trống.

1. A□ B□ C□ 4. A□ B□ C□
________________the expense report? __________________________belong to?
(A) It costs more than ______________ .
(A) It is mine.
(B) The trees are __________________ .
(B) No, I didn’t ___________________ .
(C) In your ______________________ .
(C) It’s not_______________________ .

2. A□ B□ C□ 5. A□ B□ C□
________________ take her to the ____________________ pay phone?
airport? (A) I think you should ______________ .
(A) The plane leaves_______________ .
(B) Yes, you can __________________ .
(B) Robert can do it.
(C) There’s one ___________________ .
(C) _____________________.

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3. A□ B□ C□ 6. A□ B□ C□
________________ a good place to ____________________ about my missing
eat? credit card?
(A) ______________and steak. (A) Tell the man __________ back there.
(B) Try the restaurant ______________ . (B) No, I’ll pay _______________.
(C) I ___________________ in the morning. (C) I__________ to mechanic yesterday.

II. Câu hỏi When / Which

Trọng tâm của bài học
Dạng câu hỏi bắt đầu bằng When / Which xuất hiện trung bình hơn 2-3 câu trong đề thi mỗi tháng.
Tuy thí sinh chỉ được nghe câu hỏi và các đáp án nhưng việc trả lời đúng các câu hỏi là tương đối dễ
dàng. When là câu hỏi về thời gian, còn Which là câu hỏi lựa chọn. Tuy nhiên, thí sinh nên cẩn thận
với những bẫy trả lời gián tiếp vì chúng không đề cập đến thời điểm hoặc sự lựa chọn một cách rõ

Phân tích câu hỏi và các đáp án lựa chọn 032.mp3

Câu hỏi When

When will the meeting be held?
→ After lunch.
When did you last talk to Mr. Kim?
→ Yesterday at the meeting.
1. Là dạng câu hỏi về thời điểm, thông qua will/ be held để hỏi về một thời điểm ở tương lai.
Không đề cập đến thời gian cụ thể, chỉ cho biết là buổi chiều qua cụm từ after lunch.

2. Là dạng câu hỏi về thời điểm, thông qua did/ last talk có thể biết được đó là thời điểm ở quá
Đề cập đến thời điểm cụ thể ở quá khứ.

Câu hỏi Which

Which hotel should I reserve?
→ The one close to downtown.
Which way is faster to the station?
→ The highway is faster.
3. Là dạng câu hỏi lựa chọn, thông qua hotel/ reserve để hỏi về việc sẽ đăng ký khách sạn nào.
Đã chọn the one.

4. Là dạng câu hỏi lựa chọn đuờng nào (which way). Thông qua từ station có thể đoán là hỏi về
cách đi đến nhà ga.
Cụ thể đã nói đến highway.

meeting hội nghị last cuối cùng, gần đây
be held được tổ chức reserve đăng ký trước

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faster nhanh hơn highway quốc lộ

Bài tập 6 033.mp3

Nghe các câu hỏi và chọn ra câu trả lời đúng.
1. [ A / B ]
2. [ A / B ]
3. [ A / B ]

leave for rời khỏi ~ để đến ~ workshop nhà marketing job công việc tiếp thị
xưởng, hội thảo far away xa deadline hạn chót
at the latest trễ nhất market survey khảo sát thị trường
position chức vụ marketing department phòng tiếp thị
apply for nộp đơn as I know of như tôi biết

Bài tập 7 034.mp3

Nghe các câu hỏi và chọn ra câu trả lời đúng.
4. [ A / B ]
5. [ A / B ]
6. [ A / B ]
airport sân bay either cái này hoặc cái kia
employee training huấn luyện nhân viên arrive đến
prefer thích hơn for a while mội lúc
window seat ghế ngồi cạnh cửa sổ actually thực sự
aisle seat ghế ngồi cạnh lối đi

Bài tập 8 035.mp3

Nghe các câu hỏi và chọn ra câu trả lời đúng.
7. [ A / B ]
8. [ A / B ]
9. [ A / B ]

proposal dự kiến, đề nghị wallpaper giấy dán tường
due đến hạn, đáo hạn patterned có hoa văn
be ready sẵn sàng brighter sáng hơn
approve chấp nhận

Bài tập 9 036.mp3

Nghe những câu dưới đây và điền vào chỗ trống.

1. ___________________ supposed to start?

2. ___________________ turns off the camcorder?
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3. ___________________ are you going to ___________________?

4. ___________________ should I ___________________ for the staff meeting?
5. ___________________ today?
6. ___________________, the red one or the blue one?
7. ___________________ you start your ___________________?
8. ___________________ goes to London?
9. ___________________ get to know each other?
10. ___________________ is yours?
1. When is the show 2. Which button 3. When / finish the project 4. When / reserve 5. When are you
leaving 6. Which do you prefer 7. When will / new job 8. Which train 9. When did you 10. Which

Luyện nghe những câu cần thiết 037.mp3

Luyện nghe những câu hỏi When/Which thường gặp

Câu hỏi When 1. When do you usually get to the office in the morning?
2. When is the seminar scheduled to begin?
3. When does the warranty on the camcorder expire?
4. When do you expect the repairman to arrive?
5. When are you taking your vacation this year?

Câu hỏi Which 6. Which do you prefer, the black one or the white one?
7. Which hotel should I reserve for the visitors?
8. Which place would you like to go for lunch today?
9. Which number should I press to be connected with the front desk?
10. Which way is quicker to get to your home?

Bài tập 10 038.mp3

Lắng nghe và chọn câu trả lời đúng cho từng câu hỏi, sau khi nghe lại lần 2, hãy điền vào chỗ trống.

1. A□ B□ C□ 4. A□ B□ C□
_______ is Sophia ________at the station? ___________________________________
to the train station?
(A) We need one more _____________ . (A) _______________________than a car.
(B) She didn’t tell me. (B) Take the route 5.
(C) The train _____________________ . (C) _______, taking train is _____________.

2. A□ B□ C□ 5. A□ B□ C□
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________________ would you like, the ____________________ the international

white ones or the blue ones? conference___________?
(A) Can I ________________________? (A) ___________this time.
(B) Those are ____________________ . (B) ____________________________ .
(C) There is ________________________ (C) It will __________________ at least.
across the street.

3. A□ B□ C□ 6. A□ B□ C□
________________________________ ____________________ are you looking for
of my medical check-up?
(A) ________________________. (A) I’ve been seeking ______________ .
(B) The results are_________________ . (B) A convertible ____________________.
(C) I’d like to ________________________. (C) I ____________ behind the building.


Questions with Who
Example. Listen and choose the best response to the question. 011.mp3
Who will replace Mr. Freeman when he leave?
(A) Mr. Washington will.
(B) Yes, it’s a beautiful area.
(C) I’m not sure where he lives.

Question structures
Structure 1: Who is/are/was/were + noun? 012.mp3
Q: Who is the woman?
A: She is my new secretary.
Possible responses
 Her name is Jessica.
 She is the manager of the Maintenance Department.
 I have no idea./ I am not sure.
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. Who is the new receptionist?
(A) I have no idea. (B) It’s on my desk.
2. Who is the person in charge of payroll?
(A) That is Mrs. Smith. (B) Once a year.
3. Who is the woman sitting next to Mr. Thomas?
(A) She can do everything.
(B) She is the manager of the Maintenance Department.

Structure 2: Who + verb (present tense/past tense) + object? 013.mp3

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Q: Who has this month's sales report?

A: I have it right here.
Possible responses:
 Michael is taking care of it.
 It’s on my desk
 My manager should know it.
 I gave it to your secretary.
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. Who left this file in the meeting room?
(A) You're right. (B) I did.
2. Who handles the complaints about shipping costs?
(A) Michael takes care of them. (B) We only take cash.
3. Who called you early this morning?
(A) It was Mr. Ford. (B) In the kitchen.

Structure 3: Who will + bare infinitive/be + V-ing? 014.mp3

Who is going to + bare infinitive?
Who is supposed to + bare infinitive?
Q: Who will replace Ms. Clinton after she retires?
A: Mr. Chang, our marketing manager.
Possible responses.
 Mr. Washington will.
 Someone from the Washington office will.
 They haven’t found anyone yet.

Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. Who will Inform the employees of the schedule changes?
(A) Mr. Washington will. (B) At the hospital.
2. Who is going to work on the design project?
(A) That’s fine. (B) We have not decided yet,
3. Who is supposed to pick up this document?
(A) I think I can. (B) Yes, usually.

Practice - Questions with Who (1)

Listen to the questions and responses below and choose the correct response to each question.
Then, listen again and fill the missing words in the gapped questions and responses. 015.mp3
Practice A Practice B
1. Who is the woman? 1. Who _____ the _____?
(A) She is _____ new _____. (A) The reception is _____ _____.
(B) She is _____ with her clients. (B) Mr. Robinson and _____ _____ did.
2. Who organized the reception? 2. Who is supposed to _____ the _____?

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(A) That would be the _____ _____. (A) Please _____ it _____ me.
(B) The _____ is complicated. (B) My office is _____ the _____ _____.
3. Who is supposed to pay the bill? 3. Who _____ the _____?
(A) The _____ _____ is _____. (A) She is the _____ _____.
(B) The Maintenance Department is _____ (B) She is _____ _____ her _____.
_____ _____ it. 4. Who _____ _____ the annual _____?
4. Who will organize the annual meeting? (A) _____ a _____.
(A) I _____ no _____. (B) The Planning Department is _____ _____ it.
(B) _____ a _____. 5. Who _____ _____ _____ _____ the copy
5. Who has a copy of the contract? machine?
(A) I’m _____ _____. . (A) A technician _____ _____ it tomorrow.
(B) I _____ _____ it to your (B) _____ the _____ across the street.
6. Who is going to repair the copy machine? 6. Who _____ a _____ of the contract?
(A) _____ the coffee shop _____the street. (A) I'm _____ now.
(B) _____ Steven _____ the maintenance office. (B) Mr. Smith _____it.

Structure 4: Who is + V-ing + object? 016. mp3

Q: Who is giving the sales presentation?
A: I think Mr. Gomez is.
Possible responses.
 I said I would.
 I have asked Robert to do it
 I think Thompson is scheduled to.
 One of my colleagues will.
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. Who is giving the presentation at today’s meeting?
(A) On the radio. (B) I said I would.
2. Who is looking into the problems with the computer?
(A) I asked Robert to do it. (B) About five months.
3. Who is driving you to the airport?
(A) One of my colleagues will. (B) That’s true.

Structure 5: Who is in charge of + noun phrase/gerund phrase? 017.mp3

Who is responsible for + noun phrase/gerund phrase?
Q: Who is in charge of hiring new employees?
A: That's personnel manager's job.
Possible responses:
 That would be Mr. Taylor.
 Mr. Thompson, the personnel director.
 That’s my job.
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below

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1. Who is in charge of making hiring decisions?

(A) It’s his report. (B) Mr. Thompson, the personnel director.
2. Who is responsible for setting up the tables for the meeting?
(A) At a local hotel. (B) That would be Mr. Taylor.
3. Who is responsible for purchasing office supplies?
(A) That’s my job. (B) That’s a good idea.

Structure 6: Who should/can + subject + bare infinitives? 018.mp3

Who did/do/does + subject + bare infinitives?
Q: Who should I submit this report to?
[= To whom should I submit this report?]
A: Ask the secretary.
Possible responses:
 The secretary will let you know.
 You can give it to Mr. Johnson in the Planning Department.
 I am not sure.
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. Who should I ask for the annual sales report?
(A) I’m not sure. (B) At about 9 a.m.
2. Who did you give the document to?
(A) To Mr. Kim in the Sales Department (B) I don’t know him at all.
3. Who does this laptop belong to?
(A) Yes, it’s very interesting. (B) Mark in the R&D Department, I think.

Practice – Questions with Who (2) 019.mp3

Listen to the questions and responses below and the correct response to each question.
Then, listen again and fill the missing words in the gapped questions and responses.
Practice A Practice B
1. Who is driving you to the train station? 1. Who is in _____ of the _____ Department?
(A) It _____ _____ 10 minutes. (A) _____ _____ be Ms. Elliot.
(B) I _____ a taxi. (B) I ____ so.
2. Who should I contact to confirm the 2. Who does this handbag ____ _____?
reservation? It's Jane’s.
(A) _____ the receptionist. (A) It’s _____ Jane’s.
(B) I _____ a taxi. (B) It’s very _____.
3. Who does this handbag belong to? 3. Who should I _____ _____ confirm the
(A) It would _____ _____. reservation?
(B) I am not _____. (A) I reserved a _____ _____.
4. Who is in charge of the Planning (B) _____ this _____.
Department? 4. Who is _____ _____ the _____ tonight?
(A) Mr. Kent is _____ that. (A) The _____ _____ in the Marketing
(B) I _____ so. Department.
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5. Who is responsible for hiring salespeople? (B) The _____ _____ at 10.
(A) You _____ _____ _____ any higher. 5. Who is _____ you to the _____ _____?
(B) Mr. Corner usually _____ _____ _____ that. (A) It will _____ _____ _____.
6. Who is coming to the party tonight? (B) Johnson will _____ with _____ .
(A) Some _____ _____ from my college. 6. Who is ____ for _____ salespeople?
(B) It is a _____ party. (A) You _____ _____ be there.
(B) _____ would be the personnel _____.

Practice the possible questions. 020.mp3

Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions.
1. (A) (B)
2. (A) (B)
3. (A) (B)
4. (A) (B)
5. (A) (B)
6. (A) (B)
7. (A) (B)
8. (A) (B)
9. (A) (B)
10. (A) (B)

Practice with TOEIC Actual Questions. 021.mp3

Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions.
1. (A) (B) (C)
2. (A) (B) (C)
3. (A) (B) (C)
4. (A) (B) (C)
5. (A) (B) (C)
6. (A) (B) (C)
7. (A) (B) (C)
8. (A) (B) (C)
9. (A) (B) (C)
10. (A) (B) (C)
11. (A) (B) (C)
12. (A) (B) (C)
13. (A) (B) (C)
14. (A) (B) (C)
15. (A) (B) (C)

Questions with Where

Example: Listen and choose the best response to the question. 022.mp3
Where is your new office building?
(A) At the end of King Street.
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(B) Yes, that’s my job.

(C) I worked for five years.

Question Structures:
Structure 1: Where is/are + noun/noun phrase? 023.mp3
Where is the nearest/closest + noun/noun phrase?
Q: Where is your company's head office?
A: It's in New York.
Possible responses:
 In Singapore.
 You can find it on the main page of our website.
 The head office was recently moved to Seoul.
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. Where is our new branch office?
(A) In Singapore. (B) For several hours.
2. Where is the nearest bookstore?
(A) Thanks for letting me know. (B) On the next corner.

Structure 2: Where is/are + subject + past participle? 024.mp3

Q: Where is your company based?
A: It is based in Tokyo.
Possible responses:
 We have our main office in Seoul.
 We are based in Manhattan.
 In San Francisco.
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. Where is your new office located?
(A) We have our main office in Seoul. (B) I’ll do it tomorrow.
2. Where is your head office located?
(A) We are based In Manhattan. (B) Early Saturday evening.
3.Where was the sales conference held last month?
(A) With my friend. (B) In San Francisco.

Structure 3: Where can I + bare infinitive + object? 025.mp3

Q: Where can I get a copy of this newsletter?
A: I don't think there are any left.
Possible responses:
 You can get one at the reception hall,
 I will get one for you.
 Why don’t you go to the PR office?
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
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1. Where can I get a pamphlet?

(A) I will get one for you. (B) I just moved here yesterday.
2. Where can I buy an umbrella?
(A) It’s ten dollars. (B) Try the shop next to the bank.
3. Where can I find the business magazines?
(A) They are in the magazine section. (B) It’s possible, I suppose.

Practice - Questions with Where (1) 026.mp3

Listen to the questions and responses below and choose the correct response to each question.
Then, listen again and fill the missing words in the gapped questions and responses.
Practice A Practice B
1. Where is the copy machine? 1. Where are the documents _____?
(A) On the _____ _____. (A) The store is _____ _____ _____
(B) I need _____ _____. (B) _____ Sharon.
2. Where are the documents stored? 2. Where is your _____ _____ _____?
(A) The store is _____ on _____. (A) _____, _____ _____ in L.A.
(B) _____ the drawer of my _____. (B) _____ to the convention _____.
3. Where can I submit my application? 3. Where is the _____ _____?
(A) You can ______ it _____. (A) _____ _____ Michael’s office.
(B) I _____ it. (B) I need ____ copies.
4. Where is the closest supermarket around 4. Where can I ____ my ____?
here? (A) Please go to the _____ _____.
(A) I will _____ some _____. (B) He _____ it.
(B) Next to the _____ _____. 5. Where is the _____ _____ _____?
5. Where is the guest list for Friday's reception? (A) I will _____ _____ cheese.
(A) Mr. Smith _____ knows. (B) Just _____ the _____.
(B) It will be _____ _____ the banquet hall. 6. Where is the _____ _____ for Friday’s
6. Where is your new office located? _____?
(A) Yes, his office is _____ New York. (A) The _____ _____ has it.
(B) In the _____ _____. (B) It will _____ _____ at the Hilton Hotel.

Structure 4: Where should I + bare infinitive + object? 027.mp3

Q: Where should I put this plant?
A: On Mr. Johnson's desk.
Possible responses:
 In the back room.
 On the shelf.
 Over there in the corner.

Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. Where should I put these catalogs?
(A) At nine tomorrow. (B) On the shelf.
2. Where should I store these boxes of copy paper?
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(A) Thanks a lot. (B) In the back room.

3. Where should I park the car?
(A) Over there. (B) The park is wonderful.

Structure 5: Where did/do/does + subject + verb? 028.mp3

Q: Where did you work before you got this job?
A: At a small design company.
Possible responses:
 I worked at an export firm.
 I helped with my father’s business.
 I studied at a university.
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. Where did Kate go on her holiday?
(A) With her family. (B) To Singapore.
2, Where do you keep the office supplies?
(A) In the cabinet. (B) At noon.
3, Where did Mr. Gibson leave the report?
(A) He left it on his desk. (B) He will leave for Sydney.

Structure 6: Where is/are + subject + going to + bare infinitive/be + past participle?

Where is/are + subject + V-ing? 029.mp3
Where will + subject + bare infinitive/be + V-ing/be + past participle?
Q: Where is the next convention going to be held?
A: At the Plaza Hotel.
Possible responses:
 It will be in Las Vegas.
 It has not been decided yet.
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. Where is the seminar going to be held next year?
(A) Yes, it will. (B) It will be in Las Vegas.
2. Where will they move the office?
(A) It has not been decided yet. (B) That is surprising.
3. Where is your department having the welcome party?
(A) At the Plaza Hotel. (B) At about 5 o'clock.

Practice - Questions with Where (2) 030.mp3

Listen to the questions and responses below and choose the correct response to each question.
Then, listen again and fill the missing words in the gapped questions and responses.
Practice A Practice B
1, Where did you hear the news? 1. Where will the _____ _____ be _____?
(A) A _____ of mine _____ me. (A) To show _____ _____ _____.

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(B) He will be here _____ _____ _____. (B) At the _____ _____.
2. Where should I put my suitcase? 2. Where are they going to _____ a new factory?
(A) The handbag suits _____ _____. (A) Yes, they _____ in the ____.
(B) In the closet in the _____. (B) Several options are being _____.
3. Where are you traveling next summer? 3. Where did you ____ the _____?
(A) I haven't _____ _____. (A) Everyone _____ it.
(B) _____ _____ the Bahamas! (B) He will be _____ ____.
4. Where will the trade show be held? 4. Where should I _____ my _____?
(A) _____ _____ some new clothing lines. (A) The _____ _____ you well.
(B) _____ Chicago. (B) You can _____ _____ _____.
5. Where are they going to build a new factory? 5.Where did Samantha _____ the _____ _____?
(A) On the outskirts _____ _____. (A) She left _____ _____ ago.
(B) Is _____ the _____? (B) I have no _____.
6. Where did Samantha leave the application 6. Where are you _____ next summer?
form? (A) Hawaii.
(A) She left an _____ _____. (B) ______ ______ Hong Kong
(B) In the _____.

Practice the possible questions. 031.mp3

Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions.
1. (A) (B)
2. (A) (B)
3. (A) (B)
4. (A) (B)
5. (A) (B)
6. (A) (B)
7. (A) (B)
8. (A) (B)
9. (A) (B)
10. (A) (B)

Practice with TOEIC Actual Questions. 032.mp3

Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions.
1. (A) (B) (C)
2. (A) (B) (C)
3. (A) (B) (C)
4. (A) (B) (C)
5. (A) (B) (C)
6. (A) (B) (C)
7. (A) (B) (C)
8. (A) (B) (C)
9. (A) (B) (C)
10. (A) (B) (C)
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11. (A) (B) (C)

12. (A) (B) (C)
13. (A) (B) (C)
14. (A) (B) (C)
15. (A) (B) (C)

Questions with When 033.mp3

Listen and choose the best response to the question.
When is the workshop supposed to end?
(A) At 3 o clock
(B) It does not work.
(C) At the end of the corridor.

Question structures:
Structure 1: When is + Subject + ….? 034.mp3
Q: When is the train to London?
A: In thirty minutes.
Possible responses:
 At 5 o’clock sharp.
 Not until 7 o'clock tomorrow morning.
 Please ask the conductor.
 Why don’t you go to the information center?
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. When is the dinner appointment with Mr. Tanaka?
(A) At 5 o’clock.
(B) By telephone.
2. When is the next available flight to Hawaii?
(A) I want to take the train.
(B) Not until 7 o'clock tomorrow morning.

Structure 2: When is/are + subject + due? 035.mp3

When is the deadline for + noun/noun phrase?
Q: When is the project due?
A: Next Monday.
Possible responses:
 By the end of this month.
 We have a few more days.
 You should finish it before five o’clock today.
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. When are the assignments due?
(A) In the mailboxes. (B) You should finish it before five o’clock today.

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2. When is this phone bill due?

(A) You can use my phone. (B) By the end of this month.
3. When is the deadline for registration?
(A) We have a few more days. (B) We have the plans.

Structure 3: When did + subject + bare infinitive? 036.mp3

Q: When did you join the Marketing Department?
A: About three years ago.
Possible responses:
 I believe it was about two years ago.
 Last month.
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. When did you make the decision?
(A) We decided last week. (B) Next month.
2. When did you arrive from Tokyo?
(A) Three days ago. (B) From Platform 1.

Structure 4: When do /does + subject + bare infinitive? 037.mp3

Q: When does the train leave for Boston?
A: In ten minutes.
Possible responses:
 At 2 o'clock.
 It is being delayed.

Listen and choose the correct response to each ot the questions below.
1. When do you need the report by?
(A) Next Friday. (B) In the office.
When does the concert begin?
2. (A) In New York. (B) At 2 o'clock.

Practice - Questions with When (1)

Listen to the questions and responses below and choose the correct response to each question.
Then, listen again and fill the missing words in the gapped questions and responses. 038.mp3
Practice A Practice B
1. When is the next bus to Manhattan? 1. When did you _____ _____ this morning?
(A) It’s _____ _____. (A) I have not _____ yet.
(B) ______ _____. (B) Very _____.
2. When is the ____ for the gas bill payment?
2. When is your appointment with the dentist?
(A) In _____.
(A) This _____. (B) Next _____.
(B) In the _____ _____ town. 3. When do you ____ into your new _____?
3. When does your passport expire? (A) No ____ _____ October 10.
(A) _____ _____ from now. (B) It’s on the ______ _______.
4. When _____ your _____ with the dentist?
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(B) First of all, you should _____the _____. (A) At the _____.
4. When did you wake up this morning? (B) I have to be ____ by _____.
(A) _____ _____ o’clock. 5. When _____ your passport _____?
(A) Next _____.
(B) I have not _____ it yet.
(B) I lost my ____.
5. When do you move into your new office? 6. When is the ____ ____ to Manhattan?
(A) _____ two ____. (A) Not until ____ _____.
(B) It’s _____ the _____ floor. (B) It’s my _____.
6. When is the deadline for the gas bill
(A) By _____ _____.
(B) On _____ 15.

Structure 5: When will + subject + bare infinitive/be + V-ing? 039.mp3

When will + subject + be + past participle?
When is/are + subject + going to + bare infinitive/be + past participle?
When is/are + subject + V-ing /being + past participle?
Q: When will the meeting take place?
A: On Monday afternoon.
Possible responses:
 At 10 o'clock.
 The day after tomorrow.
 It is going to be held after lunch.
 The committee has not made a decision yet.
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. When are you moving into the new building?
(A) On the second floor. (B) Next week.
2. When are you going to release our new products?
(A) Just 10 miles from here. (B) As soon as possible.
3. When will the order be delivered?
(A) In two weeks. (B) Not at all.

Structure 6: When is /are + subject + supposed to + bare infinitive? 040.mp3

When is/are + subject + scheduled to + bare infinitive?
Q: When is the workshop supposed to end?
A: At three o'clock.
Possible responses:
 On Friday.
 Next Tuesday.
 Before noon, I hope.
 At five o'clock, I think.
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.

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1. When is he supposed to start work?

(A) He was busy. (B) Next Tuesday.
2. When are we supposed to hear from them?
(A) At five o'clock, I think. (B) No problem
3. When are the renovations scheduled to begin?
(A) Four days a week. (B) On Friday

Structure 7: When can/should I + bare infinitive? 041.mp3

When do we have to + bare infinitive?
Q: When can I expect to get the results of the test?
A: In a couple of days.
Possible responses:
 It will not take very long.
 You will get the results by next week.
 'Can you be here tomorrow?
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. When should I pick up my car?
(A) Can you be here tomorrow? (B) At the repair store.
2. When can I get my money back?
(A) It will not take very long. (B) Yes, that’s fine.
3. When do we have to submit the application forms?
(A) To the manager of the Personnel Department.
(B) By the end of the month.

Practice - Questions with When (2) 042.mp3

Listen to the questions and responses below and choose the correct response to each question. Then,
listen again and till the missing words in the gapped questions and responses
Practice A Practice B
1. When is the concert supposed to begin? 1. When are you _____ your _____?
(A) It is written on the _____. (A) At ______ tomorrow.
(B) At the _____ _____. (B) I will _____ the _____.
2. When are you taking your driving test? 2. When are you ____ _____ _____ the _____?
(A) I failed _____ _____. (A) Early _____ _____.
(B) _____ _____ from now. (B) _____ weeks _____.
3. When will your new book be published? 3. When can I ____ my ____ to _____?
(A) _____ next month, I ______. (A) Tomorrow ____, I think.
(B) That sounds _____. (B) I ____ a new ____.
4. When are you going to start the project? 4. When is the construction ____ to be _____?
(A) _____ _____, I will. (A) Of course ____.
(B) _____ _____ this work. (B) At the ____ _____ next month.
5. When is the construction scheduled to be 5. When is the concert _____ ____ _____?
finished? (A) At the _____.
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(A) I'm _____ _____ it. (B) In ___.

(B) Not for _____ _____ weeks. 6. When will your new book ____?
6. When can I expect my order to arrive? (A) ____ next week.
(A) I _____ a new printer. (B) At the ____ of the _____
(B) It will take _____ _____ days.

Practice the possible questions. 043.mp3

Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions.
1. (A) (B)
2. (A) (B)
3. (A) (B)
4. (A) (B)
5. (A) (B)
6. (A) (B)
7. (A) (B)
8. (A) (B)
9. (A) (B)
10. (A) (B)

Practice with TOEIC Actual Questions. 044.mp3

Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions.
1. (A) (B) (C)
2. (A) (B) (C)
3. (A) (B) (C)
4. (A) (B) (C)
5. (A) (B) (C)
6. (A) (B) (C)
7. (A) (B) (C)
8. (A) (B) (C)
9. (A) (B) (C)
10. (A) (B) (C)
11. (A) (B) (C)
12. (A) (B) (C)
13. (A) (B) (C)
14. (A) (B) (C)
15. (A) (B) (C)

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Trọng tâm của bài học

Lần luợt học kỹ những câu hỏi dễ bị đặt bẫy. Khi gặp dạng câu hỏi bắt đầu bằng Why/ How/ What
cần phải chú ý nghe kỹ các từ theo sau từ nghi vấn để nắm bắt được ý nghĩa của câu hỏi. Do đó cách
tốt nhất là học chi tiết từng loại câu hỏi.
Phân tích câu hỏi và các đáp án lựa chọn 039.mp3

Câu hỏi Why

Why were you late this morning?
→ There was a road construction.
Why don’t you take a few days off?
→ No, I have too many things to do.
1. Là câu hỏi về lý đo, thông qua từ late để hỏi lý do tại sao đi trễ.
Đề cập cụ thể lý do đi trễ là vì có một con đường đang thi công.

2. Là cấu trúc Why don’t you...?, thông qua cụm từ days off người hỏi đã đưa ra đề nghị xin
nghỉ vài ngày.
Đã từ chối đề nghị bằng từ No và trình bày lý do many things to do.

Câu hỏi How

How do you get to work?
→ I drive by myself.
How many workers did you hire?
→ Less than 10 people.
How long will it take to complete this project?
→ Two more months from now.
3. Là câu hỏi về cách thức, thông qua từ get to work đề hỏi người nghe đi làm bằng cách nào.
Đã trình bày cách thức cụ thể là đi làm bằng xe hơi qua từ drive.

4. Là cấu trúc How many...? hỏi về số lượng, thông qua workers /hire hỏi về số nhân viên đã
được thuê.
Nói về số nhân viên cụ thể là 10 người.

5. Là cấu trúc How long...? hỏi về khoảng thời gian, thông qua từ complete để hỏi về thời gian
hoàn thành dự án.
Nói đến thời gian cụ thể là mất hơn 2 tháng.

Câu hỏi What

What should I do to turn on the copier?
→ Press the green button.
What time does the flight depart?
→ At 3 P.M.
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What do you think of the new computer?

→ It’s much faster than the old one.
6. Là dạng câu hỏi về cách thức mở máy photocopy.
▫ Câu trả lời miêu tả động tác cụ thể nhấn nút xanh.
7. Cấu trúc What time hỏi về thời gian, thông qua từ depart để hỏi thời gian máy bay cất cánh.
▫ Đề cập cụ thể thời gian cất cánh.
8. Cấu trúc What do you think of...? hỏi về ý kiến, thông qua từ computer để hỏi nhận xét của
người nghe về máy vi tính mới.
▫ So sánh với máy vi tính trước đây để thể hiện ý kiến của mình.

road construction việc sửa chữa, tu bổ đường complete hoàn thành
sá copier máy photocopy
take a few days off nghỉ vài ngày press nhấn
get to work đi làm depart khởi hành, cất cánh
hire thuê, mướn

Ghi chú
Cần phân biệt chức năng của các từ nghi vấn Why/How/What trong câu hỏi để có thể dễ dàng tìm ra
câu trả lời như sau:
Why hỏi lý do → đáp án thường là câu trả lời trình bày lý do.
Why nêu lời đề nghị → đáp án thường là câu trả lời đồng ý hay từ chối lời đề nghị.
How hỏi về cách thức → đáp án thưòng là lời trình bày hướng dẫn cụ thể.
How hỏi về mức độ → How many cần câu trả lời về số lượng,
How often cần câu trả lời chỉ sự thường xuyên,
How long cần câu trả lời chỉ khoảng thời gian.
What hỏi về cách thức → đáp án thường là câu trả lời trình bày nội dung hướng dẫn hay từng hạng
mục cụ thể.
What hỏi ý kiến→ đáp án thường là câu trả lời trình bày ý kiến cá nhân.

► Cần ghi nhứ rằng dạng câu nghi vấn bắt đầu bằng Why/How thường không trả lời bằng Yes/No.
Tuy nhỉên trong các trường hợp Why don’t you ...?, How about...? mang ý đề nghị có thể được trả
lời bằng Yes/ No.

Bài tập 1: 040.mp3

Nghe các câu hỏi và chọn ra câu trả lời đúng.
1. [ A / B ]
2. [ A / B ]
3. [ A / B ]

page trang (giấy) avenue đại lộ
drive to work lái xe đi làm since kể từ

Bài tập 2 041.mp3

Nghe các câu hỏi và chọn ra câu trả lời đúng.
4. [ A / B ]

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5. [ A / B ]
6. [ A / B ]
join tham gia open mở (cửa)
often thường key chìa khóa
go on business trips đi công tác security guard nhân viên bảo vệ
mainly chủ yếu holiday ngày lễ

Bài tập 3 042.mp3

Nghe các câu hỏi và chọn ra câu trả lời đúng.
7. [ A / B ]
8. [ A / B ]
9. [ A / B ]

department phòng, ban open mở cửa
head trưởng phòng be late for work đi làm trễ
by taxi bằng taxi be delayed bị trì hoãn
late trễ due to do (= because of, owing to)

Bài tập 4 043.mp3

Nghe những câu dưới đây và điền vào chỗ trống.
1. __________________ to have for lunch?
2. __________________ have you worked here?
3. __________________ join us for coffee?
4. __________________ about the damaged shipment?
5. __________________ learn about the bid?
6. __________________ do you need?
7. __________________ the new manager?
8. __________________ the copier working?
9. __________________ is the presentation?
10. __________________ send out the memo right now?

Luyện nghe những câu cần thiết 044.mp3

Luyện nghe những câu hỏi Why / How / What thường gặp

Câu hỏi Why 1. Why is the construction being delayed?

2. Why don’t you come to the beach with us?
3. Why is the road closed today?

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4. How did you leam about this position at Samsung?

5. How big is that apartment?
Câu hỏi How 6. How much does it cost to repair the equipment?
7. How many workers do you have in your factory?

Câu hỏi What 8. What time can we have a break?

9. What date is the deadline for the proposal?
10. What type of accommodation would you like?

Bài tập 5 045.mp3

Lắng nghe và chọn câu trả lời đúng cho từng câu hỏi, sau khi nghe lại lần 2, hãy điền vào chỗ trống.

1. A□ B□ C□ 4. A□ B□ C□
________________________________ ________________________ get to the
from here? ______________ around here?
(A) No, ____________________ today. (A) 20 dollars,please.
(B) _______________________ away. (B) I’ll send it by ___________________.
(C) I______________________ by bus. (C) Just cross the street and it’s

2. A□ B□ C□ 5. A□ B□ C□
________________________________ ___________________ closed today?
to get more office supplies? (A) There will be a parade ___________ .
(A) We are ________________________.
(B) It is ______________________my
(B) You should _______________ first.
(C) Yes, my office has a _____________. (C) No, I’ll ______________ not the bus.

3. A□ B□ C□ 6. A□ B□ C□
________________________________ ___________________ have you been
at the lobby? to Sydney?
(A) ________________________. (A) ___________________ altogether.
(B) We should ___________________ . (B) ________________ to get there.
(C) Because ____________________. (C) This is my ____________________ .

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Questions with Why
Example. Listen and choose the best response to the question. 045.mp3
Why is the bank closed today?
(A) It is just two blocks away.
(B) It is a holiday.
(C) Right across the street.

Question Structures:
Structure 1: Why is/are/was/were + subject + adjective/adverb/adverbial phrase? 046.mp3
Why is/are/was/were + subject + past participle?
Why isn't/aren't/wasn't/weren't + subject + past participle?
Q: Why is the library closed?
A: It's a national holiday.
 Its operating hours ended.
 It is being repaired.
 There was a fire last night.
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. Why was your flight delayed?
(A) Because of the bad weather. (B) It was too late.
2. Why are you here?
(A) Here you are. (B) For the job interview.

Structure 2: Why is/are/isn't/aren’t + subject + V-ing? 047.mp3

Q: Why are so many people standing on the street?
A: There is a street concert tonight.
Possible responses
 There is a parade on the street.
 A festival is taking place.
 They are watching a street performance.
 Some street musicians are having a concert.
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. Why is he working so late tonight?
(A) He should finish the report. (B) He is always late.
2. Why isn’t the elevator working?
(A) It’s downstairs. (B) It Is out of order.
3. Why are you walking so fast?
(A) I will work faster. (B) I have to catch the last train.

Structure 3: Why do/does + subject + need/have/want to + bare infinitive. 048.mp3

Q: Why do you need to reschedule your appointment?

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A: Something came up unexpectedly.

Possible responses:
 My client asked me to do that.
 One of my team members had an accident.
 My flight has been canceled because of the bad weather.
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. Why do you want to cancel the appointment?
(A) My schedule has been changed. (B) She was appointed to the position.
2. Why do they have to depart so early in the morning?
(A) They get up early. (B) To avoid traffic jams.
3. Why do we need to send them another invoice?
(A) It’s on my desk. (B) They lost the first one.

Practice - Questions with Why (1) 049.mp3

Listen to the questions and responses below and choose the correct response to each question.
Then, listen again and fill the missing words in the gapped questions and responses.
Practice A Practice B
1. Why does Rachel want to move to Boston? 1. Why is the ______ _____ so _____ today?
(A) She got a _____ _____ there. (A) You can _____ this _____ _____.
(B) Because she _____ _____ transportation. (B) Most people _____ _____.
2. Why are you in such a hurry? 2. Why is the _____ _____ its _____?
(A) I will _____ _____ _____ me. (A) My office is _____ the _____ floor.
(B) To _____ the first train. (B) _____ a new building.
3. Why do I have to submit this form again? 3. Why does Rachel _____ _____ _____ to
(A) We never received the _____ _____. Boston?
(B) To the _____ Department. (A) She wants to _____ _____ her family.
4. Why was the meeting cancelled? (B) Because she _____ traveling.
(A) The meeting _____ at 10:30. 4. Why are you _____ _____ a _____?
(B) Our manager had a _____ _____. (A) I don't want to be _____ _____.
5. Why is the parking lot so empty today? (B) I will _____ _____ you.
(A) You _____ _____ _____ your car here. 5. Why do I have to _____ this _____ _____?
(B) Today is a _____. (A) Some information is _____.
6. Why is the company moving its office? (B) To the _____ _____.
(A) My office is on the _____ _____. 6. Why was the _____ _____?
(B) The current office building is _____ _____. (A) The meeting _____ at noon.
(B) The president's flight has been _____.

Structure 4: Why don’t you/we + bare infinitive. 050.mp3

Q: Why don’t you call customer service?
A: That is probably a good idea.
 Possible responses:
 That’s a good idea.
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 I think I should.
 Actually, I just did that.
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. Why don’t you take some time off?
(A) I think I should. (B) The plane will take off in a minute.
2. Why don’t you ask Paul to come to your party?
(A) No, he is not busy. (B) Actually, I just did.
3. Why don’t we share a taxi to the airport?
(A) That’s a good idea. (B) Because I called a taxi.

Structure 5: Why did/didn’t + subject + bare infinitive? 051.mp3

Q: Why did Michael leave early?
A: To avoid heavy traffic.
Possible responses:
 He had an appointment.
 He had to take the first train.
 He received a phone call from his client.
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. Why did you decide to install a new system?
(A) It is much better. (B) I think I will.
2. Why didn’t you get to work on time?
(A) It does not work. (B) My train was delayed.
3. Why did Michael quit his job?
(A) He works as a doctor. (B) He got another job.
Structure 6: Why have/has/haven’t/hasn’t + subject + past participle? 052.mp3
Q: Why have you been away so long?
A: The meeting lasted all day.
Possible responses:
 We got stuck in heavy traffic.
 I have been in the warehouse checking on the inventory.
 I have been at the airport picking up Mr. Masao from Tokyo.
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. Why has Taylor requested a leave of absence?
(A) He will leave soon. (B) His mother is in the hospital.
2. Why have you stopped producing the product?
(A) We found a detect. (B) Yes, they are good products.
3. Why hasn't Rachel come to the office yet today?
(A) She is on vacation. (B) She works very hard

Practice - Questions with Why (2) 053.mp3

Listen to the questions and responses below and choose the correct response to each question.
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Then, listen again and fill the missing words in the gapped questions and responses.
Practice A Practice B
1. Why don’t you get some rest? 1. Why don’t you _____ us for _____ tonight?
(A) Let me _____ this _____. (A) Thanks, but I have _____ _____.
(B) I will _____ a _____. (B) _____ is ready.
2. Why didn't John get the promotion? 2. Why did Mr. Thompson _____ the _____?
(A) To promote a _____ _____. (A) He _____ a _____ for you.
(B) He _____ qualified. (B) He started ______ ______ business.
3. Why did Mr. Thompson leave the company? 3. Why did Linda _____ the letter?
(A) He _____ his office this _____. (A) To _____ somebody about the _____ in the
(B) It was due to his ______ _____. schedule.
4. Why did Linda send the letter? (B) At the ______.
(A) She _____ us to her _____. 4. Why did you stay up _____ _____?
(B) At the _____. (A) I stayed _____ for two _____.
5. Why don’t you join us for dinner tonight? (B) I had to _____ my _____.
(A) I'd _____ to. 5. Why don’t you _____ _____ _____?
(B) _____ is waiting for you. (A) I will _____ the _____.
6. Why did you stay up so late? (B) The deadline is just _____ _____ _____.
(A) I had _____ _____ to do. 6. _____ _____ John _____ the promotion?
(B) I _____ _____ _____ very long. (A) _____ advertise a new _____.
(B) I _____ _____ _____.

Practice the possible questions. 054.mp3

Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions.
1. (A) (B)
2. (A) (B)
3. (A) (B)
4. (A) (B)
5. (A) (B)
6. (A) (B)
7. (A) (B)
8. (A) (B)
9. (A) (B)
10. (A) (B)
Practice with TOEIC Actual Questions. 055.mp3
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions.
1. (A) (B) (C)
2. (A) (B) (C)
3. (A) (B) (C)
4. (A) (B) (C)
5. (A) (B) (C)
6. (A) (B) (C)
7. (A) (B) (C)
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8. (A) (B) (C)

9. (A) (B) (C)
10. (A) (B) (C)
11. (A) (B) (C)
12. (A) (B) (C)
13. (A) (B) (C)
14. (A) (B) (C)
15. (A) (B) (C)

Questions with What

Listen and choose the best response to the question 056.mp3
What time did Mr. Jackson leave the office?
(A) An hour ago.
(B) He doesn’t live there anymore.
(C) Yes, he did.

Question Structures:
Structure 1: What is/are/was/were + noun/noun phrase 057.mp3
Q: What is the purpose of your visit to Tokyo?
A: I’m here for a business meeting.
Possible responses:
 I'm here for a conference.
 I’m going to see my parent
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. What is your plan for summer vacation?
(A) I'm going to see my parents. (B) By airplane.
2. What is the price of this item?
(A) Later this week. (B) It’s 10 dollars.

Structure 2: What time is + noun /noun phrase? 058.mp3

What time is/are/was/were + subject + V-ing/past participle?
What time does/do/did + subject + bare infinitive?
What time will/can/should + subject + bare infinitive?
Q: What time are you leaving tomorrow?
A: At seven o'clock in the morning.
Possible responses:
 I will set off after ten o'clock.
 We will start at eight o'clock sharp in the morning.
 After finishing my sales report.
 What will the traffic be like tomorrow morning? (The second speaker is not sure about the
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 It depends on the weather conditions. (The second speaker is not sure about the answer.)
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. What time is the flight scheduled to depart?
(A) It depends on the weather conditions. (B) It takes about two hours.
2. What time can you take a break?
(A) That’s a good idea. (B) After finishing my sales report.
3. What time will you start the meeting?
(A) At ten o’clock. (B) In the conference room.

Structure 3: What the best/fastest/quickest/shortest way + to infinitive? 059.mp3

Q: What is the best way to get to the airport?
A: Take the subway.
 Take a taxi.
 I think a taxi is the fastest way to get there.
 There is a shuttle bus service.
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. What is the fastest way to get to the convention center from here?
(A) Take a taxi. (B) At three o'clock.
2. What is the shortest way to get to the hospital?
(A) Two hundred meters. (B) Through the park.
3. What is the best way to reach your manager?
(A) Here is his phone number. (B) He is a sales manager.

Practice - Questions with What (1) 060.mp3

Listen to the questions and responses below and choose the correct response to each question.
Then, listen again and fill the missing words in the gapped questions and responses.
Practice A Practice B
1. What is the problem with my computer? 1. What is _____ _____ to contact you?
(A) It isn’t plugged _____. (A) We should _____ _____ _____.
(B) Sure, you can ____ _____. (B) _____my office _____.
2. What time are you leaving the office today? 2. _____ _____ will the _____ _____?
(A) It takes about _____ _____. (A) It runs __________ a day.
(B) _____ _____ this report. (B) _____ _____ a.m.
3. What is Mr. Jackson’s position at the 3. What is the _____ ____ my _____?
company? (A) I think it’s infected _____ a ____.
(A) He is a _____ _____. (B) _____ ____.
(B) In the _____ _____. 4. _____ _____ are you _____ the _____ today?
4. What time will the train arrive? (A) That _____ like a _____ _____.
(A) In _____ _____. (B) In _____ _____.
(B) It runs _____ _____ _____. 5. What is the _____ _____ of the construction?
5. What is the best way to contact you? (A) It will not exceed _____ _____ _____.

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(A) I _____ _____ _____ my mobile number. (B) It will take _____ _____ three _____.
(B) It’s a _____ contract. 6. What is Mr. Jackson’s _____ at the _____?
6. What is the total cost of the construction? (A) He is _____ _____ _____ the _____
(A) It will _____ at least _____ _____. Department.
(B) It is estimated at _____ _____. (B) The _____ _____ me.

Structure 4: What is the weather (going to be) like + date/place? 061.mp3

What is the weather forecast for + date/place?
Q: What is the weather going to be like tomorrow?
A: I heard it's going to rain.
Possible responses:
 It is going to be cloudy and windy.
 You will probably need your umbrella.
 The forecast for tomorrow calls for clear skies.
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. What is the weather like in New York?
(A) It is warm. (B) For a month.
2. What is the weather forecast for the weekend?
(A) From 3 to 7 o'clock. (B) It is going to be cloudy and windy.
3. What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?
(A) I suppose you would be right. (B) The forecast for tomorrow calls for clear skies.

Structure 5: What do/did you think of/about + noun phrase/gerund phrase? 062.mp3
Q: What do you think about our marketing strategy?
A: It seems like a great plan.
Possible responses:
 It looks like a good Idea.
 It sounds good in theory.
 That’s an excellent idea.
 I am not sure.
 I doubt if it is possible in reality.
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. What do you think about signing the contract?
(A) I am not sure. (B) Thanks a lot.
2. What do you think of the company’s plan to expand?
(A) I doubt if it is possible in reality. (B) I don’t think t can take a vacation.
3. What is your opinion of the new product?
(A) Anytime you want. (B) It looks like a good idea.

Structure 6: What do/does/did + subject + bare infinitive? 063mp3

What will/would/should + subject + bare infinitive?

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What is/are + subject + V-ing?

Q: What do you need for your trip?
A: A credit card.
 A small backpack.
 A credit card is all I need.
 I need some camping equipment.
 Nothing in particular. It will be a short visit to see my friend.
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. What does Mr. Thompson intend to do after he retires?
(A) He came in yesterday. (B) He plans to start his own business.
2. What should I do with this report?
(A) I finished my report. (B) Please review it.

Structure 7: What kind/type/sort of + noun + auxiliary verb/be + subject + verb? 064.mp3

What + noun + auxiliary verb + subject + verb?
Q: What kind of job are you looking for?
A: I’m interested in web design.
 I’m seeking a challenging position.
 I have experience in marketing.
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. What color would you like to paint your house?
(A) Yellow or green. B) It’s a new house.
2. What kind of car are you interested in?
(A) l will take care of it. (B) I have a pickup truck in mind.
3. What sort of food would you like to have?
(A) Italian food. (B) Let’s have lunch.

Practice - Questions with What (2) 065.mp3

Listen to the questions and responses below and choose the correct response to each question.
Then, listen again and fill the missing words in the gapped questions and responses.
Practice A Practice B
1. What do you think of the new plan? 1. What is the weather forecast _____ ____?
(A) I don’t have any plans _____ _____. (A) I will _____ a _____.
(B) It _____ _____ a good one. (B) I _____ it will be _____.
2. What did they discuss at the meeting? 2. What do you _____ of the _____ _____?
(A) A _____ _____. (A) I have a _____ _____.
(B) They will _____ it _____. (B) It looks like we'll _____ _____ _____.
3. What is the weather forecast for Thursday? 3. What did they _____ _____ the _____?
(A) I don’t _____ whether _____ will _____. (A) _____ raises.
(B) It's _____ _____ _____ pretty _____ then. (B) They have _____ _____ it.
4. What kind of book are you reading? 4. What do you think of _____ a _____in

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(A) I am _____ a comic book. Manila?

(B) I am _____ the _____ team. (A) What is the advantage of that ____?
5. What should I do with these books? (B) We will _____ the _____ at 7.
(A) _____ _____ to Mr. Jones. 5. What kind of ____ are you _____?
(B) Yes. he is a _____ _____. (A) I ____ _____ the library.
6. What do you think of opening a branch in (B) It is about _____.
Manila? 6. What should I _____ _____ these ____?
(A) I _____ _____ it is a good idea. (A) Yes, he is a _____ _____.
(B) I think we should _____ the _____. (B) I’ll _____ _____ _____ them.

Practice the possible questions. 066.mp3

Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions.
1. (A) (B)
2. (A) (B)
3. (A) (B)
4. (A) (B)
5. (A) (B)
6. (A) (B)
7. (A) (B)
8. (A) (B)
9. (A) (B)
10. (A) (B)

Practice with TOEIC Actual Questions. 067.mp3

Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions.
1. (A) (B) (C)
2. (A) (B) (C)
3. (A) (B) (C)
4. (A) (B) (C)
5. (A) (B) (C)
6. (A) (B) (C)
7. (A) (B) (C)
8. (A) (B) (C)
9. (A) (B) (C)
10. (A) (B) (C)
11. (A) (B) (C)
12. (A) (B) (C)
13. (A) (B) (C)
14. (A) (B) (C)
15. (A) (B) (C)

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Trọng tâm của bài học

Bài này học về những câu hỏi Yes/No, bắt đầu bằng các động từ Do/Be/Have và trả lời bằng Yes/No.
Khi đáp án bắt đầu bằng Yes/No, cần phải xác định xem các nội dung sau Yes/No: (1) Tuy trả lời là
Yes nhưng có mang nội dung phủ định không. (2) Nội dung sau Yes có liên quan đến câu hỏi hay
không, cần phải nghe kỹ các từ cũng như chú ý đến thì của động từ. Học trọng tâm các câu hỏi được
đặt ra theo hướng nắm bắt ý chính của câu hỏi.

Phân tích câu hỏi và các đáp án lựa chọn 046.mp3

Did you call a taxi for Mr. Nunez?

→ Yes, it should be here shortly.
9. Hỏi xem đã call a taxi chưa.
Qua từ Yes có thể biết đã gọi taxi rồi.

Have you made copies of the booklet?

→ I already distributed them to the
10. Hỏi xem đã make copies chưa.
Dù từ Yes đã bị lược bỏ nhưng qua cụm từ already distributed them có thể biết bản sao đã được
thực hiện.

Is your business going well?

→ Not really. I’m having financial problems.
11. Hỏi công việc kinh doanh có tốt hay không.
Qua cụm từ not really có thể biết là No, làm rõ lý do chính là gặp vấn đề về tài chính.

call a taxi gọi taxi distribute phân phát
shortly không lâu, sớm attendee người tham dự
make copies sao chụp tài liệu financial (thuộc) tài chính
booklet sách mỏng

Bài tập 1 047.mp3

Nghe các câu hỏi và chọn ra câu trả lời đúng.
1. [ A / B ]
2. [ A / B ]
3. [ A / B ]


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sunny trời nắng contractor nhà thầu

picnic đi dã ngoại offer lời đề nghị
place the order đặt hàng sign ký kết
ask for yêu cầu contract hợp đồng
along the wall dọc theo bức tường decline từ chối
completely hoàn toàn

Bài tập 2 048.mp3

Nghe các câu hỏi và chọn ra câu trả lời đúng.
4. [ A / B ]
5. [ A / B ]
6. [ A / B ]

on time đúng giờ in a minute chốc nữa
fortunately may mắn thay enjoy vui thích, tận hưởng
meet the deadline kịp hạn trip chuyến đi
estimate ước tính learn học
arrival việc tới nơi

Bài tập 3 049.mp3

Nghe các câu hỏi và chọn ra câu trả lời đúng.
7. [ A / B ]
8. [ A / B ]
9. [ A / B ]

shipment chuyến hàng bring mang theo
be scheduled to do đuợc sắp xếp / lên kế newly mới
hoạch làm gì release phát hành
change thay đổi funny gây cười
receipt giấy biên nhận weekend cuối tuần
seem có vẻ

Bài tập 4 050.mp3

Nghe những câu dưới đây và điền vào chỗ trống.
1. ________________________ to process the applications?
2. ________________________ will replace Carol’s work?
3. ________________________ Tim recently?
4. ________________________ while I was out?
5. ________________________ to work today?
6. ________________________ her name, K-A-T-Y?
7. ________________________ the invitations yesterday?
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8. ________________________ to the headquarters?

9. ________________________ bottled water here?
10. ________________________ each other before?

Luyện nghe những câu cần thiết 051.mp3

Luyện nghe những câu hỏi Do / Be / Have thường gặp

Câu hỏi Do 1. Do you know where the cold food is?

2. Did the president approve the proposal?
3. Does she work with Jackson cooperation?
4. Did Mr. White go on his business trip?
Câu hỏi Be
5. Are you still seeking employees for the job openings?
6. Is the director available for tonight’s charity event?
Câu hỏi Have
7. Are there any steaks left?

8. Have you ever been to the national museum?

9. Has she transferred to Busan branch?
10. Have we met before?

Bài tập 5 052.mp3

Lắng nghe và chọn câu trả lời đúng cho từng câu hỏi, sau khi nghe lại lần 2, hãy điền vào chỗ trống.

1. A□ B□ C□ 4. A□ B□ C□
________________________ in the ___________ to buy office furniture?
kitchen? (A) _______________________,please.
(A) Yes, he is a ___________________ .
(B) _____________ and lamps.
(B) Why don’t you
(C) There is a shop ________________
across the street.
(C) No, they are on ________________ .

2. A□ B□ C□ 5. A□ B□ C□
____________________about the ___________________ of the revised
John’s ____________________? plan?
(A) He has been working here for (A) There is one ___________________ .
____________. (B) ____________ needs to be changed.

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(B) I haven’t heard yet. (C) He advised me not to buy ________ .

(C) Yes, he ____________________.

3. A□ B□ C□ 6. A□ B□ C□
Are you going to ________________ Have you seen my ___________________?
tonight? (A) It _______________ by plane.
(A) I have _______________ today.
(B) It’s ________________.
(B) No, she is the new____________.
(C) No, he ______________ last week.
(C) Peter will __________________.


Questions with Be/Do/Have
Example 1: Listen and choose the best response to the question 068.mp3
Are you going to attend the seminar next week?
(A) I am still looking for a |ob.
(B) That s very kind of you.
(C) Yes, we all have to be there.
Example 2: Listen and choose the best response to the question
Do you have my business card?
(A) No, could you give it to me?
(B) I'll send a postcard.
(C) He may be busy.
Example 3: Listen and choose the best response to the question.
Have you seen any movies lately?
(A) No, t haven't seen her.
(B) I’ve been too busy.
(C) She was late for the party.

Question Structures:
Structure 1: Are you + V-ing/going to + bare infinitive? 069.mp3
Is + subject (3 person singular) + V-ing/going to + bare infinitive?
Q: Are you coming to the party tonight?
A: Yes, I’ll be there.
Possible responses:
 Sure, I will not be late.
 No, I have other plans.
 I will be there on time.
 I am looking forward to it.
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. Are you going to show up at the charity event?

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(A) I want to help you. (B) No, I have other plans.

2. Are you going to attend the conference?
(A) I will be there on time. (B) No, thanks.
3. Are you going to visit the Alps this winter?
(A) I am looking forward to it. (B) We had a great time.

Structure 2: Is/Are/Was/Were there + noun + prepositional phrase? 070.mp3

Q: Are there any tickets available for today's performance?
A: Only a few are left.
Possible responses:
 Yes, there are some left.
 Sorry. They are all sold out.
 Let me check.
 How many tickets do you want?
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. Is there a grocery store in the neighborhood?
(A) Yes, I'll call you later. (B) Yes, right across the street.
2. Are there any more apples left in the refrigerator?
(A) I will cook with apples. (B) Yes, there are some left.

Structure 3: Is/Are/Was/Were there + noun + prepositional phrase? 071.mp3

Q: Are gas and electricity included in the rent?
A: Yes, and water, too.
Possible responses:
 Yes, they are.
 All utility bills are included.
 No, utility bills are not included.
 Utility bills are charged separately.
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. Are you free later this afternoon?
(A) No, I’m busy. (B) Three times a day.
2. Is Ms. Lopez still on vacation?
(A) Yes, she is working now. (B) Yes, but she will be here on Friday.

Structure 4: Do/Does/Did + subject + bare infinitive (+ object)? 072.mp3

Q: Do you have an extra copy of the schedule?
A: Yes, it's on my desk.
Possible responses:
 I will bring it to you.
 Let me check.
 Here are some extra copies on the table.

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Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

 Sorry. That is the last one.

Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. Does this gym have indoor tennis courts?
(A) Yes, on the first floor. (B) Yes, once a week.
2. Did you move into the new house?
(A) That sounds good. (B) Yes, I did.
3. Did the plane arrive at the airport on time?
(A) No, I took a taxi. (B) No, it was delayed.

Practice - Questions with Be /Do /Have (1 ) 073.mp3

Listen to the questions and responses below and choose the correct response to each question. Then,
listen again and fill the missing words in the gapped questions and responses.
Practice A Practice B
1. Are you leaving work early today? 1. Is there a _____ _____ around here?
(A) _____, I will. (A) It _____ ten minutes _____.
(B) Yes, I will _____ on it. (B) The _____ ____ is five miles away _____.
2. Do you have Jessica's phone number? 2. Is it okay to _____ in _____ of the building?
(A) Let me _____ my _____. (A) Yes, there is a _____.
(B) Yes. she _____ me this morning. (B) No, it is a no- _____ _____.
3. Is there a gas station around here? 3. Are you _____ _____ early today?
(A) It _____ five minutes ______. (A) Yes, I will _____ _____ to ______.
(B) There is one _____ the _____. (B) Yes, at _____ o'clock.
4. Is it okay to park in front of the building? 4. Are you satisfied _____ the _____ you
(A) I couldn't _____ a _____ _____. received?
(B) I don’t _____ _____. (A) It was _____ _____.
5. Are you satisfied with the service you (B) No, it is not _____ _____.
received? 5. Does your new laser _____ _____?
(A) Are you _____? (A) Yes, it _____ _____.
(B) Yes, _____ _____. (B) I think _____ is _____ now.
6. Does your new laser printer work? 6. Do you _____ Jessica’s phone _____?
(A) Yes, it is _____ than the old one. (A) Yes, I _____.
(B) I think he is _____ _____. (B) No, she _____ me.

Structure 5: Do you know + question word + subject + verb? 074.mp3

Q: Do you know where the nearest bus stop is?
A: Just across the street.
Possible responses:
 Over there.
 Around the corner.
 At the corner of the street.
 Next to the taxi stand.
 There is one in front of the post office.
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Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. Do you know where I can buy a newspaper?
(A) Over there. (B) At noon.
2. Do you know when the report is due?
(A) To New York. (B) By Friday.
3. Do you know who is in charge of this project?
(A) It’s tonight. (B) That would be Mr. James.
Structure 6: Do you mind if I/we + verb? 075.mp3
Do you mind + V-ing?
Q: Do you mind if I park my car here for a moment?
A: Sorry. It is a restricted area.
Possible responses:
 That's fine with me.
 Not at all.
 By all means.
 This place is reserved for emergency vehicles only.
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. Do you mind if I turn on the radio?
(A) I like that TV program. (B) Actually, I do mind.
2. Do you mind waiting for a while?
(A) For thirty minutes. (B) That’s fine with me,
3. Do you mind if I close the window?
(A) I opened the door. (B) Not at all.
Structure 7: Have you + past participle? 076.mp3
Has/Have + subject (3rd person) + (been) past participle?
Q: Have you received the sample?
A: No, it hasn't arrived yet.
Possible responses:
 Yes, I received it just a while ago.
 It arrived ten minutes ago.
 I am still waiting for it.
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. Has the package been delivered?
(A) Twice a day. (B) Yes, it has just arrived.
2. Have you finished reading the files I gave you?
(A) Not yet. (B) No, it’s mine.
3. Has the software been installed on your computer?
(A) No, it hasn’t. (B) Yes, I repaired my computer.

Practice – Question with Be/Do/Have (2) 077.mp3

Listen to the questions and responses below and choose the correct response to each question.

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Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

Then, listen again and fill the missing words in the gapped questions and responses.
Practice A. Practice B
1. Do you mind if I leave early today? 1. Has your car _____ _____ yet?
(A) Not ____ _____. (A) Yes, I’ll ____ a ____.
(B) ______ ______. (B) Yes, I'll go to the ____ ____ to ____ it
2. Has your car been repaired yet? _____ this afternoon.
(A) Yes, I'll ____ a _____. 2. Do you know ______ the report is _____?
(B) It was _____ today. (A) Yes, I received it _____ _____.
3. Do you know who has the copy of the revised (B) No, I haven’t _____.
schedule? 3. Have you _____ my wallet?
(A) There is _____ on my _____. (A) It's ____ your ____.
(B) Sorry. I can’t _____ my ______. (B) No, I don’t have any _____.
4. Have you seen my wallet? 4. Do you _____ if I _____ early today?
(A) No, I haven’t. (A) Don’t be _____.
(B) _____ very _____. (B) I’d rather you _____.
5. Do you know when the report is due? 5. Has the _____ for the meeting been yet?
(A) _____ _____ morning. (A) I ____ it.
(B) Yes, I _____ it ______. (B) I am still ____ ____ it.
6. Has the report for the meeting been 6. Do you know _____ has the ____ of the
completed yet? _____ schedule?
(A) Yes, they _____ together. (A) It's _____ Ms. Sanchez.
(B) No, not _____. (B) It’s ____ for _____.

Practice the possible questions. 078.mp3

Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions.
1. (A) (B)
2. (A) (B)
3. (A) (B)
4. (A) (B)
5. (A) (B)
6. (A) (B)
7. (A) (B)
8. (A) (B)
9. (A) (B)
10. (A) (B)

Practice with TOEIC Actual Questions. 079.mp3

Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions.
1. (A) (B) (C)
2. (A) (B) (C)
3. (A) (B) (C)
4. (A) (B) (C)
5. (A) (B) (C)
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6. (A) (B) (C)

7. (A) (B) (C)
8. (A) (B) (C)
9. (A) (B) (C)
10. (A) (B) (C)
11. (A) (B) (C)
12. (A) (B) (C)
13. (A) (B) (C)
14. (A) (B) (C)
15. (A) (B) (C)

Câu hỏi với Can/Could/ Will/ Would/ Should/ May

Example 1: Listen and choose the best response to the question. 080.mp3
Could you take me to the railway station?
(A) No problem.
(B) I missed the train.
(C) There is a stationery store down the street.
Example 2: Listen and choose the best response to the question.
Would you like to taste a free sample of our new chocolate?
(A) No, it’s free of charge.
(B) This camera Is very simple to use.
(C) Sure, it looks delicious.
Example 3: Listen and choose the best response to the question.
Should I wear a warm coat today?
(A) Where did you put it?
(B) Yes, it’s too cold today.
(C) The coat looks great on you.

Question Structure:
Structure 1: Can/Could you + bare infinitive + object? 081.mp3
Q: Can you help me move this sofa?
A: Sure, if it’s not too heavy.
Possible responses:
 Sure, just give me a minute.
 I'd be glad to.
 Where should we put it?
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. Can you meet me this afternoon?
(A) At the cafeteria. (B) I'd love to, but I'm busy.
2. Could you take a look at my report now?
(A) Sure, just give me a minute. (B) I didn't give it to you.
3. Could you please answer the phone?
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(A) I'll call you later. (B) I’d be giad to.

Structure 2: Can/Could you tell me + question word + subject + verb? 082.mp3

Q: Can you tell me where the closest cash machine is?
A: Go to the post office across the street.
Possible responses:
 There is one at the next comer.
 There is one in front of the tall building.
 I am sorry. I don’t know.
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. Can you tell me what you are doing this evening?
(A) I will stay at home. (B) I can do it today.
2. Can you tell me how I can get to the museum?
(A) Take bus number 11. (B) Before noon.
3. Could you tell me who the new manager is?
(A) I’m a member of this club. (B) I am sorry. I don't know.

Structure 3: Can/Could l/we + bare infinitive? 083.mp3

May I + bare infinitive?
Q: Can I borrow your calculator?
A: No problem.
Possible responses:
 Yes, you can.
 Of course, you can.
 Here you are./Here it is.
 Be my guest.

Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. May I ask you for a small favor?
(A) Yes, it Is very small. (B) Yes, of course.
2. Could we take a break after the next presentation?
(A) Of course, we can. (B) I'd like to know.
3. Can I see your ID card, please?
(A) Here it is. (B) I will pay in cash.

Practice - Questions with Can/Could/Will/Would/Should/May (1 ) 084.mp3

Listen to the questions and responses below and choose the correct response to each question.
Then, listen again and fill the missing words in the gapped questions and responses.
Practice A: Practice B:
1. Can you tell me how many copies of this 1. May I _____ _____ it with a _____ card?
report you need? (A) We don't _____ _____.
(A) _____ will be _____. (B) _____ _____, you can.

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(B) ____ noon. 2. Could you ____ me _____ the conference

2. Can I look at the new catalog? room is?
(A) _____, it is on the _____. (A) It’s on the _____ floor.
(B) I ____ it on the _____. (B) The ____ was cancelled.
3. Could you please turn down the television? 3. Can you ____ me a _____ to the _____?
(A) Sure _____ ______ ______. (A) I _____ it at the ____ desk.
(B) _____, I turned down his _____. (B) Sorry. I didn't ____ my car.
4. May I pay for it with a credit card? 4. Can I ____ ____ the new catalog?
(A) We don’t _____ any ____. (A) I ____ it on TV.
(B) _____, you ____. (B) I’m ____. There is ____ ____.
5. Can you give me a ride to the airport? 5. Can you tell me ____ ____ copies of this
(A) Sorry. I don't _____ _____. report you need?
(B) _____ be _____ to. (A) I am ____ ____.
6. Could you tell me where the conference room (B) Before ____.
is? 6. _____ you please _____ _____ the television?
(A) The seminar was ____. (A) I ____ turn down _____ _____.
(B) Yes, ____ straight and _____ _____. (B) ____. I didn’t ____ you were here.

Structure 4: Would you like/care to + bare infinitive? 085.mp3

Would you like/prefer + noun phrase?
Q: Would you like to take a look at this report?
A: Is there anything wrong?
Possible responses:
 Sure, I will.
 Would you pass it to me?
 Wait for a second.
 I should finish this report first.

Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. Would you like to apply for the job?
(A) Sure, I will. (B) My job is interesting.
2. Would you like some milk in your coffee?
(A) I prefer coffee. (B) Yes, please.
Structure 5: Would you like me/us to + bare infinitive? 086.mp3
Q: Would you like me to review the report with you?
A: That would be great.
Possible responses:
 Yes, please.
 If you wouldn’t mind.
 I’d appreciate that.
 Thanks. That would be very helpful.

Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.

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Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

1. Would you like me to send you a sample of our new product?

(A) Thanks. That would be very helpful. (B) I sent you an e-mail.
2. Would you like me to take you to the airport?
(A) Next to the airport. (B) I’d appreciate that.
3.Would you like me to arrange the meeting?
(A) The meeting was boring. (B) If you wouldn't mind.
Structure 6: Would you + bare infinitive? 087.mp3
Will you + bare infinitive/be + V-ing?
Q: Would you tell Michael I will call him tomorrow morning?
A: No problem. What time are you calling?
Possible responses:
 Yes. I will tell him.
 Okay. I will let him know.
 Sure, I will leave a memo on his desk.
 He will not be here tomorrow.

Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. Would you fax this to the sales manager?
(A) Sure. (B) It will be fixed soon.
2. Will you be taking your vacation in July?
(A) Yes, I will call you back. (B) No, in August.
3. Would you please press the button for the 9th floor?
(A) Certainly. (B) It's on the 7th floor.
Structure 7: Should I/we + bare infinitive + object? 088.mp3
Q: Should we finish the report today?
A: We have a few more days until the deadline.
Possible responses:
 Yes, we have to hurry,
 It must be submitted before noon,
 Yes, it should not be delayed anymore.

Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions below.
1. Should we accept their proposal?
(A) Yes, we should. (B) At the convention center.
2. Should I call a doctor for you?
(A) He is a doctor. (B) I would appreciate it.
3. Should I come to see you again next week?
(A) Yes, we need further discussion. (B) No. I’ve never seen him before.

Practice - Questions with Can/Could/ Will/ Would/Should/May (2) 089.mp3

Listen to the questions and responses below and choose the correct response to each question.
Then, listen again and fill the missing words in the gapped questions and responses.
Practice A: Practice B:

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Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

1. Would you please help me move the table? 1. Will you _____ me _____ after work?
(A) Yes, I am _____ to. (A) _____ are you going to be _____?
(B) _____, _____. I am ____. (B) I don't _____ _____ it works.
2. Would you like to try on a smaller size? 2. Should I _____ the package by _____ _____?
(A) I will _____ my _____. (A) I received it _____.
(B) I think I _____. (B) Is there a _____ _____?
3. Will you pick me up after work? 3. ____ you please _____ me _____ the table?
(A) I'd like to know _____ it _____. (A) I'm _____ to _____ that.
(B) I think I _____. (B) ______. Do you _____ _____ _____ it now?
4. Would you like me to come on Tuesday? 4. Would you like _____ _____ of tea?
(A) I will _____ it to you. (A) Yes, ________.
(B) Is that okay _____ _____? (B) I _____ it on the ____.
5. Should I send the package by express mail? 5. Would you like to _____ ______ a _____
(A) I _____ it this _____. size?
(B) Yes, it _____ ______ there by tomorrow (A) I always _____ ______ _____.
morning. (B) Yes, I'd _____ to.
6. Would you like another cup of tea? 6. _____ you ______ _____ to come on
(A) No, ______ _______. ______?
(B) I _____ it on the _____. (A) I will _____ an ______.
(B) Yes, I will _____ _____ you.

Practice the possible questions. 090.mp3

Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions.
1. (A) (B)
2. (A) (B)
3. (A) (B)
4. (A) (B)
5. (A) (B)
6. (A) (B)
7. (A) (B)
8. (A) (B)
9. (A) (B)
10. (A) (B)

Practice with TOEIC Actual Questions. 091.mp3

Listen and choose the correct response to each of the questions.
1. (A) (B) (C)
2. (A) (B) (C)
3. (A) (B) (C)
4. (A) (B) (C)
5. (A) (B) (C)
6. (A) (B) (C)
7. (A) (B) (C)
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8. (A) (B) (C)

9. (A) (B) (C)
10. (A) (B) (C)
11. (A) (B) (C)
12. (A) (B) (C)
13. (A) (B) (C)
14. (A) (B) (C)
15. (A) (B) (C)
Embedded Questions, Alternative Questions, and Statements
1. Embedded Questions.
Sample 092.mp3
Q: Do you know who has the key to the warehouse?
(A) To the warehouse.
(B) Yes, Amy usually has it.
(C) Just get the key for me.
Step 1: Listen and choose the correct response to each question.
1. (A) (B) (C)
2. (A) (B) (C)
Step 2: Listen and fill in the missing words.
1. Could you let me ______________________complained about the service?
(A) Approximately
(B) The service was poor.
(C) The customer complained bitterly.
2. Can you _________________________ you usually do in your free time?
(A) Yes, I have some time.
(B) I ____________________.
(C) Usually after work.
Step 3: Check the filled-in words.
1. Could you let me know how many people complained about the service?
(A) Approximately 50 or more.
(B) The service was poor.
(C) The customer complained bitterly.
2. Can you tell me what you usually do in your free time?
(A) Yes, I have some time.
(B) I _play online games .
(C) Usually after work.
2. Alternative questions.
Exercise 093.mp3
Q: Should we ship the incomplete orders or wait another day?
(A) Yes, for two days.
(B) I have to leave soon.
(C) Let's just send what we have on hand.
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Step 1: Listen and choose the correct response to each question.

1. (A) (B) (C)
2. (A) (B) (C)
Step 2: Listen and fill in the missing words.
1. Do you prefer __________________ or in a group?
(A) I’m not feeling well.
(B) ___________________ with me.
(C) No, I have a job.
2. Would you rather prefer ______________________ or analyzing the materials?
(A) I don’t trust the news report.
(B) In the filing cabinet.
(C) _________________________ matter to me.
Step 3: Check the filled-in words.
1. Do you prefer working alone or in a group?
(A) I’m not feeling well.
(B) Either is fine with me.
(C) No, I have a job.
2. Would you rather prefer entering the data or analyzing the materials?
(A) I don’t trust the news report.
(B) In the filing cabinet.
(C) It doesn’t matter to me.
3. Statements
Sample 094.mp3
Q: This package seems to have been damaged during delivery.
(A) Yes, ten packages.
(B) Overseas delivery is not available.
(C) You'd better take it back to the dealer.
Step 1: Listen and choose the correct response to each question.
1. (A) (B) (C)
2. (A) (B) (C)
Step 2: Listen and fill in the missing words.
1. You will ____________________ in 10 working days.
(A) I received your email.
(B) __________________________ right after I get it.
(C) No, it’s too expensive.
2. Let’s _______________________ for a cup of coffee.
(A) That’s _________________.
(B) Near the Forbes coffeehouse.
(C) You can borrow mine.
Step 3: Check the filled-in words.
1. You will receive the bill in 10 working days.
(A) I received your email.
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(B) I pay for it right after I get it.

(C) No, it’s too expensive.
2. Let’s take a break for a cup of coffee.
(A) That’s a good idea.
(B) Near the Forbes coffeehouse.
(C) You can borrow mine.

Practice test 095.mp3

1. Mark your answer.
(A) (B) (C)
2. Mark your answer.
(A) (B) (C)
3. Mark your answer.
(A) (B) (C)
4. Mark your answer.
(A) (B) (C)
5. Mark your answer.
(A) (B) (C)
6. Mark your answer.
(A) (B) (C)
7. Mark your answer.
(A) (B) (C)
8. Mark your answer.
(A) (B) (C)
9. Mark your answer.
(A) (B) (C)
10. Mark your answer.
(A) (B) (C)

Practice: 096.mp3
1. Q: _________________________ to attend Mr. Cole’s retirement party?
A: Yes, he is my supervisor.
2. Q: Do you know _________________________ to get the job done?
A: About 2 months.
3. Q: That was a _________________________.
A: Yes, i enjoyed it a lot.
4. Q: Can you tell me _________________________ a subway station?
A: Yes, go this way and turn right at the first intersection.
5. Q: I need a better way _________________________.
A: I know a website for carpooling.
6. Q: _________________________ we can meet the deadline.
A: I’m glad to hear that.
7. Q: _________________________ we have to order more office supplies?
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A: No, we still have enough.

8. Q: Would you like to _________________________ today or tomorrow?
A: It doesn’t matter to me.
9. Q: Mr. Peterson _________________________ twice this morning.
A: Did he leave any message?
10. Q: Do _________________________ Mr. Ben asked for a transfer?
A: She wants to work in a new environment.

Practice: Identifying an Opinion 097.mp3

Direction: Listen to the questions, which are followed by three responses. They will not be written
out for you. Choose the best response to each question.
1. (A) (B) (C)
2. (A) (B) (C)
3. (A) (B) (C)
4. (A) (B) (C)
5. (A) (B) (C)
6. (A) (B) (C)
7. (A) (B) (C)
8. (A) (B) (C)
9. (A) (B) (C)
10. (A) (B) (C)

Practice: Identifying a choice

Practice: Identifying a choice 098.mp3
Direction: Listen to the questions, which are followed by three responses. They will not be written
out for you. Choose the best response to each question.
1. (A) (B) (C)
2. (A) (B) (C)
3. (A) (B) (C)
4. (A) (B) (C)
5. (A) (B) (C)
6. (A) (B) (C)
7. (A) (B) (C)
8. (A) (B) (C)
9. (A) (B) (C)
10. (A) (B) (C)

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NGÀY 18:

A – PART 2: KIỂM TRA TIẾN ĐỘ 099.mp3

1. (A) (B) (C)
2. (A) (B) (C)
3. (A) (B) (C)
4. (A) (B) (C)
5. (A) (B) (C)
6. (A) (B) (C)
7. (A) (B) (C)
8. (A) (B) (C)
9. (A) (B) (C)
10. (A) (B) (C)
11. (A) (B) (C)
12. (A) (B) (C)
13. (A) (B) (C)
14. (A) (B) (C)
15. (A) (B) (C)
16. (A) (B) (C)
17. (A) (B) (C)
18. (A) (B) (C)
19. (A) (B) (C)
20. (A) (B) (C)
21. (A) (B) (C)
22. (A) (B) (C)
23. (A) (B) (C)
24. (A) (B) (C)
25. (A) (B) (C)
26. (A) (B) (C)
27. (A) (B) (C)
28. (A) (B) (C)
29. (A) (B) (C)
30. (A) (B) (C)

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Part 3:
Dạng 1: Bài đối thoại trong công ty
Trọng tâm của bài học
Trong các bài đối thoại của Part 3, dạng câu hỏi về chủ đề có tần suất xuất hiện cao nhất là các bài
đối thoại liên quan tới văn phòng, ước tính khoảng 40% - 50% mỗi đề thi TOEIC hàng tháng. Hãy
xem bài đối thoại thường gặp dưới đây.
Phân tích bài đối thoại 060.mp3

Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following conversation.

W: Rodger, the new receptionist, (1) Ms. Maria Cortez, is waiting for you in the lobby.
Nhân viên tiếp tân mới đang đợi người đàn ông ở tiền sảnh.
M: (2) Could you take her over to the conference room? I'll meet you both there in about 10
Người đàn ông nhờ đưa cô Maria Cortez đến phòng hội nghị.
W: Okay, I'll do that. Is she starting her job today?
Hỏi xem liệu cô María Cortez có bắt đầu công việc từ hôm nay chưa.
M: Yes, but (3) she’ll be trained by Lisa for a week to understand how things are done here first.
Không bắt đầu công việc ngay mà phải học nghiệp vụ trong một tuần.

Q1 : Who is waiting for the man?

A: A new employee
→ Nghe nội dung chính và cần phải suy luận về vấn đề trước tiên. Trong câu hỏi có từ nghi vấn Who
nên phải đoán xem người đang đợi người đàn ông là ai.

Q2: What does the man ask the secretary to do?

A: Take the visitor to the conference room
→ Có thể nội dung người đàn ông nhờ thư ký làm gì? sẽ được nhắc đến. Trong bài đối thoại, khi có
các cấu trúc như Could you … ? / Please … thì hãy chú ý các nội dung xuất hiện ngay sau đó.

Q3: What does the man say about Lisa?

A: She will help the new employee with the work.
→ Có thể biết người phụ nữ được nhắc đến là Lisa. Khi xuất hiện tên Lisa cần chú ý lắng nghe để
đoán được câu trả lời của Q3.

receptionist nhân viên tiếp tân conference hội nghị
lobby hành lang, tiền sảnh start the job bắt đầu công việc
take ~ to đưa ~ vào

Bài tập 1: 061.mp3

Nghe bài đối thoại nhiều lần rồi điền vào chỗ trống.

M: Hi, Sally. Are you attending (1) ________________________ Friday? It’s at 11 o’clock.
Don’t be late.
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W: Friday? You mean the day after tomorrow? I thought (2) ______________________ because
the president is (3) ______________________.
M: Well, he decided to have the meeting since many staff members are (4)
__________________________ next week. So he will be back tonight.
W: Okay, I’m (5) __________________________ from London branch at 11 o’clock. So I’ll be
at the meeting about 11:30.

attend tham dự go on vacation đi nghỉ
quarterly meeting cuộc họp hàng quý expect mong đợi
be pushed back được dời lại branch văn phòng chi nhánh (= branch
business trip chuyến đi công tác office)
staff nhân viên

Ghi chú:
(1) Chú ý câu hỏi có các đáp án được diễn đạt trong 1-2 từ.
Những người mới bắt đầu học sẽ gặp khó khăn khi phải đọc câu hỏi và các câu trả lời được trình bày
trên giấy trước, sau đó mới nghe bài đối thoại. Nhưng đối với trường hợp của hình thức câu trả lời
được diễn đạt trong 1-2 từ thì tốt nhất nên xem trước câu trả lời rồi mới nghe bài đối thoại. Trong
trường hợp đáp án lựa chọn được thể hiện dưới dạng câu thì các bạn cần luyện tập nghe toàn bộ bài
đối thoại để tìm ra được đáp án. Qua tham khảo, những câu hỏi có đáp án được diễn đạt bằng 1-2 từ
đa số đều có độ khó thấp do đó các bạn hãy tập trung trả lời những câu như vậy.

Chú ý 1 062.mp3

BƯỚC 1: Trước tiên lắng nghe bài đối thoại.

BƯỚC 2: Kiểm tra đáp án.

1. The first speaker is probably [an office manager / a receptionist].
2. The man wants to [get a job / hire someone].

BƯỚC 3: Xác định nội dung.

W: (1) Welcome to Global Tech Inc. How can I help you?
M: I’m here to meet with Sophia White for (2) a job interview.
W: Oh I see. Wait a moment, please. (3) I’ll call up to Ms. White’s office. Could you please let
me have your name?
M: Sure. My name is Craig Powell. I have a 1 o’clock appointment.

office manager trưởng phòng job interview phỏng vấn công việc
receptionist nhân viên lễ tân call up to gọi điện
hire tuyển dụng appointment cuộc hẹn

BƯỚC 4: Phân tích nội dung.

1. Người nói đầu tiên có thể là [trưởng phòng/ tiếp tân].

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Đang hỏỉ nghề nghiệp của người nói thứ nhất, do vậy phải lắng nghe kỹ từ vựng để suy ra nghề
nghiệp. Cô gái tiếp đón khách và dựa vào từ Inc. ta có thể đoán cô ấy là trưởng phòng hay tiếp
2. Người đàn ông muốn [tìm vỉệc/ tuyển người].
Nghe kỹ lời nói của người đàn ông để suy ra điều ông ta cần là gì. Mục đích chi tiết sẽ được làm
rõ bằng nội dung sau câu nói I’m here to meet with ...

Chú ý 2 063.mp3

BƯỚC 1: Trước tiên lắng nghe bài đối thoại.

BƯỚC 2: Kiểm tra đáp án.

3. [Jonathan/ Lisa] will be transferred to Taipei office.
4. They will prepare a [birthday party / farewell party].

BƯỚC 3: Xác định nội dung.

M1: I heard that (3) Jonathan is transferring to Taipei office in a month.
M2: Really? I haven’t heard about it yet. Who did you hear it from?
M1: Lisa told me that she had overheard the manager saying something about it.
M2: Well. I think we should have (4) a farewell party for him.

be transferred to được chuyển sang sang in a month trong một tháng
prepare chuẩn bị overhear tình cờ nghe được
farewell party tiệc chia tay manager trưởng phòng

BƯỚC 4: Phân tích nội dung.

3. [Jonathan/ Lisa] sẽ được chuyển đến văn phòng ở Đài Bắc.
Nhiều trường hợp có thể đoán ra câu trả lời từ câu thoại của người thứ nhất trong bài đối thoại. Do
vậy trong phần 3, chú ý lắng nghe để không bỏ lỡ câu thoại đầu tiên. Trong bài đối thoại có đề
cập trực tiếp đến việc Jonathan chuyển đi, còn Lisa là người nghe được tin đó.
4. Họ sẽ chuẩn bị [tiệc sinh nhật / tiệc chia tay].
Toàn bài đối thoại nói về việc chuyển công tác của Jonathan và trong nội dung chính có nói đến
bữa tiệc chia tay nên có thể tìm câu trả lời một cách dễ dàng.

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Bài tập 2:
Câu hỏi kiểm tra 065.mp3
1. What does the woman want? 6. What does the woman offer to do?
(A) A supervisor's phone number (A) Revise a schedule
(B) Where supplies are located (B) Write a note
(C) Promotion approval (C) Review a document
(D) The location of the warehouse (D) Extend a deadline

2. Where is the department head? 7. Who is the woman most likely talking to?
(A) At home (A) Her supplier
(B) In her office (B) Her co-worker
(C) In the supply room (C) Her neighbor
(D) In the print shop (D) Her customer

3. What does the man suggest the woman do? 8. What does the man say about the software
(A) Make a purchase order installation?
(B) Speak with Emiko (A) There is a technical problem with it.
(C) Buy a new phone (B) It has to be completed by tomorrow.
(D) Get a receipt (C) It will be discussed at a conference.
(D) He wants it done on his computer.
4. What are the speakers discussing?
(A) A printing error 9. What does the woman suggest the man do?
(B) A staff meeting (A) Meet Richard
(C) A new program (B) Get permission
(D) A travel itinerary (C) Talk to her supervisor
(D) Apply for a job
5. What does the woman ask the man to do?
(A) Cancel a flight
(B) Attend a seminar
(C) Proofread the seminar schedule
(D) Call a publisher


Bài tập 1: Nghe bài đối thoại, sau đó trả lời câu hỏi
1. Where does the man probably work?
(A) At the post office
(B) In the payroll department
2. What will the man probably do next?
(A) Send the woman’s paycheck again.
(B) Call the woman's new apartment
3. What are the speakers talking about?
(A) A stalling shortage.
(B) Law wages.
4. What can be inferred about the speakers?
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(A) They want to postpone the deadline.

(B) They have to work late for a while.
5. Where is Mr. Wilson now?
(A) In Seoul.
(B) In New York.
6. When will the meeting most likely take place?
(A) Wednesday.
(B) Friday.
7. How many times has the woman redone the design?
(A) 5 times.
(B) 6 times.
8. Why is IPD Magazine significant to them?
(A) It is the biggest account.
(B) It is the important supplier.
9. What does the man want?
(A) To buy new computers.
(B) To replace his cell phone.
10. What does the man finally suggest?
(A) To go on a vacation.
(B) To buy from a different company.

Bài tập 2: Nâng cao khả năng cơ bản | Luyện tập paraphrasing
Làm quen với cảm giác thi thật 101.mp3
Nghe kĩ bài đối thoại và trả lời câu hỏi.
1. What is being discussed?
(A) A shareholder conference
(B) A staff meeting
(C) A training program
(D) Money management
2. What did the man say about the information he received?
(A) It raised many questions.
(B) It was practical.
(C) It was detailed.
(D) It was predictable.
3. What does the man want to do?
(A) Increase productivity
(B) Reduce costs
(C) Improve quality
(D) Start a new project
4. What are the speakers discussing?
(A) A repair work

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(B) A floor arrangement

(C) A new building
(D) A special notice
5. What does the woman ask the man about?
(A) The number of workers
(B) The weekend schedule
(C) The basement lighting
(D) The meeting time
6. What does the man ask the woman to do?
(A) Send a memo
(B) Call the contractor
(C) Close the facility
(D) Inform maintenance staff
7. Why is the man asking about his phone?
(A) He wants to make a call, but is unable to.
(B) He is trying unsuccessfully to answer a call.
(C) It doesn’t appeal to be working properly
(D) He is inquiring about a part replacement.
8. Where is this conversation likely taking place?
(A) In the expensive restaurant.
(B) In the rental vehicle
(C) In the office
(D) In the meeting room
9. What does the man finally decide to do?
(A) Order the necessary supplies
(B) Talk to the person that is holding on his line
(C) Ask his co-worker to take a message
(D) Take the rest of the afternoon off


CHÚ Ý 1: Trước tiên hãy nắm vững cấu trúc của bài đọc

1. Thư tín (Letter)

Ms. Imai 1934 Main St. 1

Binghamton 3Z492B 2
December 10 3

Mr. Park 4
Reader's Book Club 5
1756 East St. 6
New Camden 6C721L
Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 301
Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

Dear Mr. Park, 7

I’m writing to express my dissatisfaction with your service. 8

The delivery of the books is usually late. I want the books to be delivered on time.

Sincerely, 9
Masako Imai 10
Masako Imai
1. Tên người gửi
2. Tên công ty và địa chỉ
3. Ngày gửi
4. Tên người nhận
5. Tên công ty
6. Địa chỉ
7. Lời chào (viết theo thói quen)
8. Mục đích và lý do viết thư (thường được trình bày ở đầu bài viết)
9. Lời chào (viết theo thói quen)
10. Chức vụ hoặc tên người gửi
Bài tập 1: Câu hỏi Quiz
1. Người nhận là ai? ___________________________
2. Người gửi là ai? ___________________________
3. Lý do gửi thư là gì? ___________________________

express (v) bày tỏ late (adj, adv) trễ
dissatisfaction (n) sự không hài lòng on time đúng giờ
usually (adv) thường thường

2. Thư tín (Letter)

To : All managers 1
From : Linda Palmer, Human Resources Directo 2
tên chức vụ
Subject : Upcoming employee seminar 3
Date: July 10 4
I'm writing to set up a meeting to discuss the details of the employee seminar. 5
I think that this Friday will be perfect to have the meeting.
Please forward your opinions as soon as possible.

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 302

Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

1. Người nhận
2. Người gửi
3. Chủ đề
4. Ngày gửi
5. Trình bày mục đích viết thư
(thường trình bày ở đầu bài viết)

Bài tập 2: Câu hỏi Quiz

1. Nguời nhận là ai? ___________________________
2. Người gửi là ai? ___________________________
3. Lý do gửi thư là gì? ___________________________

upcoming (adj) sắp tới
set up (v) tổ chức
discuss (v) thảo luận
detail (n) chi tiết
perfect (adj) rất tốt, tuyệt vời
forward (v) gửi
opinion (n) ý kiến
as soon as possible càng sớm càng tốt

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CHÚ Ý 2: Nắm vững các dạng câu hỏi thường gặp

1. Những câu hỏi về người gửi

- Who sent this e-mail?
- Who wrote this letter?

Gợi ý tìm từ khóa:

Thư tin: Tìm thông tin (tên, chức vụ, địa chỉ) về người gửi ở phần đầu và phần cuối của bài đọc.
E-mail: Tìm ở phần cuối của bức thư hoặc ở mục người gửi (From: ...).

2. Những câu hỏi về người nhận

- Who is this letter intended for?
- To whom is the e-mail intended?

Gợi ý tìm từ khóa:

Thư tín: Tìm thông tin của người nhận ở bên duới thông tin của nguời gửi.
E-mail: Tìm trong mục (To: ...) trình bày về người nhận.

3. Những câu hỏi về mục đích viết thư

- What is the purpose of this e-mail?
- Why was this letter written?
- Why was this letter sent to Ms. Kim?
- What is the main purpose of this letter?

Gợi ý tìm từ khóa:

Các câu hỏi về mục đích viết thư đa số có câu trả lời nằm ở phần đầu của bài đọc.
Đặc biệt là mục đích viết thư hay e-mail đều thể hiện rõ ràng bằng cụm từ I’m writing to do ~.

Bài tập 3:
Questions 1 ~ 3 refer to the following letter.
Ms. Sara Emma, President
Value Construction Company
1547 Remington St.
Austin, TX.
Dear Ms. Emma,
On behalf of the entire staff of our company, I would like to express our thanks for your p successfully
completing the reconstruction of our headquarters building. You have finished the building on July 7 as
you promised. Thanks!
Sincerely yours,
Jimmy Carnell
Jimmy Carnell
CEO, Pacific Holdings Co.

1. What is the purpose of this letter?

(A) To inform staff change
(B) To express gratitude

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(C) To inform schedule change

(D) To express dissatisfaction
2. When was the construction finished?
(A) Last week
(B) August 20
(C) Last year
(D) July 7
3. To whom is this letter intended?
(A) The CEO of Pacific Holdings Co.
(B) Employees at Pacific Holdings Co.
(C) The President of Value Construction Company
(D) Jimmy Carnell
Questions 4 ~ 6 refer to the following email.

To: All employees

From: James Morgan, Facilities Manager
Re: Company Parking Lot
Date: June 18
This is a reminder of the upcoming maintenance work on the company parking lot. The parking lot will be
closed for the work. The maintenance work will begin tomorrow morning at 9:00. The work will be
completed by 5:00 P.M.
Thanks for your cooperation.

4. What is the main purpose of the e-mail?

(A) To inform maintenance work
(B) To ask suggestions
(C) To respond to a letter
(D) To introduce a new company policy
5. When will the work be finished?
(A) Today
(B) June 18
(C) Tomorrow afternoon
(D) Tomorrow morning
6. Who sent the e-mail?
(A) The CEO
(B) Maintenance office
(C) Employees
(D) Facilities Manager

Questions 7 ~ 11 refer to the following job advertisement and e-mail.


We are looking for full-time customer service representatives to work at our Customer Service Center in
our headquarters.
Job Descriptions:
Primary duties are to answer customer questions.
And also provides advice on problems regarding orders.

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 305

Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

Excellent communication skills
Ability to use personal computers
Applicants must be able to work any shift, including weekends.
To apply, send a résumé and cover letter to: recruits@ABCmart.com

To: Recruits
From: Denis Ram
Subject: Customer Service Representative
Date: September 20
I’m writing to apply for the advertised position. I’m really interested in working as a customer service
representative. Although I have no previous experience in the field, I will do my best.
I enclosed my resume and cover letter.

7. Which position is being advertised?

(A) Sales representative
(B) Customer service representative
(C) Accountant
(D) Computer technician
8. What is NOT stated as requirements for the position?
(A) College degree
(B) Communication skills
(C) Ability to work weekends
(D) Computer skills
9. What is the main duty of the position?
(A) To respond to questions
(B) To support sales personnel
(C) To assist managers
(D) To prepare for a meeting
10. Why Denis Ram wrote the letter?
(A) To request a day off
(B) To apply for a position
(C) To explain his career
(D) To answer questions
11. The word “enclosed” in line 4 is closest in meaning to
(A) closed
(B) terminated
(C) detailed
(D) included


Bài tập 1: Read the following letter and answer the questions
Max Office Supplies
433 Western Lane
New York, NY 10987
Dear Ms. Johnson:

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 306

Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

It was a pleasure meeting you at the interview. I enjoyed our conversation so much, especially hearing
about the needs of the Marketing Department.
I would appreciate it if you could send me a letter concerning your hiring decision. Thank you again for
your time, and I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Jane Omaley
especially appreciate concerning
1. By whom was the letter sent?
(A) A job applicant
(B) An interviewer
2. What is Ms. Johnson asked to do?
(A) Arrange a meeting
(B) Send a letter about a decision

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 307

Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

Bài tập 2: Practice paraphrasing the following sentences by choosing the correct option.
01 We assure you that your order will arrive within seven days.
= Delivery is to take place within a specific time.
(A) likely (B) guaranteed
02 I send a copy of your flight itinerary with my letter.
= please find the information on your travel plans.
(A) Enclosed (B) Revised
03 I have attached the technical specifications for the AC20 to this e-mail.
= A list of the product's_ _ is included with the e-mail.
(A) costs (B) details
04 Thank you for finding the data that I had asked you about.
= I appreciate your taking the time to the requested information.
(A) locate (B) fill out
05 Schedule your appointment a week before you want to have your car checked.
(A) Appointments for car maintenance should be made a week in advance.
(B) You should check your car service appointment one week ahead or time.
06 Please give me information about the conference facilities at your hotel.
(A) I would like some details about the meeting rooms at your hotel.
(B) I want to have a meeting about the services available at your hotel.

07 Improperly disposing of motor oil can contaminate drinking water.

(A) Motor oil must be disposed of in specific areas.
(B) Disposing motor oil inappropriately can pollute drinking water.

08 Mr. Sigh Is in charge of organizing the reception for the overseas investors.
(A) Mr. Sigh takes responsibility for planning a welcome party,
(B) Mr. Sigh is the receptionist for the overseas branch.

Question 9 refers to the following letter.

Dear Ms, Jackson,
Our law firm has recently decided to move to a more spacious office due to an increase. In the
number of employees In the last year. Additional furniture, office supplies, arii equipment are needed
for our new location. As we were very satisfied with the qual „ goods and services you have provided
in the past, we look forward to working with you to furnish our new office. I would appreciate your
giving us a cost estimate for the iter mentioned in the enclosed document.
09 What is enclosed in the letter?
(A) A product catalog (B) A list (C) A quote
Question 10 refers to the following e-mail.
FROM: Christopher Knight Personnel Manager TO: All staff
This e-mail is to notify staff that all data contained in the personnel information files is confidential.
It should only be shown to authorized executives. Reviewing or sharing any information you find
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with a third party is strictly forbidden and could result in termination of employment If you are given
access to a file by mistake, please report it to me immediately.
10. What must one do if one receives a confidential file accidentally?
(A) Contact the technician
(B) Send it to the supervisor
(C) Inform Mr. Knight
Questions 11-12 refer to the following letter.
Viking Wireless Lexington New York.
Dear Mr. Jones,
For the past several months, my cell phone bill has been much higher than usual. So, I contacted the
customer service department to find out why. It turns out that there are many *?
phone calls that I did not make on bill. However, the customer service insists that these calls were
made from my cell phone.
But many of the calls were made when I was out of the country Enclosed is a copy of my plane ticket
to prove that I was not in the country. I have also attached a copy of my recent bills and highlighted
the calls that I did not make.
Please reimburse me for the incorrect charges and send a statement that reflects the changes. Thank
you for your attention to this matter.
Susan Hay
11 What is the purpose of this letter?
(A) To ask about a phone service plan
(B) To praise the customer service
(C) To exchange a defective phone
(D) To complain about a billing issue
12 What does Ms. Hay request the company do?
(A) Refund the extra charges
(B) Change her service plan
(C) Contact the travel agency
(D) Update her subscription

Bài tập 3:
Questions 1 -2 refer to the following e-mail.
TO: editor_NewYork@newyrork.net
FROM: Brian Simpson (simpson@googler.com)
SUBJECT: The article regarding PK Co.
To the editor,
I am writing about the article entitled PK Co. Negative Sales. My name is Brian Simpson, and I am
the public relations director at PK Co. After my coworkers and I read your article, we found some
incorrect information.
First of all, you wrote that we are planning to lay off 30% of our staff members this coming August.
However, that has not been decided yet. Also you wrote that our sales decreased 10% in the first
quarter of the year. This is not true.

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We would like you to publish a correction to the article immediately, and we need an official apology
to our company.
Thank you,
Brian Simpson
1. Why was this e-mail written?
(A) To ask an editor for some advice
(B) To request some correction be made
(C) To apologize to the editor for the artice
(D) To introduce some new staff members
2. Who is Brian Simpson?
(A) The executive official at PK Co
(B) The CEO of PK Co.
(C) The writer of an article.
(D) A publisher.

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A- PART 3:

Dạng 2: Bài đối thoại khi mua sắm

Trọng tâm của bài học
Trong các bài đối thoại của Part 3, nội dung luôn xuất hiện trong đề thi mỗi tháng là bài đối thoại
liên quan đến mua sắm. Hãy xem xét các bài đối thoại thường gặp và các từ vựng có liên quan đến
mua sắm.
Phân tích bài đối thoại 066.mp3
Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following conversation.
M: (1) I'd like to buy some shirts.
Người đàn ông muốn mua áo sơ mi.
W: Sure, what style are you most interested in?
Nhân viên bán hàng hỏi người đàn ông thích kiểu nào.
M: (2) I like dark colors. Do you have any?
Ông ấy trả lời là thích kiểu sơ mi màu tối.
W: I can show you some of those over here, (3) please follow me.
Nhân viên bán hàng nói rằng áo sơ mi màu tối ở hướng kia và đề nghị dẫn người đàn ông đi
đến đó.
Q1 : Where are the speakers most likely?
A : In a department store
→ Trường hợp câu hỏi hỏi về địa điểm, có khi câu trả lời xuất hiện ngay trong câu thoại đầu tiên.
Nhưng cũng nên chú ý các từ khóa khác để quyết định đáp án đúng. do đó nên đọc câu hỏi để định
hướng thong tin cần nghe. Ví dụ như nghe được các từ shirts/ style/ color thì có thể biết đó là cửa
hàng bách hóa.

Q2 : What is the man concerned about?

A : Color
→ Khi nghe cô nhân viên hỏi Ông thích kiểu sơ mi nào? thì người đàn ông trả lời Tôi thích màu tối
có thể biết được đáp án của Q2 là màu sắc.

Q3 : What does the woman ask the man to do?

A : Come with her
→ Cụm từ come with her ở đây được dung theo nghĩa giống với follow me.

would like to do muốn ~ be interested in thích, quan tâm
dark color màu tối follow đi theo
over here ở hướng kia department store cửa hàng bách hóa

Bài tập 1: 067.mp3

Nghe bài đối thoại nhiều lần rồi điền vào chỗ trống.

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M: Excuse me. I bought this book yesterday and (1) ______________________________ at the
end of the book. (2) ______________________________________?
W: You certainly can. Do you have (3) _____________________________________________?
I need to see (4) _______________________________________.
M: No, I’m afraid not. I don’t have the receipt (5)
M: Oh, I’m terribly sorry for the inconvenience but, you can only get a full refund if you have
the receipt.
miss mất, thất lạc purchase việc mua hàng
get a refund được hoàn lại tiền terribly rất, thực sự
original gốc inconvenience sự bất tiện
receipt giấy biên nhận full refund số tiền hoàn trả đầy đủ
proof bằng chứng

Ghi chú:
(2) Các từ / cụm từ đồng nghĩa
Các đáp án của câu hỏi trong Part 3 được chia thành 2 loại:
1. Lấy từ vựng trong bài đối thoại đưa vào đáp án.
2. Chọn từ có cách diễn đạt khác nhưng có cùng ý nghĩa với các từ có trong đoạn đối thoại. Ví dụ
như trường hợp trong bài đối thoại đã nghe là please follow me và trong đáp án có cụm từ tương tự
là come with her. Việc này được gọi là paraphrasing.
Nếu vừa nghe bài đối thoại vừa nắm được các yếu tố đồng nghĩa với nhau thì sẽ có khả năng đạt
được điểm số cao.

Chú ý 1 068.mp3

BƯỚC 1: Trước tiên lắng nghe bài đối thoại.

BƯỚC 2: Kiểm tra đáp án.

1. The newspaper is [on the printer / in the employee lounge].
2. Sophia suggests the man [go to the electronics store / access the Internet].

BƯỚC 3: Xác định nội dung.

M: Sophia, have you seen the yesterday’s newspaper? I placed it on the printer before I left the
office yesterday. I want to look at an ad in the paper again.
W: (1) I saw it on the table in the employee lounge this morning. What is the ad about?
M: I need a fridge. The new electronics store advertised 30% off in every item.
W: Well, (2) I think you should search on the Internet first. I can show you a website where you can
get a much better deal.

newspaper tờ báo employee lounge phòng nghỉ dành cho nhân
place đặt, để viên
printer máy in fridge tủ lạnh
leave rời khỏi electronics store cửa hàng điện tử
ad mẩu quảng cáo advertise quảng cáo
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offer tặng search tìm kiếm

item món hàng deal sự thoả thuận

BƯỚC 4: Phân tích nội dung.

1. Tờ báo ở [trên máy in / trong phòng nghỉ của nhân viên].
Chú ý nghe thông tin về vị trí của tờ báo. Người đàn ông nhắc đến từ printer nhưng đó là bẫy. Chú
ý đến lời của cô gái có
nhắc đến phòng nghỉ dành cho nhân viên.
2. Sophia đề nghị người đàn ông [đi đến cửa hàng điện tử / tìm kiếm trên mạng].
Cần chú ý nghe kỹ câu nói của Sophia vì người đàn ông đã nhắc đến cửa hàng điện tử, tuy nhiên
cô gái đã nói là you should search on the Internet. Đáp án đã thay thế từ search bằng từ khác có
nghĩa tương tự là access.

Chú ý 2 069.mp3

BƯỚC 1: Trước tiên lắng nghe bài đối thoại.

BƯỚC 2: Kiểm tra đáp án.

3. The first speaker is looking for [some seafood / some meat].
4. The second speaker will [help the first speaker locate an item / pay for the cashier].

BƯỚC 3: Xác định nội dung.

W1: Excuse me. (3) Which aisle is frozen shrimp in?
W2: l believe that it’s in aisle 6 or 7, the frozen food section.
W1: Well, I just looked in the frozen food section but I didn’t see it.
W2: Oh, it must be in the seafood section then. That would be the first aisle by the meat corner. I
have to buy some chicken. So, (4) I’ll show you if you follow me.

aisle lối đi, gian seafood hải sản
frozen đông lạnh meat corner gian hàng thịt
shrimp tôm follow đi sau, theo sau
section ngăn

BƯỚC 4: Phân tích nội dung.

3. Người nói thứ nhất đang tìm [các món hải sản / thịt].
Người nói thứ nhất đã hỏi Which aisle is frozen shrimp in? nên có thể đoán người đó đang tìm các
món hải sản. Thông qua việc người nói thứ hai đề cập đến chicken có thể biết meat là thứ người
thứ hai đang tìm.
4. Người nói thứ hai sẽ [giúp người thứ nhất tìm hàng hóa / tính tiền].
Trong câu thoại của người nói thứ hai đã có câu trả lời. Cụm từ I’ll show you của người nói thứ
hai được diễn đạt lại thành help ~ locate (giúp tìm vị trí).

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Bài tập 2: 071.mp3

1. Who most likely is the woman? 6. Why does the man say he is not interested?
(A) A newspaper reporter (A) He likes a different model.
(B) A delivery person (B) He wants a bigger car.
(C) A cashier (C) He is concerned about gas.
(D) A restaurant waitress (D) He cannot afford the price.

2. What did the man learn about? 7. What is the man selling?
(A) Where he can find a bed (A) Newspapers
(B) When a sale will begin (B) A motorcycle
(C) Whether he can use coupons (C) Accident insurance
(D) What products are available (D) Gas

3. What is inferred about the man’s next visit? 8. What does the woman want to do?
(A) He will pay for tax. (A) Check the size
(B) He will pay by check. (B) Visit the man
(C) He will use a credit card. (C) Avoid an accident
(D) He will buy grocery items. (D) Change the color

4. Who most likely is the woman? 9. What does the man plan to do?
(A) An automobile dealer (A) Work in his yard
(B) A truck manufacturer (B) Go to his office
(C) A car mechanic (C) Prepare his schedule
(D) A van driver (D) Have dinner

5. What does the woman offer to do?

(A) Give a discount
(B) Show various vehicles
(C) Take a test drive
(D) Accept a purchase

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Dạng 3: Bài đối thoại trong nhà hàng

Trọng tâm của bài học

Dạng bài đối thoại có liên quan tới món ăn hay nhà hàng hầu như đều xuất hiện trong đề thi TOEIC
mỗi tháng. Hãy chú ý luyện tập các mẩu đối thoại thường gặp và những từ vựng có liên quan đến
cuộc hẹn ăn uống cùng như việc trình bày ý kiến về nhà hàng và món ăn.

Phân tích bài đối thoại 072.mp3

Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following conversation.

M: I heard that (1) a new Italian restaurant has opened recently on 14th street? Have you been
Hỏi là đã đi đến nhà hàng Ý mới khai trương chưa .
W: I haven’t eaten there yet, but Kathy said that the pizzas there are very good.
Người phụ nữ trả lời là vẫn chưa đến nhà hàng đó.
M: That’s great! (2) I hope they aren’t expensive though. I think I’ll go there this evening.
Care to join me?
Đề nghị cùng đi ăn vào tối nay.
W: I’d love to, but (3) I’ve promised my daughter that I'd go shopping with her tonight.
Nói rằng dù muốn nhưng không thể đi cùng vì đã có cuộc hẹn với con gái.
Q1 : What are the speakers discussing?
A : A restaurant
→ Hỏi chủ đề của cuộc đối thoại. Nói chung khoảng 80% chủ đề được thể hiện trong câu thoại đầu
tiên. Nói về nhà hàng mới, hãy xem xét câu: that a new Italian I restaurant's opened recently và hỏi
người phụ nữ đã đi thử chưa.
Q2: What is the man concerned about?
A: How much a price is
→ Câu trả lời nằm trong câu nói của người đàn ông. Người phụ nữ có nghe nói rằng pizza rất ngon
và người đàn ông nói là hi vọng giá không mắc I hope they aren't expensive though.
Q3: What does the woman plan to do in the evening?
A: Go out with her daughter
→ Người đàn ông đề nghị: Care to join me? để xem người phụ nữ có cùng đi được không. Người
phụ nữ từ chối lời mời đi ăn nhà hàng bằng câu: I'd love to, but... và nhắc đến kế hoạch đi mua sắm
cùng con gái (I'd go shopping with her).

restaurant nhà hàng promise hứa
open mở, khai trương go shopping đi mua sắm
recently gần đây price giá cả
expensive đắt tiền plan to do dự định làm gì
join tham gia go out đi ra ngoài

Bài tập 3 073.mp3

Nghe bài đối thoại nhiều lần rồi điền vào chỗ trống.
M: Good evening. (1) _______________________________ choosing what to eat tonight?
W: Thanks. This is our first visit here. (2) ________________________________ something for
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M: Well. Today, we have a chef’s special salad and Sophia’s gourmet sirloin (3)
__________________ and of course we have a delicious Kim-chi cream soup too.
W: Well, I think we need more time to (4) __________________________________. Could you
bring us (5)______________________________ while we think about that?

choose chọn lựa sirloin thịt thăn bò
recommend giới thiệu delicious thơm ngon
chef bếp trưởng soup súp
special đặc biệt get ready sẵn sàng
gourmet ngon, chất lượng cao ice water nước lọc (lạnh)

Ghi chú:
(3) Phải nghe đến hết bài để xem xét chọn câu trả lời phù họp.
Trường hợp câu hỏi về thông tin hay kế hoạch của người nói, không nên chỉ nghe nội dung liên quan
đến người nói rồi quyết định câu trả lời. Ví dụ trong trường hợp này người đàn ông nói là “I think I'll
go to the pizza place this evening. Care to join me?”. Nếu người phụ nữ đáp lại “I’d love to” thì hành
động của cô ấy sẽ là cùng đi đến cửa hàng pizza. Nhưng nếu người phụ nữ nói rằng “I’d love to, but
I’ve promised my daughter that I’d go shopping with her tonight.” thì hành động của cô ấy không
phải là đi đến cửa hàng pizza mà là đi mua sắm cùng con gái. Nếu chỉ nghe một phần cuộc đối thoại
mà bỏ sót phần nội dung quan trọng khác đóng vai trò quyết định đến nội dung của cuộc đối thoại thì
thí sinh rất có thể sẽ rơi vào bẫy và chọn câu trả lời sai.

Chú ý 1 074.mp3
BƯỚC 1: Trước tiên lắng nghe bài đối thoại.

BƯỚC 2: Kiểm tra đáp án.

1. The speakers are mainly talking about [health problems / a place to eat].
2. The man will probably have [fish / meat] for his lunch today.

BƯỚC 3: Xác định nội dung.

M: Jessica, (1) have you been to that new Indian restaurant across the street?
W: Sure, I have. They serve excellent dishes. I love the food there. You should try fish dish if you
plan to go.
M: Sounds great. Actually my doctor suggested that I have fish instead of meat.
W: (2) Why don’t you go there for lunch special today? I’m sure you’ll like it.

mainly chính, chủ yểu fish dish món cá
health sức khỏe suggest khuyên
place địa điểm instead of thay cho
Indian (thuộc) Ấn Độ lunch special món ăn đặc biệt dành cho bữa
across the street bên kia đường trưa
serve phục vụ

BƯỚC 4: Phân tích nội dung.

1. Hai ngưòi đang nói chuyện về [vấn dề sức khỏe / địa điểm ăn uống].

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Đang hỏi về chủ đề đối thoại. Chủ đề của cuộc đối thoại được trình bày trong câu thoại đẩu tiên.
Người đàn ông mở đầu câu chuyện về nhà hàng Ấn Độ. Việc nói về bác sĩ ở giữa cuộc đối thoại
nhằm đánh lạc hướng thí sinh.
2. Người đàn ông có thể sẽ dùng [cá / thịt] cho trưa nay.
Người đàn ông bắt đầu đề cập đến bác sĩ và nói rằng mình cần phải ăn cá và ngưòi phụ nữ đề nghị
dùng một bữa trưa đặc biệt, do đó có thể suy ra người đàn ông sẽ ăn cá trong bữa trưa.

Chú ý 2 075.mp3

BƯỚC 1: Trước tiên lắng nghe bài đối thoại.

BƯỚC 2: Kiểm tra đáp án.

3. The first speaker is most likely [a waiter / a customer],
4. The first speaker wants to [order food / get the check].

BƯỚC 3: Xác định nội dung.

W: Excuse me. (3) Do you know where the waiter is? (4) I’d like to order another glass of wine.
M: The same wine, ma’am? I'll see if I can find him for you.
W: I've been waiting for more than 15 minutes. And (4) I'd like to order some bread, too.
M: I’ll have him come to this table as soon as I find him.

waiter nhân viên phục vụ another khác
customer khách hàng wine rượu
order gọi món have him come gọi anh ấy đến
get the check lấy hóa đơn as soon as ngay khi

BƯỚC 4: Phân tích nội dung.

3. Người nói thứ nhất có thể là [nhân viên phục vụ bàn / khách].
Đang hỏi nghề nghiệp của người nói thứ nhất. Đừng nhầm lẫn với nghề nghiệp của người kia.
Người nói thứ nhất đã hỏi “Do you know where the waiter is?" nên có thể đoán được người thứ
nhất là khách tới nhà hàng.
4. Người nói thứ nhất muốn [gọi món ăn / lấy hóa đơn].
Người nói thứ nhất muốn bánh mì và rượu nên có thể đoán là vẫn chưa kết thúc bữa ăn. Câu nói
nhờ đi lấy hóa đơn là không có. Lưu ý trong nhà hàng, hóa đơn tính tiền được gọi là check.

Bài tập 4: 077.mp3

1. Who most likely is the man? 6. Why did the woman change her order?
(A) A cashier (A) It was no longer on the menu.
(B) A waiter (B) She is allergic to clams.
(C) A chef (C) The restaurant is out of clams.
(D) A customer (D) That was too expensive.

2. Why doesn’t the woman want appetizers? 7. What are the speakers discussing?
(A) She wants to save time. (A) Favorite restaurants in town
(B) She doesn’t see anything she likes. (B) Important business mergers
(C) She wants to read the menu further. (C) Client meetings
(D) She wants to pay now. (D) Where the woman eats
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3. What does the woman want to know? 8. How does the man sound?
(A) Where she can get a table (A) Surprised
(B) When the restaurant closes (B) Excited
(C) Whether a drink is included (C) Confused
(D) Who will’serve the food (D) Depressed

4. What was not mentioned in the menu? 9. What does the woman plan to do tomorrow?
(A) Lobster (A) Eat at home
(B) King crab (B) Meet clients
(C) Steak (C) Sign a contract
(D) Shrimp (D) Start a vacation

5. What was the woman’s final order?

(A) Lobster and clams
(B) Crab and shrimp
(C) Lobster and shrimp
(D) Pasta and clams

IV. Dạng 4: Bài đối thoại trong ngân hàng

Trọng tâm của bài học

Dạng đối thoại này liên quan tới nghiệp vụ ngân hàng và hầu như luôn xuất hiện trong các kỳ thi
TOEIC hàng tháng. Hãy nắm vững hình thức cũng như dạng từ vựng có liên quan đến nghiệp vụ
ngân hàng.

Phân tích bài đối thoại 078.mp3

Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following conversation.

W: (1) Ben’s computer terminal doesn’t work properly. (2) It looks like a problem with the new
Nói rằng phần mềm máy tính của Ben đã trục trặc nên gặp khó khăn khi làm việc.
M: So will that counter be closed down for the day?
Hỏi nếu như vậy có phải đóng cửa quầy giao dịch đó hôm nay không.
W: Yes. I think the other tellers will be asked to do his work.
Nói rằng vì không thể sắp xếp công việc nên những nhân viên khác phải làm công việc của
anh ấy.
M: It might be a busy day today. Just let me know (3) if you need any help with any of the
Nói rằng nếu cản giúp đỡ thì hãy cho anh ấy biết.

Q1 : Who most likely are the speakers?

A : Bank clerks
→ Qua các từ counter / transaction / tellers có thể đoán được đây là cuộc đối thoại của các nhân viên
ngân hàng.

Q2 : What problem does Ben have?

A : His computer isn’t functioning.

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→ Trong câu đầu tiên Ben’s computer terminal doesn’t work properly đã nêu rõ là máy vi tính của
Ben hoàn toàn không hoạt động được.

Q3 : What does the man tell the woman?

A : He will be able to help out with some of the work.
→ Qua câu Just let me know if you need any help có thể biết người đàn ông đồng ý giúp một số việc.

computer terminal máy vi tính trạm transaction vụ giao dịch
software phần mềm bank clerk nhân viên ngân hàng
counter quầy giao dịch function hoạt động
teller nhân viên thu ngân help out giúp đỡ tạm thời

Bài tập 5 079.mp3

Nghe bài đối thoại nhiều lần rồi điền vào chỗ trống.
W: Excuse me. Can you tell me how the (1)________________________________________ work?
M: You can do all your (2)_________________________________________ over the telephone, 24
hours a day.
W: That’s great. How do I (3)__________________?
M: Just call the bank, key in your (4)____________________ and

telephone banking (dịch vụ) ngân hàng thông qua điện thoại
day-to-day hàng ngày access truy cập
account tài khoản
key in nhập (dữ liệu)
PIN number mã số nhận diện cá nhân (= Personal Identification Number)
option sự lựa chọn

Ghi chú:
(4) Cần kết hợp nhiều chi tiết để đưa ra lựa chọn chính xác.
Trong Part 3, thỉnh thoảng có những trường hợp đáp án của câu hỏi thứ nhất được trình bày sau đáp
án của câu hỏi thứ hai. Để trả lời câu hỏi thứ nhất, hãy chờ đợi đáp án khi nghe hết đoạn đối thoại.
Trong nhiều trường họp, câu hỏi thứ nhất hỏi về nghề nghiệp của người nói hoặc địa điểm cuộc đối
thoại đang diễn ra. Trong trường hợp như vậy nên xem qua các câu trả lời cho sẵn và luyện tập nắm
bắt toàn bộ nội dung để tổng hợp các chi tiết nghe đuợc trong các đoạn đối thoại. Cần luyện tập thói
quen ghi nhớ nội dung tất cả các câu hỏi trước khi nghe nội dung bài đối thoại để có thể tổng hợp các
chi tiết và trả lời chính xác các câu hỏi được đặt ra.

Chú ý 1 080.mp3
BƯỚC 1: Trước tiên lắng nghe bài đối thoại.

BƯỚC 2: Kiểm tra đáp án.

1. The woman's problem is that [her homepage is crashed / she cannot enter a webpage].
2. The woman is looking for [how to revise the information / how to repair her homepage].

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BƯỚC 3: Xác định nội dung.

W: David, I’m looking for some advice on (1) the Montreal Bank site as to (2) how to change my
personal information, but I can’t enter.
M: Did you log in? Go to the top of the webpage, then click the space that says “log in”.
W: Okay, I have done that. Now, (3) how can I change my personal information?
M: Go to the part of the page that says “Personal Information.” If you have any problems, then let
me know. I’ll help you fix the data.

crash trục trặc advice khuyên
enter vào personal information thông tin cá nhân
revise chình sửa fix chình sửa
repair chình sửa data dữ liệu

BƯỚC 4: Phân tích nội dung.

1. Vấn đề của người phụ nữ là [trang chủ của cô ấy bị trục trặc / cô ấy không vào được web].
Đang hỏi về vấn đề của người phụ nữ nên bạn cần hướng sự chú ý vào lời nói của cô ta. Người
phụ nữ có nhắc tới the Montreal Bank site và nói tiếp can’t enter nên vấn đề ở đây là không thể
vào được trang web.
2. Ngưòi phụ nữ đang tìm kiếm [cách chỉnh sửa thông tin / cách chỉnh sửa trang chủ của cô
Có thể biết việc người phụ nữ muốn thay đổi thông tin cá nhân của mình thông qua câu how can I
change my Personal information?. Câu nói về trang chủ của cô ấy chưa từng được nhắc tới.

Chú ý 2 081.mp3
BƯỚC 1: Trước tiên lắng nghe bài đối thoại.

BƯỚC 2: Kiểm tra đáp án.

3. The man wants to [find an ATM location / deposit some money at the bank].
4. The nearest ATM is [one block away / two blocks away].

BƯỚC 3: Xác định nội dung.

M: Hello. (3) I'm calling to ask for information on ATM location. Could you please direct me to the
nearest ATM?
W: No problem, Sir. Where are you calling from?
M: I'm calling from Harvardway at 10th street, Boston.
W: Okay. The nearest ATM is just (4) one block away on Harvardway and 8th street. Oh, sorry. (4)
Two blocks, not one block.

ATM máy rút tiền tự động (= Automated ask for yêu cầu
Teller Machine) location địa điểm
deposit gửi tiền vào ngân hàng direct hướng đẫn, chỉ đường
block dãy nhà nearest gần nhất
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BƯỚC 4: Phân tích nội dung.

3. Người đàn ông muốn [tìm vị trí ATM / gửi tiền vào ngân hàng].
Đáp án có sẵn trong câu nói của người đàn ông. Câu đầu tiên của bài đối thoại I’m calling to ask
for information on ATM location đã làm rõ lý do vì sao người đàn ông gọi điện thoại.
4. ATM gần nhất cách đây khoảng [một dãy nhà / hai dãy nhà].
Là câu hỏi về khoảng cách, có liên quan đến con số. Khi nhắc đến vị trí của máy ATM hãy chú
ý lắng nghe các con số và ở cuối đoạn đối thoại cô gái đã cho biết vị trí của ATM. Hãy chú ý
tập trung nghe đến hết để không chọn sai đáp án.

Bài tập 6: 083.mp3

1. Where is this conversation taking place? 5. What does the customer want to discuss?
(A) At a bank (A) A credit card
(B) At a travel agency (B) A tax return
(C) At a supermarket (C) An investment plan
(D) At an airport (D) A personal loan

2. What does the woman suggest the man 6. When will the man see the customer?
do? (A) As soon as he comes into the office
(A) Travel only to safer places (B) After he finishes a document
(B) Not carry cash (C) Before leaving for the day
(C) Go abroad (D) When the office opens
(D) Fill out a form to get a refund
7. What does the woman need to know?
3. What should the man do if he loses the (A) Account numbers
checks? (B) Mailing addresses
(A) Go to the bank directly (C) Branch phone numbers
(B) Report to the police (D) Package tracking numbers
(C) Call the helpline
(D) Go to the travel agency 8. What problem does the woman mention
about the Washington branch?
4. Who is the man most probably? (A) It is not yet open for business.
(A) An insurance agent (B) She knows no one there.
(B) A counselor (C) Its computers are down.
(C) A banker (D) It doesn’t have information.
(D) A stockbroker
9. Who is Mr. Palmer?
(A) A supplier
(B) A client
(C) An executive
(D) A mailman

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Bài tập 1: 103.mp3 104.mp3
1. What was the original plan?
(A) Going to a movie
(B) Going to a dinner
(C) Going to meet the woman’s cousin
(D) Going to the woman's house
2. Why have the plans changed?
(A) She is hungry
(B) She forgot about a meeting
(C) The woman’s cousin is in town.
(D) There are no seats at the movies.
3. Who is the man going to see the movie with?
(A) Mary
(B) Robert
(C) By himself
(D) Mary's family

Bài tập 2: Nghe bài đối thoại, sau đó trả lời câu hỏi 105.mp3
1. Why are the speakers going to the city center?
(A) To attend a show
(B) To have dinner
2. How will the speakers got to the city center?
(A) By bus
(B) By ferry
3. Who is Mr. Park talking to?
(A) A magazine salesman
(B) His boss
4. Why does Jean call Mr. Park?
(A) To inform him of the subscription
(B) To inform him of the method of payment
5. When will the woman visit the dinosaur exhibit?
(A) Saturday
(B) Wednesday
6. What did the man say about the exhibit?
(A) The kids love it.
(B) He went there three times.
7. How long is the man going to stay in Edinburgh?
(A) Four days
(B)Five days
8. What does the woman ask the man to do?
(A) Pay with a credit card
(B) Sign his name

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9. When is the woman available?

(A) At 4 o'clock
(B) At 4:10
10. What does the man say?
(A) The meeting won’t take very long
(B) He has time at 4:40.

Bài tập 3: Nâng cao khả năng cơ bản | Luyện tập paraphrasing
Làm quen với cảm giác thi thật 106.mp3
Nghe kỹ đối thoại và trả lời câu hỏi
1. Where did Sally go?
(A) Alaska
(B) June’s house
(C) A birthday party
(D) Khalil’s house
2. What did Sally NOT do on her vacation?
(A) Fishing
(B) Hiking
(C) Going downtown
(D) Skiing
3. What can be assumed about Sally's vacation?
(A) She went there during the winter.
(B) She went there during the summer.
(C) She stayed at her friend’s house.
(D) She spent her birthday there.
4. Who are the speakers?
(A) Coworkers
(B) Best friends
(C) Sisters
(D) A businessman and a client
5. What is happening to Tyler?
(A) He is leaving to another company.
(B) He is presiding a meeting.
(C) He is going to Australia.
(D) He is going to have a party at his house.
6. What does Julie say she will do?
(A) Come back to the office by Friday
(B) Go to a restaurant on Wednesday
(C) Go to Michigan on Friday
(D) Stop by Tyler's office
7. How many people are expected to attend the reception?
(A) 19
(B) 30
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(C) 35
(D) 40
8. What does the woman say about the reception?
(A) There isn’t enough room for 30 people.
(B) More people are coming than she thought.
(C) Fewer people are coming than she thought.
(D) She is looking forward to it.
9. What can be assumed about last year’s reception?
(A) The reception wasn’t as big as this year’s.
(B) They had a lot of people last year.
(C) The reception last year was bigger.
(D) The reception last year lasted longer.

Bài đối thoại liên quan đến mua sắm / nhà hàng
Học các mẫu cẩu hỏi thường gặp 107.mp3
What is the problem with the clothes?
When did the man buy the pants?
Where most likely are the speakers?
Why is the woman concerned about furniture?
What kind of business most likely is Hanover’s?
Where does the woman work?
What does the man say about the dinning area?
What does the customer ask the man to do?

Bài tập 4:
Làm quen với đề tài thường gặp 108.mp3 109.mp3
1. Who is Kevin?
(A) Wendy’s friend
(B) Wendy's brother
(C) Wendy’s boss
(D) Sejoon’s girlfriend
2. What does Kevin say about Sejoon?
(A) He gets cranky often.
(B) His birthday is on Christmas.
(C) He has children.
(D) He is a nice person.
3. When will Kevin probably go shopping?
(A) Friday
(B) Anytime this week
(C) Anytime next week
(D) Never

Bài tập 5: Nghe bài đối thoại, sau đó trả lời câu hỏi 110.mp3
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1. What is the conversation about?

(A) A now restaurant
(B) Office work
2. What did the man do last night?
(A) He went to the new restaurant.
(B) He reserved tables at the restaurant.
3. Where is this conversation taking place?
(A) The doctor's office
(B) A leather bag store
4. Why is the bag so cheap?
(A) It is on a big sale.
(B) There is a scratch on the bag.
5. Where most likely is this conversation held?
(A) In a movie theater ticket booth
(B) In a convenience store
6. What are the benefits of paying in cash?
(A) You can get a discount next time you come in.
(B) You can get a coupon.
7. What is wrong with the computer?
(A) The fan has a problem.
(B) It is making strange noises.
8. Under what circumstances can they fix the computer for free?
(A) If the warranty is expired
(B) If it wasn’t abused
9. Why has the woman called the store?
(A) To order some products
(B) To check a delivery date
10. What does the man say about the delivery date?
(A) It will be delivered on April 2.
(B) It is scheduled for April 4.

Bài tập 6: Làm quen với cảm giác thi thật 111.mp3
Nghe kỹ bài đối thoại và trả lời câu hỏi.
1. Where is this conversation taking place?
(A) In a restaurant
(B) In a shoe store
(C) At a birthday party
(D) At a friend’s house
2. What is the man’s problem?
(A) The shoes have a loose bottom.
(B) The shoes are not what he was looking for.
(C) His friend got him wrong shoes.
(D) He doesn’t know how to cook.
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3. What must you have to get an exchange?

(A) Proof of purchase
(B) The item you have bought
(C) The bag in which the item was in
(D) Identification
4. What is about to take place?
(A) A concert
(B) A big company meeting
(C) An announcement of a new caterer
(D) An opening of a new restaurant
5. Why will the dinner and presentation be switched?
(A) Not enough food is prepared.
(B) The caterer misunderstood the schedule.
(C) The presentation isn’t ready.
(D) Not enough people showed up.
6. What will the caterer do?
(A) Make as much food as he can
(B) Make more food for the same price
(C) Make food free of charge
(D) Take his time
7. Where is this conversation taking place?
(A) In a restaurant
(B) In a library
(C) In a classroom
(D) In an office
8. What does the girl ask the man to do?
(A) Call her if he finds the book
(B) Pay for her book
(C) Find her book
(D) Check her out a book
9. Why does the girl need her book?
(A) She needs to study.
(B) She needs it for a project.
(C) She needs to return it.
(D) She has to pay for it.

Bài đối thoại liên quan đến ngân hàng / bưu điện / giao thông
Học các mẫu câu hỏi thường gặp: 112.mp3
Who is the man speaking to?
Why does the woman want insurance?
What does the man ask about the traveler’s check?
What will the woman do with her pension?
Where are the speakers?
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What will they deliver over by the red building?

Why does the man recommend a different location?
What does the man need to do to get a loan?
Bài tập 7: Làm quen với đề tài thường gặp 113.mp3 114.mp3
1. Who most likely is the man?
(A) An engine driver
(B) A mailman
(C) An Internet web designer
(D) A postal worker
2. What method of shipping did the man recommend?
(A) Train mail
(B) Airmail
(C) Surface mail
(D) E-mail
3. When will the package probably arrive?
(A) Thursday
(B) Friday
(C) Sunday
(D) Next week
Bài tập 8: Nghe bài đối thoại, sau đó trả lời câu hỏi 115.mp3
1. Who are the speakers?
(A) A delivery man and an office employee
(B) A delivery man and his co-workor
2. What does the woman offer to do?
(A) Take the package for Mr. Thompson
(B) Place orders
3. What does the man from the hotel ask?
(A) How he can get to the office
(B) Which train to ride
4. What does the man offer the man in the hotel?
(A) To pick him up from the hotel himself
(B) To send someone to pick him up
5. Where is the conversation taking place?
(A) In a car
(B) On a bus
6. What does the woman suggest that the man do to get to his destination?
(A) Get off at the next stop
(B) Stay on the bus
7. Where does this conversation take place?
(A) In a post office
(B) In a library
8. Why doesn’t the man need express mail?
(A) He doesn't have enough money.
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(B) He isn’t in a hurry.

9. Who is the man talking to?
(A) A telemarketer
(B) A bank teller
10. What is the woman asked by the man?
(A) His balance
(B) His account number

Bài tập 9: 116.mp3

Nghe kỹ bài đối thoại và trả lời câu hỏi.
1. Where is the man working at?
(A) A telephone company
(B) A shipping company
(C) A heating gas company
(D) A bank
2. What does the man say about the woman's bill?
(A) The price has increased.
(B) The account number has been changed.
(C) The company made a mistake.
(D) The woman might have used a lot of gas.
3. What information is the woman request-ed to give?
(A) Her address
(B) Her account number
(C) Her phone number
(D) Her credit card number
4. Where does this conversation most likely take place?
(A) In front of a person’s house
(B) Inside a person's living room
(C) In a restaurant
(D) In a car
5. What is the problem?
(A) Two houses share the same address.
(B) The man brought a wrong order.
(C) The man was late.
(D) The man has no change.
6. What is said about the Johnsons?
(A) They order food often.
(B) They love pizza.
(C) They have a lot of money.
(D) They have a large family.
7. What is this conversation about?
(A) Mr. Coleman’s package
(B) Wrong address for packages
Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 328
Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

(C) Cathy's credit card limit

(D) Packages in the security office
8. Who is NOT receiving a package?
(A) Mr. Meyers
(B) Cathy
(C) Mr. Johnson
(D) Mr. Lee
9. What does Cathy say she will do?
(A) Pick up the packages herself
(B) Give all the packages to Mr. Lee
(C) Thank Mr. Meyers
(D) Talk to Mr. Lee

B- PART 7: Chủ đề quảng cáo

CHÚ Ý 1: Trước tiên hãy nắm vững cấu trúc của bài đọc
1. Quảng cáo sản phẩm

Save up to 50% more on your phone bill 1

1. Có thể nắm bắt thông tin về sản phẩm được quảng cáo hay mục đích của việc quảng cáo.
Unlimited local & long distance calls
Keep your current phone number just $19.99/month. 2
2. Giới thiệu được nét đặc trưng của sản phẩm được quảng cáo.
This offer applies only to those who use services for at least 6 months. 3
3. Thông tin cần chú ý hay nội dung về khuyến mãi
* Trường hợp như giảm giá hay phiếu mua hàng có quy định thời gian sử dụng.

Bài tập 1: Câu hỏi Quiz

1. Quảng cáo sản phẩm nào? a) Thẻ điện thoại b) Dịch vụ điện thoại
2. Đặc điểm của sản phẩm? a) Phải thay số mới b) Có thể giữ nguyên số hiện tại
3. Ai có thể tham gia dịch vụ này? a) Tất cả mọi người b) Người sử dụng tối thiểu 6 tháng.

save (v) tiết kiệm current (adj) hiện tại
up to đến ~ bill (n) hóa đơn offer (n) quà tặng, khuyến mãi (v) cung cấp
unlimited (adj) không bị giới hạn/ hạn chế apply to áp dụng
local (adj) địa phương use (v) sử dụng
long distance call cuộc gọi đường dài at least tối thiểu
keep (v) giữ

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 329

Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

2. Quảng cáo tuyển dụng

Job openings 1

Human Tech Co. is looking for a supervisor for our Technical Support Department. The department
offers a variety of after-sales advice on hardware to our clients. 2

Job Description: 3
The supervisor will train new and existing employees.
Qualifications: 4
College degree
Two years experience in a supervisory position
Knowledge of computer programs
Contacts: 5
Send a résumé, two letters of reference and a cover letter to Samuel Lima, Human Resources
Manager 6
Human Tech Corporations
1789 Industry Ave.
Los Angeles, CA

1. Cho biết đây là quảng cáo tuyển dụng

2. Đưa ra thông tin ngắn gọn về công việc hoặc thông tin giới thiệu về công ty.
* Đáp án cho câu hỏi về thông tin của công ty đa số có thể tìm thấy ở phần đầu bài đọc.
3. Giới thiệu công việc/ Mô tả công việc
4. Yêu cầu về trình độ chuyên môn (=requirements)/bằng cấp
* Giải thích trình độ chuyên môn công ty yêu cầu. Tìm đáp án cho câu hỏi về trình độ chuyên
môn ở phần này.
5. Thông tin liên hệ
6. Yêu cầu về hồ sơ
* Thông tin liên hệ và hướng dẫn về hồ sơ xin việc thuờng xuất hiện ở phần cuối bài đọc.

Bài tập 2: Câu hỏi Quiz

1. Cần tuyển vị trí nào? a) Trưởng phòng tài chính b) Nhân viên quản lý
bộ phận tư vấn kỹ thuật

2. Nếu được tuyển thì sẽ làm công việc gì? a) Tư vấn kỹ thuật b) Đào tạo nhân viên

3. Yêu cầu chuyên môn ra sao? a) Bằng cấp có liên quan b) Kinh nghiệm.

look for (v) tìm after-sales (adj) hậu mãi
supervisor (n) nhân viên quản lý advice (n) lời khuyên
a variety of đa dạng job description mô tả công việc

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 330

Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

train (v) đào tạo

existing (adj) hiện tại
qualifications trình độ chuyên môn
degree (n) bằng cấp
supervisory (adj) giám sát
knowledge (n) kiến thức
contact (n) liên hệ
résumé (n) sơ yếu lý lịch
letters of reference (n) thư giới thiệu
cover letter (n) thư giới thiệu (được gửi kèm
với tài liệu khác)

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 331

Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

CHÚ Ý 2: Nắm vững các dạng câu hỏi thường gặp

1. Câu hỏi về đối tượng được quảng cáo

- What is being advertised?
- What is this advertisement for?

Gợi ý tìm từ khóa:

Đa số câu trả lời cho câu hỏi này đều có thể được tìm thấy ở phần đề mục (title), là nét đặc trưng của
quảng cáo. Trường hợp không có đề mục, đối tượng quảng cáo được nêu rõ ở phần đầu.

2. Câu hỏi về chương trình giảm giá

- What is being offered?

Gợi ý tìm từ khóa:

Chú ý các từ giảm giá (sale /off) hay từ khuyến mãi đặc biệt (special offer).

3. Câu hỏi về vị trí cần tuyển hay thông tin công ty

- Where is the main office of the company?
- In what department is the advertised position?

Gợi ý tìm từ khóa:

Có thể tìm đáp án trong phần giới thiệu công ty (Company profile) thường được trình bày ở phần đầu
quảng cáo.

4. Quảng cáo tuyển dụng : Câu hỏi về yêu cầu trình độ chuyên môn
- What is required for the position?
- What is a requirement for the position?

Gợi ý tìm từ khóa:

Có thể tìm đáp án trong phần Qualifications hoặc Requirements nghĩa là trình độ chuyên môn.

Bài tập 3:
Questions 1 ~ 3 refer to the following advertisement.

Computer Desk Sale

Shop desks at Staples!
Free delivery on orders over $50
To celebrate our 10th anniversary, we’ve just reduced our prices on a wide selection of furniture items.
Visit our website today and check out the savings now.

1. What is being advertised?

(A) Furniture
(B) Clothes
(C) A delivery service
(D) Educational programs
2. What will happen if customers order items more than $50?
(A) The company will open a new website.

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 332

Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

(B) The company will deliver items for free.

(C) The company will reduce prices.
(D) The company will give customers a gift certificate.
3. How long has the company been in business?
(A) One year
(B) Five years
(C) Ten years
(D) Twenty years

Questions 4 ~ 6 refer to the following job advertisement.

The Pacific Investment Co. is currently looking for an experienced financial assistant in our Hong Kong

Job Description:
The financial assistant will prepare daily reports for the senior financial advisor.

College degree in accounting or related field
Knowledge of accounting software
One-year experience in accounting

To apply for the position, please send a résumé and cover letter to Human Resources by May 15.

4. Which position is being advertised?

(A) Sales manager
(B) Financial assistant
(C) Accounting manager
(D) Financial advisor
5. What is stated as a requirement?
(A) Driver’s license
(B) Previous experience
(C) A letter of recommendation
(D) Sales and marketing skills
6. Which branch is the advertised position for?
(A) Headquarters
(B) London
(C) Hong Kong
(D) New York

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 333

Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

Questions 7 ~ 11 refer to the following job advertisement and e-mail.

Weekly Online Survey

Your opinions are valuable to Bestbuy.com.
Click below to answer a few questions about our products and services.
Free delivery coupons will be given to all participating customers.
CLICK here!
Yes, I’ll take the survey.

To: Bestbuy.com
From: Judy Carol
Subject: Free delivery coupon
Date: January 30
I’m writing to express my disappointment at your service.
Your company promised to provide free delivery coupons if I completed the survey. But I didn’t get any
coupons even though I completed it 10 days ago.
I want your company to apologize to me for this error and I would like the coupons delivered as soon as

7. What is this advertisement for?

(A) Delivery services
(B) Discount coupons
(C) Customer survey
(D) New products
8. What will happen if customers complete the survey?
(A) A gift certificate will be given.
(B) Free delivery coupons will be given.
(C) Discount coupons will be given.
(D) Product samples will be given.
9. What is the purpose of the e-mail?
(A) To appreciate excellent services
(B) To announce an event
(C) To complain about poor service
(D) To suggest an idea
10. When did Judy Carol complete the survey?
(A) A month ago
(B) January 30
(C) A week ago
(D) January 20
11. What did Judy Carol ask the company to do?
(A) Have a meeting with her
(B) Send her the coupons
(C) Give a full refund
(D) Exchange items


Bài tập 1: Read the job advertisement below and answer the questions.
Marketing Position at the Sharon Manufacturing Co.
The Sharon Manufacturing Co. is the nation’s leading producer of home appliances. Currently, we are
looking for a marketer.

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 334

Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

Bachelor’s degree
Minimum of three years of experience in marketing
Good interpersonal skills
If you are interested in the job position, please send your resume and cover letter to
applicances@sharon.com by March 1.
home appliances interpersonal skill
1. What is NOT required for the position?
(A) A university degree
(B) Fluency in three languages
2. What should an applicant do to apply for the job?
(A) E-mail a resume and cover letter
(B) Fax a resume and cover letter

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 335

Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

Bài tập 2: Practice paraphrasing the following sentences by choosing the correct option.
01 The Internet is an inexpensive means of advertising,
= A website is a way to promote your business.
(A) creative (B) low-cost
02 All of our monitors are guaranteed to last more than ten years.
= Our displays are well made and extremely
(A) durable (B) relevant
03 To make up for the drop in profits, the company fired 30 workers last quarter.
= The company employees last quarter.
(A) hired (B) dismissed
04 We are seeking those who have acquired broad experience in the service industry.
= Those who have experience in the hospitality industry will be welcomed.
(A) expensive (B) extensive
05 We offer the most competitive prices in the automobile industry
(A) We provide high-quality and low-price auto transport service.
(B) Compared to most car companies, our prices are quite low.
06 The product will be sold across the country on October 15
(A) The product will be available nationally in the middle of October.
(B) By the second week of October, the product will be sold out.
07 Researchers will primarily work in the office, but some fieldwork will be required
(A) Researchers have to work outside of the office at times.
(B) Researchers are required to do fieldwork after completing their office work.
08 S-Mart stores will now be open 24 hours a day in order to batter serve their customers
(A) To improve service. S-Mart will be open around the clock.
(B) Poor service has led S-Mart to extend its hours.

Question 9 refers to the following advertisement.

Smith Falls Apartments have two spacious bedrooms, a sunny living room, bathroom with both a tufa
and shower, and a fully-equipped kitchen. Our amenities include a swimming pool, a fitness center,
and a Laundromat. There is plenty of parking nearly. The maintenance costs of the complex are
included in the rent. In order to become a tenant, a $2.000 security deposit and a recommendation
from a previous landlord are required.
09 What is being advertised?
(A) A parking area
(B) An apartment complex
(C) A business space

Question 10 refers to the following advertisement.

Alfredo’s, western Canada's favorite Italian restaurant chain, is looking for regional man- IS agers to
help with its expansion into two new provinces. All regional managers will be based at our corporate
headquarters in Calgary, but will be asked to travel extensively throughout the country. Qualified
applicants must be proficient in both English and J French and understand the market differences
among the various regions of Canada. A minimum of three years of experience in the hospitality
industry is preferred.
10 What is staled as a requirement for the job?
(A) A sense of hospitality
(B) Proof of residence in Calgary
(C) Fluency in two languages

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 336

Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

Questions 11-12 refer to the following job advertisement.

Quality Control Engineer

The Coleman Co. is searching for a quality control engineer who will provide support and technical
advice regarding all of our manufactured goods. The quality control engineer will be expected to
support the operational division to find solutions for engineering and quality concerns. The quality
control engineer will also be expected to communicate with customers on technical issues.
We require that all candidates applying for this position have a bachelor’s degree in mechanical
engineering as well as a minimum of five years' experience In the field. Additionally, a successful
candidate will have strong communication skills. Candidates who are able to speak several different
languages will be preferred. A rewarding salary will be offered and will depend upon the candidate's
11 What is one of the stated job responsibilities?
(A) Giving instructions to the technical staff
(B) Supervising the operational division
(C) Maintaining the factory's facilities
(D) Providing technical information to clients
12 What is NOT a requirement for the job?
(A) Proficiency in a foreign language
(B) A university degree
(C) Related experience
(D) Excellent interpersonal skills

Bài tập 3:
Questions 1-2 refer to the following job advertisement.
Job Openings at Golden Office Supplies
Golden Office Supplies is looking for some experienced managers. All the managers will start to
work in Chicago and will have opportunities to work at other branches in the future. The qualified
candidates will be able to:
 manage contracts with suppliers
 develop marketing plans
 conduct customer surveys

Download the application from our website and fill out all the information. Please send the form with
two letters of recommendation by October 10 to the following address:
Golden Office Supplies
17 Broadway
Chicago, IL 60602
1 What position is being advertised?
(A) Teller
(B) Secretary
(C) Supplier
(D) Manager

2 What is NOT true about the advertisement?

(A) candidate can download an application from the website.
(B) The application should be sent by October 10.

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 337

Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

(C) The application should be sent by e-mail.

(D) Successful candidates will work in Chicago.

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 338

Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

NGÀY 20:
Trong bài nói của Part 4, nội dung được đặt ra đa số là các chủ đề như tin nhắn ghi âm qua điện thoại
và các nội dung truyền đạt, thông báo hay hướng dẫn. Có từ 6 đến 9 câu hỏi được đặt ra mỗi tháng
và việc phân tích các câu trả lời trước khi nghe đóng một vai trò quan trọng. Hơn nữa trong nhiều
trường hợp các bài nói có sử dụng các cụm từ đồng nghĩa với nhau nên luyện tập paraphrasing là
việc rất cần thiết.

Câu hỏi kiểm tra năng lực ngôn ngữ 089.mp3 084.mp3

Questions 1 - 3 refer to the following announcement.

Attention, all passengers! (1) The ferry to South Island will be delayed due to bad weather
conditions. (2)The safety of our passengers is the prime concern of all of us here at Victor Feny
Services. So we decided to reschedule all the boarding and departure times. (3) The next weather
update is expected at 10:00 A.M. Please contact our staff at the ferry office if you have any

Q1 : What has caused the delay?

A : Unpleasant weather
→ Nếu đã nắm được nội dung câu hỏi sẽ biết bài nói đề cập đến việc trì hoãn. Từ cụm từ due to bad
weather conditions có thể biết tàu bị hoãn do thời tiết xấu

Q2 : What is Victor Ferry Services’ prime concern?

A : Safety of passengers
→ Nhờ vào chi tiết trong câu hỏi mà có thể tìm ra đáp án khi có nhắc đến mối quan tâm của Victor
Ferry Services. Trong câu The safety of our passengers is the prime concern nhấn mạnh mối quan
tâm hàng đầu của hãng là sự an toàn của hành khách

Q3 : What is expected to happen at 10 o’clock?

A : There will be some more information about the weather.
→ Hỏi về sự việc sẽ xảy ra trong thời gian xác định nên phải nghe kỹ từ chỉ thời điểm. Qua câu The
next weather update is expected at 10:00 A.M. có thể biết được một số thông tin về thời tiết.

ferry phà concern mối quan tâm
be delayed bị trì hoãn reschedule sắp xếp lại
due to do boarding lên tàu
bad weather thời tiết xấu (= unpleasant departure khởi hành
weather) update sự cập nhật
safety an toàn contact liên lạc
prime chính staff nhân viên
Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 339
Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

Bài tập 1: 085.mp3

Nghe bài nói nhiều lần rồi điền vào chỗ trống.
You’ve reached International Food Bank in Korea,
Our hours are 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. (2)____________________________________________ We
are not open on (3)______________________________________________. If you want to get
information about donation, (4)___________________________. If you want to speak to one of our
representatives, please call back during regular hours or
(5)_______________________________________after the tone. Thank you for calling and have a
nice day.

reach liên lạc call back gọi điện lại
international quốc tế during regular hours trong giờ làm việc
national holiday quốc lễ record ghi âm
get information lấy thông tin message tin nhắn
donation vật tặng, cúng tone tiếng bíp
representative người đại diện

Luyện cách tránh bẫy 1 086.mp3

BƯỚC 1: Trước tiên lắng nghe bài nói.

BƯỚC 2: Kiểm tra đáp án.

1. People wanting to join the summer event should [visit the homepage / call at a different number].
2. The new store will open in [summer / autumn].

BƯỚC 3: Xác định nội dung.

Thank you for calling the Seoul Department store in Hong Kong. (1) If you are calling about joining
Summer Festival Event, please call back at 02-544-3528 for our Public Relations office. (2) This fall,
the Seoul Department store will open a new store in Taiwan. If you are interested in our Taiwan
store, visit our website www.seoulstore.com.

department store cửa hàng bách hóa open khai trương
lines are busy các đường dây điện thoại đang store cửa hàng
bận be interested in quan tâm
handle xử lý visit ghé thăm
join the event tham gia sự kiện website trang web
public relations quan hệ công chúng

BƯỚC 4: Phân tích nội dung.

1. Những người muốn tham gia vào sự kiện mùa hè nên [vào trang chủ / gọi vào số khác].
Phải lắng nghe những nội dung chỉ dẫn liên quan đến những sự kiện diễn ra vào mùa hè. Lắng
nghe các cấu trúc câu thường gặp như Please /Could you ... / Why don't you .... Chi tiết quan
trọng là please call back at 02-544-3528 và trong đáp án được thay bằng a different number.
2. Cửa hàng mới sẽ khai trương vào [mùa hè / mùa thu].
Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 340
Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

Lắng nghe thời điểm về việc khai trương ở một địa điểm mới chứ không phải ở nơi hiện tại.
Summer là thời điểm tổ chức event chứ không phải là thời điểm khai trương cửa hàng mới.
Luyện cách tránh bẫy 2 087.mp3

BƯỚC 1: Trước tiên lắng nghe bài nói.

BƯỚC 2: Kiểm tra đáp án.

3. This announcement is being made [at the theater / at the sports facility].
4. In section A and B, people are allowed to use [fireworks / whistles].

BƯỚC 3: Xác định nội dung.

Attention please! Beer sales are not allowed inside (3) the stadium. And you may not bring canned or
bottled beer into (3) the stadium, either. Our uniformed guards will inspect your package at the
entrance. (4) Whistles and other noisemakers may only be used by persons seated in section A and B.

beer sales buôn bán bia inspect kiểm tra
be allowed to do được cho phép (làm gì) package gói hàng
inside trong stadium sân vận động entrance cổng vào
canned beer bia lon whistle còi
bottled beer bia chai noisemakers những thứ phát ra âm thanh
uniformed mặc đồng phục seat ngồi
guard nhân viên bảo vệ

BƯỚC 4: Phân tích nội dung.

3. Thông báo này đang được phát [tại nhà hát / tại khu thể thao].
Thông tin về địa điểm thông báo được phát được cung cấp ở phần đầu nên cần nghe kỹ 2 câu
đầu tiên. Trong 2 câu này có nhắc đến việc cấm mang bia vào sân vận động.
4. Ở khu A và B, mọi người được phép dùng [pháo hoa / còi].
Đã xác định địa điểm là khu A và B nên khả năng biết được đáp án từ phần này là rất cao. Trong
phần cuối của bài đã thể hiện rõ là còi và những thứ phát ra âm thanh (whistles and
noisemakers) chỉ được sử dụng ở 2 khu A và B.

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Bài tập 2: 089.mp3

1. What is the purpose of the message? 6. Why is John calling Cindy?

(A) To sell a product (A) He wants to know if the fax machines
(B) To ask for payment are working.
(C) To announce a service (B) The department wants to try out a new
(D) To request a visit product.
(C) He wants some important information
2. When does the store close? from her.
(A) 8:00 P.M. (D) He wants her to make a decision about
(B) 9:00 P.M. supplies.
(C) 10:00 P.M.
(D) 11:00 P.M. 7. Who is the speaker most probably
3. What does the speaker ask the listener to use (A) Salespersons
to place an order? (B) Tourists
(A) Directions (C) Students
(B) Opening date (D) Office employees
(C) Purchase requirements
(D) Promotional code 8. What is being offered?
(A) A new insurance plan
4. What problem is mentioned? (B) A retirement benefit
(A) Approval was denied for a request. (C) A new service
(B) A product is not available. (D) A performance incentive
(C) The new supplier is not reliable.
(D) The paper has low quality. 9. When will the offer come into effect?
(A) Today
5. What is said about the new dealer? (B) Tomorrow
(A) His prices are lower. (C) Next week
(B) He delivers orders within 10 days. (D) Next month
(C) His specialty is fax machines.
(D) He contacted the office a short while


Thông báo / Hướng dẫn / Quảng cáo
1. Thông báo 118.mp3
Thank you all for coming to this meeting at such a short notice. (1) I am happy to announce that
Piczell Co. has just given us our next assignment, which is a bigger contract than anything we have
attempted till now. (2) Please give me your initial estimates of the time and staff required for the job,
at the latest by tomorrow evening. (3) We will meet on Wednesday at 10.00 a.m. to finalize dates
and recruitment details, before I meet our clients again. Oh, one more thing. Please join me for a
lunch soon after this meeting to celebrate our success.

(1) Hỏi về chủ đề của cả bài

Q: What is the topic of the talk?
A: To announce a new contract
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→ Dạng đáp án có nội dung trực tiếp

(2) Hỏi về công việc người nghe cần phải làm
Q: What are the listeners asked to do by tomorrow
A: Submit a report with draft estimate
→ Dạng đáp án paraphrasing
(3) Hỏi về kế hoạch sắp tới
Q: What will happen on Wednesday?
A: An important meeting will take place.
→ Dạng đáp án paraphrasing

2. Quảng cáo 119.mp3

Attention, shoppers. While you are stocking up on food for your next barbecue, (1) why not stop by
the cosmetics department and pick up some No-Burn Sun Block? Today it is only seven ninety-nine
for a jumbo 14-ounce tube. No-Bum Sun Block has a sun-protection factor up to forty and is oil (2)
and dye-free so it won’t irritate your skin. We have several varieties including waterproof, sweat-
proof, and baby-gentle. (3) So, stop by the cosmetics department and protect your skin from the
summer sun. Thank you for shopping and have a great day!
(1) Hỏi về nội dung quảng cáo
Q: What is the woman advertising?
A: Skin care products
→ Dạng đáp án paraphrasing
(2) Hỏi về giá cả, chủng loại, đặc điểm của sản phẩm
Q: What is true about all of the products?
A: They contain no dyes.
→ Dạng đáp án có nội dung trực tiếp
(3) Hỏi về nội dung yêu cầu hoặc cách thức mua bán
Q: What are the listeners being asked to do?
A: Visit the cosmetics section in the store
→ Dạng đáp án paraphrasing

Bài tập 1: Nghe bài nói, sau đó trả lời câu hỏi 120.mp3
1. What is being advertised?
(A) TV
(B) A restaurant
2. When is Grandma Jessie's closed?
(A) Saturday
(B) Sunday
3. What will the passengers receive?
(A) A ticket
(B) A free meal
4. What should passengers do?
(A) Go to the ticket counter
(B) Go to the restaurant
5. To whom is this talk directed?
(A) Food company employees
(B) Food mart shoppers
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6. What is mentioned about Jumbo Hamburger?

(A) It has 147 employees.
(B) It has a market share of 8%.
7. What will the passengers be traveling on?
(A) A plane
(B) A train
8. Who will collect the boarding passes?
(A) The conductor
(B) The ticket agent
9. When does the sale end?
(A) 5th
(B) 15th
10. What is the largest discount being offered during the sale?
(A) 15%
(B) 70%

Bài tập 2: 121.mp3

Nghe kỹ bài nói và trả lời câu hỏi.

1. What is the advertisement about?

(A) A sailboat
(B) A restaurant
(C) A food market
(D) A beach house in Vietnam
2. What is mentioned about Saigon House?
(A) The prices are economical.
(B) It is well known for its service.
(C) The interior is unique.
(D) It is located on the beach.
3. What can be seen in one of the dining rooms?
(A) A sailboat
(B) A map of Vietnam
(C) A couch
(D) A TV set
4. Where will the company picnic be held if it doesn't rain?
(A) Nancy Hadley's house
(B) Greentree Park
(C) San Francisco
(D) Elm Restaurant
5. Who will be providing the food?
(A) Nancy Hadley
(B) The cafeteria staff
(C) A caterer
(D) Greentree Park staff
6. Who will be attending the picnic?
(A) Elm Restaurant employees
(B) Greentree Park patrols
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(C) Company employees

(D) Community basketball players
7. Why is the boat departing late?
(A) Bad weather
(B) Technical problems
(C) Not all passengers are boarded.
(D) The docks are under construction.
8. What time can the passengers board after the delay?
(A) 4:30
(B) 6:00
(C) 6:30
(D) 8:00
9. What does the announcement ask the passengers to do?
(A) Hold on to their tickets
(B) Return to the boarding area before 6
(C) Wait until 4:30 to ride the boat
(D) Have some snacks while waiting

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 345

Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

B – PART 7:
CHÚ Ý 1: Trước tiên hãy nắm vững cấu trúc của bài đọc

1. Thông báo

We invite you to sign up to receive information by e-mail regarding special offers, new services,
and important information from Macy Department Stores. 2

Yes. I’d like to receive e-mail updates from Macy Department Stores. 3
(You may stop receiving e-mail at any time by clearing this check box.)
For more information, please visit our website.

1. Thông báo
* Trình bày nội dung thông báo bằng đề mục.
2. Mục đích thông báo
* Thường trình bày mục đích thông báo hoặc sự kiện ở phần đầu bài đọc.
3. Trình bày nội dung một cách chi tiết như về giới hạn, điều khoản bổ sung hay giải thích về nội
dung chi tiết của thông báo.
Bài tập 1: Câu hỏi Quiz
1. Mục đích của thư thông báo là gi?
a) Mời nhận thông tin bằng e-mail b) Thông báo về đợt giảm giá đặc biệt
2. Nếu muốn nhận thông tin thì khách hàng phải làm gì?
a) Phải trả tiền b) Kiểm tra hộp thư
3. Thông báo này dành cho đối tượng nào?
a) Sinh viên đại học b) Khách hàng của cửa hàng bách hóa

invite (v) mời update (n) thông tin cập nhật
sign up (v) đăng ký stop (v) dừng, ngưng
regarding về, về việc at any time vào bất cứ lúc nào
special offer khuyến mãi đặc biệt clear (v) xóa

2. Thư báo (Memo hoặc Memorandum)

Thư báo là hình thức văn bản được sử dụng với mục đích công việc như thông báo, hướng dẫn trong
nội bộ công ty.

To : All sales personnel 1
From : Marco Silva, sales manager 2
Subject: Sales promotions 3
Date: June 7 4
I’m thinking about having a promotional event for our new digital cameras.
Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 346
Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

If you have any ideas or suggestions for the event, please contact me.
The promotional event will take place on July 30.
Marco Silva

1. Người nhận
2. Người gửi
3. Chủ đề
4. Ngày gửi
* Mục đích của dạng văn bản này được trình bày ở phần đầu.
* Trình bày thông tin bổ sung hoặc nội dung chi tiết.
* Thông tin về người gửi xuất hiện lại ở phần cuối.

Bài tập 2: Câu hỏi Quiz

4. Người nhận là ai?
a) Trường phòng kinh doanh b) Nhân viên phòng kinh doanh
5. Mục đích của thư báo là gì?
a) Thông báo thôi việc b) Yêu cầu cho ý kiến
6. Sự kiện gì sẽ xảy ra vào ngày 30 tháng 7?
a) Tổ chức sự kiện quảng cáo sản phẩm b) Tổ chức tiệc về hưu
7. Nếu muốn đề nghị thì phải làm thế nào?
a) Tham gia sự kiện b) Liên lạc với Marco Silva

personnel (n) nhân viên contact (v) liên hệ
promotion (n) sự khuyến mãi / quảng cáo take place (v) diễn ra
think about nghĩ về ~ suggestion (n) đề xuất

CHÚ Ý 2: Nắm vững các dạng câu hỏi thường gặp

1. Câu hỏi về mục đích thông báo

- What is the purpose of the notice?

Gợi ý tìm từ khóa:

Mục đích của bản thông báo thường xuất hiện ở phần đầu hoặc ở phần đề mục.

2. Câu hỏi về chủ đề và đối tượng thông báo

- Who issued the notice?
- To whom is this notice intended?

Gợi ý tìm từ khóa:

Muốn trả lời câu hỏi về chủ đề hay đối tượng của thư thông báo thì phải đọc kỹ bài đọc để nắm
Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 347
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(1) ai là người ra thông báo, (2) đối tượng của thông báo là ai, (3) nội dung thông báo, (4) lý do ra
thông báo.

3. Câu hỏi về mục đích của thư báo

- What is this memo about?
- What is the purpose of this memo?

Gợi ý tìm từ khóa:

Mục đích của thư báo có thể được tìm thấy ở phần đầu của bài viết hoặc ở mục trình bày chủ đề
(Subject:, Re:).

4. Câu hỏi về thông tin người gửi & người nhận thư báo
- For whom is this memo intended?
- Who wrote this memo?

Gợi ý tìm từ khóa:

Tìm thông tin người nhận trong mục người nhận (To:); thông tin người gửi trong mục người gửi
(From:) hoặc ở phần cuối của bài đọc.

Bài tập 3: Questions 1 ~ 3 refer to the following notice.

Library Loan Periods
New Books -14 Days
High Demand Books (no renewals) -14 Days
Other Books - 21 Days
Audio Books - 21 Days
Music CDs - 21 Days
Magazines (no renewals) - 7 Days
Videos (VHS & DVD) - 7 Days
Feature Films / Fiction - 3 Days
Non-Fiction -14 Days

1. Which of the following is not renewable?

(A) New Books
(B) Audio Books
(C) Magazines
(D) Music CDs
2. Where can this notice most likely be found?
(A) At a train station
(B) At a library
(C) At an office
(D) At a bank
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3. Which item has the shortest loan period?

(A) Videos
(B) Non-Fiction
(C) Other Books
(D) Feature Films / Fiction

Questions 4 ~ 6 refer to the following memo.

TO: All managers
FROM: Andy McCoy, Director of Human Resources
RE: Andrea Cathy
DATE: February 22
I am very pleased to introduce our new marketing director, Andrea Cathy.
She has been working in the marketing department for more than 5 years.
She will be in charge of developing our new marketing strategies.
Andy McCoy

4. To whom is this memo intended?

(A) Andy McCoy
(B) Andrea Cathy
(C) Employees
(D) Managers
5. What is the main purpose of the memo?
(A) To apologize for inconvenience
(B) To set up a meeting
(C) To inform of staff change
(D) To ask for assistance
6. Who is Andrea Cathy?
(A) A manager
(B) The new marketing director
(C) The new CEO
(D) The Director of Human Resources

Questions 7 ~ 11 refer to the following memo and e-mail

To: All Employees

From Kevin Redford
Date: April 25
Subject: Staff Meeting
There will be a monthly staff meeting next Monday at 2 P.M. in room 101.
The meeting will last about an hour. All employees should attend the meeting.
Agenda: (1) Dress Code
(2) Vacation Policy
(3) Expense Reduction

To: Kevin Redford

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 349
Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

From: Jason Kay

Subject: Staff Meeting
Date: April 26
I am afraid that I have to miss the monthly meeting because I have a previous appointment with JD
Drew Co. at noon.
I will ask one of my associates about the meeting later.
7. What is the purpose of the memo?
(A) To inform of a meeting
(B) To apply for a position
(C) To request suggestions
(D) To distribute meeting materials
8. What is not included in the agenda?
(A) Dress Code
(B) Maintenance Work
(C) Vacation Policy
(D) Expense Reduction
9. Who should attend the staff meeting?
(A) Managers
(B) New employees
(C) Directors
(D) All employees
10. What will Jason Kay do next Monday?
(A) He will attend the staff meeting.
(B) He will take a day off.
(C) He will go on a vacation.
(D) He will meet with a client.
11. When is the staff meeting scheduled to end?
(A) At noon
(B) At 2 P.M.
(C) At 3 P.M.
(D) At 4 P.M.


Bài tập 1: Read the following memo and answer the questions.
To: all the members
From: Jessica Shaydon, Personnel Department
Re: The promotion of Joe Endley
I am pleased to announce that Joe Endley, a manager in the Sales Department, has been promoted to
vice president of the company. Mr. Endley has been working for our company for the last 18 years.
He won the “Employee of the Year” award in 2009 for increasing our sales. We are very excited to
see his leadership as a new vice president.
1. What is the purpose of this memo?
a. To inform employees of the new vice president
b. To notify employees of an annual meeting
2. How long has Mr. Endley been working for the company?
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a. 18 years
b. 29 years

Bài tập 2: Practice paraphrasing the following sentences by choosing the correct option.
01 As requested, the swimming pool will remain open tor three extra hours.
= The request to the pool hours of operation has been approved.
(A) extend (B) extract
02 Pre-registration is required to secure a place in the lecture course.
= You need to sign up to ensure a seat in the lecture.
(A) in a hurry (B) in advance
03 If you have a question, please ask a salesperson.
= All should be directed to one of the sales representatives.
(A) inquiries (B) concerns
04 Led by Mr. Collins, the seminar on safety procedures at the factory will be held this Friday.
= Mr. Collins will the seminar on the proper use of machinery.
(A) conduct (B) train

05 A ban on this movie is in effect from February 14 until further notice.

(A) It is illegal to watch the movie until February 14.
(B) A ban of indefinite duration has been placed on this film.

06 A schedule of the week’s events is available to conference attendees on the website.

(A) A conference program can be found on the website.
(B) Attendees may sign up for events on the conference website.

07 Due to a server update, there will be an interruption to the online services.

(A) Due to a server error, the online system requires updating.
(B) A service disruption is expected while our system is being updated.

08 A $50 non-refundable deposit is required to make a reservation at our hotel.

(A) Customers will not get their deposit back if they cancel their reservations.
(B) Customers must pay a penalty of $50 when they cancel their reservations.

Question 9 refers to the following announcement.

The 23rd Annual Batteford Science Fair will take place at Riedel University from May 1 to 7. The fair
draws over 3000 students, parents, and industry leaders from Riedel County each year and is in need
of volunteers. Volunteers will organize the awards ceremony. In addition, we need a team to take
responsibility for selling snacks and refreshments. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Bob
Marshall, Battleford Science Fair coordinator, for futher information.
09 What is the purpose of this announcement?
(A) To recruit volunteers for the science fair
(B) To provide information on an awards ceremony

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(C) To draw students to the science fair

Question 10 refers to the following announcement.

Tickets for the performance can be exchanged no later than 48 hours before the time stated on the
tickets. All evening performances will begin at 8 p.m., and weekend matinees start at 2:30 p.m.
Audience members are asked to arrive early, as latecomers will not be allowed to enter the concert
hall. Please be aware that there is limited parking near the Art Center. Street parking is also available
for a small fee.
10 What is mentioned in the announcement?
(A) Tickets can be purchased online.
(B) There are no afternoon performances on weekends.
(C) They may have difficulty finding a place to park.
Questions 11-12 refer to the following notice.
Belhaven is pleased to provide on-site classes from Harvey University to our staff. Until now, our
company has supported staff who take courses on the university campus. However, management
believes that it will be more beneficial to bring the classes to the company. This will save time by
reducing unnecessary commuting. Half of the enrollment fee will be paid by the company, and a
university credit will be given upon completion of each course.
Class Time Classroom

Introduction to Accounting Mon, Fri 6:00 p.m ~ Room 202

8:00 p.m

Introduction to Marketing Tue, Thur 6:00 p.m. ~ Room 202

9:00 p.m.

Bussiness Administration Mon, Wed 6:00 p.m. ~ Room 203

8:00 p.m.

If you are Interested in taking a class, please download a registration form from the HR Department's
website. Further instructions are displayed on the bulletin board.

11. What is not a stated feature of the company’s on-site classes?

(A) They will award university credits
(B) They will save staff time by minimizing travel time
(C) They will be available at no charge.
(D) They are run by a university.

12. What should employees do if they are interested in attending a class?

(A) Call the HR Department
(B) Ask for their supervisors’ approval

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(c) contact the university

(D) Obtain a document.
Bài tập 3:
Questions 1 -2 refer to the following memorandum.
To: All staff
From: Jessica Bennett, Maintenance Department Subject: Building safety inspection
The building safety inspection was scheduled for Monday, September 27. However, the company
decided to change the date. The safety inspection will take place on Thursday, September 30.
During the building safety inspection, a special team from the headquarters will give you all the
information about what you have to do. The
team will arrive on Wednesday to make safety
preparations. I would appreciate it if you would inspection
cooperate with the inspection. be
1 When will the inspection take place? scheduled
a. September '27 for take
b. September 30 place
c. September 20 .
d. September 13 preparation
2 What are the employees asked to do during the appreciate
a. Leave the office building in
b. Participate in the preparations
c. Do what the special team asks
d. Inspect some information

Bài tập 4: Reading Comprehension

Simple tips for exciting vacations:
Don’t Miss Your Ride Always check the bus schedule and plan to board the bus at least 15 minutes
before departure. Bus schedules are available at ail bus stops and with all bus drivers.
Be Prepared
Prepare your bus ticket, motley, and identification before boarding the bus.
Safety First
Stay seated until the bus stops. When getting off the bus, tightly hold the handrails.
Show Manners
Talk in a soft voice and use earphones when listening to music. Be sure not to block the aisle.
Thank you for choosing to ride with Triple Transportation.
1 What is the purpose of the notice?
a. To make suggestions to passengers
b. To threaten passengers with warnings
c. To inform bus drivers of the rules
d. To inform passengers of a bus fare increase
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2 According to the notice, what can the passengers obtain from the driver?
a. Snacks and drinks
b. Books for reading
c. Disposable cameras
d. Bus schedules

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Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 355

Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội
NGÀY 21:

Trong Part 4, dạng bài nói có nội dung giới thiệu người và chuyến tham quan thường xuyên xuất
hiện trong đề thi hàng tháng. Cách triển khai nội dung thường đã được ấn định và có nội dung cố
định, do vậy hãy cố gắng học đúng trọng tâm cũng như nội dung, hình thức của bài nói.

Phân tích câu hỏi và các đáp án lựa chọn 090.mp3

Questions 1 - 3 refer to the following announcement.

(1) On your right is one of the oldest castles in Europe. It has been rebuilt several times (2) because
of its unique location. Historically, it has been a major center of Hungary. It is almost 600 years old.
Our next stop will be a fort built in the 16th century, about 3 miles from here. (3) But right now, we
will go to lunch.

Q1 : Where are the listeners most likely?

A: At a historical site
→ Đang hỏi về nơi mọi người đang tham quan. Nội dung đã được thể hiện trong câu đầu one of the
oldest castles in Europe và đã được nhắc lại trong câu thứ ba Historically, it has been a major center.
Qua đó ta biết được địa điểm là một khu di tích.

Q2 : Why was the site rebuilt?

A: It is in a special area.
→ Đọc trước câu hỏi và định hướng tập trung lắng nghe các thông tin cần thiết. Đây là câu hỏi về lý
do tòa lâu đài được xây lại. Đáp án nằm ở câu thứ hai It has been rebuilt several times because of its
unique location. Trong đó cụm từ unique location đã được thay thế bằng a special area.

Q3: What is scheduled to happen next?

A: The listeners will eat.
→ Đang hỏi về lịch trình tiếp theo. Trong nhiều trường hợp, địa điểm tham quan kế tiếp được trình
bày ở phần kết thúc bài nói. Như ở đây đã trình bày trong câu cuối là But right now, we will go to

castle lâu đài historically về mặt lịch sử
be rebuilt được xây dựng lại major chính, quan trọng
several một vài center trung tâm
unique độc nhất, độc đáo fort pháo đài

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lunch bữa ăn trưa

Bài tập 1: 091.mp3

Nghe bài nói nhiều lần rồi điền vào chỗ trống.

I’m pleased to introduce our (1)_____________________________________, Mr. Yamamoto. His

speech today is about recent advances in skin protection technologies in
(2)______________________________Specifically, he will talk about new products containing
newly-developed compounds by his laboratory. Mr. Yamamoto will
(3)______________________________ following his talk. So please
(4)_____________________________ of any questions while he speaks. After this speech, our
assistant will (5)_____________________________________ to help others hear you well. Thank

be pleased to do hân hạnh contain gồm có
introduce giới thiệu newly mới
guest speaker diễn giả khách mời compound hợp chất
speech bài diễn văn laboratory phòng thí nghiệm
recent gần đây following sau
advances những tiến bộ take notes ghi chú
protection sự bảo vệ welcome hoan nghênh
technology công nghệ assistant trợ lý
cosmetics industry ngành mỹ phẩm microphone micrô
specifically một cách cụ thể

Luyện cách tránh bẫy 1 092.mp3

BƯỚC 1: Trước tiên lắng nghe bài nói.

BƯỚC 2: Kiểm tra đáp án.

1. Sophia Lopez is [receiving the award / presenting the award].
2. She has been working for the company for [15 years /10 years].

BƯỚC 3: Xác định nội dung.

(1) It’s my pleasure to introduce the award recipient, Sophia Lopez for this year’s “Employee of the
Year”. Many of you know, (2) Ms. Sophia has been working for our company for more than fifteen
years. After three year working in the office, she started working as one of the sales representatives.
Remarkably, she has been the top seller in her department for more than ten years. Let’s give a nice
round of applause for Sophia Lopez.

receive nhận recipient người nhận
present trao tặng sales representative nhân viên bán hang
pleasure niềm vinh hạnh remarkably một cách đáng chú ý
introduce giới thiệu top seller người bán hàng xuất sắc nhất
award giải thưởng department phòng
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a round of applause một tràng vỗ tay

BƯỚC 4: Phân tích nội dung.

1. Sophia Lopez [đang nhận giải thưởng / đang trao tặng giải thưởng].
Nội dung câu đầu tiên là introduce the award recipient, Sophia Lopez. Người nói đang giới thiệu
người đoạt giải là Sophia Lopez.
2. Sophia làm vỉệc cho công ty đã được [15 năm / 10 năm].
Đang hỏi về số năm làm việc. Những con số đã được trình bày trong đáp án cho sẵn nên cần
chú ý nghe kỹ. 10 năm là phần nói về thành tích của nữ nhân viên kinh doanh. Còn đáp án đúng
được thể hiện trong câu Ms. Sophia has been working for our company for more than fifteen years.

Luyện cách tránh bẫy 2 093.mp3

BƯỚC 1: Trước tiên lắng nghe bài nói.

BƯỚC 2: Kiểm tra đáp án.

3. The current owner of the property is [Philip Edward / the government].
4. The tourists will have lunch [in a restaurant / in a hotel].

BƯỚC 3: Xác định nội dung.

Hello everyone! My name is Peter Choi and I’ll be leading the tour today. The castle in front of you
was originally built 300 years ago by Philip Edward. In the 1970s, the government decided to buy
this property from the owner to preserve this historical site. (3) So this castle was purchased by the
government and turned into this history museum. After visiting this castle, (4) we will have lunch in
a local restaurant.

current hiện tại
owner chủ sở hữu
property tài sản
tourist du khách
lead the tour hướng dẫn chuyến đi
castle lâu đài
originally ban đầu
preserve bảo tồn
historical site di tích lịch sử
purchase mua
government chính phủ
turn into trở thành
history museum viện bảo tàng lịch sử
local địa phương

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BƯỚC 4: Phân tích nội dung.

3. Hiện tại chủ sở hữu tòa nhà là [Philip Edward / chính phủ].
Nội dung câu hỏi là về chủ sở hữu tòa nhà. Đừng nhầm với originally built 300 years ago by
Philip Edward. Philip Edward vốn là chủ tòa nhà nhưng qua câu So this castle was purchased by
the government and turned into this history museum, có thể biết chính phủ chính là chủ sở hữu.
4. Các du khách sẽ ăn trưa [tại nhà hàng / tại khách sạn].
Địa điểm ăn trưa được nói đến là nhà hàng qua câu we will have lunch in a local restaurant.

Bài tập 2: 095.mp3

1. Where is the tour taking place? 5. What will Anjali Sardesai do today?
(A) A botanical garden (A) Present an award
(B) A theme park (B) Introduce another speaker
(C) A manufacturing facility (C) Read from her book
(D) A science museum (D) Talk about her youth

2. What will the senior technical managers do? 6. Why is the live audience mentioned?
(A) Host the lunch (A) They are personal friends of the
(B) Make a presentation on the history of novelist.
the company (B) They will ask questions.
(C) Interview the visitors (C) They are all famous critics.
(D) Inform the production process (D) They are waiting to congratulate her.

3. When will the question and answer session 7. Who is Amrita Rai?
be held? (A) A consultant
(A) During lunch (B) A company director
(B) At the end of the tour (C) A top researcher
(C) During the break (D) A project assistant
(D) Before the tour begins
8. What problem is mentioned?
4. What is the main program of today’s show? (A) A position has to be filled.
(A) Tips on writing novels (B) A director has become ill.
(B) Where to look for inspiration (C) A research requirement has to be met.
(C) Common problems faced while writing (D) A project was rejected.
(D) An interview with a celebrity
9. What will most likely happen next?
(A) A program will be detailed.
(B) The speaker will announce an award.
(C) A field visit will be planned.
(D) Names will be suggested.


1. Tin tức / Phát thanh 122.mp3
International motor giant Corda Corporation has decided (1) to build a new production facility in
South Valley. (2) The company has chosen South Valley for its high-class transportation facilities and
its closeness to the port. Spokespersons addressing the media said that the superior transportation
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system would help materials reach the factory easily and ensure that goods are shipped out without
any delay. Corda’s Chief Executive Officer (3) Steve Davis said that the company intended to hire
staff for the new facility locally.
(1) Hỏi về chủ đề chính của bản tin (nội dung tổng quát)
Q : What is the main subject of this news report?
A : Choice of a location for a new plant
→ Dạng đáp án paraphrasing
(2) Hỏi thông tin về South Valley (chi tiết)
Q : According to this report, what is special about South Valley?
A : It has an excellent transportation system.
→ Dạng đáp án paraphrasing
(3) Hỏi về thông báo ông Davis đưa ra (liên quan đến người nói hoặc nhân vật được nhắc đến)
Q : What announcement does Mr. Davis make?
A : He will hire local people.
→ Dạng đáp án paraphrasing
2. Du lịch 123.mp3
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Bell Town. (1) Today’s bus tour will take us to all the important
landmarks in the town, like the Centenary Hall building, the Bell Town Botanical Garden and the new
Hobart Aquarium. This tour begins and ends at Carson Street and will take about 3 hours. (2) At the
aquarium, a marine biologist will speak about some of the sea life you see there. (3) Please feel free to
take pictures and ask questions during the tour.
(1) Hỏi về loại hình du lịch (nội dung tổng quát)
Q : What type of tour is being discussed?
A : A bus tour
→ Dạng đáp án có nội dung trực tiếp
(2) Hỏi về lịch trình của chuyến đi (chi tiết)
Q : At which stop will there be a guest speaker?
A : Hobart Aquarium
→ Dạng đáp án paraphrasing
(3) Hỏi về những việc du khách được khuyên nên làm (chi tiết)
Q : What are visitors invited to do during the trip?
A : Take pictures

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→ Dạng đáp án có nội dung trực tiếp

Bài tập 1: Nghe bài nói, sau đó trả lời câu hỏi 124.mp3
1. Who is Gina?
(A) A disk jockey
(B) An English teacher
2. What is Sarah’s request?
(A) Seoul DJ Hot
(B) Pretty Day by Eugene
3. What transportation is used for this tour?
(A) Foot
(B) Bus
4. What can the visitors get for free on the tour?
(A) Cold drinks
(B) Breakfast and coffee
5. What does the Fisher Company make?
(A) Food
(B) Cosmetics
6. What does Fisher products have a reputation in?
(A) Products that are free of toxic chemicals
(B) The cheapest cosmetic products
7. Who is the speaker?
(A) A museum tour guide
(B) A museum guard
8. What will the tourists do next?
(A) They will have a look around in the video arts section.
(B) They will learn about an artist’s life.
9. Why do the developers keep their prices low?
(A) They are a non-profit organization.
(B) Their programs are used more widely.
10. What have the developers done to the software?
(A) Simplified
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(B) Make it complicated

Bài tập 2: Làm quen với cảm giác thi thật 125.mp3
Nghe kỹ bài nói và trả lời câu hỏi.
1. What will the government do with the park?
(A) Protect the park
(B) Make it a national arboretum
(C) Make the park larger
(D) Make the park smaller
2. What is NOT a reason the park was chosen?
(A) Its quiet setting
(B) Its size
(C) Its unique color
(D) Its natural beauty
3. What do some residents say about the decision?
(A) It is a very good choice.
(B) It will increase traffic.
(C) They are unhappy with the decision.
(D) They want some money.
4. When will the construction begin?
(A) June 1st
(B) June 4th
(C) July 1st
(D) August 5th
5. Where is the construction taking place?
(A) On Route 2 between Main St. and Diamond St.
(B) On Route 4 between Harper Lane and Main St.
(C) On Route 2 between Harper Lane and Main St.
(D) On Route 3 between Harper Lane and Arctic Blvd.
6. How long will the construction last?
(A) 2 days
(B) 2 weeks
(C) 2 months
(D) 3 months
7. What is the good news for the travelers?
(A) There is no good news.
(B) Ticket prices will be lower this month than last month.
(C) There will be extra seats.
(D) Weather is great
8. What is the bad news for the travelers?
(A) Some flights will be less comfortable.
(B) Ticket prices are higher.
(C) There is no bad news.
(D) There will be extra seats
9. What can be assumed about the airlines?
(A) They have the best airplanes.
(B) They are overbooked.
(C) It is a vacation season.

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(D) They are not doing well in business.

3. Tin nhắn ghi âm 126.mp3

Hello, Jane Brighton. This is (1) Noah Leroy from the marketing department. My client, Luke, went
over to the research department about two weeks ago to get the brochure and layout for the new
plumbing system he was getting from us and you told him they will be delivered to me within a week.
(2) lt’s been two weeks now and I still haven't received anything and Luke is very upset. Please tell
me why it is taking so long. (3) Call me back as soon as possible. Thanks.

(1) Hỏi về thông tin người gọi hoặc người nhận điện thoại
Q : Who is calling?
A : Mr. Noah Leroy
→ Dạng đáp án có nội dung trực tiếp
(2) Hỏi về lý do thực hiện cuộc gọi
Q : Why is Noah calling Ms. Brighton?
A : To request a call back
→ Dạng đáp án paraphrasing
(3) Hỏi về nội dung của tin nhắn
Q : How late are the brochure and layout?
A : Two weeks.
→ Dạng đáp án paraphrasing
4. Giới thiệu người 127.mp3
Ladies and gentlemen, it's my pleasure to introduce our next award recipient, Jen Lopez, who has
been named this year’s Employee of the Year by the Community Health Association. Many of you
know Ms. Lopez as the Director of Patient Services at Central Hospital, (1) a position she’s held for 5
years. (2) Under her guidance, national surveys have ranked Central Hospital among the most patient-
friendly medical centers in the country for three years running. (3) Let’s give a nice round of applause
for Jen Lopez.

(1) Hỏi chi tiết về người được giới thiệu

Q : How long has Jen Lopez been the Director of Patient Services?
A : For 5 years
→ Dạng đáp án có nội dung trực tiếp
(2) Hỏi về thành tích của người được giới thỉệu
Q: Why is Jen Lopez being awarded?
A: She tried hard to help the Central Hospital to be the best.
→ Dạng đáp án paraphrasing
(3) Hỏi về nội dung yêu cầu hoặc lịch trình tiếp theo
Q : What is the speaker asking people to do?
A : Give her a warm welcome
→ Dạng đáp án có nội dung trực tiếp

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Bài tập 3: 128.mp3

1. Who is David West?
(A) A dentist
(B) An energy researcher
2. How is the speaker acquainted with David West?
(A) He went to one of David West’s previous talks.
(B) He has done research with him.
3. What does Ronald say about the projectors?
(A) The V-10 is too big.
(B) He needs a V-12.
4. What is Ronald going to need?
(A) A V-10 projector
(B) 100 more copies of the brochure
5. Why is there a party for Frank Thomas?
(A) Because he’s 25 years old
(B) Because it's his retirement
6. For what reason is he being appreciated?
(A) He’s been a devoted employee for 25 years.
(B) Because he's smooth
7. Who is Michael?
(A) JC’s boss
(B) A co-worker of Mary
8. What happens tomorrow?
(A) Presentation
(B) A movie premiere
9. Who probably is Martha?
(A) The owner of Taco Center
(B) An employee of a tortilla factory
10. What does Martha say about the new white com tortillas?
(A) It tastes the same as yellow com tortilla.
(B) They have gotten very good response from the customers.

Bài tập 4: 129.mp3

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Nghe kỹ bài nói và trả lời câu hỏi.

1. Who is Mark Hunt?
(A) A fire fighter
(B) A captain of the community service program
(C) The owner of the theatre
(D) A loan shark
2. What does Mark Hunt say about his classes?
(A) They last 2 hours.
(B) They last 3 hours.
(C) They start at 5:30 p.m.
(D) They end at 9:00 p.m.
3. Who does Mark teach?
(A) People who want to become a fire fighter
(B) People without jobs
(C) Other fire fighters
(D) Children
4. When will the store be open again?
(A) Monday
(B) Tuesday
(C) Friday
(D) Sunday
5. What does the store probably NOT sell?
(A) TVs
(B) DVD players
(C) Leather coats
(D) Radios
6. Which item is discounted?
(A) Speakers
(B) Home theatres
(C) CDs
(D) CD players
7. Why is the check being written?
(A) Payment for the business
(B) For the broken window
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(C) Money owed for the luncheon

(D) Anna Lee’s pay check
8. When will the check be mailed?
(A) This afternoon
(B) February 20th
(C) Lunch time
(D) Next time
9. What is Holiday Catering’s job?
(A) Preparing corporate luncheon
(B) Replacing windows
(C) Fixing windows
(D) Making checks

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Ôn tập Part 7 (tiết 1)
Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles,
letters, and advertisments. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each
question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C) or (D) on your answer sheet.
Questions 153 – 154 refer to the following fax.
Attn: Mike Bradshaw
Dear Mike,
Thank you for your interest in the sales position at Topfield Electronics. We enjoyed speaking with
you in the interview last Thursday. The executives have reviewed your resume and were very
impressed. We have decided to hire you for the position. As you will notice, I have sent the contract
along with this fax. Please read it thoroughly, sign it, and fax it back to our office by Friday at 6:00
p.m. If possible, we would like you to begin working for us as early as May 23rd, approximately two
weeks from now. If you have any questions about the contract or the position, please call me at 895-
368-6457. Congratulations. We look forward to working with you.
Samuel Stone
153. What does Samuel Stone include in the fax?
(A) A detailed work schedule
(B) A job application
(C) A work agreement
(D) A letter from the executives
154. What should Mike Bradshaw do by Friday at 6:00 p.m.?
(A) Interview with the employee
(B) Reply to the fax
(C) Schedule an appointment.
(D) Call Samuel Stone

Questions 155-156 refer to the following email.

From: Helen Martin
To: All advertising associates
Subject: Employee Lunch
Hello everyone,
I just wanted to remind you all that the annual employee luncheon will be held this Friday, March
16th. It will be held at 1 p.m. at the Emerald Country Club. Lunch will be provided, but we would like
each associate to bring one dessert. There is a sign-up sheet in the break room next to the water cooler.
Also, this year we will be celebrating the achievements of Bob Hopey, the Director of Advertising,
who will be retiring at the end of March. Mr. Hopey has worked for Best Advertising for thirty years,
and was responsible for the successful merger with McKinley Advertising in 2004. He will be missed
greatly, and we are asking each associate to contribute $25 for a goodbye gift. The gift will be handed
to him at the luncheon. Please give the money to Barbara Whales in Human Resources by Thursday,
March 15th.
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Helen Martin
155 What information is discussed in the email?
a. A possible merger with another company
b. A plan to hire a new director
c. A schedule for an upcoming event
d. A request to reschedule a meeting

156 What will Bob Hopey most likely receive on March 16th?
a. A promotion
b. A retirement gift
c. Retirement benefits
d. A campaign proposal

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Questions 157-160 refer to the following letter.

Dear Readers,
This July, Horse and Rider will celebrate its 27th anniversary. Since its first issue was published in
January of 1980, Horse and Rider has continued to bring its readers tasteful but entertaining articles
covering everything about horses. To celebrate our anniversary, we are offering a special promotion to
all our readers: a free three-month subscription. Plus, you will receive our special anniversary issue,
which will be published at the end of July. This special issue will feature an article about Marjorie
Clemmons, the Senior Editor and founder of Horse and Rider,
To be eligible for the special offer, just fill out the request form that is enclosed with this letter, and
mail it to us by June 15th. As always, we welcome your questions and comments, so if you would like
to be included in our From the Readers section, please visit our website www.horseandrider.com and
submit your review electronically. We thank you for your continued support, which has helped us
become the most popular horse magazine in the country.
Katherine Fields Public Relations Advisor
157 Why did Katherine Fields write this 158 According to the letter, how can readers get
letter? their comments published?
a. To introduce a special offer a. By writing a letter to the editor
b. To remind readers to renew their b. By submitting a review online
subscription c. By contacting the PR department
c. To ask customers about their d. By calling Marjorie Clemmons
subscription preference
159 Which of the following is mentioned about A
d. To invite clients to the ceremony
Horse and Ridert
158 Who will be featured in the anniversary a. It is the only magazine of its kind.
issue? b. It is over thirty years old.
a. A famous rider c. It is very successful.
b. A new employee d. It is changing owners.
c. The winner of the race
d. The Senior Editor

Questions 161-163 refer to the following article.

The Health Factory will introduce a new line of vitamins, a company spokesman said yesterday. The
vitamins are intended for athletic men and women, who are looking for a vitamin that will replace vital
nutrients lost during strenuous exercise. Unlike regular vitamins, the Health Factory Active Essentials 2020
have more iron, calcium, and potassium. The new vitamins have been tested on professional athletes, such as
cyclist Luke Wilson, and are proven to increase athletic performance by up to 20 percent. Of course, health
products like the Active Essentials vitamins are not cheap. One month’s supply of the new vitamins costs
about $200. To promote the new product, however, the Health Factory is offering a special 30 percent
discount to anyone who purchases the new vitamins with their Health Factory card. For more information on
the new product or to apply for a Health Factory card, call the company’s customer service hotline at 1-800-
161. What can be inferred about the new vitamins?

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a. They are intended for athletes.

b. They are the most popular.
c. They are easy to swallow.
d. They are not sold in stores.
162. What is NOT mentioned about the new vitamins?
a. They increase performance.
b. They were tested on athletes.
c. They are cheaper than other brands.
d. They have more iron and calcium.
163. According to the article, how can people receive a discount?
a. Place an order online
b. Apply for a membership card
c. Enter a contest
d. Spend a certain amount

Questions 164 – 166 refer to the following letter.

12 Blue Bird Drive
Newark, NJ
12 May 2007
Paul Thorntree Spotless Cleaner's 145 Market Drive Newark, NJ
Dear Mr. Thorntree,
I recently had three jackets dry cleaned at Spotless Cleaner’s. Unfortunately, when I got home and looked at
one of the jackets. I noticed there was a large rip on one of the sleeves. I immediately returned the item to
your building on Market Drive, but the sales clerk told me chat the company was not responsible for any
damages incurred during cleaning, i have been doing business with Spotless Cleaner's for three years and
have always received excellent service, but I am quite distressed about this recent incident. I would like the
company to pay for the repair of this item, and to give me a full refund on the cost of dry cleaning all three
items. Please contact me as soon as possible to discuss this matter. 1 can be reached Monday to Friday after
6 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday any time. My home number is 632-365-1456. You can also reach me at my
office at 653-362-9876.
Linda Applebee
164. What is the purpose of the letter?
a. To complain about service
b. To apply for a membership
c. To discuss a late payment
d. To order a clothing item

165. What does Mrs. Applebee say about Spotless Cleaner’s?

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a. It has a bad reputation.

b. It does not repair clothing.
c. It usually provides good service.
d. It is the only dry cleaner’s in town

166. What does Mrs. Applebee request from the company?

a. A receipt
b. A refund
c. An apology
d. A coupon

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Questions 167-168 refer to the following article.

The Smallville Department of Transportation (SDT) announced that it will begin construction on a new bus
lane downtown. The construction is scheduled to begin at the end of July, a city official said. The new bus
lane will provide direct service to the main financial district, and will replace bus lines 3 and 4. Studies have
been conducted on traffic patterns and it is expected that the new service will reduce commuting time by 25
percent. Crane Construction has been contracted to build the new lane. Unfortunately, Main St. will be
closed from July 22nd to August 30th, while the construction is taking place. The SDT has asked all
commuters who drive to work to take 122 Avenue instead of Main Street.

167. What does the SDT say about the new 168. What is NOT mentioned in the article?
service? a. Commuters should take another
a. It will decrease travel time. route.
b. It will cost less money. b. Bus lines 3 and 4 will be closed.
c. It will take a year to complete. c. More studies are planned for July.
d. It will reduce pollution. d. The SDT hired Crane Construction

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Questions 169 – 172 refer to the following advertisement.

JP Store is proud to announce its new catalogue service, which will begin this September. Each
month all customers with a JP Gold Card will receive a free catalogue. What's so great about the JP
Catalogue? You don't have to go to our store to buy your clothes. You can simply call the customer
service hotline and place your order from the comfort of your own home. Plus, each month's
catalogue will include special discounts on all our clothing. If you have any questions about this
special promotion, contact us at 1-800-2365-9864. If you are not a cardholder and would like to
become one, then download an application from our website, www.jpclothes.com. All customers who
apply online before August 15th will receive an additional 20 percent off their first order.
169. What kind of product does JP Store sell?
a. Home furnishings
b. Kitchenware
c. Clothing
d. Office supplies
170. What will JP Gold Card holders receive?
a. Complimentary catalogues
b. A discount on shipping charges
c. Special coupons for the store
d. An online account

171. How often will cardholders receive the JP Catalogue?

a. Once a week
b. Every two weeks
c. Once a month
d. Once a year

172. How can interested customers apply for a card?

a. Get an application from the store
b. Call customer service
c. Email the company
d. Submit an online application

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Questions 173-175 refer to the following job advertisement.

Charity Hospital is looking for an organized, motivated individual to fill the position of Director of
Dining Services, starting August 15th.
Responsibilities of the position include planning weekly meals for patients, managing a staff of thirty
food service workers, and placing food supplies orders every' month. You may also be asked to
organize food for special events, such as hospital benefits.
The successful applicant will have at least five years’ experience working as a manager in some
business field, and a university degree. Specific experience in the hospitality industry is preferred, but
not required.
Interested individuals should pick up an application from the Food Service Department at Charity
Hospital, which is located on the first floor of the hospital. Please fill out the application and submit
it, along with 2 reference letters and a cover letter, by July 24. 2007. Applications will be available
starting June 21, 2007,
173. What kind of position is being advertised?
a. Medical assistant
b. Receptionist
c. Hospital director
d. Manager of food services
174. Which qualification is required of the successful candidate?
a. Five years’ experience
b. Foreign language skill
c. Cooking certificate
d. Knowledge of the hospitality sector

175. By what date must an applicant submit an application?

a. June 21st
b. July 24th
c. August 15th
d. August 24th

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Questions 176-180 refer to the following article.

McDowell Publishing plans to merge with Harvey Media this January, a spokesman for McDowell
Publishing said. The new company will be called McDowell and Harvey Media. The decision comes
after both companies experienced their third straight year of losses. Both companies have struggled to
compete with the world's largest publishing company, Watson Media Inc., which accounts for about
75 percent of the market. Since Watson Media Inc. was founded by Charles Duvet Jr. in 1999, the
company has successfully forced ten other small publishing companies to declare bankruptcy.
According to a spokesman from Harvey Media, after the merger is completed, the new company will
launch a 3 million dollar marketing campaign. Jackson Polkins, the famous children's writer, has
already announced he will be leaving Watson Media Inc. to pursue a contract with the new company.
176. The word “losses” in line 5 is closest in meaning to
a. Deficits
b. Fortunes
c. Properties
d. resources

177. According to the article, why are the two companies making the change?
a. To induce voluntary retirement
b. To hire more employees
c. To reduce operation costs
d. To remain competitive

178. According to the article, what happened in 1999?

a. Watson Media Inc. went bankrupt.
b. Charles Duvet Jr. started a company.
c. Harvey Media introduced a new campaign.
d. Jackson Polkins published a book.
179. What can be inferred from the newspaper article?
a. The new company will lay off many workers.
b. McDowell Publishing will invest considerable money.
c. Watson Media Inc. is a huge company.
d. Harvey Media will change locations.

180. What is Jackson Polkins's occupation?

a. Company spokesman
b. Financial advisor
c. Children’s writer
d. Publishing assistant

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Questions 181 -185 refer to the following weather forecast and email.
Three-Day Forecast
Friday March 22: Residents should carry their umbrellas because there is an 85 percent chance of
heavy rain. Morning temperatures will be in the low 70's and are expected to drop to around 65 in the
Saturday March 23: If you’re planning any outdoor activities, then this is the day to schedule them.
Thanks to a warm westerly wind, temperatures are forecasted to be in the high 80’s, about five
degrees warmer than we might usually expect at this time of the year. Remember to wear sunscreen
and drink lots of water.
Sunday March 24: Make sure you enjoy the sunshine on Saturday, because on Sunday temperatures
will drop to the low 60’s. There will be some sun in the morning, but the afternoon will be mostly
From: Belinda Pushkin To: All sales staff Subject: Company Picnic
Hello, 1 just wanted to let everyone know that the Tollins company picnic has been cancelled because
there is a chance of rain on the day we originally chose. As you know, we wanted to have the picnic
outdoors so that employees could participate in a variety of team-building exercises.
We asked the Humble Country Club if we could hold the lunch in their Club House instead, but
unfortunately they told us that Plymouth Autos will be holding a special banquet to celebrate their
25th anniversary there.
Attached to this email is an Employee Preference Form. I am asking all employees to list their
preferred date for the rescheduled company picnic. 1 sincerely hope that we can accommodate
everyone’s schedule. Please fill out the form and email it to me by Thursday, March 21st, at 3 p.m.
Belinda Pushkin Human Resources
181. According to the weather forecast, what is unusual about Saturday’s weather?
a. Low humidity
b. Strong winds
c. High temperatures
d. No rain

182. When was the picnic originally scheduled?

a. March 21st
b. March 22nd
c. March 23rd
d. March 24th

183. Why can't the event be held in the Club House?

a. It is closed for renovations.
b. It must be reserved in advance.
c. It can’t accommodate all employees.
d. It is being used by another group.

184. What can be inferred about Plymouth Autos from the email?

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a. It will host an event on March 21st.

b. It is celebrating an employee’s achievements.
c. It has been in business more than twenty years.
d. It is located next to Humble Country Club.

185. What did Belinda Pushkin add to her email?

a. The email addresses of all employees
b. The Employee Preference Form
c. The list of famous restaurants
d. The menu for the luncheon

From: Mary Helmsford To: Linda Watercrest Subject: Conference

Dear Linda,
As you requested, I am writing to provide you with some more information about the conference at
the end of the month. It will be held at the Gillmor Conference Center in San Francisco, California,
on Saturday, May 14th.
The conference is a great way for New Media Inc. employees to meet other people in the
entertainment industry. The conference schedule is as follows:
8:00-10:00 A.M. “Understanding the Customer" presented by market analyst, Richard Preyer
10:15-12:00 A.M. “Making an Effective Presentation" presented by CEO of Anderson Entertainment,
Brian Thompson
12:00-1:00 P M Free lunch
1:30-3:30 P.M. “Increasing Productivity" presented by Director of Sales at Phillip Mortin Media, Bob
3:45-5:45 P.M. “Future Trends in the Entertainment Industry” presented by Phillip Trent, author of
“The 10 Most Successful Media Companies"
5:45-6:00 P.M. Closing remarks by Samuel Wright, conference coordinator
Please note that New Media Inc. will pay for the registration fee, accommodation, and all meals.
Employees are expected to pay for transportation to and from the conference. I hope you find this
information helpful.
Mary Helms ford Director of New Media Inc.

From: Linda Wacercrest To: All employees Subject: Conference

Hi, everyone! I am just writing to inform you that there has been a slight schedule change for
the conference on Saturday, You may have already heard it on the news, but Richard Preyer
suffered a heart attack on Thursday night and is recovering in Mercy Hospital. Unfortunately,
he will not be able to give his presentation as planned, I have been informed by the
conference coordinator that Michel Tupper, the Director of Customer Relations at Fleet
Media, will be presenting instead. He will talk about his 20 years of experience dealing with
customer complaints under the title of “How to Satisfy the Customer.” Also, if you have any

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special meal requests for the conference, please contact Mary Helmsford at 895-326-6547 by
May 4th.
186. Why did Mary Helmsford write the email?
a. To provide information about an event
b. To change the date of a meeting
c. To discuss a new company policy .
d. To introduce a new work schedule

187. What does Mary Helmsford say about the conference?

a. It is held in San Francisco every year.
b. It is organized by Anderson Entertainment.
c. It is intended for new employees in the industry.
d. It is an excellent place to develop business relationships.

188. What are employees expected to pay for?

a. Registration
b. Transportation
c. Accommodation
d. Food and drinks

189. What is TRUE about Michel Tupper?

a. He is the CEO of New Media Inc.
b. He has written a book.
c. He organized the conference
d. He is a company executive.

190. Which seminar was cancelled at the conference?

a. Understanding the Customer
b. Making an Effective Presentation
c. Increasing Productivity
d. Future Trends in the Entertainment Industry

Questions 191 – 195 refer to the following e-mails.

From: Beth Volt <bvolt@runtcorp.com>
To: Chris Gately <cgately@spectron.com>
Date: November 22
Subject: Details for Conference on December 2 Hi, Chris!
First, I'd like to express my excitement that you’ve agreed to speak at this year’s technology
conference. As you know, Runt Corporation has been organizing this event for the last ten
years to promote innovation in the computer industry.
In my previous email, I told you that the conference would start at 8 a.m., but it has been
changed to 9 a.m. because a few of the companies who will be providing exhibits wanted a
little more time to set up their product displays. Now, when you get to the conference center,

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you will have to pass through security. Please hand the security guard the four-digit code that
I gave you, and he will issue you a temporary visitor’s ID badge. You will need to wear this
badge at all times while you are in the building.
If you need us to provide any equipment, such as a laptop computer, or overhead projector,
please contact the event organizer, Martin Walsh. His email address is
mwalsh@runtcorp.com. You can also reach him by phone at 1-520-236-1478.
Please feel free to contact me with any further questions that you might have. 1 look forward
to meeting you on the day of the conference.
Beth Volt, Public Relations Director
From: Chris Gately <cgately@spectron.com> To: Beth Volt <bvolt@runtcorp.com>
Date: November 23
Subject: Update on December 2 Conference
Dear Mrs. Volt,
Thank you so much for your kind email.I am also very excited to speak at your conference.
My company’s innovative business strategy has greatly increased our profit margins and I am
confident that, if implement properly, it will help any computer company improvents. Since
the subject I plan to cover is rather technical, I have asked one of my colleagues, Bill Front, to
give a brief PowerPoint presentation to familiarize the audience with a few new technology
terms. Mr. Front is a software designer who has been working for Spectron Inc. for five years.
His innovative product designs have contributed greatly to Spectron’s success in the last three
With regard to equipment, I will need a couple of things for the presentation. I will leave a list
of required items with the event organizer when I visit his office on Wednesday, November
25. Thanks for all of your help.
Chris Gately
191. Why did Beth Volt write the email?
a. To outline details of the conference
b. To ask an employee to attend a meeting
c. To inquire about a new software program
d. To postpone a public relations event

192. What is Mr. Gately required to do before entering Runt Corporation?

a. E-mail Beth Volt
b. Acquire a security badge
c. Contact the software designer
d. Meet with a Spectron Inc. executive

193. When will Ms. Volt and Mr. Gately meet?

a. On November 22nd
b. On November 23rd

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c. On November 25th
d. On December 2nd

194. Who is Bill Front?

a. Public Relations Director
b. Security guard
c. Software designer
d. Event organizer

195. What does Mr. Gately plan to do on Wednesday?

a. Pick up his registration form
b. Design the brochure for the event
c. Leave a document with Mr. Walsh
d. Meet with Mr. Front about the Conference.

Questions 196-200 refer to the following two letters.

12 April 2007
Employment Officer
Porter Investments
67 Waltham Ave.
Boston. MA
Dear Mr. Wright,
I was extremely interested in your recent advertisement for an Assistant Accountant, which
appeared in the March issue of Financial Times. I am confident that my educational
background and work experience make me the ideal candidate for this position.
I graduated last year with high honors from Georgetown University, where I double majored
in accounting and economics. My thesis. “The Economics of Investing.’’ received the highest
grade in my class. While at University, I was also president of the Finance Club, and the
Treasurer of the Student Council. In my junior year. I was responsible for organizing a
fundraising event that collected 50 thousand dollars for the new gymnasium on campus.
Last summer. I was accepted for an internship position with Harvey Investments, a famous
New York investment firm. During my two months at Harvey Investments, 1 managed over
20 corporate accounts, and was responsible for approximately 1 million dollars in
I have enclosed a detailed resume, along with two letters of recommendation, and my
University transcript. I hope you will find my personality and work experience a good match
for this position. Please feel free to contact me at 896-326-5478, if you have any questions.
12 Frosty Rd.
Boston, MA
Dear Mr. Bolt,

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I am sorry to inform you that the position you applied for has been filled. I want you to know,
however, that I thought your resume and cover letter were extremely interesting. I think you
would be an excellent addition to our team here at Porter Investments. If you would like to
pursue other employment opportunities with our company, please contact Martin Plaster, the
Director of Finances. He might be able to tell you about some other positions that will be
available in the future. He can be reached at 895-654-2315. Thank you for your interest in our
Sincerely, Paul Wright

196. What did Richard Bolt achieve while at Georgetown University?

a. He used to be an assistant of the University Treasurer.
b. He was president of the Debate Club.
c. He wrote a thesis that received an award.
d. He raised money for new sports facilities.

197. What does the letter suggest about Harvey Investments?

a. It is based in Boston.
b. It pays very well.
c. It is well known.
d. It is an international firm

198. What news does Mr. Wright give Richard Bolt?

a. The company does not accept personal interviews.
b. The Assistant Accountant position is no longer available.
c. The information in his transcript was incorrect.
d. The Employment Officer has not received the resume.

199. Why might Mr. Bolt contact Martin Plaster?

a. To inquire about a job
b. To schedule an interview
c. To submit a resume
d. To review a contract

200. The word “extremely” in line 2 of the second letter is closest in meaning to
a. Intelligently
b. Easily
c. Highly
d. Relatively

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NGÀY 22:

Review Test 117.mp3
Nghe và chọn đáp án đúng nhất
1. What did the woman do recently?
(A) Present a statement
(B) Make a career change
(C) Design a program
(D) Develop a strategy
2. What will happen in a month?
(A) A new team will be formed.
(B) A policy will be announced.
(C) A machine will be installed.
(D) An assignment will be completed.
3. What field do the speakers work in?
(A) Computers
(B) Accounting
(C) Security
(D) Education
4. What are the speakers mainly discussing?
(A) The location of an office
(B) The expenses for renting a truck
(C) The company’s billing program
(D) A delay in shipment
5. What will happen at 5:00?
(A) Delivery will be made.
(B) The driver will call for directions.
(C) A discount offer will expire.
(D) An order will be finalized.
6. Who is waiting for the items?
(A) Manufacturers
(B) Investors
(C) Customers
(D) Suppliers
7. Why is the man calling?

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(A) To ask for instructions

(B) To offer an apology
(C) To respond to a complaint
(D) To market a new product
8. What problem does the woman mention?
(A) A program is not working.
(B) A form is not available.
(C) A technician made an error.
(D) A machine isn’t working.
9. What does the man say he will do?
(A) Send a replacement
(B) Forward her message
(C) Consult his coworkers
(D) Come over himself
10. What are the speakers discussing?
(A) A project deadline
(B) An important report
(C) A new schedule
(D) Today’s weather
11. What will happen in the afternoon?
(A) More news will be available.
(B) Rain will stop.
(C) The man will put away his umbrella.
(D) A plan for the evening will be made.
12. What does the woman suggest the man do?
(A) Carry a jacket
(B) Call the airport
(C) Cancel a ticket
(D) Turn on the lights
13. What are the speakers mainly discussing?
(A) A resignation
(B) A tour schedule
(C) A staff member’s absence
(D) A new hiring policy
14. What is the man concerned about?
(A) Covering a work load
(B) Meeting a deadline
(C) Filing a report
(D) Correcting a mistake
15. What will happen after 2 weeks?

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(A) Alexander and Yumiko will get married.

(B) Martha will return.
(C) A profit statement will be released.
(D) A holiday will begin.
16. What are the speakers manly discussing?
(A) What to do after lunch
(B) How to travel in Asia
(C) Which work schedule to follow
(D) Where to go for a meal
17. What concern does the woman have?
(A) Price
(B) Quality
(C) Time
(D) Amount
18. What benefit of Ayudho does the man mention?
(A) It’s larger.
(B) It’s cheaper.
(C) It’s closer.
(D) It’s newer.
19. What is the man calling about?
(A) A delivery schedule
(B) A presentation
(C) A staff meeting
(D) A delayed investment
20. What does the woman tell the man?
(A) She’s busy right now.
(B) She’ll study the options.
(C) She already shipped the items.
(D) She will return his call.
21. When will the man and the woman meet?
(A) Tuesday
(B) Wednesday
(C) Thursday
(D) Friday
22. Who most likely are the speakers?
(A) Experts on a food show
(B) Participants at a cooking contest
(C) Customers at a restaurant
(D) Coworkers at a party
23. What is said about the vegetable pie?

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(A) Francois used a friend’s recipe.

(B) Lauren helped make it.
(C) It will be served with salad.
(D) Mini will bring it soon.
24. What will the man probably do next?
(A) Arrange the table
(B) Check on the dessert
(C) Invite guests to eat
(D) Call her grandmother
25. What does the woman want to do?
(A) Go to St. Louis
(B) Make a call
(C) Pick up an item
(D) Mail a package
26. What does the man ask for?
(A) An address
(B) A receipt
(C) A stamp
(D) A form
27. What will probably happen next?
(A) The woman will make a payment.
(B) The man will write down details.
(C) A complaint will be filed.
(D) A delivery will be confirmed.
28. What is the man calling about?
(A) A room location
(B) A ticket cancellation
(C) A compensation claim
(D) A flight reservation
29. What does the woman tell the man?
(A) He should leave a message.
(B) A flight will arrive soon.
(C) Information is not currently available.
(D) She will forward his call.
30. What does the man suggest the woman do?
(A) Return a call
(B) Send him a form
(C) Repeat a number
(D) Speak to a supervisor

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B- PART 4:
Review Test 130.mp3
Nghe kỹ bài nói và trả lời câu hỏi.
1. What does the company offer?
(A) Help with online registration
(B) Directory assistance
(C) Financial advice
(D) Security service
2. What must callers do to speak to staff?
(A) Follow instructions
(B) Make an appointment
(C) Visit a downtown office
(D) Call during working hours
3. What number should callers press to leave a message?
(A) 3
(B) 5
(C) 6
(D) 8
4. Who most likely is Sandra Ross?
(A) A popular author
(B) A professional cook
(C) An office manager
(D) A store owner
5. What is implied about the dessert?
(A) It is a new item.
(B) The flavor is unusual.
(C) Many people like it
(D) It takes a long time to make.
6. What can listeners receive?
(A) Samples of the dishes
(B) Special offers on kitchenware
(C) An invitation to the next show
(D) A free booklet of recipes

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7. Who most likely are the listeners?

(A) Visitors at an exhibit
(B) Guests at a restaurant
(C) New workers at an orientation
(D) Participants at a conference
8. What must listeners do to buy food at the cafeteria?
(A) Pay cash
(B) Fill out a form
(C) Purchase coupons
(D) Contact staff
9. What does the speaker invite listeners to do?
(A) Help out at the counter
(B) Explore the facility
(C) Give suggestions for the menu
(D) Ask questions
10. Who most likely is the speaker?
(A) A real estate agent
(B) A gardener
(C) A tour guide
(D) An investor
11. How old are the carved doors mentioned in the talk?
(A) 30 years
(B) 75 years
(C) 100 years
(D) 150 years
12. What will happen next?
(A) A different speaker will talk.
(B) The group will explore an area.
(C) The speaker will make an announcement.
(D) A tram will arrive to pick up the people.
13. How does the speaker try to convince listeners?
(A) By having users endorse products
(B) By emphasizing high quality

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Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

(C) By promising free gifts

(D) By offering customized service
14. What does ‘Kitchen Mate’ claim about its products?
(A) They are made of recycled material.
(B) They come in standard sizes.
(C) They are available in a range of designs.
(D) They can be exchanged any time.
15. What must buyers do to receive a discount?
(A) Call a number
(B) Visit a company outlet
(C) Respond to a questionnaire
(D) Make an online purchase
16. What is being announced?
(A) A list of programs
(B) Details of a contest
(C) A weather warning
(D) Events in the city
17. What is expected to happen soon?
(A) A storm will move inland.
(B) A beach resort will open.
(C) New shows will be broadcast.
(D) The station will give more interviews.
18. What are listeners asked to do?
(A) Remain in their houses
(B) Call the weather department
(C) Pass on a message to friends
(D) Visit the police station
19. Why is Marsha calling John?
(A) To place an order
(B) To confirm a schedule
(C) To pass on information
(D) To request quick service
20. What does the caller want to do today?

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Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

(A) Meet a client

(B) Replace old equipment
(C) Make a delivery
(D) Contact her assistant
21. What will John probably do?
(A) Call back
(B) Direct a maintenance crew
(C) Wait for instructions
(D) Leave the office immediately
22. Who most likely are the listeners?
(A) Security guards at a company
(B) Meeting participants
(C) Workers preparing for an event
(D) Visitors at an exhibition
23. What problem is mentioned by the speaker?
(A) He needs more assistants.
(B) There is little time to complete a job.
(C) New furniture has not arrived.
(D) Decorations are missing.
24. What will happen at 7 p.m.?
(A) A show will begin.
(B) The listeners will finish a task.
(C) Guests will arrive.
(D) Food will be served.
25. Where most likely does the speaker work?
(A) At a food store
(B) At a restaurant
(C) At a factory
(D) At a delivery service
26. What is said about the main dishes?
(A) They are available all week.
(B) They have been newly introduced.
(C) They will be served with sauce.

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Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

(D) They are in great demand.

27. What will the speaker do next?
(A) Take an order
(B) Serve a free beverage
(C) Accept a payment
(D) Speak with the chef
28. What is being announced?
(A) A record sales figure
(B) An increase in production
(C) An award given to the company
(D) A new quality policy
29. Who is the speaker?
(A) A Customer Relations manager
(B) A consultant
(C) A Sales manager
(D) A company vice-president
30. What are listeners invited to do?
(A) Wait for an announcement
(B) Join a celebration
(C) Suggest improvements
(D) Design a campaign

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Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

NGÀY 23:

Questions 153-154 refer to the following email
From: Hazel Irwin <hirwin@csgmedia.com>
To: Lindsey Monotail <lmonotail@csgmedia.com> Subject: Speech Request Date: May 23
Hi Lindsey,
As you know, Robert Hulking will be awarded the CSG Excellence in Sales Prize at a special
ceremony at the Persian Hotel this Saturday. Mr. Hulking recently informed me that you were
his supervisor when he first came to CSG five years ago, and that you and your business
advice have greatly contributed to his recent success. To honor both your work as Senior
Sales Supervisor and Mr. Hulking’s recent achievement, I would like to ask you to present the
award this Saturday. As part of the presentation ceremony, you will be asked to give a brief
speech about Mr. Hulking. It would be a good idea to include some personal anecdotes
Please contact Sara Benhunt, my secretary, before 2 p.m. today and let her know it attend the
event. Her extension is 3125.1 hope you will join us.
Hazel Irwin
Director of Public Relations

153. Who is Robert Hulking?

a. The new sales associate
b. A supervisor in the sales department
c. An employee who will receive an award
d. The Public Relations Director
154. What should Ms. Monotail do before 2 p.m.?
a. Give a speech
b. Reply to the invitation
c. Attend the ceremony
d. Supervise a meeting

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Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

Questions 155 – 156 refer to the following advertisement.

Do you enjoy working outdoors? Do you thrive in a physically demanding
work environment? Then Gateway Contractors has the perfect job for you!
We're looking for young, energetic individuals to work on Gateway's latest
construction project: the Maplewood Gymnasium. Successful candidates will
be responsible for unloading supply trucks and distributing supplies to
various key points around the site. No previous construction experience is
necessary, but applicants must be able to work well with other people.
Applications are available at www.gatewaycontractors.com. To schedule an
interview, contact Bruno Morton, the Construction Site Supervisor, at 245-
698-7895. Please, no calls after 9 p.m.
155. What kind of job is being advertised?
a. Construction worker
b. Shipping supervisor
c. Gym instructor
d. Truck driver

156. Why might the applicants contact Mr. Morton?

a. To ask for an application form
b. To make an appointment for an interview
c. To locate the main office
d. To inquire about the job detail

Questions 157-392 refer to the following news article

Deloit Industries to Open Another Factory
Deloii Industries, a leading producer of construction equipment, plans to
open another factory in 2007. The new factory will be built in Rayong.
Thailand, where a number of other large-scale manufacturing companies are
The company’s decision was criticized by many local officials, who claim
that Deloit Industries plans to exploit local laborers, Tn the last decade, many
companies have migrated to Thailand because the country's average wages
are significantly less than thuse in North America and Europe. By operating
in Thailand, companies are able to decrease their annual expenditures and
increase profitability.
Unfortunately, these profits do not always benefit the local communities.
According to a company spokesman, however, Deloit Industries will
implement a couple of strategies that will benefit the local laborers and their
families. Among these “positive plans” are providing health insurance for
employees and their families, and giving academic scholarships to
employees’ children.

392– 04 6260 3948

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Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

The company has implemented similar strategies for employees working at

its mines in South Africa, processing plants in the Philippines, and packaging
facilities in Brazil. In each place, the company has attempted to hire local
workers and integrate itself into the local community. In July, the company
hosted a charity event in Buenos Aires, Argentina, to raise money for local
157. According to the article, why has Deloit Industries’ decision been
a. It will probably exploit the environment.
b. It does not encourage foreign investment.
c. It will take advantage of regional workers.
d. It makes employees work longer hours.

158. What does Deloit Industries plan to do at the facility in Rayong?

a. To provide workers better safety equipment
b. To give medical coverage to employees
c. To eliminate harmful waste products
d. To introduce a new mining technology

159. What is NOT mentioned as another one of Deloit Industries' businesses?

a. Mining facilities
b. Processing plants
c. Packaging factories
d. Automobile manufacturing

Questions 160 – 162 refer to the following advertisement.

Rollins University is looking for an energetic, personable individual to teach
a marketing class for students in the honors program during the fall semester.
The class, Advanced International Marketing 402, will be held on Tuesdays
and Thursdays from 4-6 p.m. This is a part-time position. Rollins University
is one of the top business schools in the world, and has campuses in Los
Angeles, Paris, Tokyo, and Geneva. This position will be at the university's
campus in Tokyo, Japan, so the successful applicant will be expected to
relocate if necessary. The successful candidate will have some teaching
experience (at least 1-2 years in an academic setting) and have worked
extensively in the marketing industry. Additionally, individuals without a
PhD need not apply. The incumbent will be required to work during regular
class hours, and spend two to three hours preparing for each class. A private
office will be provided. Since this is a short-term contract, compensation is
negotiable and will be determined based on the candidate's work experience
and professional history. For more information, or to request an application,
contact James Stewart at 1-541-265-6987.

393– 04 6260 3948

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Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

160. What does the advertisement suggest about the course mentioned?
a. It is usually only offered during the spring semester.
b. It is for students in their first year of study.
c. It is a part of the advanced program.
d. It is designed to give students practical experience.
161. Where will the successful candidate work?
a. Tokyo
b. Los Angeles
c. Geneva
d. Paris

162. What is NOT a requirement of the position?

a. To be prepared to live in a foreign country
b. To have worked in a field related to the subject
c. To have some form of teaching experience
d. To be able to work during the weekend

Questions 163-166 refer to the following article

TR Exhibition to be held
Tyler Remington, President of Tyler Remington Inc., announced that the
company would be hosting its fifth annual TR Programming Exhibition in
July. The event is held every year to give professional computer
programmers a chance to test new software developed by TR Inc. The event
is also a means for the company to consult with some of the world's most
talented programmers about technology trends.
The event attracts programmers from around the world, and most of the
individuals who attend are self-employed, or own their own web design and
consulting company. Since the exhibition began five years ago, it has become
known as the single most important programming event of the year. In the
past, it has been hosted in Seattle, Sydney, Berlin, and Moscow. This year's
event is scheduled to take place in Hyderabad, India, as it is rapidly
becoming the technology capital of the world.
To register, simply fill out the online form which can be downloaded from
the company's website at www.trindustries.com. Or, you can request a paper
application by calling 1-800-265-8795. A registration fee of $195 must also
be paid by June 25 with the application. Only credit card payments are
163. What is the reason for having the exhibition?
a. To recruit employees
b. To test new computer programs
394– 04 6260 3948
Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801
Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

c. To help small businesses prosper

d. To display popular electronics
164. Who will most likely attend the exhibition?
a. Business owners
b. Potential investors
c. College graduates
d. Professional gamers

165. Why will the exhibition be held in Hyderabad?

a. The company just opened a consulting firm in the area.
b. The programmers decided it was the most convenient location.
c. It is known to have many established software companies.
d. Its technology shows the most rapid growth in the world.
166. What is NOT a way to be eligible for the event?
a. Fill out an electronic application
b. Contact the company and request an application
c. Submit the form by the specified date.
d. Send a check to pay for the fee

Questions 167-395 refer to the following advertisement

Waldorf Books is excited to announce it will be offering a new print-on-
demand publishing service. The company has created a database of all the
major and minor book titles in the world and developed a program that can
access electronic versions of these books. If a customer is unable to find a
book in paperback or hardcover in the store, he can go to the Print-On-
Demand kiosk and with the push of a button print a copy of the book without
ever leaving the store! This new technology has a couple of advantages:
customers can choose from a more extensive selection of books, and the final
product is cheaper. The service is especially useful for individuals who are
most interested in less popular titles by relatively unknown authors. The
print-on-demand service will be available at all Waldorf Books stores
starting this September.
167. What service will Waldorf Books offer?
a. Express delivery service
b. Printable versions of books
c. Hardcover copies of bestsellers
d. Personal shopping assistants

168. According to the advertisement, who will benefit the most from the
a. Small publishing companies looking to print more books
395– 04 6260 3948
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Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

b. Unpublished authors hoping to secure a contract

c. People who read books that aren’t very popular
d. Employees who are not familiar with the store’s database

Questions 169 – 171 refer to the following letter.

32 Turtle Rd.
Wilmont, WI 20548
August 23
Dear Mrs. Malloy,
We recently discovered that your subscription to Gourmet Chef Monthly will
expire in September and you have not decided to renew it. To encourage you
to reconsider your decision, we’d like to offer you a special, one-time-only
offer: if you choose to renew your subscription, we will give you a fifty
percent discount on each monthly issue from October to March. According to
our database, you were paying $6 per issue; with this discount you would
only have to pay $3.00. This offer is only valid if you apply to renew your
subscription before September 15th. We’re offering to cut the cost of your
subscription in half. Can you really ask for a better deal?
To accept our offer, please call us at 1-800-254-9864. Our office is open
Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Don’t miss out on this wonderful
opportunity; call one of our helpful customer service agents today. We look
forward to your business.
Warmest Regards,
Ross Cather
Sales Director, Gourmet Chef Monthly
169. Why did Ross Gather write the letter?
(A) To request some personal information now?
(B) To encourage the customer to extend her service.
(C) To inquire about a bill that has not been paid.
(D) To introduce a new service at the restaurant
170. When will Mrs. Malloy's existing subscription expire?
(A) In March
(B) In August
(C) In September
(D) In October
171. How much is Mr. Hopkins paying per month
(A) $3.00
(B) $6.
(C) $9.00
(D) $15.00

396– 04 6260 3948

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Questions 172-175 refer to the following announcement.

This month, Rockford Sports has experienced an unexpected increase in the
sale of running shoes. Executives feel that this was due in large part to the
new ad campaign released in February. The campaign was orchestrated by
Albert Sterling, the Director of Advertising. Mr. Sterling has dedicated
twenty years of his life to Rockford Sports; he started as a shoes salesman
and has been steadily working his way up the corporate ladder ever since. He
has held his current position for the last five years. Unfortunately, Mr.
Sterling will be retiring in March so the Hiring Committee has spent the past
year trying to find a suitable replacement. Just last week, a candidate was
chosen for the position; Roy Portsmouth. For the past ten years, Mr.
Portsmouth has been the Executive Advertising Assistant at Famous Feet's
corporate headquarters in Milan. Mr. Portsmouth is respected for his keen
marketing sense and strategic planning skills. In particular, he is famous for
introducing ad campaigns that helped increase Famous Feet's international
brand power, and boosted its total retail profits by 25 percent. Clearly, Mr.
Portsmouth will be a powerful addition to our company, and we hope all
employees make him feel welcome.
172. Where might this announcement be found?
a. A product catalogue
b. A local newspaper
c. A company newsletter
d. A shoe store

173. Who is Mr. Sterling?

a. A department store clerk
b. A retiring employee
c. The Executive Advertising Assistant
d. A member of the Hiring Committee

174. What is TRUE about Mr. Sterling?

a. He worked as a salesman for a decade.
b. He knows Mr. Portsmouth personally.
c. He took the lead of a new ad campaign.
d. He introduced a successful budget plan.
175. According to the announcement, what action is Mr. Portsmouth known
a. Getting promoted very quickly
b. Increasing the company’s profits
c. Designing a popular running shoe
d. Planning an important sporting event
397– 04 6260 3948
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Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

Questions 176-180 refer to the following Interview.

Jerry Walker has been the head coach for the Chicago Islanders for the last
eight years. On August 23, 2007, Mr. Walker will be inducted into the
prestigious Basketball Hall of Fame. Mr. Walker agreed to sit down with
Sports World to discuss his remarkable career.
Interviewer: So, what does it take to be a professional coach?
Mr. Walker: Actually, a lot of people ask me that, and I always tell them the
same thing: work, work, and more work. People are always surprised by my
Interviewer: Most people probably think that your job is pretty easy, am I
Mr. Walker: They see me on TV and get the impression that my life is
glamorous. The reality of being a professional coach, however, is that you
have to be able to multi-task and perform under pressure. I’m like a business
manager and athletic trainer, all in one package. I develop training programs
for my athletes, investigate other teams’ training habits, hire staff, fire staff,
schedule practice sessions, consult with injured players, and negotiate
contracts with new players.
Interviewer: That does sound like a lot of work for one man. What does your
wife think of your career?
Mr. Walker: Well, she wants me to teach in a university like she does rather
than work as a coach. She worries about my health and doesn’t like the fact
that we can’t spend much time together. I just love to see athletes excel, and
to know that I had something to do with their success. That's what I want the
Interviewer: What would you change about your job, if you could?
Mr. Walker: I wish I had more time to coach amateur players, like high
school and college athletes. I think it’s important to develop the skills of up-
and-coming athletes, not just ones who sign a contract with us.
176. Why are many surprised about Jerry Walker's work?
a. It is not as easy as it appears to be.
b. it pays less than most people expect.
c. It doesn’t require previous experience.
d. It benefits disadvantaged athletes.

177. What is NOT one of Mr. Walker’s responsibilities?

a. Hiring new employees
b. Providing a training schedule
c. Recruiting new players
d. Attending athletic conferences

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178. What is Mr. Walker’s wife’s profession?

a. She is an athletic trainer.
b. She is an executive manager.
c. She is a professor.
d. She is an athletic recruiter.

179. What does Mr. Walker like most about his job?
a. He loves the competition.
b. He likes to help athletes succeed.
c. He enjoys traveling with his team.
d. He gets to be on television.

180. What would Mr. Walker like to be able to do?

a. Work with younger athletes
b. Spend more time with his team
c. Attend fewer media events
d. Reduce his managerial responsibilities

Questions 181 – 185 refer to the following two emails.

From: Howard Hilton To: Margaret Willow Subject: Defective Printer
Dear Mrs. Willow,
My company, Pip Imaging, purchased an Easy Jet 1435 printer from your
company four weeks ago. Three weeks ago, an employee reported that the
printer turned off every time she tried to print on both sides. A week after the
problem was reported, a repairman came to the office to fix the problem.
After spending an entire day taking apart the machine, he determined that the
printer was missing an important screw. It is critical that we have a
functioning printer in order to provide our customers with quality
photocopies. Therefore, it is important that we fix this problem as soon as
possible. We will be closing temporarily in two weeks from June 23rd to July
2nd, while we change locations, and we would like to resolve this problem
before then.
Howard Hilton Technical Director
To: Howard Hilton From: Margaret Willow
Dear Mr. Hilton,
First, I would like to apologize for the problem you encountered with your
printer. This is the first defective product that we have ever been made aware
of, and we have already contacted the Director of Production, Glen Milton, to
investigate the current production practices for all Easy Jet 1435 printers. We
certainly want to resolve this problem as quickly as possible. We are happy
to pay for all repair costs, as well as all shipping fees. Please put the printer
in its original box and send it to the Product Repair Department. The address
399– 04 6260 3948
Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801
Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

for this department is provided in the Owner’s Instruction Manual that came
with the printer. We will have a specialist take a look at the machine
immediately. You should have a working printer within three to four weeks.
Please feel free to contact me at any time, should you have questions or
Margaret Willow
Director, Customer Relations, Easy Jet Office Supplies

400– 04 6260 3948

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Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

181. How long ago did Pip Imaging purchase the printer?
a. One week
b. Two weeks
c. Three weeks
d. One month

182. What kind of business is Pip Imaging most likely?

a. A copying company
b. A hardware store
c. A photography studio
d. A software supplier

183. According to the first email, when does the printer shut down?
a. Every time it finishes a printing task
b. If the machine is not cleaned regularly
c. When employees try to print on the front and back
d. After it has been used for a certain amount of time

184. What should Howard Hilton do before returning the product?

a. Check the receipt
b. Repackage it
c. Fill out a form
d. Call the Repair Department

185. Why might Howard Hilton not be satisfied with Margaret Willow’s offer?
a. He has to make an extra payment for parts.
b. It takes longer than he wants.
c. He does not want to pay for shipping fees.
d. The warranty expires before it can be fixed.

Questions 186 – 190 refer to the following advertisement and letter.

Job Openings at Felton Insurance
Position 1: Assistant Financial Officer
Requirements: A minimum of five years experience in a managerial position. Applicants will
have extensive knowledge of accounting systems, and significant experience developing
budgets and offering financial advice.
Position 2: Project Manager
Requirements: A minimum of 4 years experience organizing and executing projects. A strong
ability to plan new projects and lead people to complete them. Candidates will also be
required to relocate to our offices in Paris.
Position 3: Media Consultant

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948
Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

Requirements: At least 3 years of experience in a related field. Applicants will have excellent
verbal and written communication skills. Experience writing press releases and holding press
conferences is preferred.
Position 4: Sales Copy Writer
Requirements: A Master’s degree in either Business Communications or Journalism is a must.
Extensive marketing or advertising experience is also required.
To Apply: Send a cover letter, resume, and at least two letters of reference to the HR
Department at Felton Insurance:
Human Resources Department Felton Insurance 145 Liberty Rd. Seattle, WA 98101
Qualified candidates will be contacted by phone to schedule an interview. Please do
not contact the company directly.

To whom it may concern:

My name is Justin Thimble and I’m writing in response to the Project Manager position you
advertised recently. I feel that my professional background and personality make me the ideal
candidate for the job. I have over six years of experience working with a small team to plan
and carry out new projects. Additionally, I can speak and write French fluently, and would be
very excited to live abroad. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to work for such a
prestigious international company. The enclosed resume further details why I would make an
excellent choice for this position. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Justin Thimble.
186. Which job description mentions education as a requirement for the position?
a. Project Manager
b. Media Consultant
c. Sales Copy Writer
d. Assistant Financial Officer

187. What are applicants asked NOT to do?

a. Call the company
b. Mail the cover letter
c. Provide references
d. Send the resume
188. What is the purpose of Mr. Thimble’s letter?
a. To request more information about the company
b. To express interest in the position advertised
c. To change the date of the committee meeting
d. To inquire about the need for his marketing service

189. What is a requirement for the position that Mr. Thimble mentions in the letter?
a. Excellent written communication skills

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b. Extensive knowledge of accounting systems

c. Willingness to work in a foreign country
d. Ability to organize press conferences and seminars

190. What did Mr. Thimble include with his letter?

a. A project portfolio
b. A reference letter
c. A resume
d. A photograph

Questions 191 – 195 refer to the following two e-mail messages.

From: Gail Rogers <grogers@seriptors.com> To: John Harlow <jharlow@scriptors.com>
Date: June 21
Subject: Problems with the network Dear Mr. Harlow,
I don’t know if you’ve received other complaints already this morning, but at the moment I’m
being denied access to the company’s network. I’ve never experienced something like this
before. My co- worker, Jim Stevens, said he was having the same problem. When I enter my
employee ID and password, I receive this message: Employee ID invalid. I'm positive that I’m
entering the correct ID. so 1 don’t know why I can’t access the network. I tried to contact the
Computer Technician, but he hasn’t replied to my emails. I was hoping that you would be
able to help me, since you’re the Technology Supervisor. I would really appreciate any
assistance you can provide at this time.
From: John Harlow <jharlow@striptors.com >
To: Gail Rogers cgrogers@scriptors.com >
Date: June 21
Subject: Re: Problems with the network Hi Gail,
I'm sorry that 1 did not reply sooner, but one of the computers on the fifth floor unexpectedly
shut down and I had to investigate the cause. Our Computer Technician, Thomas Benson, has
the flu and will not be in the office for the rest of the week. I have heard from many other
employees today, and they all mentioned the same error message. I think the problem might
be that we updated our computer security system, but I can't be certain until I do a little more
research. I'm not sure why, but we seem to be having a lot of problems with our computers
lately. This is the tenth complaint I've received this morning. 1 have scheduled a meeting with
the Administrative Supervisor, Philip Downs, at 3 p m. He should lx- able to tell me how to
fix the problem. Usually, the kind of error message you describe appears when there is
something wrong with the security settings. In the meantime, I recommend that you save all
of your current files on a hard disk because there is a possibility that we will have ro erase
your hard drive. If you have any questions before at ext. # 5498.
John Harlow Technology Supervisor
191. What is TRUE about Gail Rogers’ computer problem?
a. It is not the first time it has happened to her.
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b. Other employees have not experienced the problem.

c. It occurs when she saves a file.
d. The source of the problem is not known.

192. Who did Gail Rogers try to contact first?

a. John Harlow
b. Thomas Benson
c. Jim Stevens
d. Philip Downs

193. in the first e-mail, the word “denied” in line 2 is closest in meaning to
a. prevented
b. provoked
c. proven
d. promoted

194. How does John Harlow plan to resolve the problem?

a. By replacing some of the office computers
b. By repairing the electrical wires
c. By sending a computer technician
d. By speaking to a person from another department
195. What is Gail Rogers advised to do?
a. Turn off her computer immediately
b. Save her files to a disk
c. Contact her department’s supervisor
d. Consult the instruction manual

Questions 196-200 refer to the following letter and e-mail.

HMG Computer Innovation Conference Lauren Hunt Watson and Rye Media 125 Dobson
Atlanta, GA 54897
Dear Ms. Hunt,
l am pleased to inform you that the eighth annual Computer Innovation Conference will take
place from July 22-23 at the Henderson Hotel in Park County, Colorado. This year, we expect
to receive as many participants as in previous years: over 3,000 computer specialists from all
over the world, including some of the most highly respected individuals in the field. As
always, it is our sincerest hope that Watson and Rye Media will participate in the Publisher’s
Showcase for displaying your latest electronic publishing products, including journals,
software, and any other relevant materials.
The exquisite Boulder Room, which will be set up with tables, shelves, electronic equipment
and Internet access, will be available for you to display multi-media products. The adjoining

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Silver Springs Room will be reserved for showcasing printed media, like books and
If you would like to reserve a space to set up a display, please fill out the registration form
enclosed with this letter. Please remember to indicate which room you would like to reserve,
and the times that you would like to reserve it for. Also, I should inform you that, due to
problems we had last year, all fees must be paid at the time of registration. You should submit
everything by June 15th. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 514- 698-
9874, or email me at torson@confercnce.hmg. com.
Thomas Orson Conference Organizer From: Lauren Hunt <lhunt@watsonandrye.com>
To: Thomas Orson <torson@conference.hmg.com>
Date: Tuesday, June 8
Subject: Exhibits for HMG Conference
Dear Mr. Orson,
I was very excited to receive your invitation to attend the HMG Computer Innovation
Conference. Before I submit the application and fee, however, I would like to ask you an
important question about the rules for setting up an exhibit. Since our company handles both
electronic and print media products, we would prefer to display our product lines together. Is
there any possibility that we would be able to set up both of our exhibits in the Boulder
Thank you so much for your time. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Lauren Hunt

196. Why did Mr. Orson write the letter to Ms. Hunt?
a. To introduce new hotel services
b. To provide details about a conference
c. To discuss technological advances
d. To inquire about schedule changes

197. In the letter, the word “exquisite” in paragraph 2, line 1 is closest in meaning to
a. Expensive
b. Exclusive
c. Exterior
d. elegant

198. How is the registration process this year different from previous years?
a. A maximum of three employees from each company can attend.
b. Applications can no longer be downloaded from the website.
c. A display design is required along with the application.
d. All documents must be submitted with the payment.

199. What does Ms. Hunt indicate in her e-mail to Mr. Orson?

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a. She does not plan to go to the conference this year.

b. She prefers to reserve a space in the Silver Springs Room.
c. She wants to set up both of her displays in the multi-media room.
d. She only plans to reserve enough space for her printed products.

200. What can be assumed about Ms. Hunt?

a. She is an employee of Watson and Rye Media.
b. She is helping to organize the conference.
c. She prefers print media to electronic media.
d. She will talk to her supervisor about the conference.

NGÀY 24:

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Listening TEST
In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken
English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts.
and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer
sheet. Do not write your answers in the test book.
Part 1
Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in
your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best
describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer
sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be
spoken only one time.
Example: Sample Answer: A B C D

Statement (C). He is writing in a notebook." is the best description of the picture, so you
should select answer (C) and mark it on your answer sheet.

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Part 2:
Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three response spoken in English. They
will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. Select the best
response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A). (B), or (C) on your answer
Example Sample Answer
You will hear: Where did you buy your tie? A B C
You will also hear: (A) Next time well do better.
(B) At the downtown shopping center.
(C) We’ll move to a new building soon.
The best response to the question "Where did you buy your tie?" is choice (B), "At the
downtown shopping center." so (B) is the correct answer. You should mark answer (B) on
your answer sheet.
11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 21 Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
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Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

32. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
33. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
34. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
35. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
36. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
37. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
38. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
39. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
40. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

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Part 3:
Directions: You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer
three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each
question and mark the letter (A). (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will be
spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book.
41. Why has the man not purchased his ticket yet?
(A) He's waiting to schedule a meeting.
(B) When does the woman suggest the man go?
(C) The tickets are sold out.
(D) Some routes have been cancelled.
42. When does the woman suggest the man go?
(A) Sunday
(B) Monday
(C) Tuesday
(D) Wednesday
43. What is the man planning to do on Monday?
(A) Fly to Denver
(B) Attend a training program
(C) Go on a holiday
(D) Have a meeting
44. What are the speakers talking about?
(A) Making a presentation
(B) Going out socially
(C) Getting a discount at the cafeteria
(D) Preparing appetizers
45. What did the man do yesterday afternoon?
(A) Worked on a presentation
(B) Had a meeting with some clients
(C) Went out with some coworkers
(D) Attended a company luncheon
46. When will the speakers meet?
(A) 6:00
(B) 6:30
(C) 7:00
(D) 7:30
47. Where are the speakers?
(A) At a presentation
(B) In an office building
(C) At a financial institution
(D) In a post office
48. What does the woman suggest they do?
(A) Stay and wait in line
(B) Postpone the presentation
(C) Call the director
(D) Return again later
49. What is the woman concerned about?
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(A) If a report she asked for is ready

(B) Where the meeting will be held
(C) If the meeting room is too small
(D) What time the presentation will begin
50. What will most likely happen on Wednesday?
(A) The man will go home early.
(B) The man will be interviewed by Mr. Franklin.
(C) The man will read an accounting book.
(D) The man will change departments.
51. What does the woman suggest the man do?
(A) Go home early to prepare for a meeting.
(B) Visit the accounting department
(C) Buy Mr. Franklin breakfast
(D) Attend a training session
52. What will the woman probably do next?
(A) Interview an applicant
(B) Speak with Mr. Franklin
(C) Visit the accounting department
(D) Give the man a book for reference
53. What does the woman want to do?
(A) Go to Chicago
(B) Leave early
(C) Work late
(D) Arrive early tomorrow
54. What does the man say about Trevor?
(A) He can help with the report.
(B) He will contact the client in Chicago.
(C) He will arrive late tomorrow
(D) He can answer the phone.
55. What did the man do today?
(A) Finished the report
(B) Spoke with his client
(C) Contacted Trevor
(D) Visited Chicago
56. Where did Adam stay in Las Vegas?
(A) In a hotel
(B) His cousin's house
(C) In an express bus
(D) In a small inn
57. When did the woman go to Las Vegas?
(A) Last week
(B) Last month
(C) Six months ago
(D) Two years ago
58. How did Adam mostly spend his vacation?
(A) Fishing
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(B) Gambling
(C) Visiting his parents
(D) Relaxing at home
59. Why are drinks not included with lunch anymore?
(A) They lost one of their main suppliers
(B) There is a coffee shop nearby.
(C) Not many people drink coffee.
(D) The company is trying to save money.
60. What is the man's concern?
(A) Going to a nearby cafe
(B) Looking for a new job
(C) Paying for a drink
(D) Sending in a complaint
61. Why does the woman recommend the coffee shop?
(A) Her friend owns the shop.
(B) The company pays for the bill.
(C) The coffee tastes fresh
(D) They offer discount cards.
62. What are the speakers talking about?
(A) A shipment
(B) A document
(C) Home furnishings
(D) A colleague
63. Why is Grace Cameron unavailable?
(A) She isn't in the office today.
(B) She is on vacation.
(C) She is in a meeting.
(D) She is away at lunch
64. What does the woman offer to do?
(A) E-mail it to Grace
(B) Fax it to her boss
(C) Sign the form
(D) Make a copy
65. How did the man learn about the positions?
(A) His friend is in the HR department.
(B) He saw an ad in the paper.
(C) He was searching their website.
(D) He contacted the marketing division.
66. Why would the man like to work in marketing?
(A) He can make a lot of money.
(B) He has a friend in that division.
(C) It involves a lot of training.
(D) He has experience in that field.
67. What will the man probably do next?
(A) Visit another company
(B) Write out his resume
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(C) Wail for an interview

(D) Contact the marketing division
68. Who most likely is the man?
(A) A park supervisor
(B) A real estate agent
(C) A financial analyst
(D) An office receptionist
69. Why would the woman like to rush the purchase?
(A) She is interested in joining the team.
(B) Her office building is expensive.
(C) Her company is launching an advertising campaign soon.
(D) She would like to be closer to home.
70. What will determine the selling price?
(A) The number of people interested in the space
(B) Whether or not the seller is willing to sell
(C) If the building passes the inspection
(D) The location of the office tower
Part 4:
Directions: You will hear some short talks given by a single speaker. You will he asked to answer
three questions about what the speaker says in each short talk. Select the best response to each
question and mark the letter (A), (B). (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will be spoken only
one time and will not be printed in your test book.
71. Where is the speaker?
(A) In a medical clinic
(B) In an insurance office
(C) At school
(D) In a sports equipment store
72. What information should be included on the form?
(A) Height and weight
(B) Blood pressure reading
(C) Medications being taken
(D) Home address
73. What will happen after the form has been tilled out?
(A) The bill must be paid in full.
(B) Laboratory tests will be run.
(C) Blood pressure and temperature will be taken
(D) The doctor will prescribe new medication.
74. Where does the speaker probably work?
(A) Computer repair shop
(B) Internet cafe
(C) Software manufacturing plant
(D) Auto repair shop
75. When was the computer originally schedule to be delivered?
(A) Yesterday
(B) Two days ago
(C) Today
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(D) Last week

76. What time will the business open tomorrow
(A) At 6 a.m.
(B) At 7 a.m.
(C) At 8 am.
(D) At 9 am.
77. Where should the participants go first?
(A) To the front desk
(B) To the group lunch
(C) To the video screening
(D) To Wentworth Auditorium
78. Where is the guest speaker schedule posted?
(A) In the front foyer
(B) Outside the conference hall
(C) At the reception desk
(D) In auditorium
79. What will the participants do after lunch?
(A) There will be a surprise guest speaker.
(B) The opening speeches will be given.
(C) A short video will be screened.
(D) A financial paper will be presented.
80. When will the renovations start?
(A) In two weeks
(B) In November
(C) At the beginning of next month
(D) In March
81. What are the employees asked to do?
(A) Contact the design department
(B) Provide suggestions
(C) Clear out their desks
(D) Inform their colleagues
82. What does the speakers wish to talk about at the next meeting?
(A) When to begin the renovations
(B) How they will budget for the renovations
(C) What new departments to create
(D) Whose suggestions will be included
83. Who is listening to this announcement?
(A) Workers in a plant
(B) Visitors to a seminar
(C) Internet providers
(D) Software salesmen
84. What does the speaker say about the products?
(A) They were more expensive, a long time ago.
(B) They have helped millions of people.
(C) They used to be sold only in a small number of stores.
(D) They have always been available online.
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85. What is being advertised?

(A) New model of computer
(B) Computer training program
(C) Web pages
(D) New computer shop
86. When will the trade show finish?
(A) September 15th
(B) September 16th
(C) September 17th
(D) September 18th
87. What will be displayed in the show?
(A) Rare art
(B) Medical equipment
(C) Food and wine
(D) Office furniture
88. How will this event help Chicago?
(A) The air pollution in the city will decrease.
(B) Tourism to the city will increase
(C) Organizers are making a donation.
(D) Visitors will tell their friends to visit Chicago.
89. Who is Martino Lopez?
(A) A university student
(B) A business executive
(C) A columnist
(D) A radio talk show host
90. How might people know Martino Lopez?
(A) He has written nooks.
(B) He has a popular name
(C) He works for a famous company.
(D) He has appeared on the show before.
91. Where did Mr. Lopez teach?
(A) In England
(B) In the northwest
(C) In Columbia
(D) In New York
92. What is the purpose of this announcement?
(A) To welcome guests to this year's charity dinner
(B) To announce the winner of the raffle
(C) To thank guests for their contributions
(D) To raise awareness about cancer research
93. When will the promoters thank the guests?
(A) Before dinner
(B) Before the dance
(C) Just before dessert
(D) After dinner
94. How will this money most likely be spent?
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(A) To support cancer research projects

(B) To found a scholarship for students
(C) To build new office buildings
(D) To cover event's marketing costs
95. What will the city mayor announce?
(A) The number of new employees
(B) Building the city's new bridge
(C) The location of a new bridge
(D) Renovating old bridges
96. What benefits will the bridge bring?
(A) Add to the city skyline
(B) Reduce the number of Hampton residents
(C) Provide the mayor with exposure to the media
(D) Ease the traffic from east to west
97. When is construction for the bridge scheduled to start?
(A) This summer
(B) At the end of this year
(C) At the beginning of next year
(D) Next spring
98. Where most likely is this announcement taking place?
(A) At the customs office
(B) In an airport
(C) In a restaurant
(D) In a travel agency
99. What is the reason for the flight's delay?
(A) Bad weather conditions
(B) Power failure
(C) Mechanical problem
(D) Employee strike
100. What are passengers asked to do?
(A) Listen for further announcements
(B) Check into the nearest hotel
(C) Purchase drinks in the lounge
(D) Help the engineering team.

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NGÀY 25:

In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.
You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answer in the test

Part 5:
Direction: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter
(A), (B), (C) or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. Those individuals who want to reschedule their ---------- with a doctor should contact us two
days in advance.
(A) positions
(B) assignments
(C) subscriptions
(D) appointments
102. The report shows that builders reserve the right to control the volume of the construction project
on ---------- own.
(A) their
(B) theirs
(C) they
(D) them
103. Information on customers’ details can be stored on one diskette, as can the whole spreadsheet,
and the diskettes can be kept in a ---------- place.
(A) cautious
(B) distinguished
(C) secure
(D) strict
104. Superb ---------- has been paid to even the smallest detail, as the project was expected to cost
billions of dollars.
(A) attends
(B) attention
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(C) attended
(D) attendant
105. Mr. Hatcher is now curious about the general opinion on the matter of formatting a standard ----
------ deluxe system instead of formatting a premiere one.
(A) so
(B) nor
(C) or
(D) and
106. If you need to hire ---------- help for your growing business, our experts can assist with the
hiring process from start to finish.
(A) additions
(B) additionally
(C) additional
(D) addition
107. Another computer system failure is going to happen again unless appropriate steps are take to --
-------- it.
(A) prevent
(B) upgrade
(C) ignore
(D) improve
108. All ---------- to our fabulous national park will be given a complimentary lunch at the top of the
(A) visit
(B) visitations
(C) visitors
(D) visiting
109. Once you’ve decided to reduce ----------, there should be additional ways to halve the marketing
(A) values
(B) customs
(C) refunds
(D) expenses
110. Paulin Cornwall Inc. has made an ---------- discovery people can share in no time in the field of
information technology.
(A) amaze
(B) amazing
(C) amazement
(D) amazingly
111. The first draft of workshop proposals was due yesterday, --------- the director has granted us a
short extension to our surprise.
(A) beyond
(B) until
(C) that
(D) but
112. The company is going to carry out the proposal based on the information provided in your letter
of intent, so please submit ---------- application under this note.
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(A) you
(B) your
(C) yourself
(D) yours
113. After the introduction of collaboration tool program, the company, which was in temporary
financial trouble, was ---------- able to increase its market share.
(A) lastly
(B) at first
(C) meanwhile
(D) finally
114. Many people call fairy tales too ---------- and obvious, but that’s why they are needed.
(A) predicting
(B) predicted
(C) predictable
(D) predictably
115. New recycling programs indicate that ---------- the landlord or the property owners may
schedule an appointment to get bulk pickup service in the same building.
(A) only
(B) easily
(C) simply
(D) merely
116. During the sessions, speakers will discuss the process of ----- a global service by opening doors
to economic opportunities.
(A) establish
(B) establishing
(C) establishes
(D) established
117. Please ---------- your survey results to the director by the date specified at the bottom of the
(A) advise
(B) urge
(C) comply
(D) submit
118. OFA representatives recently ---------- on-line tours and found those kinds of tours to promote
their products the most effective.
(A) conduct
(B) conducted
(C) to conduct
(D) will conduct
119. Please do not -------- to share your opinions in the comment space below so that people can fund
and consider possible alternatives.
(A) provide
(B) hesitate
(C) qualify
(D) compete

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120. Our GTA phone roaming service is suited for individuals who travel ------ anywhere in the
world for business.
(A) regular
(B) regularity
(C) regularly
(D) regulate
121. A banquet was held for researchers to be honored ---------- their exceptional achievements in
creative research activities.
(A) across
(B) over
(C) at
(D) for
122. We are proud to announce their upcoming ---------- in an event whose purpose is to educate
attendees on e-mail management tools.
(A) participation
(B) participated
(C) participating
(D) participate
123. Anyone who has questions concerning our community service can leave a message ---------- my
secretary or our answering service.
(A) off
(B) from
(C) by
(D) with
124. Requirements for the open position include basic computer skills and managerial experience in -
--------- sales.
(A) retailing
(B) retail
(C) retailer
(D) retailed
125. According to the medical report released today. cholesterol fighting medicines may ------ have
protective effects against numerous uncured diseases. (A) altogether
(B) alone
(C) also
(D) almost
126. Employees who participate in this training program can learn a great deal about themselves as
well as experience in ------ personal and profession growth. (A) every
(B) both
(C) either
(D) whether
127. According to studies released yesterday, a significant number of organizations experienced a
dramatic ---------- in electronic crime and data intrusions over the past year.
(A) increase
(B) impression
(C) access
(D) accent
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128. The president of Kasara Inc. ---------- announced that Lopez Davis, who has served the
company for more than 30 years, would retire at the end of next month.
(A) regretting
(B) regretted
(C) regretfully
(D) regretful
129. The new training program is intended to ---------- leadership to develop professional
competence through involvement in a range of professional development activities.
(A) remain
(B) grant
(C) serve
(D) provide
130. Due to recent changes, Nordon Express ---------- delivery of equipment effective the first day of
the coming year.
(A) to discontinue
(B) will discontinue
(C) discontinued
(D) have discontinue
131. Employees must get approval from their supervisors ---------- deleting data even if the data
seem unused.
(A) before
(B) until
(C) from
(D) during
132. In addition to ---------- a separate online site, new products will be available through traditional
retailers all over the world.
(A) launched
(B) launching
(C) launch
(D) launches
133. Tomorrow's one-to-one training session held in a boardroom is ---------- for supervisors and
new staff members.
(A) intended
(B) based
(C) agreed
(D) invited
134. You are advised to contact us immediately ---------- technical problems with your computer
system don't seem to be resolved.
(A) why
(B) if
(C) due to
(D) about
135. ---------- all the provisions of the merger are fully implemented. the two companies will expand
their partnerships to provide an even higher level of quality.
(A) Soon
(B) Then
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(C) Later
(D) Once
136. This letter is to solicit ---------- of candidates to be considered for the vacant positions in sales
that should be filled right away.
(A) nominate
(B) nominations
(C) nominating
(D) nominated
137. Our investment will lead to more improved public services, considerable cost reductions as well
as further ---------
(A) economics
(B) harvest
(C) productivity
(D) measures
138. The names of upper management to --------- you must report will be provided in order to get
budgets approved for projects.
(A) whom
(B) whoever
(C) what
(D) where
139. Successful candidates will receive a competitive salary and maximum benefits --------- to those
which they have received from their previous jobs.
(A) uniform
(B) even
(C) far
(D) equal
140. It is --------- through broadcast media such as television and radio that companies place an
advertisement to attract prospective customers.
(A) predominant
(B) predominantly
(C) predominating
(D) predominated

Questions 144-146 refer to the following article.

The threat of hospital-acquired infections is causing much more vigilance in health-care settings. In
addition, pharmaceutical companies are urged not only to develop therapies for these infections, -----
----- to strengthen their efforts at preventing them.
144 (A) and
(B) or
(C) but also
(D) nor
Obviously, in the health care environment better hand hygiene can significantly reduce infection
rates, ---------- can good practices for sterilizing processing equipment.
145. (A) but
(B) as
(C) not
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(D) if
Research announced at last year's annual conference shows that traditional cleaning has little ---------
- on removing bacterial contamination in ambulances and crews potentially at risk from microbial
infection, which can then be
146. (A) effected
(B) effecting
(C) effect
(D) effects
transported into hospitals.
Questions 147-149 refer to the following letter.
Dear Mr. Mackenzy,
I'm writing in response to your letter inquiring about "loose skin" resulting ---------- a diet.
147. (A) in
(B) from
(C) on
(D) upon
If you have a lot of weight to lose. you may be worried about "loose skin" on your chin. underarms
and thighs. Please aim to lose weight slowly in order for your body to adjust.
Whatever kind of diet you are on. your skin needs oil, ---------- it will become dry and less elastic.
148. (A) but
(B) yet
(C) so
(D) otherwise
It you add a dressing made with olive to your salads, it may increase your skin's radiance skin will
also become smoother and softer.
Please ---------- that water should be your primary beauty aid.
149. (A) remember
(B) remembering
(C) to remember
(D) be remembered
Not only does it fill you up without calories. but it also takes toxins out of your body system.
Sincerely yours,
Editor, Sara Williams.
Questions 150-152 refer to the following article.
In the past, customers had a tendency of shopping in places where they were certain that ----------
150. (A) whatever
(B) anywhere
(C) ever
(D) however
they wanted to buy was available, but things have changed.
Thanks to impressive advances in electronic commerce technology, consumers have become more
comfortable with using credit cards to make purchases on the Internet.
In addition, as it has become a preferred method of purchasing products and services, the popularity
of online shopping is expected to continue.
One of the greatest ---------- of shopping online over visiting the store in person
151. (A) incomes
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(B) interests
(C) goods
(D) advantages
is being able to seek out the lowest prices or the best deals available ---------- being provided with a
large selection, variety, convenience and rapid delivery.
152. (A) besides
(B) in addition
(C) without
(D) at

Part 7
Directions: In this part. you will read a selection of texts. such as magazine and newspaper articles,
letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for
each question and mark the letter (A). (B). (C). or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153-154 refer to the following advertisement.

The exclusive Montgomery Café, located on the first floor of the Gold Star Hotel, is the highest rated
cafe in Deville City. The cafe offers only the finest coffee, which is imported once a month from
Italy. You can choose from thirty different flavors of coffee, including French Vanilla, Mocha,
Raspberry, and Hazelnut. At Montgomery Cafe, we believe that making coffee is an art. All of our
new staff members are required to attend an intensive program where they learn how to prepare
gourmet coffee. In addition to coffee. the Montgomery Cafe offers the following services:
■ A daily selection of gourmet baked goods
■ Free Internet access (must spend a minimum of $5.00 at the cafe)
■ Fresh ground coffee to take home
■ A range of coffee machines and accessories
■ Coffee-making classes (applications available at the register)
153. According to the advertisement, what must the cafe's new employees do? (A) Watch an
introduction video
(B) Go to special classes
(C) Sample the product
(D) Purchase the uniform
154. What is NOT being offered in the cafe?
(A) Internet access
(B) Related equipment
(C) Membership discounts
(D) Useful courses
Questions 155-156 refer to the following letter.
July 15, 2007
Jason Holden
26 Humbolt Lane
LA Properties
Los Angeles, CA
Dear Mr. Holden,

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The investment committee of TA Investors has reviewed your company's proposal and agreed with
your statement that I..A.'s 122nd Avenue has become more popular among tourists since the Flash
Mall was built on the street last year. The committee also agrees that the street needs a first-class
hotel to service the wealthy tourists who shop at the mall. Therefore, the committee decided to
accept your business proposal to open a new hotel on 122nd Avenue by January 2008, and is
prepared to invest a total of 1.5 million dollars in the project. Please call me as soon as possible, so
that we can schedule a meeting with the committee to discuss the details of this investment deal.
Brian Wilson
TA Investors
155. What will most likely happen in January 2008?
(A) Flash Mall will open new stores.
(B) The city will change tourism policies.
(C) Brian Wilson will buy a property.
(D) LA properties will open a hotel.
156. What is Mr. Holden asked to do?
(A) Fax Mr. Wilson a detailed document
(B) Make a budget for a project
(C) Make an appointment by phone
(D) Examine the corrected proposal
Questions 157-159 refer to the following notice.
Volunteers Wanted!
CBG Steel is sponsoring the third annual Race for the Children. a ten kilometer run that raises
money for Mercy Children's Hospital. located near the company's main building. The race will be
held on Saturday. November 23. at 3:00 p.m. at the Headman Pavilion. The Planning Committee is
looking for volunteers (who are NOT running in the race) to work at the drinking stations. The job is
very easy. and only requires two to three hours of your time. You should arrive around 1:00 p.m. to
set up the drinking station for the race, which involves organizing cups, water. juice, and snacks for
the runners. Then. you will be responsible for handing out beverages and snacks to racers as they run
by. After the race finishes, there will be an awards ceremony and a brief speech by CBG president,
Walter Headman, followed by a small celebratory dinner for everyone. All volunteers will receive a
free meal pass. For anyone interested in volunteering. there will be a brief meeting on Thursday.
November 15, at 12:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in Room #203. Lunch will be provided.
157. Why is CBG Steel organizing the event?
(A) To collect money for a local facility
(B) To promote their new products
(C) To introduce a new staff member
(D) To support potential athletes
158. What will volunteers most likely do at 1 p.m.?
(A) Attend a brief meeting for a race
(B) Gather at Headman Pavilion
(C) Organize Room #203
(D) Meet a member of the Planning Committee
159. What is planned for after the president's speech?
(A) An awards ceremony
(B) A ten kilometer running race
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(C) A meal for all participants

(D) A meeting for volunteers
Questions 160-163 refer to the following articles.
Ready Air Introduces New In-flight Services
Ready Air has expanded its in-flight services for their new fleet of planes, which will start flying in
February 2008, a spokesman for the company said. Ready Air is the only airline in the world to offer
strictly economy class planes. The planes offer first class service for economy class passengers. the
spokesman said. Each seat is equipped with its own TV screen, and passengers can choose from 30
different movies in 20 different languages. At any time during the flight, passengers can enjoy real
espresso coffee from Magic Beans Inc., Seattle's most famous brand of coffee. On international
flights, every passenger will receive a complimentary travel kit. which includes toothbrush and
toothpaste. shampoo. mouthwash, comb. socks, and sleeping mask. Passengers who have a Ready
Air Frequent Flier card will also have unlimited access to Ready Air's in-flight library, which
includes an extensive selection of books, newspapers, and magazines. The CEO of Ready Air. Scott
Plow, said the fleet's new services "will change the way people in economy class fly."
160. Why is Ready Air different from other airlines?
(A) It has the highest number of planes.
(B) It offers the cheapest economy tickets.
(C) It doesn't have a first class section.
(D) It has the greatest variety of routes worldwide.
161. What can be inferred from the article?
(A) Frequent fliers get preferred seating.
(B) Ready Air is an award-winning company.
(C) Scott Plow is the founder of Ready Air.
(D) Magic Beans Inc. is based in Seattle.
162. Who is eligible to receive the travel kit?
(A) Passengers traveling to another country
(B) Passengers with a preferred customer card
(C) Passengers who have small children
(D) Passengers with connecting flights
163. Which of the following is available to Frequent Flier cardholders?
(A) Unlimited access to airport lounges
(B) Extensive access to reading materials
(C) Complimentary accommodation at airport hotels
(D) Double mileage on international flights
Questions 164-165 refer to the following advertisement.
Apartments for Rent
Come and live in the city's newest apartment complex, Dayville Suites. Located just two blocks from
the financial district, these apartments are perfect for businessmen and young professionals. The
building is twenty-five stories high and has 200 apartments. Anyone who lives in the apartments has
unrestricted access to the rooftop pool and the fitness center on the first floor. There is also a
restaurant on the first floor. and a supermarket in the basement that is open seven days a week. Three
different apartment styles are available_ The monthly rent for each style is as follows:
1 Bedroom $1,000
2 Bedrooms $2,000
3 Bedrooms $3.000
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NOTE: All apartments have air conditioning and floor heating. Anyone who provides the first six
months' rent up front will receive a ten percent discount.
164. What is TRUE about the facilities at Dayville Suites?
(A) The restaurant offers 24-hour-a-day service.
(B) The pool is located in the basement.
(C) The supermarket is closed on Sundays.
(D) The gym offers unlimited access to all tenants.
165. How can someone reduce the cost of their monthly rent?
(A) Make six consecutive payments on time
(B) Pay for the first six months in advance
(C) Choose an unfurnished apartment
(D) Use cash to pay for the rent
Questions 166-170 refer to the following article.
Local Company Builds Gym
Ask any health professional and they will tell you that the key to good physical and mental health is
to eat a balanced diet, get plenty of rest, and exercise regularly. Alarmingly, a recent study conducted
by the Institute of Balanced Living(IBL) revealed that the average person consumes some form of
fast food at least twice a week, sleeps less than 6 hours a night, and exercises less than once a week.
IBL said this is quite a dangerous situation for the nation's health.
In order to teach its employees to adopt healthy lifestyle habits. the popular software company.
MegaWare, has built a gym in its office building, and is hoping all employees will use the facilities
at least three times a week. To encourage the employees to take advantage of the gym, the company
is offering a $200 monthly bonus to every employee that uses the gym more than three times a week.
The company even developed a special program to keep track of the number rof times each
employee uses the gym. Last month every staff member was issued a special ID card, which the
employees must use to enter and exit the gym. Each time the card is used. the session is recorded in
the main database. The company also hopes to open an organic cafeteria in June 2008.
166. According to the article. what did the IBL conclude?
(A) People are spending more money on health products.
(B) People are not leading healthy lifestyles.
(C) Companies are starting to offer more training programs.
(D) Fitness trainers are increasing their Consultation fees.
167. What change recently occurred at MegaWare?
(A) A new health insurance plan was adopted.
(B) A longer lunch break was implemented.
(C) A fitness center was opened in the building.
(D) A staff psychologist was hired.
168. The word "encourage" in paragraph 2. line 4, is closest in meaning to
(A) inspire
(B) demonstrate
(C) organize
(D) prevent
169. Why did MegaWare give employees a special card?
(A) To substitute for a company card
(B) To reduce health insurance payments
(C) To improve their security system
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(D) To monitor how many times people used the gym

170. What does MegaWare wish to do in 2008?
(A) Offer more vacation time
(B) Provide better food
(C) Open a health clinic
(D) Build an outdoor track
Questions 171-173 refer to the following notice.
Attention all Club Members
The Highland Country Club regretfully informs all members that our pool will be closed from July
15 to August 2.5. While fixing a broken pipe, maintenance workers found a major problem with the
filtration system. Unfortunately, this problem is quite complex and requires the work of a plumbing
specialist. Because its plumbers are unexpectedly busy at the moment, QuickFix Plumbers, the only
company that offers the service we need, will not be able to help us for another two weeks. We are
terribly sorry for the inconvenience, and are willing to refund the cost of one month's club
membership to all individuals who paid for the 3-month Summer Membership.
Because we already offer a twenty percent discount to all members who sign up for the 1-year
membership, we will not be offering these individuals a refund. Anyone who has questions or
comments about the change should contact Melvin Woods at 869-654-9874.
171. What is the notice mainly about?
(A) The recent opening of a club building
(B) The temporary closing of a facility
(C) The changes to membership packages
(D) The schedule of a special competition
172. What does the notice mention about QuickFix Plumbers?
(A) They are unusually busy.
(B) They offer special discounts.
(C) They have the best service.
(D) They use a new technology.
173. What is TRUE about members with 1-year memberships?
(A) They will receive one month free.
(B) They can access the day spa.
(C) They can use a private pool.
(D) They won't get a refund.
Questions 174-177 refer to the following e-mail
To: Kathryn Hale khale@ftk.com
From: Stacy Mott <smott@ftk.com>
Subject: Budget proposal
Dear Ms. Hale,
After reviewing last year’s budget figures, I would like to propose a few changes to this year's
budget plan. If these changes are accepted, I predict that the company will reduce its operation costs
by approximately 40 percent. First, I noticed that the company allocated one fourth of its total budget
to purchasing office supplies. Of the office supplies that we purchase each year. paper is by far the
most expensive. I think that requiring all employees to print documents on both sides of the paper
will significantly cut down on costs. Second. the company currently employs 200 people; however,
only about 150 people are needed for the company to function property. Therefore, I propose the
company reduces its workforce by 50 people before the start of the next fiscal year. I realize that this
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second proposal may seem drastic, but according to my estimates, if the company does not
significantly cut costs by the end of December 2008, it will be forced to file for bankruptcy.
Stacy Mott
Financial Advisor
174. What is the purpose of this e-mail?
(A) To ask for modifications to a financial plan
(B) To propose a schedule change
(C) To introduce an advertising campaign
(D) To request more office supplies
175. What does Stacy Mott point out about the company?
(A) It must hire more employees in order to grow.
(B) It spends too much money on office supplies.
(C) It failed to meet certain operational standards.
(D) It should invest more time in strategic planning.
176. How many people work for the company right now?
(A) 40
(B) 50
(C) 150
(D) 200
177. According to the e-mail, what might happen if the recommended changes are not made?
(A) Employees will lose certain benefits.
(B) They will forfeit their major contract.
(C) The company will have to close.
(D) The plan for expansion will be rejected.
Questions 178-180 refer to the following letter.
June 15, 2007
Charles Masters
15 Billows Rd.
Forestwood, CA
Dear Mr. Masters,
After conducting an extensive performance review of all the employees in the Advertising
Department here at Dunn and Dunn Inc., we have decided to promote you to Corporate Accounts
Manager. Since you started working for us five years ago, you have consistently demonstrated a
strong work ethic and the ability to produce quality work The executives feel strongly chat your
proposal to implement new advertising techniques helped the company to secure 20 new clients in
2004-2005. Additionally, in 2006 you voluntarily created an Office Policy Manual for new
employees, which demonstrates your dedication to the company and desire to make the office
environment as efficient and friendly as possible. Your responsibilities as Corporate Accounts
Manager will include delegating work to subordinates, researching potential advertising campaigns,
organizing meetings with clients, and determining the annual department budget. In return for your
extra work, you will receive a 25 percent increase in your current salary. seven additional vacation
days, and a $5,000 bonus.
John Milestone
Director of Advertising
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178. What is the purpose of this letter?

(A) To introduce an advertising proposal
(B) To describe an investment opportunity
(C) To offer an employee a title change
(D) To respond to a client's request
179. How did Charles Masters improve the office in 2006?
(A) By recruiting the most clients
(B) By cutting down operational costs
(C) By proposing a modest annual budget
(D) By writing important guidelines
180. Which of the following is NOT the responsibility of the Corporate Accounts Manager?
(A) Determining the vacation schedule for employees
(B) Assigning work to employees in the department
(C) Creating a financial plan for the company
(D) Organizing meetings with customers
Questions 181-185 refer to the following advertisement and letter.
Al's Autos Super Saturday Sale
Al's Autos, the number one used car dealership in Florida, is having a mega -sale Saturday, August
25, 2007, from noon until 4 p.m. to celebrate our twenty years of operation. All two-door vehicles
with pink stickers are 10 percent off the ticketed price. All trucks with blue stickers are 15 percent
off the ticketed price. All vans are 20 percent off the ticketed price. Plus, if you pay in cash, we'll
reduce the price by another $300. As always, all purchases come with a 2-year Al's Autos Guarantee,
which covers the cost of labor and replacement of parts if your car experiences mechanical problems.
So if you're in the market for a used car, then come on down to Al's Autos this Saturday.
*Cars must be serviced by one of the following Al's Autos affiliates: Mike's Mufflers, Ace
Mechanics, or Carl's Car Parts.
l7 Washington Rd.
Tampa, FL
September 26, 2007
Allen Hanks
Al's Autos
56 Wheelbarrow Rd.
Tampa, FL
Dear Mr. Hanks,
Last month I purchased a used Capri 1025 from you. At first, the car seemed like a great deal,
especially with the $300 dollar discount I received. I bought the car because I have to travel a long
distance to work each day, and with gas being so expensive these days I needed a car that was more
fuel-efficient. You were right; the smaller car did save me about $30 in gas each week.
Unfortunately, after about two weeks, the car started making a clanking noise if I went faster than 5o
kilometers per hour. I took it to my mechanic. Smooth Rides. and had them evaluate the problem.
They determined that the entire engine would need to be replaced, due to a crack down the middle of
it. In total, the labor and engine parts will cost about $1,000. I assume that since I only purchased the
car a month ago, I am well within the 2-year limit to the guarantee and Al's Autos will cover the cost
of the repairs.
Please contact me at 852-321-6547 if you have any questions.
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Floyd Baker
181. According to the advertisement, what will happen on Saturday, August 25?
(A) A retirement party for an employee
(B) A special discount on certain cars
(C) A big sale at a new car dealership
(D) An increase in the price of gas
182. How can a customer save more money?
(A) By making their purchase in cash
(B) By using their preferred customer card
(C) By applying for a drawing event
(D) By obtaining a coupon from the newspaper
183. What can be inferred about the Capri 1025 from the letter?
(A) It has two doors.
(B) It was twenty percent off.
(C) It is energy efficient.
(D) It is better for short distances.
86-190 refer to the following invoice and e-mail.
184. Why will Al's Autos probably reject Floyd Baker's request?
(A) He used a credit card to buy the car.
(B) He purchased the vehicle after the sale.
(C) He did not take his car to the right mechanic.
(D) He failed to sign and return the contract.
185. What does Floyd Baker's car need? (A) New tires (B) A bumper replacement (C) An engine
change (D) Car door painting
NanoMac Inc.
Finance Department Office
Office #402
26 Mountain Dr.
Sharonville, SC
Brooks Brothers Marketing
356 Brewster Rd.
Applewood, TN
Attn: Paul O'Reilly
1 desktop computer $590.75
1 laser jet printer $195.95
2 cartons glossy 8 x 11 inch copy paper $54.25
100 blue Shic pens $103.96
GST (Goods and Services Tax) $62.03
Customer Registration No. 878-96854-632
Invoice No. 856
Date of Invoice: July 15, 2007
To be paid within 30 days of invoice date. Should customers fail to pay within 30 days, a charge of
$50 will be added to the account each month that payment is overdue. Note: NanoMac Inc. is trying
to improve its customer service. Since your company has teen a loyal customer of ours, we invite
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you to fill out an online survey to assess our customer service. Fill out the survey at
www.nanomac.com and you can enter to win a 500 coupon.
If you have any questions about the invoice, please contact our department by e-mail or Atone.
To: Michael Shoe <mike@kmail.com>
From: Paul O'Reilly <paul@bbmarketing.com>
Subject: Surcharge Date: September 25. 2007
Hi Michael.
I recently received an invoice for the products we purchased from your company in July. I noticed
that we were charged an additional $100 dollars because our payment was two months overdue. I
would like to explain why we failed to make these payments. and hope that you will reverse the
charges immediately.
At the end of July, our department underwent restructuring and Brian Davies. our Finance Manager.
was asked to leave. Unfortunately, in the process of changing managers a few files were misplaced,
including the one containing all of our office supplies invoices. I hope you will accept my request so
that we continue doing business with your company in the future.
Paul O'Reilly
186. What kind of service does NanoMac Technology provide?
(A) It develops computer software.
(B) It distributes office supplies.
(C) It repairs electronic devices.
(D) It provides financial advice.
187. Which of the following is TRUE about Brooks Brothers Marketing?
(A) It has offices in Sharonville.
(B) It is an electronics store.
(C) It works with NanoMac frequently.
(D) It is an established company.
188. What is the purpose of the email?
(A) To increase the volume of the orders
(B) To inquire about an upcoming sale
(C) To request an address change
(D) To respond to a service charge
189. What happened at Brooks Brothers Marketing in July?
(A) It merged with another marketing firm.
(B) The management structure was changed.
(C) A new marketing campaign was introduced.
(D) It relocated its headquarters to a different city.
190. What can be inferred about Michael Shoe?
(A) He works in the Finance Department at NamoMac.
(B) He usually delivers the orders himself.
(C) He was recently hired from Brooks Brother Marketing
(D) He was in charge of renovating in the bulding.
Questions 191-195 refer to the following ernalls
To: Fran Morris <fran@friendlyflowers.com>
From: Jerry Sprigs <jerrn@irvingcountryclub.com>
Subject: Delivery Request
Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 437
Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

Dear Ms. Morris,

I am writing to inform you that the McGuiness Women's Foundation Luncheon. which was
scheduled to take place this Saturday at 3 p.m., has been postponed to Sunday at 2 p.m., due to
predictions of showers. Therefore, I would like to change the delivery time for the flower
arrangements we ordered. Would you be able to deliver the flowers either Saturday morning, or
between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. Saturday afternoon? Also, if you choose to deliver the flowers on
Saturday afternoon, please do not take the flowers to the Club House: we will be hosting a charity
lunch for the Rotary Club at that time, and the area will be full of people. Instead. could you please
bring the flowers to the Maintenance building next to the botanical gardens? If you can bring the
flowers in the morning, just take them directly to the Club House as we originally discussed. Please
e-mail me immediately to confirm these changes.
Jerry Sprigs
Manager, Irving Country Club
To: Jerry Sprigs <jerry@irvingcountryclub.com>
From: Fran Morris <fran@friendhiflowers.corn>
Subject: RE: Delivery Request
Dear Mr. Sprigs,
I received your request to change the date and time we deliver your flowers. Unfortunately, we are
completely booked in the afternoon on Saturday and will not be able to deliver the flowers at the
time you requested. We would be happy to deliver the flowers between 10:00 a m. and 12:00 p.m. on
Saturday. Also, I should inform you that Friendly Flowers charges 525 for any changes that are made
to orders on such short notice. I apologize for this inconvenience. but it helps us provide the most
reliable service possible. I will be out of the office this afternoon. so please call me on my cell phone
at 369-654-9876.
Fran Morris
Owner, Friendly Flowers
191. Why does Jerry Sprigs want to change the delivery time?
(A) The planned event was delayed.
(B) The Club House is closed.
(C) The members requested it.
(D) The event starts earlier.
192. What is TRUE about the Irving Country Club?
(A) It is a popular place for weddings.
(B) It will host a fundraising event.
(C) It has international golf tournaments.
(D) It is famous for its botanical gardens.
193. What should Mr. Sprigs do to change an order?
(A) Provide at least 24 hours' notice
(B) Fill out an electronic form
(C) Submit a written request
(D) Pay a small fee
194. In the second e-mail. the word 'reliable' in line 6 is closest in meaning to
(A) arguable
(B) transferable
Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 438
Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

(C) questionable
(D) dependable
195. How will Fran Morris most likely deliver the flowers?
(A) By meeting Jerry Springs at the office
(B) By going to the Rotary Club
(C) By dropping them off at the Club House
(D) By driving to the Maintenance building
Questions 196-200 refer to the following letters.
12 Buffalo Lane
Buffalo, New York
April 18
Bill Hipster
Epson Pharmaceuticals
157 Health Valley Dr.
Chicago. IL
Dear Mr. Hipster,
My name is Dr. Ivan Rigby, and I am a professor of Molecular Biology at Illinois State University
(ISU). I am writing on behalf of Melvin Tobin, who I believe would make an excellent candidate for
the Research Aide position your company is offering this summer.
Melvin is a junior at ISU. and for the last three years he has consistently received the highest grades
in his class. Last year. he submitted a research paper. "Mapping the Human Genome," which was
published in The Scientist, one of the most prestigious science journals in the country. Recently,
Melvin was awarded the Scientific Research Award for his outstanding work in the field of
molecular research.
Despite his busy academic schedule, Melvin manages to find time to volunteer at the local
elementary school (teaching science of course!). and write for the campus newspaper. ISU News. He
is friendly. compassionate, and hardworking, and he is destined fur great things. I feel strongly that
this young man would be a great addition to your company.
Dr. Ivan Rigby
August 20
Dr. Ivan Rigby
Department of Molecular Biology
Dear Professor Rigby,
I would like to express my gratitude for the recommendation letter you wrote to Epson
Pharmaceuticals and I apologize for the lateness of this letter conveying my thanks.
I have learned more in my brief role as an Assistant Laboratory Technician than I have in all three
years at ISU. As you may have noticed, the company was unable to hire me for the position that you
recommended because it had already been filled, but I have really enjoyed working as an assistant
technician instead. I only have three more weeks before I return to ISU, but the company has already
asked that I join their team after I graduate!
They are offering me the position of Laboratory Technician and assigning me to work in the division
that researchers medication for patients recovering from heart surgery. In addition to an excellent
salary, they are also offering me free housing on the Epson Campus, which is located just three miles
from lake Michigan.

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 439

Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

Despite recent allegations that the company is producing drugs that do not meet federal standards, I
feel this is a great opportunity to work for the largest pharmaceutical company in the country. Thank
you once again for helping me get this wonderful opportunity. I look forward to attending your
classes next semester.
Melvin Tobin
196. Why is Dr. Ivan Rigby sending the letter to Bill Hipster?
(A) To recommend a student for a position
(B) To suggest a student for a scholarship
(C) To propose an article for a journal
(D) To announce an awards ceremony
197. Which of the following was NOT mentioned about Melvin Tobin in the first letter?
(A) He received an award for his research work.
(B) He teaches children at a local school.
(C) He worked as a Research Aide before.
(D) He received the best grades in his courses.
198. What will Melvin receive if he accepts the full-time job offer?
(A) A research grant
(B) Free accommodation
(C) A pay rise
(D) Medical insurance
199. What happened to Epson Pharmaceuticals recently?
(A) It was accused of wrongdoing.
(B) It discovered a new drug.
(C) It appointed a new CEO.
(D) It increased the price of drugs.
200. What can be inferred about Melvin's position at Epson Pharmaceuticals?
(A) It did not teach him anything new.
(B) It offered very little compensation.
(C) It involved researching human genomes.
(D) It was not the original position he applied for.

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 440

Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

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