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A n o r g a n i z a t i o n ’ s  

c u l t u r e   p r o v i d e s   a   s e n s e   o f   u n i t y   a n d   i s manifested in
organization’s climate at an observable levelas behaviors and strategies that can be
managed in supporto f   o r g a n i z a t i o n a l   g o a l s .  

T h e   f o u r   f u n d a m e n t a l   k i n d s   o f   organizational culture identified by Cameron and

Quinn are: Collaborate, Create, Control, and Compete.

Each one carries contrasting sets

of behaviorsa n d   w o r k   p a t t e r n s   t h a t   m u s t   b e   r e c o g n i z e d   t o   e n h a n c e  progre
ss and productivity. A workplace cannot support more than one culture effectively due
to the distinct nature of cultures.
Strategic decisions making and organizational cultures are essentially
inseparable. Decision makers should scrutinize the issue from different perspectives
and consider a broad range of alternative solutions.

Question 2

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