An Evidence Based Case of Planter Psoriasis Treated by Individualized Homoeopathic Medicine

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in ISSN: 2457-0443


An Evidence Based Case of Planter Psoriasis Treated by Individualized

Homoeopathic Medicine

Sanjukta Mandal,1 Bikash Biswas2*

PGT, Department of Materia Medica, 2 PGT, Department of Case Taking and Repertory,

Mahesh Bhattacharyya Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Bholanath Chakraborty

Road, Doomurjola, District- Howrah West Bengal, India

Psoriasis is a non-contagious, inflammatory disease of the skin that results in itchy, scaly patches on
different parts of the body. This disorder causes skin cells to multiply at an abnormally faster rate. The
patients depict an unpredictable course of remission and relapse; winter aggravation is common.
Conventional treatment involves application of topical ointments, steroids, anti-inflammatory and
immunosuppressive drugs. Homoeopathy is a popular alternative from of treatment in this type of skin
conditions. The person is treated as a whole and a suitable constitutional remedy is prescribed, so that
there is very less chance of relapse of symptoms. The patient’s general condition, mental status along
with the symptoms of psoriasis is considered during finding the similimum remedy. In this case of
chronic planter psoriasis an individualised homoeopathic medicine has been prescribed. A female
patient suffered from painful cracks, exfoliating scales and slight itching of the soles. This condition is
termed as “Planter Psoriasis”. The case came to the surgery OPD of MBHMC&H. We constructed a
totality of the patient and based on that a similimum was selected after Repertorization and
consultation with the Homoeopathic Materia Medica. The case was well managed with Homoeopathic
medicine “Graphites”and there was no remission of symptoms in the following winter.

Keywords: Homoeopathy, Hompath repertory software, Individualization, Psoriasis, Planter


Received: 06.05.2021 Revised: 19.06.2021 Accepted: 25.06.2021 Published: 28.06.2021

Quick Response code *CORRESPONDING AUTHOR:

Dr. Bikash Biswas
PGT, Department of Case Taking and Repertory,
Mahesh Bhattacharyya Homoeopathic Medical College
& Hospital, Bholanath Chakraborty Road, Doomurjola,
District- Howrah West Bengal, Pin-711104
E-mail :

Int. J. of AYUSH Case Reports. April-June 2021; 5(2) 84 ISSN: 2457-0443


Introduction: Psoriasis has to be differentiated from other

Psoriasis is a chronic and recurrent disorder. skin conditions such as eczema, atopic
The classic lesion is a well-marginated, dermatitis, palmo-pustular dermatitis, contact
erythematous plaque with silvery white dermatitis, etc. Patients with psoriasis have an
surface scale. Distribution includes extensor increased risk of developing diabetes, high
surfaces (i.e., knees, elbows, and buttocks); blood pressure, crohn’s disease, arthritis,
may also involve palms, planter surface and anxiety, depression etc. Thus, it is very
scalp (particularly anterior scalp margin). The important to cure this disease through internal
associated findings include psoriatic arthritis medicines that consider the whole individual
and nail changes (onycholysis, pitting or as one entity and all the physical, mental and
thickening of nail plate with accumulation of disease symptoms are evaluated during
subungual debris) [1]. The cause is unknown prescription.
but may be autosomal dominant or familial,
A number of research papers have showed that
resulting from physical trauma, infections,
homoeopathy is being successfully employed
drugs and immunological factors. [2] Prevalence
for treating psoriasis. A prospective
roughly 1% of population is affected, but less
observational study with patients suffering
than half require aggressive treatment.
from psoriasis has shown evidence that under
It can occur at any age but two peaks are
classical homoeopathic treatment; patients
generally seen, the early onset peak incidence
with psoriasis had improvement of symptoms
is seen at 22.5 years. This indicates more
and quality of life. [8] Other articles with case
severe disease and such patients usually have
series on psoriasis have also depicted the
positive family history. The late onset peak
positive effects of homoeopathic treatment in
incidence is seen at 45.5years [2]. Both sexes
different forms of psoriasis. [9-11]
are equally affected. Most patients are worse
particularly in winter season. Planter psoriasis Case History:
is a variant of psoriasis which affects the skin
of soles, with hyperkeratotic changes, pustuler A 44-year-old lady came to Mahesh
changes and with bmixed morphologies. [3] Bhattacharyya Homoeopathic Medical College
The exact cause is unknown, however it and Hospital 04th October 2018, reported with
caused by genetic and environmental factors. complaints with planter psoriasis of both feet.
The most common genetic factor of planter She was suffering from white scaly plaque like
psoriasis is human leucocyte antigen (HLA) eruption with crack on both sole with blackish
Cw6. There may also be possible linkage of discoloration, which was painful on walking
CARD14 gene. [4-6] Planter psoriasis has also on floor or hard surface. There was occasional
been linked with smoking, thyroid disease, and itching in that particular area. There was a
arthritis of the anterior thorax. [7] sticky discharge which got aggravated on
Besides the general discomfort resulting from getting feet wet. This condition was most
the skin affection of psoriasis, it also causes troublesome during every winter. Her nature
cosmetic disfigurement and lack of confidence very timid and mild natured. Patient was much
in the affected individuals. Applications of apprehensive about her future and about her
ointments and steroids have many side effects skin condition. She was so chilly that even in
and chances of recurrence of symptoms are summers she needed coverings. She had
also high. So, patients often opt for alternative tendency to catch cold and suffer from
medicinal therapies such as homoeopathy as it inflammation of various kinds, like tonsil and
is much cost effective and chances of ear. All complaints were aggravated in winter.
recurrence are low. She had great aversion for sweet, meat and hot
food and drinks. She had a particular craving

Int. J. of AYUSH Case Reports. April-June 2021; 5(2) 85 ISSN: 2457-0443


for cold food and milk. She had constipation Evaluation of symptoms:
since childhood, her bowels were irregular and
• Patient is very timid in nature.
experienced much pain during passing stool.
Her menses were late with excoriating • Very much apprehensive
leucorrhoea during menstruation. She had • White erythematous scaly plaque on
aversion for coition from the very beginning of both feet from 2 year.
her sexual life. She was under treatment of • Cracks of both sole.
allopathic mode of treatment in the last 2 years • Slight itching in soles.
but there was no improvement at all. • Blackening colour of cracks.
• Slightly painful.
Her past history revealed that, she had a
• Aggravation in every winter season.
history of mumps at the age of 8 years. She
• Sticky discharge on getting wet.
had a history of surgery for acute appendicitis
• Chilly patient.
and a history of spontaneous abortion at 2nd
• Easily catches cold in every winter
month of first pregnancy. Her family history
revealed that her father died due to CVA
(Cardio vascular attack). Mother had • Aversion for sweet.
osteoarthritis and thyroid dysfunction. No • Aversion meat.
other history was detailed by the her. • Aversion Hot food
• Desire cold food and milk.
Miasmatic Analysis: • Chronic constipation from childhood.
This is a mixed miasmatic case but the • Menses too late and irregular.
symptoms of psora and syphilis are • Aversion to coition.
predominant, which points towards a • Tendency to inflammation.
tubercular state. [12] Points in favour of psora
Remedy selection:
are- white scaly eruption on both sole,
constipation, desires milk, easily catches cold, After thorough case taking, evaluation of
tendency to inflammation and winter symptoms, Repertorization[13] and consultation
aggravation. The points in favour of syphilitic with the Materia Medica [14], Graphites 200- 2
miasm are crack of both sole with blackening, doses was prescribed on 9th of September,
history of abortion, chilly patient, desire for 2020. The patient was asked to report after 28
cold food and aversion hot food. days.

Int. J. of AYUSH Case Reports. April-June 2021; 5(2) 86 ISSN: 2457-0443


Reportorial analysis:

Figure 1: Repertorial analysis using Hompath FireFly mobile app (Kent’s repertory)

Table-1: Follow up and prescription:

Date Symptoms Prescription

04th she was suffering from white scaly plaque like eruption with Graphites 200 / 2
October crack on both sole with blackish discoloration, which was doses in sac lac
2018 slightly painful on walking on floor or hard surface. There is ODAC X 2 DAYS
slight sticky discharge which is aggravated on getting feet wet.
Aggravated in every winter. Her nature was so timid and so Followed by
mild. All complaints were aggravated in winter. She had great placebo (globule
aversion for sweet, meat and hot food and drinks. She had a no 20 moistened
craving for cold food and milk. She had constipation since with a few drops of
childhood, irregular habit and so painful during stool. She hadrectified spirit) for
late menses with excoriating leucorrhoea during menstruation. 21 days.
She had aversion for coition from very beginning. 4 globules every
morning x 21 days
25th No significant improvement of that particular area. Colour of Placebo for 21
October sole was still black. Cracks of both soles were remained same. days.

Int. J. of AYUSH Case Reports. April-June 2021; 5(2) 87 ISSN: 2457-0443


2018 There was sticky discharge same as before, white scaly eruption 4 globules every
remained same as before. Other vitals were same as before. morning x 21 days
08th There was reduced discharge and blackening of cracks was Placebo for 21
November slghtly reduced. Plaques were same as before. Scales were days.
2018 exfoliated and raw in colour. 4 globules every
Other vitals were same as before. morning x 21 days
Patient generally doing well
29th All complaints were better than before no discharge from Placebo for 21
November cracks, blackening of skin was still same. But cracks were days.
2018 better and pain also reduced. Now patient had regular stool and 4 globules every
generally doing well. morning x 21 days
20th No discharge from sole. Exfoliation of skin reduced and Placebo for 21
December rawness of both soles were reduced and no pain in sole. No new days.
2018 symptoms. Patient doing very well. 4 globules every
morning x 21 days
10th There was No cracks in in both feet, no blackening of sole. No Placebo for 21
January discharge no irritation was there. days.
2019 Scaly plaques were reduced and smooth normal skin surface 4 globules every
was there. No new complaints. Patient doing very well. morning x 21 days
07th Menses regular from previous month, patient had regular stool Placebo for 21
February and leucorrhoea was reduced during menses. days.
2019 Both sole with normal skin surface. There were plaques, there 4 globules every
was no blackening discoloration. There were no cracks. Patient morning x 21 days
doing well.
28th Patient doing well no new symptoms. Placebo for 21
February days.
2019 4 globules every
morning x 21 days

Clinical images:

Fig-2: Before treatment left foot Fig-3: After treatment left foot

Int. J. of AYUSH Case Reports. April-June 2021; 5(2) 88 ISSN: 2457-0443


Fig-4: Before treatment Right foot Fig-5: After treatment Right foot

Discussion: will benefit the physicians in treating many

more such cases with confidence.
The patient first visited the OPD on 4th
October, 2018 (figure 2 and figure 3). She Conclusion:
underwent homoeopathic treatment with very On the basis of this single case study it is
good improvement. The above discussed case concluded that Homoeopathic medicine
was very nicely managed with classically “Graphites is effective in Planter Psoriasis
selected homoeopathic medicine. She was with long term effect without recurrence.
treated with Graphites 200c- 2 doses followed
Limitation of the study:
by placebo for about 5 months with
This is single case report and further study can
remarkable improvement of her skin condition
be-planned in more number of patients to
(figure 4 and figure 5) as well as her
establish its f efficacy.
constipation and irregular menses. She stopped
attending OPD after that but on December,
Consent of patient:
2019 she came to our OPD again as she was
The consent of patient was dully taken at the
worried that her skin symptoms might return
time for registration as per ethics for treatment
again. But there was no relapse of symptoms
and publication without disclosing the identity
and the patient was healthy.
of patient.
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