3AR-3 Dela-Torre Renzz-Irvin Q. Research Report

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University of Santo Tomas

College of Architecture

A.Y. 2020-2021

Minor Plate no. 01

Conceptual Design of a


A Research Component

Presented to the

College of Architecture

University of Santo Tomas

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements of the Course

Architectural Design 6

Course Instructor: Ar. Henry Felix E. Herrera

Dela Torre, Renzz Irvin Q., 2018116278

Section: 3AR-3A

05 MARCH 2021

This research paper aims to present the architectural data, analyses, and development of

a conceptual project design of a University Multi-Use Car Park. In partial fulfillment of of the

course requirements of Architectural Design 6 at the University of Santo Tomas College of

Architecture, this course requirement seeks to provide architectural insights on innovative

design not only in the material sense but also to the sociocultural and sociohistorical context

of the university, the aid the users, and preserving the heritage and environmental essence in

designing the University’s Multi-Use Car Park.

Keywords: conceptual, environmental essence, University of Santo Tomas, Carpark

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction…………...………...……………………....………….…….……...3

1.1 Background of the Project……………………...…………...……………………....

1.2 Statement of the Problem………………….………………....….……………...…..

1.3 Project Goals and Objectives………...…………………….......…………………...

1.3.1 Project Goal……………………………………………………………….

1.3.2 Project Objectives………………………………………………………...

1.4 Significance of The Project…..……….………...…………....…..……………..….

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature…...…………...…..………………...…………..15

Chapter 3: Case Studies.…...………………....…………...………………...……………...45

Chapter 4: Site Profile and Analysis……………………………………....……………….65

4.1 Background………………………………………………………………………...

4.2 Site Analysis……………………………………………………………….............

4.3 SWOT Analysis……………………………………………………………............

4.4 Baseline Studies……………………………………………………………............

Chapter 5: Technical Research Data.…………………………….…………….…….........78

5.1 Physical Data……………………………………………………………...………..

5.1.1 Macro-Site Data…………………………………………………………..

5.1.2 Micro-Site Data…………………………………………………………..

5.2 Viability Studies…………………………………………………………………….

Chapter 6: Space Programming and Analysis……………………………….....………..142

Chapter 7: Conceptual Development…………………………………...………...….......143


Chapter 1

1.1 Background of the Project

1.1.1 Problems and concerns of a University Multi-Use Car Park

The Modern Society is constantly enticed and influenced to stay and inhabit urban

areas. Furthermore, this can be observed in the Metro wherein the urban area has a large

density of vehicles that are used by city dwellers to travel from place to place in their

everyday activities. With that said, the critical problem that can be observed within the city is

finding a proper parking space. However, certain architects and environmental planners used

to neglect the idea of parking space; additionally, the growing population and the increasing

living standards are the major causes for the increasing number of cars in the urban area

(Shen, 1997), but the current situation calls for immediate action and innovation. Moreover,

the continuing rise of private vehicles will pave the way for more parking spaces to be built

in the city, which is already a critical problem to the overall transportation system and a

challenge in designing them economically.

1.1.2 Present Condition of Car Parks

Cities that we live in the world today are constantly growing and space is not

expanding with it. Consequently, if city designers continue to neglect parking spaces then the

city will continue to become more congested as the number of cars increases. Furthermore,

car parks are often limited to the functional and bare construction that is a minimal structure

without any considerations for human, aesthetic, or integrating solutions and the structure is

solely designed and maximized for automobile parking only; and it has given the parking

spaces a poor public perception and has frequently disrupted the urban fabric (McDonald,

2017). Subsequently, if architects and designers do not provide innovations and aesthetic

features to parking spaces, the city will be cold, dull and lifeless. As a result, architects and

planners should be able to improve existing multi-level parking designs that not only provide

parking but provide space for people to enjoy and relax. Overall, these qualities would enable

city spaces to become more efficient and more appropriate for a dense city that is constantly


A multi-storey car park or parking garage is a building (or part thereof) which is

designed specifically to be for automobile parking and where there are a number of floors or

levels on which parking takes place. The present condition of car parks is being integrated

into multi-use typology car parks, which is not only more appealing to the urban fabric, but

also provide more opportunities in integrating personal use that is more inviting and

functional in carparks and not only built for the purpose of automobile parking. Not to

mention, several examples are now found in most urban areas where car parks have retail

stores, restaurants and cafes or even residential use or the ones that are now found in malls,

schools, and offices, and instead providing parking spaces on ground levels, multi storey car

parks are built to provide more parking spaces for cars and save land space by utilizing a

vertical level approach. Subsequently, there are a lot of considerations in constructing

multi-storey car parks where the site location, traffic analysis and structural integrity and

safety are very important points to analyze.

Vehicles today have earned its position to be the most popular mode of transportation

in the Philippines. As it can be seen, there has been an abundance of vehicle use especially in

urban areas like the Metro. Consequently, the growing number of car ownership causes a

number of transportation problems including congestion in traffic. Rappler’s article (2020)

stated, Metro Manila places second in one of the world’s most traffic congested places in the

world next to Bengaluru, India. As a result, the placement of parking spaces near commercial

areas had been a solution to decrease the frequent usage of transportation, thus making

parking spaces a critical consideration to the lives of man.

1.1.3 Rationale

This project aims to provide a concept and design that will be able to provide

adequate parking space while instilling and encouraging peoples’ activities. Furthermore, this

will be able to create a space for drivers to have parking and still make alternatives to the

used space such as a commercial area. Subsequently, this project will also provide a design

that will enhance the overall aesthetic of the site and give space for greenery. As this type of

building or structure presents a complex challenge as various issues relative to this require

various solutions.

Parking spaces here in the Philippines are often neglected, only erected to serve the

bare minimum requirements and often do not consider aesthetics or the overall experience of

a user. As a result, with most people preferring to fully maximize their spaces for profitable

use, the design of parking lots lean to function rather than aesthetic. Apart from this, it is also

subject to the public's poor perception as it is typically constructed as a standalone structure

of none to minimal aesthetic consideration, decreasing its value to the human eye


1.1.4 History of Car Parks

The overall transportation system in the country contributes to a great deal of impact

both to the commuters and the environment. Moreover, this is a crucial topic that affects the

daily lifestyle of the people as it refers to the effectiveness of provision of streets and urban

highways and their efficiency as an avenue for people to go from one place to another each

for their own accord. Not to mention, as the number of automobiles of different kinds

increase exponentially, the need for space also dramatically increases. Thus, the more cars

manufactured and used, the more the demand for space for storage. With that said, the BBB

Program according to the administration has set one of its goals to reduce congestion in the

Metro as per the road-related transportation sector of the infrastructure flagship projects such

as roads, bridges and bus rapid transits (Congressional Policy and Budget Research

Department). Additionally, this sector is also said to be the second largest group next to

railway projects amounting to P55.9 billion where road widenings fall under. Subsequently,

with the interview of Poon (2019), a writer together with Garry de Guzman who is the

Undersecretary for Finance of Department of Transportation in the Philippines last 2 years,

stated that the country still continues to fight this issue losing US$24 billion a year spending

9 years of every commuter’s lives sitting in traffic.

1.1.5 Significance of New Architectural Solutions for Car Parks

What will be the new options for designing these Multi-Use Car Parks? Peradventure

adaptations for existing design models could shift to focusing more on facilities that cater to

more personal endeavors. Hence, the trend in the parking industry of including mixed use in

order to encourage engagements and interactions with the building (John Purinton, n.d.).

With that said, the need and demand of parking spaces could be reduced as people would

naturally be attracted and be interested in the building. Hence, the parking building could

then be utilized and maximized not only as a parking space but a partially commercial

establishment as well easing also the issue of traffic congestion caused by on-street parking

slots and how drivers and vehicles maneuver disturbing the traffic flow. Not to mention,

adapting green solutions might also reward its viewers in the future.

1.1.6 Car Park in Local Context

Numerous factors contribute to this critical problem are the quality of human behavior

and the transportation commuting methods in the country. Moreover, research shows that the

problem roots from the inefficient use of roads, lack of proper urban planning and issues with

transport authorities (Rappler, 2020). With that said, JICA denoted that there are more

vehicles than roads and this is because more than the overflowing jeepneys and buses going

back and forth as a means of public transport in the Philippines, the Filipino mindset is

observed to prefer owning a private vehicle rather than commuting as it would rather be

“more comfortable and easy.” As a result, when the population rises, the number of vehicles

also increases, explaining the congestion being experienced especially within Metro. Again,

with this, the issue of parking facilities and spaces also starts to arise.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

1.2.1 General Parameters and Regulations

The designing of the University Multi-Use Carpark in the University of Santo Tomas

should comply and adhere with the National Building Code, Batas Pambansa No. 344 “An

Act to Enhance the Mobility of Disabled Persons by Requiring Certain Buildings,

Institutions, Establishments, and Public Utilities to Install Facilities and other Devices”, Fire

Code of the Philippines, Green Building Code of the Philippines, Plumbing Code of the

Philippines, and other pertinent laws. In line with this, the researcher aims to answer the

following questions that are of great relevance in designing the university car park:

1. What functional and operational requirements are to be integrated in designing the

University Multi-Use Car Park?

2. What are the design considerations and strategies best suited for the site and the


3. What design approach will be used so as to highlight the relationship with the existing

environment and structure?

1.2.2 Insufficient Parking Spaces in the University with Respect to the Ratio to its

Population and Users

Roughly about 30,000 - 50,000 yearly enrollees, the capacity of the current parking

lot together with the provision of a university car park situated in front of the UST Hospital

barely caters the population. Not to mention, with privileged students with their own vehicles,

the risk of casualties regarding their vehicles may arise if parked unaccordingly. Furthermore,

as parking spaces are considered to be a critical feature in commercial areas as well as traffic

congestion, the proper placement and design of these spaces are deemed vital for a smoother

flow of consumers. Moreover, these spaces are often neglected when it comes to proper

design and only serves the bare minimum of its required purpose of the following:

1. Maximum and minimum number of accommodated parking slots and with the

proportion with the population as its users and its demands respectively.

2. Alleviate the disruption of traffic flow within the access zones and perimeter

of the University caused by the on-street parking slots.

3. Operational and functional parking building with respect to the existing urban

fabric within the area and structures within the campus.

1.2.3 Improper and Illegal Parking

The Metro can be seen as a place of opportunity but it also houses a lot of problems.

There can be a lot of improvements that can be done in order to lessen the problems the city

currently has. One of the problems that can be solved is traffic and parking. Most traffic is

caused by cars that are parked along roads due to lack of parking. By providing a space for

proper parking, the city can have one less problem to deal with. There is a pressing need for

multi-use parking.

Fig. 1. Illegal Parking Problem

Aside from the absence of parking space, one problem is that the current parking

spaces are not utilized to their full potential. Parking spaces can have the ability to not only

provide parking but also a space for people as well. Given that the population is growing and

land is not expanding, being able to build multi-level parking which has multi-use can be a

challenge but it is a need that can be addressed with proper design and planning. (Ibrahim,


1.2.4 User Peripheral Dilemma

The existing parking areas around the campus are the UST Carpark and other parking

spaces in front of different college buildings inside, and outside are the rented parking spaces

along P. Noval street. Moreover, these parking areas are always almost full during the time

where classes are starting, which is in the morning and noon, and finding a parking space

could be hard for some and can waste time and can cause a hassle due to the lack of available

parking. Furthermore, with the project of a multi- use car park, it aims to provide more

parking spaces that increase the availability of parking for the benefit of the Thomasian

community. Not to mention, with a new car park being built it shouldn’t disrupt the visual

aspect of the campus as a car park complex with multi storey levels can also be austere to the

building environment, with the presence may disrupt the overall character of a place or and

cause a disturbance with the views and flow of the site. Several design strategies are

implemented where car parks are being reimagined to have a multi-use purpose and a more

creative approach in the façade and planning of the space that will not only not interrupt the

site but somehow can also be beneficial and be a part of the collective character of the

structures found inside the campus.

1.3 Project Goals and Objectives

1.3.1 Project Goal

This project aims to propose a university multi-use car park that is conclusive to the

necessities demanded by the neonate normalcy fostered by the population and its users. The

proposed site is located in the University proper, in front of the Beato Angelico Building.

Bound to the peripheries of the site are the circulation roads namely, Arrelano, Osmena, and

Tamayo Drives

This project’s primary goal is to provide three-level parking spaces in order to cater

the demand of the community’s proportion to the number of available vehicle parking slots

within the campus and its vicinity. At the same time, providing a multifunctional roof deck

space with food stalls encouraging and enriching the community’s sense of place and identity

while blending in with the existing structures and the generally existing urban fabric within

the area.

1.3.2 Project Objectives

To address the functional and operational requirements of the parking facility while

ensuring automobile and driver's safe and efficient passage. The project objectives are as


1. To provide a multi-level parking sustainable design that provides additional

services to the users as well as the community.

To provide a multi-use car park that will utilize an integrated design approach

grounded with the solutions of automotive, engineering, and traffic issues relative to the site.

Furthermore, most parking designs just provide a space for parking. This project should be

able to provide additional services such as food stalls to the users as well as the community.

The project should also be sustainable to help the environment. Following these ideas will

give additional life to the project as well as more usage than a regular parking area.

2. To be able to incorporate Filipino architecture to a design concept made for a

multi-level parking space.

The style of the project will have a Neo-Vernacular design in order to merge Filipino

design with modern aesthetics. This will give the project a Filipino identity which is

appropriate for the area. In addition, this will allow Filipino architecture to evolve and have

and have a new aesthetic to add to the area. Subsequently, to provide a functional and

operational parking building hand in hand with the provision of exercising

pedestrian-friendly approach through the study and analysis of human behavior while

incorporating various street elements.

3. To innovate a design that is able to adapt to different needs of a community.

A parking space is a staple for the project but the structure should be able to adapt to

different circumstances of the community. The rooftop should be able to house different

services easily. The structure should also be easily expandable for future use. With this the

design should be simple yet adaptable to different situations. Not to mention, to develop a

parking facility that coincides the parking structure with its surrounding area that results in an

aesthetically pleasing, pedestrian-friendly and inviting multi-use carpark than stand-alone

parking. Furthermore, to translate the community’s identity through the structure emanating

from its culture and the domain or existing setting it belongs to.

1.3.3 Design Objectives

With this, the following are the design objectives to be observed:

1. To design with the priority of the structure’s function regarding capacity

needs using a number of parking slot variations and strategies.

2. To design a mixed-use parking structure featuring an urban public space,

highlighting the walkability and open spaces for a more inviting


3. To strategically place commercial units at the ground floor of the mixed-use

parking structure for more ease of accessibility and service, and attracting a

number of users for a profitable outcome.

1.4 Significance of the Project

With utmost regard to the stakeholders of this project, the paper aims to justify the

necessary and timely intervention of architectural innovations in the present. In a hypothetical

sense, the project will be catering to the needs of the university’s population and its users

together with its adjacent neighborhoods. The following are the intended architectural

impacts of this project to its future stakeholders and consumers.

1. The population of the university and its users are the direct benefactors of the

proposed multi-use car park.

2. The students in particular: architecture, fine arts, sports major, senior high

school, etc. are secondary benefactors of the proposed project.

Chapter 2

This chapter includes the purpose of a review of the literature on the influences of the

pandemic to architecture, general information on car park design and standards, parameters in

allotting spaces for cars.

2.1. General Information Regarding Multi-Use Car Park

According to Mcdonald (2017), the following are the minimal requirements and

spatial needs needed upon the designing of a parking building:

● The size, height, and turning radius of current automobiles as well as past and

future trends of automobile size and statistical quantity must be taken into account; these are

called parking geometries.

● There are many ramp design configurations and different ones are appropriate for

the primary purpose of the facility to insure that your intended use is compatible with ramp


● The streets surrounding the facility and their traffic flow must be taken into

consideration when planning entrances and exits and deciding on ramp designs.

● The entrances and exits are very important to the smooth functioning of the facility,

with the type of use again determining the length from the opening and placement of the

entry booths, as well as the quantity of entrances and exits.

● The type of equipment and the necessity of a booth and office are also determined

by the facility use.

● Zoning issues require the number of spaces for parked automobiles. The designer

must work within local codes to meet these requirements.

● In mixed-use projects there has been shared parking documenting how different

users can maintain full facility occupancy, such as movie/theater goers, night use and

residential use during the day. This can be calculated to the advantage of the facility owner

and the community by eliminating the empty night facility syndrome.

● Optimizing site potential, by choice of site and its relationship to walking, driving,

other transportation linkages and good design opportunities.

● The operation and maintenance of a facility is very critical. Revenue control

equipment and other issues related to the smooth functioning of the garage must be taken into

account during the design process.

● Provide appropriate work space for the staff, such as cashier and monitoring


● Provide an area or room for the storage and maintenance issues. This area should be

heated/air-conditioned and contain a mop sink.

● Accommodate technological tools for future upgrades of operational systems and

facility expansion.

● Plan for a backup power system.

● Ventilation is an issue within some types and some areas of parking facility design.

New technologies are increasing the effectiveness in design and monitoring of these areas for

concern. Natural ventilation is always a good method however detailed study is required in

some areas and types of parking facility design to determine its effectiveness.

● Lighting is a crucial aspect of parking and type, placement, and quantity needs to be

carefully studied to provide enough light for the users of the parking garage and not to spill

out of the parking facility affecting surroundings.

According to the SRF Consulting Group (2016), choosing a proper circulation system

for the parking building depends on the simplicity or complexity of the system as well as its

architectural compatibility. Ingress and egress capacities are also a consideration in the

selection of a circulation system. Some circulation systems provide the opportunity for level

façades which may be desirable. A parking ramp slope of 5% or less is preferred, although

parking ramp slopes up to 7% are tolerated by the public in very dense urban areas. Parking

ramp slopes should not exceed a 6.67% slope, which is the maximum parking slope permitted

in the International Building Code (IBC).

Not to mention, guidelines from Idaho’s Capitol City Development Corporation

(2016) reiterate the importance of proper signages and wayfinding for the users, to avoid

confusion that may cause traffic within the parking structure. The guideline recommends the

usage of white texts over dark surfaces as these are more readable and visible to the users.

2.2 Parking Building Design Standards Overview

2.2.1 Ramp Standards

● Ramp Breakover angle

The ramp breakover angle is the measure of the ability of the

car to break over a steep ramp (climbing or descending),

without scraping. The ramp breakover angle recommended by

the Society of Automotive Engineers is 10 degrees minimum.

Transitional blends top and bottom of ramps composed of two

or more breakpoints can multiply the ramp steepness with

workable break angles, beyond the normal capacities of a car or

driver. Ramp breakover angle includes:

● Ramp Slopes

○ The maximum ramp slope is 15 percent. For slopes over

10 percent, transitions at least 2.44m or 8 ft long should

be provided at each end of the ramp at one half the

slope of the ramp itself.

● Angle of Departure

○ To reduce the incidence of tailpipe and rear bumper

dragging, a reasonable minimum value is necessary.

The standard calls for a minimum of 10 degrees.

● Driveway Exits

○ Ramped driveway exits rising to a sidewalk should have

a transition section that is almost level (maximum

slope: 5 percent) before intersecting the sidewalk to

prevent the hood of the car from obscuring the driver’s

view of pedestrians on the walk. This transition should

be 4.88 m or 16 feet long.

2.2.2 Ramp Types

Ramp system includes any portion of storage floors used by vehicles

moving between levels. Each ramp system required vehicles to follow an

approximately circular path when traveling between parking levels. The

number of 360- degree rotations required to circulate through the garage and

parking structure height are major concerns. It is desired to limit the maximum

number of complete rotations to five or six. These include the following:

● Clearway and Adjacent Ramp Types

○ Ramp systems are divided into two types: based on the amount

of interference between ramp traffic and parking-unparking

operations. Clearway ramp systems provide separate interfloor

travel paths from potentially conflicting parking-unparking

movements. On the other hand, the adjacent ramp type is a

ramp system in which part, or all of the ramp travel is

performed on access aisles. It requires less area per parking

stall because of the twofold use of travel paths and can be used

to advantage on small land parcels.

● Concentric Versus Tandem Ramp Design

○ Another classification of ramp systems are concentric and

tandem ramp designs. Travel paths of vehicles moving up and

down between parking levels may either revolve about the

same (concentric) or separate centers (tandem). Spiral or

helically-curved ramps are usually built concentrically to save

space and to provide flatter grades. Along with this, straight

ramp systems are designed in either concentric or tandem ramp


● Parallel Versus Opposed Ramp Design

○ For vehicles to rotate in the same direction on a ramp system,

the opposed ramp system is to be used for up and down ramps

slope in the opposite direction. If up and down ramps slopes in

the same direction, ramps surfaces are parallel and vehicles are

to rotate in opposite directions.

● Straight- Ramp Systems

○ Straight- Ramp garage is usually rectangular shapes with ramp

wells (stacking of ramps) along the structure’s longer-side

dimension. Straight-ramp systems are advantageous in narrow

buildings. They require less floor area than helically-curved

ramps and are simple to construct. In contrast with these,

straight-ramp systems result in vehicles’ sharp turns in getting

on and off straight ramps. Below are the following examples of

straight ramp systems:

■ Straight-ramp system with one ramp-well.

■ Parallel straight-ramp system with ramp-wells on two

structure sides.

■ Adjacent-parking type opposed straight-ramp system

■ Clearway-type opposed straight-ramp system.

● Helically Curved Ramp System

○ Helically curved ramp can be a single surface that permits

vehicles to travel on a continuous helical path between parking

levels. The entrance and exit points of this type of ramp system

can be located on the same or opposite sides of the ramp coil.

In line with this, the double helix system uses two helical-path

surfaces that are sloped in opposite directions. The sloping

helical surfaces may be separated, or they may be interwoven.

In rectangular structures, helically curved ramps are often

located in corners to minimize floor-space loss. Helically

curved ramps require more space than straight ramps but offer

better traffic operation.

2.2.3. Floor Systems

● Split-Level or Staggered- Floor Systems

○ ■ Split- level or staggered- floor systems are constructed

in two sections, with floor levels in one section staggered

vertically by one-half story from those in adjacent sections.

Short straight ramps, sloped in alternate directions and

separated by the distance required to easily make a 180-degree

turn between ramps, connect the half-stories. The division

between split-level structures halves may be perpendicular or

parallel to the street. Along with this, split-level floors can

overlap as much as 1.52 m to 1.83m or 5 to 6 ft to increase

space efficiency and make narrow sites workable. This type of

ramp system is applicable to small, high-cost sites where

maximum use of space must be achieved. Below are some of

the examples of the split-level or staggered-floor systems:

■ Two-way staggered- floor ramp system.

■ Tandem staggered-floor ramp system

■ This staggered-floor system provides parking on level floors

and desirable one-way traffic flow

● Sloping- Floor Systems

○ ■ The Sloping Floor System contains two adjacent

parking modules tilted in opposite directions, with cross aisles

(sloped or level) at each end so that vehicles traveling the

length of both aisles make a 360-degree turn to move up or

down one complete parking level.

■ Basic sloping-floor concept

■ Sloping-floor system with crossover ramp of mid-point.

■ Double sloping-floor system with midpoint crossover

2.2.4 Sustainability on Design and Accreditation

Sustainable design in architecture aims to mitigate the adverse effects of built

structures on the environment. This encompasses integration and utilization of various

strategies and techniques that are environment friendly and are mainly concerned with the

minimization of reliance and use of energy and materials for the building’s construction and


According to the guidelines from the SRF Consulting Group (2016) on parking

building design, stand alone parking structures are typically not eligible for LEED

accreditation. However, this should not discourage the incorporation of green design features.

Such features that may potentially make a large impact on the sustainability of the structure

include the incorporation of green roofs, solar panels, passive or the abundance of natural

ventilation, etc.

Furthermore, this includes the issue of the resource, how it is obtained, processed,

manufactured, and produced and later on, how it is used with reference to the construction

proper of the structure and how it is maintained and performs during the execution or

operation proper after the turnover of the project. On Energy Conservation and Consumption

This matter pertains to the integration of various strategies like green roofs and solar panels

as these integrate nature to built environments for the purpose of increasing the building’s

value, efficiency, and effectiveness on the issue of its purpose and significance to the


Fig. 2 Green Roof. This image shows an actual utilization of a green roof on a built

structure. (Source: (Baldwin, n.d.))

Green roofs are composed of various layers (see Fig. 3 and 4 for reference) of a

growing medium and the plants, moisture retention layer, aeration layer, a thermal insulation,

drainage layer, root barrier, membrane protection, waterproofing layer and the structural slab

support that contributes not only for the purpose of providing good insulation for the interior

structure but also for the purpose of mitigating the adverse effects of the UHI or the urban

heat island phenomenon created by a dense urban fabric of the existing built environment.

Apart from this, integrating green roofs in a project also boosts and affects water

management positively as it could serve as an avenue for water retention from rainfalls or

grey waters from the structure itself as irrigation for the plants. According to an article

published by the NC State University, the abundance of green roofs in parking lots can be

observed especially in the United States. These green roof systems greatly reduce energy The

vegetation on a green roof acts as a sponge, absorbing and filtering water that would normally

rush down gutters and streets polluting waterways with everything it picked up along the


Fig. 3. Blue-Green Roof. This figure shows the layers of a so-called “Blue-Green

Roof” by the Institute of Physics where blue pertains to the ability of this method to collect

and store rainwater and green because it supports and grows plants. (Source: (Institute of

Physics, n.d.))

Fig. 4. Green Roof Layers. This figure shows the composition of a green roof


With respect to the university multi-use parking building project, various types of

green roofs can be utilized with respect to the use of the area being pertained to. Since the

project aims to have a multi-purpose roof deck, intensive, semi-intensive and extensive

systems can be used as per the assessment of available manpower and users of the area as it

requires maintenance while the latter does not (Baldwin, n.d.).

Furthermore, recycled and using natural materials which are repurposed are low in

VOC or volatile organic compound components are utilized in a sustainable building project

as these are respectively cost-efficient and eco-friendly (BluEntCAD, 2020).

2.2.5 Solar Panels

Fig. 5. Solar Panel Roofing

According to Solar Empire Corp. (n.d.), the use of solar panels comes with a number

of benefits. Subsequently, it gives a better use of spaces like roofing or exterior cladding that

can significantly reduce energy consumption within the structure. Not to mention this also

reduces the energy impact in the environment.

2.2.6 Natural Ventilation and Passive Design

Fig. 6. Basic Fundamentals and Components of Passive Design

The use of passive design strategies for the stand alone parking building greatly

reduces the congestion of heat within the structure, providing a better air flow and ventilation

for the users. Furthermore, this also allows natural light to flow from the exterior, reducing

the usage of artificial light consumption during the day.

2.3 General Specifics in the Design

2.3.1 Parking Slot Size

There is a standard for parking sizes since too small parking will result in car

collisions while too large parking spaces will yield in inefficient space. With this, the

standard for parking for an average automobile is 2.4 meters by 5.00 meters for perpendicular

parking and diagonal parking. On the other hand, parallel parking will need 2.00 meters by

6.00 of parking space. Lastly, larger vehicles such as trucks and buses will have a minimum

parking of 3.60 meters by 12.00 meters. (Anthony, 2016)

Fig. 7. Standard Parking Sizes

2.3.2 Multi-Storey Parking Design

This project will be a multi-story carpark which will contain parking areas from the

ground floor up to a third floor. With this, certain provisions are needed in order to improve

the quality of the surrounding area rather than hinder it.

The parking at ground level should not be directly adjacent to streets with significant

foot traffic and public areas. With this, the ground level should be sleeved with active edges

which allow it to have active frontages and not dull facades.

The access of the parking should be located in areas where minimal disruption of

traffic, both pedestrian and vehicular, can be at minimum. The location should be located via

a side street rather than a main road and accessway. (Auckland Design Manual, n.d.)

Fig. 8. Multi Level Parking Sample Design

2.3.3 Mixed-use Parking Design

Being a mixed-use parking design, there are different provisions for both the parking

area as well as the commercial area of the structure. The typical floor-to-floor height for a

parking area would be about 3.00 meters to 3.50 meters approximately. On the other hand,

commercial areas or areas where people tend to stay should be about 4.80 meters to 5.80

meters. However all of these shall also depend on the specific needs of the area.

Some multi-use parking structures also utilize parked-on ramps. These ramps should

have a slope of 5 to 6 percent. With this, the areas wherein ramps are provided can also be

used as parking space which would make it more space efficient. Lastly, the commercial

areas should be spaced so that there will be no direct parking in front of stalls. This will

increase the quality of the space of the pedestrians as well as reduce the amount of noise and

air pollution for the public spaces that will be provided. (Purinton, 2020)

Fig. 9. Mixed-use Parking Garage Sample Design

2.3.4 Neo-Vernacular Design

Vernacular Architecture is a style of architecture wherein the structure uses local

materials, knowledge, and is usually done without supervision of professional workers.

Usually these designs are simple and practical and use wood and similar materials that are


In modern times, the style of vernacular architecture is followed and is modified

through architects and designers. Neo-vernacular architecture uses the local materials and

forms while adding modern materials to improve stability and create more complex and large

structures. This allows the vernacular architecture to be used to create bigger structures while

still retaining the practical and simple style that is found in the traditional vernacular

structures. (Turkušić, 2011)

Fig. 10. Neo-Vernacular Design Sample

2.3.5 Parking Ramp Standard

Multi-level parking needs ramps in order for cars to go to different levels of the

structure. Provisions are also provided for car park ramps in order for cars to easily utilize the

ramps without any accidents as well as the struggle that will happen.

Parking ramps should have a maximum of 12.50% slope, However parking ramps are

preferred to be 5% in order for easier and smoother rides for the drivers. Lesser slopes for

ramps are preferred since it will be easier and safer for cars. However the smaller the ramps

means longer accessways. With this, the proper slope should be used to make efficient use of

space and safety for the structure as well as the users. (Kimley-Horn, 2016) With that said,

5% of ramp slope or less is rather preferred for vehicles while 7% are also accepted in very

dense urban areas.

Fig.11. Maximum Parking Ramp Slope. The figure exhibits the formation of a ramp

consisting not only the sloping ramp itself but the necessary transition ramp and its slope so

as to avoid contact between the slab and the underside of a car.

(Source: (Kimley-Horn, 2016)).

2.3.6 Parking Standards, Types and Turning Radius

Parking spaces usually have outlines of yellow or white paint lines that are 12 – 20

mm thick. Furthermore, guard and stop rails on the floor are provided to act as buffers and

define the parking limits and can be 500 – 600 mm long, 200 mm wide and 100 mm for the

height. Subsequently, vehicle parkings on the edge of walls or on the edge of upper floors for

multi storey parking, buffers, railings or restraining bars should be provided to avoid cars

going over the edge.

Fig.12. Stop Rails and Buffers

2.3.7 Types of Parking

1. Parallel Parking

Automobiles are parked along the length of the road, and there

is no backward movement while parking, making it the safest from an

accident perspective. It consumes the maximum curb length and only a

few parking slots can be provided compared to other types of parking.

This type of parking produces the least interruption along traffic flow

as it is along the width of the road.

Fig. 13. Parallel Parking

2. 30 Degrees Parking

Vehicles are parked in a 30-degree angle in respect to the road

alignment, and it provides more parking spaces compared to parallel

parking. It also provides better accessibility and easy to maneuver and

also has minimal delay in the road flow.

Fig. 14. 30 Degrees Parking

3. 45 Degrees Parking

Vehicles are parked in a 45-degree angle in respect to the road

alignment and can provide more parking spaces compared to the

previous types of parking.

Fig. 15. 45 Degrees Parking

4. 60 Degrees Parking

Vehicles are parked in a 60-degree angle in respect to the road

alignment and can provide more accommodation of parking spaces

compared to the previous types of parking.

Fig. 16. 60 Degrees Parking

5. Right Angle Parking

Vehicles are parked in a 90-degree angle in respect to the road

alignment or perpendicular to the direction of the road. Although it can

provide the most accommodation of parking spaces compared to the

other previous types of parking, the layout causes more obstruction to

the road flow and requires complex maneuvering if the road width is

very narrow.

Fig. 17. Right Angle Parking

2.3.8 Turning Radius

Curved Ramps

Fig. 18. Turning Radius

Curved ramps are directly above each other on succeeding

floors. Furthermore, they should also be clearway type. They are

usually located near the corners of rectangular structure to minimize

the floor space lost due to the curved ramp. Additionally, curved ramps

provide a better traffic operation and flow because of the gradual

turning of the curve, instead of sharp turns found in edges of a straight

ramp. Up and down traffic will not cross which provides a better

vehicle flow and each traffic flow has its own ramp from the ground

floor up to the highest parking level which is less confusing in car park

navigation. Moreover, the diameter of a ramp is controlled by the

required turning radius (min 45 ft). Drivers have a better view in

curved ramps and can see better traffic flow or crossings of traffic at

each parking floor.

Fig. 19. Smaller Turning Radius

2.3.9 Structural Integration

Car Parks are usually an exposed structure and must be designed to be

strong against environmental factors. Not to mention, materials usually used

for structure are cast in place concrete, precast concrete and structural steel.

Flooring should be considered for the safety of pedestrians as well as the

automobiles driving around the complex. Furthermore, the drainage of the

structure and slope of floors should be taken into consideration, as pooling or

ponding of water can cause damages to the structure and cause maintenance


2.3.10 Security and Safety measures in Car Parks

Different design strategies can play in the security of a car park, as it

reduces the risk of threats found in the structure. With that said, open or

transparent stairwells, glass-backed elevators can provide openness and

transparency to the spaces and eliminate hiding places and can add more

visuals in detecting unusual activities occurring in the car park. Security

devices also provide records of activity such as CCTV that is very important

for maintaining the security and safety of an area. Furthermore, handicap

accessibility, where PWD considerations are implemented such as parking

space requirements, safety in stairs and elevators and providing easier access

to vehicle parking for PWDs to the core circulation spaces such as stairs and

elevators for easier flow and egress in case of emergencies. Moreover,

ventilation by providing adequate air flow to avoid carbon monoxide build-up,

and it can be through mechanical and natural ventilation systems.

Subsequently, natural or electrical lighting should be provided for visibility

and also for safety measures that can also provide visual to the dark or hidden

spaces. As much as possible natural lighting can be utilized in daylight to be

more energy efficient.

2.3.11 Integrated and Mixed-Use Design in Carparks

Conditions of different uses such as the management of flow of the

mixed-use spaces should be taken into consideration and will not interrupt

with the flow of the car park facility. Furthermore, roofing and structural

systems for the car park can be different for the other uses where pedestrians

are present. Not to mention, movement flow and circulation of pedestrians and

automobiles should be easy and will not cause disruption to each other.

Carpark roofs can be turned into open spaces used with green strategies such

as green roof and technological solutions can be integrated that can make the

structure more sustainable. With that said, parking lots that are open or on the

surface can be converted to mixed use plazas.

2.3.12 Site Requirements

Fig. 20. Sample Parking Layout.

According to the figure, from the Parking Structure Design Guidelines

document edited by Kimley-Horn, rectangular shaped lots are said to be ideal for

parking building structures as these are generally economical, effective, and

functional as per the space allocations for parking bays and vehicular circulation in

between parking bay strips. Additionally, this type of lot shape also allows shallower

ramps as means of access from one level to another (Kimley-Horn, 2016). Moreover,

provision for the distance between a parking slot to a destination on site is also

provided under the document mentioned above for the issue of walking distance

tolerance for pedestrians/users (see table below for reference).

Walking Distance from a Slot to Destination User

200 - 300 feet Shoppers

500 - 800 feet Downtown Employees

1,500 - 2,000 feet Special Event Patrons and Students

Table 1. Walking Distance to User Tabulated Data. The table above shows the ideal

distance between a parking slot to a particular destination on site for each type of user

(shoppers, downtown employees, special event patrons and students) for a

pedestrian-friendly parking building structure.

Furthermore, vehicular traffic is one of the crucial factors to consider in

planning a parking building as it evaluates and ensures how efficient and functional

the structure is in terms of service.

Fig. 21. One-Way vs. Two-Way Traffic Flow. This figure enumerates the advantage of

each vehicular circulation pattern, one-way and two-way traffic flow.

Fig. 22. Different Circulation System Illustrations

Chapter 3

3.1 Case Study 1: A Car Park with a Soul

Fig. 23. Street-view Perspective of the Parking Building

The story of 1111 Lincoln Road began in 2005 when developer Robert

Wennett bought the brutalist style 1968 structure that was the SunTrust Bank office in

South Beach Miami for $23,500,00. The SunTrust bank building came with an

adjacent lot as parking space which would end up being the key to one of the most

successful “architecture as a destination” projects in many years.

Project Name: 1111 Lincoln Road

Location: 1111 Lincoln Rd, South Beach Miami Beach, FL 33139, USA

Architects: Herzog and de Meuron

Client: MBeach and Robert Wennett

Architect of Record: Charles H. Benson and Associate Architects

Associate Architect: Jason Frantzen, Mark Loughnan, Nils Sanderson, Charles Stone

Landscape Architect: Raymond Jungles

Civil Engineer: Kimley Horn and Associates

Structural Engineer: Optimus Structural Design LLC

Electrical Engineer: Franyie Engineers, Inc

Construction Company: G.T. McDonald Enterprises

Built in: 2008-2010

Land Area: 2500m2

Floor Area: 2460m2

Built-up Area: 22575m2

Cost: $65.000.000 USD

Frankly, garage buildings are generally considered ugly, heavy and opaque,

which is often attributed to the fact that cars weigh a lot and the building needs to be

strong enough to hold them. 1111 Lincoln Road however follows none of these ideas,

the architects wanted to dilute the barrier between interior and exterior, make it

permeable to its surrounds, and so it was designed to resemble a house of cards, one

of the simplest, lightest, most transparent structures one can think of.

Fig. 24 and 25. Interior Perspective of the Car Park at Dusk (left) and Road

Perspective Illustration (Right)

As it happens with real houses of cards, where horizontal and vertical

elements are all equal, the slabs and pillars of 1111 Lincoln Road are of a very similar
width and all have the same concrete finish which makes them look as if they were all
cut from the same “piece of paper”. Not to mention, the pillars were also given a
certain angle to empathize this idea, as “pillar cards” in a house of cards are never
straight but instead lean one on the other with an angle.

Fig. 26 and 27. Elegant Bare Concrete Finish Interior Perspective

When looking at the building you really get that ephemeral feeling as if the
building was made of cardboard and the slightest wind could make it crumble to the
floor. If it did indeed collapse though one would expect it to do it lightly, the pieces
folding on top of each other and landing on the ground without even breaking.
Subsequently, this feeling is emphasized by the fact that the different floors are not
perfectly aligned one on top of the other, as if the structure was already moving.
Consequently, all measures were taken to ensure that 1111 didn’t become the massive
concrete block that most garage buildings usually are, at the same time housing 300
parking spaces all throughout the building.

Fig. 26 and 27. Sectional Perspective (left) and Edge Perspective (right)

Having exterior wall or heavy handrails would have completely that feeling of
lightness, and so instead just some very light metal handrails were used and all
parking spaces have a bumper guard on the floor to prevent cars from getting close to
the edge, then a safe 1m buffer between the bumper guard and the handrail and
another meter yet between the handrail and the actual edge.

Fig. 28 and 29. Retail Spaces of the Parking Building

The structure is all reinforced concrete, staying true to the traditional material
used for this type of building. Other than concrete the building has some glass walls to
delimitate the retail space, both on the first and fifth floor.

Fig. 30 and 31. Retail Spaces at the Ground Floor

The whole ground floor is dedicated to several different retail spaces

exclusively, including restaurants and shops which take advantage of the car free area
of Lincoln Road Mall.

Fig. 32 and 33. 5th Floor Plan and Section

As if building a garage that also had retail space on the ground floor and fifth
floor and could host a variety of events on the seventh wasn’t unique enough Wennett
also asked architects Herzog & de Meuron to design a huge 1.700m2 apartment on the
top floor for her and her partner.

Fig. 34 and 35. Large Vent Space and Retail Space

The seventh floor can change its function from a garage to a large vent space
which can be rented for product launches, receptions, dinners, etc.

Fig. 36. Landscaping

The living spaces of this huge apartment are on the last floor of the building
and opens towards a front yard with grass and plants. Vines planted in this space hang
to the lower levels of the garage. The apartment also uses the roof of the original
SunTrust building as their backyard, a place for relaxation and outdoor dinners where
a large swimming pool can also be found.

Fig. 37. Exterior Perspective at Dusk

Wennett agrees that as amazing as the apartment might be, living on top of a
garage “is not a place that is obviously a good place to live. There is noise, dirt, cars
and a lot of public foot traffic”, but there is a certain excitement about living in an
unexpected place, hidden in plain sight.

Fig. 38 and 39. Site Development Plan and Garage Level 1 Plan

Fig. 41, 42 and 43. Garage Level 3 Floor Plan and other Floor Plans

Fig. 44. Section

3.2 Case Study 2: A Car Park with Layers

Fig. 44. Street-view Perspective of the Parking Building

Gortemaker Algra Feenstra obtained, in collaboration with the Brussels based

architecture firm Modulo and engineering firm Ellyps, the assignment to design a parking
garage for staff with a capacity of 985 cars in Octobre 2011. The client is Cliniques
Universitaires Saint-Luc. It’s the first assignment Gortemaker Algra Feenstra obtained in
Brussels and the first in a French-speaking area.

The parking area consists of two layers above ground and three underground layers.

The upper part connects the existing height differences of the landscape with each other,

while the roof is laid out as parkland. To generate a liveable underground park a void was

created alongside the road. On the one hand the void leads daylight into the parking and on

the other hand it provides natural ventilation. The void is furnished as a wavy green slope,

visible from the parking lot. The organic form language of the facades is in contrast with the

surrounding brutal architecture, however it blends seamlessly into the hilly landscape. With

this building as an entrance, the campus will get a recognizable and friendly character.

Location: Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Bruxelles, Saint-Lambert, Belgium

Architects: De Jong Gortemaker Algra (dJGA), Modulo architects (MOD)

Project Architects: Tycho Saariste (dJGA), Christopher Banderier (MOD), et al.

Contractor: Delens-CitBlaton-Thiran

Structural Engineering, Mechanical/Electrical Engineering: ELLYPS

Client: Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc

Size: 26.000 m2

Parking spaces: 985

Cost: 12,500.000

Fig. 45. Street-view Perspective of the Parking Building

WIth respect to the typical design and impact of hospital buildings, residential

buildings and parking areas, a clear and attractive parking garage was designed by the

architects that is skillfully embedded in the topography, thereby structuring the site. Parking

garages are often labeled as mere functional industrial buildings rather than being referred to

as inspiring architecture. Yet the parking garage is often the first place of contact with, in this

case, the hospital and should therefore serve as a warm welcome for the visitors.

Fig. 46,47, and 48. Roof Plan, Underground Parking, and Street Level Parking

Furthermore, the parking garage consists of three underground parking decks, the two

above ground decks of the building, the bridge, the terrain gradient between street level and

the green roof, where a garden connects to the adjacent residences.

Fig. 49-52. Car Park Interior “Canyon-Wall”

Not to mention, the structure is made from natural materials and the car park is

designed to be as welcoming as possible for visitors to the nearby hospital. Moreover, the

‘canyon-wall’ provides an abundance of light, even on the underground floors plus natural

ventilation for its 985 cars.

Fig. 53 and 54. Facade FSC Panel Design

Additionally the facades are made out of meandering hardwood slats (FSC) that are

naturally related to the character of the canyon. Consequently, an appealing building, nicely

embedded and with added value for the user is the result. Subsequently, the volume of the

structure is calculated in view of a potential building on top of the parking garage so as not to

be disruptive and be appealing to its local context and neighborhood.

Fig. 55. Initial Sketches of the Parking Building

Fig. 56. Ground Floor Plan on Site

Fig. 57. Section

Fig. 58-61. Other Floor Plans

Chapter 4

4.1 Background

Fig. 62. ESRI Base Map (Google Earth)

The site is located within UST campus grounds, Espana Blvd., Metro Manila, in front

of the Beato Angelico Building. It is a corner-through lot with an area of 6,279.12 sqm. It is

surrounded by 3 minor roads; Tamayo Drive (left), Arellano Drive (Front), and Osmena

Drive (Right). Moreover, various institutional buildings are nearby the site, alongside the

UST football field.

4.2 Site Analysis

Fig. 63. Artists’ Sketch on Site Analysis (Google Earth)

Generally, the area is a common place for flooding due to it being a marshland in the

past. It also is near a fault line thus earthquakes are a problem. The immediate area has tall

buildings which limit direct sunlight as well as create wind tunnels.

Manila is a dense city with limited space for expansion. The city is heavily urbanized

with a lot of concrete structures and limited open spaces. Traffic is a prominent problem as

well as limited pedestrian walkways. In addition, natural disasters such as typhoons, floods,

& earthquakes are also a problem

The figure above shows the different existing surrounding and nearby structures

relative to the site determining present possible competitions not only limited to the ones

under service-centered establishments but with the existing leisure amenities and other

structures/assemblies. These are significant in order to grasp the value and stand of the site

relative to its position and environment.

Additionally, the figure above also shows the existing natural conditions present

relative to the site where the Northeast monsoon (Amihan) flows from the east side of the lot

while the Southwest monsoon (Habagat) comes from its opposite direction. Moreover, the

hottest and warmest heat from the sun would be radiated at its peak hours at 12 o’clock in the

afternoon making the southwest part of the site most exposed and vulnerable to it while the

rest of the lot from this direction to its west is also subject to intensified warmth and heat.

Furthermore, it can be inferred that the parking building to be built on this site should rather

prioritize the cool winds placing more fenestrations on its east side while devising some

strategies for blocking and taking advantage of the heat and warmness of the southwest to

west part of the lot brought by the advantage of the effect of the peak hours derived from the

existing sun path and the entry of flow of the southwest winds which are warm and humid in


With regards to the noise pollution, the figure also displays where sources of noise are

generated and built up where the frontage of the lot is exhibited to have the nearest exposure

to a greater amount of noise from the main road, España Boulevard. Thus, suggesting that

this noise is generated by the traffic or the vehicles that traverse the said highway. Moreover,

adding up to this source are the pedestrians (commuters) as well producing oral noise of

various caliber and magnitude. While the rest of the noise productions in campus that can be

experienced next to the site is possible by the existence of the existing community within the

campus, the student body, and their activities as well as the few public who are allowed to

enter the campus with or without vehicle. Consequently, the designer could formulate and

create solutions to produce architectural strategies that would serve as noise barriers

especially in necessary parts of the building where noise pollution could greatly affect the

users and their activity negatively.

Overall, the site analysis provided above allows the designer to evaluate the present

and existing site conditions and other variables that may affect the operation of service of the

parking building as well as the comfort of its users. Thus, appraising the functionality,

effectivity, and efficiency of the project as a whole.

4.3 SWOT Analysis

This SWOT Analysis identifies the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats

of the project and the project site.

Helpful Harmful

Internal Origin (attributes Strengths Weaknesses

of the organization)
(1) Site location is within (1) Site is located in a flood

the university campus. Not prone area in the university.

to mention, within the reach Busy roads abutting the site,

of the Beato Angelico and the site being in the

Building. university might also be a


(2) Spacious overall lot

area. Additionally, land (2) Disrupts the view of

mass is rudimentary in some buildings to the

shape. greenery and parks of the


(3) Overall project might be

helpful considering the lack

of a proper parking area

within the university.

External Origin (attributes Opportunities Threats

of the environment)
(1) Site location can be (1) Limited users due to

easily seen on Main Road university security. Site is

(Espana Blvd.). Moreover, prone to noise and dust

there would be an ease of pollution. Moreover, design

traffic flow within the must be conscious of its

perimeter of the site. location (in a specific

university) and maintenance

(2) The commercial spaces and operation might be

that can be maximized limited.

within the multi-use car park

would be a magnet to users (2) The students and users

and customers. Not to would lose the ability to

mention, it might pave the regain connection to

way for it being a venue for nature, i.e. lose focus,

various galleries and could concentration, natural view,

hold activities by the decreased motor skills etc.

respective student body.

(3) It would greatly enhance

the vehicular circulation

around the university. It

would also serve as a

lounge or a resting area for

the students in Beato

Building and surrounding

structures with its users, not

to mention, it will boost the

morale of small business in

kiosks that will be provided

other than the commercial


Table 2. SWOT Analysis

Overall, the project would contribute more to the university whilst providing more

parking spaces for the students, staff, professors, and etc. Not to mention, the project will

create a new icon for the university. However, it might also cause certain distractions to both

nature and man. Not to mention, it would be compensated by adding greenery and other

design features that would reconnect the two parties.

4.4 Baseline Studies

4.4.1 Maps

Fig. 64. Flood Hazard Map of Metro Manila

Fig. 65 and 66. Boundary Around Sampaloc. (Google Maps) and Nearest

Critical Facilities. (Project Noah)

These maps show the physical borderline of the Sampaloc area. Furthermore, relative

critical facilities such as fire, and police stations, health facilities, and schools are also

mapped out. Not to mention, areas beyond the boundaries are shown.

Fig. 67 and 68. Barangay Boundaries (Project NOAH) and Nearest Critical

Facilities (Hazard Hunter PH)

Figure 67 shows the different boundaries of the 470 barangays in the area, where the

site itself is occupied by the campus of the University of Santo Tomas. Furthermore, figure

68 indicates that there are 3 fire stations and police stations within the area, 7 health care

facilities which includes the UST Hospital, and a number of schools are also found around

the area.

Fig. 69. Nearest Critical Facilities List (Hazard Hunter PH)

The figure shows the recorded nearest facilities relative to the site as per the

assessment done by Hazard Hunter PH displaying the name of the facility itself, the distance

from the specified location on map shown in Fig. 67 and 68.

Fig. 70 and 71. River Basin Boundary (Project NOAH) and 5 Year Flood

Hazard Map (Project NOAH)

Areas susceptible to floods are shown in figure 70. On the other hand, a 5 year flood

record of the Sampaloc area is shown in figure 71.

Fig. 72 and 73. 25 and 100 Year Flood Hazard Map (Project NOAH)

Figures 71 to 73 displays various flood hazard maps of the areas within the vicinity of

the site in Sampaloc, Manila within 5, 25 and 100-year time projection taken from Project

NOAH. Furthermore, these visuals exhibit how the area is susceptible to flood and how it

could greatly affect the structures within the area. Not to mention, the information derived

from these maps state that as the year count progresses, the susceptibility of an area also

increases. Thus, places that are initially low susceptible to floods became medium and those

that are mediumly susceptible became highly vulnerable increasing possible threats and

damage not only to structures but to the people or the inhabitants as well. With that said,

various aspects should be carefully considered such as the materials to be used for the

structure for the integrity of the parking building to be built, the elevation of the building for

its functionality and optimum operation despite the flood hazard for continuous

administration of service to its users, etc.

Chapter 5

5.1 Physical Data

5.1.1 Macro-Site Data

Fig. 74. The Site (Hazard Hunter PH)

The figure above shows the site underwent various hazard assessments.

Furthermore, the figure above also shows the location of the site within the area

where it occupies a generous amount of space from the wide and vast open area of the

UST Open Field with España Boulevard as its nearest major access road outside the

campus and is evidently surrounded by a dense existing urban fabric of various

structures of different occupancies – commercial, mixed-use, recreation, residential


Fig. 75. Seismic Hazard Assessment (Hazard Hunter PH)

This figure above shows the result of the seismic hazard assessment done on

site denoting that it is safe from ground rupture occurrence as the nearest fault system

is located 8.9km away from the location as well as per the occurrence of a tsunami

generated by an under-the-sea movement. Furthermore, it is also pronounced safe

from earthquake-induced landslides that could trigger ground shaking which is

however regarded as prone with an Intensity VIII as it could be mitigated through

administration and practice of provisions stated in the National Building Code and

Structural Code of the Philippines. Not to mention, the site is regarded to be likely

affected by liquefaction as Fig. 70 River Basin Boundary shows the site location’s

proximity to existing flowing water forms.

Fig. 76 Hydro-Meteorological Hazard Assessment

The figure above shows the result of the site location as per the

hydrometeorological hazard assessment done by the aid of Hazard Hunter PH. With

that said, the site is pronounced as highly susceptible to flood of 1 to 2 meters height

and/or more than 3 days of flooding. Subsequently, apart from this it is marked as safe

from an occurrence of storm surge since the location of the site is relatively far from

the Manila Bay, the nearest large body of water. Furthermore, this assessment done

also states the 3-second peak gust wind speed measured at a 10- meter height above

the ground regardless of the topography, existing terrain and surrounding structures on

site of 117.1 – 220 kph in a 20-year and 500-year period where wind speeds are

stronger but less frequent and are less intense but are more frequent respectively that

could result to light to moderate and devastating structural damages (Flynn, 2016) that

could be mitigated by strict implementation of building codes and requirements to the

project to be built.

Fig. 77 Volcanic Hazard Assessment

The figure above shows the result of the volcanic hazard assessment done by

Hazard Hunter PH stating that the location of the site is safe from ballistic projectiles,

base surge and volcanic tsunamis as the nearest active volcano, Taal Volcano is

located 66.1 km away from it and the nearest potentially active volcano in Corregidor

is located 51.2 km away that poses no immediate volcanic hazard threat so far.

Overall, evaluates the safety and security of the location of the site as per

possible occurrence of various hazards that falls under different categories of either

seismological, hydro-meteorological, and volcanic where the site is assessed to be

generally safe from the latter as well as with the issue of ground rupture and

earthquake-induced landslide and is however likely to be vulnerable to ground

shaking, liquefaction and threat of floods which could be addressed by practicing and

implementing codes and requirements stated under the National Building Code,

Structural Code, etc. through planning and designing of the structure.

5.1.2 Micro-Site Data

Fig. 78 Lot Perimeter and Area (Google Earth)

The figure above shows the location of the site within the campus and the

existing nearby structures as well. Not to mention, an approximate dimensions and

area of the site were also obtained via Google Earth. Shown in the figure above is a

satellite image taken from Google Earth that evidently shows the rigid rectangular lot

shape of the site extending end to end of the existing UST Open Field with its width

at approximately 50 meters and its length at approximately 128 meters making the site

having a perimeter of 356 meters and a rough area of 6,279 square meters.

The site is located at 14˚36’27.32” N, 14.60759 ˚ Latitude, 120˚59’23.56” E,

120.98988 ˚ Longitude, España, Manila within the campus of the University of Santo

Tomas, at the UST Open Field; Lot in between Tamayo and Osmeña Drive with

Arellano Drive as its frontage.

The corner through lot abutting 3 roads has an approximate perimeter of

356.31 meters and 6,279.12 square meters. Furthermore, the surrounding structures of

the site are, with respect to the north arrow, Beato Angelico Building (Southeast), the

Arch of the Centuries and Fountains of Wisdom and Knowledge (Northeast), and

pavilions and the UST Grandstand (Northwest). Moreover, the nearby structures are

Food establishments and general merchandise/supplies stores (e.g. Jollibee P. Noval,

Starbucks, D’ Cream Coffee & Tea, Joli’s P. Noval, Joyce’s and Jomar’s school

supplies stores, etc.) found on the Southeastern side, Footbridge, food establishments,

station for tricycle transits and other commercial establishments/mixed use buildings

(e.g. Jollibee The One – España, Pancake House, Shakey’s Pizza, Torre de Manila,

Dormus, Bank of the Philippines Islands, Office Warehouse, etc.) found on the

Southwestern side, Quadricentennial Pavilion, AMV Building/Carpark, Roque Ruaño

Building and other commercial establishments (e.g. Security Bank, Seattle’s Best

Coffee Shop, Krispy Kreme, Subway, etc.) found on the Northeastern side, and

Santisimo Rosario Parish Church and the Botanical Garden found on the

Northwestern side.

The roads found within the campus and accessible from the site are the

Ceferino Gonzales Drive. Tamayo Drive, Osmeña Drive and Arellano Drive; on the

other hand, roads outside the campus are Lacson Avenue, Dapitan Street, P. Noval

Street and España Blvd.

Fig. 79 Solar Data 08:00 - España Blvd, Barangay 470, Manila, First District NCR,

National Capital Region, PHL at approximately 14.60759 ˚ Latitude and 120.98988 ˚

Longitude. This figure is from the data collected using suncalc.org showing the

position of the sun at 8 o’clock in the morning.

Fig. 80 Solar Data 12:00 - España Blvd, Barangay 470, Manila, First District NCR,

National Capital Region, PHL at approximately 14.60759 ˚ Latitude and 120.98988 ˚

Longitude. This figure is snipped from the data collected using suncalc.org showing

the position of the sun at 12 o’clock in the afternoon.

Fig. 81 Solar Data 16:00 - España Blvd, Barangay 470, Manila, First District NCR,

National Capital Region, PHL at approximately 14.60759 ˚ Latitude and 120.98988 ˚

Longitude. This figure is snipped from the data collected using suncalc.org showing

the position of the sun at 4 o’clock in the afternoon.

Figures 79 to 81 shows the solar data of the site gathered from suncalc.org

identifying the solar path with the site as its basis or reference point distinguished by

an exact point using its latitude and longitude coordinates taken from the relative

center of the lot. With this, the design of the structure to be built could be articulated

so as to maximize the advantages of the sunlight emitted from the sun for natural

ventilation and other operational/service concerns (e.g., energy conservation through

provision of solar panels).

Fig. 82 Average Wind Speed

Wind direction should also be taken into account as it plays a role in the

design consideration for passive cooling. The Amihan wind passes through the

front-right side of the lot, while the Habagat wind passes through the rear-left of the

lot. Furthermore, the average wind speed in the site varies per season. It is mostly

windy during December to March, while it is least windy during summer from April

to June.

Fig. 83 Hours of Daylight and Twilight

Based on the given sun path, it could be observed that the front-right side of

the site receives the morning and afternoon sun respectively. Moreover, it can also be

observed that the sun rises from the front-right side of the lot, while it sets at the

rear-left side of the lot.

Fig. 84 Average High and Low Temperature

At the beginning of the year, it is observed that the temperature in Espana

Boulevard, Manila averages from 83°F from its highest point to 71 °F. Furthermore,

as the summer season progresses, summer temperature reaches its peak during April

to June with the high point average rising by 9°F and the low point average at 76°F.

As summer ends, temperature drops gradually from December to February close to

the area’s initial temperature of 84°F.

Fig. 85 Average Hourly Temperature

Not to mention, the table above shows the average hourly temperature in the

area. The data indicates that temperature reaches its highest point all year from

10:00pm to 6:00pm. Moreover, the site’s hourly temperature is mostly warm to hot.

5.2 Viability Studies

5.2.1 National Building Code of the Philippines

Section 1201. General Requirements.

Buildings proposed for construction shall comply with all the regulations and

specifications herein set forth governing quality, characteristics and properties of

materials, methods of design and construction, type of occupancy, and classification.

All other matters relative to the structural design of all buildings and other

structures not provided for in Chapter 12 of the National Building Code of the

Philippines shall conform with the provisions of the National Structural Code of

Buildings, as adopted and promulgated by the Board of Civil Engineering pursuant to

Republic Act Number 544, as amended, otherwise known as the “Civil Engineering


Section 1202. Excavation, Foundation, And Retaining Walls

(a) Subject to the provisions of Articles 684 to 686 of the Civil Code of the

Philippines on lateral and subjacent support, the design and quality of

materials used structurally in excavation, footings, and in foundations shall

conform to accepted engineering practice.

(b) Excavation and Fills

(i) Excavation or fills for buildings or structures shall be so constructed or

protected that they do not endanger life or property.

(ii) Whenever the depth of excavation for any construction is such that the

lateral and subjacent support of the adjoining property or existing

structure thereon would be affected in a manner that the stability of

safety of the same is endangered, the person undertaking or causing the

excavation to be undertaken shall be responsible for the expense of

underpinning or extending the foundation or footings of the

aforementioned property of structure.

(iii) Excavation and other similar disturbances made on public property

shall, unless otherwise excluded by the Building Official, be restored

immediately to its former condition within 48 hours from the start of

such excavation and disturbances by whosoever caused such

excavation or disturbance.

(c) Footings, Foundations, and Retaining Walls.

(i) Footings and foundations shall be of the appropriate type, of adequate

size, and capacity in order to safely sustain the superimposed loads

under seismic or any condition or external forces that may affect the

safety or stability of the structure. It shall be the responsibility of the

architect and/or engineer to adopt the type and design of the same in

accordance with the standards set forth by the Secretary.

(ii) Whenever or wherever there exists in the site of the construction an

abrupt change in the ground levels of the foundation such that

instability of the soil could result, retaining walls shall be provided and

such shall be of adequate design and type of construction as prescribed

by the Secretary.

Section 1301. Electrical Regulations.

All electrical systems, equipment and installation mentioned in the National Building

Code of the Philippines shall conform to the provisions of the Philippine Electrical

Code, as adopted by the Board of Electrical Engineering pursuant to Republic Act.

No. 184 otherwise known as the Electrical Engineering Law.

Parking Slot, Parking Area and Loading/Unloading Space Requirements


Section 804. Sizes and Dimensions of Courts

In summary:

GROUP C 3.2. Division C-2

A. Private elementary, secondary, vocational and trade school (GI)

- One (1) car slot for every five (5) classrooms; one (1) off-RROW (or

off-street) passenger loading space that can accommodate two (2)

queued jeepney/shuttle slots; and one (1) school bus slot for every one

hundred (100) students.

(Note: * The parking slot requirements shall be an integral part of buildings/structures

and any parking slot provided outside the building/structure will be quantified only as

buffer parking. ** The following prohibitions on parking slots:

1. Conversion/change of use/occupancy.

2. Reduction of parking spaces.

3. Encroachment on RROW.

4. Public utility and bulky vehicles)

B. Private colleges and universities (GI)

- One (1) car slot for every three (3) classrooms; one (1) off-RROW (or

off street) passenger loading space that can accommodate two (2)

queued jeepney/shuttle slots; and one (1) school bus slot for every one

hundred (100) students.

C. In computing for parking slots, a fraction of 50% and above shall be

considered as one (1) car parking slot to be provided. In all cases however, a

minimum of one (1) car parking slot shall be provided unless otherwise

allowed under this Rule.

i. Multi-floor parking garages may serve the 20% parking requirements

of the building/structure within 200.00 meter radius, provided at least

80% of the parking requirements are complied with and integrated in

the building design.

Parking Slot, Parking Area and Loading/Unloading Space Requirements

A. The parking slot, parking area and loading/unloading space requirements

listed hereafter are generally the minimum off-street cum on-site requirements

for specific uses/occupancies for buildings/structures, i.e., all to be located

outside of the road right-of-way (RROW).

B. The size of an average automobile (car) parking slot must be computed at

2.50 meters by 5.00 meters for perpendicular or diagonal parking and at 2.15

meters by 6.00 meters for parallel parking. A standard truck or bus

parking/loading slot must be computed at a minimum of 3.60 meters by 12.00

meters. An articulated truck slot must be computed at a minimum of 3.60

meters by 18.00 meters which should be sufficient to accommodate a 12.00

meters container van or bulk carrier and a long/hooded prime mover. A

jeepney or shuttle parking/loading/unloading slot must be computed at a

minimum of 3.00 meters by 9.00 meters. The parking slots shall be drawn to

scale and the total number of which shall be indicated on the plans and

specified whether or not parking accommodations are attendant-managed.

C. Size of average parking is 2.4m x 5m for perpendicular or diagonal parking.

D. 2m x 6m for parallel parking

E. Truck or bus parking shall have minimum of 3.6m x 12m

F. Elementary schools, secondary schools, vocational and trade schools - 1 slot

per 10 classrooms

G. College and Universities - 1 slot per 5 classrooms

5.2.2 National Plumbing Code of the Philippines

For persons with disabilities:

a. One (1) toilet compartment for every 20 water closets per set on Level

b. Two (2) toilet compartments for every water closet that exceeds 20

3.9 Improper Location:

Piping, fixtures or equipment shall not be so located to interfere with the

normal function or use thereof or with the normal operation and use of

windows, doors or other required facilities.

5.2.3 Presidential Decree No. 1185 / Fire Code of the Philippines


Section General Provisions

Section Doors

Section Stairs

B. Dimensional Criteria

1. Standard stairs shall meet the following criteria:

Fig. 86 New and Existing Dimensional Criteria of Stairs. (Fire Code of the


2. Minimum New Stair Width

Fig. 87 Stair Width. This figure shows the standard stair width measurement to

follow relative to the number of occupant loads of the structure/building.

Section Fire Escape Stairs, Ladders and Slide Escapes

A. Fire Escape Stairs

3. Stairs Details

Fig. 88 Fire Escape Stairs Dimensional Criteria (Fire Code of the Philippines)

Section Exit Details.

B. Number of Exits

1. At least 2 exits shall be provided for each floor or fire section of the


2. Exit access travel shall be permitted to be a common path not exceeding 30


F. Travel Distance to Exits

1. Between any room door intended as exit access and an exit shall not exceed

30 meters.

2. Between any point in a room and an exit shall not exceed 46 meters.


A. Parking Slot Requirements

a. 1 accessible parking slot for every 25 parking slots.

b. If 501-1000 parking slots are available, the number of accessible

parking slots must be 2% of total spaces.

c. If more than 1000 parking slots, the number of accessible parking

slots must be 20 + (1 for each 100 or a fraction thereof over 1000).

d. Parking spaces for the disabled should allow enough space for a

person to transfer to a wheelchair from a vehicle should be located as

close as possible to building entrances or to accessible entrances

should be perpendicular or at an angle to the road or circulation aisles.

e. A walkway from accessible spaces of 1.20 m clear width shall be

provided between the front ends of parked cars.

f. Dropped curbs or curb cut-outs to the parking level where access

walkways are raised shall be provided.

g. Pavement markings, signs or other means shall be provided to

delineate parking spaces for the handicappedh. Parking spaces for the

disabled should never be located at ramped or sloping areas.

B. Parking Slot Sizes

a. Width: Minimum of 3.70 m

b. Length: 5.00 m.

c. A walkway with a minimum clear width of 1.20 m provided between

the front ends of parked cars.


Riser: Maximum of 150mm

Thread: Minimum of 300mm

Minimum Width: N/A

Maximum Headroom: N/A

Maximum Vertical Distance between Landings: N/A

Handrail height: 900mm and 700mm above the stair treads

5.2.4 Batas Pambansa 344 / Accessibility Law


Outside and Around Parking Inside Buildings and

Buildings Structure

Dropped Curbs and Curb Parking Areas Entrances

● Accessible ● Entrances with

● The minimum parking vestibules shall be

width is 0.90 m. spaces should provided a level

● Gradient not be located as area with at least a

more than 1:12. close as 1.80 m. depth and

possible to a 1.50 m. width

Walkways and
Passageways. Ramps
entrances or
● Should be to accessible ● Ramps shall have

provided with entrances a minimum clear

slip-resistant ● Accessible width of 1.20 m

material parking slots ● The maximum

● Minimum width should have a gradient shall be

of 1.20 meters minimum 1:12

but 1.50 is width of 3.70 ● The length of a

recommended to m ramp should not

allow exceed 6:00 m. if

wheelchairs to ● A walkway the gradient is

turn around. from 1:12; longer ramps

● Walkways accessible whose gradient is

should as much spaces of 1.20 1:12 shall be

as possible m. clear width provided with

follow shall be landings not less

straightforward provided than 1.50 m

routes with right between the ● A level area not

angle turns. front ends of less than 1.80 m.

parked cars should be provided

at the top and
● Shall be bottom of any
installed at 0.90 ramp.
m and 0.70 m ● Handrails will be
above steps or provided on both
ramps. Handrails sides of the ramp
for protection at at 0.70 m. and
great heights 0.90 m. from the
may be installed ramp level
at 1.0 m to 1.06

● Min. width of 0.80


● If a sign ● A minimum clear

protrudes into a level space of 1.50

walkway or m x 1.50 m shall

route, a be provided before

minimum and extending

headroom of 2.0 beyond a door

meters should be ● Doorknobs and

provided. other hardware

● Signs on walls should be located

and doors should between 0.82 m.

be located at a and 1.06 m. above

maximum height the floor; 0.90 is

of 1.60 M. and a preferred.

minimum height ● Doors along major

of 1.40 meters. circulation routes

● Signages should be provided

labelling public with kick plates

rooms and made of durable

places should materials at a

have raised height of 0.30 m.

symbols, letters to 0.40 m.

or numbers with

minimum height

of 1 mm; braille

symbols should CORRIDORS

be included in
● Min. clear width
signs indicating
of 1.20 m.
public places
● Recesses or
and safety routes
turnabout spaces

shall have a

minimum area of

1.50 m by 1.50 m

and shall be spaces

at a maximum of

12.00 m.

● should also be

provided at or

within 3.50 m. of

every dead end.


● Shall have a


dimension of 1.70

m by 1.80 m

● A turning space of

2.25 sq.m. with a


dimension of 1.50

m. for wheelchair

shall be provided

for water closet

stalls for lateral


● The maximum

height of water

closets should be

0.45 m.; flush

control should

have a maximum

height of 1.20 mts

● Maximum height

of lavatories

should be 0.80 m.

with a knee recess

of 0.60 - 0.70 M.

vertical clearance

and a 0.50 m.


● Urinals should

have an elongated

lip or through

type; the

maximum height

of the lip should

be 0.48 m.


● A tactile strip 0.30

m. wide shall be

installed before

hazardous areas

such as sudden

changes in floor

levels and at the

top and bottom of


Fig. 87 Planning and Design Standards for PWD(Anjum, n.d.)

This figure shows anthropometric data for PWD (Person with Disability)

which is important to consider in any projects as for the issue of the accessibility of

your structure and its openness to all kinds of users.

Fig. 88 Ergonomic Banquet Seating Dimensions (Mitchell, n.d.)

The figure above shows the measurement of a standard public seating in

relation with the person to person dimensions.

Fig. 89 Scaled Human Figure (Noe, 2015)

The figure above shows an anthropometric data for a usual user in different

activities such as standing, reaching out, seating down and even crouching down

which are significant in order to know basic activities being done by the user and how

space should be kept appropriate to the user according to his/her basic standards as a

human person.

Fig. 90 Anthropometrics (https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/29414203793141228/)

The figure above shows anthropometric data of a usual user in different

activities such as standing up, seating and lying down which is important to be able to

know how the furniture layout and dimensioning should be in order to be appropriate

for all users and give them a comfortable and apt setting.

The next following illustrations before are scanned from the book of Max

Fajardo, Planning and Design Handbook.

Fig. 91 Parking Considerations for Commercial Establishments

Fig. 92 Vehicular Circulation and Parking Bay Slots Sample Layout and Dimensions

Fig. 93 Different Parking Layout Plans with Dimensions and Circular Ramp

Illustrations from the Planning and Design Handbook of Max Fajardo showing

necessary illustrations and measurements as per the planning of layout of parking

spaces as well as the circulation pathways for the vehicles ensuring smooth traffic

flow inside and outside the parking building structure.

Fig. 94 Sample Dining Layout for Commercial Establishments

Fig. 95 Counter and Bar Seats Clearances

The two figures above shows standards of a commercial establishment’s

dining area illustrating basic layouts of seating and tables in a space, necessary

spacing in between these as well as the clearances between counters and bars to

ensure comfort of users without causing obstruction or any hinder to the environment

it belongs to and affect the service being administered within the space/area.



1. Classification of building by use of occupancy

1.1.3 Category III – Educational and Industrial – This shall comprise partly

Group C, D, E, and H Buildings


5.1 Group C

5.1.1 Educational institutions (schools, colleges, universities,

vocational schools, seminaries and novitiates), including school

auditoriums, gymnasia, reviewing stands, little theaters and concert

halls. Barrier-free facilities and features required in: A, B, C, D, E, G,

H, J, K, L, M, N, and O.

5.1.2 Libraries, museums, exhibition halls and art galleries


7.1 Seating Capacity : Wheelchair Seating Space

- 4 – 50 : 2

- 51 – 300 : 4

- 301 - 500 : 6

7.1.1 Auditoriums, assembly halls, theaters, and related facilities:

a) Seating for the disabled shall be accessible from the main

lobby to primary entrances, together with related toilet


b) In all assembly places where seating accommodation is

provided, there shall be spaces for the disabled persons as


c) When the seating capacity exceeds 500 an additional

wheelchair seating space shall be provided for each total

seating capacity increase of 100 seats

d) Readily removable seats may be installed in these spaces

when such spaces are not required to accommodate wheelchair


In the computation for the allocation of accessible unit


In the computation for the allocation of accessible units and seating capacity

decimal greater than 0.5 shall be considered as one unit. In all cases a

minimum of one (1) accessible unit shall be provided.


9.1 Graphic signs shall be bold and conspicuously installed in every access

from point of entry to connecting destination.

9.2 Walkways shall be provided with adequate passageways in accordance

with the provision.

9.3 Width of corridors and circulation system integrating both and vertical

access to ingress/egress level of the building shall be provided.

9.4 Doors and entrances provided herein used as entry points at entrance

lobbies as local points of congregation shall be designed to open easily or

accessible from floor to floor or to any point of destination.

9.5 Washrooms and toilets shall be accessible and provided with adequate

turning space.

9.6 Whenever an elevator/s is required it should meet the requirements


9.7 Ramps shall be provided as means of access to level of change going to

entry points and entrances, lobbies influenced by condition of location or use.

9.8 Parking areas shall be provided with sufficient space for the disabled

persons to allow easy transfer from carpark to ingress/egress levels.

9.9 Height above the floor of switches and controls shall be in accordance with

the provisions.

9.10 Handrails shall be provided at both sides of ramps.

9.11 Floors provided for every route of the wheelchair shall be made of

non-skid material.

9.12 Water fountains shall be installed as required.




A. Outside and Around Buildings

3. Walkways and Passageways

3.1 Walkways should be kept as level as possible and

provided with slip resistant material.

3.2 Whenever and wherever possible, walkways should

have a gradient no more than 1:20 or 5%.

3.3 Walkways should have a maximum cross gradient

of 1:100.

3.4 Walkways should have a minimum width of 11:20


3.5 If possible, gratings should never be located along

walkways. When occurring along walkways, grating

openings should have a maximum dimension of 13 mm

x 13 mm and shall not project more than 6.5 mm above

the level of the walkway.

3.6 Walkways should have a continuous surface without

abrupt pitches in angle or interruptions by cracks or

breaks creating edges above 6.50 mm.

3.7 In lengthy or busy walkways, spaces should be

provided at some point along the route so that a

wheelchair may pass another or turn around. These

spaces should have a minimum dimension of 1.50 m

and should be spaced at a maximum distance of 12:00

m between stops.

3.8 To guide the blind, walkways should as much as

possible follow straightforward routes with right angle


3.10 Walkway headroom should not be less than 2.0m

and preferably higher.3.11 Passageways for the disabled

should not be obstructed.by street furniture, bollards,

sign posts or columns along the defined route, as they

can be hazardous.

4. Handrails

4.1 Handrails should be installed at both sides of ramps

and stairs and at the outer edges of dropped curbs.

Handrails at dropped curbs should not be installed

beyond the width of any crossing so as not to obstruct

pedestrian flow.

4.2 Handrails shall be installed at 0.90 m and 0.70 m

above steps or ramps. Handrails for protection at great

heights may be installed at 1.0 m to 1.06 m.

4.3 A 0.30 m long extension of the handrail should be

provided at the start and end of ramps and stairs.

4.4 Handrails that require full grip should have a

dimension of 30 mm to 50 mm.

4.5 Handrails attached to walls should have a clearance

no less than 50 mm from the wall. Handrails on ledges

should have a clearance not less than 40 mm.

5. Open Spaces

5.1 Where open spaces are provided, the blind can

become particularly disoriented. Therefore, it is

extremely helpful if any walkway or paths can be given

defined edges either by the use of planters with dwarf

walls, or a grass verge, or similar, which provides a

texture different from the path.

6. Signages

6.1 Directional and informational sign should be located

at points conveniently seen even by a person on a

wheelchair and those with visual impairments;

6.2 Signs should be kept simple and easy to understand;

signages should be made of contrasting colors and

contrasting gray matter to make detection and reading


6.3 The international symbol for access should be used

to designate routes and facilities that are accessible;

6.4 Should a sign protrude into a walkway or route, a

minimum headroom of 2.0 meters should be provided;

6.5 Signs on walls and doors should be located at a

maximum height of 1.60 M. and a minimum height of

1.40 meters. For signage on washroom doors, see C.

Section 8.6.

6.6 Signages labelling public rooms and places should

have raised symbols, letters or numbers with minimum

height of 1 mm; braille symbols should be included in

signs indicating public places and safety routes;

6.7 Text on sign boards shall be of a dimension that

people with less than normal visual acuity can read at a

certain distance.

7. Crossings

7.3 Provide tactile blocks in the immediate vicinity of

crossings as an aid to the blind. The tactile surface has

to be sufficiently high enough to be felt through the sole

of the shoe but low enough not to cause pedestrians to

trip, or to affect the mobility of wheelchair users. See

details of recommended pairing slabs below.

Note: Tactile strips formed from brushed or grooved concrete

finishes have not been proven successful as they do not provide

sufficient distinction from the normal footway surface and

therefore should not be used.

B. Parking

1. Parking Areas

1.1 Parking spaces for the disabled should allow enough

space for a person to transfer to a wheelchair from a


1.2 Accessible parking spaces should be located as

close as possible to building entrances or to accessible


1.3 Whenever and wherever possible, accessible

parking spaces should be perpendicular or to an angle to

the road or circulation aisles;

1.4 Accessible parking slots should have a minimum

width of 3.70 m.;

1.5 A walkway from accessible spaces of 1.20 m. clear

width shall be provided between the front ends of

parked cars;

1.6 Provide dropped curbs or curb cut-outs to the

parking level where access walkways are raised;

1.7 Pavement markings, signs or other means shall be

provided to delineate parking spaces for the

handicapped; 1.8 Parking spaces for the disabled should

never be located at ramped or sloping areas;

C. Inside Buildings and Structures

1. Entrances

1.1 Entrances should be accessible from arrival and

departure points to the interior lobby;

1.2 One (1) entrance level should be provided where

elevators are accessible;

1.3 In case entrances are not on the same level of the

site arrival grade, ramps should be provided as access to

the entrance level;

1.4 Entrances with vestibules shall be provided a level

area with at least a 1.80 m. depth and a 1.50 m. width;

2. Ramps

2.1 Changes in level require a ramp except when served

by a dropped curb, an elevator or other mechanical


2.2 Ramps shall have a minimum clear width of 1.20 m;

2.3 The maximum gradient shall be 1:12;

2.4 The length of a ramp should not exceed 6:00 m. if

the gradient is 1:12; longer ramps whose gradient is

1:12 shall be provided with landings not less than 1.50


2.5 A level area not less than 1.80 m. should be

provided at the top and bottom of any ramp;

2.6 Handrails will be provided on both sides of the ramp

at 0.70 m. and 0.90 m. from the ramp level;

2.7 Ramps shall be equipped with curbs on both sides

with a minimum height of 0.10 m.;

2.8 Any ramp with a rise greater than 0.20 m. and leads

down towards an area where vehicular traffic is

possible, should have a railing across the full width of

its lower end, not less than 1.80 meters from the foot of

the ramp;

3. Doors

3.1 All doors shall have a minimum clear width of 0.80


3.2 Clear openings shall be measured between the

surface of the fully open door at the hinge and the door

jamb at the stop;

3.3 Doors should be operable by a pressure or force not

more than 4.0 kg; the closing device pressure an interior

door shall not exceed 1 kg.;

3.4 A minimum clear level space of 1.50 m x 1.50 m

shall be provided before and extending beyond a door;

EXCEPTION: where a door shall open onto but not into

a corridor, the required clear, level space on the corridor

side of the door may be a minimum of 1.20 m. corridor


3.5 Protection should be provided from doors that swing

into corridors;

3.6 Outswinging doors should be provided at storage

rooms, closets and accessible restroom stalls;

3.7 Latching or non-latching hardware should not

require wrist action or fine finger manipulation;

3.8 Doorknobs and other hardware should be located

between 0.82 m. and 1.06 m. above the floor; 0.90 is


3.9 Vertical pull handles, centered at 1.06 m. above the

floor, are preferred to horizontal pull bars for swing

doors or doors with locking devices; 3.10 Doors along

major circulation routes should be provided with kick

plates made of durable materials at a height of 0.30 m.

to 0.40 m;

4. Thresholds

4.1 Thresholds shall be kept to a minimum; whenever

necessary, thresholds and sliding door tracks shall have

a maximum height of 25mm and preferably ramped;

5. Switches

5.1 Manual switches shall be positioned within 1.20m

to 1.30m above the floor;

5.2 Manual switches should be located no further than

020 from the latch side of the door.

7. Corridors

7.1 Corridors shall have minimum clear width of 1.20

m.; waiting areas and other facilities or spaces shall not

obstruct the minimum clearance requirement;

7.2 Recesses or turnabout spaces should be provided for

wheelchairs to turn around or to enable another

wheelchair to pass; these spaces shall have a minimum

area of 1.50 m x 1.50 m. and shall be spaced at a

maximum of 12.00 m.;

7.3 Turnabout spaces should also be provided at or

within 3.50 m. of every dead end;

7.4 As in walkways, corridors should be maintained

level and provided with a slip resistant surface;

8. Washrooms and Toilets

8.1 Accessible public washrooms and toilets shall

permit easy passage of a wheelchair and allow the

occupant to enter a stall, close the door and transfer to

the water closet from either a frontal or lateral position;

8.2 Accessible water closet stalls shall have a minimum

area of 1.70 x 1.80 mts. One movable grab bar and one

fixed to the adjacent wall shall be installed at the

accessible water closet stall for lateral mounting; fixed

grab bars on both sides of the wall shall be installed for

stalls for frontal mounting;

8.3 A turning space of 2.25 sq.m. with a minimum

dimension of 1.50 m. for wheelchair shall be provided

for water closet stalls for lateral mounting;

8.4 All accessible public toilets shall have accessories

such as mirrors, paper dispensers, towel racks and

fittings such as faucets mounted at heights reachable by

a person in a wheelchair;

8.5 The minimum number of accessible water closets on

each floor level or on that part of a floor level accessible

to the disabled shall be one (1) where the total number

of water closets per set on that level is 20; and two (2)

where the number of water closets exceed 20;

8.6 In order to aid visually impaired persons to readily

determine whether a washroom is for men or for

women, the signage for men's washroom door shall be

an equilateral triangle with a vertex pointing upward,

and those for women shall be a circle; the edges of the

triangle should be 0.30 m long as should be the

diameter of the circle; these signages should at least be

7.5 mm thick; the color and gray value of the doors; the

words "men" and "women" or the appropriate stick

figures should still appear on the washroom doors for

the convenience of the fully sighted; Note: the totally

blind could touch the edge of the signs and easily

determine whether it is straight or curved;

8.7 The maximum height of water closets should be

0.45 m.; flush control should have a maximum height of

1.20 mts.

8.8 Maximum height of lavatories should be 0.80 m.

with a knee recess of 0.60 - 0.70 M. vertical clearance

and a 0.50 m. depth.

8.9 Urinals should have an elongated lip or through

type; the maximum height of the lip should be 0.48 m.

9. Stairs

9.1 Tread surfaces should be a slip-resistant material;

nosings may be provided with slip-resistant strips to

further minimize slipping:

9.2 Slanted nosings are preferred to projecting nosings

so as not to pose difficulty for people using crutches or

braces whose feet have a tendency to get caught in the

recessed space or projecting nosings. For the same

reason, open stringers should be avoided.

9.3 The leading edge of each step on both runner and

riser should be marked with a paint or non-skid material

that has a color and gray value which is in high contrast

to the gray value of the rest of the stairs; markings of

this sort would be helpful to the visually impaired as

well as to the fully sighted person;

9.4 A tactile strip 0.30 m. wide shall be installed before

hazardous areas such as sudden changes in floor levels

and at the top and bottom of stairs; special care must be

taken to ensure the proper mounting or adhesion of

tactile strips so as not to cause accidents;

10. Elevators

10.1 Accessible elevators should be located not more

than 30.00 m. from the entrance and should be easy to

locate with the aid of signs;

10.2 Accessible elevators shall have a minimum

dimension of 1.10 m. x 1.40m.;

10.3 Control panels and emergency system of accessible

elevators shall be within reach of a seated person;

centerline heights for the topmost buttons shall be

between 0.90 m to 1.20 m from the floor;

10.4 Button controls shall be provided with braille signs

to indicate floor level; at each floor, at the door frames

of elevator doors, braille-type signs shall be placed so

that blind persons can be able to discern what floor the

elevator car has stopped and from what level they are

embarking from; for installation heights;

10.5 Button sizes at elevator control panels shall have a

minimum diameter of 20 mm and should have a

maximum depression depth of 1 mm;

D. Safety

4. Location of Emergency Exit

4.1 Wall mounted or free standing tablets with an

embossed plan configuration of the building which also

shows the location of the lobby, washrooms and

emergency exits of the building (indicated by different

textures with corresponding meanings) should be

provided either in front of the building or at the main

lobby. The markings of this tablet should be readable by

both the fully sighted and the blind persons.4.2 Flashing

light directional signs indicating the location(s) of fire

exit shall be provided at every change in direction with

sufficient power provided in accordance with the

provisions for emergency lighting under Section 3.410

of P.D. NO. 1185 (The Fire Code of the Philippines)

5.2.5 Green Building Code of the Philippines


· Operable windows or balcony doors shall have an opening equal to at least 10%

of the FA of regularly occupied spaces.

Enthalpy Recovery of Exhaust Air

· Buildings using centralized air supply systems shall use enthalpy recovery

wheels with at least 60% of 90% exhaust air.

Rainwater Harvesting

· Storage tanks shall be calculated by dividing footprint area by 75.

Open Space Utilization

· Minimum of 50 %of the USA shall be vegetated with indigenous and adaptable


Chapter 6

The project aims to maximize parking spaces without hindering the minimum
standards and parameters of a car park design, from standard car dimensions, to turning
radius of cars, inclination of ramps, and sufficient headroom for vehicles, and the like.

Moreover, commercial spaces are utilized for the ground floor of the project, taking
note of its standard design parameters, along with proper ingress and egress all throughout
the building, axillary and support spaces, security measures, and the like.

Furthermore, roof deck spaces, the interconnecting bridges, utility rooms, and the like
must also be considered.

Fig. 96. Artists’ Computation and Notes on Space Planning and Allocation

The figure above includes proper area ratio, computed number of parking slots,

headroom clearance for slope of ramps, etc.

Chapter 7

Fig. 97. Artists’ Initial Concept Development

The image above shows an initial concept for the multilevel carpark. The design will

feature a wide access way for both pedestrian and vehicular traffic. With that said, this will

allow ease of access and will minimize its effects on the existing traffic found in the

immediate vicinity. Moreover, stairways and ramps are also provided in order to allow quick

access to multiple levels of the car park. Additionally, the roof deck will feature an open

space with food stalls and other commercial areas which will allow it to be used by people as

well. Subsequently, green walls are also provided to improve the ventilation while still

providing protection for the users and vehicles inside. Not to mention, the main supports will

be finished with a bamboo design in order to add to stability and aesthetic. Furthermore, the

bamboo and the green wall will allow the car park to have an enticing and interesting facade

even if the purpose is plain and monotonous. Thus, the design will use the entire lot in order

to maximize the space as well as fit the required amount of parking within a small area.


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