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Strength measures bodily power and athletic training. Easy would be climbing, treading or jumping a but more than you normally would, hard would be catching a rope and swimming in rapids.
Dexterity measures agility, reflexes and balance. Easy would be walking across an icy surface, hard would be crossing a wildly swaying bridge.
Constitution measures health, stamina and vital force. Is tested when under difficult environmental stimuli or pushing ones self over great distances.
Intelligence is a measure of mental acuity and recall. Easy would be widely known information, hard would be information known only to a privileged few.
Wisdom measures perceptiveness, intuitions and attunement. Easy would be to spot a landmark, hard would be to spot a well hidden feature.
Charisma measures force of personality, magnetism and influence. Easy would be calming a distraught person, hard would be convince a chamberlain to let you see the king.

Acrobatics (Dexterity)
Acrobatics is a skill used when trying to maintain balance or general nimbleness. Examples include walking across a thin or rickety bridge, running along a slippery surface, or moving out of the
way of a projectile. It can also be used to break free of a grapple.

Animal Handling (Wisdom)

When dealing with animals, Animal Handling is called upon to determine how well that goes. Situations that might call for it range from calming a spooked horse or agitated wild animal, or
petting a creature you find. It may also be used when trying to figure out an animal's intentions and instincts.

Arcana (Intelligence)
Arcana is used for recalling magical lore. This can include but is not limited to deciphering spells or summoning circles, determining magic items, knowing the planes of existence and its
inhabitants, reading eldritch symbols, and remembering or understanding magic rites or rituals.

Athletics (Strength)
Athletics checks are used when determining feats of endurance, usually when difficulty is encountered while climbing, jumping, or swimming. Examples include trying to scale a steep or
slippery cliff, trying to make an unusually long jump, and resisting the pull of tides or monsters while swimming. It's also used when grappling a creature or to break free of a grapple.

Deception (Charisma)
Deception is used when lying. This can be verbally or not. If you're attempting to convince others of something untrue, Deception is called for. Using disguises, hiding the truth of situations,
conning someone, and other situations of ambiguous truth all use Deception.

History (Intelligence)
Much like the name suggests, History is used when recalling lore of the past. This can include wars big or small, legendary people, ancient kingdoms or lost civilizations, and miscellaneous
historical events. It's also occasionally used when the name of an obscure land is brought up and determining if anyone knows of it.
Insight (Wisdom)
Insight is a famous and frequently used skill. Primarily, it's used to determine if someone is being truthful or not. It can also be used to glean how suspicious someone may be, if they're hiding
something even if not lying, and any other situation which calls for studying a creature's behaviors and what can be learned from it.

Intimidation (Charisma)
When trying to scare someone through threats, Intimidation is used. This can be through words alone, threatening to do something violent; or pulling out a dagger in a silent show. Intimidation
can be applied to multiple situations, such as trying to get information out of a prisoner, convincing someone to reconsider their decisions, or showing off your lack of tolerance for nonsense.
Investigation (Intelligence)
Not to be confused with Perception, Investigation determines what you're able to deduce about your surroundings or what you're studying. You might be able to figure out what weapon killed
someone, locations of hidden doors or objects, weak points in structure, or the important bit of knowledge in a large book of text.

Medicine (Wisdom)
Medicine checks are mostly used to stabilize a dying creature. The DC to do so is 10. It can also be used to diagnose illnesses and occasionally used when determining how something died.

Nature (Intelligence)
Nature checks are used when remembering lore about nature. This includes terrain, plants and which might be safe to eat, animals and their behaviors, the weather, and natural cycles.

Perception (Wisdom)
Perception is used to determine how much a character notices of their surroundings. This can be intentional or not. It relies on basic senses rather than contemplative thought or deductions.
Situations that might call for perception include standing guard, eavesdropping, and detecting hidden creatures or subtle sights.

Performance (Charisma)
Performance checks are entertaining audiences. This can range from playing music to telling stories. It determines how well a character can exaggerate to impress others.

Persuasion (Charisma)
Persuasion is used when trying to convince others your way. It is distinct from Deception and Intimidation because it's not through lies or threats, but convincing arguments, tact, social graces,
and good nature. It's used when acting in good, honest faith. Situations that call for persuasion include convincing guards, settling disputes or inspiring crowds into action.

Religion (Intelligence)
Religion is used when remembering religious lore, such as deities of your pantheon or not, rites and prayers, holy symbols, religious hierarchies and organizations, and even the practices of cults.

Sleight of Hand (Dexterity)

Commonly associated with thievery, Sleight of Hand is used in situations that requires careful hand work. While attempting to pickpocket someone does require it, other examples include hiding
an object on your person or planting something on someone else. It may also be called upon when doing activities that require fine movements, such as carving.

Stealth (Dexterity)
Stealth checks are among the most common. They are used to determine how sneaky a character is being. Situations that use Stealth include slipping past guards, escaping situations unnoticed,
hiding from enemies, or sneaking up on someone for a surprise.

Survival (Wisdom)
Survival is a skill used for dealing with the wilds. Situations that can call for Survival include tracking footprints, foraging for food or water, navigating wilderness, identifying signs of creatures
nearby or living in the area, predicting the weather, and avoiding hazards such as pits or quicksand.
Random Encounters:
Encounter Table (Roll D6):
1 = Hostile encounter (roll on the table below) | 2-5 = Fellow travelers on the road (roll on the table below). | 6 = An unusual natural feature or unexpected adventure site

Hostile Encounters:
1 = A group of 1D6 bandits, lying concealed in wait to waylay travelers on the road.
2 = A wagon train of 2D6 Dwarves who are hostile to Non-Dwarves (seeming merely irritable to their own kind), they have little interest in talking because they are carrying the body
of a slain hero home. Attempts to delay or question them will be met with hostility and possibly an attack.
3 = A group of 1D6 thieves who poses as traders or bards to befriend the PCs but–given a chance–they will incapacitate and rob them, leaving them lying by the roadside.
4 = A group of 2D6 goblins who are starving, they are looking to scavenge from a local settlement, but are not above attacking an enemy they believe that they can defeat.
5 = A great beast that has been rampaging through the local area, menacing villages and causing a hazard to travel. The beast is a huge/dire version of a normal animal as
appropriate for the terrain type, how the animal got so big and why it is taking out it's aggression on the locals is up to the GM.
6 = A hostile group of 2D6 Elves who claim guardianship of a nearby natural feature, they take a dim view of outsiders, viewing them as despoilers and corruptors of nature.
7 = A group of 2D6 evil humanoids who are on a mission for their dark master, if the PCs defeat them then they will gain XP and random loot as normal.
8 = A small pack of 1D6+2 dogs that escaped from their homes and have gone feral.
9 = A huge troll that makes it's lair under a local bridge, it charges all those who pass 1D6 gold pieces as a toll, attacking those who refuse.
10 = A mob of torch-wielding people from a local settlement chasing a monster or criminal with the intent of burning them alive for some crime real or imagined.
11 = A brutish, inbred Ogre who is part of a tribe inhabiting the hills or mountains nearby, previously they have herded goats and caused little trouble, but a strange blight has killed
their herds and now they take to raiding the nearby lowland settlements for food and other items.
12 = A group of 2D6 orcs lurking in nearby hills or forest, they are preparing to attack a nearby settlement once the sun goes down.

Fellow Travelers:
1 = A troupe of wandering bards traveling the land performing plays and looking for stories and legends to add to their repertoire. If the PCs make friendly contact with them there
is a 50% chance that the troupe will have heard a legend about any noteworthy beast or location nearby (as determined by the GM).
2 = A woodsman returning from a nearby forest to his home in a local village, there is a 2-in-6 chance that he can point the players in the direction of healing herbs or some such.
3 = A small group of dodgy, scruffy looking geezers pushing a barely working wheelbarrow piled with various flimsy goods and items. There is a 50% chance that the PCs will find
any basic equipment they want if they search the cart and they will get it half-price. 50% chance the first time that the item is used that it breaks due to poor construction.
4 = A small group of children fishing in a creek, they have caught 1D4 rations worth of fish that they maybe willing to share with the PCs if befriended.
5 = A group of merchants that have been beset by hostile forces (Roll on Table 2 to determine the nature of the hostile forces) whilst moving along a local trade route, when they meet
the PCs they are fleeing with their enemies close behind them. If the PCs help the merchants then they will receive a 25% discount on any wares that they purchase from them,
6 = A young couple from a nearby village engaged in a secret romance, if approached by the PCs they are embarrassed and worried about what their parents will say. In return for
the PCs silence they will be able to give them the low-down on important NPCs in their home village.
7 = A wealthy trade caravan of merchants and exotic spice dealers with an entourage of guards and mercenaries to protect them. There is a 4-in-6 chance that the caravan will have
any basic equipment that the PC requests, and a 2-in-6 chance that the caravan has an exotic items they request, however any exotic items will cost 25% more.
8 = A farmer returning from his fields with a barrow full of fresh produce (1D6 rations worth), if the PCs are friendly then he may be willing to barter items for his produce.
9 = A local farmer is taking their sheep, goats or cows (equal chance of either) to a nearby market, they are accompanied by 1D6 young girls and boys who help them manage the
herd. The farmer will not be interested in selling his animals–since he knows he'll get a better price at market–but can supply the PCs with all the rumors from nearby villages.
10 = A group of local children mock-fighting with sticks, old pans and bits of bark as make-shift Armour. If the PCs are friendly they'll point them in the direction of the village.
11 = A group of 1D6 woodsmen and rangers who are on the trail of some sort of dangerous beast that has been menacing the nearby settlements. Some of their number were killed in
a recent encounter with the beast, they will happily share any rewards and glory with PCs who help them bring the monster down.
12 = A noble caravan stuck in the mud and one of it's wheels has broken. If the PCs are able to repair the wagon or escort to their destination they will reward 2D6x10 gold pieces.
Unusual natural feature or unexpected adventure:
1 = A huge cairn of stones carved with strange symbols rises from the nearby landscape, it is either a marker or the burial place of some forgotten hero (equal chance of each).
2 = A hut and field full of produce, however the cabin seems to have been abandoned and all possessions taken. PCs may take a total of 2D6 days worth of rations from the field.
3 = A single mighty tree rises from the ground, it is many hundreds of years old and has millennia of carvings covering its trunk. Some carvings may have local history or lore.
4 = Large worn slabs of stone bearing faint markings attest to this area having once been used as a graveyard, however it is long abandoned and extremely overgrown.
5 = The remains of what was once a village cover this area, it seems as though it burnt down some time ago, although there may still be the odd item (or danger) midst the ruins.
6 = A mighty Oak whose trunk appears to have the pattern of a face visible in the lines and cracks of it's bark. Local legend says that when the land was once covered by a huge
forest and great creatures moved across the land caring for the trees. With the coming of man they slept, but are best avoided lest they wake and be roused to furious anger.
7 = A crooked stone tower rises into the sky, the barely-visible roof is missing a number of tiles, their smashed remnants litter the ground around it. The tower belongs to a hermit.
8 = Pillars of rock rising from the ground, years ago primitive people carved homes in these huge pillars before some event caused them to abandon their rocky homes.
9 = The remnants of what must have been an expensive cart lie just off the road here, there are 1D6 skeletons and the long-dead bodies of the horses scattered nearby. Examination
of the cart results in finding 1D6 gold pieces and a miscellaneous lesser piece of equipment, along with clues that the cart was ambushed and the occupants murdered by bandits.
10 = A tree with nooses hanging from the branches, local settlements use it to execute criminals, the place has an evil reputation and is avoided when not in use.
11 = A great stone circle was been built here, either as a solar calendar or means of communing with the gods. Locals either revere the place or whisper of it as haunted and avoid it.
12 = A rock formation that vaguely resembles a huge, sleeping humanoid. Villagers say that it is a giant who menaced these parts before forced into an eternal slumber by a Sorcerer.

Generic Monsters (Can roll D12 to determine)

1 = (Swarm) Rats – Ravenous swarm of tiny rodents circling your feet and running up your legs, piercing nipples and thousands of tiny cuts
AC: 10 | HP: 24 | Speed: 30 | XP: 50 | +2 To Hit | 1 Target 0 Ft | 2D6 Piercing Damage | STR: 9 | DEX: 11 | CON: 9 | INT: 2 | WIS: 10 | CHA: 3
Swam: Can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, can move through any opening large enough for a rat, can't regain hit points or gain temporary hit points. Swarm Bites:
Once HP is half or less attacks weaken to only 1D6 piercing damage.

2 = Bandit – Shaggy predator of the roads with no goal other than looting you dead or alive. Wearing leather Armour.
AC: 12 | HP: 11 | Speed: 30 | XP: 25 | +3 To Hit | 1 Target 5 Ft | 1D6 + 1 Slashing Damage | STR: 11 | DEX: 12 | CON: 12 | INT: 10 | WIS: 10 | CHA: 10
Light Crossbow: Ranged attack +3 To Hit, range 80-320 Ft, 1 Target. Hit: 1D8 + 1 Piercing Damage

3 = Boar – Wild tusked pig, large hunk of meat and rippling surfaces of fat. A beast with incredible force.
AC: 11 | HP: 11 | Speed: 40 | XP: 50 | +3 To Hit | 1 Target 5 ft | 1D6 + 1 Slashing Damage | STR: 13 | DEX: 11 | CON: 12 | INT: 2 | WIS: 9 | CHA: 5
Charge: Moves at least 20 ft. straight toward target and hits with a tusk attack on the same turn, target takes a extra 1D6 of slashing damage and must succeed a DC 11 Strength
saving throw or be knocked prone. Relentless: When the boar takes 7 damage or less that would reduce it to 0 hit points, it is reduced to 1 hit point instead.

4 = Bullywug – Lean and flexible frog man with spear and simple cloth coverings.
AC: 15 | HP: 11 | Speed: 20 | XP: 50 | +3 To Hit | 1 Target 5 Ft | 1D6 + 1 Piercing Damage | STR: 12 | DEX: 12 | CON: 13 | INT: 7 | WIS: 10 | CHA: 7
Multi-attack: Make two melee attacks: one with its bite and one with its spear. Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1D4 + 1 bludgeoning damage.

5 = Dog – 70kg waist high dog with hunting/tracking experience typically following orders of a master
AC: 12 | HP: 5 | Speed: 40 | XP: 25 | +3 To Hit | 1 Target 5 Ft | 1D6 + 1 Piercing Damage | STR: 13 | DEX: 14 | CON: 12 | INT: 3 | WIS: 12 | CHA: 7
Bite: After successful attack, target must succeed a DC 11 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone

6 = Giant Crab – Hundred year old giant crab with a towering shell and mighty pincers, the pincer may not cut through armor but can easily lift a man.
AC: 15 | HP: 13 | Speed: 30 | XP: 25 | +3 To Hit | 1 Target 5 Ft | 1D6 + 1 Bludgeoning Damage | STR: 13 | DEX: 15 | CON: 11 | INT: 1 | WIS: 9 | CHA: 3
Grapple: After successful claw attack, target rolls DC 11 Strength saving throw or be grappled. The crab has two claws each of which can grapple one target.
7 = Giant Wolf Spider – Fiendishly large arachnid predators who roam the surface with a taste for meat
AC: 13 | HP: 11 | Speed: 40 | XP: 50 | +3 To Hit | 1 Target 5 Ft | 1D6 + 1 Piercing Damage | STR: 12 | DEX: 16 | CON: 13 | INT: 3 | WIS: 12 | CHA: 4
Poison: After successful bite, target takes 2D6 poison damage. Target makes a DC 12 Constitution save to reduce damage by half. Target is paralyzed for 1 hour if dropped to 0 HP.

8 = Goblin – Fierce, ugly green men standing a meter tall with zealous fighting styles and a pack mentality
AC: 15 | HP: 7 | Speed: 30 | XP: 50 | +4 To Hit | 1 Target 5 Ft | 1D6 + 2 Slashing Damage | STR: 8 | DEX: 14 | CON: 10 | INT: 10 | WIS: 8 | CHA: 8
Nimble: Goblin can disengage or hide as a bonus action each turn. Short-bow: Ranged attack +4 to hit, range 80-320 Ft, 1 Target. Hit: 1D6 + 2 Piercing Damage.

9 = Guard/Mercenary – A relatively well trained warrior with as a shield and chain mail
AC: 16 | HP: 11 | Speed: 30 | XP: 25 | +3 To Hit | 1 Target 5 Ft | 1D6 + 1 Piercing Damage | STR: 13 | DEX: 12 | CON: 12 | INT: 10 | WIS: 10 | CHA: 10
Versatility: If no longer holding shield lose 2 AC and 2 hand spear increasing damage to 1D8 + 1. Can throw spear +3 to hit, range: 20-60 Ft, 1 target. Hit: 1D6 + 1 Piercing Damage.

10 = Skeleton – Bone man with a short-sword wearing armor scraps

AC: 13 | HP: 13 | Speed: 30 | XP: 50 | +4 To Hit | 1 Target 5 Ft | 1D6 + 2 Piercing Damage | STR: 10 | DEX: 14 | CON: 15 | INT: 6 | WIS: 8 | CHA: 5
Short-bow: Ranged attack +4 to hit, range 80-320 Ft, 1 Target. Hit: 1D6 + 2 Piercing Damage.

11 = Wolf – A tremendous hound with glowing eyes and a vicious snarl, work in packs and overpower prey before going for the throat.
AC: 13 | HP: 11 | Speed: 40 | XP: 50 | +4 To Hit | 1 Target 5 Ft | 2D4 + 2 Piercing Damage | STR: 12 | DEX: 15 | CON: 12 | INT: 3 | WIS: 12 | CHA: 6
Gnaw: After successful attack, target must pass a DC 11 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. Pack Tactics: Wolf has advantage on attack rolls against targets if at least one
of the wolf's allies is within 5 ft. of the target and the ally isn't incapacitated.

12 = Zombie – The reanimated corpse of a deceased humanoid, rotting flesh falls and a complete lack of self preservation make its attacks devastating.
AC: 8 | HP: 22 | Speed: 20 | XP: 50 | +3 To Hit | 1 Target 5 Ft | 1D6 + 1 Bludgeoning Damage | STR: 13 | DEX: 6 | CON: 16 | INT: 3 | WIS: 6 | CHA: 5
Undead Fortitude: If reduced to 0 HP, make a constitution saving throw of 5 + damage taken (unless the damage was radiant or a critical). On a success, drop to 1 HP instead.
Simple Melee Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Trait
Club 1 SP 1D4 Bludgeoning 2 Lb. Light
Dagger 2 GP 1D4 Piercing 1 Lb. Finesse, Light, Thrown (20-60)
Greatclub 2 SP 1D8 Bludgeoning 10 Lb. Two Handed
Handaxe 5 GP 1D6 Slashing 2 Lb. Light, Thrown (20-60)
Javelin 5 GP 1D6 Piercing 2 Lb. Thrown (30-120)
Light Hammer 2 GP 1D4 Bludgeoning 2 Lb. Light, Thrown (20-60)
Mace 5 GP 1D6 Bludgeoning 4 Lb. None
Quarterstaff 2 SP 1D6 Bludgeoning 4 Lb. Versatile (1D8)
Sickle 1 GP 1D4 Slashing 2 Lb. Light
Spear 1 GP 1D6 Piercing 3 Lb. Thrown (20-60) Versatile (1D8)
Martial Melee Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Trait
Battleaxe 10 GP 1d8 Slashing 4 Lb. Versatile 1(D10)
Flail 10 GP 1d8 bludgeoning 2lb None
Glaive 20 GP 1d10 slashing 6 lb. Heavy, reach, two-handed
Greatsword 50 GP 2d6 slashing 6 lb. Heavy, two-handed
Halberd 20 gp 1d10 slashing 6 lb. Heavy, reach, two-handed
Lance 10 gp 1d12 piercing 6 lb. Reach, special
Longsword 15 GP 1d8 Slashing 3 Lb. Versatile (1d10)
Maul 10 GP 2d6 Bludgeoning 10 Lb. Heavy, Two-Handed
Morningstar 15 GP 1d8 Piercing 4 Lb. None
Pike 5 GP 1d10 Piercing 18 Lb. Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed
Rapier 25 GP 1d8 Piercing 2 Lb. Finesse
Scimitar 25 GP 1d6 Slashing 3 Lb. Finesse, Light
Shortsword 10 GP 1d6 Piercing 2 Lb. Finesse, Light
Trident 5 GP 1d6 Piercing 4 Lb. Thrown (20-60), Versatile (1d8)
War Pick 5 GP 1d8 Piercing 2 Lb. None
Warhammer 15 GP 1 D8 Bludgeoning 2 Lb. Versatile (1d10)
Warhammer 15 GP 1d8 Bludgeoning 2 Lb. Versatile (1d10)
Whip 2 GP 1d4 Slashing 3 Lb. Finesse, Reach
Simple Ranged Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Trait
Light Crossbow 25 GP 1D8 Piercing 5 Lb. Ammunition, Ranged (80-320), Loading, Two Handed
Dart 5 CP 1D4 Piercing ¼ Lb. Finesse, Thrown (20-60)
Short-bow 25 GP 1D6 Piercing 2 Lb. Ammunition, Ranged (80-320), Two-handed
Sling 1 SP 1D4 Bludgeoning None Ammunition, Ranged (30-120)
Martial Ranged Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Trait
Blowgun 10 GP 1 Piercing 1 Lb. Ammunition, Ranged (25-100), Loading
Hand Crossbow 75 GP 1d6 Piercing 3 Lb. Ammunition, Ranged (30-120), Light, Loading
Heavy Crossbow 50 GP 1d10 Piercing 18 Lb. Ammunition, Ranged (100-400), Heavy, Loading, Two Handed
Longbow 50 GP 1d8 Piercing 2 Lb. Ammunition, Ranged (150-600), Heavy, Two Handed
Net 1 GP None 3 Lb. Special, Thrown, Ranged (5-15)
Light Armour
Armour Cost Armour Class Requirement Stealth Disadvantage Weight
Padded Armour 5 GP 11 + Dexterity Modifier None Yes 8 Lb.
Leather Armour 10 GP 11 + Dexterity Modifier None No 10 Lb
Studded Leather Armour 45 GP 12 + Dexterity Modifier None No 13 Lb.
Medium Armour
Armour Cost Armour Class Requirement Stealth Disadvantage Weight
Hide Armour 10 GP 12 + Dexterity Modifier (Max 2) None No 12 Lb.
Chain Shirt 50 GP 13 + Dexterity Modifier (Max 2) None No 20 Lb.
Scale Mail 50 GP 14 + Dexterity Modifier (max 2) None Yes 45 Lb.
Breastplate 400 GP 14 + Dexterity Modifier (max 2) None No 20 Lb.
Half Plate 750 GP 15 + Dexterity Modifier (Max 2) None Yes 40 Lb.
Heavy Armour
Armour Cost Armour Class Requirement Stealth Disadvantage Weight
Ring Mail 30 GP 14 None Yes 40 Lb.
Chain Mail 75 GP 16 Strength 13 Yes 55 Lb.
Splint Mail 200 GP 17 Strength 15 Yes 60 Lb.
Plate Mail 1,500 GP 18 Strength 15 Yes 65 Lb.
Shield 10 GP 2 None No 6 Lb.
Potions (Can roll D12 to determine)
Potion Gold Value Description Effect
1 = Potion of 100 – 500 Cloudy green fluid that smells like the sea and When drunk, a creature can breathe underwater for 1 hour.
Water Breathing GP has a jellyfish-like bubble.
2 = Potion of 100 – 500 A dark, metallic purple liquid slowly oozes A potion that when drunk, grants a creature resistance to one type of damage for 1 hour. The
Resistance GP throughout the vial. DM chooses the damage type.
3 = Potion of 100 – 500 Looks, smells and tastes like a potion of When drunk, a creature takes 3d6 poison damage and must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution
Poison GP healing: Red liquid that glimmers when saving throw or be poisoned. If poisoned, the creature takes 3d6 poison damage at the start of
agitated. An identify spell will reveal its true each of its turns until the effect is ended. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of
nature. The object must be touched to identify. each of its turns. On a successful save, the damage on each subsequent turn is decreased by 1d6
until it hits0.
4 = Potion of 50 – 100 Red liquid that glimmers when agitated. When drunk, a creature regains 2d4 + 2 HP.
Healing GP
5 = Potion of 100 – 500 Red liquid that glimmers when agitated. When drunk, a creature regains 4d4 + 4 HP.
Greater Healing GP
6 = Potion of 100 – 500 The red in the liquid continuously expands When drunk, a creature gains the “enlarge” effect of the enlarge/reduce spell for 1d4 hours (no
Growth GP from a tiny bead to color the clear liquid concentration required).Enlarge–Size doubles in all dimensions and weight is multiplied by
around it then contracts. Shaking the bottle eight. Increase one size category. Creature has advantage on Strength checks and saving throws
won’t interrupt this process. and weapons deal an extra 1d4 damage.
7 = Potion of Hill 100 – 500 Transparent liquid with the fingernail of a hill When drunk, a creature’s Strength score is increased to 21 for 1 hour.
Giant Strength GP giant.
8 = Potion of Fire 100 – 500 Orange, flickering liquid that emits smoke. When drunk, a creature can use its bonus action to exhale fire at a target within 30 feet. The
Breath GP target must take 4d6 fire damage or succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw to halve the
damage. The effect ends after exhaling fire 3 times, or after 1 hour.
9 = Potion of 50 – 100 Separated into brown, silver and gray layers. When drunk, a creature gains a climbing speed equivalent to its walking speed for 1 hour and
Climbing GP The layers won’t mix when shaken. gains advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks made to climb.
10 = Philter of 100 – 500 Rose colored, effervescent liquid with an easy- The creature that drinks this potion will become charmed by the next creature it sees within 10
Love GP to-miss bubble shaped like a heart. minutes for a duration of 1 hour.
11 = Potion of 100 – 500 Muddy liquid, when agitated bits can be seen When drunk, a creature can perform the animal friendship spell (save DC 13) for 1 hour at will.
Animal GP that look like a fish scale, a hummingbird Animal Friendship–convince a beast that you mean it no harm. The beast must succeed on a
Friendship tongue, a cat claw, or a squirrel hair. Wisdom saving throw or be charmed. Effect fails if the beast’s intelligence is 4 or higher.
12 = Oil of 50 – 100 This sticky black unguent is thick and heavy The oil can cover a Medium or smaller creature, and another vial is required for each size
Slipperiness GP in the container, but it flows quickly when larger. Applying oil takes 10 mins. For 8 hours they're unaffected by terrain, paralysis &
poured. grapple and can spend 5 feet of movement to escape from non-magical restraints. The oil
can also be poured on the ground as an action to cover a 10-foot square for 8 hours and
each creature that moves in it must succeed a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone.

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