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1. Reflect and write about your ideal self and real self. How near or far are you
from ideal self.
There is actually a single attribute I can incorporate to my ideal self, and that is
being able to handle pressure well. Ever since I stepped into High School, pressure
never became a threat to me as I was not afraid of it, but it doesn’t mean that I can
control it well.

Even up ‘till now, I still get lost sometimes whenever pressure is present. Don’t
get me wrong, I understand how it can benefit me and most of the time, it seems that I
am doing great despite of the pressure, but in reality, I lost a lot of opportunities and
chances because of not handling the pressure well. My real self as of now is slowly and
still, trying to get used to pressure with no restraint. I am still far from my goal, but I
believe that progress is still progress.

2. Write your need to do to realize your ideal self.

To put it simply, I need to go with the flow of pressure, and not let it get the best
of me. Don’t get me wrong, I know how it’s beneficial for me, but I just can’t go with it
with no restraint. I need to realize that immersing towards pressure and leaving my
worries, doubts, and anxiety behind will help me to become the ideal self that I imagine
myself to be.
Write a Self-Description Essay.
1. How do you see yourself?

I see myself as someone who keeps on adapting to his environment, with his
goal to become the best version of himself amidst the ever changing challenges and
obstacles that appear before him. Despite being flawed and imperfect, I accept these
“imperfections” as in a stoic sense, there is nothing I can do about them, and I should
carry on what I must do, with or without them. I see myself as someone who values
knowledge and learning the most, as it is deeply ingrained within me that these are
some of the few things that can’t be stolen from you.

2. How do you think others see you?

As an anxious individual, I really think that other people see me as an

overachieving, narcissistic, and workaholic individual. Someone who can carry on
having fun, yet cannot lose grip of his responsibilities; which is a bore for most of the
Gen Z people. Even though these thoughts of them about me seem to be negative for
them, just like what I stated a while ago, I am not worrying that much about it for these
are thoughts that I have no control of. (Stoic)

3. How would you like for others to see you?

If given a chance to cite what others think of me, I would like them to see me as a
man who is trying to be responsible, giving his best to achieve feats never done before,
and a passionate individual in everything that he does. I don’t want them to see me as
respectable or superior, I just want them to see me as a person who keeps on striving.

4. Create your own unique title for your essay.

“The Apostle of Sisyphus”

Just like Sisyphus, who is seen as persistent and determined in modern

philosophy, I wanted to become like him; someone who keeps on trying despite his
failures, someone who strives given the hardships, and someone who is just trying.

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