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TN HADRIANIC GREECE helene was achieved Uouph proces of selection tha rete ‘Murchaling conception of Grek ec Mealy. Acorn os narrow inerpcation, cscs were Grek nly if they Gould declare this inenbership inthe Melee genos ough det descent frum is ginal formative sementhe loans, the Dian, an the Aealane, Came sent, nly esta ald proves Kindo descent could ape ek ‘men in the Panett Coun founded by Haan. Such aes Intrpeaion of Greeks sr me based loo dese seems openly at ‘ds ith views preached by ceran contemporary insets belonging {othe ura of the Second Sophias wha popes stead the oreo det of Grecknos inter of peat an edsetionn Grek clare Paves 80 nih ace sould nevertheless ike wo suggest that Wi ‘he sophie movement hee existed are vail prions concrieg. ‘the question of utenti Greensand, futher tt twa psy nthe eles of Asta sepbist tate rtf Patellenic clog ms) Rive ft ben labor “The epeaphic evidence the Panblenion i wide ranging and of pet Intent Weare erin ofthe date of furation hanks oan spin rom Epa an to father le Were tot unde wa 137, a cmerpes fom a nserpaon recon ico. ‘red a aleaol “Te creat ofthe Publsion basen atid iter to imperil ‘ecveton ofa inepenent inven he arto Greek communi Haan’ erst in Gree iviation i perhaps te most cscs al ‘oF his personality and si shady Suing that many have tbe co san ny Te Uae the projet of founding scouel that would euite the Geek cies wo {persis athe emperor though Ne was assed and perhaps Insite by prominent cen inthe peoaces» A ner of fats pol tomar histo, The mos eal r adecte inno of Hasan sa cee he enn ps bec 1 a 3 ye the Pantene coun the ey Alben ad a subnting s fr "lon ote approval ofthe Roms Senate (ins 11-16) af couse po ile that Hiian presented an supported inthe Senate propos ta triginated wit tbe Greeks abd ts inthis sense ac passage Tom he Se ‘era historian Cash Dio (9.162) has ben nerpee eating How Hadrian "alowed tne Grels to consti his hapa he sie (ke tun othe Panellenioe’” ie sont of the legac sale stv) Bat Its anployent Gf tha ctsesive forma reset he typical Hogs cients ofthe ber breaeracy fear, ein question the pasage rm Cute Dio notte foundation of the eg hl but of he locaton designated forth ner ea which was eof the pin Sip ete of he stan Inadon, stony Spaeth as undeined Ihe dicts hath Aegean iso he emp, physi divided fom tne another and belonging odin! provincial wnt, mou have emu Projet tok seem tobe th ase ta Hain daly convened the ‘Counc at Ale, an tht was ony alle be had secede pai sup partof the Greeks that be proceeded 1 reson personally the pops > Be Senate fort feral spproval? ‘Since the focus of this atte the peculiar conn of Oreck ei iaenity expressed thrugh the Pasklenon i nee) analy ‘ore desl the compost of the coum and the enter of admiesion Foreach fi mambereSticon he bari of the dere from Tyan Sco to have taken pace shor before he Senate gae ts approval~pre mably in 51/2 th ofa foundatio eto he league The t-te tes whose members nthe Teague an be Jocment Yo date othe Basi of enlsiely epigraphic stony are shown onthe map on p23 Some of these cies —otably thos seems ofthese out ihe beatofHstreal aces pray be comiered a uta ooh ‘ton account of heir geoprapcl acl al tt forthe tats a oer ites of the more important colonies among those shold be mute nthe rst place, Aenea Spt, bat 0 ‘gos Covi, Megas, Chae en the Thesalan, Lorian an Besoin munities Frees anssion woul have tested ro 3 comple oveireof selection designed ascertain the paul f the peoes: on of Gresnes advan bythe cites wh petoned ‘tom wha crite wee civic communis ented as Being ale to serve ax coment member ofthe Patellenie lenge? Hf weit ot ‘elves fr now toa comisertion ofthe toa repos fm wih hoes {esa mintind Greece ated cater memes derived thi r= ls, we can observe an rst coincidence with hove pou wo were Fil ven in the Hara period, endowed th voting rghir n the most Presgous of the Publi neulies—ie Dulpic Arphtiony. Tit lune had thoughout is long history, witessed a sere of reforms re ining to he provenance ofits members and te urbe of ots signed to ath region group. T take ut he Ror prod, wl eros tha arte bate of Atom, Octavian, le maiming the ttl ter of avalible waes a fen four, had amined mo fer hn ten of them to Nicol the ey at wae funded onthe se of Amery ar Cleo Pos defeat o cleat hr vcoy (Pass. 1042-3). Furor ntory Iofificaons cn posbly be ted to Neo and Bowstian, wth po [ese Inreare the ttl numer of ster ta he radu a Ncw Poti ineacenTavor of Thesaly wich wa, soteding to Thoydiex {13 the ancestral ral ofthe Heine ad hitonaly he was types is rs, Haan "robb in 125—engneered (ra least plano 1o engine reduction theater of Thessalan ves sr a oa) Imprint increase the weght angned to Attn and Sparta witha the Detpc Amphictiny. The corespandene between Haran and Dep nas insribed onthe othostats of the Temple of Apel andi arta loser {he emperor declared ht head wis oadeans such efor tht the Dupe coun cold become "an asebly for al the Grech Toe ‘uation must have changed ove more Beech the Hani aBe ahd 170the apposite ate ally atiped to the compostion of Pause sas ath Bok, wher he preg informs the compotion of ie Deipic Aphictiony nism dy. Oat oll of thirty votes votes tach were signed lo Tsay to Nicpoli, dt the recessed Macedolats: vo each were signed to Phi to Dep apd tthe Boe tans andthe vemaining six woes were died between the Dora (oF tra the Mets and he Ploponese,fepeseted in tu by Argon. Si "yon, Corinth and Meqar the onan Athenians andthe totes, nd Tas and West Loerie Pas. 1084-8). The absence of Spa ae tbe a ore seduced weight of Athens aed a ineotingfeeueof the Amonne ae tha eastlly modied Hagan’ pan Tis, however. pecs) the compesion ofthe Haan Amphictiony and hc inks whe sbsequent creation of the Palen that concer Usher. Regal we dont know the exact urbe of votes aiged to ‘Aten and Spur by Hat, bt they mst have Bem omer AMT they were esuivalen tbe eacion nthe Thesalen vote (och iad teen rine to lve under Neo). Apr om the to ies, whch Inthe slauissingWeclogy ofthe Hadranie ported epresented the ost prt canes of Getkae the Hane Amphiciony sou ts. ve incloed hose communts that had tadionaly been represetd ‘the counet—tat , Phot, Thessaly. Bot, the Dora ees tthe Meropols andthe Fetopones, ad eins of Aiea and Eaboe, A ‘hough not comple, the eveiap between the memes of the Haine Delp Armpictiony adhe ees tht ay be ented “charter roe tt ofthe Panbsllne league i ley onerale and im both cases embers were dawn only fom alan Greece, “The sires betwen he Delphic Amphistony of the Hane age andthe sommportion ofthe Peele eu become even more ing inh of eran aminsirave an rzoneaonl sect The arco of the Panton bed lc forfour yeaa i the Delp epimeltes, Invedoced by Augustus, who was tes ily chosen diestly by the ‘hoor. The Puello, rested bythe member tes onthe Athen ted coun were appoied annul a was normal the case forthe ‘vidal members of the Ampito. In he sevond retry the Delle “pimeletes organized the Pythian Gates and supervied ple works at Detp trom he fonds of the sanetary of pol; te Panbellenion too, fom 137, ovganied its own agonisic yee of quae games. On the ‘ai of thet smart, here ae thze wo have wind obey that Hanna tempi transorm he Delphic Amphoe ‘common asemly ef all Grecke aecoding to how ame rales 36 lect and Aihenen preeminence tat onze the pie projet led, ‘ere appli in founding the Panbellenic league. Peri it wa pei {Ge doninnt oe nibued'a Akes tht ltnately cased he Gare of ‘Madan poposas for refering the Dclpic coed were eve appli fiven thei aiferenes fom the Arsphtony deseibel only 2 generation ater by Pusan Ether be boa statuses allow us 0 esas Husa pln fo he Ampito + hate rte compos ‘Son of the nates ofthe Pann sens Ii some cies of mand Grecesconcng ae party with de conti represented in he Haanie Arphic might be coped 2 ‘carte” members of the Palenion (an ill mor wl peaps be “ted onthe Rat of new fide) ts worth omnierng he eatin they mlntved wih cer orm oe srgansaton Te ng toinote is tat for he most partis amar of 0 the one and, ther ‘es involved for aio fuss in ace eolocal expedios a, on thee, lnes Mate In Greece il.” or Asia Minor, Cyrensia, tnd Crete nthe ology of the Puello, the relonip between ately and colony is al he fundamental too othe validation of "communis Helene wate” Te reason fo thi ss) to deter From the prasclogyadoped inthe estan insertion tht relat 0 the Palen lage, canbe sted tht the semen sppeste 0 moe fe ‘quent in champining the Helene backround of commun stat of ‘oman. nfo theology a the Hadras Pablo cea fo Fete to dfiidon of the cngept of geno in em of ances! Hood tes this ecboed an ache ad ls concepion tha nthe four cone thy Bcf tee complemented by the eof the word as “pois type" Pino (fe 0) refered to pilxopers a goose ‘scent rom Grek theefre a eel clement in rolamatons of at Prato enue i sception dating othe Antonine perio he commurity of Ci by, admited Yo the Paselenion, declares tel snuancuny colony ‘oF Sparta asygenes of Alea an endo the Romana The wseion xyreses,o the oe hand Cyt alain wegen Mellon ine ‘Sj precnted on diet iin from Sparta colonists anon te ote. 9 {ental inship-se fit ith Aen and god runs ith Rome Baring the ate Helena Ronn prods te concept of syne ad eviows caning evenly enone simpy some Kind of relatos “Te est xpi cocmen or the potency wi whch tees of ii ‘ion wae ivetd with the i of Ue Punelleion erty te lei from Hadrian Cyrene, datable eo 34" Joyce Reynoli eon Ca fies the results of the Inevetion of the emporr, who had been ald spon to sete ndptetetween Cyrene and aother ety of Cyrenlea— vos ceranlyPaematsarke Te contovesy ite i atom he Tee oe ee, ee fee “status ofthis coomaniy within the Panklleson, a i price with ‘epee fo Cyrene laf An salir rang ofthe fest, when vey ag tema. inept th ouome ofthe conor Tobe the excuin oF Pers rom the Psnelononon he ground of the dominance othe sdgenoe Libyan slemast over the Greek sleet inthe ora. This interettion ws bard on the double waniaion of the ter hageneis {in 10), aptied othe oat of Barker caning sa soca Ppulaton, Nevers, om be tai of more nance ead. Chso- Fir Jones bas dmonstted tha Plmsi-Brke was elestivey adnatd 10 te Panbllenon, otha ts claims vo possess win the organization a Weigh eqalto thao Syrene were deemed njsiesby the mpl a Instron Inthe eo the sein, Cyrene rater author a ‘ere rough explicit appeal ots goon Athaon ka atibor Dorton ie T0}3* whereas the snhubtans of Bare, although thy to ae Grek by bith Uhgence Helene), possess a feser ta Seeah eircom) Reed he atonal sae of Polrae a esl of Macedonian dom ation According wo hs reading eles onapse ith sagen [ihe nor covviatng tema of “tathenic Gece eterog ote hab tas of elemats Bate. Ii then lays around the concept of age tein the sen of det ladon fom Grek olniste—ha devon Sh the admis os comma nto the Paellenon. as Wels prestige win the eae (a feecton of the number af ote sized {oath cy), tevelve. nthe case of Plemals Bak ts Macedon Fe Toundato doesnot tlenge te Helen status ofthe community, a ensues its amis, Boi Ooes tere ta cen dpe with Sempre to trace det aon from the Cyrene colonists ed bythe broters of Atesas (Hat. 1601). The ety st hereto be coment tt ony one vote wii the league, at oppo the to sgn Cyrene ine 12) “The notion of civic agncia ears impli in al the epigraphic doe ‘mena nfm ws sb! the elton eating amison tthe Pas fslenion** Thur ine Alenian decree of the Paselener concen ‘Mages a Meandrm a oly of the Magnesia of Tessa, ep Citvefeenc made tthe stra lance of the iy wi the os withthe Doras a wth heir Acai loo tote Asa Mor iScpp, actually Blogs othe nage of Accs nd Us has omnee™ tions with Thesaly Similar preoccupation ae expres by the Phrygian ‘iy of Syanada™ me alton of ths cy wih the Paelene gue en a gprs plas enough" anit mye that ts previsely i he pcos ‘tis parition tin + genesloiel myth came to be elborated tat ace bey fugdation Sack tothe genet demote bth ‘hes td Sparta The une bbe! ected on cons rom Syd fe ‘woun th atond ub thd Setuis ta saan eal the es Dorin ad Tota gia * ‘Net aon he ies of Asia Minor amie othe Patllenion thre tre ye Macedonian canes founded by Alesanger’ seen sich as ‘Apamein, That, ond pettus Fuel eI shall be nated that itav mh second cemry tat Macedon was ined To the st se ‘mang the members of the Deg Ampbictony—thus comming iso Grebe tat meh aready regan i he centr ce tough the eponymous ancestor Macedon: According to ella (ri 474) the cedonans wee descendant As sas pre mably this tcion ta the Macedonian colois resected the Hadetanc period guaran thet Helen sa wih adh Son the Paniellentn As Gel Cohen hs demonstrate, he oanlig ft Macedonian colonic in Aa--espcial the ear seements of Se Teves and Aniochs nas acta the work of poup of ehnklly omogeoeow Macodoian colonia who mained © prveged sats within thir communes even when, probly na tr perio, they a teen oie hy elements ofthe indigenous popetaton." The eainship feimeen he fe groups within the cy mas append corked by spa sexreraion, (0 which there cortsponted a wcioecomomic and politcal ‘mination by the Grek component The eadrng ete egri9 of the Teaming rp ths usted, nthe oman pro te pense aul [Greeks onthe pro thee commons of Asia Minor and wa heat ‘tprevsed by tht sisson wo the Panbllenons ven ain tt og ‘atin the Macedonian colonies perhaps layed tar the ese withthe ode ne foaation.” ‘Tan Pasen.Lamow Ano Brinac newrrry = ‘To toe ive peg, thee were sometimes tempts 1 tact tbe Sandton of 4 Gy back 1 eponys hes who Were closely tel © cesta Greece Acoring to Ply UHV 5.113), Tyateta was eg ‘'powerlor secansion designed to comet the ety move ines “Wh Grosse" Finally the Greckess of some Hallesiicfosndatos Ia ‘Aals Mior war on scauion derved ual fom colons who had “Eve fom Gree ul f Laois supped to have ecb Kalan ‘Scloniss ce below Eumeein based Argve ancy and explily de lyed ua to bean Actacan ct Nevertheless he icunon in Hadi Palen league of the Pylon city, bypethsized solely onthe bas oF stat peed at metas Hain Caesar Olympos Panels, isnot unpobltaic, The cult of Haun Peaelenios was widerpes ‘igecialy afer the deab ofthe enpero, nd was not ied o those ies iat eloaged tothe leue Furbemoreamog oer members com be monetary serio has ever been este Tn then of Pai ces we aaa exes of members th, by speaking, sul have aon excluded from the ranks of Gece oe -eampl i Azan in Foryia A aditon actually atte ie oundston to Aun, son of Aran yt the Arcane whom, trough Tle the feandtono Perumal wore wer enc rp as tice nds tt intuit the myc geeslgy of Arcadia ited otha of They trough te gre the hero Els, her ton of Arcs buts be representative a the Laps of Testy. Te ‘rls yal a penealogia! inks between the Arca bd ‘Thelin could hen fave beta a the ot of the adson of Alan trac nny nf Dales see aterataely. may sgl ee ‘hea the geoprapa! location of Ara whi he heat of steal {Greece wan nan of tel stein the second century o guaran all ‘lls stats to Arcadian clones Asia Mir, ay note fin- the hat is pecel in the second entry tha cul ote fvnder Fay among te eanpes ofthe geneloial alancing at” dues which coin ctsr--opetally han Ast Minor—atemptd oon ‘sision wo the Helene community she extemely intresting case of Sd theKstrcal capital of La The iy, tic Jon othe Helle "ie ptiodpreseried town dst Lydian ent an sow uu inngege i199), wa pogrenivly Helene ater he conquest of Annes I in 213 nee Sab coon face estar the Laan an [Emgs den, ven sche ented the Lyi atone the on. Greck ene ‘St Rsin Minor (121.3 Te station nthe ar peril age sted by acon sein of inscription, dating the Second an hed ce {ahs tht cmmonete the eft of techy: Sade procimed tote autochthonous scred to the gous an the fest meropals of As ll Uy nls "The ppeal to auochton nen 0 comnts ball ‘cls ret nq ad ts Lyla ging" n farts the second tnd td Genre ht usec of ln aes can be dated thay oper tit the nes a some ie tes, glory ance Tyan Kings sch as Manesbasnes and Asis alongside th hr Ploy, who, acerding 1 2 rion sed Enoen to Pindar (OL 124) podly of Lyn rt fn Later geneaopialreconactons prevented elo the grandson Tgp and soo Talus The gue of Plog, epoymous er of thetmost aus region of Hels, as cenal othe hematic elaboration of St? Cteknes: deed, he haaceation of tbc a he mater frst ey of Hellas neal depends upon te Lyla iin of he hero Sthafecame ie onanate stor of Hippoamen ahd pave hit nae othe eloponsete The relationship hetecon Lys and ruland Gresce then mis atated though am nance of evrse coloneaton i'vivehit aot Ast Minor ta clonic by Orsi tthe Feo Pome by etenson Hellas llth eae a ah Asian oun Sten Bot veh nt a th ulate ate forthe celta ofthe train eto nash lod es betwcen Sr andthe hea of ei Het "Al analogous and exteely instrctve case i offeed bythe city of ‘smyrna, Her the ape fo aocthony wn combined with the glace Tmo the ys Hele emt, nd a ti wa achieved og he Strut Syma neverless pune fave ecogeiton ois Geek cae eter dringthe Antoine age by bypothesians is efeundatin by Theses, ie ee ee Senne Leer aH the Atenin hero par excellence Son his spech honoring the ci, ‘elos Arse (Or 17:3) declares Sma tobe autachhones ad ox temey ante, ut he also ers that was forced mit eb ak elcomed nates rom te eter continent” thax, Rarnean rece. ‘cing th comin Artin the city became sedis de way ‘wh the Grek eyo the ea hough the provision an een a Clo mint "respectively elope who gave his same toe Pelopeese, Ihe Aibeian sons of retin feos belonged in fat ebook of Eechihes, ba on ht moe aide he was desde om Plo himel (ia tes 1-2) Abough he theme of ances Gresknets wat estilo quay fra ‘Misono ie Puellenon, eer fondaesal prerequisites wee God {Stone between the civic communes and Rome snd posible Deets ‘Reeved fom Hadi Te detes of Magnesia sad Cibyea fot Ist these wo fatter planing te reek ogi the is? and the "tmplyment of these onder xh ets might soggent tha te ner ‘tom epliae te ofa formsla of dcuments concerning wmssion, For the inlet! community tha Paiosratus defies os Second Sopisti, however, hae at wo prs i ot ave he ame power fe pe Wow tein, and it presly around tis comet of autee Gree ‘estat contemporary debate evolved. “The oposion between Grech ab araran i eqdent op of he: toe! works athe Grek language during the second century a spo {hy an expression of the atchazing ment of he pcos xpi ‘Spal woth comatntion beeen Greve and Teen, But the eteria “etich hs tinction based nthe Second Sophie ae rater nove, ‘higel relesting comtemporary prevecapatonsconerng seve al ie Fete centers mtr what mean to be Grek rere he po By soy san, nk othe at tp on throw the pactc of rationally Grek able nd veligou aces ‘The concep of am inlet! yay to Creekens i esc u he Ie clase! period fac. one fads hom the ine of Herds (8.1442) and gain, wi pear emphasis ne Fou detion of or ‘ats (Pong. 30) for whoo Hone are thse wh poses Athenian cl tue, not common blond This fepresete Tonametl shin spt to theme a the arcane clasel pcos, which privileged the ‘tai omar o Grech Went. icuae rely aon concept of consanguinity i, then, hardly suring on his rate bt 90 ieee) dion of Greknese he lasing ray Sure of the evond eau ‘Most tudes of the Second Sophistcinsis sigh on tbe impatnceof| elds a he fundamental prion of inlet aes inthe mile perl prod. nt my imenton to challenge hie soempton, which he ual on whch unmseay to ve here Raber wan ‘tthe Second Sopistc that might be interpre sian costed Sinceptns of Geeks ele guaranteed by bt o ended tough ‘eaton in Grek cute In fats suely wrong to tea the Second So [hear x oli and Weoley homogencous wee Ie far te ‘lade ta i aot aways cones onthe question of wheter Groeknest ‘tus defined by cutie or by bin “This saul the cut ofthe oposion btwenn the Molony ofthe Panel aod cern fangs of the Secoed Sophia I eecses ‘mostly nthe writings of Favecnos of Aes. na we-known passage rom ie Cron Oration (25.2, deste tacoma ently Fe founded by Cues 8 Reman colony his sphist of Galle ong pls ‘imei frward a an example of ow’ oe ce Grek nt onl Be ‘an bt al by pact: Te pds have employed averina fo Semone {othe aes of Hel ta this mater ate snot nero bh ‘hom: eid te oe dy tb oe lox met {all rom grace and one ea limpet his words crue of the Pa ellnon's ideology, wish at we have soe, wat petted desey on the domlance of lon oer elle the acquisition of Greeks Me tion har been mae of Frvorni Gale orgs ike Lacan of Sage, belonged to tha group of mellecuns who were of etal dope tipine bat were endowed wih a Hellenic education and eook, to Iie provedunvecne Te theme oe pry of elec Bed eal tu filo be unpopar wih dove who expicily atached heralves to ioctl eonepion of Geeks ‘Some conrmaton othe existence of varying pions within the Sec ‘ond Sophie om the there of Grekner, win portant comregon for the conception of the Pabelenon, comes fom am sali the att Se greet soph of As Minor, Poem of Laodie, Post Ite the ain source of bograpteaiafermation forth personaly ——EEE ee saad Analve of Phrygian Lancione ofthe ce in Ala Minor ta die iteown Gresknes fom is Macadonian foundation (in which Lens color tins probabl ao parcpate) the sop could ta psa! Eel bast ST his own decent em th at hago Pots, olemon I An aga et Sephistat an, he was essed with exceptional fei lies that ‘stant dfeence shown ohm by Heroes teas inset Piet 1V5'30-) Poemon eapended etry effort his favorite ily Smyen, the sat of his tbo Thir ct, whre the spit was showered ‘itn the highest cve and cara fces emerged na shor pid | Time tthe enter calorie in Ana Minor, Thanks fo the enero ‘of Haran ant the ptions of lemon, Ste was ote tenciary Stan mporng bung propa ican serpin hata of Zeus Po Tear or Abate that competed wi te iheia Temple of Olypian Zeus {stems of syle and dimension" Levi favor sanconed Syma’ ph over her val, Ess, whose case was championed bythe Galle ‘veins and by Disyaie of Mit to ilestae wh enoyed 8 father diferent fone atthe hands ofthe emer. The hosity of Fo Tenon towards Fvorins ently elated assed Ve eis Inbiswrlings reir conch of Aes cmerper asx ose! of sro Heleiom on he prt of tartans Nataly competion for Hades {tur cam be taced ia lemons work confirm how der the ee Of Sige Greek racial party was Lo hi "The extant corpus of Podcnars wort very itt: wnorutely, we ont poms the eto Ie spoch he wrt or he iauguraton of the ‘Temple of Olympian Zeus in Atbens, ed the delat tht hve ome down wus ao itl we for cr prpose, "OF the rest mre ie sme passages tom his Phystopomica probably ob dae between {Ssvand [36 The wats has survived in an amos cmp Arabic Urarslition, dab to 1386," aswell a ina Greek epitome ofthe fourth Eeotyry buted oa erwin Adamant,” an in an anonymous Lai treat, sso dbl o he fourth centr. “The second cemtry wn, ong with he ate amigue period, We age that itech pre florizon ot phyrngromie seo inthe Aislin dion? in Plemon, the dundard moralistic comments about exer Spesrance are ewiched by an abundance of ethnographic examples daw ftom eyewies observation snd ofounlly forced by wigespesd so ‘a peuaoes Asin ter work he gone the overlie gy Polemical te author aval himlf of fis observation to Snigrate i ‘how alee delend he pvilge of authentic Greenest 4 paraigm Torhis ow ail ypaogy This is theme appears mst aly tn pac [bap 35 ofthe Plsiognonicn, reserved Inthe medieval Arable wa Scrip and wasted ino Lan by Georg Honan the Lain ie o te Paragraph is presely De Grows reo gonere pure). Afr having de Sipedin he previous paragraphs the populations of te noth, south ax, ‘Sd west, Flzmon here pred to dfn he aun Grek mt pure ‘are one her grey ba beta ond wh toa (1-3). The pole Ina lr tr witha te prarap (3-10) naman oetaners| have eel sve and ensbished themselves n Greece, atta byte ‘ofl ie the imate elt tbe casos ad he ol tar tons: bt these ae toroghy isin ey he gwd pure Greek who Ismoderaasin his piel appearance and endowed in matra el Tiger 1-21. Inti psig, he, we find an explicit heorzton of the fname erence bees the Greek by ith andthe Greek by uta cole, Together wih declaration of the former physical and oa spe, ‘Tht it wos Foemen hie who apple, nthe ist person, these igre sr ae cle na porta pe fom Po, we seas cob one hat was scl a prey Hellenic” (Pte V5 {3))Ths muh ilvence fom te pupil of Seopelinas eho ab ‘ade Assyrians, Eytan, Cappdocan, aol Phocians (I8) oe hase ‘ot Horace of yok who meted, longi “Grek of Etre and tay of Ass ae Ean Tonas, ins, Pyle Cara, and Exypeane”(613)"'The tame atade on Polemons pats revealed the Crimea geoprapicl eeion hat wa or babar even i tps ‘Sse widespread Grek clare Pils VS S18)” The olga ei ‘pes that intrned the Selection proces fo the Palenion re, ther, viel ese the wrk of Plemen, whose famiary nth he em ‘eorHaan nthe ears immediaely preceding the eration ote eae ‘Thm Parsi An Breiveic Ioeierrry = leads one 1 suspect thatthe Asia soph a ple aol of the wtmost Inporance in its elaboration. Thecompetine sd fen taste atte ofthe phielee Haan ‘etesthaown epsede i natural hat which elminated ote execution ‘ofthe arcletApotadors of Damas, tough among the mor ot tare victins of Hains inoernce shouldbe coun the lead mes toned Fiori and Dionysn of ita" However equally wel known Irth protstion that Hasan scored io certain ropa and eae Fhtcron of Laoicela sand st Hain war patty atc othe Tater isofr ate was pol forsale whose carci was iit {nl sliary. Ancient sue tad cmon hms dese the fng jour ys he ndetok together wih th engera though the eastern povnces hen 12 an 126 swell a the hating pais of which both were 0 ‘ramed. Plemen’ exotdnary Inlet ets and royal ance Sewaly allowed him Yo enjoy a consierable inmacy withthe “or af tht elon" apres those year ta preceded the oundation of the lnc Leagh, ring which Ns conception andthe choice of ees for admission were probably labored. Since it at smog Pemon ‘ise and me generally inte so he Greks of ast Mino, at an incaly cnc Conceon of Greknes wa partly weep he ‘logo oman hat we ave encountered the conten ofthe aie tenon olny cul cally fave derived ir sapraton nthe spbere tthe Asai Second Septic Onc apparent ely in asbsing To ‘Emu own oe the corona the Putellenchetogy sine Shnce of Lode and Syma respectively. his ety of ith and the ‘at of hie schol fom be penn at of member ces bu ou evidence ‘ous membership eneydereed om canes epigraphic fh ted ‘ow dacoveres re Conullyextnding os Rnowiodge i his Ned ts ‘Stanly imerening tha it was Pokemon who war ents hy Hadrian ‘its tbe ako prota 13172 the inauguration speech a he Abe ‘han Temple of ympian Zs, an ven that comncied wit the Founding ‘the Panbelleae league -A‘ormulaton of the pncpes of dhe Palen league among he ‘Geeks 1 Asta Minor mia st Sem suprising. But ccoaing 10 Pills reconstruction ws precise) there titles const- {td he bl of exponent ofthe Second Sophie movement, i ems oro numbers and sory In fat, VA Siagoas pom oa hat acortng to Phiosratus he st wo generation of hist ex Fenebetaeen the ed ofthe int cery athe Hadrian age were re “tied excite rom men whe ogiaea or mers, a ‘Mino To he rst generation belong Nicets of Sinyna, seu of Syria Scopelims of Cazsocnie,and Dio f Prat oh tcoed belong Diy Sotot Meas Lolianar of Epes, Marea of Byam std Peron ‘Landa, io with sioiant scepons epesentea by Seca of ‘Aes and Favor of Aes oly fom he ine of Mates Aes, nd abe all te Severn, that oe witeses an ieease the wares ‘soph daw rom diferent regions and conslidaing te postion i ‘Aten, et tbe Asia il ante mow represented poop thi ne ‘esa een ha lvays repre Athens with note ois poviowe feemperary Grecims i war Feet te Second Sopisic wos Bort SUN ee the Hn wp he “was oaths cla envionment that he labora fendi = oastutons Cursed, designed to demonstate he ena ofthe Hel- Tenis enor among he Greektia of Asta Miro charset pes, ‘feo of rier mentien One ofthe tree adapted nl ‘ae of retorpestive Hellen" nati fact te lai of foundation hth nine othe gods heres, founder of strc reeset “impeacable grate of ive cugeneia” Cis could be praised ae Seding other geno in ae interes ng pata, te heey phat Menanier of aoieeaexicly mantain hat on Helgi oy shuld de ‘ie from ier Dosa, nano Resin foundations Even may of these ivi nons were aed incvlton a leat ring the Hellen {sioage_ linge momber of them sum ave heen iar oly the our ofthe wcond cent: Hermogees of Syms for exam woe sccm seges that twas oe the salsa lens leant commani- tes wh ape to claims o pure Greck escent nee oe ate ‘o bat pote prestigious ofanzatlon. The onsllaed elo vars the ingpraion of some communities of Asia Mino iin the Helene ge alos daring he Reman prod mn aloha sea prompt by a gens [Perception aan opposition between European an Asati Greece. rom = Roma point of new, Asa Minor var itd a the mits of the ire stoi Cer nhs detene of {Valeri Places (62-86 ef 100) com ‘Tue PAMHELLEMON AND Erumic Ibentrry an ‘Kites chviesion and Span sity ctarge sod istons be then ‘spatter om the athlsoness ad peed the Grech af Ania. Alhegh ‘Gero elcwere ot saring i icici of he nbs of wa siden Brween Assan Europe’ milan Greece, fen coniered at of ‘he cast and therefore top and decadent I nhs spech emgted Int European matric and distinguished fom hs Asie ofsoots Tvs ethaps In Feacton to prejudices sch these tht Asia pihsy roe dveringstenton towards the contrat Retween Grek td om ‘Greek, and in paral hse populations of Asa or the eatery Meier a condo ota he Helens pores ‘feed endrmous stripe advantages compared with moe inclusive de Ino of Greshnes fed on calor (pat). Only hoe emus Ut could conte sb ue withthe centr of sand Gresce—tht European Greece--hathe ight become ames of th ied clo oF fun Helen, ‘Yeti ieviable cnsegoence of thi formltion was the impli = -cogalon ofthe soperety of mainland Greece, ad then the regions ha ‘Soni detiostatea diet nk wt sno by cance tat be Lan Pasaoiann hie Perige concentrated nigel on he monument ‘Seal Greece, and nt igrsson onthe population movement fonds Tomi in Book 7, he int above ll om peiying the inks ht hereon Tunained wih the motberand The Paneleicieclogy elborted within the cise of te Greeks of Aus Minor lly deterned University of Rome Tor Vergata ‘seo 0 Gt ne an Bei On SinfrF LH Crngn rne ecdope n Shales ce Sey SMe tn Nils nln in re ty Sn Sp a Hn stot On The or Se ec an Ey ‘Ei hr amon pen an 8B Ae ea ‘sae Cancer eee piss gee Rts ot tw nr ont {Si Rs aoe ct Cop oa en eign RAM SCG sting ar Ped Sa rt ee Pty hi Yt Tam mite ene so Stee ar ai tt an ce te ri ea 8-8 ea i apg tae REC 0 wee pe ley ene an Ear ‘arson Eerie Ravn Hane re Kt Kai er ‘rarer oe enh rs Sepa Cer 9, ‘gain ii i etn: gee pro Tet mtg tons PM. Nome Nicene Che 2838 rb cern ag Mere Det ee a Se rn nese pec ier Pn de Noon sit Soa si, erat aT Ni tp he tr arr a ama ta incense Ra "Sze fetatcastheaa eet e830 To ts At pf Gon Pay as Hog i Is Pca "sku Po olen as sone Canin CAREC. tC aya Ears at rnd Pay Fain 1 Dinh Sgr, Ba. Frat a rn ab oi ne Gln Spm Mach os Ah oop oe ti lr 78 Yai Avi Pile ye Ce A 447-3 Sob ate ae repo oe TO hata ke i gr e i He: Reet ic miei re, ‘stg Pel pm 9-0. fo Serta yn ae Sy nse Poe of Ge Bo ie eae cere See Sra ateaseemtaraemes eerste

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