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International Humanitarian Law and Peace Studies: What does it have to do with Political Science

Blood scattered, ethnic cleansing or even genocide are just other brutal armed conflicts, invasions, and
violations that disrupt the living coordination among different nations and states. Children would not have
the chance to have their bright futures since this violence could cause post-traumatic stress disorders,
traumas, or even unexpected deaths. Innocent lives would be deprived of opportunities to live for the
coming years, making it a painful way to breathe their last. Families would suffer due to scarcity of
resources and losing shelters brought by the chaos, resulting in worse poverty. With this, the International
Humanitarian Law has the responsibility of protecting the lives of these civilians, especially under these
circumstances, to save them all by establishing limitations and negotiations among declaring armed

But, is the International Humanitarian Law being implemented? If it is, then why do violence, conflicts,
wars, invasions, and killings happen? Or is it just a piece of document to scare those who attempt to push

This law states that this serves as the protection of innocent civilians. This law sets limitations of war; the
damages that these would leave, the scars that would stay, and the lives that would be lost. It serves as a
negotiation – a trial that would hopefully do justice and put the responsibility into the accountable ones.
But is this enough to cover the lives that have been lost over the years of emerging warfare? Are the
misunderstandings and disagreements among states that worse to the point that it is necessary to resort to
such inhumane violence that would cost many damages?

So, where does Political Science stand? Politics, as it seems, can be a dirty word, but not really. It
becomes dirty when it comes to this kind of discussion, but it depends. Why did this International
Humanitarian Law and Peace Studies exist in the Political Science academe? Because this violence,
warfare, or even armed conflicts revolve around politics – serving self-interests by making the ends
justify the means. Other than that, the term politics can be beautiful – it is a way of conducting such
diplomatic negotiations and maintaining a harmonious relationship among states through this declared
International Humanitarian Law.

In short, as a Political Science major, this International Humanitarian Law and Peace Studies would help
me divulge more on the limits of armed conflicts to lessen the damages being caused, such as the
protection of civilian rights, properties, territories, and even the civilian population. It values human lives
and human rights, and it serves as a trial involving parties responsible for these armed conflicts. It serves
as the mediator between states to observe orderliness. It involves international affairs, but it could also be
reliable when it comes to domestic ones. It would help me ponder about why conflicts and warfare still
exist, even if this International Humanitarian Law is evident and relevant up to this day. Given that this
law strictly shows the importance of human rights, it would not be as effective for those who cannot even
respect human lives.

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