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Communications Network for Smart Grid

Dr. Tariq Javid


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Topics in This Lecture

State Estimation
Energy Management System
Real-Time Operational Requirements

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State Estimators (SE)

State estimators determine most likely state of a power

system from sets of remotely captured measurements
These measurements are collected periodically by SCADA
systems via remote terminal units
The role of SE is crucial in modern energy management
systems (EMS) where a diversity of applications depend
on system snapshots
Scope of SEs is mostly limited to transmission level,
where each transmission system operator continuously
tracks its own grid from a centralized EMS

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State Estimation

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SE Measurement Equation

State estimator measurement equation: z = h(x) + e

x is state vector to be estimated
z is measurement vector
e is vector of measurement errors
h is vector of functions (usually nonlinear)
Vector e has normal distribution with zero mean and
known covariance matrix R
Covariance is a measure of how much two random
variables change together

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State and Measurement Vectors

In conventional bus-branch SE models the state vector is

composed of voltage magnitudes and phase angles
Measurement vector typically comprises power injections,
branch power flows, and voltage magnitudes
Recently, synchrophasor measurement unit has made it
possible the incorporation of phase angle measurements
into state estimation process

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System Models

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Simplified Example

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Simplified Example: Section 2.5

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Weighted Least Squares Approach

Weighted least square estimator minimizes weighted

P of residuals of measurements given by:
J= m i=1 Wi ri

ri = zi − hi (x̂) is measurement residual

x̂ is estimated state vector
Wi is weighting coefficient

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State Estimate

State estimate can be obtained by iteratively solving a set

of equations:
Gk ∆xk = HkT W [z − h(xk )]
Hk = ∂h/∂x is Jacobian evaluated at x = xk
Gk is gain matrix
W = R −1 is weighting matrix
∆xk = xk+1 − xk
k is iteration counter

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State Estimate & Bad Data Function

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Advances in State Estimation

With advent of smart grid, the SE paradigm described in

previous slides will have to drastically change
New generations of digital devices, such as PMUs or
IEDs, intended for measurement, protection, and control,
being less expensive and more flexible than existing
analog equipment, will invade virtually every corner of
future networks
More accurate, complex, and highly redundant
information system allow SEs to extend their scope well
beyond presently observable areas and also to incorporate
advanced functions that have not yet reached industry

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Advances in State Estimation

Smart transmission grids should further promote

development of regional energy markets, involving distant
energy transactions
This implies wide-area physical interactions for example
catastrophic consequences in case of cascaded failures

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Intelligent Electronic Devices

The protection, metering, and control functions in

substations are naturally distributed by the role and
location of each device, being designed in general to
provide primary protection or monitoring of an individual
substation equipment
These functions are performed by IEDs which are devices
capable to receive/send data/control signals from/to
external source
Example sources are electronic multifunction meters,
digital relays, controllers

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Intelligent Electronic Devices

Employing efficient signal processing techniques, are

becoming source of much more information in real time
than one existing in old substations
Apart from implementing specific protection or control
algorithms, IEDs can provide externally electrical
magnitudes measured by protection transformers as well
as phase differences among them
Measurements can be synchronized, both at the
substation and wide-area levels, by means of the GPS
satellite clock time reference

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IEC 61850 Standard

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 61850,

global communication standard for substation automation
system, defines the communication between IEDs
It allows interoperability of IEDs from different
It defines two communication buses between different
subsystems within a substation:
1 Process bus
2 Station bus

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Substation Level Hardware Platform

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Communication Buses

Process bus gather information about electrical

magnitudes e.g. voltage or current as well as switching
status information from transformers and transducers
connected to primary power system process
Station bus allow primary communications between
logical nodes, which provide various station protection,
control, monitoring, and logging functions
Communication technologies involved in these buses
include: Ethernet on fiber optic, TCP/IP, and
Manufacturing Message Specification (ISO 9506)

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Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU)

Network model and voltage phasors at all system buses

are used to determine state of system
Bus voltage phasors can be estimated based on a
redundant set of measurements
Direct measurement of phasors are possible if
measurements are time synchronized
PMUs devices take advantage of GPS satellites and
provide time synchronize measurements

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Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU)

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Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU)

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Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU)

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Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU)

Voltage and current signals are collected at secondaries of

instrument transformers (CT and VT) and are sampled
via analog-to-digital converters at 48 samples/cycle
These samples are then processed and synchronized with
universal time coordinated (UTC) time from a GPS
receiver within 1 µs accuracy
Time-synchronized samples are processed and transmitted
over Ethernet to phasor data concentrators (PDCs) which
forward data to control center server

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Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU)

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Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU)

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Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU)

PMUs may have several channels, each of which record

one phase of a voltage or current signal
Two sets of three channels are typically used for three
phase voltage measurements at substation
Several sets of three channels are used for measurement of
three phase currents along incident lines or transformers

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Distribution Automation

Distribution automation is a mature concept which

requires a costly infrastructure
Traditionally most function e.g. fault detection, service
restoration, network reconfiguration, etc., are performed
by on call service teams
Measuring devices are recently installed to monitor
operating conditions of medium voltage feeders
Typically, current or power flow at each feeder head,
along with voltage magnitude at the MV bus, are
telemetered and gathered at dedicated distribution
management systems (DMSs)

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Distribution Automation

No real-time information is obtained of what happens

downstream, unless a fault occurs
Substation bus voltage is kept almost constant by use of
automatic under-load tap changers, in hope that customer
voltages remain acceptable for nearly all operating points
This situation is rapidly changing for several reasons

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Distribution Automation

Distributed generators (DGs) should be monitored:

1 Cause over-voltage problem by reversing power flow
2 Inject energy at premium prices
Smart meters provide customer demands via PLC, cellular
technology, or alternative means; concentrate this
information at secondary transformer centers and submit
upstream to distribution substation or DMS
Cheap fault current detectors with automatic or remotely
operated reclosers installed at strategically selected points
to speed up service restoration process; are capable of
providing less accurate current values which is attached
to information sent to substation

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Wide Area Regional Energy Markets

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Multilevel State Estimation

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Multilevel State Estimation Architecture

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State Estimation Levels

State Estimation Levels

1 Local state estimators for information collected within a
(small set of) substation(s)
2 TSO-level state estimators to gather and information
from LSE
3 Regional multi-TSO-level state estimators for results
synchronization and refinement

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Phasor Measurement Networks

Basic synchrophasor measurement network consists of

PMUs and PMU-enabled IEDs, PDCs, gateways, data
storage, and applications

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Phasor Data Concentrators

PDC collects phasor data from multiple PMUs or other

PDCs, aligns data using time-tag to create a
time-synchronized dataset, and passes this dataset to
other information systems
It also store data, performs quality check on data, and
feed aggregated data to application e.g. SCADA
Commercially available from several vendors, however,
there are no formal standards for evaluating and rating
these devices

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Energy Management System

EMS comprises of hardware and software for purpose of

monitoring and controlling power system
Typically, function of monitoring is fully automated and
comprises many sensors and meters that are integrated
into a digital system
Introduction of GPS-synchronized measurements created
devices that take measurements synchronized in time with
microsecond precision

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Energy Management System

A modern EMS is characterized by:

Digital monitoring system – state estimation, bad data
detection, system operating conditions
Dispatch operation – digital automatic generation
control, power system optimization
System security functions – monitoring and control
Advanced economy scheduling – integral part of system
with access to power markets

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EMS Hardware Components

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EMS Operation

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Computational and Control Functions

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Real-Time Operational Requirements

Effective control and operation of electric power systems

requires accurate and reliable knowledge of system model
and operating state of the system in real time
For this purpose, modern power systems are equipped
with an extensive data acquisition system
Local analog and status quantities, such as voltage
magnitude, real and reactive power flows, loads, and
status of breakers (open/close) are measured and
transmitted to a central location

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Real-Time Operational Requirements

The measurements are simple, requiring simple

Typical analog measurements are:
Voltage magnitudes
Real and reactive power flows
Current magnitude measurements
Recent technology based on GPS has made it possible to
measure voltage and current phase angles in real-time

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Real-Time Operational Requirements

Typical status measurements are:

Breaker status
Disconnect switch status
Traditional measurements are taken every one to several
PMU measurements are recorded several times per second
and typically 30 or 60 times per second

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Real-Time Operational Requirements

Measurements are transmitted to a central location i.e.

EMS or energy control center, where they are processed
to yield operating state of system
This process consists of two analysis problems:
Determination of network topology
Determination of operating state
Network topology is constructed from status of breakers
and disconnect switches
Operating state of the system is constructed from analog
measurements by means of state estimation

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Reading: Sections 1.1, 2.1, 2.2; IEC 61850-90-5

Figures: 1.5, 1.6, 1.10
Examples: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
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