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22/5/2021 Units 3 and 4 Quiz

Units 3 and 4 Quiz

4 respuestas

4 respuestas

Jonathan Andres Bedoya Correa

Pedro Wettel


Jose David Paternina Gonzalez

Correo electrónico
4 respuestas

Listening 1/12
22/5/2021 Units 3 and 4 Quiz

1. John called Rhonda and wants to _____ .

4 respuestas

bring a camera 0 (0 %)

borrow her camera 4 (100 %)

go to the concert with her 0 (0 %)

0 1 2 3 4

Tony asks the man to tell Edward: _____ .

4 respuestas

Could you call back later

0 (0 %)
tonight . . . after 8?

Could you ask Edward

what time I should pick him 4 (100 %)
up tomorrow afternoon?

Could you tell Edward

we’re playing soccer 0 (0 %)

0 1 2 3 4 2/12
22/5/2021 Units 3 and 4 Quiz

While the couple was walking to the café, _____ .

4 respuestas

a thief stopped them 4 (100 %)

they called the police 0 (0 %)

they went to an ATM

0 (0 %)

0 1 2 3 4

At the lake, Katie _____ .

4 respuestas

learned to be more careful

4 (100 %)
about locking her car doors

asked her mom to lock the

0 (0 %)
glove compartment

forgot her lunch and wallet

0 (0 %)
in the trunk of the car

0 1 2 3 4

Part B 3/12
22/5/2021 Units 3 and 4 Quiz

You want your friend to fix your printer tonight. Would you mind ____________?
4 respuestas

Would you mind fixing my printer tonight?

Would you mind if I ask you to fix my printer tonight?

Would you mind fixing my printer tonight

Your classmate has a cell phone. You want to use it to send a quick text. Would it
be all right if ________?
4 respuestas

Would it be all right if I borrowed your cell phone to send a quick text?

Would it be all right if I borrow your cell phone to send a quick text?

Would you mind if i used it to send a quick text

would it be all right if i used your cell phone to send a quick text?

You want to borrow a stranger’s newspaper when he’s finished reading it. I was
wondering if you’d mind _____________.
4 respuestas

I was wondering if you'd mind lending me your newspaper when you finish reading it?

I was wondering if you`d mind to lend me the newspaper? 4/12
22/5/2021 Units 3 and 4 Quiz

I was wondering if you would mind borrowing your newspaper when you had finished
reading it

i was wondering if you'd mind lending me your newspaper when you're finished reading it

Part C (3 POINTS)

Example: Julian made his teacher an apology. CORRECT FORMAT: replace made
with owed
2 respuestas

replace made with owed


My doctor was very busy today, but she gave my phone call in the late afternoon
4 respuestas

Replace gave with return

replace gave with got

my with me a

replace gave with returned

Mr. Sellers did my request for extra time to finish the project, so now I have to
finish it tonight
4 respuestas

Replace did with declined

replace did with took

did with accepted 5/12
22/5/2021 Units 3 and 4 Quiz

replace did with declined

Fiona owed me a nice compliment – she said I was kind and generous.
4 respuestas

Replace owed with gave

replace owed with gave

owed with made

replace owed with gave

Part D (3 POINTS)

Could you tell Ella ___

4 respuestas

that Dan can’t come to the

4 (100 %)
one o’clock meeting?

what Dan can’t come to the

0 (0 %)
one o’clock meeting?

0 1 2 3 4 6/12
22/5/2021 Units 3 and 4 Quiz

Can you ask Paul

4 respuestas

whether or not he wants to

4 (100 %)
study together tonight?

if he wants studying
0 (0 %)
together tonight?

0 1 2 3 4

Can you tell Emma

4 respuestas

don’t move the papers on

0 (0 %)
my desk?

not to move the papers on

4 (100 %)
my desk?

0 1 2 3 4

Part E (9 POINTS)

22/5/2021 Units 3 and 4 Quiz

1. At the concert, the lead singer and guitarist _______a__________ (get) into
a terrible argument.
4 respuestas

3 (75 %)

1 (25 %)

a. got got

The singer________b_________ just __________c_______ (start) his solo when the

guitarist __________d_______ (step)on his microphone cord.
4 respuestas

b. had, c. started, d.stepped

b. had, c. started, d. stepped

B. had - C. started D. stepped

b. had c. started d. stepped 8/12
22/5/2021 Units 3 and 4 Quiz

The sound went out! As the cameraman ________e_______ (videotape) the show,
he ___f_____ (catch) their argument on tape.
4 respuestas

e. was videotaping, f. caught

e. was filming, f. caught

E. was videotaping F. caught

e. was videotaping f. caught


2. While I _______a__________ (study) at the library yesterday afternoon, I realized

that I _________b________(forgot) something.
4 respuestas

a. was studying, b. had forgotten

a. was studying, b. was forgetting

A was studying B. had forgotten

a. was studying b. had forgotten 9/12
22/5/2021 Units 3 and 4 Quiz

What a panic I _________c________ (be) in! I couldn’t text my roommate to

say I forgot to close the windows in our dorm room because I
________d_________ (not put) my cell phone in my backpack. Ihad forgotten
that, too! She was pretty annoyed when I got home.
4 respuestas

2 (50 %)

1 (25 %) 1 (25 %)

A. was B. did not put c. was d. i had not put c. was, d. didn't put

Part F (3 POINTS)

1. TITLE:___________________________________ One day, a man found a cat on a

New York City street and brought it to an animal shelter. The animal
shelterworkers found a microchip under the cat’s skin with contact information
for a couple in Colorado. The cat, named Mystery, had been missing for several
years from the couple’s Colorado home! How did Mystery travelover 1,500 miles
from Colorado to New York City? We may never find out!
4 respuestas



long -distance mystery! 10/12
22/5/2021 Units 3 and 4 Quiz
o g d sta ce yste y!


2. TITLE: ___________________________________ Tom was having trouble in

his life. In 2010, he lost his job as an engineer, his wife left him, and he got
into acar accident. Then his luck changed. He bought a lottery ticket – and
won $35 million dollars

4 respuestas

3 (75 %)

1 (25 %)

A CHANGE OF LUCK FOR THE BETTER! A change of luck for the better

3. TITLE:___________________________________ One rainy morning, Todd was

driving his pregnant wife, Lisa, to the grocery store. On the way, Lisa
startedhaving strong pains. Todd pulled over, and within minutes, the baby
was born. Todd used his cell phone to call911, and 15 minutes later, an
ambulance came to take Todd, Lisa, and the new baby to the hospital.
4 respuestas

2 (50 %)

1 (25 %) 1 (25 %) 11/12
22/5/2021 Units 3 and 4 Quiz


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