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NAME: ----------------------------------------------- ADM NO-----------------

CLASS: ---------------------------------------------

1. This paper has TWO sections, A and B
2. ALL questions are compulsory
3. Answer all questions in the spaces provided
4. Do not bring Mobile Phones, or any form of written material in the examination
5. Do not leave the examination room when the examination is in session.


Q 1(a-g ) 30
Q2 03
Q3 05
Q4 07
Q5 04
Q6 05
Q7 08
Q8 10
Q9 05
Q10 10
Q11 10
Q12 03


Q 1. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow: (25 marks)

The Economic growth rate in Kenya for the year 2011 -2012 could range between five
and six per cent if no major shocks occur. However, the private sector has predicted that
the successful completion of infrastructure and energy projects could see the economy
grow at seven per cent during this period. According to the World Bank’s Report on the

Economic Prospects for Kenya, the seven percent growth projected by the private sector
is likely to depend on a number of factors.

To begin with are infrastructure projects that are likely to bring change in the economy.
These include the construction of road and rail systems, Information Communication
Technology (ICT) and the construction of geothermal energy plants. Transport and
communication, energy and the cost of fuel are major implements of doing business. The
infrastructure projects are an effort to address the three economic impediments and their
successful completion could be a turning point for the Kenyan economy.

The successful construction of a number of roads is likely to speed up growth in the

agriculture, horticulture and tourism sectors. This may significantly improve the
economic performance from the predicted six percent to seven per cent. The completion
of a number of roads already under construction could make the country more attractive
to investors and the cost of doing business is likely to go down. Some of the roads under
construction include the Namanga- Athi River Road, Mombasa Road, Forest Road and
Thika Road. Kenya’s economic growth will also depend on investment in the geothermal
energy projects earmarked for completion by 2015.

Another key driver for change in the country’s economy is the ICT sector. It has been the
main driver of Kenya’s economic growth over the last decade. The sector has been
growing on average by 20 per cent annually and has propelled the combined transport
and communication sector into the economy’s second largest after agriculture. Over the
last three decades Kenya has experienced only two short episodes when economic growth
exceeded five percent and was sustained for at least three consecutive years: 1986 to
1988 and 2004 to 2007. The World Bank Report on Economic Prospects for Kenya
indicates that since 2000, Kenya’s economy grew at an average of four percent. Without
ICT, growth in 2010 would have been about three percent which is similar to the
population growth rate. This would have meant that the income per capital would have

While the public sector investments in infrastructure will help stimulate growth, the
timely implementation of the constitution reforms would boost business confidence.
Much of what is expected to be achieved will depend on how the country implements the
constitution and how the country behaves politically in relation to the 2012 elections.
The Kenya Association of Manufactures (KAM) and the Federation of Kenya Employers
(FKE) say that the implementation of the constitution will in essence reduce the country’s
political risk, while at the same time reassuring foreign and domestic investors that
Kenya is a safe investment haven. Putting in place a new constitution cannot be entirely
seen as a panacea to eradicating the country’s political risk associated with each election
year. However, this will assure investors thus reducing the capital flight and the slow-
down of foreign direct investment experienced during general elections. Another factor
that is expected to have a major impact on the country’s economic growth, although
negatively, is an increase in oil prices. Indeed, it has been indicated that this year might
once again witness a return of runaway crude oil prices. This would be driven by
increased global demand, a push for higher prices by oil producing nations, the return of
speculators and increased tension in the Middle East. Several analysts have already
predicted that oil prices could surpass the $100 per barrel mark. Although the
government has so far introduced price controls in the local market to contain the
uncontrolled increment of local prices by oil marketers, a surge in global prices will
definitely not spare the country.

The East African Community (EAC) economic bloc might welcome a new member state,
Southern Sudan, when the area separates from the control of the Khartoum government
after the referendum. Southern Sudanese leaders have already expressed interest to join
the EAC bloc. Admission of an additional state will translate to increased investment
opportunities for Kenya which is the strongest economy in the block economy in the
bloc. In addition, this year could see the signing of a comprehensive protocol that will
define trade between the EAC and the European Union. Hence, the long running
negotiations or the Economic Partnership Agreements could finally come to a close.

Adapted from: The Financial Journal, The Standard Tuesday, 11 January

a) Mention an example of ‘shock’ that may affect Kenya’s economy.

(1 mark)
Apart from improvement to infrastructure what else can boost the business sector?
(2 marks)
c) Explain why ICT is seen as the main driver of Kenya’s economic growth.(2 marks)
d) What is the importance of the government’s introduction of price control.
(2 marks)
e) Explain what the writer means by ‘return of runaway crude oil prices’ ( 2 marks)


f) Give the meaning of the following words and phrase as used in the passage

i) impediments
ii) propelled
ii) surpass
iii) come to a close
iv) protocol_____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________(5 marks)
f) In about 150 words and according to the passage, explain the factors that are
likely to influence Kenya’s economic growth rate during the period under review.
(10 marks)


g) Make notes on the likely benefits of completing the roads under construction.
(6 marks)

SECTION B Answer all questions in this section

2. Form ADJECTIVES from the following. (3 marks)
a) ridicule ______________________________________
b) cost ______________________________________
c) crook ______________________________________
d) communicate _________________________________________
e) desire __________________________________________
f) religion _____________________________________________

3. Fill in the blanks with correct form of words in brackets. (5 marks)

a) Mrs Mararo’s ____________________ (eldest, oldest) son is only ten, so
she can’t be very old.

b) Short rains in Kenya ____________________(oftenly, usually) come in
c) Ruth was the _____________________(faster, fastest) of all the athletes.
d) Peter has left today for_________________ (farther, further) studies in
South Africa.
e) Kigen hails from a _____________________(mountain, mountainous)

4. Complete the paragraph by filling in the blanks with the most appropriate given
in brackets (7 marks)

Community oriented policing is an ___________________( iniatiate) not a

specific tactic. Success is accomplished by __________________ (intense)
involving the same officer in the same community on a long term basis. It is a
community_____________________.(engage) and a way of solving problems via
_____________________ (collaborate) efforts with the county government.
Concerned citizens must understand their double ________________(responsible)
of participating in community __________________________(develop) and also
building the police community________________________________(partner).

Fill in the blanks in the following sentences using appropriate prepositions.

(4 marks)

a) Unlike other young people, Kyama has a unique dislike ____________dancing

and avoids it whenever he can.

b) Harrison excels _____________Kiswahili and is an avid member of the Public

Speaking Club in his school.

c) Our teacher always tells us that drugs and other illegal substances are very
injurious _______________ our health.

d) Inspector Chacha was an expert _________________ catching criminals.

6. Change the following to the passive or active. (5 marks)
a) Mark is watching lions at the animal orphanage.

b) A research paper was written by Kendi some days ago.
c) The black bike has been repaired by technicians.
d) Miriam has used three litres of champoo this month.

e) Will my offer be accepted by the director?


7. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.
a) He is a good player. He did not play golf until he was forty.
(Join using ‘Although’)

________________________________________________________________. b)
I cannot afford that coat. They should put it on sale. (Join beginning with

c) Both television and radio did not offer good programs.

(Rewrite using ‘Neither ………nor’)
d) The old was wise. He could not advise his children..
(Rewrite using ‘In spite of’)
e) Mutuku and Wepukhulu now prefer playing on the football pitch. It’s a
lot safer than the roadside. living in the house. (Join using a suitable
f) As soon as the last two students were registered, darkness set in.. (Begin:
Hardly ………………)

g) The askaris should not engaged the hawkers in running battles without a
valid reason.( Begin: Hawkers…..)

h) The rains were heavy. All roads got flooded. Susan,s car could not start.
(Join using suitable conjunctions)

8. Punctuate the following sentences. (10 marks)

a) on my vocation i lost a suitcase broke my glasses and I missed my flight

b) the indian cobra and kenyan cobra use poison in two ways by injecting it
directly into their prey or spitting it into the eyes of the victim

c) by obeying the speed limit we can save energy lives and money.

d) galileo is the father of modern science while chancet is the father of
modern literature.

e) you must stop at the eastern mall for we do not have coffee at home

f) good gracious could this be true


g mumbi is an all- round farmer who rears quails chicken dairy cows sheep
and goats
h) monica my sister who is employed as a manager at the university of
california recommended a daily dose of calcium

i) i have been telling them that our president nick obama who was formerly
the governor of turkana is a maasai
j) the principal said welcome to upendo secondary school and make yourself

9. Complete the following sentences using the most suitable form of the words in
(5 marks)
a) It ___________________________ (rain) when I got up this morning.
b) The children are tired because they
___________________________________(swim) in the ocean all day.

c) Keziah _____________________________(have) a great time in New
York at the moment.
d) They ____________________________(have, walk) in the morning most
of this week.
e) When I heard her preaching that morning I knew __________________( have
hear) that voice before.

10. Correct the mispelt words in the following passage.

(10 marks)
Bringing up children presents many challanges but there is alot that parents can
do to help their children. Some of these require societol or legal intervesion. Still
there those that require divine input. So serious is this problem that some in
society are beginning to entertein the idea of childless marriages as an option.
However given the impotance of children in marriage and in society, this
escapicism should be shanned and we should instead identify ways of handleling.
them. There is a multiplisity of issues that need special attension.

11. Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech.(10 marks)

a) “Most of the liquid cannot not be absorbed,” said the teacher.

b) “Our noses are red with cold,” the two boys said.


c) “Bring that ball now,” the teacher ordered,” and leave it here with Peter.”

d) “I have secured a new job as a telephone operator,” her sister told us.
e) “Will you accompany me to church today?” mother asked me.

12. Complete the following sentences using the correct adjective order. (3
a) She looks so elegant in her_______________________________________(Wool,
Italian, long)
b) This must be the ________________________________________ furniture Mary
bought. (wooden, modern, expensive)
c) Her ___________________________________________ car was parked outside the
chief’s house. (Japanese, red, sleek)


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