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tfn.t (Tefnut) Reference: Wb, 5, p.299. 5-6 - LGG VII, p.405 ff.

Unas pyramid
1- Unas pyramid, PT 219 (line [242])
bibliography K. Sethe, Die oldägyptischen Pyramidentexte, Bd. I,
Leipzig 1908 [* H];

A. Piankoff, The Pyramid of Unas, Texts Translated

with Commentary, ERTR 5, Princeton 1968, pl. 45-50
[* P,Ü, K]
line count according to Sethe, pyramid texts
provenance Saqqara
date Unas
type of object Royal tomb complex

script regular hieroglyphic script

§ [169a] tfn, wt zA  = T  pw  p (w) -nn  (w) sjr  Di.n  = T  sDb  = f  anx  = f

$ [169a]:

tfnwt S3 .t pw p(w) .nn (w)sir di.n .t sḏb .f ͨnḫ .f

Tefnut, this is your son, Osiris, whom you revived and let live.

§ [169b] anx  = f  anx  (cartridge |  wnjs  | cartridge) pn

$ [169b]:

ͨnḫ .f ͨnḫ (w)sir pn

If he lives, lives this Unas.

2- Unas pyramid, PT 254 (line [425])

bibliography K. Sethe, Die oldägyptischen Pyramidentexte, Bd. I,

Leipzig 1908 [* H];
A. Piankoff, The Pyramid of Unas, Texts Translated
with Commentary, ERTR 5, Princeton 1968, pl. 14-17
[* P, Ü, K]

line count according Sethe, pyramid texts


provenance Saqqara

date Unas

type of object Royal tomb complex

script regular hieroglyphic script

§ [288a] Hkn, wtt  tp  Da (m)  = s  tfn, t (cartridge |  wnjs  | cartridge)  twA.t  Sw

$ [288a]:

ḥḳn wtt tp d3 ms tfn.t wnis tw3.t šw

The Hkn.wtt is on her Dam scepter; Tefnut des Unas, who supports Schu,

3- Unas pyramid, PT 301 (line [559])

bibliography K. Sethe, Die oldägyptischen Pyramidentexte, Bd. I, Leipzig
1908 [* H];
A. Piankoff, The Pyramid of Unas, Texts Translated with
Commentary, ERTR 5, Princeton 1968, pl. 35-36 [* P, Ü,

JP Allen, The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts, Writings

from the Ancient World 23, Atlanta 2005, W 206 [Ü]
line count according Sethe, pyramid texts
provenance Saqqara

date Unas

type of object Royal tomb complex

script regular hieroglyphic script

 pA, t  = k  n  = k  (j) tm (, w)  Hna  rw, tj  jri.w  nTr. (Du.)  = Sn  D, t  = sn  Ds  = sn § 447b Sw  p (w)

Hna  tfn, wt  nTr. (Pl.)  nTr. (Pl.)  Smn.t  nTr. (Pl.)

$ [447a]:

p3.t ḳ .n k itm(w) ḥn ͨ rw ti iri.w nṯrwy .sn-ḏt .sn-ḏs .sn-šw p(w) ḥn ͨ tfnwt iri .ti
nṯrw tt .ti nṯrw smn.t nṯrw

You have your p3t , Atum with the pair of lions, who made their two gods and
their own bodies - these are Shu and Tefnut, who made the gods, who begat the
gods, who instituted the gods.

Unas pyramid Teti

1- Pyramid of Teti, PT 7
phy K. Sethe, Die oldägyptischen Pyramidentexte, Leipzig 1908-1922 [H];
A. Labrousse, L'architecture des pyramides à textes, I - Saqqara Nord,
BdE 114/2, 1996, fig. 51b;

JP Allen, The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts, Writings from the

Ancient World 23, Atlanta 2005, T 4 [Ü]
provenan Saqqara

type of Coffin or sarcophagus

regular hieroglyphic script


§ 5c nTr. (Pl.)  Nb.w  Dd  = sn § 5d jw  jt (j)  = T  Sw  rx  mrr  = T  (cartridge |  ttj  | cartridge) r  m'w,
t  = T  tf {t} n, < t>

$ [5c]

nṯr(w) nb.w ḏd .sn

 $ [5c]

iw it.(i) .t šw r ͨ mrr.t tti rmṯw.t tf(t)nt

All gods say: "Your father Shu knows that you love Teti more than your mother

2- Pyramid of Teti, PT 338 (line[T/F/E sup 6=59])

K. Sethe, Die oldägyptischen Pyramidentexte, Leipzig
1908-1922 [H];
JP Allen, The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts,
Writings from the Ancient World 23, Atlanta 2005, T
148 [Ü]

line count according MAFS and Maspero / Sethe;

to see J. Leclant / C. Berger, in: OrMonsp 9, 1997, 275.
provenance Saqqara

date Teti

type of object Royal tomb complex

script regular hieroglyphic script

$552a n  jbi  (cartridge |  ttj  | cartridge) m  Sw  n  Hqr  (cartridge |  ttj  | cartridge) m  tfn, wt

$552a [T/F/E sup 9=59]

n ibi tti m šw hḳr tti m tfnwt

Teti will not strave through shu, Teti will not strave through Tefnut.

3- Pyramid of Teti, PT 339 (line[T/F/E sup 6=62])

bibliography K. Sethe, Die oldägyptischen Pyramidentexte, Leipzig
1908-1922 [H];

JP Allen, The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts,

Writings from the Ancient World 23, Atlanta 2005, T
149 [Ü]

line count according to

MAFS and Maspero / Sethe;
see J. Leclant / C. Berger, in: OrMonsp 9, 1997, 275.

provenance Saqqara
date Teti
type of object Royal tomb complex

script regular hieroglyphic script

$553a [T/F/E sup 9=59]
D(d) - [mdw] Hqr  (cartridge |  ttj  | cartridge) ma  Sw  jb, t  (cartridge |  ttj  | cartridge) ma  tfn, wt

ḏd mdw hḳr tti m3 šw ib .t tti m3 tfnwt

Words speak Teti's hunger is with Schu, Teti's thirst with Tefnut.

4- Pyramid of Teti, PT 339 (line[T/F/E sup 11=64])

bibliography K. Sethe, Die oldägyptischen Pyramidentexte, Leipzig
1908-1922 [H];

JP Allen, The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts,

Writings from the Ancient World 23, Atlanta 2005, T
149 [Ü]

line count according to MAFS and Maspero / Sethe;

see J. Leclant / C. Berger, in: OrMonsp 9, 1997, 275.

provenance Saqqara
date Teti
type of object Royal tomb complex

script regular hieroglyphic script

§ 553d wnm  (cartridge |  ttj  | cartridge) m  wnm.t  tfn, wt jm


Wnm tti m wnm .t tfnwt im

Teti will eat from what Tefnut eats.

5- Pyramid of Teti, PT 254 (line[T/A/W 8=244])

bibliography K. Sethe, Die oldägyptischen Pyramidentexte, Leipzig
1908-1922 [H];
JP Allen, The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts,
Writings from the Ancient World 23, Atlanta 2005, T
189 [Ü]
line count according to MAFS and Maspero / Sethe;
see J. Leclant / C. Berger, in: OrMonsp 9, 1997, 275.

provenance Saqqara
date Teti
type of object Royal tomb complex

script regular hieroglyphic script

§ [288a] Hkn, wtt [T / A / W 8 = 244] tp  Da (m)  = s tfn, t. (Du.)  (cartridge |  ttj  |

cartridge) pn  twA.t  Sw § [288b] ssx  = sn  s, t  n  (cartridge |  ttj  | cartridge) pn  m  Dd, w  m  {Ddb,
t}  < Dd, t>  m  Dd, wt

$ [288a] [T/A/W 8=244]

Hkn wtt tp d3 (m) .s tfnt ty tti pn tw3 .t šw ss ͨ sn .s tn tti pn m ḏdw, m [ ḏdb.t]

ḏdb.t m ḏdwt

The Hkn.wtt is on her Dam scepter,

The two Tefnuts of this Teti, which Schu supports (?) / Support (?), They make the
seat wide for this Teti in Busiris, in {the Ddb.t chapel} <Mendes>, in Djedut;

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