Netman4000 OMC-A: Network Management System Maintenance Guide

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Netman4000 OMC-A

Network Management System

Maintenance Guide

Release 3.1.0

Doc. Code L2 FC10 31017 11 10 00

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About This Guide ........................................................................................................3
Introduction ........................................................................................................................3
Notice ............................................................................................................................3
Figures and Screen Captures .......................................................................................4
Related Documentation .....................................................................................................4

1 Routine Maintenance .........................................................................................5

Daily Maintenance Tasks ..................................................................................................5
Checking NE Configuration Files Backup Status ..........................................................5
Checking Free Disk Space............................................................................................6
Checking Connection between iAN-8000 and OMC-A .................................................6
Weekly Maintenance Tasks...............................................................................................8
Checking Archived Files................................................................................................8
Viewing Performance Report ........................................................................................9
Oracle Database Maintenance Tasks ...............................................................................9
Checking Oracle Background Processes......................................................................9
Checking Oracle Listener Status.................................................................................10
Checking Database Instance ......................................................................................11
Checking TableSpace Status ......................................................................................11
Checking Control File ..................................................................................................12
Checking Redo Log File ..............................................................................................13
Checking Database File Status ...................................................................................13
Checking Tablespace Used Space .............................................................................14
Checking Archive Mode ..............................................................................................15
Checking Database Log ..............................................................................................15
Sybase Database Maintenance Tasks............................................................................16
Checking the Adaptive Server.....................................................................................16
Checking Default Sort Order .......................................................................................17

2 Troubleshooting...............................................................................................19
Cannot Access Security Management after Changing the User Password....................19
The User is Locked Out...................................................................................................19
The Alarm Timestamp is Incorrect ..................................................................................19
Configuring the Password Attempts and Lockout Time ..................................................20
NMS Login Failure...........................................................................................................20
ADSL Line Profile Assign Failure ....................................................................................21

Netman 4000 OMC-A Maintenance Guide


Updating License Online..................................................................................................23

Modifying the reminder time ahead of password expiration ............................................23

Maintenance Guide Netman 4000 OMC-A

About This Guide

This guide gives the details of how to maintain Netman4000 OMC-A.

This guide may contain notices, figures, screen captures, and certain text

The following table lists notices icons used in this guide.

Icon Notice Type Description

Information that contains important features or instructions but is not


Information to alert of potential damage to a program, data, system, or

device. If not avoided, may result in minor or moderate damage. It may
also alert against unsafe practices and potential program, data, system,
device damage.
Information to alert of operations that may cause potential accident,
Warning casualty, personal injury, fatality or potential electrical hazard. If not
avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Information that indicates proper grounding precautions is required
before handling a product.

The following table lists text conventions in this guide.

Convention Description
This typeface represents text that appears on a terminal
screen, including, configuration file names (only for system
Text represented by output file names), and command names, for example login.
Courier New Font
Commands entered by users are represented by bold, for
example, cd $HOME.
This typeface represents window names, dialog box names,
Text represented by bold tabs, field names, function names, directory, file names, process
names, and commands in text, for example, set the Time field.
Text represented by [Menu] This square brackets represents menus such as [File], and
and [Menu/Sub-menu] [File/New]
Text represented by This angle bracket represents button on screen, function key on
<Button> the keyboard and icon names for example, click <OK>.
Text represented by This typeface represents documents for reference, for example,
Document Name Netman 2020 Installation Guide

Netman 4000 OMC-A Maintenance Guide

4 Chapter 0 About This Guide

Convention Description
Text represented by
This typeface represents files in Unix/Linux system files.
# File format:

Figures and Screen Captures

This guide provides figures and screen captures as examples. These examples
contain sample data. This data may vary from the actual data on an installed system.

Related Documentation
This section lists documents containing further information about Netman4000 OMC-
A, including:
• Netman4000 OMC-A System Overview
• Netman4000 OMC-A Operation Guide
• Netman4000 OMC-A Installation Guide

Maintenance Guide Netman 4000 OMC-A

Routine Maintenance
1 1

This section describes the items that need to be monitored.

Daily Maintenance Tasks

Checking NE Configuration Files Backup Status
Task Description
Check whether the NE configuration file has been backed up or not.

1 From OMC-A main menu, click [Tools/NE File Management System].
2 Click <Backup NE Config> in the left pane of the NE File Management System

window, and click Backup Tasks in the left pane.

3 If there is no back up task, click <Add> to add a backup task.
See more details on how to schedule a backup task in Netman 4000 OMC-A
Operation guide
4 Select a backup task, and click <Report> to see the report.
The Task Report window is displayed.
Figure 1 Task Report

The Status will be 'Success' in the Task Report window for successful back-up.
If the status is not 'Success', click <Show Detail> to see a detailed explanation.

Netman 4000 OMC-A Maintenance Guide

6 Chapter 1 Routine Maintenance

Results and Verification

By default, the OMC-A saves the latest three NE configuration files automatically.
If the NE configuration files need to be backed up to tape, or other media, enter the
directory and backup these files manually.

Checking Free Disk Space

Task Description
Check if there is adequate free disk space on the OMC-A server.

1 Telnet to the OMC-A server as root
2 Enter the following command
#df –k

Filesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on

/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 3096423 1045740 1988755 35% /
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s4 4129290 1950734 2137264 48% /usr
/proc 0 0 0 0% /proc
fd 0 0 0 0% /dev/fd
mnttab 0 0 0 0% /etc/mnttab
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s3 2053605 258014 1733983 13% /var
swap 3425272 16 3425256 1% /var/run
swap 3670424 245168 3425256 7% /tmp

Results and Verification

This command prints the allocation in KB. Capacity, the percentage of available
space that is currently allocated to all files on the file system should be lower than
If the allocated space is more than 75%, clear the unused files and free more space.

Checking Connection between iAN-8000 and OMC-A

Task Description
Check whether the communication between iAN-8000 and OMC-A is OK.

1 From the OMC-A main menu, click [Fault/Current Alarm Management]
2 From Current Alarm Management main menu, click [Custom View/Add View].
3 In the Add Custom View window:
- Enter Heart-beat in the Custom View Name
- Select Heart-beat connection lost in Specific Problem
Maintenance Guide Netman 4000 OMC-A
Chapter 1 Routine Maintenance 7

- Click <OK>
Figure 2 Add Custom View 1

4 Select Heart-beat from the Current Alarm View tree and the heart-beat alarm will
be displayed.
Check whether there is heart-beat failure alarm between the NMS and node.

Result and Verification

If there is heart-beat failure alarm, it shows the connection failure between iAN-8000
and OMC-A.

Netman 4000 OMC-A Maintenance Guide

8 Chapter 1 Routine Maintenance

Weekly Maintenance Tasks

Checking Archived Files
Task Description
By default, there are seven archival tasks scheduled by the system automatically, for
event data, system log, user log, inventory log, history session, history alarm data
and history performance data. For each data type, only one task can be added.

1 From OMC-A main menu, click [System Admin/Archiving Management].
Archiving Management window is displayed as following.
Figure 3 Archiving Management

2 Check whether "success" is shown in the Last Execution column.

Results and Verification

1 Telnet to the OMC-A server as root.
2 Access the archived file.
Get the archived file directory by clicking <View> in the Archiving Management
window. The file directory can be modified by clicking <Modify>. Modify the File
directory parameter in the Modify Task window.
3 Check whether the archived file is created according to the configuration.
4 Backup the archived files to tape or other media, and delete the archived files if
the remaining disk space is limited.

Maintenance Guide Netman 4000 OMC-A

Chapter 1 Routine Maintenance 9

Viewing Performance Report

Task Description
A performance report can be generated automatically or manually.
If Generate Report Automatically is checked for a specific template, OMC-A
automatically generates performance report according to the Auto-Report type.

Procedure and Result

1 Access the directory where the NMS is installed.
2 Access the directory where the automatic reports are stored.
For example, if you selected to store the performance report in local server,
when adding template, these report files will be saved at WebNMS/report_auto
under the OMC-A installation directory.
3 Check all the files. Backup the report files to the tape or other media, and delete
unnecessary report files if the remaining disk space is limited.

Oracle Database Maintenance Tasks

Routinely inspect the Oracle database to ensure maximum performance.

Checking Oracle Background Processes

Task Description
The following background processes that start when an Oracle instance is started.
• Database Write (DBWn) is the process that writes data files.
• Log Writer (LGWR) is the process that writes log files.
• System Monitor (SMON) is the process that monitors the instance status.
• Process Monitor (PMNO) is the process that monitors the client connection to the
• Checkpoint (CKPT) is the process that updates the headers of all data files to
record the checkpoint details.

1 Telnet to the Oracle database server;
2 Input the following command:
# ps –ef|grep “ora_”|grep –v grep

oracle 6586 1 0 May 15 ? 0:00 ora_pmon_inms

oracle 6594 1 0 May 15 ? 0:06 ora_smon_inms
oracle 6588 1 0 May 15 ? 6:50 ora_dbw0_inms
oracle 6590 1 0 May 15 ? 37:48 ora_lgwr_inms
oracle 6592 1 0 May 15 ? 0:45 ora_ckpt_inms
oracle 6596 1 0 May 15 ? 0:01 ora_reco_inms
Netman 4000 OMC-A Maintenance Guide
10 Chapter 1 Routine Maintenance

Results and Verification

All of the following Oracle background processes should be listed: dbw0, lgwr, pmno,
smon, ckpt. The name after those processes names is the Oracle database instance
name that was created during Oracle installation. In this book, we assume the
instance name suffix is inms.

Checking Oracle Listener Status

Task Description
Check whether the connection to the Oracle Database is ok.

1 Telnet to the Oracle database server
2 Input the following command:
# lsnrctl status

LSNRCTL for Solaris: Version - Production on 08-FEB-2007


(c) Copyright 1998 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Version TNSLSNR for Solaris: Version -
Start Date 02-FEB-2007 11:48:05
Uptime 6 days 3 hr. 2 min. 52 sec
Trace Level off
Security OFF
Listener Parameter File /opt/oracle/db01/network/admin/listener.ora
Listener Log File /opt/oracle/db01/network/log/listener.log
Services Summary...
PLSExtProc has 1 service handler(s)
inms has 1 service handler(s)
The command completed successfully

The Service Summary lists the database instance the Oracle listener is listening to.
The instance name INMS should be listed.
Maintenance Guide Netman 4000 OMC-A
Chapter 1 Routine Maintenance 11

The instance INMS in Services Summary should be listed

Checking Database Instance

Task Description
Check the instance name and the status of the instance.

1 Log on to Oracle database server as DBA.
2 Input the following command
SQL> select instance_name,status from v$instance;

--------------------------- -------------

Result and Verification

The status of the current instance should be OPEN.

Checking TableSpace Status

Task Description
Check whether the status of the current tablespaces works normally.

1 Log on to Oracle database server as DBA
2 input the following command:
SQL>select tablespace_name,status from dba_tablespaces;

------------------------------ ---------

Netman 4000 OMC-A Maintenance Guide

12 Chapter 1 Routine Maintenance


------------------------------ ---------



The status of all tablespaces should be ONLINE.

Checking Control File

Task Description
Check the associated control files of the Oracle instance.

1 Log on to Oracle database server as DBA
2 Input the following command:
SQL> select * from v$controlfile;




Result and Verifaciton

STATUS should be null, and there should be at least three entries under NAME.

Maintenance Guide Netman 4000 OMC-A

Chapter 1 Routine Maintenance 13

Checking Redo Log File

Task Description
This command displays the associated log files of the Oracle instance.

1 Log on to Oracle database server as DBA.
2 Input the following command
SQL> select * from v$logfile;

---------- -------



Result and Verification

STATUS should be null, and should show the location and status of three redo logs.

Checking Database File Status

Task Description
This command displays the location of each data files, status, and size in megabytes.

1 Log on to Oracle database server as DBA.
2 Input the following command
SQL> select name, status, enabled, bytes/1024/1024 sizeMB from

Part of the:
------- ---------- ----------

Netman 4000 OMC-A Maintenance Guide

14 Chapter 1 Routine Maintenance




------- ---------- ----------



Checking Tablespace Used Space

Task Description
This command displays the percent tablespace usage.

1 Log on to Oracle database server as DBA.
2 Input the following command:
A.tablespace_name,(1-(*100 used_percent
(select tablespace_name,sum(bytes) total
from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name) A,
(select tablespace_name,sum(bytes) total
from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name) B
where A.tablespace_name=B.tablespace_name;
Maintenance Guide Netman 4000 OMC-A
Chapter 1 Routine Maintenance 15

------------------------------ ------------
INDX .014467593
RBS 23.2015625
SYSTEM 20.9855769
TEMP .00390625
TOOLS .09765625
USERS 87.5003906

6 rows selected.

Monitor those tablespaces with a USED_PERCENT above 65%. If the percent is
higher than 90%, the tablespace needs to be expanded by adding data files.

Checking Archive Mode

Task Description
Check the information about the Archive log mode status and the archives destination

1 Log on to Oracle database server.
2 Input the following command:
$sqlplus “/ as sysdba”
SQL> archive log list
Database log mode Archive Mode
Automatic archival Enabled
Archive destination /opt/oracle/db01/dbs/arch
Oldest online log sequence 29935
Current log sequence 29937

Log mode should be Archive Mode and Automatic archival should be Enabled .

Checking Database Log

Task Description
Inspect the database logs.

Netman 4000 OMC-A Maintenance Guide

16 Chapter 1 Routine Maintenance

1 Log on to Oracle database server.
2 Input the following command:
$ more $ORACLE_BASE/admin/inms/bdump/alert_inms.log

Expected Result
1 The redo log file should switch periodically.
2 There should be no error information. If has the error information, contact a
UTStarcom GSS engineer.
3 Check for ora- errors and warnings.
Thread 1 opened at log sequence 1
Current log# 1 seq# 1 mem# 0:

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 2
Current log# 2 seq# 2 mem# 0:
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 3
Current log# 3 seq# 3 mem# 0:

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 4

Current log# 1 seq# 4 mem# 0:
Successful open of redo thread 1.

Sybase Database Maintenance Tasks

Checking the Adaptive Server
Task Description
Check whether the Sybase Adaptive Server is started.


Note: Here assume the Adaptive Server name is inms.

1 Open the Command Prompt window.

Maintenance Guide Netman 4000 OMC-A
Chapter 1 Routine Maintenance 17

2 Connect to the Sybase database:

isql -Usa -P –Sinms

If the above command execution succeeds, it represents that Sybase database
already is started. Otherwise, the following figure will be displayed and it represents
that the Sybase database is not started yet.
Figure 4 Error Information Prompt

Checking Default Sort Order

Task Description
Check whether the default sort order is already configured correctly.

Execute the following commands to check the default sort order:

As the following figure displays Sort Order = 101, utf8_nocase, it represents the
default sort order is configured correctly.
Figure 5 Check Default Sort Order Result

Netman 4000 OMC-A Maintenance Guide

2 2

The following are the most common problems encountered when using Netman 4000
OMC-A, and suggested solutions.

Cannot Access Security Management after Changing the User

The user cannot access security management after changing the user password. The
system displays the error message:
The error ID is 210001 or the user information is outdated, please log on again.
Probable Cause
The user password contains special characters, such as "#".
Change the user password. The password should be alphanumeric character strings.
It is recommended to set the password with only alphanumeric character strings
when creating a new user.

The User is Locked Out

If the wrong password is entered in the Netman 4000 OMC-A three times, the
account will be locked out and the system will display a log on error message. This
mechanism helps to prevent unauthorized user access to the OMC system.
To unlock the system, log on to the application server as root and then launches IE
and enters the following URL in the address bar:

The is the NMS server IP address. For example, if the Netman 4000
OMC-A Server IP address is, then the following message is displayed:
This script was used to unlock all users! The user is
unlocked :root172.21.73.66

The Alarm Timestamp is Incorrect

The alarm timestamp is incorrect in the client.
Probable Cause
The time zone is not consistent with the server.
1 Check that the time zone in the client is the same as the server.

Netman 4000 OMC-A Maintenance Guide

20 Chapter 2 Troubleshooting

Click start button. Click Control Panel, and then double-click Date and Time.
Click the Time Zone tab, and then select the correct time zone from the drop-
down list. Click <Apply>.
2 On the server, use the following command to view the time zone in Solaris OS.
#cat /etc/TIMEZONE

3 Change the time zone on the client, then log on to the Netman 4000 again. The
alarm timestamps should now be correct.

Configuring the Password Attempts and Lockout Time

By default when the user attempts to log on with an incorrect password three times,
the client will be locked out 120 minutes.
1 Shut down the Netman 4000 OMC-A application.
2 Modify WebNMS/conf/ngnms/SM/UNMS_SM.conf
Modify the following lines:

Attempttimes = 3
Locktime = 120

Modify locktime (minutes) and attempttimes (attempts) as desired. .

3 Restart the Netman 4000 OMC-A application to take effect the parameters.

NMS Login Failure

1 None of the clients can log on to the NMS System
2 Some clients can’t log on to the NMS System.
Probable Cause
• The Netman 4000 OMC-A disk or Database Server disk is full.
• Java Web Start configuration is incorrect.
• The client firewall (Windows XP) is disabled.
• The client Internet Explorer configuration is incorrect.
• The client hostname isn’t configured.
1 Log on to the Netman 4000 Application Server and Database Server. Check that
there is sufficient disk space.
#df -k.

Maintenance Guide Netman 4000 OMC-A

Chapter 2 Troubleshooting 21

2 Determine if JRE has been installed correctly in the client. Ensure the Java Web
Start configuration is correct.
a Click start, point to Settings, click Control Panel to open Control Panel
b Click Java icon to open Java Control Panel window.
c Click the Java tab and click View button in the Java Application Runtime
Settings frame.
The Java Runtime Version should be 1.5.0_XX.
d Clear the check box of any earlier versions.
e Click <OK>.
Figure 6 JNLP Runtime Settings

3 Determine if the client firewall is disabled (Windows XP).

Launch the Local Area connection.
Click Properties, and then click the Advanced tab;
Click Settings, and then select Off to turn off Windows firewall.
4 Determine if the client Internet Explorer configuration is correct
Launch the IE;
On the Tools menu, click the Internet Options, and then click the Connections tab.
Click LAN Settings. In the Automatic Settings group, clear Automatically detect
settings. In the Proxy server group, clear Use a proxy server…

ADSL Line Profile Assign Failure

Note: The section is only for OMC-A Windows version.

Netman 4000 OMC-A Maintenance Guide

22 Chapter 2 Troubleshooting

Fail to assign ADSL Line Profile to the port in iAN8k-B110.
The MTU value of the network card is set to 1200, so the data package which is large
than 1200Bytes can not be sent to the device successfully.
Follow the steps below to delete the MTU item in the registry.
1 From the Windows Start menu, click [Start/Run] to open the Run window.

2 Enter regedit in the text box, and click OK to open the registry editor.
3 From the navigation tree, find [My
4 Double-click Interfaces to display all the sub-items. Each sun-item is
corresponding to a network card.
5 Check the value of IPAddress in every sub-item, if it is exactly the IP address of
the server, the sub-item is the one we need. The following picture is shown as an

Maintenance Guide Netman 4000 OMC-A

Chapter 2 Troubleshooting 23

6 Find MTU key in the sub-item which was found in the Step 5, select Delete in the
right-click menu, and then click Yes to confirm the deletion.
7 Close the registry editor.
8 Restart the server.

Updating License Online

To update the license when the system is running, execute the following steps:
1 Copy the license file license.xml.sig to the folder<APP server installation
2 On an OMC client, log in to NMS system.
3 Select [Help/About] from the main menu
4 Click <License Info…> to display the license information
5 Click <Reload> to load the latest license file.

Modifying the reminder time ahead of password expiration

If the user password expiration time is approaching, a message will be prompted to
remind the user to modify the password. The reminder time ahead of expiration can
be configured; the default value is 7 days. The corresponding parameter is
PwdExpire (in day) in the file <APP server installation

Netman 4000 OMC-A Maintenance Guide

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