Communication System Simulation IEEE 802.11a 程式報告

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Communication System Simulation

IEEE 802.11a 程式報告

指 老師:劉宗 老師
Heiskala and Terry, OFDM Wireless LANs: A Theoretical and
Practical Guide. Sams Publishing, 2002, pp. 102-106.

CCU Comm.
Smart Antenna Lab
MATLAB 主程式架構


transmitter.m channel.m receiver.m

CCU Comm.
Smart Antenna Lab
Transmitter 架構

tx_ tx_make_ tx_

tx_ tx_ tx_ tx_ tx_add_ tx_freqd_ tx_add_ tx_gen_
conv_ int_num_ power_
Puncture Interleaver Modulate Diversity pilot_ to_ cyclic_ Preamble
Encoder ofdm_ Amplifier
.m .m .m .m syms.m timed.m prefix.m .m
.m syms.m .m

CCU Comm.
Smart Antenna Lab
IEEE 802.11a
Transmi er s Block Diagram
Encoder 2 bits Interleaving 2 bits 14 bits Add Pilot and Make Up
1 bit 1 bit (tx_conv_encoder.m) Bit to Symbol Mapping
Scrambler (tx_interleaver.m) Full OFDM Symbol
PLCP DATA (tx_modulate.m)
(tx_conv_encoder.m) (tx_add_pilot_syms.m)
14 bits

Frequency 盪器
Divider(/2) 12MHz

Only PLCP 1 bit Convolutional 2 bits 2 bits Two Bits To 1 bit BPSK
SIGNAL Encoder One Bits Mapping

盪器 Frequency
40MHz Divider(/2)
10 bits 8 bits 8 bits 8 bits 14 bits 14 bits
14Bits to
Output to RF DAC Pulse Shaping Up Sampling Add PLCP IFFT & Add
8 Bits
10 bits 8 bits 8 bits Preamble 8 bits Cyclic Prefix 14 bits
14 bits (tx_add_cyclic_prefix.m)

IEEE802.11a 發射機架構圖(Data Rate = 6Mbps)

CCU Comm.
Smart Antenna Lab
Interleaving 資料重排的抗通道fading
Interleaving aims to distribute transmitted bits in time or
frequency or both to achieve desirable bit error distribution
after demodulation. What constitutes a desirable error
distribution depends on the used FEC code.

WLAN systems generally assume a very slowly fading

channel, also called quasi-stationary, that does not change
during one packet. Another characterization of
communications channels is as flat or frequency selective
fading channels. OFDM technology is well suited for
communication over slowly frequency-selective fading
channels. CCU Comm.
Smart Antenna Lab
1.Block Interleaver

2.Convolutional Interleaver

CCU Comm.
Smart Antenna Lab
Block Interleaver

Input: b0 , b1,b2, , b46,b47

Output: b0 , b8,b16, , b39,b47


The advantage of this block

interleaver is simple hardware
It only involves access to memory.
CCU Comm.
Smart Antenna Lab
Convolutional Interleaver
迴旋交 器由移位暫存器以及多工器所組成,如下圖

CCU Comm.
Smart Antenna Lab
在接收端的解交 器(deinterleaver)對 著傳送端交
器的N各移位暫存器,並且解交 器的 向器必須要跟
交 器的 向器同步,如下圖所示

CCU Comm.
Smart Antenna Lab
Interleaving in IEEE 802.11a
The first permutation ensures that adjacent coded bits are
mapped onto non-adjacent subcarriers.

The second ensures that adjacent coded bits are mapped
alternately onto less and more significant bits of the
constellation and long runs of low reliability bits are avoided.

Let k be the index of the coded bit before the first permutation,
i be the index after the first permutation,
and j be the index after the second permutation,
just prior to modulation mapping.
CCU Comm.
Smart Antenna Lab
Interleaving in IEEE 802.11a
The formula of the first permutation
i ( NCBPS / 16)(k mod 16) floor(k / 16), k 0,1,..., NCBPS 1
The formula of second permutation
j s * floor i / s (i N CBPS floor (16 * i / N CBPS ) mod s

where s max( ,1)
NCBPS : number of bits in an OFDM symbol
N BPSC : number of bits in a symbol transmitted through a sub-carrier

CCU Comm.
Smart Antenna Lab
The OFDM is to transmit data in a blockwise manner.
The number of symbols in each block is a parameter of the OFDM system.
Each block is referred to as the OFDM symbol or block.
tx_gen_intlvr_patt.m (1/4)


CCU Comm.
Smart Antenna Lab
tx_gen_intlvr_patt.m (2/4)
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46
2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 44 47
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48

1 7 13 19 25 31 37 43 49 55 61 67 73 79 85 91
2 8 14 20 26 32 38 44 50 56 62 68 74 80 86 92
3 9 15 21 27 33 39 45 51 57 63 69 75 81 87 93
4 10 16 22 28 34 40 46 52 58 64 70 76 82 88 94
5 11 17 23 29 35 41 47 53 59 65 71 77 83 89 95
6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96
CCU Comm.
Smart Antenna Lab
tx_gen_intlvr_patt.m (3/4)
1 14 25 38 49 62 73 86 97 110 121 134 145 158 169 182
2 13 26 37 50 61 74 85 98 109 122 133 146 157 170 181
3 16 27 40 51 64 75 88 99 112 123 136 147 160 171 184
4 15 28 39 52 63 76 87 100 111 124 135 148 159 172 183
5 18 29 42 53 66 77 90 101 114 125 138 149 162 173 186
6 17 30 41 54 65 78 89 102 113 126 137 150 161 174 185
7 20 31 44 55 68 79 92 103 116 127 140 151 164 175 188
8 19 32 43 56 67 80 91 104 115 128 139 152 163 176 187
9 22 33 46 57 70 81 94 105 118 129 142 153 166 177 190
10 21 34 45 58 69 82 93 106 117 130 141 154 165 178 189
11 24 35 48 59 72 83 96 107 120 131 144 155 168 179 192
12 23 36 47 60 71 84 95 108 119 132 143 156 167 180 191
CCU Comm.
Smart Antenna Lab
tx_gen_intlvr_patt.m (4/4)
1 21 38 55 75 92 109 129 146 163 183 200 217 237 254 271
2 19 39 56 73 93 110 127 147 164 181 201 218 235 255 272
3 20 37 57 74 91 111 128 145 165 182 199 219 236 253 273
4 24 41 58 78 95 112 132 149 166 186 203 220 240 257 274
5 22 42 59 76 96 113 130 150 167 184 204 221 238 258 275
6 23 40 60 77 94 114 131 148 168 185 202 222 239 256 276
7 27 44 61 81 98 115 135 152 169 189 206 223 243 260 277
8 25 45 62 79 99 116 133 153 170 187 207 224 241 261 278
9 26 43 63 80 97 117 134 151 171 188 205 225 242 259 279
10 30 47 64 84 101 118 138 155 172 192 209 226 246 263 280
11 28 48 65 82 102 119 136 156 173 190 210 227 244 264 281
12 29 46 66 83 100 120 137 154 174 191 208 228 245 262 282
13 33 50 67 87 104 121 141 158 175 195 212 229 249 266 283
14 31 51 68 85 105 122 139 159 176 193 213 230 247 267 284
15 32 49 69 86 103 123 140 157 177 194 211 231 248 265 285
16 36 53 70 90 107 124 144 161 178 198 215 232 252 269 286
17 34 54 71 88 108 125 142 162 179 196 216 233 250 270 287
18 35 52 72 89 106 126 143 160 180 197 214 234 251 268 288 CCU Comm.
Smart Antenna Lab

34 = 1632 / 48
The interleaving depth measured in bits
changes according the used modulation:
BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM,and 64-QAM
have interleaving depths of 48, 96, 192, and 288 bits, respectively.

CCU Comm.
Smart Antenna Lab


以BPSK為例: 1 6
以64 QAM為例: 34 1612/48=33.58333
6 1612/288=5.59722


CCU Comm.
Smart Antenna Lab

CCU Comm.
Smart Antenna Lab
Rate Dependent Parameters
(modulation and coding scheme, MCS)

data rate = DBPS R
4 s N CBPS
48 sub-carriers
20 Smart Antenna Lab

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