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Nama : Ni Kadek Widya Astuti Dewi

NPM : 2002014117

Class : 3C Manajemen Sore

English Languge Courses

Task 1
1. B. As old as the oldest cultures
2. C. Yes, it does
3. B. Good or evil spirits
4. D. Religious rituals
5. D. Licking red hot steel blade
6. A. Yogi
7. B. In a highly focused state of rnind
8. C. They arrive later than Planned
9. D. Possessed by a good spirit
10. A. Just all right
11. A. Religious belief
12. C. The author did

Task 2
1. Possession also trance is as old as the oldest culture. People are believed to be possessed by a
ghost or good and evil spirits. But in reality possession is just a mental imbalance, pathological
and repression of sexual urges.
2. I have seen person being possessed by a ghost or evil spirit or good spirit.
3. The logical possible cause of the reality possession is just mental imbalance. In the most case, the
problem was hysteria which was usually created by the repression of sexual urges. There also
pathological fear of losing something or someone.
4. The methods tusually used in india patients suffering from possession were freed using
different menthods, such as whipping the patient before an idol during the treatment, one
called avakya comes forward as though he were also possed by a good spirit. Sometimes
while in a highly concentrated state of emotion, the vakya jumps into the flames of a fire to
prove holo migtity his powers are then chanting hymns, he tries to and the patient out of
his condition
5. Yes, I believe the phenomena of possession.
6. I believe, because in my religion or culture (Hindu) there are many rituals, which in the ritual
many people being trance or possessed by a good spirit and signifies that the rituals has been
awarded and the rituals went well.

Task 3
1. Impatient
2. Treat
3. Ignorant
4. Priests
5. Oldest
6. Sexual urge
7. Whipping and idol
8. Mental imbalance
9. Serve
10. Late
11. Originally
12. Lick
13. Examine
14. Evil spirits
15. Chanting hymns
16. Ghosts
17. Desperately


1. Trance = Possession
2. Chance = Possibility
3. Discrepants = Diverse
4. Push = Shove
5. Chief = Leader
6. Badly = Egregiously
7. Probability = Prospect
8. Demons = Beast/Devil
9. Obtain = Get
10. Focused = Concentrate
11. Help = Aid
12. Deserve = Be Worthy Of
13. Earlier = Earliest
14. Complete = Finished

Task 4 A
1. (+) Along the Himalayan mountains, yogis and non-yogis (are) similar to some extent in
their mighty power.
(-) Along the Himalayan mountains, yogis and non-yogis are not similar to some extent in their
mighty power.
(?) Along the Himalayan mountains,are yogis and non-yogis similar to some extent in their
mighty power ?

2. (+) Spiritual preachers always interpret religion in their own language.

(-) Spiritual preachers always don’t interpret religion in their own language.
(?) Do spiritual preachers always interpret religion in their own language?
3. (+) Many people (are) always diffident.
(-) Many people are not always diffident.
(?) Are many people always diffident?

4. (+) One of the disciples often (faces) diffident barries.

(-) One of the disciples often does not face diffident barries.
(?) Does one of the disciples often face diffident barries?

5. (+) A coward (is) a faint – hearted person.

(-) A coward is not a faint – hearted person.
(?) Is a coward is a faint – hearted person?

6. (+) This world is full of hatred, as if there is real love.

(-) This world is not full of hatred, as if there is real love.
(?) Is this world is full of hatred, as if there is real love?

7. (+) The son (dislike) his parents, and vice versa.

(-) The son doesn’t dislike his parents, and vice versa.
(?) Does the son dislike his parents, and vice versa?

8. (+) The wife (poisons) her husband and (marries) another young rich man.
(-) The wife doesn’t poisons her husband and marry another young rich man.
(?) Does the wife poisons her husband and marry another young rich man?

9. (-) Beauty (is) not in the face, but a light in the

heart. (?) Is beauty not in the face but light in the

10. (+) Every body (haves) to fight the foe within.

(-) Every body doesn’t have to fight the foe within.
(?) Does every body have to fight the foe within?

11. (+) One intentionally (forget) what he (say).

(-) One intentionally dont forget what he said.
(?) Do one intentionally forget what he says?

12. (+) The values of humanity decrease rapidly.

(-) The values of humanity does not decrease rapidly.
(?) Does the values of humanity decrease rapidly?

13. (+) Sincere prayer draws the Grace of the Lord as the magnet draws the iron.
(-) Sincere prayer does not draw the Grace of the Lord as the magnet does not draw the iron.
(?) Does sincere prayer draw the Grace of the Lord as the magnet draw the iron?
14. (+) Faith (make) the weak strong and the timid brave.
(-) Faith dont make the weak strong and the timid brave.
(?) Is faith make the weak strong and the timid brave?

15. (+) Without faith, life loses its elfulgence.

(-) Without faith, life does not lose its elfulgence.
(?) Without faith, life does lose its elfulgence?

Task 4 B
1. (+) the police caught the thief yesterday evening (-) the

police did not catch the thief yesterday evening

(?) Did the police catch the thief yesterday evening ?

2. (+) the guru initiated his new disciples silently (-) the

guru did not initiate his new disciples silently

(?) Did the guru initiate his new disciples silently?

3. (+) He forgot to bring hid books to school (-) He did not

forget to bring hid books to school

(?) Did He forget to bring hid books to school ?

4. (+) they took the vacation in June last year (-) they did

not take the vacation in June last year (?) Did they take

the vacation in June last year?

5. (+) Her new servant broke a lot of dishes last week (-)

Her new servant did not break a lot of dishes last week (?)

Did Her new servant break a lot of dishes last week?

6. (+) Most parents thought about their son’s problem

seriously (-) Most parents did not think about their son’s

problem seriously (?) Did Most parents think about

their son’s problem seriously?

7. (+) The student went to their respective class when
thebell rang

(-) The student did not go to their respective class when the bell

ring(?) Did the student go to their respective class when the

bell ring?

8. (+) The spiritual messenger left for Himalaya last night (-

) The spiritual messenger did not leave for Himalaya


(?) Did spiritual messenger leave for Himalaya last night?

9. (+) His gurus talked about the problem very seriously

(-)His gurus did not talk about the problem very

seriously (?) Did His gurus talk about the problem very


10. (+) His father told them that they had to study much

harder (-) His father did not tell them that they have

tostudy much harder

(?) Did His father tell them that they have to study much harder ?

Task 5
• Shame is something that we must still in ourselves, because with shame in ourselves it
will makemore motivated to do things and achieve what we want without fear

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