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Submitted By
Ankesh Pandey

Submitted To
Dr Sandi Kumar Reddy











To Determine the Impact Strength Index of a given rock specimen.

Impact Strength Index Apparatus, Sieve (300 micron), Weighing Machine Tray

Impact strength index is an important property of a rock mass which is used widely in
geological and geotechnical engineering. In this study, the mechanical properties of one
igneous, three sedimentary and three metamorphic rock types were determined in the
laboratory and correlated with P-Wave Velocity. Empirical equations have been
developed to predict the impact strength from P-Wave velocity which may avoid the
necessity for time-consuming and tedious laboratory testing.

The apparatus consists of a vertical steel cylinder of 44.5 mm internal diameter closed at
the upper end by a screw cap and fixed permanently at the bottom. A steel plunger of 1.8
kg in mass and 4.3 cm diameter at the bottom fits loosely inside the hollow cylinder. A
steel cap is provided through which plunger handle moves whose purpose is to prevent
the dust escaping from the steel cylinder. The steel cap serves the purpose of preventing
the hammer from coming out of the cylinder.

Impact Strength Apparatus

1. A sample is taken from mine face or from the run of mine and is sieved through
2.54 cm mesh.
2. The oversized material is broken to give maximum yield of fragments just under
2.54 cm.
3. The 0.95-0.32 cm fractions are then removed from broken material by hand
4. Each fraction is sieved on a size of 0.32 cm B.S. Sieve using a weighing machine
sample of 100 +- 0.005 gm is carefully weighed.
5. The 100gm sample is poured gently into the hollow cylinder, which is placed on a
level floor.
6. Keeping the cylinder steady by feet raises the plunger to the full extent and drops
it freely 20 times. The impact rate is kept faster than one pound per every 2
7. Finally the cap of the plunger is removed and the sample is sieved through 300
micron sieve.
8. The Impact Strength Index is obtained by calculating the ratio of final weight to
the initial weight.


● Observations

Sample Weigh Before Weight After Impact Strength

Pounding Pounding Index
(gm) (gm) (%)

Marble 100 97 97

Granite 100 98 98

Sandstone 100 99 99
● Performance

Index Mkt. Return (%) +/- Index

1 Week 0.85 +0.80

1 Month 6.47 +6.24

3 Months 5.62 +4.93

YTD 0.68 -1.70

1. Before pounding, the cylinder should be thoroughly cleaned.
2. The cap should be screwed tightly.

The impact strength index of the following samples are as follows
1. Marble is 97%
2. Granite is 98%
3. Sandstone is 99%
This test is intended to measure the uniaxial tensile strength of prepared rock specimens
indirectly by the Brazil test. The justification for the test is based on the experimental fact
that most rocks in biaxial stress fields fail in tension at their uniaxial tensile strength when
one principal stress is tensile and the other finite principal stress is compressive with a
magnitude not exceeding three times that of the tensile principal stress.

1. Two steel loading jaws designed so as to contact a disc-shaped rock sample at
diametrically-opposed surfaces over an arc of contact of approx 10° at failure. The
suggested apparatus to achieve this is illustrated in the figure shown below. The
critical dimensions of the apparatus are the radius of curvature of the jaws, the
clearance and length of the guide pins coupling the two curved jaws and the width
of the jaws. These are as follows
a. Radius of jaws = 1.5 x specimen radius
b. Guide Pin Clearance = Permit Rotation of one jawa relative to the other by
4 x 10^(-3) rad out of plan of the apparatus (25mm penetration of guide pin
with 0.1 mm clearance)
c. Width of Jaws = 1.1 x Specimen thickness. The upper jaw contains a
spherical seating conveniently formed by a 25 mm dia half ball bearing.

Apparatus for Brazil Test

2. Double thickness (0.2 - 0.4 mm) adhesive paper strip (masking tape) with a width
equal to or slightly greater than the specimen thickness.

3. A suitable machine for applying and measuring compressive loads to the specimen.
It shall be of sufficient capacity and be capable of applying load at a rate
conforming to the procedure It shall be verified at suitable time intervals and shall
comply with accepted national requirements such as prescribed in either ASTM
Methods E4, Verification of Testing Machines or British Standard 1610, Grade A
or Deutsche Normen DIN 51 220 and DIN 51 223, Klasse 1.

4. A spherical seat, if any, of the testing machine cross shall be placed in a locked
position, the two loading surfaces of the machine parallel to each other.

5. It is preferable but not obligatory that the testing machine be fitted with a chart
recorder to record load against displacement to aid the measurement of the failure

1. The test specimens should be cut and prepared using clean water. The cylindrical
surfaces should be free from obvious tool marks and any irregularities across the
thickness of the specimen should not exceed 0.025 mm. End faces shall be flat to
within 0.25 mm and square and parallel to within 0.25°.

2. Specimen orientation shall be known and the water content controlled or

measured and reported in accordance with the “Suggested Method for
Determination of Water Content of a Rock Sample”, Method 1, ISRM Committee
on Laboratory Tests, Document No 2, November 1972.

3. The specimen diameter shall not be less than NX core size, approximately 53 mm
and the thickness should be approx equal to the specimen radius

4. The test specimen shall be wrapped around its periphery with one layer of the
masking tape and mounted squarely in the test apparatus such that the curved
platens load the specimen in the test apparatus such that the axes of rotation for
specimen and apparatus coincident.

5. Load on the specimen shall be applied continuously at a constant rate such that
failure in the weakest rocks occurs within 15-30s. A loading rate of 200 N/s is
6. Where the testing machine is fitted with a force/displacement recorder, a record
should be taken during testing - so that the load for primary fracture can be
precisely determined ( in some cases load continues to increase after primary
failure as the split specimen still bearing load). If a load/displacement reorder is
not available on the testing machine, then care must be taken by the operator to
detect the load at primary failure. At primary failure there will be a brief pause in
the motion of the indicator needle. However, the difference between the load at
primary failure and ultimate load bearing capacity is at most only about 5%.

7. The number of specimens per sample tested should be determined from practical
considerations, but normally ten are recommended.

The tensile strength of the specimen , shall be calculated by following formula :

Where P is the load at failure (N), D is the diameter of the test specimen (mm), t is the
thickness of the test specimen measured at the center (mm).


Table 1 : Readings Obtained During Experimentation

S. No Diameter Thickness Area Load at Tensile
(cm) (cm) (cm^2) Failure Strength
(kN) (kN/cm^2)

1 3.6 0.6 10.17 22 6.48

2 3.6 0.5 10.17 21 7.42

3 3.5 0.5 9.62 20 7.27

4 3.5 0.6 9.62 21 6.36

5 3.6 0.6 10.17 22 6.48

Table 2 : Statistical Analysis

Sample No X (Tensile (X-Xi) (X-Xi)2


1 6.48 0.322 0.103

2 7.42 -0.618 0.381

3 7.27 -0.468 0.219

4 6.36 0.422 0.178

5 6.48 0.322 0.103

The average tensile strength obtained of the provided rock specimen is 6.802 kN/cm2
This test is intended to assess the resistance offered by a rock sample to weakening and
disintegration when subjected to 2 standard cycles of drying and wetting.

The apparatus consists essentially of the following
(a) A test drum comprising of 2.00 mm standard mesh cylinder of unobstructed length
100 mm and diameter 140 mm, with solid fixed base. The drum must withstand a
temperature of 105 °C. The drum has a solid removable lid. The drum must be
sufficiently strong to retain its shape during use, but neither the exterior of the
mesh nor the interior of the drum should be obstructed, for example by reinforcing

(b) A trough, to contain the test drum supported with axis horizontal in a manner
allowing free rotations, capable of being filled with a slaking fluid such as water to
a level of 20 mm below the drum axis. The drum is mounted to allow 40 mm
unobstructed clearance between the trough and the base of the mesh. The principal
features of the trough and drum assembly are illustrated in the figure shown below.

(c) A motor drive capable of rotating the drum at speed of 20 rpm, the speed to be held
constant within 5% for a period of 10 min.

(d) An oven capable of maintaining a temperature of 105 °C to within 3 °C for a period

of at least 12 hr.

(e) A balance capable of weighing the drum plus sample to an accuracy of 0.5 g
Slake Durability Apparatus

A. A representative sample is selected comprising ten rock lumps, each with a mass
of 40-60 g to give a total sample mass of 450 - 550 g. The maximum grain size of
the rock should ot be more than 3 mm. Lumps should be roughly spherical in shape
and corners should be rounded during preparation.

B. The sample is placed in a clean drum and is dried to constant mass at a temperature
of 105 °C usually requiring from 2 to 6 hr in the oven. The mass A of the drum plus
sample is recorded. The sample is then tested after cooling.

C. The lid is replaced, the drum mounted in the through and coupled to the motor

D. The trough is filled with slaking fluid, usually tap water at 20 °C, to level 20 mm
below the drum axis and the drum rotated for 200 revolutions during a period of
10 min to an accuracy of 0.5 min.

E. The drum is removed from the trough, the lid removed from the drum and the
drum plus retained portion of the sample dried to constant mass at 105 °C. The
mass B of the drum plus retained portion is recorded after cooling.

F. Steps (c) - (e) are repeated and the mass C of the drum plus retained portion of the
sample is recorded

G. The drum is brushed clean and its mass D is recorded.

The slake-durability index (second cycle) is calculated as the percentage ratio of final to
initial dry sample masses as follows :

A = Wt. Of Sample + Wt. of Drum
C = Retained Sample + Wt. of Drum
D = Wt. of Drum


Table -1 Durability based on Slake Durability Index


Very High > 99 98 - 100

High 98 - 99 95 - 98

Medium High 95 - 98 85 - 95

Medium 85 - 95 60 - 85

Low 60 - 85 30 - 60

Very Low < 60 0 - 30

Table - 2 Morgenstern & Eigenbord (1974)

Description of Rate & Amt of Slaking

Amount of Slaking Liquid Limit (%)

Very Low <20

Low 20-50

Medium 50-90

High 90-140

Very High >140

Table - 2 Observation Table

S.No Wt. of the Sample + Wt. of the Sample + Wt. of the Drum
Drum Before Drum After (g)(D)
Experiment Experiment
(g)(A) (g)(C)

1 2350 2345 1890

2 2405 2375 1900

The slake durability obtained of the given rock specimen to the nearest 0.1% is 96.4 %
and is rated as highly durable.
To determine the Protodyakonov Strength Index (P.S.I) of a given rock sample.

Drop cylinder, Drop weight 2.4 kg, volume-meter, sieve (500 microns), brush, balance
and hammer

This is a very simple test meant to determine the resistance of rock to failure under
impact load and can be applied to experiments on irregular samples. This test is widely
used in the USSR and other East European countries. The test was derived by Prof. M.M
Protodyakonov and is also sometimes called the pounding method. With the help of the
Protodyakonov index, the approximate value of uniaxial compressive strength of rock
can be determined in the field.

This test determines the resistance of rocks to failure under impact load and can be
applied to experiments on irregular samples as well .The test also gives a brief idea
about the rocks strength properties, cuttability and brittleness. The test was further
improved by Evans and Pmoeroy in 1966 and this technique is based on the crushability
of rock under standard experimental conditions.

The Protodyakonov Strength Index is given by

f = Protodyakonov Strength Index
n = Number of Poundings
h = Height of lines in Volume - Meter
1. 5 Samples of rock pieces of size between 2 to 3 cm weighing around 5 grams are

2. First sample is placed in the drop cylinder and the drop weight is made to fall
from a height of 0.60 m for 5 times on the sample.

3. After 5 drops on the first sample, the sample is properly taken out from the drop
cylinder and the next sample is placed in it and a similar operation is performed
on it. This process is repeated for all the samples.

4. Then all the 5 samples are collected and sieved through 500 microns sieve mesh.

5. Then the powdered sample sieved from the mesh is placed in the volume-meter
and height of the fines in volume-meter is recorded

6. The Protodyakonov Strength Index is calculated using the formula.


Table 1 - Observations

Sample Sample No. of Height (h) of P.S.I Compressive

Type No Drops (n) fines in Strength =
Volume- (P.S.I x 100)
Meter (in

1 5

2 5

Granite 3 5 44 2.2727 227.27

4 5

5 5
Sample Sample No. of Height (h) of P.S.I Compressive
Type No Drops (n) fines in Strength =
Volume- (P.S.I x 100)
Meter (in

1 5

2 5

Haematite 3 5 16 6.25 625.00

4 5

5 5

Standard Deviation :

Variance :

1. The rock pieces in each sample should be between 2 to 3 cm size
2. The drop weight should be dropped carefully
3. The sample should be properly transferred from the drop cylinder
4. After sieving, the powdered sample should be poured carefully in the volume-

The Protodyakonov Strength Index (P.S.I) of granite is 2.2727 and of haematite is
6.25 .

To determine the Resistance to Abrasion of rock aggregate using Los Angeles Machine.

Los Angeles Abrasion Testing Machine, ABrasive Charge, sieves of various sizes,
samples as per prescribed size

Los Angeles Abrasion test is carried out to determine the resistance of rock aggregates to
abrasion. The abrasive charge and the test sample used are dependent on the aggregate
size and grading

The Los Angeles testing machine consists of a hollow steel cylinder, closed at both ends
having an inside diameter of 711 +- 5 mm and inside length of 508 +- 5 mm. The cylinder
is mounted on stub shafts attached to the ends of the cylinder, but not entering it, and
with the axis horizontal with an allowance in slope of 1 in 100. A dust-tight cover with
means of bolting is provided to introduce the test sample to the drum. The cylinder is
designed to maintain the inner cylindrical contour when the lid is closed.

A removable steel shelf, extending the entire cylinder length and projecting inwards 89
+1 2 mm is mounted on the interior of the cylinder in such a way that the plane centred
between the large faces coincides with an axial plane. The shelf is firmly and rigidly
mounted by both or other means. The distance along the circumference between the
opening and the shelf should not be less than 1270 mm. The shelf should be made of wear
resistant steel and shall be rectangular in cross section.

Abrasion charge consists of cast iron spheres or steel spheres approximately 48

millimetres in diameter and each sphere weighing between 390 and 445 grams. The test
sample should consist of clean aggregate; it has been dried in an oven at 105 degree
Celsius to 110 degrees celsius to substantially constraint weight and shall conform to the
ISRM suggested grading.
The percentage wear is given by :

Los Angeles Abrasion Testing Machine

1. The cylinder should rotate at a speed of 30-33 rpm making 500 revolutions for
aggregate less than 38 mm and 1000 revolutions for aggregate greater than 38 mm
2. The inside diameter of the cylinder should be 711 +- 5 mm, with the inner length
being 508 +- 5 mm and a steel shelf projecting inwards 89 +- 2 mm.

3. The cylinder must be mounted in such a way that the axis of the cylinder is
horizontal with a tolerance of 1 in 100

4. The aggregate smaller than 38 mm, 500 +- 10 grams of sample should be preferred
and for aggregate coarser than 19 mm, 1000 +- 75 grams of sample is preferred

5. The retaining sieve used should be a 1.7 mm sieve.

6. The distance between the shelf and the opening along the circumference should be
more than 1.27 m.


Table 1 : Grading of Test Samples (Aggregate Larger than 19 mm)

Sieve Size, mm Weights of Indicated Sizes, g

(Square Openings)^3 Grading

Passing Retained On 1 2 3

75.0 mm 63.0 mm 2500 +- 50 - -

63.0 mm 53.0 mm 2500 +- 50 - -

53.00 mm 38.0 mm 5000 +- 50 5000 +- 50 -

38.00 mm 25.4 mm - 5000 +- 25 5000 +- 25

25.4 mm 19.0 mm - - 5000 +- 25

Total 10,000 +- 100 10,000 +- 75 10000 +- 50

Table 1 : Grading of Test Samples (Aggregate Smaller than 38 mm)

Sieve Size, mm Weights of Indicated Sizes, g

(Square Grading
Passing Retained A B C D

38.0 mm 25.4 mm 1250 +- 25 - - -

25.4 mm 19.0 mm 1250 +- 25 - - -

19.0 mm 13.2 mm 1250 +- 10 2500+- 10 - -

13.2 mm 9.5 mm 1250 +- 10 2500 +- 10 - -

9.5 mm 5.6 mm - - 2500 +- 10 -

5.6 mm 4.7 mm - 2500 +- 10 -

4.7 mm 2.3 mm - - 5000 +- 10

Total 5000 +- 10 5000 +- 10 5000 +- 10 5000 +- 10

1. The aggregate of rocks is prepared in different sizes as per the ISRM guidelines
given in the tables.

2. The test samples are placed in the Los Angeles Abrasion test machine, followed
by the placing of the Abrasion charge on the inner shelf.

3. The dust-tight cover is securely held in position and locked carefully before
turning on the machine.

4. The dum is allowed to rotate for 500 revolutions (aggregate smaller than 38 mm)
or 100 revolutions (for aggregate than 19 mm) at a constant speed of 30-33 rpm.

5. At the completion of the test, the material is discharged from the machine and a
preliminary separation is made on a sieve coarser than 1.7 mm, and the finer
portion is sieved on a 1.7 mm sieve.

6. The material coarser than 1.7 is washed, oven dried at 105°C to 110 °C and
substantially weight to the nearest gram

7. In case, if it is not possible to make 500/1000 revolutions, then 100/200

revolutions can suffice, provided the sample should not be washed after the
8. The resistance to abrasion is thus determined using the formula given earlier.

1. Care must be taken while preparing the rock sample aggregate as samples of
different sizes need to be prepared.

2. The speed at which the drum rotates should be kept consistent at 33 revolutions
per minute and the number of revolutions depends on the aggregate size.

3. When 100/200 revolutions are made instead of 500/1000 revolutions, the

sample should not be washed, but rather weighed directly.

4. The lid should be properly secured during the operations

5. Proper care must be exercised while noting down the readings.


Sample No. Original Weight Final Weight Los Angeles

(gm) (gm) Index (OW-
FW)/OW * 100
(% Wear)

1 5000 3570 28.6%

2 5000 3395 32.1%

3 5000 3420 31.6%

4 5000 3530 29.4%

5 5000 3495 30.1%

The percentage loss observed in the Granite sample after performing the Los-Angeles
Abrasion test is determined to be 30.36%
To determine Cohesive Strength and Angle of Internal Friction of the given rock sample
by oblique shear test

● Compression Testing Machine
● Dies for Determining Shear Strength
● Vernier Calliper

Shear Stress is given by

Normal Stress is given by

P = load at failure
A = cross-sectional area of the specimen
$$\alpha$$ = angle at which load is applied to horizontal

1. The specimen in the oblique die is placed in such a way that it passes through the
center of the die. Then we place the whole assembly carefully on the platform of
the compression testing machine in between the two platens of the machine.

2. Then the machine is kept in run mode and apply uniform and gradual load of 0.5
kN/sec on the specimen until it fails

3. The load at which specimen fails is recorded

4. Above procedure is repeated for all the specimens

Table 1 : Observation Table

Sr . Diameter Length Area Angle Load at Shear

No (cm) (cm) (cm^2) (degree) Failure Strengt
(kN) h (x)

1 4.67 11.67 17.12 60 50 1.46

2 4.69 11.70 17.27 50 37 1.37

3 4.72 11.73 17.49 35 32 1.49

4 4.73 11.75 17.57 30 34 1.67

Average Shear Strength, =

Table 2 - Statistical Analysis

Specimen No Shear Strength


1 1.46 -0.03 0.0009

2 1.37 -0.12 0.0144

3 1.49 0.0 0.0

4 1.67 0.17 0.0289

Standard Deviation :

Variance :

The Shear Strength of the given Rock sample is 1.49 kN/cm^2 .
To Determine the shear strength of the given rock sample by Single Shear test or double
shear test

Uniaxial Compression testing machines, Die for determining shear strength shear test,
vernier calipers

The shear strength is given by,

for Single Shear

for Double Shear

Ts = The Shear Strength of the specimen on which the load is applied in N/m^2
P = Shear Load at failure, in kN
A = Cross-Sectional Area of the specimen on which the load is applied in m^2


1. Test Specimen should be right circular cylinder having a height to diameter ratio
of 2.5 to 3
2. The ends of the specimen shall be flat to 0.02 mm and shall not depart from
perpendicularity to the axis of the specimen by more than 0.001 radian
3. The sides of the specimen shall be smooth and free of abrupt irregularities and
straight within 0.3 mm over the full length of the specimen

1. The diameter of the given specimen is measured to the nearest 0.1 mm by
measuring and averaging their diameters measured at two ends and the center.
The length of specimen is measured along 4 sides and then its average is taken
2. The specimen is placed in the die in such a way that the specimen enters the first
half of the die in single shear fully crossing both the planes in double shear. Then
we place the whole assembly carefully on the platform of the compression testing
3. Then the middle cross head of the compression testing machine is brought to
convenient position and the die is placed in between the two the two platens of
the testing machine in center
4. Then a gradual and constant load of 0.5kN/sec is applied on the specimen until it
5. The load at which the specimen fails is recorded
6. Above procedure is then repeated for all the specimens and statistical analysis is
done by calculating standard deviation and variance. If variance is less than 10%,
then the average shear strength is accepted.

1. Rate of loading should be gradual and uniformly kept at 0.5kN/sec
2. Specimen should be kept carefully in the die so that the force acts on a single
3. The die should be handled properly and should be kept at the center between the
two platens
4. The readings should be taken properly and tabulated with utmost care.

Single/Double Shear Test Apparatus


Table 1 : Observation Table

Sample No Length (cm) Mean Length Diameter Mean

(cm) (cm) Diameter

8 4.5

1 9 9 4.7 4.6

10 4.8

8 4.7

2 9 9 4.7 4.7

10 4.8

8 4.6

3 9 9 4.7 4.7

10 4.8

Table 2 : Observation Table - Loading Parameters

S. No Length Dia (cm) L/D Area Load at Shear

(cm) (cm^2) Failure Strength
(kN) (kN/cm^2)

1 9 4.6 1.95 16.61 40 2.40

2 9 4.7 1.91 17.34 41 2.36

3 9 4.7 1.91 17.34 41 2.36

Mean = =

X = Arithmetic Mean
Σx = Sum of All the Shear Strength
n = The total number of samples

Table 3 : Statistical Analysis

Sample No x x-X (x-X)^2

1 2.40 0.03 0.0009

2 2.36 -0.01 0.0001

3 2.36 -0.01 0.0001

The shear strength of the given rock sample is 2.37 kN/cm^2.
This method of test is intended to measure the uniaxial compressive strength of rock
samples in the form of specimens of regular geometry. The test is mainly intended for
strength classification and characterization of intact rock.

1. A suitable machine shall be used for applying and measuring axial load to the
specimen. It shall be of sufficient capacity and capable of applying load at a rate
conforming to the requirements set. It shall be verified at suitable time intervals
and shall comply with accepted national requirements such as prescribed in either
ASTM Methods E4 : Verification of Testing Machines or British Standard 1610,
Grade A or Deutsche Normen DIN 51 220, DIN 51 223, Klasse 1 and DIN 51 300.

2. A spherical seat if any of the testing machine, if not complying with the
specifications, shall be removed or placed in a locked position with the two loading
faces of the machine being parallel to each other.

3. Steel Platens in the form of discs and having a Rockwell hardness of not less than
HRC58 shall be placed at the specimen ends. The diameter of the platens shall be
between D and D + 2 mm where D is the diameter of the specimen. The thickness
of the platens shall be at least 15 mm or D/3. Surfaces of the discs should be ground
and their flatness should be better than 0.005 mm.

4. One of the two plates shall incorporate a spherical seat should be placed on the
upper end of the specimen. It should be lightly lubricated with mineral oil so that
it locks after the deadweight of the cross-head has been picked up. The specimen,
the platens and spherical seat shall be accurately centred with respect to one
another and to the loading machine. The curvature centre of the seat surface
should coincide with the centre of the top end of the specimen.
1. Test specimens shall be right circular cylinders having a height to diameter ratio
of 2.5-3.0 and a diameter preferably of not less than NX core size, approximately
54 mm. The diameter of the specimen should be related to the size of the largest
grain in the rock by the ratio of at least 10:1.

2. The ends of the specimen shall be fiat to 0.02 mm and shall not depart from
perpendicularity to the axis of the specimen by more than 0.001 radian (about 3.5
min) or 0.05 mm in 50 mm.

3. The sides of the specimen shall be smooth and free of abrupt irregularities and
straight to within 0.3 mm over the full length of the specimen

4. The use of capping materials or end surface treatments other than machining is
not permitted.

5. The diameter of the test specimen shall be measured to the nearest 0.1 mm by
averaging two diameters measured at right angles to each other at about the upper-
height, the mid-height and the lower height of the specimen. The average diameter
shall be used for calculating the cross-sectional area. The height of the specimen
shall be determined to the nearest 1.0 mm.

6. Samples shall be stored, for no longer than 30 days, in such a way as to preserve
the natural water content, as far as possible, and tested in that condition.* This
moisture condition shall be reported in accordance with "Suggested method for
determination of the water content of a rock sample", Method 1, ISRM Committee
on Laboratory Tests, Document No. 2, First Revision, December 1977.

7. Load on the specimen shall be applied continuously at a constant stress rate such
that failure will occur within 5-10min of loading, alternatively the stress rate shall
be within the limits of 0.5-1.0 MPa/s.

8. The maximum load on the specimen shall be recorded in newtons (or kilonewtons
and meganewtons where appropriate) to within l %.

9. The number of specimens tested should be determined from practical

considerations but at least five are preferred.
The uniaxial compressive strength of the specimen shall be calculated by dividing the
maximum load carried by the specimen during the test, by the original cross-sectional

Corrected UCS Calculations

D = Diameter of Specimen in inches
L = Length of Specimen in inches
Ca = Measured Compressive Strength lb/in
Co = Corrected Compressive Strength lb/in


Table 1 : Observation Table

Sample No Length (cm) Mean Length Diameter Mean

(cm) (cm) Diameter

25 10.4

1 25 25 10.3 10.3

25 10.3

25 10.4

2 25 25 10.3 10.4

24 10.4

24 10.2
25 10.3
3 25 10.3
26 10.4

Table 2 : Observation Table - Loading Parameters

S. Length Dia L/D Area Rt of Load at UCS
No (mm) (mm) (mm2) Loading Failure (kN/mm2)
(kN/sec (kN)

1 250 103 2.42 8332.28 500 196 0.023

2 250 104 2.40 8494.86 500 197 0.023

3 250 103 2.42 8332.28 500 194 0.023

Mean = =

X = Arithmetic Mean
Σx = Sum of All the Compressive Strength
n = The total number of samples

Table 3 : Statistical Analysis

Sample No x x-X (x-X)^2

1 0.023 0.0 0.0

2 0.023 0.0 0.0

3 0.023 0.0 0.0

The Uniaxial Compressive Strength of the given rock sample is 0.023 kN/mm2
This revised suggested method focuses on the use of the SH to determine the rebound
hardness of rock surfaces both in laboratory conditions and in situ with an emphasis on
the use of this hardness value as an index of the UCS and E of rock materials. This revised
suggested method supersedes the portion of the earlier ISRM document that dealt with
the SH test.


Operational Principle
The SH consists of a spring-loaded piston which is released when the plunger is pressed
against a surface. The impact of the piston onto the plunger transfers the energy to the
material. The extent to which this energy is recovered depends on the hardness (or impact
penetration/damage resistance) of the material, which is expressed as a percentage of the
maximum stretched length of the key spring before the release of the piston to its length
after the rebound.

Working Principle of Schmidt Hammer

Hammer Type, Test Range & Calibration
The earlier ISRM suggested method endorsed the use of only the L-type SH. However, for
a given plunger tip diameter and radius of curvature, the impact energy of the SH
determines its range of applicability. Accordingly, this limitation should be kept in mind
in selecting the hammer type. For instance, the standard L- and N-type hammers, with
respective impact energies of 0.735 and 2.207N m, should be used with caution when the
UCS of the rock material or discontinuity wall is outside the range of 20-150 MPa, where
sensitivity decreases and data scatter increases. The N-type hammer is less sensitive to
surface irregularities, and should be preferred in field applications; while the L-type
hammer has greater sensitivity in the lower range and gives better results when testing
weak, porous and weathered rocks.

The use of different hammer types results in datasets which may not be readily correlated.
Although the standard L- and N-type hammers were shown to have demonstrably high
correlation coefficients, these correlations may not be equally convincing across the entire
UCS range because, they are based on the assumption that both types of hammers
produce similar modes of indentation at every point of impact. Furthermore, higher
impact energy of N-type hammer (corresponding to probing a larger volume of material
by a deeper and wider penetration) should reduce scatter in rebound values compared to
L-type hammers.

SH are supplied with calibration anvils with vertically guided impact points made of steel
as hard as that of the plunger tip (usually Brinell 500 or Rockwell 52 C). It is essential to
verify that the hammers maintain their standard rebound values before and after field
investigations. In correlation studies, two consistent readings within the predetermined
range of rebound from the anvil should be taken before and after testing each specimen.
A drift in the calibrated rebound values may suggest that the key spring is losing its
stiffness and should ideally be replaced. If this is not possible, a correction factor (CF) for
the hammer should be calculated and applied to all readings to account for the loss of
stiffness :

Specimen Requirements
Specimens should be intact (free of visible cracks), petrographically uniform and
representative of the rock mass domain (identified from cores or exposures) being
characterized. Test surfaces, especially under the plunger tip (impact points), should be
smooth and free of dust and particles. In the field, a medium-grained abrasive stone can
be used for local smoothing of rough surfaces in hard rock.

Fine sandpaper can be used to smooth the surfaces of cores and block specimens,
especially when drilling or sawing produces visible ridges. Cores and blocks should be air
dried or saturated before testing. When this is not possible, the degree of moistness of the
surface and the specimen as a whole should be recorded as wet, moist or damp.

Cores should be of at least NX size (54:7 mm) for the L-type hammer and preferably T2
size (84 mm) for the N-type. Block specimens should be at least 100 mm thick at the point
of impact. It is essential that impact energy is not dissipated in the form of wave scatter
or cracking because the impact points are too close to the specimen boundaries. In order
to provide similar degrees of confinement in all directions, impact points should be one
radius away from the nearest end of core specimens and half the thickness away from
block boundaries.

Length of cores and surface area of blocks should be large enough to accommodate these
suggestions; for example, if a 2 cm spacing of impact points is chosen, a core length of
43.5 cm (for NX size) or a block surface area of 268 cm2 (for 10 cm thickness) is required
to gather 20 readings.

The test is generally nondestructive for rocks of at least moderate strength ([80 MPa),
and the same sample can be used for the determination of the UCS and E. However,
potential microcracking, grain crushing and pore collapse in friable, porous and
weathered rocks necessitate use of different samples.

Test Requirements

Relative Direction of Impact

Unless the hammer impact direction remains roughly perpendicular to the tested surface,
there is a danger of frictional sliding of the plunger tip, material removal by chipping and
a partial transfer of energy to and from the hammer. It is therefore essential that the
hammer be held at a right angle to the tested surface using a guide tube similar to that
used by Aydin and Basu, to ensure that the deviation does exceed ±5o It is suggested that
a standard guide tube be manufactured and supplied with the SH.

Normalization of Rebound Values with Reference to Horizontal Impact Direction

The analytical normalization function defining the equivalent rebound value in the
horizontal direction has been presented recently by Basu and Aydin. This formulation
enables testing in any direction, especially for in situ applications (e.g. testing oblique
discontinuity surfaces and circular tunnel walls), provided that the direction is accurately
recorded. It is suggested that a mechanical or digital angle measuring device be supplied
as an attachment by the manufacturers of the Schmidt hammers.

Specimen - Steel Base-Ground

Specimens should be securely clamped to a steel base (with a minimum weight of 20 kg
for the L-type hammer and 40 kg for the N-type hammer) located on firm, flat ground.
Core specimens should be placed in an arc-shaped machined slot as shown in the figure
below. V-shaped slots should be avoided particularly in weak rocks because the
unsupported section of the core surface falls directly below the impact point, effectively
changing the loading configuration and potentially reducing rebound value.

Cross sections of steel-base blocks with the arc- and V-shaped

machined slots in which NX size (54.7 mm) core specimens are seated
Data Gathering & Reduction
For data gathering, 20 rebound values, as recommended by the earlier ISRM suggested
method. 1], should be recorded from single impacts separated by at least a plunger
diameter (to be adjusted according to the extent of impact crater and radial cracks). On
the other hand, the test may be stopped when any ten subsequent readings differ only by
four (corresponding to SH repeatability range of ±2).

When sufficient quantities of microstructurally uniform specimens are not available and
the rock is isotropic, several sets of readings can be taken from different faces of the blocks
or along any four straight lines by rotating the core axis 90 at a time. Should this be the
case, the set of readings should be given in the corresponding order and any consistent
reduction from the first set of measurements (e.g., due to impact-induced cracking)
should be carefully monitored.

As the UCS and E values of a material are strongly influenced by the density, distribution
and connectivity of its weak microstructural elements, low and high rebound readings are
equally necessary to reflect the nature of heterogeneity and potential spread in the values
of mechanical properties. Therefore, no reading should be discarded, and the mean
(arithmetic average), median (middle value), mode (most repeating value) and range of
the readings should be presented to fully express the variations in the surface hardness.
Digital images of the test area before and after each impact will provide a more
meaningful base for the analysis of these statistics and eliminate the need for recording
detailed description of damage features such as grain crushing, pore collapse, radial and
lateral cracking.

In field applications, the operator should also record the approximate dimensions of
tested blocks (the depth being the length of the block free of visible cracks or thin soft
layers in the impact direction), their nature (e.g., discontinuity wall, blasted or
mechanically broken block), any small scale roughnesses (asperities) of the original
surface and how the impact points were smoothed.

Observation Table

Sample Number Pulse Velocity Average Compressive

(km/s) Rebound Strength
Hardness (Mpa)

1 3.62 42.00 24.48

2 3.48 40.00 23.10

3 3.58 38.00 18.46

4 3.70 40.80 26.13

5 3.90 43.00 34.97

6 3.49 40.00 19.19

The Schmidt Hammer Rebound Hardness Number of given rock samples is 40.63 .

To estimate the young’s modulus and rock burst liability index of a given rock sample.

Rock sample ( massive ) , UCS machine , dial gauges of suitable least count , vernier
callipers etc.

Young’s Modulus is defined in classical rock mechanics and materials science literature
as the ratio of Stress to strain up to the elastic limit. The young’s modulus of a sample
gives us an indication of how the strain in a rock responds to change in stress acting on
it. In the case of rockbursts , which are defined as a violent expulsion of rock from the
walls of a mine opening caused by heavy pressure on brittle rocks in deep mines where
mining has deprived the rock of support on one side by These take place due to the large
amounts of strain energy being released when a rock sample has been unloaded. An
understanding of the young’s modulus allows us to estimate the stress-strain curve and
thereby utilise it to observe how energy released during unloading induces rockbursts in

By accurately identifying the strains at various stresses we can plot a curve of stress vs
strain and thereby obtain the Young’s Modulus from this curve. The samples are loaded
prior to UCS , which is obtained from literature and previous experiments.

In order to estimate the rock burst liability index , we need to find the ratio of energy
released during deformation to the energy still present in the rock as can be seen from
the graph below.
Further, using this index we can infer following based on literature review :
● RBLI < 2 => Not Prone to Rock Burst
● 2 < RBLI < 5 => Slight Proneness to Rock Burst
● RBLI > 5 => Hight Proneness to Rock Burst

Graph Indicating Energy released during Loading and Unloading

Young’s Modulus Experiment Setup

In order to estimate the young’s Modulus and rock burst liability index , the following
steps will be undertaken :

Young’s Modulus

● Obtain a sample of a given rock and measure it for any inconsistencies as per ISRM
suggested guidelines.
● Place the sample in a UCS testing machine and ensure that the strain gauge
measures 0 in the beginning.
● Slowly in small increments , increase the loading acting on the sample and observe
the strain for each increment of load.
● Repeat till the sample fails.
● The deformation would be = Dial gauge reading * Least Count.
● The young’s modulus is the slope of the stress - strain curve till elastic limit.

Rock Burst Liability Index

● In a similar fashion to above , set up the sample in a UCS machine and perform
initial checks.
● Load the sample upto 70% of its UCS and measure the dial gauge value for each
stress increment.
● After reaching 70% , start to slowly unload in the same fashion only in reverse
order as before.
● Measure the dial gauge value accurately for this case as well.
● Draw a graph of both loading and unloading stage of stress - strain curves.
● Find the ratio of strain energy released during unloading to strain energy left in the
sample. This gives us the Rock burst liability index.

The data obtained after performing the tests on the rock sample below are - ( Sandstone
Rock )

● Sample Diameter = 150 mm

● Sample Length = 300 mm

● Young’s Modulus :-

Table 1 : Observation Table

SL.No Load(KN) Dial Gauge Deformation(Str Stress(Mpa)

Reading ain)

1 50 0.0 0.0 2.8

2 100 0.0 0.0 5.6

3 150 0.0 0.0 8.4

4 200 0.1 0.0003 11.31

5 220 0.15 0.0005 12.44

6 230 0.18 0.0006 13.01

7 235 0.20 0.0006 13.35

8 240 0.23 0.0007 13.58

9 245 0.25 0.0008 13.86

10 250 0.3 0.001 14.14

Table 2 : Statistical Analysis

Sl No Young’s Modulus(Y) (Y-mean) (Y-mean)^2


1 0.37 0.15 0.0225

2 0.24 0.02 0.0004

3 0.21 -0.02 0.0004

4 0.22 0.0 0.0

5 0.19 -0.03 0.0009

6 0.17 -0.05 0.0025

7 0.14 -0.08 0.0064

● Rock Burst Liability Index :-

Table 3 : Observation Table

Loading Unloading

Sl. No Load Stress Dial Deform Strain Dial Deformatio Strain

(kN) Gaug ation Gaug n
e e

1 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.17 0.17 0.0005

2 100 5.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.17 0.17 0.0005

3 150 8.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.17 0.17 0.0005

4 200 11.31 0.1 0.1 0.0003 0.18 0.18 0.0006

5 220 12.44 0.15 0.15 0.0005 0.18 0.18 0.0006

6 230 13.01 0.18 0.18 0.0006 0.22 0.22 0.0007

7 240 13.58 0.23 0.23 0.0007 0.27 0.27 0.0009

8 250 14.14 0.3 0.3 0.001 0.3 0.3 0.001

● Ensure the curve is smooth enough for accurate estimation.
● Ensure the rock sample is free from any major defects prior to testing.
● Check the strain gauge for zero error and note down the reading with utmost

● Young’s Modulus of given rock sample is 0.22*10^5 (kg/cm2) .
● Rock burst Liability Index of the given sample is 1.33 .

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