User Clustering Based On Correlation in 5G Using Semidefinite Programming

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User Clustering based on Correlation in 5G using

Semidefinite Programming
Chit Wutyee Zaw∗ , Yan Kyaw Tun† , Choong Seon Hong‡
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kyung Hee University,
Yongin, 446-701 Korea
Email: {∗ cwyzaw, † ykyawtun7, ‡ cshong}

Abstract—For 5G cellular networks, non-orthogonal multiple

access (NOMA) has been recognized as a promising technique.
NOMA allows multiple users to access the same channel by
adapting successive interference cancellation (SIC) and multi-
plexing in power domain. This causes the clustering problem to
become critical as higher channel gain users need to cancel out
the signals of lower channel gain users while the latter has to
receive less interference. In this paper, we formulate the user
clustering as a correlation clustering problem. We transform the
problem by relaxing the clustering variables, and solve using
semidefinite programming (SDP). Moreover, a simple iterative
power allocation algorithm is nominated. In the simulation
results, it can be seen that the correlation clustering using
semidefinite programming outperforms the random clustering
of users.
Fig. 1. NOMA Basics

As an increasing number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices A. Related Works
is connected to networks, it is crucial to support the massive Authors in [3] proposed user clustering and optimal power
connectivity. Moreover, one of the goals of 5G is to provide allocation based the result clustering. Depending on the num-
the high data rate by increasing the spectral efficiency. Non- ber of clusters, their clustering algorithm produces same
orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) has been a candidate number of users for every clusters. [4] proposed four user
solution to these goals by granting the multiple users to access pairing algorithms and channel state sorting-pairing algorithm
the same spectrum resource at the same time. According (CSSPA) is one of them. CSSPA divides the users into two
to [1], the main features of NOMA are improvement in groups based on their channel gains and pairs two users from
spectrum efficiency, massive connectivity, low transmission different groups. Authors in [5] solved the joint channel and
latency and signaling cost. Regardless of its advantages, there power allocation by using a two-stage dynamic programming
are numerous factors to be considered from the practical point in which power is discretized into multiple levels.
of view. These factors are examined and taken into accounts Many papers focus only on optimal power allocation such as
to provide the system-level performance in [2]. [6], [7]. The former studied the optimality of power allocation
In NOMA, base station sends superimposed messages to all by guaranteeing the Quality of Service (QoS) of users. Major-
users in the same group by using Multi-User Superposition ity of NOMA papers target on a single-cell system. However,
Technique (MUST). With the help of successive interference [7] proposed the distributed power allocation in two interfering
cancellation (SIC), users can cancel out the signals of other cells scenario.
users whose channel gains are lower than theirs while taking Authors in [8] solved the correlation clustering problem
the signals of higher channel gain users as interference which by semidefinite programming. Later, the optimal results are
is shown in Fig. 1. Power is allocated inversely proportional rounded using two rounding approach. One approach is a mod-
to the channel gains so as to successfully decode the signals. ified Goemans-Williamson rounding for MAX-CUT problem
There is a trade-off in clustering of users in NOMA. When [9] by choosing two hyperplanes. [10] also formulated the
the number of clusters is large which means fewer users in femto-cell clustering as correlation clustering and solved by
each cluster, users in a cluster have to access less bandwidth semidefinite programming. But, the authors used the random-
but the allocated power could be large. This is inverse for ized rounding to approximate the optimal values.
small number of clusters scenario. Because of this trade-off, it
is not possible to know the fixed number of cluster in advance. B. Our Contributions
Since channel gains of the users varied largely, every clusters In this paper, we first formulate a joint user clustering and
could not have the same number of users. power allocation for NOMA in 5G systems. Later, the whole

978-1-5386-1101-2/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 342 APNOMS 2017

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problem is divided into two independent sub-problems, user
clustering and power allocation. User clustering problem is
NP-hard, so we transformed it into semidefinite programming
by relaxing the clustering variables. Then, the optimal values
are approximated by adapting Goemans-Williamson round-
ing in which different number of hyperplanes are selected.
Moreover, we proposed a simple iterative power allocation
algorithm which guarantees the individual QoS requirement
of users.


A single macro-cell downlink system with N users is
considered in this paper. These N users are grouped into Fig. 2. User Clustering using Correlation Clustering
clusters so as to maximize the sum rate of the system. The
system uses a hybrid OFDMA-NOMA approach which means
that the clusters are assigned the orthogonal resources so that III. U SER C LUSTERING USING SDP BASED C ORRELATION
there is no interference between them. But, users in the same C LUSTERING
cluster access the same resources. Thus, each cluster applies The sub-problem, user clustering, is presented in this sec-
the NOMA technique and OFDMA is applied among different tion. In NOMA, users with different channel gains need to be
clusters. grouped in a cluster to reduce the intra-cluster interference. For
The total available bandwidth is divided and assigned or- instance, if two users with similar channel gains are grouped
thogonally to channels which are considered as clusters in together in the same cluster, their power allocation will also
this paper. The assigned bandwidth to cluster j is ωj . In this be similar to achieve the maximum data rate. This leads to the
paper, we assume that the total available power of the macro high inter-interference and difficulty for higher channel gain
base station is divided equally among the clusters so that the user to decode the signal of lower channel gain user.
maximum available power on each channel is Ptotal . Each As there is trade-off between number of users in the clusters
user has its own minimum data rate requirement which is γi . and the number of clusters, it is not possible to define number
The joint problem of user clustering and power allocation is of clusters in advance. In addition, channel gains of users
formulated in (1). vary a lot, every cluster would not have the same number of
users. For these reasons, we use correlation clustering for user
|C| |Cj |   grouping. In correlation clustering, a fully connected graph
  p i hi is considered where there are two weight w+ i, j and wi,j −
max xi,j ωj log2 1 + i−1 +
pi ,xi,j
j=1 i=1 s=1 ps h i + ω j n 0 between node i and node j. wi,j represents the weight that

i and j should be in the same cluster and wi,j represents the
 weight that i and j should not be in the same cluster. So, in
subject to xi,j pi ≤ Ptotal , ∀j ∈ C +
this paper, we define wi,j as the difference of channel gains
|C| |Cj |   between user i and user j as shown in Fig. 2.
 p i hi
ωj log2 1 + i−1 ≥ γi , The correlation clustering problem is formulated as follows.
ps hi + ω j n 0 N 
j=1 i=1 s=1 
+ −
∀i ∈ N max wi,j xi,j + wi,j (1 − xi,j )
|Cj | i j
xi,j ≤ 1, ∀i ∈ N subject to xi,i = 1, ∀i ∈ N
j=1 xi,j = xj,i ∀i, j ∈ N
pi ≥ 0, xi,j ∈ {0, 1} xi,j ∈ {0, 1}
+ w −w −
The objective is to maximize the sum rate of all users in where wi,j = |hi − hj |, wi,j = wmax i,j
−wmin , wi,j =

+ +
the system. The first constraint is to make sure that power 1 − wi,j . wi,j is normalized between 0 and 1 where wmin
allocated to users in a cluster is not exceeded the power budget is mini,j∈N {wi,j } and wmax is maxi,j∈N {wi,j }.
on a channel which is assumed as a cluster in this paper. The problem is NP-hard with boolean variables xi,j . In
The second constraint guarantees the QoS requirement of each order to solve this problem efficiently, the boolean variables
user. The last constraint is that a user must only belong to one are relaxed to the values which are between 0 and 1. The
cluster. pi is the power allocated to user i and xi,j is clustering objective function is linear and X is positive semidefinite
variable which means user i is grouped in cluster j. The matrix where z T Xz ≥ 0 for any nonzero vector z with
problem is broken down into two independent sub-problems, dimension N [11]. Thus, the relaxed problem is SDP problem
user clustering and power allocation, to solve efficiently. which can be solved efficiently by using cvxpy [12].


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The optimal value X ∗ is between 0 and 1 which needs to TABLE I
be rounded back to 0 or 1. We modified Goemans-Williamson S IMULATION PARAMETERS
rounding for MAX-CUT [9] by choosing multiple hyper- Number of users 200
planes. In [9], a random hyperplane r through the origin, in Transmit power of Base Station 46 dbm
which mean is 0 and variance is 1, is selected to partition nodes The total available bandwidth 20 MHz
into two groups where node i is in S if xi .r ≥ 0, otherwise, it Power density thermal noise -174 dBm/Hz
is in S̄. We modified this approach by choosing k hyperplanes, Data rate requirement of users [1.0, 1.5] Mbps
r1 , r2 , · · · , rk , which produces at most 2k clusters.

C1 = {i | xi .r1 ≥ 0, xi .r2 ≥ 0, · · · , xi .rk ≥ 0} 

2γi /ωj − 1
C2 = {i | xi .r1 ≥ 0, xi .r2 ≥ 0, · · · , xi .rk < 0} pi = ps h i + ω j n 0 (6)
(3) hi
.. s=1
. Then, power is allocated to each user in the cluster accord-
C2k = {i | xi .r1 < 0, xi .r2 < 0, · · · , xi .rk < 0} ing to the ascending order of channel gains while checking
the total power budget. The total available power is discretized
into different power levels where each step is p.
Algorithm 1 User Clustering Algorithm
Input: Channel gains of all users h1 , h2 , · · · , hN and number Algorithm 2 Iterative Power Allocation Algorithm
of hyperplanes, k Input: Cj , ωj , ptotal , hi , · · · , hN
Output: Clusters of users, C1 , C2 , · · · , C2k Output: power allocated to each users in the cluster Cj
1: Solve the relaxed problem by using cvxpy 1: p0i ← 0, ∀i ∈ Cj
2: Calculate random vectors r1 , r2 , · · · , rk which follow the 2: i ← 0
normal distribution 3: t ← 0
3: for each user i ∈ N do 4: repeat
4: Select a cluster where user i belongs by equation (3) 5: if i == |Cj | then
5: end for 6: i←1
7: t←t+1
8: pt0 ← pt−1
0 + t
IV. A N I TERATIVE P OWER A LLOCATION 9: pti ← 0, ∀i ∈ {1, 2, · · · , |Cj | − 1}
In this section, an algorithm for an iterative power allocation 10: end if  
γi /ωj i−1
sub-problem is proposed which can ensure the QoS require- 11: pti ← 2 hi −1 p
s=1 s i h + ω n
j 0
ments of users. The power allocation sub-problem for each
12: i←i + 1
cluster Cj is as follows.
13: until i∈Cj pti < ptotal

|Cj |
p i hi
max ωj log2 1 + i−1 V. S IMULATION R ESULTS
i=1 s=1 ps hi + ωj n0
|Cj |
Simulation parameters are presented in Table. I. The long
 distance path loss model with Rayleigh distribution is used.
subject to pi ≤ Ptotal
The total available bandwidth and transmit power are divided
  equally among clusters. We compare our clustering with
pi hi
ωj log2 1 + i−1 ≥ γi , channel gain based user pairing approach proposed by [4].
s=1 ps h i + ω j n 0 In fig. 3, when the number of users is 50, the channel gain
∀i ∈ Cj based pairing approach surpasses the proposed clustering with
pi ≥ 0 5 and 6 hyperplanes. When the number of users becomes
(4) 200, the proposed clustering with all k values outperforms the
The user i has the interference from the users whose channel channel gain based pairing. The smallest k value which results
gains are higher than its. Thus, for the highest channel gain in 8 clusters at maximum gives the highest received data rate
user in the group would not have interference by using SIC. but puts a lot of complexity on SIC. If SIC complexity is
To maximize the sum rate of all users, power is allocated to considered, the large number of hyperplanes can be chosen.
the user by making the received data rate equals to the QoS The number of clusters is compared among different values
requirement of that user. of k in fig. 4. From this result, we can see that the proposed
  clustering is trying to pack the more users in the clusters so
pi hi as to achieve the maximum data rate. As the number of users
ωj log2 1 + i−1 = γi (5)
rises, the number of clusters also rises. This happens when it
s=1 ps hi + ωj n0


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Fig. 3. Comparison between different k and Channel Gains based Pairing Fig. 5. Comparison with OFDMA

This work was supported by the National Research Founda-
tion of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea Government
(MSIT) (NRF-2017R1A2A2A05000995). *Dr. CS Hong is the
corresponding author.
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