1.what Cities Experience Floods What Are The Causesfill in The Blanks.

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7 July 2021 9:27 AM

1.what cities experience floods what are the causes?fill in the blanks.

Floood can occur anywhere

One example is in Dhaka, Bangladesh as the city is located in the paths of seasonal winds,
which brings intense rainfall to the city. Another example is in New Orleans, United States
of America which is located in the paths of hurricanes.
Calgary, Canada is located at the foothills of mountain and experiences snowmelt.In
Tacloban, Philippines and Newport , United king down , floods are caused by storm surges.
In Rio Largo, Brazil , there is high risk of dam failure.

2.why are these cities more prone to floods than others?

Identify the Describe how factors make cities mor prone to floods.
1)height Sea level refers to the mean sea level which is the average height of the
above sea sea surface at a given site over a long period of time. It is the midpoint
level between Low tide and mean high tide. Cities which are located on low-
lying lands & below sea level are prone to floods.
2)Proximity Significant accumulations of water such as oceans , seas , lakes, rivers and
to water reservoirs.
3) Vegetated surfaces are more permeable and allow water to infiltrate the
Permeability ground more easily
of surface
cover Concrete surfaces are impermeable and water is unable to infiltrate into
the ground

Permeability means the ease with which water infiltrate or seep into the
4) Channel Channel capacity means the volume of water than can be held in the
capacity channel of a river or canal without overflowing. Flood occur when there is
too much rain and the capacity of the channel is exceeded. For example , a
flash flood occurs in Sungai Pandan Kechil , a canal along the Ayer Rajah
Expressway in Singapore. The ability to drain water away quickly is
important in city areas because there is much high proportion of built-up
areas. Cities with a better network of canals and rivers are able to drain the
surface runoff faster , decreasing the likelihoods of floods.

With reference to Fig.1 , explain as clearly as you can , how cities in the Netherlands could
be prone to flooding.

Low height above sea level and close proximity to water bodies make cities in the
Netherlands more prone to flooding . From the map , cities such as Amsterdam, The Hague
and Rotterdam are located in low-lying areas which are land below the sea level. The lower
the height above sea level of the coastal cities , the more likely coastal floods will occur
when there are high rainfall or storm surges which occur near the coasts causing rise in
tides whichh will result in large amounts of water flooding from the sea towards inland.

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