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of heat
Tuesday, 18 August 2020 6:48 PM

Transmission of heat

• Heat is a form of energy

• Heat flows from a hotter region to a cooler region
• Different materials have different rates of heat flow
• Three ways of heat transfer are
- Conduction
- Convection
- Radiation

• Conduction is a process of heat transfer through a material without the movement of material.
• Conduction occur best in solids.

Good conductor of heat

• Metals are good conductors of heat because metals have free electrons to help to transfer heat.
• Silver is the best conductor or heat followed by copper , aluminium , iron and lead.
Poor conductors of heat
• Non-metals such as plastic , wood , glass , vacuum and water are poor conductors of heat known as insulators.
• Liquids and gases are poor conductor of heat
• Vacuum is the best insulator as it has no particles to help in transfer of heat

An experiment to show that water is a poor conductor of heat

• Wrap a piece of ice in a piece of wire gauzes so that it sinks to the bottom of a test tube which is nearly full of
water. Direct a Bunsen burner flame near the top of the test tube. The water at the top will boil but ice remains
intact for sometimes. This shows that water is a poor conductor of heat.

Application of conductors

Applicatio Description
Pots and It is made of metals such Metals are good conductor of heat which conduct heat very
pans as steel and aluminium quickly from fire to food
Handles of It is made of insulator such Insulator are poor conductor of heat which prevent too much
pot as plastic or wood heat from reaching our hands
Styrofoam It is made of plastic Plastic is a poor conductor of heat which prevents too much
heat loss to the surrounding so to keep the food warm longer.

Convection current
• When the fluid is heated , it expands and volume increases. This causes its density to decrease and
therefore it floats. The denser cooler fluid from the top will sink down resulting in convection

• Simply, hot air rises and cold air sink resulted in convection current

Applications of convection current

Electric Heating element is placed near the bottom so that warmer water rises and cooler water
kettle sink. This movement resulted in convection current. Until water boils.
Air- Air conditioner is placed at the top of the room so that it cools the hot air , which then
conditioner sinks to the bottom of room. This movement resulted in convection current and cools the
room fast

Effect of convection current

During the day , the land heats up faster than the sea. The air above the land
is heated up and rise, the cooler air over the sea the sea then blow towards
the land

Press f to pay respect

At night , the sea is warmer than the land. The air above the sea rises and the
cooler air over the land blows toward the sea

• Radiation is a process of heat transfer in the form of electromagnetic waves without medium
• The sun’s energy reaches the Earth by radiation

Factors that affect the rate of heat transfer by radiation

• Total surface area
• Temperature
- If the temperature of an object’s surface is higher compared to surrounding, the rate of
radiation is more from object to the surrounding.
• Colour and texture of the surface
- black , dull and rough surfaces were good absorbers and radiators of heat , but poor reflector of
- white , shiny and smooth surface and poor absorbers and radiators of heat but good reflectors
of heat.

Black pipes on solar water As black surface is the best absorber of heat , it absorbs radiation from
heaters the sun quickly
Black pipes at the black of As black surface is the radiator of heat , it loses heat quickly to the
refrigerator surrounding.
Oil storage tanks painted As shiny surface is a good reflector of heat , it slows down the rate of
with aluminium paint heat radiation. Thus , it keeps the oil cools for a longer time.

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