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Taking restaurant bookings

..;:. Say opening and c10sing times

What time do you serve dinner?
We serve dinner from 7.00 to 11.00 p.m.

"f.. Say what is available

i have a table for six on Friday evening.

;.- Talk about dates

Saturday 24th September.

;.- Talk about how often you do things

We never open on Mondays .

• Starter 2 Listen again and complete the answers. Then match

them to the questions.
Complete the puzzle and find a type of restaurant.
• you eat pizza here i DWe open
2 D We close
• you drink coffee here
• you drink akohol here 3 D We serve dinner o' clock
to p.m.
4 D We serve lun ch o' clock
to o' clock.
5 D I'm afraid on
Saturday 24th.
a When do you close?
b I'd like to book a table for si:x:on Saturday evening,
24th September, please.

r s rii c What time do you serve dinner?

d What days do you open?
e What time do you serve lunch?
Practise the questions and answers with a partner. Take
turns to be the customer and the restaurant manager .

• Language study
" .•..

i'd !ike to make a reservation, please. c

• Listening !'d /ike to book a tab/e c
What days do you open?
1 Listen to the phone call. Are the statements true or false? We open from Tuesday to Sunday. S
iThe restaurant closes on Sundays. true/false What time do you serve dinner?
We sametimes have cancel/ations.
2 The restaurant opens for lunch and
dinner. true/false i have a table on the 23rd. S
3 The restaurant serves lunch from Friday the 23rd is {ine. C

twelve o' clock to two o' clock. true/false We look forward to seeing you. S

4 Mrs Kruger wants to book a table

for si:x:people. true/false
a.m. (morning) lunch open
5 The manager has a table for si:x:at
customer meet p.m. (afternoonjevening)
8.00 on Saturday 24th September. true/false
fully booked o'clock train

Wordlist page 97

10 i Unit 4 Taking restaurant bookings

Structures to practise 7 Read the notes and make questions and answers.
Dates Example what / the restaurant serve dinner (7.00-10.30)
3 Complete the sen ten ces using the correct dates. What time does the restaurant serve dinner?
From 7.00 to 10.30.
Example (5/8) The restaurant is closed on 5th August.
1 (23/5) We'd like to book a table for two on .... 1 when / the restaurant open for lunch (12.15-3.00)
2 (7/11) The new bar opens on .... 2 what! my flight leave (18.20)
3 (24/12) Does the restaurant open on ... ? 3 when / the group arriye from Russia (6.45 p.m.)
4 (1512) My holiday begins on .... 4 what / the exchange bureau open (8.00 a.m.)
5 (30/8) The train leaves at 9.15 a.m. on . 5 what / the train leave (14.50)
6 (27/5) Could reserve a double room on ? 6 when / the fitness centre close (10.30 p.m.)

Language review page 76 Practise the dialogues with a partner. Take turns to ask
and answer the questions.
Adverbs of frequency
Language review page 76
Look at these examples.
i always go to my English classes. Activity
i often meet friends at the weekend.
Work with apartner. Student A's information is here.
i sametimes eat in a restaurant on Saturday evenings.
Student B's information is on page 65.
i rarely go to the cinema.
Al Practise taking table reservations with your partner. Use
Inever drink alcohal in the morning.
these notes to help you or invent your own responses. Then
Language review page 76 change roles.
4 Make a list of some thin gs you always, aften, sametimes, Good a{ternoon/evening ... i have a table for ...
rarely, never do. Practise exchanging information with The Bridge Bistro four at 8.30
a partner. The River Brasserie two at 7.00
Example A i always
have coffee for breakfast. What The City Restaurant sixat8.15
aboutyau? I'm sorry, we're
We/We're ...
B No, rarely have coffee for breakfast.!
open from 7.00 to midnight closed on Sunday
Yes, always have coffee, too.
open from 7.30 to 11.30 fully booked on
closed on Sunday evenings Saturday night
• listening What time is it?
and all day Monday What name is it, please?
5 Listen and match the times to the clocks.

Example A Good evening, the Bridge Bistro. Can i

help you?
B Yes,please. I'd !ike to book a table for
aD bD cD dO A Yes, certainly. How many is it for?/I'm
6 Listen to the dialogues and write the times in each sign. sorry, we're fully booked on Saturday.
B I'd !ike a table for fo ur, please.
A Yes, i have a table for fo ur at 8.30.
B Thank you, 8.30 is {ine.

More words to use

January May September
February June October
March July November
April August December

Unit 4 Taking restaurant bookings i 11

Taking restaurant bookings

1 GJ
thet thirty
two bac quarter
ways of taIking to past
about the
hfgde twenty-five
ten past
twentyto tosix
to two
three 3 Look at Steve's notes for June/July.
Then complete sentences 1-8, writing
e 1 the dates in fulL.
ake questions and responses from the prompts.

importan.r dacef

SwidayJUI1.h2-3- fi,~i,rtv work

TUMdayJUI1.h zs - father'r birtlulAy

TridayJUI1.hzJ- .A~itv~ter

TUMdayJuly}} - MüM.y

Tharrday July 1b - MI11.h

SaturefatJuly 1J - rtart at riew-job

:Mo~July zo - ~ niJlir

TridayJulyz4 -rrday

Steve finishes work

........~n. th.e.~?~4.~fJune.

2 His father's birthday is

3 His brother, Alan, arrives in


4 They start their holiday

5 They finish their holiday

1 Where / Steve / work? 4 What time / Steve / start work?

Where does Steve work? 6 Steve starts his new job

work / restaurant / Manchester start / 10.30

He works in a restaurant in 7 The new restaurant opens
Manchester. 5 When / restaurant / dose?
8 His first pay day is
2 when / restaurant / open?
dose / midnight
open / Tuesday / Sunday
6 When / waiters / finish work?
3 What time / open / lunch?
finish work / two in the moming
open /12.00

10 i Unit4 Taking restaurant bookings

4 Use the clues to find the missing word. 5 Underline the correct adverb.

i i enjoy the theatre.
A 2D
W OJ i often / never go on Saturday night.

3 T 2 He works very Iate.

He always / rarely finishes before midnight.
3 Guests always arriye by car.
They often / never arriye by train.
6 4 i love coffee. i always / never have it for breakfast.
7 5 Guests never / often book adjoining rooms
8 for their children.

9 6 My brother lives in the US.

i always / rarely see him.
7 Sometimes / Never i studyand sometimes / always
i me et my friends.
8 Reception staff always / never say
Good morningto guests.
1 The third month of the year. (5)
9 The bar isn't busy. It often / never closes early.
2 The first day of the weekend. (8)
3 The eleventh month. (8)
4 Christmas Day is 25th HHHHH'HHHHHHHHH
, (8)
5 The middle day of the week. (9)
6 A spring month in Europe. (5)
7 The month between June and August. (4)
8 The day after Monday. (7)
9 The day before Friday. (8)
10 The weekend starts onHHHHHHHHHHHH
night! (6)
11 The only month beginning with the letter O. (7)
12 New Year's Day is 1stHHHH'HHHHHHHH'
. (7)

6 Make words from the letters in it ali es to complete the sentences.

1 Can you meet me at emithclun? lunchtime

2 i vreen drink akoho!.

3 We often go to Spain for a laydohi.

4 The new bar speno on Saturday.
5 The restaurant is lufyl dekoob tonight.
6 The tuscmoerwants a table by the window.
7 They reves dinner from 7.00 to 10.00.
8 We have a tellacnacion for tonight.
9 My mayfillive in Turkey.
10 I'd like to make a table noitservare, please.

Unit 4 Taking restaurant bookings i 11

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