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Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumor

Case Report and Review

David R. Lucas, MD

 Tenosynovial giant cell tumors are a group of generally location, it otherwise had the morphologic attributes of a
benign intra-articular and soft tissue tumors with common giant cell tumor of tendon sheath GCTTS. In particular, it
histologic features. They can be roughly divided into was well circumscribed, multinodular, and encapsulated.
localized and diffuse types. Localized types include giant However, unlike GCTTS, it involved the synovial surface of
cell tumors of tendon sheath and localized pigmented a large joint. This is an example of intra-articular, localized
villonodular synovitis, whereas diffuse types encompass TSGCT, also known as localized pigmented villonodular
conventional pigmented villonodular synovitis and diffuse- synovitis (PVNS).1 Unlike conventional PVNS, this type is
type giant cell tumor. Localized tumors are generally indolent. Therefore, understanding this distinction has
indolent, whereas diffuse tumors are locally aggressive. important clinical implications. Tenosynovial giant cell
Recent developments indicate that tenosynovial giant cell tumor consists of 4 clinicopathologic subtypes (Table).
tumors are clonal neoplastic tumors driven by overexpres-
sion of CSF1. Herein, I report a case of intra-articular, CLASSIFICATION AND CLINICOPATHOLOGY
localized tenosynovial giant cell tumor (or localized OF TSGCT
pigmented villonodular synovitis) and review the classifi- Giant Cell Tumors of the Tendon Sheath
cation, histopathology, and recent developments regarding (Localized TSGCT)
its pathogenesis.
(Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2012;136:901–906; doi: Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath is the most common
10.5858/arpa.2012-0165-CR) form of TSGCT. As the name implies, it arises from
synovial-lined tendon sheaths. Giant cell tumor of tendon
sheath occurs at any age, with peak incidence in the third to
fourth decades. It usually presents as a painless, slowly
REPORT OF A CASE growing mass. Three-fourths of these tumors occur in the

A 24-year-old man presented with right knee pain with

‘‘popping and catching.’’ The pain began 4 years earlier
following a twisting injury while playing basketball. Magnetic
digits, especially the fingers, usually on volar surfaces. It is
the second most common soft tissue tumor of the hand,
second only to ganglion. Grossly, it is well circumscribed
resonance imaging disclosed a torn medial meniscus and a 2.5-cm and encapsulated and often has a bosselated or clefted outer
mass in the anterior joint space with low signal lines, likely surface (Figure 4). On cut section, it is lobulated and
representing hemosiderin (Figure 1). He underwent arthroscopic
variegated with tan, red-brown, golden, and bright yellow
surgery with partial synovectomy. A nodular, encapsulated mass
(Figure 2, A and B) was easily dissected and removed. Microscop- areas. Its lobular architecture is defined by fibrous bands
ically, it showed classic features of tenosynovial giant cell tumor (Figure 5). The cell population is polymorphous (Figure 6)
(TSGCT) (Figure 3). Based upon these results a diagnosis of intra- comprising large histiocytoid cells with abundant eosino-
articular localized TSGCT was rendered. The patient had not philic cytoplasm and eccentric vesicular nuclei, smaller
returned to visit his orthopedic surgeon in two years. mononuclear stromal cells with oval or reniform nuclei,
osteoclast-like giant cells, and xanthoma cells. Mitotic
PATHOLOGIC FINDINGS figures can sometimes be very abundant. Large hemosiderin
In this case, the tumor was well circumscribed and easily deposits, zones of fibrosis including areas resembling
removed by simple excision. Aside from its intra-articular osteoid (Figure 7), sheets of xanthoma cells (Figure 8), and
dyshesive cellular areas forming a pseudoalveolar pattern
(Figure 9) are common findings. Some tumors are
composed of a monotonous population of stromal cells
Accepted for publication March 30, 2012.
From the Department of Pathology, University of Michigan, Ann
with only rare giant cells (Figure 10). Giant cell tumor of
Arbor. tendon sheath is generally indolent and is successfully
The author has no relevant financial interest in the products or treated by simple excision. However, it recurs approximately
companies described in this article. 25% of the time.2
Presented at the New Frontiers in Pathology: An Update for
Practicing Pathologists meeting; University of Michigan; October 13, Localized PVNS (Intra-Articular, Localized TSGCT)
2011; Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Reprints: David R. Lucas, MD, Department of Pathology, Univer- Localized PVNS is morphologically identical to GCTTS. It
sity of Michigan, 1500 E Medical Center Dr, Room 2G332, Ann presents as a circumscribed, sometimes pedunculated, intra-
Arbor, MI 48109 (e-mail: articular mass. The knee is the most common location. On
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 136, August 2012 Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumor––Lucas 901
Figure 1. Magnetic resonance image of localized, pigmented villo-
nodular synovitis demonstrates a well-circumscribed, 2.5-cm nodule
within the anterior joint space (arrow).
Figure 2. A, Grossly, localized pigmented villonodular synovitis forms
a well-circumscribed, encapsulated mass, which on cut surface (B) has
a multinodular architecture variegated with brown, tan, golden, and
bright-yellow areas.

imaging, it appears as a well-circumscribed tumor, and

intraoperatively, it presents as a sessile, polypoid mass
arising from the synovium. Simple excision is usually
Conventional PVNS (Intra-Articular, Diffuse-Type
Giant Cell Tumor)
Pigmented villonodular synovitis is the prototypic form of
diffuse TSGCT. The nomenclature has become complicated
by introduction of the terms localized PVNS and diffuse-type
giant cell tumor (GCT). The latter term encompasses both
intra-articular and extra-articular tumors (see below). The
term PVNS, however, is universally recognized across
disciplines. Pigmented villonodular synovitis is rare, with
an estimated annual incidence of 1.8 patients per million. It
usually affects young adults (average age, 35 years) but has a
wide age range and is slightly more common in women. It
usually affects large joints, especially the knee,3 which
accounts for 75% to 80% of cases. The hip is the second
most common site (15%). Other less frequent sites include
the ankle, elbow, temporal mandibular joint, and spine. It
typically presents as a longstanding, painful mass with
hemarthrosis, and it limits range of motion.
Imaging studies demonstrate an ill-defined, periarticular
mass, often with associated cortical erosions and subchon-
dral cysts (Figure 11). Magnetic resonance imaging shows
low T1 and T2 signals, contrast enhancement, and signal
voids secondary to hemosiderin, sometimes referred to as

Figure 3. Localized pigmented villonodular synovitis is histologically
identical to all other forms of tenosynovial giant cell tumor in its cellular
composition, consisting of a polymorphous population of epithelioid
histiocytes with eccentric, pale nuclei; small, mononuclear stromal
cells; and multinucleated osteoclast-like giant cells (hematoxylin-eosin,
original magnification 3200).
Figure 4. Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath often has a bosselated or
clefted outer surface.
Figure 5. The architecture of giant cell tumor of tendon sheath often
shows a highly lobular pattern defined by thick, fibrous bands
(hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 320).
Figure 6. This high-power micrograph highlights the cytologic features
of the mixed-cell types in a giant cell tumor of tendon sheath
(hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 3400).
Figure 7. Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath can sometimes have
extensive stromal fibrosis, including a hyalinized collagen matrix
forming osteoid-like structures (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnifica-
tion 3400).
Figure 8. Sheets of xanthomas cell (top), which, grossly, appear bright
yellow, and hemosiderin-laden macrophages (bottom) are common in
all forms of tenosynovial giant cell tumor (hematoxylin-eosin, original
magnification 3400).
902 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 136, August 2012 Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumor––Lucas
blooming. Grossly, most tumors exceed 5 cm, are red-brown morphous cell population as other TSGCTs do; however, it
or tan, and have a prominent villonodular growth pattern is unencapsulated, has pronounced villonodular architecture
(Figure 12). The villi vary from thick to fine and delicate. (Figure 14), and often contains elongated synovial-line
Pigmented villonodular synovitis usually affects large areas spaces (Figure 15). Pigmented villonodular synovitis is
of the synovial surface. Erosions into underlying cortex treated with wide, local excision and total synovectomy or
(Figure 13, A) and articular cartilage (Figure 13, B) are often arthroplasty; it has a high local recurrence rate, up to 50%,
present. Microscopically, PVNS comprises the same poly- often with multiple recurrences.4
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 136, August 2012 Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumor––Lucas 903
Figure 12. Grossly, pigmented villonodular synovitis forms long,
broad to delicate villous structures. It varies from golden to red-brown
and usually covers a large area of the synovial surface.
Figure 13. These 2 intraoperative, postsynovectomy photographs
depict numerous cortical erosions on the (A) proximal femur and (B) a
deep erosion of the articular surface secondary to pigmented
villonodular synovitis.

Figure 9. Some tumors have large, discohesive areas that form a

pseudoalveolar pattern (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification
Figure 10. Monotonous sheets of stromal cells, with uniform, oval to
reniform nuclei, are common in tenosynovial giant cell tumor. Mitotic
figures can be very abundant as shown (hematoxylin-eosin, original
magnification 3400).
Figure 11. Magnetic resonance image of conventional pigmented
villonodular synovitis depicts a very large mass involving both anterior
and posterior synovium (arrow heads) with erosions into the proximal
tibial plateau and posterior distal femur.
904 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 136, August 2012 Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumor––Lucas
Figure 14. This low-power micrograph illustrates the characteristic villonodular architecture of pigmented villonodular synovitis consisting of thick
and thin villi arising above a solid nodular area (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 340).
Figure 15. Synovial-lined, clefted areas are common in pigmented villonodular synovitis (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 3200).
Figure 16. Magnetic resonance image of a case of diffuse-type giant cell tumor of the foot highlights the invasive nature of this disease, which forms
a massive tumor infiltrating between metatarsal bones to involve both the plantar and dorsal compartment (arrows).
Figure 17. Diffuse-type giant cell tumor characteristically infiltrates adjacent soft tissue structures depicted by diffuse invasion and entrapment of
adipose tissue in this example (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 3200).

Diffuse-Type GCT (Extra-Articular, Diffuse TSGCT) Malignant TSGCT (Malignant PVNS)

Diffuse-type GCT is defined by invasive, extra-articular Malignant TSGCT is very rare. The standard definitional
disease (Figure 16), regardless of whether the GCT arose criteria are the presence of a frankly malignant tumor
from a joint or soft tissue. In fact, most cases are believed to coexisting with benign TSGCT or recurrence of a previously
represent extra-articular extensions of primary intra-articu- treated TSGCT in the form of a malignant neoplasm.6 Many
lar disease.5,6 Because of its diffusely invasive growth, malignant TSGCTs are radiation-associated tumors, which
however, it is often impossible to define the origin. occur many years after radiotherapy for uncontrolled PVNS.
Diffuse-type GCT has a similar age distribution, location, They often comprise large, polygonal cells with granular,
and symptoms as PVNS does. The most common sites are eosinophilic cytoplasm. Trisomies 7 and 5 have been
the knee, ankle, wrist, and foot. Diffuse-type GCTs form detected.7
large, firm to spongelike, often clefted masses. Microscop-
ically, they are identical to other forms of TSGCT in its cell PATHOGENESIS
population. However, unlike localized TSGCT, diffuse type The pathology of TSGCT was first described by Henry Jaffe
GCT widely infiltrates and entraps adjacent soft tissue in 1941 as pigmented villonodular synovitis, bursitis, and
(Figure 17) and frequently erodes bone. Pseudoalveolar tenosynovitis.8 As this nomenclature indicates, TSGCT was
spaces and cellular areas devoid of giant cells are often believed to be a reactive, nonneoplastic condition. This
present. Diffuse-type GCT is locally aggressive and recurs in conclusion was supported by failure to detect clonality
33% to 50% of cases, often with multiple recurrences.5,6 utilizing a polymerase chain reaction based assay for
Very rarely, a histologically benign, diffuse-type GCT methylation of the X-linked human androgen receptor gene.9
metastasizes, usually following multiple recurrences.5,6 Cytogenetic studies, however, suggested otherwise. For
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 136, August 2012 Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumor––Lucas 905
Classification and Nomenclature of Tenosynovial In summary, TSGCT can be roughly divided into localized
Giant Cell Tumors (TSGCTs) and diffuse types, with diffuse types being much more
aggressive. Based on cytogenetic and molecular findings,
Site of Origin Localized TSGCT Diffuse TSGCT
most tumors appear to be clonal, neoplastic proliferations
Tendon sheath/bursa GCTTS Diffuse-type GCT driven by CSF1 production of the neoplastic cells, which
Intra-articular Localized PVNS Conventional PVNS account for only a small percentage of the cell population in
Abbreviations: GCT, giant cell tumor; GCTTS, giant cell tumor of the TSGCT. Finally, CSFR1, which is highly expressed in
tendon sheath; PVNS, pigmented villonodular synovitis. TSGCT, is a group III receptor tyrosine kinase that shows
structural homology with KIT. Thus, in theory, TSGCT could
example, simple structural and numeric aberrations, as well be inhibited by a tyrosine kinase receptor inhibitor, such as
as a variety of balanced chromosomal aberrations, have been imatinib (Gleevec, Novartis, Basel, Switzerland). In fact,
discovered. In particular, clonal structural aberrations affect- imatinib therapy has indeed shown early success in the
ing the 1p11 to 1p13 region,10 and trisomies11 of chromo- treatment of relapsing PVNS.14
somes 5 and 7 were commonly found. Using fluorescent in
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By contrast, high ligand (CSF1) expression was limited to a tenosynovial lesions commonly denoted as xanthoma, xanthogranuloma, giant
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906 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 136, August 2012 Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumor––Lucas

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