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Javed Jabbar
1. Muslim nationalism can be posited that it originated in South Asia - 1300 years earlier. After
the advent of Sind by Muhammad Bin Qasim in 712 A.D, a destined, educating and gradually
expanding Muslim presence in South Asia grew. Muslims as invaders, conquerors, soldiers,
traders, formers, writers, poets, singers, preachers emerge in South Asia. Minority muslim
monarchies ruling over large non-muslim population in South Asia comprised the five dynasties of
the Delhi Sultanate from 1206-1526. Then came the Mughal dynasty from 1526-1857. British govt
took over the control thereafter and new phase of muslims social & political realities began. The
happenings b/w 1857-1947 leads to the creation of Pakistan.
2. Dethronement of Bahadar Shah Zafar ruling and murder of his two sons in 1857 gave rise to
fundamental apprehensions leading to domination of Hindu majority. Inception of Hindu communal
organizations such as Arya Samaj, Hindu Maha Sabha, RSS and others, with an outlook hostile to
Muslims. This leads to the evolving articulation of two Nation Theory, as rendered in 1930 by
Allama Iqbal and on 14 Aug 1947 fulfillment of a plan of creation of Pakistan by the indomitable
ldrship of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. The time b/w 1940 and 1947 began to grow with
preliminary elements of the new identity that is now called “Pakistaniat”. The basis for Pakistaniat is
an all-embracing humanism and pluralism. There are certain distinct positive elms of Pakistaniat
which already exist and can be identified.
3. The threats to internal cohesion from extremism, sectarianism, narrow provincialism and
from internal - external threats incl terrorism, subversion, there is a dire need to articulate and
assert elms of identity to each Pakistani to unifying singularity of Pakistaniat.


4. To present book review on “What is Pakistaniat” written by Javed Jabbar.


5. The seq of the book review is:
a. About the Author
b. Cluster A: Indl Identity
c. Cluster B: Collective Identity
d. Cluster C: Evolving Identity
e. Cluster D: Assertive Identity
f. Cluster E: Troubled Identity


About the Author

6. Javed Jabbar is a Pakistani writer, advertising executive, politician, intellectual, scholar,
artist, mass communication expert and former info minister. He is a graduate in Intl Relations from
University of Karachi. He is the Author of “Pakistan – Unique Destiny” – where elms of Pakistaniat
were first identified. He has also written 14 other books and anthologies on different subjects. He
remained associated with conflict resolution and coop initiatives b/w Pak and India. The author is
honored to represent Pak at UN conf in New York and in several other ctys. He was also personal
rep of PM Benazir Bhutto. His writing “Pathways” won UBL Literary Award for the Best English
Non-Fiction Book 2017.



1. Proud to be Muslim in a pre-dominantly Muslim Country:

a. Muslims feels the comfort of fraternity and fellow being.
b. Outward expression of faith without inhibition.
c. Freedom of practicing religious obligations.
2. Pride in being part of the larger Muslim community residing in different stares of
South Asia:
a. No matter which culture, linguistic identities you carry, muslims maintain their
adherence to Islam and remain loyal citizens of the state they lived in.
b. For Pakistan larger muslims identity spread across South Asia validating the concept
of two Nation Theory.
3. Land of First Civilization:
a. Sites of Mehargarh and Mohenjo-Daro in Pakistan are one of the pioneering cultures
in history of human settlements on this planet.
b. Taxila, Takhtbhai and Swat witnessed the flourishing of Buddhist civilization.
c. Pakistan is infused with splendid heritage of various nations and bind people together
regardless of caste or race.
4. Proud to be part of tribes and clans residing on lands incl in Pakistan territory:
a. The prep-Pakistan Pakistanis transited into citizenship of a new state in 1947 based
on their historical territories.
b. Many moved into the land of Pakistan from adjacent areas of central Asia, West Asia
& South Asia.
c. Migrants from Indian regions, speaking their own language and dialects suddenly
overnight became “Pakistanis” and adopted a new nation state identity.
5. Pride in becoming a Pakistani by choice - through permanent migration:
a. The decision to migrate became a very painful and unprecedented change to the
muslims who were residing in the areas not incl in Pakistan territory in Mid Aug 1947.
b. About 10 million people chose to be part of Pakistan not considering any losses
which resulted in largest ever migration in the World’s contemporary history.
c. About 800,000 muslims lost their lives in 1947 during transition phase.
6. Pride in being non muslim Pakistanis:
a. Non-Muslim Pakistanis which are 3% of population are proud inhabitants of the land.
b. Buddhist, Jainism and Christianity flourished in different parts of Pakistan with their
roots tracing back 1000 of years back.
c. Introduction of Sikhism by Gurri Nan all in 16 century whose birth place in Nankana
Sahib, rear Lahore.
d. Well estb presence of Catholic Christians is reflected in large number of Churches.
e. Generous philanthropy acts of Zoroastrians (Parsi) only 1200 in Pakistan cannot be
f. Non-muslims Pakistanis are always regarded on their competence and remarkable



7. Born Resilient:
a. Pakistan can claim to be a uniquely created nation-state among 193 member-states
of UN-no other nation was created with 2 wings separated by 1000 miles of hostile
terrorist in between.
b. Heavily inflicted by injustice in shape of Radcliffe Award. The significance of this
travesty of justice was evident in allotment of Gurdaspur district to India - a muslim
majority affording only viable land route for Indian forces to move into J&K.
c. Flow of river waters from Indian Punjab to Pakistan was shot off, causing critical
shortages and hardship.
d. East Pakistan periodically blockaded by India shortly after Independence, causing
food shortages and disorder.
e. Legal share of Pakistani funds, material, arms and eqpt unjustly held for several
months, then only partially not wholly remitted.
f. Huge influx of migrants and refugees from India numbering eventually around 10
million in about 15 yrs.
8. Enduring Resilience:
a. First 20 yrs, the dev process was initiated with care and competence, enabling to
formulate visionary five years plan such resilience enable the state to overcome the
shock of separation of East Pakistan.
b. Simultaneous to the expansion of physical infrastructure and gradual eco betterment,
there was political instability. Reflected in frequent changes of central & provincial
from 1947 to Oct 1958 when martial law was imposed.
c. Political situation in East Pakistan was worse than that of West Pakistan. Such as
Bengali not given the status of official language, hostile activities of India which
implanted disinformation in East Pakistan, 53 percent of Pakistani citizen residing
Bangladesh rejected the name and structure of the state, Awami league sweeping
160 out of 162 seats in East Pakistan for the national assy.
9. Pride in Pakistani’s resurgence and renewal since 1971:
a. In 2020, Pakistan has completed about 49 yrs located soley on the original territory of
West Pakistan overcoming the sadness of loss of the eastern wing.
b. Several important events occurred in the 5 yrs from 1972 to 1977:-
(1) New constitution unanimously adopted in 1973.
(2) In social sector, thousands of private school and colleges were nationalized.
(3) In 1974, Pakistan hosted the third Islamic Summit Conf attended by 56
member organization of Islamic Conf.
(4) Emigration of labour to middle east earned substantial foreign exch through
remittances homewards by overseas workers.
(5) Introduction of National Identity card for the first time.
(6) Expansion time of nuclear program.
c. Some changes were beneficial others were not such as:-
(1) 1977 martial law.
(2) Execution of elected PTA Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.
(3) Pakistan unavoidably became embroiled in spillover effects of Soviet Union
invasion of Afghanistan in 1979.
(4) After the twin tower attack in 2001, US new policy of deploying its Armed
forces into Afghanistan, Pakistan became frontrunner in conflict with
(5) Two prolonged mil intervention & into the political system (1977-88 & 199-
2008) created new social & structural conflict.
d. Pd of 2008-2018 has witnessed a wide rg of dev:
(1) Strengthening of Institutions.
(2) Rapid Urbanization.
(3) Huge inc in number of youth b/w 18 to 30.
(4) Rapid expansion of IT.
(5) Unprecedented devolution of subjects and power to four provinces through
18 Amendment in 2018.
(6) Successful conduct of Zar be-Azb & Radd-ul-fasad.
(7) New resolve to cbt corruption included disqual of serving PM in July 2017.
(8) Malala Yosufzai became youngest ever recipient of Nobel Prize.
(9) Defence production achieved new heights such as
procurement of JF-17s.
(10) Pakistan is privileged to be one top 3 contributor to UN peace keeping force.
e. As the people and the state continue to tackle challenges Pakistani draw strong
assurance from their people’s capability to reconstruct and begin new.
10. Pride in belonging to a beautiful cty rich in cultural diversity natural & human
a. Kaleidoscopic features of Pakistani landscape and its people persona brim with
b. Spectacular vistas span parts of four of the greatest mtn rgs of the world-Pamiris,
Hindu Kush, Karakorams and western Himalayas.
c. Streams, tributaries and smaller rivers converge to become the mighty Indus River.
d. Vibrant Sholes and subtle tones in garments.
e. Robust mass media & extensive tele connectivity.
f. Natural species as exotic as the national animal, magnificent markhor, national bird,
elegant chikor and national flower; the fragrant jasmine.
g. Pakistanis derive immense inspiration from the multiplicity of their cty’s images &
11. Pride in residing in a cty whose loc has global strategic significance:
a. Pak’s places it near the entrance of Persian gulf and on the northern bounds of
Arabian Sea.
b. All 6 Arab ctys in Gulf area and Iran are imed or near neighbours.
c. In SAARC Pakistan joins seven other ctys and is also a member shanghai cooption
org and Eco cooperation org.
d. As one of only 9 nation states in the world out of 193 members of UN which possess
nuclear capability enjoys pivotal foreign role.
e. Above all is an imp part of “one belt one road” initiative launched by China &
substantial economic and dev dimension relevant to intl relations.
12. A Democratic Temperament:
a. Despite having been ruled by autocrats for most of its 71 yr hist, Pakistan lives in a
society that pracs democracy.
b. There is a democratic pulse that throbs amongst the people in urban as well as rural
c. In Urban Pakistan where 45% of people reside, election in virtually all segments of
civil society are keenly contested.
d. Despite being often discontented, its citizen retain a democratic temperament.
13. A Youthful, Zestful Persona:
a. The enormous potential of human resources in 15-30 year of age i.e 63% of
population is contributing towards the nation’s progress.
b. Two factors describe Pakistanis as young nation:-
(1) Country with only 72 years of history.
(2) Privileged to have 100 million young persons as citizens.
(3) The youth infuse vitality and creativity into society.
(4) People planning in avenues of advancement will severely avoid the youth to
be misdirected into alienation and violence.
14. A Passion for Play:
a. Citizens feel a special exhilaration in the victories by Pakistani teams or individuals in
sports, athletics and games.
b. Cricket is not only being played in the cty but also have big following throughout.
c. The Pakistani crowd remained sporting no matter which team is performing.
d. Pakistan remained the front runner in records in cricket, hockey and squash.
e. Performance of Pakistani conmen also proud their mettle in various sports.
15. Global Pakistanis:
a. Strong spiritual and emotional linkage of overseas Pakistanis cannot be ruled out.
b. The Pakistan Diaspora in western ctys as well as in Malaysia, Singapore Australia is
a matter of pride for Pakistan.
c. Their contribution to enrich the country’s foreign exchange and philanthropic support
is non denial fact.
16. Modulate, Plural and Balanced:
a. Following of rich traditions of tolerance set by Prophet Muhammad (SAW), leads to
social harmony.
b. Faith in noble traditions of Sufism enable to unstill peace and harmony in all human
c. The vast majority of voters support modulates political parties.
d. Cultural pluralism and peaceful co-existence are well painted by muslim & non-
muslim followers.
17. Determination to Defeat Terrorism:
a. Majority of muslim Pakistanis condemned the brutal act of terrorism.
b. The resolve is well expressed by Armed forces, para mil & police who have
collectively suffered over 10,000 casualties in last 18 years since 9, 2011.
c. Formulation of National Action Plan after APS incident and its implementation in cty is
also unprecedented act.
d. The people of Pakistan hatred the use of violence by terrorists and extremists.
18. An Exceptionally Compassionate and Generous Nature:
a. There is a notable large heartedness of trait of giving and sharing in Pakistan.
b. The quality of compassion by mass outpouring of donations and volunteers work is
highly depicted in natural calamities since 2005 earth quake.
c. Dozens of organizations are conducting outstanding welfare work like Edhi
Foundation, Layton Rahmatullah.
d. Benevolent Trust (LRBT) which provides absolutely free eye care to millions every
year and noted as largest in the world, are some of the examples.
19. An Infinite Capacity for Hospitality:
a. People of Pakistan have always provided space, sustenance and support whether it
was to refugees or IDPs of natural dissects and anti terrorism campaigns.
b. In 2005, Newsweek Pakistan declared as World’s most hospitable country.
20. A Spontaneously Helpful Nature and a Warm, Friendly Persona:
a. In case of national calamity or a local laurel accident occurs, people such forth
without care of their own safety or comfort.
b. There are always people ready to help fix problems.

21. Use of Urdu as a National Lingua Frauca - while also Speaking a Range of Other
National / Regional Languages and Dialects:
a. Urdu is estimated to be the original mother tongue of 7 to 8 percent of population.
b. Majority of Pakistanis speak regional languages and they are about 70 in members.
c. English is an official language.
d. Urdu evolved in South Asia over post 300 years with its influences from Arabic,
Persian, Turkish, Hindi and others.
22. Comfortably Cosmopolitan - and Thoroughly Pakistani:
a. No matter one is muslim or non-muslim, how frequent he uses English and wear
western attire- yet you are Pakistani at the core of your identity.
b. Flexibility in life style reflects the virtues of open-mindedness and sense of balance
while being proudly conscious of one’s oun roots in the culture of Pakistan.
23. Pakistani Women - Marvels of Dignity, Capability and Beauty:
a. Women are real back bone of human societies.
b. Many Pakistani women often achieve excellence on the global, regional and national
c. There is possessive affection for all female relations; wives, daughters, sisters, aunts,
nieces, grandmothers.
d. Pakistani women have remarkable capacity to overcome hardships and inequity; to
nurture children and families, to foster love & hope.
24. Ingenious and Innovative:
a. Many Pakistanis have achieved global recognition for their proficiency in
technological advancements.
b. Arfa Karim aged nine years decaled as World’s youngest Microsoft certified
c. Haroon Tariq obtained 38 “As” in O levels and a total of 47 “As” in his O and A level
exams, and so on.
d. There are many middle level and modest level business persons who conduct on
astonishing range of productive, profitable operations.
e. May it be small arms manufacturing in Dara Adam Khal or filing of branded perfumes
in waste bottlers, the innovative skills of Pakistanis proud their strength.
f. Ingenuity and innovativeness are inherently present in Pakistanis.
25. Moving towards a New Pakistani Ethnic Identity:
a. Previously marriages were strictly only within elms or tribes, now in 21 century,
significant changes are taking place.
b. Pakistani ethnicity comprises diverse strands, even in Punjab there are regional
ethnic and linguistic diversities in north, central and South Punjab.
c. Similarly in Baluchistan half of the population of province is Pukhtoon. Like wise in
other provinces.

26. Pride in being a Citizen of a nuclear-weapon state, able to deter, or respond to a

nuclear threat:
a. Pakistan is the first and only muslim nation to develop and test nuclear weapons.
b. The country is able to signal strong deterrent power to its principal adversary after
overcoming various hurdles in missile technology.
c. Contributions of Dr. AQ Khan, Dr. Abdus Salam, Dr. Samar Mubarakmand and others
are remarkable.
27. Pride in Armed Forces of Pakistan:
a. Strength of the institution and sacrifices given are well acknowledge by every citizen.
b. Since the inception of Pakistan the Armed Forces have rendered a pivotal role in
attempting to safeguard external and internal security.
c. All three services portray self reliant skills to operate and maintain sophisticated tech.
d. Armed forces aptly represent some of the finest attributes of the Pakistani people.
28. Celebrating national days and respecting national symbols with fervour:
a. Young or old, in villages or cities, people display the national flag with delight and
passion, listen to or sing national anthem with deep emotion and respect.
b. Tributes are paid to national leaders and homages of honour are rendered to civil and
military heroes.
29. Pride in being part of on intangibly exclusive persona called “Pakistani”:
a. In many Pakistani citizens, their faces and bearing and the way they carry
themselves reveal a certain, specific area.
b. Pakistani are easily recognizable anywhere in the world besides economic and social
inequalities that exists.
30. Regardless of prevailing and persistent problems, blind faith in a stable future for
a. Besides 29 elements of positive national identity, it is true that every Pakistani is
seriously concerned about the flaws miss governance which over shadow the
country’s strength.
b. Each Pakistani draws immense spiritual and emotional strength from faith in religion
and powerful belief system.
CLUSTER E “TROUBLED IDENTITY”. In this cluster, the author highlighted some aspects of
behavior reflect a dichotomy between belief and actions, between words spoken and deeds done,
resultantly leading to the troubled identity of Pakistanis.
31. Deep concern at the country’s numerous queries: Every Pakistani citizen is worried
about certain troubling aspects of national identity such as pessimism, incapable of setting things
right, serve of defeat, unfavorable conditions to live etc.
32. An Obsessive interest in politics and democracy accompanied by indifference:
a. These trails are after evident in low participation as member of political parties and in
low voter turn out at elections.
b. Tendency of vote for same person who have demeaned public interest.
c. Lack of sincerity persist in electoral process even by educated people.
d. Lack of discipline in political parties.
33. Citizens’ distress at the standards of public sector education:
a. With the existing, splintered policy approach to education, Pakistan has not so far
addressed the challenge of the era, i.e, education, in a coordinated and
comprehensive manner.
b. Failure to create synergy in education sys has led to various social evils.
c. Whether private or govt sector, education remains a dire need of improvement.
34. Apprehension about economic Security and Stability:
a. In Pakistan economic stability has become elusive as for other countries.
b. 60 million human being living below the poverty live.
c. Gross imbalance between imports and exports, such of new jobs, steeply incensing
domestic and foreign debit etc combines to distract and distress.
35. An Unease about the political – military relationship:
a. The military leadership reiterates its commitment to the democratic system and to
political stability.
b. Every country balances its power matrix after a process of straggle and the education
of its own unique system.
c. In one view, the weakness and failure of political institutions invited military
interventions to avert destabilization of the state.
d. In 2009, the Supreme Court held all past military interventions to be unconstitutional.
Respecting the judgment, the military leadership has pledged its commitment to
e. Negative perceptions by some segments that tead to defame the Armed Forces
prevails; however, the reality is otherwise.
36. Virtual apathy about a decline in values and ethics; crude behaviour by some on
public spaces:
a. Insensitive extravagance and excessive display of wealth.
b. Crude behaviour like rash conduct while driving vehicles.
c. Spiting out globs of paan on steps & streets and throwing of plastic bags on roads are
some of examples.
37. Oppression of the weak – and repression by some of women’s and children’s rights:
a. The principle of privacy and concept of “Chadar aur char diwari” are grossly misused
to confine women to households – with only rare exceptions.
b. Women are joined by many children as victims of neglect or exploitation.
c. Pakistan tends to neglect the advancement in children’s rights in education, child
labour and protection against random violence.
d. However, post 2008 Pakistan took certain initiatives such as Protection Against
Harassment of women at Workplace Act, 2010 and several other laws enacted
against injustice perpetrated on women & children.
38. Connivance in and acceptance of corruption:
a. Corruption is widely perceived to be rampant, from a poor peon to virtually every
department instances of corruption recur.
b. Massive income tax evasion by the non salaried segments.
c. Transparency intl in its corruption perception index of 2016, Pakistan is ranked 60
most corrupt country out of 176 countries.
39. Emotional Volatility about religion:
a. Certain provisions of some laws make it extremely difficult for women-victims of brutal
sexual behavior by males, required independent testimony of eye-witnesses.
b. The anti-blasphemy law is frequently misused by ignorant fanatics as well as
criminals to prosecute or kill non muslim on fabricated charges.
c. Dichotomy in the mosques between under-educated prayer- leaders and well
educated worshippers of Allah prevents reform based humane society.
40. Prone to accept conspiracy theories:
a. There is a general tendency to always finger point at others for being responsible for
our own problems.
b. Loyalty of citizens with the country holding dual nationalities is also the point of
c. Citizens are troubled by institutional decline and deterioration.
41. Being Unduly negative : and always blaming leaders – rarely acknowledging self-
a. Pakistan has low ranking in the Human Development Index (HDI).
b. Unless the country produces critical mass of healthy, well educated citizens, it is
unlikely to produce a better leadership.
42. Concl. The book withdraws elms that can be utilized to unify the singularity of each
Pakistani. Over 207 Mn people of Pak have significant potential and an enormous wealth of human
talent and natural resources. With regard to the 30 positive elms of Pakistaniat, each of us can
draw str and inspiration from all of them. With ref to 11 troubled elms, in our own capacity we have
to eliminate or reduce these damaging elms. It is vital to remember that the reality of Pakistan is far
larger and far better, than the elms that do exist. An internal reforms are to be conducted,
substantial resources should be invested to project the real Pakistan to the rest of world and be a
“Proud Pakistani”.

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