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IecTs te Success ratiow Tips & Practice Tests Ere van Bemme é Daning Tueher LL som EE 199% AUSTRALIA tapeseup ts. cup Le Geman exvfia-ebifer 1, & XO) Apouppeoerue ns. cap by gagaruds he Reacting. a nogeogaT fut Tperuupobee pe general SRL, Listening ua keaels “f hustralia, Melbourat (39%, ouiip 43- pga gaganeees lisfencug. | : Contents What's inside IES ty Sucve v Acknowledgements vi 2 1 Onucauue ger. TTA nparrweng comberany UT iaipeseupts, Peactig listening Papers Fradtice: Reading Papers PracticeWriting Papers is: reactemic Level Incipio pce sake 2 What's inside IELTS to Success Answer keys 1H Paper One 154 Paper Two 162 Paper Three 169 IELTS to Suocess is desigued to help you prepute forthe IELTS (International Language Testing System) examination by providing strategies and material Practice in all ares ofthe tet. IELTS go Success i aimed specifically at people takit the IBLTS Academie Module eather chan the Genera Teasing Module (for more nfs mation, sce the Introduction, page 1). ‘The Introduetion provides an overview of IELTS for readers not familiar with t test Ie contains a breakdown ofeach seetion ofthe examination, including content a procedure, ‘The Skills and Scategies section discusses sllls that are especially important sitting IELTS. We suggest you look throvgh this gestion to help you identify any ski areas in whieh you may need to improve, This section will sso help you econ faunliae with the kinds of instructions and tasks found in IBLTS test. The listens tasks in this section can be head on Audio Cassette One, Sie A of the au tessettes that have heen developed t0 aaeompany this book, (These cassettes available as separate yale items. They ean also be obtained by purchasing the bos and cassette package, which i also available.) (Of particular importance in the Skils and Strategies section are the pages foeusi on the Speaking Module: Because the actual subtest fs done as oneerone lve Inte view, ICs beyond the capabilities of a hook ta provide opportunities for genui prictiee. Nonetheless, we tae a comprehensive lok xt what i expected of you int imerview and offer various language strates snd tps we have found ta he ust The nex! sections are made up of practice papers forthe IBLTS Listening, Read and Weicg Modules. There are three complete Practice Listening Papers, to be don while Istening tw the above mentioned audio eassettes that ascompary this bon ‘They are filled by six Practice Reading Papers and six Pratice Weitng Paper Finally, we provide answers for the Pravtioe Listening and Reading Papers av simple answers for the Practice Weting Papers, followed by Listening Papers, { IELTS, the lnernational Knish Language Testing System, isa test for students who rust demonstrate English lane prickency to ain entry to universities o taining ing counties. For overseas candidates wishing to study In isehe most prisms in English spe {ertiay isctutionssia the United Kingdon or Australia, in partieua, vide ecunisel assessment of English langage proficiency ‘Candidates planning university sty should take the IELTS Academie Module. Can slidates wishing t0 enol in sesational trlning or secondary selwol should take the TELTS General Trsining Module, The (wo modules differ only in the reading and ‘writing suites listening ind speaking subtests are the same. Pease noe st his test dis sot prucide pructie specifically for the General Training Module (Canis paso IELTS, Within tt ces of iting the [ELTS test, ea alte: veosive thee results the farm a “hand scares (see page 6 for more infor tation on Hand sexes. The haa scores ate also sent uo the Learning institution 6 which the eandiate has applied. The relevant department or taelty determines ifthe tanidate’s and sete a ewe level Rr ison te td: AS est ialvisd int ou pars, calle "moules' or “subtests. The modules wea eailate sit hea are shuowan helo. The entire test takes around lu the seque 2 hours and 5 ininutes Listening Reading Writing Speaking Module Module Modute Module tens nth Lens oy boon ‘ection. anal [| Sections anand [| Peaks: one oft |_| deen day) oauentn | FP] again FPP eas 150 wend, OY ine ine Tine Tw: shout SO ions || 6 mines eines 10215 inten Imation 1 ohe ELT ont ‘the NEMS Listening Module tadule consists of for taped sections of increasing {splay bax wo dslagues and ro mosiolagues. The tape i played wien Sections V and 2 normally ineulve speckers talking about sucidl crema needs. For exo, here my be a conversation btw wr ' public anspor syste Fir example, yo at thelr Fecture mates. Or youu may bea {alk om a given sujcet (Remember that the Listening Sedat buomledge of any particule sujet. There fs no need to feel ansioue ‘emversation ur mono i mt fame) listen tothe tape. Far eae seetion, you will bear (tps) ance introducing the situation, Yau are then given aon rosea secon) to eal through the questions for that section. As the meteor ine proces, work through the questions. When the cation finishes ou wil dona 30 secondste eheek your work. Each seston falas this patton etal TE ted to write your answers wnt the question Prayer At the end Moule, yo will be asked answers frm the question paper toan ansver sheet. Yu wil he ive tw transfer your answers (Note that no aiawer sheets forthe Peete ult: The Listening stde stenting Subtests suns you i expe nthe Listening Module, These + short nswer + competing nates * auuliple chvice + completing a sunnin + mates + completing stable + refering + competi + competing sent + coumpleting fo chart a a Sample answers are sometimes provided i the HE Although you shah! expest the types uf question you wal h h hatin of sneer all ofthe lst In other wonls, you gan never be WEF OH ay Aver test date ges Fo tes es westetly which question types som wil eve ts ‘The types of sills the Listening Madhu assesses ticle * idemtifving the git a wnversation pectic Fat + idenuiying spear rolex + identifying relationships ween ideas ur pisces uf = ese and effet, logue * following direetions and instewetions > identifying numsers, dates, tine, ete + making inferences * determing when a speaker is expressing ist, assumption sr opinion 2 | TBE ese The Listening Meade mst be taken tod Ears 4+ Pructce suse Jor dhe istening Mew bin on page 43 ful vipsune pructicesectionsor the Listening Moduleon pages 7-16. The IELTS Reading Module i ps of ineressing diets; each aceon “ 900 words. You are “hic wn co of tree Yate hy quests Each rein pastae ts Porc 800 noc ay fv eats entering wives For ex pepe eprom eee coe ays ifort eae i the ko ns chars snd so. hr hry of tal wr ren passage. ‘Quostins errata th ening pss to wht hy ref bt oan questi coeur Bie a cali pose eco och our hole ay pt hep of de ie et ig) ou ak ae the me th redid passe Stn mth rnin per St "Speer pre tas eget the Relig Mae, Thee inal for their suitabiticy prawige may diseuss altersative avsitbation competi ccoeting ts for parateaphs l seetns le aeoers ae sete prove! i the IELTS Reading Meade Mh you snd expeet the types of questions Hist abe, that ves not mean son! have tv answer each type: The IELTS Rending Moxbile contains a amnion Do sone ofthe listed gypes, hut the combination elses fom test text Ynw ea er he sure which question types you wll have tans om ay given ext date Hendon he ETS st : The tps hills the Hesalng Meaty sonenses ics The Wasting Malle must be taht together with te Listen and Reading Moxlles 4 icnniving the ws ofa pasate scleesieeeee fd deta fatal karat i pase + Tine sill aul cps and straregies forthe Wrieing Moxiule on puges 25-0. | ‘iyi retatinships between ideas or infrmaton items, sic | + Practice subrests or the Writing Module busin on page 129. The IELTS Speaking Module ‘This mone consists a ao ofa ennoerstion The imerview etoone interview with an eximines, mel af in efor be uve into five phases 1. tatraduetion, © Yin sett acca practice sections far te Reing Moule an pages lo-24 Here yom wl he ieadueed o the examiner As a warm up to the remainder of the ay he asked a question of sa about your iterests, family, Work, ete ly takes 1 + Practice subvests for the Heating Maude bin on pase foervies, so This phase no The IGLTS Writing dtedule in oe Mn oh en tor This mode consists of ew aetiities, Wet Task Jad Writing Tale 2. Yiw ane given tesco complete both ts. 3. Fli isk 1, yaw are asked to eserihe iafrmtion tht is usualy presented ere you will patieipate i kind of ele play You wil be given a ene that deserhes the fora of feaph, fable or digram, Yin may he asd toa ne ol the flowing task, The tisk involves getting information: on paeticulae copie bashing the examiner i aiaila ual eau tha aban stpestions This plise noel tas 3 4 tssimates. A comparison hetween twu or mre sets of dats 1. Speculations aad attitudes + deserihe how something works Here yn will be ited wo discuss your seal’ plas ature als, The conversation ne sone dlp this psn the examiner wll wien ask questions that require eames saswees This phise usally aes 3 0 twine, a process ar procedure ‘minimis of 150 wor for Task 11s eesonmmened that yo pe Writing Task 2, yo are ase + put forward pain a we ot ipprt of or ages! a ven statement The eximtiner brings she biterview to an ev ven ce Note that dhe examiner will wot morally ell yw when one phase eons aid another Jnodins (withthe esexption al the Elicitation phase) steele a leno a eee (Wentember thatthe Speaking Mealy 4s su assessing your knowlege of any pa * speculate on implications af given fs ticular subject, There is i eel (feel anise that apie of wnvers ‘write mina of 250 yrs ar Task 2. Hs ree la to you) ino iterview will he recone asia asset Speaking Module need wot ales be tke on the Writing Modules: rade tt you spe stably for : For example, ye feserie graph eon ig working hones in eiferent wontries (Tas 1) eyo my ease i$ ‘hat technology is destructive to tutional societies and to give your reasons (Tas 2) - ii sce TEL ears sd res Ys inieds La vamay ceeerait Eiieartie 1 io sel ft oc mune detatted deseription of the Speaking Module, tngether Writing Module answer sheet, You are permitted to make marks, such ts plan or at seit rips cad strategies, aes 15-10, he etn apes (Nota wo ane ses fr he psetee wings + Practice tase curls for Phase 3 (Elicitation) can be found on page 3. duction to the UE 4p mem secon wm pe IELTS fest results You wil receive your results within rw weeks, Rests are sven in the form of hand scores: One fut score is given for wach of the fate IELTS mele overall an seine vealed fons thee fine and sere Hd scores range fron 1 0 9. A band seoee 1 mens the candidate has esscataly nw ability use English. \ baud seore 9 indicates the caldate isa fen sol aceurs user of English, mc like an educate ative speaker. and seore of 0 given only when a candidate des not attempt the test, For entrance tunity tt eatrioy suet as Australia ad the United Kingom, overall band seores af hetween 6 an 7 are ‘wally acceptable. Sone university frultes require that hand seures for each of the foge IELTS modules meet a given minim level {TELS tet rest may Took something ike tis Test results Uisening—tal 8 tealig Hand 0 Wogan 70 Speaking th 5 vttatatas Da] Frequently asked questions about IELTS + What IELTS bund seore do Feed to dee hun unversity? You muse find ow what score you need fram the relevant faculty or deysartinent the university to shiek: you are applying. Do uot ask IELTS test examiners or officials as they will no he able to give you a prea answer Gun the IBLTS test be taken more than onve? Yes, but you must wait ubree months before siting the test again Di Fharce 0 do all four IELTS mundus on dhe seme day? No, The Speaking Modale ean sometimes be done on a sepsacite dh your nearest IELTS test contre. The Listening, Reading aid Writing Salter nay he done together fs i nevessuery tu dal or IELTS mestules? Yes, University faculties ane often interested i hua yo din este ofthe fae sd les. Als, che overall hand seone earnot he eae ules all fine stihtests have heen competed, Which IELTS modute should Ido, the Aeuslemie or the General Training Moxdule {tdepends on your scudy plans. you intend to enter university either 1s annler fraduate or a posigenluate stodent, then you must take the Aesetnie Moule, On the other hand, you are planning to enter a sueatinal taining proses t secon lary sehool, the General Tsining Module wswally sufficient. In cout, comet ‘the learning institution to which you are applying heck with + Hoe long sell ttuke to et my results? Normally, you wll receive yous results within 2 weeks 6 J TELS ta Snecess | for Se The following section ofthe hook tells you about the skills snd strategies requlced to do wel inthe IELTS test There ate varios exercises which Ielp you to review the salle and offer usctul sarees. The eorreetanwers ana explanations are also given Skills for the Listening Module Inthe IELTS Listening Module the reconting is played ance only. You mus, therefor, use a nuanber of strategies ta help you listen closely: There are fur main sls you wil need tod well inthe IELTS Listening Module 1, Understanding the insteustions {nscrnetions are both writen on the question paper aid spoken on the tape. Read and Tisten tw every won in he insteuetions very earful. Ensure that yon follow them ‘exactly and answer in the eorrect wa. 2, Previewing ad predieting Au annosnoer will hrelly outing + the tonic + sho stalking + the sitwation Try to lst carefully cis will help yor to preview the questions. Hetare the reconting Hess for each section, you wil he given up to 30 seeonds to sland scone fame with the questions. Use this time elicently sv that you ea Preysne ynursel listen fr he information yom nee Here ane sie hints for previewing and predieting * Sul the question eareflly snd try to prelet what type of answer is requieed, For ‘este, willie ite, ante or mayest mune? + Chick the diferenees between sillarlouking pietures ue diageams + Lav for minor details suc as different numbers or omissions In salto ta the 30 seconds before eal section, yom will also he Aven 30 seconds alter each section to look aver your asters f you are satisfied with your answers in Skills aud Strategies for IELTS 7 3. Listening for specific infor Use of previewing wd pre yon ced to answer the apestions in the sills will help yo liste forthe spouiie barat ewing Medal. Listing For hey words nd ue ‘einmon eonucetive words often helps ca signal the specie ifrmation that os Heed invonler toner the question, (See the lists af words provided on page 1S) Make sate In Question Be decide shi pcre best fis has som eae om the eae anal eile the eter ander the tht, while you ace seul writing y ‘sation given inthe Feeorling as here will ot hea second oppertanity to hea i 4. Choking and rewriting Example: Which typeof transport has caused the tlc problems? You are ven about 30 sovondls after each seetion o check yume answers. Chk that l StceeeceeeeeecieceeetceeeceeEeciey all your answers correspond wit the given iostretions Make sure that yo have answered every question, Marks we wot deducted for incorrect answers sf you are unsure of a peirtietar answer, you shoul guess. by wssting dat what you think i the mst ikely ase ‘hok that ys have ile oy wh A the en the Fistenint Mad, yon are given aoa 10 ai mies fon the question paper onte the answer sheet, Sn your that ys hae tansfeered them careeetly se that the numer Hn the wnls withthe numsberan the answer shect. Ike especially cave when tester ng aor ra table is sometimes the ems are no Tinea ore Practice for the Listening Module The following eur exer required ia the Listening Module, Carry aot the exereises ther rea tte answers explanations that fll then, fore ya list the recog for the" Listeing Sls Practice” (2 Ge, Sile Flv over Questions 1-7 for Listening Skills Practave f (pais). Thin shat de fllonvng points when previewing the questions os are designed «help yon practise sume af the skill Fave read the instructions carol: Foose what ant the answer mast tke © awe a foodie of what the rec vant + have predicted sume ofthe wreshulry Fig hear by putting pits deans into worl, Far exp, im question 1 om page 9,1 sid to nyse the wn, hs “doublesecker fs + Fave prose the type of inforiation fam looking for Ror example is Questions 4-T on page 1 (Question d= munaber of people (Question 5 =u adjective deserihing jure Question 6 = name oft eransport Kine Question 7 = number of hors anielpata some of the answers in de gap fill questions by Joakio a wun before and after th vas context Fn tw hep mie predic te inform io fo wil Fa Fst, * has what inforaagon Fed to fsten for BH ew secs ae | 00) L== tice 4a amin Questions 814 Complete the table with nformavion fram the conversation om hear on the type, Write NUMBER on NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS jor each wnsse vacaney | vacaney? [— vacaney's Example | ‘TYPE OF Jon sae Reseplionit «2 Represemative SALARY SHO por weok ao) | 53506 por week Hours | | cern @ ot given | Sam. 1 pam, cone Qu97 | wo given an | Answers and explanations Fxumple ©. Train i the « sein 1, Doutedecker uses ace buses ssith oww level, Special doubledecker Inises ae nen taking posers wie were hap to travel on that line ©. Dtour sign. palige have also asked mutorists be aware of the slo sis 3G. he aust site which i on the Grecnbill Line where the alway Hine seta crosses Gorhan Road: 4.13, The answer 20° would no he enerect is that fs how may peuple were {seated on the seene. 2 further dhirteon wore takes tthe Riversdale Hespital 5. Minor. Serio is mot correct beause they were “Iuchy to have eseaped setis arm and appear... to be sllering only minor juries” 6 Greenbill. the Grocntil Line fs aot open at present 7.6 thames, +. Hie will be clase for yp 6 mrs. foe up thas the state meaning io nur than this content When previewing Questions S13 di yt 1 tay to preict the must likely order that the eesaning wild take 9.8867 WW, S400 por Wook, We're hk at aloun SHHHIa week, (Some) computer shills/able cw» type/wued processing (emurse). These ane three alternative answers. iy ne of these cial he given, Dut 0 oe than taree szunds st be use 12. Makers Alen both ty type a fo is required ce aud akery” are mentioned, the word for the 11. RIGAS. The program preseuter alerts ust the fortheoming answer hy saying WU Pi aid we stil need che eve and phone musts? Be aware of key [ tes asd nnn fp with se nes or Quen 13 alt apo Othe eg tr Use Slls Pa Taint 2 which we pred on aa See and Sesites tr ELIS frees ae Listening skills PRACTICE 1 — TAPESCRIPT ANNOUNCHE tea ument, seat ane ging eae a Wits. Hetore yo iste lok at Questinns 17. Naty yout te exsmple he has hoe dete PROGRAM PRESES TEI And vine a word on the (afi Tate ati rw. ne Won presents the ELAINE: Thanks Michael, Ta Tra appears to be Mowing steadily in mist aes fon the Kingston and F63 freeways is moving well, The Astin and Viewria Io reporting gd Now: There fx ome major ac, banseves, whieh ‘eis reat problems tor pesk hour vat in the Gotha area, just north of Wivers sla. These has hee minor tran derailment en the Geel Line, Reports ilicate that the Fast earrings of the train appeses cave ne oll the eracks: The extent he donage 1S ot Know a this stage nor fs the suber of exsualties, Special double decker buses are mine taking passengers whe were bupli to travel on that fine and trafic sting diverted around che prublem area, The rons sre very comfested 0 police are wsening motorists to avo the Gotha are if at all possible: They have iso asked motorists who wast travel i he ae to rae of the dete sigs whi Jhawe been erected. There is am alterative route whiel aids the aecient snc an whieh Metrapolt Transport atficils believe will help ease the problent with trafic che ae ‘The nisin area of eongven is rou the aeeident site which iw the Greenbill Live where the raway line setually crosses Cothaun Road, The derailed ti exrrage is ill Foeking Gotan Real and dhe hoom gates are dow, Other toads inetaing Sean ul Metro Kos, have als been elas to tai i the lees ANNOUNCE: Now kt Questions 4-7. (Tse) LAINIE WILSON: Now there's jase yet a uplate on the Green Wis believed that up tw ewenty people Iiave boot treated nt the seein by ane ‘ney medical team \ further thirteen people hve buen tat the Riversdale tal for observation, Le Richard Gains head of the emen 2 nit elas tht these takes to hospital have heen very Bue ta live escaped seriou har tal pete this stage, only to be sufering from asinor injuries. special emerseney yhene fe hha been set ap far ens dent Wis999 19.9.0 AL present, calc being diverted to an alternative rote, The fawn ates ave sit down and the Greenhill Line is noc open a preset uaa tere sre yi fen pa Jeans in the area. Emergeney transport workers are trying tw eepaie a worn pct the track on che rulway Tne which, at this stags s believe tw have wine! Mecropo tw eronsport oily clan thatthe Hine wil he ease dn ies good idea to avoid the area. There witl he mre a Define the sis w ela ews, fi the mest tei repre ANNOUNCER: That is the end of this section, Ys maw habe ha the answers for Questions 1-7, 14 | eH ow Sueeenn Listening skills PRACTICE 2 — TAPESCRIPT Aries ‘ing te tale aot the Hejare you Baten, laok st Questiots 8-13, which form part of a table, Note jectnple tat has hen dane fy, PROFANE PIGESEN TER: Toston t threw anal ime for our employment seiment today We hive three employers on the line rey to advertise waeaneies in their work places Ti you're iateeste, find a pew anal paper and off we Bo. Ouse) Piston the ine is Joh Hell. Tha you for being part of or Tellus abut the wieaney you has ployment program, JOU Hell, Sunthety teh dy. 3 PRUOGKAMEIIEESES TER: Well dank you forthat information... What exp would yon expect te person to have? sales represeritativ in the eosmtetes fed for work. Psion paying S10 per wouk, It isolves te hours day ta Friday, that, fron ll eight i the evening JOIN: No fora qualifications would be noeestary but we would expect the person to have some understanding of ses. I weld He 4 PROGRAM PRESET JON: le dasble dble 79 2 might il chat the ende 6 Q 3.497, PROGRAM (ENTER: What was that phone nner aan OHS. te isddnble 8 double 79 2 PROUAGAMEPRESES FEE The ext job hat we a central usiness seit. Laie, sue oun hal an very patiently. Fist of sve you Teak oe one she tas aon he ey? able sor a receptionist in the 7 LOVES Ui yally peer walt the persian ha PROGIEAMEPRESE NTI Fuse pinto chat on this pagan we noe ve some idee tye salary to our Fists week, J OFTSE AM vad then afi’ nevessaey: Wee nag at boa oer 8100 JANSEN PIREMNTT Ohi th none acts pase sf that, Wo oa ne ale tive mie see HOLST Yes. wee hoping that the person ill have some consputer skills snd he ale lusty. He si relly seus have done a wird paces Weslint really care about reception axing we hope to ea the pers ese, PEO AG MEIRE SEN ALAR Anal what wor anal the ce then Lani Then Ihave hte torino t43 L407 Land the gadis... Ob, Pa sorry, Isn't seem Pic AMT PRES SULA Never amd. We Have to just give the phone Avalos oe ial cl or the presen ie ker in dhe Meet ava, Th ry seat the Hi Hell sn, ts reali Neg abn the jo so hei yelling ao aul be weekly wate iP ub th cer SShilly anil Strategies far JAMIE: Tes usally 8450 sweden aa! ore with serine eau the us now. Wel tea ayo with a Jato experience It wea ea hat the peso feast couplete sn appreaticeship in le fk We realy A! prepare work ha KAM PRESENTE That ss ir enna ANAS Yes, bu cing. sown has te an cary ser, We start aking at fixe a he PROGRAM PRESENTER: That's pretty eaely far amt people, What time dev you fish LAME: Now ly shout L.00 pum. unless theses overtime PROGHAM PRESENTER: Wal, Pav ain we st number need the code JAMIE Okay the eae fst. 1761 6-4 Sand the phone nner 68 4.2747, PROGRAM USES TEN: Oh gd thous then, INMIE Bye. PROGRAM PRESET That's all we have dine fr tos ope thar we've Been af assistance tall you isteners out these. WE ake sone nove fr the 3 week sews, ANNOUNCHE T ‘the end of chs setion. You now have Bal a inter» check the Skills for the Reading Module “yt (One of the main dickies experieneat by stilts ding hhavingenough time toe an effectively There are fn ain sls chat you wil neater ta wel in the ESLTS Real Module: Its useful eve the Flowing proven far eal text that ies aati Monte i ot pet the test, Weis therefore essential rel th effin 1. Previewing (about 2 minutes for each passe [ay Study the pase by ning * tiles + heaings + diagrams * any print in hold type or ital, (6) Study key parts ofthe passage hy skin focuses on the main klea. The fist sentence of each parageuph wally express the hey points of the paragraph. Cera, the eanehuding paragraph provides a sumonary ofthe given passage You may wish co highlight these with 4 pen Read the fest paratcaph whieh of IS to Suecess 2 toterpreting and questions (a 2 ainutes) eal cach wont in the instructions earetally snd ensure that you werstand! exactly what is seed snl in what farm. For example, the istutinns may ay, Choose ne ure ta dee four or more words. Otea students find the right sae bu i form and, unfortunately, do noe seure ae marks or that ase. og what is required, therefor, is just as iniportant as finding the ight he passage When you are ooking at che questions, yaw ned 4 resins one) iw answer (sit up filinAultipheehoive, mateding * whether ur not ce question eequires «specie enteral answer * what form the answer shuld cake ise a mbiog date, reason, ete), 3, Scanning the text for specific answers (laut I minute per question) ‘Use your time wisely, Spend mo lange tha one ainite un Finding each answee Only Iho in che giver text, tle, disiram or gnaph for the answer required. Lovate key ‘sons in the question ltd them, oF semen for then the text The semen ruin these wares are most Hkly gant the easvers ym need outa all sur of she mower alter you have spent approximately ane inate "he question, anake a sensible sess i the appropriate form. Yeas may wish co mat the anewers yar are sane oF in some ways at fut do ave tine at the end ofthe Rezulng Modte, you ean check these answers a |. Checking some answers (abot 3 ssinates) ier you have completed sone asters for each scot, yrar eel ehh them Cheek that yom fine flowed the insiutions exatetly. Hf you have time, ret ta the sees you ake! Besa vom were unsure al see ifthe wsers sone have five ae the Het ones. Da not lave a wens Is sn es at ase mes Helpful hints for the Practice Reading Module There amy Ie same words fa he prssage with which you are utilise Use the stateaies explained ithe seetiu Working oat unfamiliar vs page 19) to ep you wus ont the cain of these wis Hie aware of the mse ofemmincetve warts These will help you wi othe text If sou are unsure of any answers, eheek the tale of on) eunteetive worl fee page 18) te i dere isa glossary aceumpansing the pasa Follow dhe astraetions carefully. A correct resp {writen in he we fo 4 wil he marked wrong fie Skills aid Strategies for

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