Past Tense Continuous

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Past Tense Continuous

Exprima o actiune in desfasurare , incheiata care a avut loc intr-un moment trecut.

Se foloseste cu: * at this time

** at X o’clock

Este echivalent cu imperfectul din romana.

Past Simple Past Continuous

am dormit dormeam
am invatat invatam

Affirmative: S + was/were + Vb-ing

Eu dormeam cand tu ai sunat.

I was sleeping when you phoned.

Interrogative: Was/Were + S + Vb-ing

Conduceai tu cand ai vazut acel accident?

Were you driving when you saw that accident?

Negative: S+Wasn’t/Waren’t + Vb-ing

Ei nu studiau cand tu ai batut la usa.

They waren’t studying when you knoked at the dor.

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