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GE 107:

THE AUTHORS. Ms. Abarracoso and Mr. Rubas are faculty of the Science Unit of Leyte
Normal University.

THE COVER. LNU's iconic College Building speaks about a well-established and noble
educational institution approaching its 100 years of service to the people in the region.
(Photo by Mark Joshua Tan Photography)


Paterno St., Tacloban City, Philippines 6500
ISBN-01 123-4-567-89012-3

© Leyte Normal University 2020

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Module 6

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, you will be able to:
Given a series of lecture-discussion, the students are expected to:
1. Investigate climate change in macroscopic and microscopic level using
2. Assess the various causes and impacts of climate
3. Identify the benefits of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) to our environment
and to climate change issue


Instructions: Go to your Google drive folder. Create a folder and name it as

Module06_Surname. Then, follow the timeline for learning tasks below.

Learning Tasks Suggested Suggested

Time to Finish Deadline
1. Take the diagnostic test (Pre-test) 15 minutes February 16, 2021
2. Activity (Learn it through Simulation) 1 hour February 19, 2021
3. Analysis (Ponder on) 20 minutes February 19, 2021
4. Abstraction (Reading references) 45 minutes February 23, 2021
5. Application (GMOs on-the-go) 45 minutes February 23, 2021
6. Enrichment (Calculate you CF) 10 minutes February 23, 2021

Pre-test (Let’s Get Started)

We will start this module with a pre-test. A link to a google form will be posted in the
google classroom so you may access the quiz during your time schedule.
Instructions: Before going through the module proper, please answer these questions below justly.
Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE if the statement is incorrect. You are given
not more than 15 minutes to finish this test. Begin!
1. The difference between climate and weather is that Earth’s weather is the average
condition in a given place over many years, whereas, climate includes the immediate
conditions for a specific place.
2. Nitrogen is an atmospheric gas which traps heat as part of the greenhouse effect.
3. Without the human race, greenhouse gases (GHGs) would not exist.
4. Global warming is caused only by natural factors.
5. Without the natural greenhouse effect, Earth’s temperature would be well below
6. Wasting less food is a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
7. More extreme weather like droughts, heat waves, and hurricanes is one of the
consequences associated to climate change.
8. An increase in the amount of greenhouse gases means less heat can escape.
9. Bt corn is an example of a Genetically modified (GMOs) crop firstly cultivated in the
10. GMOs can help alleviate the impacts of climate change.
11. You can reduce your carbon footprint by eating less meat.
12. China currently emits the most greenhouse gases.
13. Global warming is accelerated by the reduction of global snow and ice cover.
14. Climate change is heating the world evenly.
15. Global warming is the phenomenon in which the gases in the atmosphere trap heat
radiated from Earth’s surface.

Key Terms
Climate change – is a long-term shift in global or regional climate patterns.
Often climate change refers specifically to the rise in global temperatures from
the mid-20th century to present (National Geographic)
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) – refer to organisms whose genome
has been engineered in the laboratory in order to favor the expression of desired physiological
traits or the generation of desired biological products (Diaz, 2021)
Global warming – is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere
generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide,
chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants.
Greenhouse effect – is the process by which radiations from the sun are absorbed by the
greenhouse gases and not reflected back into space.
Activity (Learn it through Simulation)

Let us start investigating climate change in macroscopic and microscopic level

using simulations from PhET Colorado. Use the two links below to access the
simulations. Play and explore the features of the simulations for at least 5 minutes and
then answer the worksheet that will be sent to you separately. You will be answering items A
& B for this part of the module.
Glaciers Simulation
The Greenhouse Effect Simulation

Analysis (Ponder on)

After you have answered the items A & B in the worksheet, reflect on the
connection of the two simulations and how are they associated to climate
change. In at least 200 words, encode your reflection essay in item C.

Save the worksheet as PDF file. Send the file to your Google drive folder with a name

Criteria Expert (10) Master (8) Mastery not Needs

reached yet (6) improvement (4)
Organization Writing shows Writing is Writing is Writing lacks
high degree of coherent and coherent and logical
attention to logic logically logically organization. It
and reasoning of organized with organized. Some shows some
points. Unity transitions used points remain coherence but
clearly leads the between ideas misplaced and ideas lack unity.
reader to the and paragraphs to stray from the Serious errors.
conclusion and create coherence. topic. Transitions
stirs thought Overall unity of evident but not
regarding the ideas is present. used throughout
topic. essay.
Level of content Content Content indicates Content indicates Shows some
indicates original thinking thinking and thinking and
synthesis of and develops reasoning applied reasoning but most
ideas, in-depth ideas with with original ideas are
analysis and sufficient and thought on a few underdeveloped
evidences firm evidence. ideas. and unoriginal.
original thought
and support for
the topic.
Development Main points well Main points well Main points are Main points lack
developed with developed with present with detailed
high quality and quality limited detail and development. Ideas
quantity support. supporting details development. are vague with
Reveals high and quantity. Some critical little evidence of
degree of critical Critical thinking thinking is critical thinking.
thinking. is weaved into present.
Grammar & Essay is free of Essay has few Most spelling, Spelling,
Mechanics distracting spelling, punctuation, and punctuation, and
spelling, punctuation, and grammar correct grammatical errors
punctuation, and grammatical allowing reader create distraction,
grammatical errors allowing to progress making reading
errors; absent of reader to follow though essay. difficult;
fragments, ideas clearly. Some errors fragments, comma
comma splices, Very few remain. splices, run-ons
and run-ons. fragments or run- evident. Errors are
ons. frequent.
Style Shows Attains college Approaches Mostly in
outstanding style level style; tone college level elementary form
going beyond is appropriate usage of some with little or no
usual college and rhetorical variety in variety in sentence
level; rhetorical devices used to sentence patterns, structure, diction,
devices and tone enhance content; diction, and rhetorical devices
used effectively; sentence variety rhetorical or emphasis.
creative use of used effectively. devices.
structure and
Format Meets all formal Meets format and Meets format and Fails to follow
and assignment assignment assignment format and
requirements and requirements; requirements; assignment
evidence margins, spacing, generally correct requirements;
attention to and indentations margins, spacing, incorrect margins,
detail; all are correct; essay and indentations; spacing and
margins, spacing is neat and essay is neat but indentation;
and indentations correctly may have some neatness of essay
are correct; assembled. assembly errors. needs attention.
essay is neat and
assembled with
Abstraction (Discuss and Read)
Climate change has been a pressing issue around the world. Scientist
attribute the global warming since the mid-20th century to the increase of
anthropogenic gases in the atmosphere which block the heat from escaping.
The presence of these gases may be natural but the rapid increase on the
concentration of these gases has been associated to human activities.
Now let us uncover the causes and impacts of climate change by watching documentary and
reading articles.

• Causes and Effects of Climate change

• An interview with Al Gore on “An inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of

Global Warming and What we can Do About It”

• Book: “The Future: Six Drivers of Global Change” (Al Gore)

• BUHOS: A Climate Change Documentary by Loren Legarda

After watching the videos, submit a video recording of you talking about your realizations and
reflections on the videos on climate change above. The video should not be more than 3 minutes
and to be submitted to your Google Drive folder. Name your file as M06Abstraction_Surname.

You will be graded using the rubric below.

Criteria Ratings
Quality of Information Expert Mastered Mastery Not Need
Yet reached Improvement

The video effectively

communicates a message, (3)
action, or emotion. (5) (4) (2)
Grammar & Mechanics Expert Mastered Mastery Not Need
Yet reached Improvement

The description must be free

of distracting and (3)
grammatical errors. (5) (4) (2)
Delivery Expert Mastered Mastery Not Need
Yet reached Improvement

The conveyed ideas are

explained well with correct
(5) (4) (2)
Organization Expert Mastered Mastery Not Need
Yet reached Improvement

Ideas in the video are well

organized. (3)
(5) (4) (2)

APPLICATION (GMOs-on-the-go)
In this section of the module, let us try to examine one of the scientific advancements in the
field of Genetic engineering, the Genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
GMOs are one of the best tools farmers can have to help preserve our resources such as water,
air and land and also lessen the impact of climate change. Let us read articles and watch videos
on GMOs and the environment.

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

Planet SOS: Can GMO plants stop global warming

Genetically engineered plants and climate change – exploring Ethics
Let’s Discuss GMO effects on the environment

In a minimum of 200 words, write a reflection essay on the effects of GMOs on the
environment and on the climate change issue. Send a document file to your drive folder with a
name M06Application_Surname.

Criteria Expert (10) Master (8) Mastery not Needs

reached yet (6) improvement (4)
Organization Writing shows Writing is Writing is Writing lacks
high degree of coherent and coherent and logical
attention to logic logically logically organization. It
and reasoning of organized with organized. Some shows some
points. Unity transitions used points remain coherence but
clearly leads the between ideas misplaced and ideas lack unity.
reader to the and paragraphs to stray from the Serious errors.
conclusion and create coherence. topic. Transitions
stirs thought Overall unity of evident but not
regarding the ideas is present. used throughout
topic. essay.
Level of content Content Content indicates Content indicates Shows some
indicates original thinking thinking and thinking and
synthesis of and develops reasoning applied reasoning but most
ideas, in-depth ideas with with original ideas are
analysis and sufficient and thought on a few underdeveloped
evidences firm evidence. ideas. and unoriginal.
original thought
and support for
the topic.
Development Main points well Main points well Main points are Main points lack
developed with developed with present with detailed
high quality and quality limited detail and development. Ideas
quantity support. supporting details development. are vague with
Reveals high and quantity. Some critical little evidence of
degree of critical Critical thinking thinking is critical thinking.
thinking. is weaved into present.
Grammar & Essay is free of Essay has few Most spelling, Spelling,
Mechanics distracting spelling, punctuation, and punctuation, and
spelling, punctuation, and grammar correct grammatical errors
punctuation, and grammatical allowing reader create distraction,
grammatical errors allowing to progress making reading
errors; absent of reader to follow though essay. difficult;
fragments, ideas clearly. Some errors fragments, comma
comma splices, Very few remain. splices, run-ons
and run-ons. fragments or run- evident. Errors are
ons. frequent.
Style Shows Attains college Approaches Mostly in
outstanding style level style; tone college level elementary form
going beyond is appropriate usage of some with little or no
usual college and rhetorical variety in variety in sentence
level; rhetorical devices used to sentence patterns, structure, diction,
devices and tone enhance content; diction, and rhetorical devices
used effectively; sentence variety rhetorical or emphasis.
creative use of used effectively. devices.
structure and
Format Meets all formal Meets format and Meets format and Fails to follow
and assignment assignment assignment format and
requirements and requirements; requirements; assignment
evidence margins, spacing, generally correct requirements;
attention to and indentations margins, spacing, incorrect margins,
detail; all are correct; essay and indentations; spacing and
margins, spacing is neat and essay is neat but indentation;
and indentations correctly may have some neatness of essay
are correct; assembled. assembly errors. needs attention.
essay is neat and
assembled with

Enrichment (Timing your Technology)

It is also important that you may also know how much you are
contributing to the increase of GHG emissions. This is what we call as personal
carbon footprint. Go to the given site and input your entries regarding your daily
activities. Send your result as PDF file with a name M06Enrichment_Surname.

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