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ENSO and the Carbon Cycle

Richard A. Betts1,2, Chantelle A. Burton1, Richard A. Feely3, Mat Collins4, Chris D. Jones1,
and Andy J. Wiltshire1,2


Observational studies of atmospheric CO2, land ecosystems, and ocean processes show that variability in the
carbon cycle is closely related with ENSO. Years with a warm anomaly in the tropical Pacific show a faster CO2
rise due to weaker land carbon sinks, particularly in the tropics, with a partial offset by stronger net uptake by
oceans. The opposite happens in years with cool Pacific SST anomalies. This relationship holds for small ENSO
SST anomalies as well as large ones and is robust enough for the annual CO2 growth rate anomaly to be highly
predictable on the basis of SST observations and forecasts. Generally, variability in the land‐atmosphere carbon
flux is mainly driven by physiological processes (photosynthesis and/or respiration), with a smaller contribution
from fire. Fire was important in the 1997–1998 El Niño, making a major contribution to the CO2 rise, which can
be viewed as anthropogenic in nature since the ignition was caused by humans. However, in the 2015–2016 El
Niño event, the change in land carbon flux was mainly due to physiological processes, particularly reduced pro­
ductivity. In the oceans, El Niño conditions involve decreased upwelling of carbon in the equatorial Pacific due
to a weakening of the trade winds, causing this region to become a weaker sink of CO2, or near neutral if the El
Niño event is strong. The year‐to‐year variations in the rate of CO2 rise can be successfully reconstructed and
predicted on the basis of sea surface temperatures in the Pacific. ENSO‐CO2 relationships may also provide an
emergent constraint on the strength of climate‐carbon cycle feedbacks on future anthropogenic climate change.

20.1. INTRODUCTION duction, and deforestation to account for the increase

measured in the atmosphere (Figure 20.1). CO2 concen­
Climate variability related to ENSO plays an impor­ trations have increased from 278 parts per million (ppm)
tant part in global carbon and influences the rate at which (Keeling et al., 2001) and passed 410 ppm in 2019. This
anthropogenic emissions of CO2 build up in the atmos­ increase would have been even larger if some CO2 had not
phere year to year. been removed from the atmosphere by global vegetation
The long‐term increase in atmospheric CO2 concentra­ and the oceans. On average, these natural sinks together
tions is entirely the result of human‐caused emissions of offset approximately half of anthropogenic emissions
carbon dioxide into the atmosphere; more than enough (Figure  20.1), although their magnitude varies substan­
CO2 is being emitted by fossil fuel burning, cement pro­ tially from year to year (Rayner & Law, 1999). In 2015,
for example, natural land and ocean sinks offset less than
40% of anthropogenic emissions (Figure 20.1).
  Met Office Hadley Centre, Exeter, UK
Global Systems Institute, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK It has long been established that the strong interannual
  NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle, variability in the global carbon cycle is related to ENSO
WA, USA (Bacastow, 1976; Bacastow et al., 1980; Keeling & Revelle,
  College of Engineering, Mathematics, and Physical 1985; Jones et al., 2001). There are clear correlations bet­
Sciences, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK ween the growth rate of atmospheric CO2 and sea surface

El Niño Southern Oscillation in a Changing Climate, Geophysical Monograph 253, First Edition.
Edited by Michael J. McPhaden, Agus Santoso, and Wenju Cai.
© 2021 American Geophysical Union. Published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Anthropogenic figures
2008–2017 average
PgC per year
The global carbon cycle Carbon cycling
PgC per year
Atmospheric CO2 Stocks PgC
+4.7 [+6.2] Fossil CO2
[1.6] 1.5 Land-use change
2.4 [2.6]
Land uptake
0.1 3.2 [1.8] (1.9–2.9)
(2.5–3.9) 860 PgC Ocean uptake

[9.7] 120 + Atmospheric increase

(8.9–9.9) Uncertainity values
Budget imbalance
Vegetation 90
450–650 PgC
120 Dissolved
Gas reserves inorganic carbon
38,000 PgC
385–1135 PgC 90
Rivers Organic carbon Marine
Permafrost and lakes 700 PgC
1700 PgC Soils biota
Oil reserves 1500–2400 PgC Coasts 3 PgC
175–265 PgC 10–45 PgC Surface
1750 PgC
Coal reserves
445–540 PgC
Budget imbalance +0.5

Figure 20.1 Components of the global carbon cycle on average and in a year with a strong El Niño event.
Colored numbers at heads of arrows are means over 2008–2017. Red numbers in square brackets are values for
2015. 1 petagram of carbon (PgC) is equivalent to 1 gigatonne of carbon (GtC). (Modified from original figure by
Le Quéré et al., 2018)

temperatures in the regions of the Pacific used as metrics role in 1997–1998, whereas they were much less substan­
for ENSO, and there is a long history of study of this tial in 2015–2016.
relationship and the reasons behind it. The tropical In addition to contributing to our understanding of the
regions, particularly land ecosystems, have been identi­ processes of the global carbon cycle and its interactions
fied as a key part of the process (Rayner et al., 1999). with the atmosphere and oceans (and their coupled
More recently, measurements of other components of behavior), insights into ENSO–carbon cycle interactions
the carbon cycle from an increasing range and variety of may also be important for our ability to predict future cli­
sources have provided further evidence for relationships mate change. For example, if the frequency and/or magni­
between the carbon cycle and ENSO, and have helped tude of ENSO changes as a result of anthropogenic
improve understanding of the processes involved. Much climate change, this could act as a feedback on CO2 rise
of this has been on tropical land ecosystems, although and climate change. More generally, even if ENSO itself
the ocean and other land regions are also covered in does not change, similar processes, teleconnections, and
some data sets. regional climate changes may nevertheless be associated
The large El Niño of 2015–2016 provided a particu­ with a long‐term climate change trend, and hence insights
larly important opportunity to study carbon cycle into their impacts on the carbon cycle will be important.
responses to ENSO, and this has resulted in a wealth of Early work with Earth system models (ESMs) on cli­
new studies, including a number that arose from a mate–carbon cycle feedbacks (Cox et al., 2000) discussed
discussion meeting at the Royal Society, London, in the concept of “El Niño–like climate change” (Meehl &
November 2017 (Malhi et al., 2018). Many of these pro­ Washington., 1996) and the reproduction of observed
vide important input to this chapter. Furthermore, com­ relationships SSTs in the equatorial Pacific and regional
parisons with the 1997–1998 El Niño show differences in climate responses relevant to carbon cycle impacts (such
the processes involved in the carbon cycle response to as precipitation in the Amazon region) was used as sup­
these events. For example, in 1997–1998, widespread dry porting evidence for the credibility of models projecting
and warm conditions across the tropics caused reduced strong carbon cycle feedbacks (Cox et  al., 2004).
gross primary productivity (GPP) and increased eco­ Moreover, changes in the ENSO regime are also pro­
system respiration, whereas in 2015–2016, wetter condi­ posed as a potential tipping point in the climate system,
tions in parts of Africa caused increased GPP, which with possible implications for tropical land ecosystems
partly offset decreases elsewhere (Wang et  al., 2018). and the carbon cycle (Kriegler et  al., 2009). The
Also, fire emissions from Southeast Asia played a major performance of ESMs in simulating ENSO–carbon cycle
ENSO and the Carbon Cycle  455

interactions on interannual timescales may therefore pro­ There is a strong correlation between the annual CO2
vide insight into the role of ENSO‐related processes in increment and SSTs anomalies in the equatorial Pacific
carbon cycle feedbacks on anthropogenic climate change for both large and small variations. The correlation is
in the longer term. strongest when annual mean SSTs are taken from April to
In this chapter, we give an overview of variability in March (Jones et al., 2001). There are obvious large spikes
the global carbon cycle in relation to ENSO. We begin by in CO2 growth coinciding with El Niño years, and troughs
describing and quantifying the observed interannual and coinciding with La Niña years (Figure  20.2). The
decadal variability in the global carbon cycle, including exception to this is when El Niño events coincide with a
atmosphere, land, and ocean components, and how these major volcanic eruption, which temporarily cools the
correlate with variability in metrics for ENSO. We then global climate due to the injection of aerosol particles
discuss the processes through which ENSO impacts the into the atmosphere that reflect some of the incoming
carbon cycle on interannual timescales. We present an solar radiation back to space. It is also clear that gener­
estimate of the impacts of two major ENSO events, ally the CO2 growth rate relates to Pacific SST anomalies,
1997–1998 and 2015–2016, on the annual rise in atmo­ even in years with smaller SST anomalies that are not for­
spheric CO2, and discuss how knowledge of the relation­ mally identified as “El Niño” or “La Niña” (Figure 20.2).
ship between the CO2 rise and ENSO is now being used Mechanisms of the relationship with the carbon cycle
to make accurate forecasts of the annual CO2 rise. must therefore still be present even when a full ENSO
Finally, we discuss the use of ENSO–carbon cycle inter­ event has not emerged.
actions on interannual timescales as a constraint on As well as the correlation between annual means,
carbon cycle feedbacks on long‐term anthropogenic cli­ apparent relationships between the CO2 increment and
mate change. SSTs can also be seen on longer timescales. For example,
after the concentration increment increased at approxi­
20.2. CARBON CYCLE VARIABILITY AND ITS mately half the rate of increase of emissions for the first
CORRELATION WITH ENSO four decades of the record, from the mid‐2000s onwards
the annual CO2 increment ceased to increase for around a
20.2.1. Atmospheric CO2 Growth Rate decade. The CO2 increment varied around an average of
approximately 2.1 ppm yr‐1, despite emissions rising more
Measurements of the atmospheric CO2 concentration rapidly at that time (Keenan et al., 2016). This coincided
have been taken continuously at Mauna Loa Observatory, with a period of relatively cool tropical Pacific SSTs, with
Hawaii, since 1958 and are good indicator of global mean La Niña episodes in 2007–2009 and 2010–2012 and with
CO2 on annual timescales. When measurements began, only small positive SST anomalies in between.
the annual mean CO2 concentration at Mauna Loa was The time series of CO2 increments can be reconstructed
316 ppm. In 2019, annual mean concentrations passed from a multiple linear regression of annual CO2 incre­
410 ppm and continue to rise at an accelerating rate as a ments (ΔCO2) against annual anthropogenic emissions
result of anthropogenic emissions. (ε) and the annual mean anomaly in sea surface tempera­
Comparison of the year‐by‐year increment in atmo­ tures in the region of the equatorial Pacific Ocean char­
spheric CO2 with the rate of anthropogenic emissions acterising ENSO activity (N) (Jones & Cox, 2005):
reveals two important features: a clear increase in both
emissions and concentrations growth in the long term, co2 N , (20.1)
but also a large short‐term variability in the concentra­ 1 2 3

tions growth rate that is not seen in the emissions

(Figure  20.2). There are very few years when the emis­ where α1, α2, and α3 are regression coefficients calculated
sions rate has been smaller than that of the previous year, using the observed records of ΔCO2, N, and ε. Table 20.1
and such cases have only been a few tenths of a GtC. In shows values of these coefficients calculated using
contrast, the annual CO2 increment varies by between 1 observed records up to 2017.
and 2 GtC from year to year. It has long been noted that This method can successfully reproduce the variability in
the interannual variability in CO2 concentration incre­ the observed CO2 rise (Figure 20.2), although it has limita­
ments relates closely to ENSO, with peaks in the CO2 tions, particularly concerning the choice of the specific region
increment generally coinciding with warm sea surface of the Pacific for N, because the carbon cycle can respond
temperature (SST) anomalies in the tropical Pacific differently to ENSO temperature anomalies occurring in dif­
(Figure  20.2; Bacastow, 1976; Bacastow et  al., 1980; ferent parts of the equatorial region (Chylek et al., 2018). For
Keeling & Revelle, 1985). The exception is in years fol­ example, the 1997–1998 El Niño was different in character to
lowing large volcanic eruptions, particularly Pinatubo in that of 2015–2016, with the temperature anomaly being
1991 (Jones et al., 2001) focused more in the central Pacific (Niño‐3 region) in



8 4
PgC yr–1

ppm yr–1
6 Hindcast 3

4 2
Annual increment
2 1

EI Niño events 1966 1973 1983 1988 1998 2016
Volcanic Eruptions EI Chichon Pinatubo
(b) 3
Niño 3.4 index


Observed annual

1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020


Figure 20.2  Relationships between annual CO2 increments at Mauna Loa and sea surface temperatures in the
Niño‐3.4 region of the Pacific, including a statistical reconstruction of the annual increment based on SSTs. (a)
Anthropogenic emissions from the Global Carbon Project data set (Le Quéré et al., 2018) and CO2 concentrations
at Mauna Loa from observations (black) and reconstruction from emissions and SSTs using equation (20.1) (blue).
(b) Annual mean April–March SSTs from the HadSST3.1.1.0 data set (Kennedy et al., 2011a, 2011b), with anom-
alies in °C calculated relative to the 1961–1990 mean.

1­997–1998 and more in the eastern Pacific (Niño‐3.4) in comes from the land flux. Generally, the atmosphere‐land
2015–2016 (Santoso et  al., 2017). Jones and Cox (2005) flux temporarily becomes smaller (i.e. a weaker net land
applied Equation 20.1 using Niño‐3 SST, whereas Betts et al. sink) in El Niño years while the atmosphere‐ocean flux
(2016) used Niño‐3.4. The hindcast reconstruction in temporarily becomes slightly larger (i.e. a stronger net
Figure  20.2 here also uses Niño‐3.4. Nevertheless, use of ocean sink). Much of the research on quantifying and
either region gives a good reconstruction overall. understanding variability in the carbon cycle in relation to
ENSO therefore focuses on the atmosphere‐land fluxes,
20.2.2. Flows of CO2 Between the Atmosphere although studying the atmosphere‐ocean fluxes is also
and Surface important.

The rate of uptake of CO2 from the atmosphere by the Table 20.1  Regression coefficients for Equation (20.1)
surfaces of the global land and ocean has been increasing calculated using observed records up to 2017 (Betts et al.,
over recent decades (Figure  20.3), with the current rate 2018).
being approximately 4 PgC yr‐1. There is considerable
α1 (ppm yr‐1) 0.045
year‐to‐year variability in this, and while the long‐term
trend in uptake is similar for both the land and ocean α2 (ppm yr °C )
‐1 ‐1
fluxes, the main contribution to interannual variability α3 (ppm PgC‐1) 0.214
ENSO and the Carbon Cycle  457 Atmosphere-land CO2 Flows Atmosphere-ocean CO2 Flows

The flows of CO2 between the atmosphere and surface The flux of CO2 between the atmosphere and ocean is
can be quantified with inversion modeling, which com­ estimated with a number of methods. One method uses a
bines measurements of atmospheric CO2 concentrations self-organizing neural network combined with the effec­
with atmospheric transport models constrained by obser­ tive partial pressure of CO2 (the partial pressure pCO2
vations (e.g. Röden beck et al., 2018). These simulate the corrected to account for CO2 not behaving as an ideal
variations in atmosphere‐land fluxes both geographically gas) database provided by the Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas
and over time. (SOCAT; Bakker et al., 2016, Landschutzer et al., 2016).
The net flux of carbon from the atmosphere to land is Another method uses a combined measure of the ratio of
generally increasing over time, indicating a long‐term oxygen and nitrogen concentrations and CO2 concentra­
increase in carbon uptake by land ecosystems. However, tions. The ratio, known as atmospheric potential oxygen,
the flux becomes stronger in La Niña events and weaker, is insensitive to changes in CO2 from the terrestrial bio­
or even negative, in El Niño events (Figure 20.3). Broadly sphere and hence provides a quantification of changes in
similar behavior is seen both in northern extratropical CO2 associated with the oceans (Battle et  al., 2006;
land and tropical land but with both the trend and inter­ Keeling & Manning, 2014). An inversion method com­
annual variability more marked in the tropics. Overall, bines data‐based estimates of anthropogenic CO2 in the
land regions take up less CO2 (or emit more) during El ocean with simulated ocean transport and mixing from
Niño and take up more CO2 (or emit less) during La Niña. ocean general circulation models (Mikaloff Fletcher
In most years since the 1960s, global land ecosystems et  al., 2006). The distribution of chlorofluorocarbons
have been a net sink of carbon, with the mean rate of (CFCs) in the ocean can also be used to infer CO2 uptake
uptake increasing to over 2 PgC yr‐1 by the 2010s. However, (McNeil et  al., 2003). The Global Carbon Project (Le
until 2003, years with El Niño events or smaller warm SST Quéré et  al. 2018) compiles estimates from all these
anomalies saw global land ecosystems became a net source methods along with estimates from global ocean biogeo­
of carbon. In 1997–1998, the terrestrial biosphere released chemistry models to produce a combined assessment of
approximately 2 PgC yr‐1 to the atmosphere, representing atmosphere‐ocean CO2 fluxes (Figure 20.3c).
an anomaly of approximately 3 PgC yr‐1 relative to the The interannual variability in atmosphere‐ocean CO2
long‐term mean sink. Most of this was accounted for by fluxes is of the order of a few tenths of a PgC, much less
emissions from the tropics. After 2003, the long‐term than the variability in atmosphere‐land fluxes.
increase in global sink strength meant that decreases in the Nevertheless, correlations with ENSO are apparent. The
sink strength associated with warm SST anomalies were global mean atmosphere‐ocean CO2 fluxes respond to
not enough to turn the terrestrial biosphere into a net ENSO in generally the opposite direction to the
source of carbon. Even though the large El Niño of 2015– atmosphere‐land flux response, with an increase in the
2016 reduced the sink strength substantially, the net land‐ flux of CO2 from atmosphere to ocean in El Niño years,
atmosphere carbon flux remained approximately neutral and a decrease in La Niña years.
rather than becoming a net carbon source. The maximum
global net land sink strength has so far occurred in 2011– 20.3. PROCESSES INVOLVED IN ENSO-CARBON
2012 and 2013–2014, reaching approximately 3 PgC yr‐1. CYCLE INTERACTIONS
At regional scales, the ENSO response of the
atmosphere‐land CO2 flux varies substantially. During El 20.3.1. Terrestrial Ecosystem Processes
Niño, land south of 25° becomes an overall net source of
carbon, and almost all areas of tropical land show The net flow of carbon between the atmosphere and
positive anomalies (i.e. more outgassing of CO2 (or land is known as net ecosystem exchange (NEE) or alter­
reduced uptake) from land to the atmosphere; natively net biosphere productivity (NBP). This consists
Figure  20.4). South America includes a particularly of several components. Gross primary productivity
strong relative source (or weaker sink), with eastern (GPP) is the uptake of carbon by plants through photo­
Amazonia and northeast Brazil showing a major synthesis. Plants also release carbon via respiration, and
anomaly, especially in the strong El Niño events of 1997 the difference between GPP and plant respiration is net
and, to a lesser extent, 2015. Land north of 25° remains primary productivity (NPP). Carbon is also released by
an overall carbon sink but is weaker than average, and respiration by microbes in the soil, and by animal life.
some mid‐ and high‐latitude regions show negative anom­ The difference between NPP and nonplant respiration is
alies (i.e. less CO2 outgassing, a stronger net carbon sink net ecosystem productivity (NEP). Carbon is also
locally; Figure  20.4). These general patterns are seen in released through disturbance processes such as fire. The
most El Niño events, but the magnitude of the local difference between NEP and disturbance emissions is
anomalies varies between events. NBP or NEE. NBP/NEE represent the net flux of carbon

(a) Emissions and Sinks



PgC yr–1




Fossil fuel and industry emissions Land-use change emissions Ocean sink Land sink

(b) Niño3.4 index








Figure 20.3  Relationships between components of change in the carbon cycle and sea surface temperatures (SSTs)
in the Niño‐3.4 region of the Pacific. (a) Emissions from fossil fuel burning and land use change separately, and
land and ocean carbon sinks (Le Quéré et al., 2018). (b) Annual mean April–March SSTs from the HadSST3.1.1.0
dataset (Kennedy et al., 2011a, 2011b), with anomalies in °C calculated relative to the 1961–1990 mean.

between the atmosphere and land. The following sections Using measurements of wood allocation to tree stems
discuss the changes in GPP, NPP, and fire emissions in (NPPstem) of 8725 tropical trees in 50 sites across
relation to ENSO, as well as some aspects of regional cli­ 14   regions in the Global Ecosystems Monitoring net­
mate variability that appear to drive these. work and a set of site‐specific statistical relationships
with meteorological variables, Rifai et  al. (2018) esti­ Vegetation Productivity mated the impacts of climate variability on pan‐tropical
NPP is the net carbon uptake by plants, including GPP woody production from 1996 to 2016.
and plant respiration. NPP can be estimated for individual NPPstem shows clear relationships with ENSO in all three
trees by measuring their change in stem diameter, and major tropical forest areas (Figure  20.5). With the long‐
this can be used to estimate large‐scale NPP, scaling up term increasing trend removed for clarity, the 12‐month
large numbers of measurements from individual sites. running mean anomaly generally shows declines during
ENSO and the Carbon Cycle  459

1965 1982 1997 2015

1972 1986 2009

mean 150

CO2 outgassing

CO2 uptake


Figure 20.4  Anomalies in regional land‐atmosphere CO2 fluxes (gC m‐2 yr‐1) during El Niño events (a) and the
mean (b), inferred from atmospheric CO2 observations using a statistical relationship between station CO2 data
and the Multivariate ENSO Index. (Reproduced from Rödenbeck et al., 2018)

periods of warm Niño‐3.4 SSTs and increases during (MODIS) and Advanced Very High Resolution Radio­
periods of cool Niño‐3.4 SSTs. This is evident for periods meter (AVHRR).
of small SST anomalies as well as the major anomalies in These data show a general rising trend in GPP from
El Niño and La Niña events. The impacts are generally 2000 to 2016, with a reduction in 2015 associated with the
largest in the Americas and smallest in Africa. El Niño and an increase in 2011 associated with the La
All three major tropical forest areas were impacted to Niña (Luo et al., 2018) After removing the rising trend in
some degree by the major El Niño events in 1997–1998 global GPP due to CO2 fertilization, increased growing
and 2015–2016, but the impacts were much larger in the season length, and other long‐term climate trends, Luo
Americas and quite minimal in Africa (Figure  20.5). et al. (2018) found that global GPP decreased by 0.70 ±
NPPstem in the Americas and the Asia‐Pacific region were 1.20 PgC in 2015, accounting for 60% of the reduction in
also impacted to some extent by smaller positive Niño‐3.4 NEP (net ecosystem productivity). However, in 2016,
anomalies, particularly 2010–2011. Both of these regions there was a small increase in GPP of 0.05 ± 0.89 PgC.
also showed positive NPPstem anomalies in La Niña Because the overall carbon sink still declined in 2016,
events, as did Africa in the 2008–2009 La Niña. which cannot be explained by decreased productivity, this
GPP can be estimated with satellite remote sensing with implies that the continuation of the weaker net land sink
a variety of methods based on the absorption of solar in 2016 was due to increases in carbon release due to res­
radiation by plants as part of photosynthesis, in piration or fire.
combination with other quantities. These often use the Variability in large‐scale photosynthesis therefore
fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation, appears to play an important role in the variability of the
derived from the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index atmosphere‐land CO2 flux, but it is not the only process
(NDVI), which is a measure of the relative ratios of responsible.
reflected and incoming radiation in red and near infrared
wave bands. Live vegetation absorbs and reflects red and Fire
near infrared radiation very differently to other surfaces. Global CO2 emissions from wildfire show a relation­
NDVI is provided by several satellite instruments, ship with ENSO, driven predominantly by variability in
including the MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer emissions from tropical regions. Although the details of

tropical forest NPPstem anomaly


NPPstem PgC yr–1




1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017
Niño-3.4 index
–1 0 1 2

Figure 20.5  Twelve‐month detrended, running mean anomalies of NPPstem (black line) in the three major tropical
regions from 1996 to 2017 estimated with a statistical model relating NPPstem to meteorological conditions.
Vertical colored bars show the Niño‐3.4 index. (Reproduced from Rifai et al., 2018)

regional weather in individual events play an important used in the global carbon budget (e.g. Le Quéré et  al.
role, other factors such as direct human impact via land 2018).
use, drainage of wetlands, and human ignition of fires In contrast, in 2015, fires in Indonesia resulted in much
play a very large role. The nature of the ecosystems lower emissions of 0.35–0.60 PgC (Nechita‐Banda et al.,
affected by fire is also crucial, with fire in peatlands being 2018). One reason for the lower emissions compared to
particularly important due to the very large carbon stocks 1998–1998 is that in 2015 the rains returned in November.
they contain and hence potential for a high rate of GFED may have overestimated fire emissions in
emissions. Indonesia in 2015, as it used the same relationships bet­
Emissions from fire featured prominently in the 1997– ween burnt area and emissions as were used in 1997–1998,
1998 El Niño event, exceeding 3 PgC yr‐1, and since then but in the areas that have been repeatedly burnt, there is
global fire emissions have fluctuated between approxi­ less carbon per unit area to be released (Sue Page,
mately 1.8 and 2.3 PgC yr‐1, with minima generally in La personal communication) However, ground‐based studies
Niña events and maxima in El Niño events (Figure 20.6a). in Amazonia suggest GFED underestimates emissions
Generally, global fire emissions are showing a down­ for this region (Withey et al., 2018).
ward trend. Global fire emissions were 2.4 PgC yr‐1 in 2015 and 1.9
The very large spike in global fire emissions in 1997– PgC yr‐1 in 2016, compared to an average of 2.0 PgC yr‐1
1998 was almost entirely from equatorial Asia, more spe­ from 2010 to 2014 (Bastos et al., 2018).
cifically from peatlands in Southeast Asia, which were Regional contributions to global fire emissions vary
under severe drought and subject to direct human distur­ substantially (Figure  20.6b). Total fire emissions from
bance. Page et al. (2002) estimated that between 0.81 and Africa are consistently high (between 600 and 700 TgC
2.57 PgC were released from Indonesia in 1997, with the yr‐1 from Northern Hemisphere Africa, and 400 to 600
upper estimate representing a very large proportion of TgC yr‐1 from Southern Hemisphere Africa) and show
the global CO2 flux anomaly estimated from inversion relatively little interannual variability. Emissions from
studies. However, the Global Fire Emissions Database Southern Hemisphere Africa show a long‐term decline.
(GFED) gives emissions of 0.53 PgC from equatorial Most other regions have total annual emissions below
Asian peatlands in 1997 (Giglio et al., 2013), and this is 200 TgC yr‐1, with relatively small interannual variability.
ENSO and the Carbon Cycle  461

The exceptions are equatorial Asia and Southern they were ignited by humans. However, the climatic con­
Hemisphere South America, which show large interan­ ditions were suitable for fires to run out of control, so the
nual variability with high emissions in El Niño years. El Niño event played a part, too.
Notably, the Global Carbon Budget data set of anthro­
pogenic CO2 emissions shows a clear spike in 1997–1998  Regional Climate Drivers of  Land Carbon
(Figure  20.2a), which arises from land use emissions Cycle Variability
(Figure 20.3a). This features in the data set because the The global land‐atmosphere carbon fluxes are clearly
peatland fire emissions from Southeast Asia are classed related to ENSO, but what are the climate processes that lead
as anthropogenic (Houghton & Nassikas, 2017) since to this connection? Atmospheric CO2 growth rate is related

(a) Global CO2 emissions from fire (PgC yr–1)






1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017

(b) CO2 emissions from fire by region (TgC yr–1)







1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017



Figure 20.6  Annual emissions of CO2 from fire (a) globally and (b) by region. BONA: Boreal North America;
TENA: Temperate North America; CEAM: Central America; NHSA: Northern Hemisphere South America; SHSA:
Southern Hemisphere South America; EURO: Europe; MIDE: Middle East; NHAF: Northern Hemisphere Africa;
SHAF: Southern Hemisphere Africa; BOAS: Boreal Asia; TEAS: Temperate Asia; SEAS: South East Asia; EQAS:
equatorial Asia; AUST: Australia and New Zealand. Source: GFED.

at the global scale to both land temperature and water avail­ (pCO2) in the surface waters and (ii) the wind forcing,
ability (Humphrey et  al., 2018), with higher growth rates influenced by the nature and phasing of ENSO events,
corresponding to warm, dry anomalies (Humphrey et  al., particularly in the tropical Pacific (e.g. Feely et al., 1999,
2018). Links to temperature have long been established 2002, 2006; Ishii et al., 2009, 2014; Takahashi et al., 2009;
(Wang et al., 2013). More recently, large‐scale estimates of Wanninkhof et al., 2013; Landschutzer et al. 2014, 2016).
changes in terrestrial water storage (TWS) variability from During non–El Niño and La Niña periods, the central
2002 to 2017 have become available from satellite remote and eastern equatorial Pacific is the major oceanic source
sensing with GRACE (Gravity Recovery And Climate of CO2 to the atmosphere. It is near neutral during strong
Experiment), which measured local changes in the Earth’s El Niño periods and a weak source during weak El Niño
gravity with a pair of satellites. TWS anomalies have also periods. The La Niña phase of the ENSO cycle is charac­
been reconstructed for before the start of the gravimetric terized by strong trade winds, cold tropical SSTs, and
measurement period through a modeled relationship with enhanced upwelling along the equator. The mean sea‐air
other observed climate variables (Humphrey et  al., 2018). CO2 flux based on all observational data is 0.51 ± 0.24
The resulting TWS time series shows a strong inverse corre­ PgC yr‐1 for the tropical Pacific, 0.10 PgC yr‐1 for the
lation with CO2 growth rate (Figure  20.7), with generally tropical Atlantic, and 0.1 PgC yr‐1 for the tropical Indian
higher growth rates in years with smaller TWS, which coin­ Ocean (Takahashi et al., 2009; Ishii et al., 2014).
cide with periods of warm ENSO SST anomalies. The warm El Niño phase of the ENSO cycle is charac­
The major exception to this was in 1992–1993, when terized by a large‐scale weakening of the trade winds,
despite a large TWS anomaly showing widespread dry decrease in upwelling of CO2 and nutrient‐rich subsur­
conditions, the CO2 growth rate was anomalously small. face waters, and a corresponding warming of SST in the
This can be accounted for by the temporary cooling effect eastern and central equatorial Pacific. The cold tongue in
of the Mount Pinatubo eruption, which would have been the eastern tropics extends to the west past the interna­
expected to reduce both plant respiration and soil respi­ tional date line during the cold La Niña events and
ration, hence reducing outgassing of CO2. retreats to the east during the warm El Niño events.
Although the TWS‐CO2 relationship is robust, there are ENSO drives changes in the distributions of DIC, SST,
some notable differences in the relationship between the two and salinity in surface water as well as the surface wind
major El Niño events of 1997–1998 and 2015–2016. In field, and causes large perturbations to surface water
2015–2016 the negative TWS anomaly is the largest on pCO2 and significant temporal variability in the CO2
record at over –2 Tt H2O, and the CO2 growth rate is the ­outgassing from the tropical Pacific. During the strong
second largest in the record by the measure used in this eastern Pacific El Niño events of 1982–1983, 1997–1998,
study. In 1997–1998, the global mean TWS anomaly is not and 2015–2016, the cold waters of the eastern equatorial
substantially larger than in many other years, whereas the Pacific disappear and pCO2 values are close to equilibrium
CO2 growth rate was the largest in the record by the measure with the atmosphere. During the weaker central Pacific
used here. This may suggest that while soil moisture played El Niños of 1991–1994, 2002–2005, and 2006–2007, the
an important role in 2015–2016, other important factors in equatorial cold tongue is present but less pronounced,
1997–1998 either amplified the response to soil moisture and pCO2 values are higher than atmospheric values but
changes or added to it. For example, the very large store of lower than corresponding values for non–El Niño
carbon in Indonesian peatlands meant that the drought‐ periods. These findings are consistent with the westward
related wildfires released substantial quantities of carbon. shift of SST anomalies toward the central Pacific during
In 2015–2016, the reductions in GRACE soil moisture central Pacific El Niños resulting from weaker upwelling
were largest in tropical South America and smaller in there compared with the stronger SST anomalies in the
southern Africa and Southeast Asia (Gloor et al., 2018). far eastern Pacific during a strong eastern Pacific El Niño
However, soil moisture may not have been the sole driver (Landschutzer et al., 2016). Figure 20.8, reproduced from
of terrestrial carbon cycle changes in 2015–2016. Koren Feely et al. (2019), presents time‐longitude plots of SST
et al. (2018) suggested that in the Amazon, humidity may and pCO2 for the region from 5°N to 10°S and 130°E to
have been the strongest driver of GPP impact in 2016, as 95°W, and the Oceanic Niño Index for the 36‐yr period
productivity recovered early in 2016 as atmospheric mois­ from 1982 to 2018. The strongest El Niño event of 1997–
ture demand returned to normal levels even though soil 1998 featured SST anomalies exceeding 4°C and the
moisture drought conditions persisted. lowest pCO2 values throughout most of the equatorial
Pacific. In contrast, the 2015–2016 El Niño event fea­
20.3.2. Ocean Processes tured SST anomalies that were similar in magnitude to
the 1997–1998 event, although the pCO2 values were sig­
The interannual variability of the sea‐air exchange nificantly higher because the upwelling‐favorable winds
fluxes in tropical oceans is largely controlled by two were stronger in the easternmost and westernmost parts
factors: (i) the variability in partial pressure of CO2 of the region. Recent satellite OCO‐2 CO2 data and
ENSO and the Carbon Cycle  463

GRACE (satellite)
GRACE-REC (model)
(a) CO2 growth rate (reversed axis) (b)
–2 2 2002
1 2016
CGR (PgC yr–1)

CGR (PgC yr–1)

TWS (Tr H2O)
2003 2005
0 0 0.5
2012 2010
0 2007
Mt Pinatubo
2 –2
–0.5 2004 2006
4 –4 –1 2009 2011
y = –1.33x (r = –0.85)
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 –1.5 –1 –0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
Time TWS (Tt H2O)

Figure 20.7  (a) Time series of CO2 growth rate (CGR: black) and terrestrial water storage (TWS) from GRACE
satellite measurements (dark blue) and reconstructed from observed climate variables using relationships with
GRACE measurements (light blue). (b) Annual CGR versus TWS. (Reproduced from Humphrey et al., 2018)

mooring‐based observations by Chatterjee et  al. (2017) between 2015 and 2016, with the other 75% being due to
show that during the early stages of the 2015–2016 ENSO anthropogenic CO2 emissions.
event, atmospheric CO2 concentrations in the tropical For 1997–1998 the reconstructed CO2 increment is
Pacific indicated a flux reduction by 26% to 54% that was 2.59 ppm, and the observed rise was 2.9 ppm. This
due to the decrease in the sea‐air CO2 flux in the tropical underestimate might be due to the Niño‐3.4 index’s being
Pacific. This was followed by a dramatic increase in atmo­ less representative of the magnitude of the 1997–1998 El
spheric CO2 after August 2015 attributed to terrestrial Niño; the Niño‐3 region might be more representative.
processes as described above. The estimated “no El Niño” CO2 rise is 1.82 ppm,
implying an El Niño contribution of 0.77 ppm. This is
20.4. IMPACTS OF MAJOR EL NIÑO EVENTS similar to that for 2015–2016 in terms of the absolute
ON THE GLOBAL CARBON CYCLE contribution, but it is a larger proportion (30%) of the
overall rise that year.
The observed annual CO2 increment from 2015 to 2016 An important further point for the 1997–1998 El
was 3.39 ppm, the largest in the Mauna Loa record. Prior Niño is that the anthropogenic emission itself includes
to this, the previous largest annual increment was 2.9 ppm an ENSO‐related contribution, as much of the land use
between 1997 and 1998. The observed CO2 annual incre­ emissions were from burning peatlands in Southeast
ment in 2015–2016 was therefore substantially larger Asia (Le Quéré et  al., 2018). Although the fires were
than that following the previous large El Niño event. ignited by humans and hence are counted as anthropo­
How much did each El Niño event contribute to the CO2 genic in the global carbon budget, the El Niño–related
rise, and how much was due to human emissions? Why drought provided the conditions for the fires to run out
was the 2015–2016 rise larger than that of 1997–1998? of control and produce very large emissions (Page et al.,
We can make a simple estimate of the contribution of 2002).
specific El Niño events to the annual CO2 rise by calcu­ The total anthropogenic emissions in 1997 were 8.31
lating Equation (20.1) both with the observed SST PgC, with 6.53 PgC from fossil fuel combustion and 1.78
anomaly for N and with no anomaly (i.e. N = 0; Betts PgC from land use change, including the Asian peatland
et al., 2018). fires (Le Quéré et al., 2018). By linearly interpolating bet­
Using the observed emissions and SST anomaly, the ween the emissions for the previous and following years
reconstructed CO2 increment for 2015–2016 is 3.21 ppm (1.31 PgC for 1996 and 1.23 PgC for 1998), we estimate
(Table 20.2). In comparison, the observed CO2 increment that without the El Niño–related peatland fires, global
was 3.39 ppm. Using a zero SST anomaly, we estimate land use emissions in 1997 would have been 1.27 PgC, so
that the 2016 annual CO2 increment without El Niño total anthropogenic emissions would have been 7.80 PgC.
would have been 2.42 ppm, so this method suggests that This interpolation implies that the contribution of the
the El Niño increased the 2016 annual CO2 increment by Asian peatland fires to anthropogenic land use emissions
0.79 ppm. We therefore estimate that the El Niño contrib­ was 0.51 PgC, close to the total value for Asian peatland
uted approximately 25% to the record annual CO2 rise fires used in GFED (Giglio et al., 2013).

(a) SST (°C)

105°W 30

135°W 28


135°E 20
1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 (°C)

(b) pCO2 (μatm)

105°W 505
135°W 465
165°E 385
135°E 345
1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 (μatm)

(c) Oceanic Niño Index (ONI)



1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015


Figure 20.8  Time‐longitude plots of (a) SST, (b) pCO2, and the (c) Oceanic Niño Index from 1982 thru 2018 in
the equatorial Pacific. Significant reductions in surface water pCO2 values (low CO2 outgassing) correspond with
the El Niño events of 1982–1983, 1986–1987, 1991–1994, 1997–1998, 2002–2005, 2006–2007, 2009–2010,
and 2015–2016. Significant enhancement of the pCO2 values (high CO2 outgassing) occurred with the strong La
Niña events in 1984–1985, 1998–1999, 1995–1996, 1998–2000, 2007–2008, and 2011–2012. 2018 was a
normal non–El Niño year. (Reproduced from Feely et al., 2019)

Repeating the estimate of the “no El Niño” CO2 rise for anthropogenic emissions, and this has been attributed to
1997–1998, including this emissions contribution, gives a an increased net uptake of carbon by the terrestrial bio­
revised figure of 1.71 ppm, so the revised estimate of the sphere due to increased CO2 fertilization, accompanied
El Niño–related contribution to the annual CO2 increment by a lack of increase in respiration resulting from the
is 0.88 ppm. This is 34% of the total reconstructed CO2 temporary slowdown in the rate of global warming
rise, so it is estimated that the reduced net carbon sink (Keenan et al., 2106). We note that our reconstruction of
associated with the 1997–1998 El Niño contributed CO2 increments using Equation (20.1) captures this hiatus
approximately one third of the CO2 rise between 1997 in the rate of CO2 rise between approximately 2003 and
and 1998. 2014 (Figure 20.1). Since the only climate‐related term in
The observed mean CO2 rise for the decade prior to Equation (20.1) is the Niño‐3.4 SST anomaly, this sug­
2015 was steady at approximately 2.1 ppm yr–1, so the rise gests that the relatively cool conditions in the equatorial
of 3.39 ppm in 1 year was a substantial increase. Before Pacific in several of these years may have played a role in
2015, the growth rate did not rise despite an increase in the hiatus in the CO2 rise. La Niña conditions are associated
ENSO and the Carbon Cycle  465

Table 20.2  Estimating the contribution of El Niño to the annual CO2 increment in 2015–2016.
Period Observed Calculation With El Niño SSTs Calculation Without El Niño SSTs
N (°C) April 2015–March 2016 1.85 ± 0.19 1.85 ± 0.19 0
ε (PgC) January–December 2015 11.1 11.1 11.1
ΔCO2 (ppm) 2015 – 2016 3.39 3.21 2.42

Table 20.3  Estimating the contribution of El Niño to the annual CO2 increment in 1997–1998.
Calculation With El Calculation Without Calculation Without El Niño SSTs
Period Observed Niño SSTs El Niño SSTs or Land Use Emissions
N (°C) April 1997–March 1.81 1.81 0 0
ε (PgC) January– 8.3 8.3 8.3 7.8
December 1997
ΔCO2 1997–1998 2.9 2.59 1.82 1.71

with smaller annual CO2 rises (Figures  20.2 and 20.3), making a specific prediction and then looking closely at
with generally wetter and cooler conditions in many the reasons for success or failure can be instructive. Also,
areas. This may be consistent with an emerging under­ the ongoing rise in CO2 is of interest to those members of
standing of the role of Pacific decadal variability in the the public, media, and policy world who are concerned
global warming hiatus (Meehl et al., 2011; Kosaka & Xie, with anthropogenic climate change, so making and test­
2013; England et al., 2014). ing predictions of the CO2 concentration can provide a
Therefore, although the large increase in CO2 rise in tool for raising awareness.
2015–2016 was largely associated with El Niño, there was The Met Office forecast method uses the statistical rela­
also probably a contribution from the cessation of the tionship between the annual CO2 increment, emissions,
anomalously slow rate of rise associated with cooler con­ and equatorial Pacific SSTs in Equation (20.1). The fore­
ditions in the tropical Pacific. cast is calculated in November using annual emissions
It therefore appears that the main reason why the CO2 from the Global Carbon Project for the current calendar
annual increment in 2015–2016 was larger than 1997– year (which includes a projection for the end of the year),
1998 is that anthropogenic emissions from fossil fuel and Niño‐3.4 SSTs from HadISST observations (Kennedy
burning increased substantially in that period. Although et al., 2011a, 2011b) from the preceeding April to October,
land use emissions including fire made a smaller contri­ combined with a forecast of SSTs from the GloSea cli­
bution to the CO2 rise in 2015–2016 compared to 1997– mate model (MacLachlan et  al., 2015) for the coming
1998, total anthropogenic emissions including fossil fuel November to March. These are used to calculate the pre­
burning had risen by 2.7 PgC between 1997 and 2015 (an dicted increment in annual mean atmospheric CO2
increase of over 30%). concentration at Mauna Loa from the current year to the
following year. This is then used to forecast the annual
20.5. ROLE OF ENSO IN PREDICTING THE FUTURE mean CO2 concentration across the following year. Using
BEHAVIOR OF THE EARTH SYSTEM an assumption of a uniform seasonal cycle, the monthly
mean CO2 concentrations are also predicted, with a
20.5.1. Forecasting the CO2 Rise on Annual Timescales particular focus on the annual maximum monthly
concentration in May and the annual minimum monthly
Since the annual CO 2 growth rate is closely linked concentration in September (Betts et al., 2018).
to ENSO, and ENSO has some predictability (see The Mauna Loa measurements are chosen as the focus
chapter 10), this means that it is possible to make success­ of the Met Office CO2 forecast, as they provide a very
ful forecasts of the annual CO2 rise ahead of time (Betts specific, precisely measured quantity; in contrast, the
et al., 2016; Betts et al., 2018). Such forecasts are now a global mean CO2 concentration relies on estimates and
routine product from the Met Office (https://www. assumptions, which introduce additional uncertainties.‐carb­ondioxide‐ Although CO2 is measured at other sites, Mauna Loa is
forecast). These provide a useful learning experience for the original measurement site and provides the longest
testing understanding of climate–carbon cycle links: record as well as being of historic interest.

The Met Office CO2 forecast was first produced in behavior of such models on these timescales. The CMIP5
2015, predicting the annual increment between that year generation of ESMs simulate the observed ENSO–
and 2016 (Betts et  al., 2016). This was of particular carbon cycle relationship reasonably well in terms of
interest for two reasons: (i) the large El Niño emerging in magnitude, timing, and the processes involved.
late 2015 and (ii) atmospheric CO2 concentrations being Considering the onset and decline of the atmospheric
around 400 ppm, not a threshold of physical significance CO2 growth rate anomaly within an El Niño event, the
but nevertheless a symbolic threshold as rising concentra­ multimodel mean overestimates the maximum growth
tions passed from the 300s to the 400s. Since then, the rate by approximately 20%, and the peak growth rate is
CO2 forecast has been issued on an annual basis. correctly simulated to occur in the boreal spring but in
The CO2 rise in 2016 was successfully forecast to be the around April rather than January as observed (Kim et al.,
largest on record (Table  20.4), due to the amplifying 2016). The growth rate anomalies are caused mainly by
effects of the 2015–2016 El Niño event (Betts et al., 2018). variability in NPP, in agreement with the indications from
The rises in 2017 and 2018 were successfully forecast to observationally based studies, as described earlier in this
be more moderate, due to neutral Niño‐3.4 SSTs in 2016– chapter.
2017 and La Niña conditions in 2017–2018. The rise in In the CMIP5 ESMs, the sensitivity of the terrestrial
2019 was successfully forecast to be a return to a larger carbon flux to ENSO is projected to increase by 44%
annual increment (but not as large as 2015–2016) due to (± 15%) in a scenario of CO2 concentrations stabilized at
the predicted moderate El Niño–like conditions. around 540 ppm, i.e. nearly double the preindustrial
An area for possible methodological improvement of concentration (Kim et  al., 2017). The response of land
the CO2 forecast concerns the assumption of a stationary temperature to ENSO and the response of GPP to land
seasonal cycle. Since the shape of the seasonal CO2 cycle temperature are both projected to increase under the
varies, this is a potential shortcoming with the monthly warmer climate, with the depletion of soil moisture
forecasts. However, the amplitude of the seasonal cycle increasing the temperature response to ENSO events.
shows less variation, so the prediction of annual maxima Cox et  al. (2013) and Wenzel et  al. (2014) suggested
and minima appears to be robust. that the relationship between interannual variability in
CO2 growth rate and tropical temperature could provide
20.5.2. Carbon Cycle–ENSO Relationships in Earth a constraint on a key component of carbon cycle feed­
System Models backs on climate change (Figure 20.9), although clearly
this depends on whether similar processes are involved on
Since coupled ocean‐atmosphere general circulation interannual and longer‐term timescales. In two genera­
models (GCMs) project ENSO events to become more tions of ESMs (C4MIP and CMIP5), the sensitivity of
frequent and intense (Cai et al., 2015; see chapter 13), it is annual growth rate to temperature on annual timescales
important to understand the potential implications of correlates strongly with the response of tropical land
this for the carbon cycle and hence as a feedback process carbon storage to climate change (Figure  20.9a).
on anthropogenic climate change. Now that the carbon Comparison with the observed CO2‐temperature rela­
cycle is now routinely included in GCMs as part of their tionship on annual timescales can therefore be used to
evolution into ESMs (Earth system models), this pro­ estimate the probability distribution of tropical land
vides an opportunity to examine the role of ENSO– carbon responses to climate change (Figure 20.9b).
carbon cycle interactions in long‐term climate change. Without the ENSO constraint, there is a large spread in
The relationship between ENSO and interannual vari­ the projected loss of tropical land carbon (–49 ± 40 PgC
ability in the carbon cycle emerges in ESMs (Jones et al., per °C of tropical land warming; Figure  20.8b). The
2001; Kim et al., 2016) and hence is evidence of realistic ENSO constraints narrow this to –44 ± 14 PgC °C–1.

Table 20.4  Summary of forecast and observed CO2 concentrations and rises for 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019.
Annual Mean CO2 Increase From Previous
Concentration (ppm) Year (ppm) May Maximum (ppm) September Minimum (ppm)
Year Forecast Observed Forecast Observed Forecast Observed Forecast Observed
2019 411.30 ± 0.58 411.49 2.74 ± 0.58 2.90 414.70 ± 0.58 414.83 408.10 ± 0.58 408.55
2018 408.94 ± 0.59 408.59 2.29 ± 0.59 2.00 412.20 ± 0.59 411.31 405.79 ± 0.59 405.59
2017 406.75 ± 0.61 406.59 2.46 ± 0.61 2.31 409.86 ± 0.61 409.91 403.72 ± 0.61 403.27
2016 404.45 ± 0.53 404.28 3.15 ± 0.53 3.39 407.57 ± 0.53 407.65 401.48 ± 0.53 401.01
ENSO and the Carbon Cycle  467

(a) (b)
0 0.040
IPSL-CM5A-LR 0.030
–40 HadGEM2-ES

Probability density
γLT [PgC °C–1]

–100 CCSM1
MPI 0.010
–120 HadCM3LC

–140 0.000
–15 –12 –9 –6 –3 0 3 –150 –120 –90 –60 –30 0 30
γIAV [PgC °C–1 yr–1] γLT [PgC °C–1]

Figure 20.9  Use of interannual variability in CO2 growth rate and tropical temperature as a constraint on carbon
cycle feedbacks on climate change. (a) Strength of feedback on climate change vs. sensitivity of annual growth
rate to temperature on annual timescales in Earth system models from C4MIP (black symbols, best fit shown with
dot‐dashed black line) and CMIP5 (colored stars, best fit shown with solid red line), with observational constraint
on the interannual growth rate (vertical black dashed lines). (b) Probability distribution of feedback strengths from
unconstrained ESMs (dashed curves) and after constraint by comparison with observed interannual variability
(solid curves), for C4MIP (red) and CMIP5 (black) ESMs. (Reproduced from Wenzel et al., 2014)

20.6. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS few months later. The lag between peak SST anomaly
and peak CO2 growth rate anomaly varies according to
A wealth of observational studies of atmospheric CO2, whether the SST anomaly is in the central or eastern
land ecosystem, and ocean processes show that variability Pacific.
in the carbon cycle is closely related with ENSO. Years In the oceans, El Niño conditions involve decreased
with a warm anomaly in the tropical Pacific show a faster upwelling of carbon in the equatorial Pacific due to a
CO2 rise due to weaker land carbon sinks, with a partial weakening of the trade winds, causing this region to
offset by stronger net uptake by oceans. The opposite become a weaker sink of CO2 or near‐neutral if the El
happens in years with cool Pacific SST anomalies. This Niño event is strong.
relationship holds for small ENSO SST anomalies as well ENSO–carbon cycle relationships beyond individual
as large ones and is robust enough for the annual CO2 years are also seen. In the late 2000s to early 2010, the
growth rate anomaly to be highly predictable on the basis annual increase in CO2 concentration remained approxi­
of SST observations and forecasts. mately steady rather than generally rising, as it had done
Generally, variability in the land‐atmosphere carbon before and has done since. A statistical relationship with
flux is mainly driven by physiological processes (photo­ tropical Pacific SSTs reproduces this, with a dominance
synthesis and/or respiration responses to temperature of La Niña conditions in the late 2000s to early 2010s,
and precipitation), with a smaller contribution from fire. and global land carbon uptake anomalously high in that
Fire was important in the 1997–1998 El Niño, with period, suggesting the relationship with ENSO acting via
equatorial Asian peatland fires making a major contribu­ land ecosystem carbon sinks was responsible for this
tion to the CO2 rise, which can be viewed as anthropo­ hiatus in the rise of the global CO2 growth rate.
genic in nature since the ignition was caused by humans. Earth system models also reproduce the ENSO–carbon
However, in the 2015–2016 El Niño event, the change in cycle relationship well, and they have been proposed as a
land carbon flux was mainly due to physiological useful constraint on carbon cycle feedbacks in future cli­
processes, particularly reduced productivity, although mate change projections. ESMs project the carbon cycle
this does not provide a complete explanation, so increased to become more responsive to ENSO under future cli­
respiration may also have played a role. In El Niño years, mate change, and with ENSO events projected to become
net CO2 release from tropical land is the most immediate more frequent and intense, this may lead to carbon cycle
impact, followed by release from northern ecosystems a feedbacks accelerating anthropogenic climate change.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS c­ limate‐carbon cycle projections for the 21st century. Theor

Appl Climatol, 78, 137–156.‐
RAB, CAB, CDJ and AJW were supported by the 004‐0049‐4
Newton Fund of the UK Department of Business, Cox, P. M., Pearson, D., Booth, B. B., Friedlingstein, P.,
Energy and Industrial Strategy via the project Climate Huntingford, C., Jones, C. D., Luke, C. M. (2013). Sensitivity
Science for Service Partnership Brazil (CSSP Brazil). of tropical carbon to climate change constrained by carbon
dioxide variability. Nature, 494, 341–344.
RAF was supported by the NOAA Global Ocean
England, M. H., McGregor, S., Spence, P., Meehl, G. A.,
Monitoring and Observing Program (GOMO), contribu­
Timmermann, A., Cai, W., et al. (2014). Recent intensifica­
tion number 5107 from the NOAA Pacific Marine tion of wind‐driven circulation in the Pacific and the ongoing
Environmental Laboratory. warming hiatus, Nature Climate Change, 4, 222‐227. doi:
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