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K 1-3+

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These reading passages are levelled using the SMOG and

Flesch Kincaid Grade Level. As with all things this will be
dependent on the background, prior knowledge and reading
level of your students. Some will find it easier some will find it
more difficult. So they are designed for you to use your
professional judgement ☺

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Reading and Writing:
Farm Animals

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These are cows. They are black and white.
They say moooooo! They like to eat grass.
We like to drink their milk. They have two
horns on their head. They live on a farm.
Can you answer the questions? Can you draw a
What are these animals? cow here?

Where does milk come from?

What sound do cows make?

Where do cows live?

How many cows can you see?

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Reading and Writing:
Farm Animals

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These are chickens. They live on the farm.
They give us eggs for breakfast. They are
brown, white and yellow. They can run but
not fly. They say cluck cluck
Can you answer the questions?
Can you draw a
What are these animals? chicken here?

What can chickens do?

What sound do chickens make?

Where do chickens live?

How many chickens can you see?

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Reading and Writing:
Farm Animals

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These are sheep. They love to run and jump.
They are black and white. They give us wool
to wear. They like to eat grass. A baby sheep
is called a lamb. They say baaaaaaa
Can you answer the questions?
Can you draw a
What are these animals? sheep here?

What can they do?

What sound do sheep make?

what colour are the sheep?

How many sheep can you see?

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Reading and Writing:
Farm Animals

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These are horses. They live in a field. They can
run very fast. They like to eat grass. They are
brown. They wear horse shoes on their feet.
We can ride them for fun. They say neigh!
Can you answer the questions? Can you draw a
What are these animals? horse here?

What can horses do?

What sound do horses make?

Where do horses live?

What do horses wear on their feet?

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Reading and Writing:
Farm Animals

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These are pigs. They eat everything! They are
pink. They have no fur. They say oink! They
live on a farm. They like to sit in the mud.
They have babies called piglets
Can you answer the questions? Can you draw a
What are these animals? pig here?

Where do pigs like to sit?

What sound do pigs make?

Where do pigs live?

What are baby pigs called?

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Reading and Writing:
Farm Animals

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These are ducks. They live in a pond. They
can fly and swim. They can give us eggs just
like chickens. They are white and brown.
They say quack quack!
Can you answer the questions?
Can you draw a
What are these animals? duck here?

What can ducks do?

What sound do ducks make?

Where do ducks live?

How many ducks can you see?

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Reading and Writing:
Farm Animals

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These are goats. They like to jump and play.
When they are young we call them kids.
They have two horns on their heads. They
like to eat grass and hay. They say mairrrrrr.
Can you answer the questions? Can you draw a
What are these animals? goat here?

What do they like to do?

What sound do goats make?

What do we call baby goats?

How many goats can you see?

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