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BEEY 1303

CHAPTER 1: Basic Concept of


1.2 UNIT
 To know what is unit, quantity and dimension
 To know SI system
 Produce dimension equation
 To know types of standard
 Usage and importance of calibration
1.1 Introduction

 All thing that exist in this world have their own value either can be
measured of not.
 A reference or standardization is important to use for comparison
between two measurement.
1.2 UNIT

Is a reference that used to record

and compare magnitude of
quantities in measurement.
Without unit, number for each
measurement don’t have any
physic mean
There are 7 base unit which stand
alone and independent


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Base Unit – SI (Système International d'Unités)

Quantity Symbol Unit Short form Dimension

Length l meter m [L]

Mass m kilogram kg [M]

Time t second s [T]

Electrical Current I or i Ampere A [I]

Thermodynamic temperature T Kelvin K

Luminous intensity I Candela cd

Amount of Substance n mole mol


 Dimension symbol for basic measurement are such as

length, mass and time and assign with L, M and T
 These basic units dimension used to produce
measurement dimension for others measurement unit
(auxiliary unit)
 Write as [L], [M] and [T] in combination form
Example for producing
dimension for auxiliary unit:

v = Lenght  L 
= = LT −1 
Time  T 
Velocity  LT −1 
a = = = LT −2 
Time  T 
F  = MassxAcceleration = M LT −2  = MLT −2 
Dimension equation is very
important to:
 Change one unit system to others system. (Ex: Farad
= C/V, Newton = mg)
 Produce equations for others physic quantity. (Ex:
 To confirm accuracy for each equation.
Prefix system in engineering
Multiplier – power no. of 10 Spelling Symbol

18 Eksa E

15 Peta P

12 Tera T

9 Giga G

6 Mega M

3 Kilo k

-3 Mili m

-6 Mikro µ

-9 Nano n

-12 Piko p

-15 Femto f

-18 Ato a

✓Measurement standard is a measurement

tools, instrument or measurement system
which used to define, create and protect
each quantity value for comparison with
others related measurement instrument.
✓Have 4 categories
1.3 Standards of Measurements

➢ A standard of measurement is a physical representation

of a unit of measurement. A unit is realized by reference
to an arbitrary material or to natural phenomenon including
physical and atomic constant.
Type of Measurement Standard

1) International Standard
2) Primary Standard
3) Second Standard
4) Working Standard

Standard are define in four categories:

➢ International Standards
Defined by international agreement and they
represent certain units of measurement to the closest
possible accuracy that production and measurement
technology allow. These standards are periodically
evaluated and checked by absolute measurements in
terms of fundamental units. These standards are
maintained at the International Bureau of Weight and
Measures in Paris.

➢ Primary Standards
Main function of primary standards is the verification
and calibration of secondary standards. These
standards are maintained at national standards
laboratories in different countries. These are
calibrated independently by absolute measurements at
each of the national laboratories. The results of such
measurements are compared against each other,
leading to a world average figure for the primary
standards. Primary standard are not available for used
outside the national laboratories

➢ Secondary Standards
These standards are the basic reference standards
used by measurement and calibration
laboratories in the industry to which they
belong. Each laboratory periodically sends its
secondary standards to the primary standards in
national standard laboratories. After calibrate the
secondary standards are returned to the industrial
laboratory with certification of measuring
accuracy in term of a primary standard.

➢ Working Standards
The principle tools of a measurements
laboratory. They are used to check and calibrate
the instruments use in the laboratory or to make
comparison measurements in industrial
Standard of Electrical Measurements

➢ SI Electrical Units can be divided into five (5) :-

➢ Current Standard

➢ Voltage Standard

➢ Resistance Standard

➢ Inductance Standard

➢ Capacitance Standard
Standard of Electrical Measurements

➢ Current Standard
Electric current (I) is known as a flow of charge carriers. Therefore, current
could be defined as the quantity of electricity (Q) that passes a given
point in a conductor during a time of 1 second.

Coulomb (C) is refer to unit of electrical charge or quantity of electricity. It

was the fundamental electrical unit from all other units were derived. (1
coulomb ~ 6.24 x 1018 electrons)

Since, to measure current accurately is much easier than to measure charge,

the unit of current is now become the fundamental electrical unit in the SI
Standard of Electrical Measurements

➢ Voltage Standard
The volt (V) is defined as the potential difference between two points on a
conductor carrying a constant current of 1 ampere when the power
dissipated between these points is 1 watt. Volt (V) is the unit of
electromotive force (emf) and potential difference.

(1 Watt = 1 Joule/s)
Volt = Watt / Ampere
Watt = J/S = Power
Joule = N/m = Work / Energy
Newton = kg.m/s2
Standard of Electrical Measurements

1 joule of work is consider done when 6.24 x 1018 electrons (1

coulomb) are move through a potential difference of 1 V.
One electron carries a charge of 1/(6.24 x 1018 ) coulomb.
When only 1 electron moved through 1V, the energy involved
known as electron volt (eV).

1eV = ----------- J
6.24 x 1018

eV is used in the case of very small energy level associated

with electrons in orbit around the nucleus of an atom.
Standard of Electrical Measurements
➢ Inductance Standard
The henry (H) is the unit of inductance. The inductance of a circuit is 1 henry, when an
emf of 1 volt is induced by the current changing at the rate of 1 A/s.

The weber (Wb) is the unit of magnetic flux. Weber defined as the magnetic flux which,
linking a single-turn coil, produces an emf of 1 V when the flux is reduced to zero at a
constant rate in 1 s.

While Tesla (T) is the unit of magnetic flux density. Tesla is the flux density in a magnetic
field when 1 weber of flux occurs in a plane of 1 square meter. Tesla ~ 1 Wb/m2.
Standard of Electrical Measurements


1 H = 1 Wb / 1 A

1 Wb = 1V x 1 s

Hence, Inductance , L = (4π2 x 10-7N2r2) / l

Where : N is no. of wire turn

r is solenoid radius in meter
l is length of solenoid in meter
Standard of Electrical Measurements

➢ Capacitance Standard
The farad (F) is the unit of capacitance. The farad is the
capacitance of a capacitor that contains a charge of 1 coulomb
when the potential difference between its terminal is 1 volt.

1 Farad = 1 Coulomb / 1 volt

where 1 Q = 1 Ampere x 1 s

Note* Q is refer to the charge carried by one electron

 Comparison process and correction of output for each
instrument base on standard value (from reference device).

 Calibration frequency depend on necessity and usage


 Involve all measurement tools and instrument system.

Calibration can be called for:
 with a new instrument
 when a specified time period is elapsed
 when a specified usage (operating hours) has elapsed
 when an instrument has had a shock or vibration which potentially may
have put it out of calibration
 whenever observations appear questionable

National physical

Accredited calibration
reference standards

In-house calibration laboratory

working standards

Measuring and test equipment of the enterprise



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