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Aiming Angles: (True North)

From the marked points A, B, C, D on annex picture (whichever is closer to

your actual location) use the marked point above WTC as your visual starting
angle of reference.
Then use the correction angle given for the nearest location to move
eastwards and get the approximate final aiming angle.

WTC (Reference) - Aim Angle = Correction

References (Curacao)
From A to WTC: 237.83 Degrees
B to WTC: 239.06 Degrees
C to WTC: 238.73 Degrees
D to WTC: 235.73 Degrees

From A to Sierra: 215.87 Degrees

237.83 - 215.87 = Difference: -(21.96) Degrees
From B to Sierra: 215.88 Degrees
239.06 - 215.88 = Difference: - (23.18) Degrees
From C to Sierra: 215.89 Degrees
238.73 - 215.89 = Difference: - (22.84) Degrees
From D to Sierra: 215.86 Degrees
235.73 -215.86 = Difference: - (19.87) Degrees
Average Correction: -(21.96) Degrees

Sierra to A: 35.74 Degrees (El: -1.202) Degrees

Sierra to B: 35.75 Degrees (El: -1.204) Degrees
Sierra to C: 35.76 Degrees (El: -1.203) Degrees
Sierra to D: 35.73 Degrees (El: -1.199) Degrees
(Av. Elev: -1.202) Degrees

Sierra to Antena Digitel: 22.13 Degrees

Total Link Distance: 122.99 Km
Expected Signal: -46.3 dBm

Aiming from Curacao, and using a center point on the roof of the WTC, we
have to move, (from WTC Reference point), eastwards (to your left) 21
degrees approximately.

Aiming from Sierra, (and using the Digitel tower as reference), we have to
move 13 degrees eastwards (to our right) approximately.

a.- Aiming procedure must start with Antenas Leveled to 0 (zero) degrees of
b.- Sierra Antenna MUST be in MASTER at preset angle and Curacao will
start aiming.
c.- Once best signal possible at Curacao is achieved, roles will be reverted
(Slave to Master).
d.- Then Sierra will FINE adjust azimuth and elevation.

That should conclude the aiming procedure.

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