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Project Management Introduction

Instructor: Phùng Thanh Cường Msc, PMP

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Project Management Introduction Summary

• Project
• Why do we need to manage
• Stakeholders
• Project Management Expectation vs
• Project Management Styles
• Project Management and Project
• Operation
• Program
• Portfolio

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What is Project?

- Is a temporary endeavor with a beginning and an end.

- Creates a unique product, service, or result
Example of projects:
- Developing a new product or service
- Build a new house
- Implement a core network
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Where projects come from?

Reasons to initiate a project:

1. From outside of the organization Outside
• Customer needs; market demands
• Regulator and social requirements;
2. From inside of the organization
• Business strategy or technology
advancement Inside
• Improve or fix products, processes, or

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Why organizations initiate a project?

Business Value Change

• Benefit that project brings to its • Project moves an organization from
stakeholders. one state to another state in order to
• Benefit may be tangible or intangible achieve a specific objective

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Why do we need to manage project?


Risk Schedule


Resource Budget


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Who are Stakeholders?

• A stakeholder is someone whose

interest may be positively or
negatively impacted by the project.
• Key stakeholders
– The project manager
– Customer
– Performing organization
– Project Team
– Project Management Team
– Sponsor
– Project Management Office
– Other influencers

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Project Management Expectation vs Reality

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Management Styles





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Project Management Body of Knowledge

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What is Project Management?

Project management
• Is the application of knowledge, skills,
tools, and techniques to project
activities to meet the project

Project Manager
• The person assigned by the
performing organization to lead the
team that is responsible for achieving
the project objective.
• Applies project management
knowledge and uses personal and
leadership skills to achieve project

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Organizational Project Management (OPM)
• OPM is a business approach to the deployment and delivery of organizational
strategy through the effective implementation of project, program, and portfolio

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Organizational Project Management (OPM)

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What is Operation?

Project Management Operation Management

1. Temporary, has start and end 1. Permanent,
2. Produce unique output 2. Produce repetitive outputs

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What is Program and Portfolio?

Program Portfolio
• A group of related projects, • Projects, programs, subportfolios,
subprograms, and program activities and operations managed as a group
managed in a coordinated way to to achieve strategic objectives
obtain benefits not available from
managing them individually

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Project, Program, Portfolio Comparison
Project Program Portfolio
Objective Achieves the Harmonizes its Aligns portfolio
organizational goals program with organizational
components and strategies by
controls prioritizing the
interdependencies work, selecting the
in order to realize right program/
specific benefits project....
Success measured Product, and The ability to The aggregate
by project quality, deliver its itended investmenet
timelines, budget, benefits to an performance and
compliance, and organization benefit relization of
degree of customer the portfolio

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Project Management Influences

Instructor: Phùng Thanh Cường Msc, PMP
Project Management Influencial Factors



Processes, Corporate
External Internal Procedures Knowledge
and Policies Base

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1. Enterprise Environmental Factors (EEF)

• Conditions not under the control of the project team, that influence, constrain, or
direct the project.

Internal External
• Organizational culture, structure and • Marketplace conditions;
governance • Social and cultural
• Geographic distribution of facilities • Legal
and resources; • Commercial database
• Infrastructure • Academic research
• Project management information • Government or industry standards
system • Political climate;
• Existing human resources
• Company work authorization systems;

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1.1 Organizational Structure

• Types of organization structure

– Projectized
– Functional
– Matrix
• Strong Matrix
• Weak Matrix
• Balanced Matrix

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1.1.1 Projectized

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1.1.2 Functional

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1.1.3 Matrix: Strong matrix

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1.1.3 Matrix: Weak matrix

• The project manager’s role in a weak

matrix (or in a functional
organization) might be more of a:
• Project Expediter: acts primarily as a
staff assistant and communication
coordinator, and cannot make or
enforce decisions.
• Project Coordinator: similar to the
project expediter except the
coordinator has some power to make
decisions, some authority, and
reports to higher-level manager.

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1.1.3 Matrix: Balanced matrix

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1.1.4 Advantages & Disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages
• Efficient project organization • Lack of professionalism in
• Project loyalty specialization areas
• Simplified communications • No “home” when projects are
• Duplication of facilities and job

Advantages Disadvantages
• Clear career paths in specialization • More than one boss for project team
areas members
• Team members report to one • Resource allocation is challenging
supervisor • Potential for conflict between
• Easier specialist management functional and project managers

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1.1.4 Advantages & Disadvantages

• Matrix
Advantages Disadvantages
• Improved project manager control • More than one boss for project team
over resources members
• Project objectives are supported in • Resource allocation is challenging
the organization • Potential for conflict between
• More support from functional functional and project managers

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1.1.5 Project Management Office (PMO)
• An organizational structure that standardizes the project-related governance
processes and facilitates the sharing of resources, methodologies, tools, and
• A primary function of a PMO is to support project managers in a variety of ways,
there are several types of PMOs:

Type of PMO Supportive Controlling Directive

Degree of Control Low Moderate High
Roles and Supplying Compliance to Directly managing
responsibility templates, best specific templates, the projects.
practices, training, forms, and tools; Project managers
access to and conformance are assigned by and
information, and to governance report to the PMO.
lessons learned frameworks.
from other projects.

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2. Organizational Process Assets (OPA)

• Include any process assets (artifact, practice, or knowledge…) from any or all of the
performing organizations involved in the project that can be used to execute or
govern the project.
• OPAs are internal to the organization, the project team members may be able to
update and add to the organizational process assets as necessary throughout the

Processes, Procedures and Policies Corporate Knowledge Base

• Policies • Financial databases
• Processes • Historical information
• Procedure • Lessons learned
• Issue and defect databases

Not updated as part of the project work. Updated throughout the project

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2.1 Policies, Processes, and Procedures

• Policy
– A statement of position or intent:
Policies This what we believe in and
Why we do what we do strive for, and here why we care
about it.
• Process
Processes – We take the inputs and turn into
outputs inline with our position
What we do and intent
• Procedure
– We describe our process “step-
Procedures by-step" so you know how to do
How we do it it too, in consisent way, in right
way every time.

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• PMA Vietnam provides the most effective project management, agile, and
business analysis training available in Vietnam. We started our career with
the modest idea of helping people obtain PMP certificate -
the most important industry-recognized certification for project
managers. Using scientific learning methods, we focus on teaching
valuable knowledge, practical skills and useful techniques to help our
students learn more with less time. Our best-selling course, PMP® Exam
Prep set a nation-wide standard on training effectiveness. Over a half
(50%) of PMP certified project leaders in Hanoi used to be our students.
PMA’s difference:
– PMI® Registered Education Provider #4006
– Rita Mulcahy Learning Solution Distributor
– #1 highly effective PMP Exam Prep course
• For information on training and consultancy, please email, or visit our fanpage:

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