Populous Country in Modern History

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Globalization can be defined as the growing interdependence progress of the world in many

aspects such as economies, cultures, and populations that increase interactions between countries
around the globe. The globalization progress brought Vietnam many advantages as well as
challenges. Even though there are many arguments about the benefits of globalization but I
believe it’s necessary for the growth of economic.
The globalization process in Vietnam grows in a remarkable speed. It can be said that
globalization has positive impact on Vietnam economic. For instant, the data shown that GDP
per Vietnamese person has significantly growth from $1,500 in 1990 to about $6,500 in 2017
(Dan, 2018). The market expanding associates with many opportunities for Vietnamese. More
and more international companies come and create jobs. Furthermore, the market heating up
means there will be price competitive, leads consumers more choices.
From my perspective, it can be said that globalization bring us closer together. When you come
to Vietnam, you can see the sign of globalization in a clear way. For example, I live near an
industrial park. Located companies are mostly foreign. The work cultural is also affected by
those businesses. Moreover, the locals are being creative in many ways to develop and improve
themselves in order to competitive in a serious manner, especially when it comes to customer
services. I think this is one of the benefits of globalization.
However, there are certain negative impact of the globalization. As I mentioned above, the
globalization process helps attract businesses come to Vietnam and create jobs. Sadly, some of
the businesses had taken part in destroying the environment. The Fomosa toxic spill is one of the
most Vietnam’s worst environmental disaster. There are approximately 125 miles of Vietnam’s
central coastline has been poisoned. This Taiwan company had damaged the marine life heavily.
The fish poisoning has led many Vietnamese jobless (Angel, 2017).
In closing, globalization can be viewed as the connection between countries to share technology,
culture and many more. It has both good and bad side. It’s important to control the negative
impact in order to maximize its benefits. Now, COVID-19 has caused significant impacts on
Vietnam’s globalization progress. It has been nearly two years since the government decided to
close the border. I strongly believe that after this pandemic, Vietnam will comeback and grow
stronger by ultilizing given advantages in globalization.

Dan K. (October 15, 2018). Vietnam is the most globalized populous country in modern history.
Retrieved from: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/10/vietnam-is-the-most-globalized-
Jason F. (2021). Globalization. Retrieved from:
Angel L. (2017). 'We are jobless because of fish poisoning': Vietnamese fishermen battle for
justice. Retrieved from: https://www.theguardian.com/global-

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