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Cell Homeostasis

Noah Canero
Effects of Different Environments on the Cell

Cells rely on the cell membrane to separate the external environment from the
cells' internal environment. Molecules move into and out of the cell through the process
of diffusion. The environment of a cell affects what goes into and out of the cell. To test
this, 4 dialysis tubes with different percentages of sugar concentrate were placed in 4
beakers with various percentages of sugar concentrate as well. Because of the different
concentrates between the beakers and dialysis tubes I expected that diffusion will occur
and water will move between beaker and dialysis tube, inciting change.

Four beakers are filled with 1,000 ml of water. Beaker A is the control beaker with
zero percent sugar concentrate. Beaker B has zero percent sugar concentrate, C five
percent, D ten percent, and E fifteen percent. Each beaker was weighed in grams ( A-
17.66, B-10.40, C-12.10, D- 10.57, E-15.60). Four dialysis tubes with an equal amount
of water labeled A, B, C, D, and E are prepared. A has a sugar concentrate of zero
percent, while B, C, D, and E have a ten percent concentrate. The dialysis tubes are
placed in their respective beaker, A in A, B in B, and so on, and given twenty-four hours
to interact with the varying environments.
After twenty-four hours, the weight for several dialysis tubes had changed. Each
with varying change depending on the concentrate of the beaker it was placed into. The
dialysis tubes that changed the most were the ones that had the largest percentage gap
between beaker and tube. The dialysis tubes that were mostly unchanged were the ones
that had matching concentrate percents with the beakers. Water had flowed from dialysis
tubes with a lower concentration of sugar and higher concentration of water to a beaker
with a higher concentration of sugar and lower concentration of water. The varying
environments of each beaker had an individual and distinct impact on the beakers

Weight A B C D E
Before 17.59 g 8.75 g 11.24 g 10. 71 g 18.05 g
After 17.66 g 10.40 g 12.10 g 10.57 g 15.60 g

The results prove that the environment of a cell does affect the cell. The first
hypothesis that the different concentrations of sugar between the “cell” (dialysis tube)
and “cell environment” (beaker) would affect the cell through diffusion is supported by
the outcome of the test. Due to the difference of concentration of the cell environment,
water flowed out of or in through the cell membrane. Diffusion helps cells day to day
move molecules in and out of the cell, helping maintain homeostasis.
After experimenting to study the effects of different environments on a cell, the
information gathered from the experiment supports that different environments affect a
cell greatly. Model cells gained or lost water depending solely on the concentrate of
solute and water in the environment around the model cell. The conditions of
environments affect cells in various and distinct ways.

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