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Story Writing

The Terrific Storm

Once on a day my family was watching TV and was having food.

Eventually a large group of black clouds settled over the city and it
became dark like night and they were not thundering. We saw the news
and it said that our city was on red alert. We quickly headed to the
balcony and took the clothes off from the rope and closed all windows
and doors. We the NDRF team in great movement because the storm
came eventually and was not predicted. They said and on a mic to pack
clothes and important things and come from the stairs down.

All the members including us moved down from the stairs quickly with
bags and a strong wind blew which made a car topsy turn all of us was
scared and sat in the van. When it started, lightning thundered very
loudly like a lion’s roar which is very close. The van moved into different
directions to avoid collision. We saw many mirrors blowing up from the
van's window. Our van was moving in the first position and tree fell on
the road. Our van was safe but the way had blocked. The two vans
behind us had to take you U-turn and go to other way. Our van was the
only van which was moving on that way and therefore, the van was
moving very fast.

Finally we came to the outskirts of the city, the board was also broken
up and above and had to stop. As there was not enough NDRF team my
father and a driver managed to remove the board. Many trees were
fallen but they were short so they didn’t cover the whole road and our
van to crossed the road. Eventually, a tree was falling on the road and
our van was under it but the driver speeded up the car and we were safe
from dying. The road was full of water and it came till the bonnet. The
drivers slowed the car and said some words on a walkie talkie. I didn’t
understood the words.

In a few minutes some people with a boat came and asked to sit on the
boat. The driver parked the van parked it on the side of road and sat on
the boat. We were provided with live jacket so that we float if the boat
topsy turns. We were in the situation of dying but god gave us the
power to fight from this situation.

Finally, the clouds scattered and water level decreased. We were taken
to rescue camps for a few days till the roads and buildings were cleared.
After few days we went to our homes and the building was fine. We
were saved because of the NDRF team. We also heard a good news that
only four people were injured and nobody died.
-Dev Sisodiya

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